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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 18, 2024 1:10am-1:31am MSK

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spicy, but pleasant, well, i have chefs, they are all experienced, and the senior chef, he has been working in this field for more than 20 years, so he has enormous experience, it would not be entirely correct to say that as i taught , i just have my own preferences, what taste i want to convey, because well, in india, there are different states, each state has its own cuisine, its own taste, i am from northern products, so i have my own... uh taste , i think that most tourists who have been to india, they eat the first course, they will get it in delhi, here - northern directions, tastes and cuisine, how to say, probably more popular , it turns out, it seems to me that we were received very well in minsk, when i’m in the hall, then of course i talk, i also study interests. there are people who, especially
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people who have been to india, they have their own favorite dishes from india, i think that this is the only way to improve yourself and your service, your own cuisine, there is a plan to open another place, because the kitchen, i think it is one of the most useful, the kitchen, just few people know about this, everyone has that kitchen is only spicy, but i want to break it down and want... more people to know, try to cook indian dishes, because it is not at all difficult, the most important thing here is and desire and spices, and as my wife olya sometimes jokes, that if you have spices, then you can even cook grass.
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so, this is one of my favorite dishes, called kargai, why i love it, because there is a very good proportion of sauce and spices and plus the most important ingredient is our homemade cheese, called paneer, we cheese we cook ourselves, these are our characteristics and people who do not eat meat, for them it is very satisfying and you get the feeling faster, and due to the spices, well, in india spices are considered - it’s not just for taste, spices are medicine, already with spices have been growing in india since ancient times and probably use more than 70% of the spices that we know. in the world they grow in
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india and i have this version that why do we add spices everywhere, as i said, spice is medicine and how not to forget and how to add and how to take medicine every day, the easiest way is to add it in the kitchen, in food, people have probably heard about ayurveda, all the remedies are also written there, how spices affect our body, how good they are. and how to take them, everyone should use at least a couple of basic spices, because it’s good for immunity, which is very important now, i want people here, too, to take a little more , raise the importance of spices in our cuisine, there is a very a good drink that i myself use when i’m sick, even sometimes just for i drink profiles, this is... a drink with turmeric,
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black pepper, or you can add honey, we’ll let it all sit for 30 minutes somewhere, then we’ll follow it up until we’re full and add a little bit of honey, it helps a lot if any minor illnesses, colds, runny nose, sore throat, i advise everyone, but you just need to understand a little and be careful with spices, because turmeric. and black pepper are all hot spices and that our body did not have a very strong fire, and we must know the measures when and how much to add spices, well , in belarusian cuisine, i think that this is no secret, everyone knows this and i think everyone thinks that the most delicious thing is potato pancakes, and i really...
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love this combination with here, well, i love crispy potato pancakes on a coarse grater, here is a combination of hot potato pancakes and cold sour cream, it's simple. it’s just that you eat and you feel like oh, everything is already like, well, well, i don’t know, you’re like this at home and it seems to me that it’s somehow subconscious, that’s why i like this dish because here, and we eat flatbreads with filling, for example, we have them with potatoes flatbread and eat with cold yogurt, then here it is this is a combination of hot flatbreads and cold yogurt, they give me this. also the same feeling, and i can eat this any time, plus i like all soups, in our culture there are no water-based soups, we have soups that we call dal, these are beans, and there are also spices there, like him
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it turns out thicker, there is vegetable soup based on water, like here there is borscht, and well, like me , we don’t eat meat, but we cook in... this is my wife, olga, son kevin, 6 years old, and daughter kaya, her one and a half years old, now we’ve met, it’s actually very banal, how one gets to know each other now that’s it, karan wrote to me on the internet, at that time i was already in india and, as i
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always say, love for india happened right away, and then love happened with karon, so he wrote to me, and we were going with my friends were just flying to india, this was the second time already. that’s why karol wrote to me, you need to ask him, there was such a, how to say, group on the internet, where people from different countries discussed, well, in general there was a whole group about india, and olya was there and i was there, and i i was just curious to know the opinion of foreigners, what they think about india , that’s how we started communicating, it wasn’t so easy that we decided to get married, we were in a relationship for 3 years, then i think... that yes, we can live together, well, ollya told me here, i told my husband, at first there were doubts that how it would be, all the parents were worried at first, but then they all and how the most important thing was that we were happy together they were in india we had a wedding according to
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indian traditions, but instead of two days we only had one day, well, we had only a modest 400 people there, because it’s like only scares on the side, then there... not all of them, in general, we seem to have official documents, all of them are indian, but since it is clear that not everyone could go to india from belarus, yes, then we had another wedding in belarus, but it was like , well, a wedding dress, there was a buffet table and so on , that is, only sachs was not there, there was the same toastmaster and the same customs were all there, at that time i did not yet know the russian language, and i i remember, then i sat in your ear all the time whispering or explaining some traditions why there are now everyone screams bitterly. yes, or why is the toastmaster now saying: well, let's kidnap the bride and so on, but it was fun, in fact, indians are such a people, they love to have fun, they love to dance, and i just remember when the bride was stolen, instead of money, karon i just danced a dance in order to give it away
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, now our family is also growing, we have two children, kevin, kaya, probably a boy and a girl, so... we recently returned from india, and we were there for a month and a half , of course kaya is not all there yet remembers, but kevin already consciously understands that how, why and there in dishes, in culture , i like it in india, i like everything about india in belarus, i knew that of course they would speak russian in any case, here, so i talk to kevin in english, i want him to know english, and then kaya was born, when kaya was born, i decided that one person besides me should also know our language, so sky, i’m
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nasky, when we started living together, of course we had moments when, well, everyone some of their own habits, and in the morning some people like to drink tea there right away, some like a hearty breakfast there, yes, but now... for all questions, for all matters, we support each
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other, this is very important, because that especially for me it was very important, because as a new person in the country, when you don’t know anything, and you don’t know the language, you don’t know the system, how to work, how to contact others, of course, it always helped me in all this and still helps, i know myself very well, so i need... the main secret, i think, in any family, i
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i think that this is respect for each other, understanding and therefore it is very important to love each other and respect each other. may i love you, like a flower in the field, like
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a young bird, who flocks over a crayfish, like a patched bird, who is alive in the wild, may i love you, may i love you for the song that i can hear, for the deep booming laughter, for the frequent call b. for clear eyes, for my young soul, may i love you, may i love you, may i love you for the bright hours that you give me every now and then, may i love you so much more, dear daughter-in-law, may i love you.
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many of us were told in childhood: don’t slouch, keep your back straight, a girl always needs to be well-groomed and tidy, or a true lady behaves like this... so how should a girl behave in modern society, what rules of behavior have changed in recent years, and which ones have remained eternal classics, we’ll talk about etiquette and culture of behavior with the founder and director of the center for development and creativity for children, teenagers and adults, teacher of public speaking and etiquette yulia rusakova. alina nevoina is with you and this is a fashion for culture. julia, hello! “good afternoon, i would still recommend saying “good”, because i
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wish you well and i wish well to other people. to start a conversation, as a rule, with someone, it is enough to ask about the weather conditions, they are either good or not , is this considered good form? this is considered quite good form, because in our society it is not customary to talk about profession, we use european etiquette, in european etiquette. when a new person, we talk about hobbies, about nature, about the weather, about travel, so that somehow to win over the person with whom we are communicating; there are many types of etiquette, but which is the most common? there are really many types of etiquette: there is military etiquette, there is royal etiquette at court, we all know that it is the most complex, the hardest, in everyday life we, of course, use this secular etiquette, general civil etiquette, let’s say so, or as it is customary to say that it is european etiquette. let's take a closer look at women's
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issues, how a woman should behave in modern society, or she is nothing to anyone and should not? this is very good. a topic for reflection, because a truly modern woman, we can talk endlessly, she is very interesting, she is smart, and this concerns the modern woman first of all, etiquette in general is not only for women , it is respect for oneself, respect for one’s neighbor, i respect myself, i respect my neighbor, then everything works out for us, because psychology, respect, love, fashion, it’s all directly related to ourselves, but what? a girl must have knowledge, skills and abilities to become a lady, and a lady in general are they born or become? no, of course, they are not born, unless it is a royal family, and now we see very well that even in the royal family there are some, say, deviations from certain norms and rules, so you can become one at any
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time, you woke up in the morning, looked in the mirror, you realized that you are beautiful, you are smart. when we go to work, it is ours, we use business etiquette, that is, we do not wear an evening dress to work, that is, we should look beautiful, neat and natural in fashion when we have in the evening some event, theater, cinema, or even just we go to a concert, that is, we dress in accordance with the event that we have planned, so we can talk about this endlessly, i think stylists are also very good at this now are engaged, and this is also about etiquette, let ’s look at this situation: you came to a cafe or restaurant, your device falls, how should a true lady behave in this situation? this can happen to any person, in this situation you need to behave absolutely calm down, the people who are sitting next to you, this is also about etiquette, by the way, they should not react, we generally should not react to any actions of other people when we are sitting at the table, do not fly under the table, do not
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rush into legs, don’t feel anyone under the table, don’t look for these utensils, napkins, many people know that you can’t put your elbows on the table, and what other rules of table etiquette exist that we need to know so as not to be considered uncultured when we come to some that establishment, we have a secular event, as a rule, already all the utensils are placed in place , our most basic utensils
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, which we will use to cut, are on our right hand, on our left hand we have forks , a glass, a glass, a plate are placed on the left side, say, with butter, sometimes often served if it’s some kind of morning meal, that is, we go left-handed, but there are certain rules that if we have eaten, then we carefully fold the fork, followed by a knife, that is , this means we have finished the meal, also it’s very important not to finish eating everything, because this is probably now considered very bad form, we should leave a small part on the plate, this does not mean that it is not tasty for us, there are... various ways to thank the cook so that he understands that it was really tasty, it happens after a meal, women often they defiantly take out their beautiful mirror , the bourgeois, chanel begin to powder their lips, of course , this should not be done under any circumstances, we have a restroom where there are beautiful mirrors, we can do all this so that no one sees,
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this is also there the basis of etyth, which is necessary observe, yulia, now a little bit not about table etiquette, but about... a lady's handbag, you came to a restaurant, where should you put it? yes, this question constantly arises among women , first of all, i advise you to take a small handbag with you to a restaurant, you don’t need to take shopping bags, which are now very relevant, very fashionable , we take a small handbag, it’s neat, it’s small, some restaurants serve a special chair for a purse, but as a rule we have hooks under the table where we can hang a purse, if there is one not available, we just put the handbag. behind your back, it is very important when we are sitting in a chair, yes, we don’t need to sit on the edge, because from the point of view of psychology, when a person sits on the edge, it means he is not confident in himself, we are just with... deeply, but our back does not touch the back of the chair, this place remains just for the bag, if we don’t know where to put the bag, this is...


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