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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 18, 2024 3:10am-3:41am MSK

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well, conditionally democratization, we all understand what has long been behind this word, and the russian federation, the republic of belarus together, we consider color revolutions only from the point of view of interference in our internal affairs, from the relevant western countries, and nothing else, therefore we will not now be able to organize the same kind of color revolutions, unfortunately, neither in the united states nor in other countries, we are only talking about our elections, and we are already starting to prepare for each election. by court to theirs as such a permanent war, so, but we forget that now elections will be held in poland, in lithuania, in the same united states, well, they are absolutely not worried about this, that some kind of color revolution will change them domestic or foreign policy is significant, we are constantly trying to say, now biden will be replaced by trump, wow, we’ll live, but we won’t live, in essence, nothing will change in foreign policy, but for the better. will not change
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exactly, by the way, do you remember what a hunt is for the witch hunt began in the united states of america after trump’s victory, they were looking for a russian trace, where are these russian agents, how many millions of taxpayer dollars did the mueller commission spend on this investigation, and how did it end, nothing, so when we talked at the beginning of the program, it was not about the facts, but about development trends, and here dmitry just touched on this question, what is the trend, that is, we said before that there was an attempt at this woman’s rebellion. or whatever they called it, i don’t know how the revolution is here it was called there in the twentieth year, this is conditional, but nevertheless we saw that it was essentially peaceful, bloodshed was avoided, this is the most important thing, and this is the merit, of course, of the military organization of the state, and of all our people, who supported the legally elected head of state, in essence, the failure of this coup d'etat was realized, then today the trend is such that those who harugwe are preparing these...
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and ukraine is afraid of this, yes, it represents a platform, but today it is afraid of aggression to untie our relationship, it ’s the polish elite today, who are dancing to the tune of the west and trying to restore three seas there, the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, four or something else, yes, they have a clear idea of ​​this, until this belarusian one is cut off balcony, there is a clear understanding, precisely in geostrategic terms, that it will not be possible to tear russia apart and... all this makes us
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understand that this is nothing more than a clash of one civilization with another civilization, and this is already a civilizational approach, and never from we will not be left behind, there is a clear understanding that the civilization of the east, relatively speaking, that today we again fall under the concept of the russian world, the second is the civilization from the west, which is constantly faced with opposition from just one component, this is:
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but you still need to be able to use it, there is freedom from, and there is freedom for, and the right to freedom must be earned, firstly, with your intellect, and secondly, with your labor, this western liberal idea that freedom... the opportunity to act as you want, is given to a person by definition , she is beautiful, she is beautiful, she excites minds, but life is somewhat different from this wonderful, beautiful-hearted slogan, and if the sovereign, according to nicola machiavelli , wants to save his country, wants to protect its future, he has to limit the freedom of those who wish this country destruction, and sometimes wish, without even realizing it , come out under beautiful banners, stand up for justice for... democracy, for equality of opportunity, ultimately perform the functions of a destructor serving the interests of third parties states, moreover, hostile to both russia and belarus. in this regard, i was very impressed at one time by the gesture of alexander grigorevich, when he picked up a machine gun, at that
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moment everything became clear that he was putting his life on the altar of the future fatherland, and he understood the risk he was taking, he realized that will happen if this crazy crowd breaks into his residence. this is what a man does, i don’t want to offend the fair sex at all, a man, in this case, is a characteristic that rather distinguishes alexander grigorievich, as a self-confident, courageous person who loves his country, ready to take responsibility and risk his life for the sake of this country, he understood what kind of negativity the west was bringing upon himself, he understood that part of the belarusian society would not accept such a position and would feel disadvantaged, but he he did this simply because he understood what would happen to belarus if a color revolution happened in it, so we talked about their characteristic features, we didn’t have time to mention one, not a single color revolution ended in happiness and
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prosperity for the people, the country in which it happened. alexander grigorievich , without exaggeration, saved his fatherland, but i will add that at this existential fateful moment i... leaned on the reliable shoulder of a comrade from the russian federation, and the csto today is not turning into an analogue of nato, which is trying to engage in expansion, constant expansion, to whom something by imposing. no, the csto is primarily an instrument for maintaining internal political stability in the post-soviet space. look how great it worked back in the day in kazakhstan, because there, by the hands of russia and belarus , an attempt at a color revolution was actually stopped.
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to select a team, here it is necessary, it was necessary to really mobilize the entire society as a whole, which is being carried out today in our state, our 2024 election campaign has already started, we have elections and a presidential election in 2025 ahead of us , and we clearly and perfectly understand that our former western partners are, of course, poland, the baltic countries, they do not sleep or doze, they are preparing a government there into exile, they are preparing and non-recognition of our everything else, therefore... i repeatedly say, we will stop taking a purely defensive position, they will treat us like that, we need to learn to attack, and the first thing we need to do is to correctly assess the elections, that are taking place in our neighboring states, it is precisely
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the first assessment that we will give, let it be timid, let it be timid, but it will be, and as in the case of the csto, why did we succeed in this operation, a peacekeeping operation, one simple thing reason that... no one expected this, everyone believed that there was one military bloc that solved any issues that could be solved, but when the second military alliance appeared... military alliance video dkb, to be honest, i think the world on the one hand was taken aback, on the other hand, they didn’t understand, a real force is emerging that is capable of transforming this monopolar world into something else, where there will be no constant exploitation and pressure from this golden billion, which is already beginning to forget that it is a golden billion and is doing the right thing, this is the pressure of the golden billion on the rest of the globe, this pressure is already...
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sovereignty, we can sincerely sympathize and wish our neighbors every success, but there is a reality, each country has its own pace of life, its own civilization, and i do not see any opportunities for a revolutionary dragging of peoples to happiness , there will be no such happiness, the revolution does not give happiness, thank you, this was the program i am authorized to say, the failure of the maidan in serbia does not put an end to the technology of color revolutions. we follow the sporting
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life of our country. the miner went to top division of the russian basketball championship 3:3, in the second stage, which took place in arkhangelsk, in tandem the belarusian contenders won all matches. and we were allowed to participate in the licensed world championship, and we hoped and believed that after all. we will be able to perform at the olympic games, this cannot but please us. we review the most interesting event. the other day, the belarusian cycling federation summed up the results of the year, which, despite the ban, turned out to be a busy and fruitful one. sports of a new reality. the second stage has ended in minsk republican tournament on digital concartion of the game of the future. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. there must be a stronger player in some position. now we have signed.
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quality has been accomplished, preserved, as if by magic on the pages of books, by reading
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a person survives centuries, reading brings generations together, we value the past for our present. belarus 24. the opinion of every belarusian has been heard, the concept of national security and the military doctrine of belarus are truly national in nature, updating documents shows that our country is not simply keeps up with the times, even ahead of it, experts continue to share opinions on innovations strategically... the concept of belarus. both documents will be approved by the all-belarusian people's assembly.
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this will be one of the first decisions for the supreme national assembly in its new constitutional status. everyone understands the urgency of the events, political, economic, social, that are now happening all over the world. i think that our belarusian experience will also be used by our other countries, allies, in the post-soviet space in within. that the ideas of national security are people's ideas. the procedure for registering candidates for deputies of the house of representatives of the national assembly of belarus of the eighth convocation and local councils of deputies of the twenty-ninth convocation has begun in belarus. the central election commission analyzed the data of parliamentary candidates. in total
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, 298 candidates have been nominated to the house of representatives, 110 are to be elected. 39.7%. from political parties, more than 30.5% from citizens by collecting signatures, another 30% declared themselves from labor collectives. the central election commission also calculated that a third of the applicants for a deputy mandate in the house of representatives are women. deputies of the current convocation are running for new terms. they account for 7.4% of applicants. it is also known that 4% of applicants are young people under the age of 31. all levels below the house of representatives. presidential scholarships for 2024 have been awarded to 62 graduate students performing dissertation research in priority areas of scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities in institutions education in scientific organizations. the order was signed by the head of state. scientific research and development
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of fellows is carried out on current and popular topics, the results of the work are introduced into the educational process and practical work. activities of the organization of industry, medicine, agriculture, presented at republican and international conferences, published in scientific publications. the order was adopted in order to support the scientific development of graduate students, stimulate the training of highly qualified scientists, and the development of domestic scientific schools, attracting talented youth to science. another incentive for active and talented guys to go to university without exams. new rules for admitting persons to obtain higher secondary education provide: that secondary specialized or vocational education with medalists, excellent students and those who have an honors diploma can enter regional universities without entrance exams for most specialties, with the exception of areas such as international relations, law and health care, also specialties with internal tests, such as creativity and physical culture, sports.
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we have new specialties in electronic engineering, for example, specialties related to international conflict. it should also be noted that all specialties that are open in institutions of higher education, institutions of secondary specialized education, they are subject to or are undergoing constant modernization, improvement, curricula are revised, and new academic disciplines are added, if necessary. new socially significant facilities in the minsk region are expected to have a big premiere this year in derzhinsk; a sports and recreation complex is being built in this city, where there will be... a swimming pool, as well as a multifunctional hall for team sports. the arena will also be able to host competitions. if derzhinsky fok is designed including sports of great achievements, then the new building in fannipol is for health improvement. this is the aquamarine sports and recreation complex, which opened in the fall and immediately became popular among city residents. swimming pool we work on a paid basis, there are groups for children learning to swim from 6 years old,
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there are groups for adults who do not know how to swim, but very although... it is growing, so throughout belarus this season they will specially equip places with a flat bottom without vegetation, specialists check them for the absence of underground sources, whirlpools and currents of more than half a meter per second. only in minsk there are three open swimming pools, the rescue stations tsnyanskaya, drozdy and komsomolskoye lake. the ministry of emergency situations will be on duty at each post, the guard and doctors
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will install heated changing rooms and food points next to the swimming areas. how saints help believers with their invisible power, it is not the saint himself who is the source, he is the conductor of our prayers, he is an intercessor before god, why do people change their way of life and go to a monastery? something sounded in my heart that i must leave this secular life, just as the grand duchess in... left a luxurious, rich social life and devoted herself to monastic work, just as faith gives strength and supports in difficult times.
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but this is just a wonderful start to the day, it seems to me that anyone who has breakfast this way will feel super happy, together with you we will prepare a delicious
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breakfast, nastya, today you are in command in the kitchen, so give us instructions, we girls won’t cry, for sure, this is true , and i love garlic very much, it doesn’t bother me at all, but let’s say we have garlic for breakfast, and we’ll get a boost of the necessary energy, okay, then... so that’s it, put the whole thing in the oven until ready, uh-huh, uh-huh , breakfast watch the champion on the belarus24 tv channel, the belarus24 tv channel broadcasts for you round the clock. day, do not switch, our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad . more than 100 million viewers
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around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel, so what is belarus like? business and developing. welcoming, vibrant and festival-like, generous, picturesque and monumental. sports and team.
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we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus. and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, belarus 24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer.
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belarusian winter, all its little things, all the details, some are so beautiful that they take your breath away. some are awkward, but together they are one whole, together they are harmony, looking at them you feel aesthetic pleasure, you feel that belarus is closer. the sound expeditions to mars
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have been planned. yazep drazdovich on the red planet is already visiting and packing the corresponding apisannas, as well as the illustrated paradal attacks from other celestial goals. from fridays to saturdays, i often work for months. bachya region with gray, zen skies, bachya shmat. vadapada, tsyasin, astravo, large and small towns from the cube-shaped, flat-topped mountains, of which there was a high, ruddy hedge. paazer'e - in the beginning of belarus, some kind of leaping spirit of nature. the ridges of the castle, the moss-covered stones of the old graves, the ice of the nearby hills of the garadzian mounds, the skins of their legends. and above all this there is a clear view of the sky, yes.
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adlustroўvaetstsa ў water area. all of these magical meats 13 kastrychnik 188 year will be paradise on other planets. i come from poor gentry, such a yashche was called sharachkova, because the people are not frocks, but shcherae damatkanae adzenne. drazdovitch didn’t have any land of his own. і cab prakarmіtsa, let's get someone else's arats, take the rent. for the stage. punki, the brightest galubian cannon, becomes family to everyone . life was there, it was not rich, but it was well-fed. however, when yuzik was just two, my mother took the gasket from her hands. the little hut was choking on the pack. the lease term has expired. there was no success in the assession, two or three bad weather and a sweltering journey. thus did yazep’s vandravans suffer. already in the turn
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of the century trazdovich was revealed. in three ways: a master of elegant cassume, sivabarods are the thinkers of the right and wise people of the world, and the indian gods. this is how he would be from a kingdom where there is more love to tinker, to work at the plows, and to look at the eyes of the fall, knowing how everything is settled in the sky. father will pack his family a gentle recession, start capital to settle life. yazep grew up patratsіtsya yago to... master's adukatsya. matsi chuckled, but she didn’t stop. signs of life mentor ivan trutneev could have changed the calendar in just a couple of days samarodka is the most important master. drazdovich becomes a student at his school and studies in old vilna. these are the temples and the high school of the village of tsikavastsya and the belarusian minuyshchyny. the polish prince usyaslav charadzey, who was the leader of the army, and the first ruler of francis
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skaryna. this postatsi vabeli master asabliva. 1910 yazep has already promoted himself as a young master. pershy hastened - tab of the nashi niva calendar. ale alouki i panzli choked on the need for adklassie. the boys are recruited from the army. spyarsha two bastards drill in the barracks, then courses for field assistants. i byaskontsy blueberries on pink shades and garads near the distant hell of radzima. 1919. on the punishment cell. z'yaўlyaetstsa belarusian dzyarzhava. drazdovich wants to be her karysnym and nakirovaetstsa in mensk. above the cities of lunaye chyrvony stsyag. no one knows what will happen tomorrow. the war with poland is in progress, and the front line is in no way on its way out. devastation, shortages, panicky mood. the mixed race produces tall men with hippies. he carefully painted the small landscapes of garad: the upper towns, the narrow hills of the town.
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tatar weakling, the sprightly drazdovich is not only that, that is, the raptam includes fantasy, and all the panades of the entire ramparts, including some former mensky castle, there is a trawling gate, just the shape of the bastard archaeologists , there will be excavations there and a paresh will be found from the same gate, create a sound reconstruction of the structure i look like and do not believe svaim vacham. malyunak atrymaetstsa amal is the same as kalіstsi ў... mensku yon collects assessi nadoўga, but the leaf from hell mother ўўўўўўўў. yana got busy and asked her son to come as soon as possible, so that the herd would develop. matsi was the closest thing to iago chalavekam. drazdovitch would like to thank himself for the fact that he will not give up the new water to his partner. kali’s mother passed away, she tried hard, in memory, to express from the tree the wrinkles on her creatures. varnuzza and mensk were very strong. at
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sakaviku 21, belarus cut the meat. drazdowicz mizhvolі apynyўў citizens of poland. it is posted in belarusian gymnasiums, but they were not closed by the polish authorities. dasledu. ancient mounds, folk traditions, dialects and folklore. these materials are being transferred directly to the academy of sciences of the bssr. mensku won't let anyone faith that i have earned this work.


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