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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 18, 2024 4:50am-5:45am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] of our society, together around our president, made it possible to avoid the tragedy of the color revolution, this is practically, probably, one of the few states that has worthily put forward and is now building the concept of the development of democracy as an example to other states on the planet, that is, this experience will be reflected in the new concept of national security and he found the concept and he also already found the military doctrine, which means what the minister of defense brought up yesterday after this meeting was worked out
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doctrine, these moments are already there. naturally found their reflection in the military doctrine, which means that as for the fact that you raised the issue of poland, they have announced a teaching there, there is a lot of information around this teaching today, which means the formation, well, in my opinion, is even very tense, why ? because firstly they focus on a bottleneck, the so -called suvalov crossing in the
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blocking area of ​​kaleningrad. they announce practically a scenario for the beginning of the third world war, a certain grouping, the size of this grouping is shown differently, at least according to the information that i have studied, about 300,000, then a certain amount of funds, while at least 30,000 personnel are planned from germany, this suggests that germany for the first time since 1945, it is moving east, and for us, for people who pay great attention to the great victory. when we say that the germans are going east, it’s like the beginning, it even sounds creepy, well, yes, it’s a scary shot right from the forty-first year, with regard to the military doctrine , the use of tactical nuclear weapons is reflected, this is the most important issue that interests many, not only on the territory of belarus, but also in the immediate future, this is the most important issue, when the head of state declared that tactical nuclear weapons would be deployed on the territory of the republic of belarus weapons, it will today energize the population of the republic of belarus from a good point of view, because we understand that this is a guarantee of our security, well, accordingly
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, our... sessions in the sense that it practically nullifying all their efforts for some kind of collection is the shock fist, which on our border concentrates the main efforts in the direction of the main strike with forces and means, which means the minister of defense clearly explained that tactical weapons are concentrated on the territory of the republic of belarus, the procedure for their use has been developed and given a legal assessment, that is , the head of state has a tool for making a decision, well , i think this is the most important thing to take away from those moments. which were said exactly on tactical nuclear weapons. thank you very much for your opinion. thank you. and power, as they say, is in knowledge. military exercises allow you to hone security skills and respond to current challenges. in accordance with the order of the chief of the general staff of the armed forces, an inspection of a tank battalion of one of the
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western mechanized brigades began. support the murder of the slavs, because if this is not stopped, then we, the slavs, will unite as brothers, and i believe that we will unite and raze western europe to the ground. i'm sure no one here wants this. the deputy added that the ukrainian conflict is a us problem. the european union is a simple vassal in this story. the politician called for peace negotiations to begin without the participation of the american side. tomorrow , after the panorama, watch the film the failure of the sbu agent mongoose. how ukrainian special services are trying to blow up belarus. this is another high-profile case of suppression of law. guardians of a network of ukrainian agents who are involved in the transfer of explosive weapons to belarus. the uniqueness of this special operation is that the illegal route of the offender to our country lay on the water, through difficult-to-pass
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swamps. getting there and then getting out is very difficult. in addition, the main defendants in the case will talk about the ongoing lawlessness in the border areas of ukraine, which found itself under total pressure from the security forces from gura and the sbu. pathfinder hunter. demolition diver. at home he was constantly blowing up something, shooting, the neighbors cursed, called the police. an unusual little man with a severed finger from the ukrainian border region. don’t worry, the sbu counterintelligence has taken care of you, they will sort everything out. hunting, worse than bondage. wolf's ticket to mined areas. that's how i went, how did you go, tell me a secret, the struggle for survival in the regime of military propaganda and total fear, they took her to the forest, dug a hole,
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put a bag on her head, shot her in the leg, to belarus through a swamp, a dangerous but sure route , developed by a mongoose, almost gave up my soul to god, loss of consciousness, legs completely swollen. covered with ulcers, last foray into belarus, we said if he refuses to go, wants to surrender there or something else, then like shoot him and go away yourself , i always shoot like this, two mongooses, the agent immediately after the arrest and after realizing that i would have to answer for everything, i called an elk at night , the elk approached from the belarusian side about 50 meters, grunted at me and abruptly walked away back, that
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means he... comes here with a weapon. the failure of sbu agent mongoose. how ukrainian special services are trying to blow up belarus. watch on january 18, after the panorama. europe has never learned the lessons of history; it seems to have torn out certain pages from textbooks. today is a historic day for poland, which the country preferred to forget about. 79 years ago, the forces of the first belarusian front from the nazis were. during the 5 years of occupation , the nazis destroyed almost the entire city, all industry, and a sixth of its more than a million pre-war population remained . in memory of the victory near warsaw , a granite monument to the brotherhood of
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armor was erected. today it has been dismantled, like most other soviet monuments to the liberators of poland. history has been consigned to oblivion; by tradition, there were no commemorative events in the country today, but took place shamefully. the trial of the famous polish activist wojciech alszanski, who defends historical truth. about the polish shame in the story of yevgeny belousov. short memory is the scourge of today's warsaw, these are images from four years ago, the anniversary of the liberation of the polish capital from the nazis. belarusian russian diplomats, representatives of the diplomatic corps of a number of other countries, veterans and public figures traditionally took part in the commemorative events. but none of the top polish leadership appeared. indeed, the day that was once a holiday for all of poland is not officially celebrated today. deliberately
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suppressed or presented as stuffing of russian propaganda, published by the institute of national memory of the book from independence to independence, history of poland 1918-1989. information. nikki, to whom this book is addressed, will not have the opportunity to find out what happened on january 17, a few months before the great victory, and what blood this victory was given. but they hear discussions that poland, which during the fascist occupation lost about 6 million people, and this is about 18% of its population, in 1945, as they say, it just changed the occupier, they say
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, soviet troops almost... unleashed the second world war and thus, the most tragic conflict in world history, symbol a system that, after 1945, subjugated and colonized half of europe, including our country, poland. poland is the absolute record holder for the number of destroyed monuments to soviet soldiers. just last year, out of 561 monuments to red army soldiers in the country
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there are about a hundred left, and the number of monuments. but is declining. those who shed blood for the current ungrateful generation of poles are especially hurt by the news about the struggle with memory. it's hard to find words when
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faced with something like this. to bargain for something, and the poles bargain , within the framework of which we can today afford ourselves a special position in europe, in the country there are nato bases and american weapons. moreover, today poland is going to war against its liberators, while calling on its recent enemies from the bundeswehr for help. the country gave consent to the deployment of german troops on its territory. criticism of such a decision is unacceptable. but for now poland is trying to teach democracy to the whole world. itself mired in lawlessness, today again for dissent
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, read criticism of the authorities, the polish activist wojc halszanski was tried, since april last year he has been sitting in democratic polish dungeons, alshansky polish actor, director of historical productions, public figure, blogger, defends historical truth, advocates national interests and poland's exit from the eu, a supporter of an alliance with russia, alexander lukashenko's policy, considers the states the worst enemy, in
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general... about how the once ruling justice and justice party covered up corruption among high-ranking party members. it got to the point where senators robbed
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banks with impunity. together with analysts and experts will understand the trends of the modern world,
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see the project trends immediately after the panorama. the absence of war, conditions for the development of culture, this is the basic principle at the awards ceremony for spiritual revival 9 january, the president outlined what we, all belarusians, who are largely responsible for shaping the image of the future of belarus, need to do. alexey avdonin will explain the hidden relationships between politics and economics. and the section is simple economics right now. hello, this is simple economics with
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alexey avdonii. as is known, forms of social consciousness, such as art and culture, are determined by the economic background of society. or more simply, are determined by the development of the economy and the ability of society to maintain peace order. on january 9, president of belarus alexander lukashenko, at the award ceremony for spiritual revival and the belarusian sports olympus, clearly stated: “peace is the most important value, and belarus knows its price.” the head of state emphasized: if there is war, that’s it, there can be no talk of any culture, any production, or quality. to... exclude war, we should all deal with the economy, every belarusian in his place, but more than that, these demands are still made on the elite of our country, on those who were present in the hall of the palace of the republic at the awards ceremony, it is on the political, cultural and corporate elites of belarus that it largely depends on whether we can
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resist the enemy. lukashenko clearly indicated that, to a greater extent, it is government officials who are responsible for shaping the image of the future... of belarus, preserving the cultural heritage of the revival of traditions. in other words, now, in conditions of global confrontation, erasing national boundaries, it is important to preserve oneself, one’s identity, in order to be worthily called belarusians in the future, we have everything for this. the economic basis is strong. in 2024, the economic growth rate will be high, almost 104%. due to maximum additional loading. capacity, import substitution of new products, industrial production is planned to increase by 3.5%. in agriculture , the task is to ensure production growth of more than 5.5%. construction will develop, plus 4 million square m2 of housing, of which
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1.5 million will be introduced with state support, as regards the president’s initiative one district, one project, then the regions of belarus are very interested in getting into... let this one start with 129, in the twenty-third there are already 156, in the twenty-fourth the number of projects will increase to 190 with more than 9,500 jobs. the basis for future growth will be good export dynamics. the trade balance is expected to be positive at $900 million, which means we will earn a lot of foreign currency. integration programs within the union will play an important role in this. states, supplies to the russian market plus 107%, but the main goal of union integration will remain unchanged in 224, this is growth, prosperity. income, quality of life of belarusians and russians. over 80% of the surveyed managers of industrial enterprises
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in belarus stated that a stable level of employment was maintained, and now about a wonderful garden, europe. the year got off to a dismal start as thousands of german farmers took to the streets with their tractors and were joined by train drivers. berlin closes state borders, poland blocks truck drivers. and farmers from ukraine. a kind of war of everyone against everyone. ideas of european integration in practice turned out to be just a fiction. national economic interests have become more important than the blue flag with stars. and as always, our president was right. what kind of culture can we talk about when there is no economy, and europe itself is on the verge of internecine war? it was simple economics with alexey avdonin. the best marker
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of a vibrant economy is high consumption, and over 8 million rubles of domestic loans were taken by belarusians in 2 weeks. in total , almost 1,700 contracts were concluded, recall 4% per annum, fixed rate for the entire term lending, and this is 3 years on a special product of belarusbank, favorable conditions. extend to a certain list of domestic goods, and this list may expand over time, because such a credit product turned out to be in demand among belarusians. the bank emphasizes that in each specific case the maximum amount will be determined depending on the applicant’s solvency and the cost of his purchase. almost 2 weeks have passed since the introduction of such a socially significant credit product as a loan for native goods and it very... in demand by our clients, during this time we issued more than 8 million rubles on this loan, with an average loan amount of 5,000
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rubles. demand is growing, over the last day we have received about 500 applications for this loan, most often our fellow citizens purchase furniture, refrigerators, gas electric stoves, dishwashers, domestically produced ceramic tiles, we see
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that not only by... choice, if that , let me not even switch off, the food is ready, how beautiful everything looks, if you need ketchups, please, here there is a small selection of them, the sausage is gone , they say you should take servilat, latvian ideologists do not stop intimidating their citizens with horror stories, they say that in belarus tourists are en masse recruited at the border, they organize scavengers on the streets, and those who are completely unlucky supposedly do not... disappear without a trace . opinion, interests of one's own people. today in europe, taboo members of the european parliament
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have decided tomorrow to consider the issue of depriving hungary of a voice in the structures of the european council. the reason is that budapest, using its veto power, blocks allocation of 50 billion euros to ukraine. they intend to punish hungary for this, but the slovak prime minister came out in support. he stated that his country would protect him. the needs of ukraine continue to be aggressively pushed by the americans because of the parliamentary blockade . washington itself has no money for kiev, but the americans put pressure on berlin the day before , chancellor scholz announced that germany would find 7 billion euros for ukraine. they fund ukrainian needs from their own pockets. of the people in the prg, rebel farmers are now raging, precisely on the abolition of benefits for the dying sector, the authorities decided
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to save 500 million euros. however, romanian farmers are also suffering. because of assistance to kiev , local farmers have been blocking roads for a week, as well as the border with ukraine, the reason is about the same: a widespread increase in prices for literally everything related to their activities, plus unfair competition from the yellow-blakite industry. several thousand convicts may get a second chance at freedom this year. last week, the president heard a proposal for an
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amnesty bill from... lydia is serving a sentence under an article related to the use and distribution of drugs, she has already become a mother of many children here, on the other side of the bars, her two sons are waiting for her, she dreams of hugging them as soon as possible, well , i’m still 7 years old, well, i actually believe in miracles, actually, yes, i really want some changes, maybe, to be home early, because two more sons are waiting for me at home, i have three sons. yes, i hope, i hope that very soon i will be next to them, but for the sake of my children i will never again, well, do what i did and i won’t make those mistakes. in correctional colony number 4, women and teenagers are serving sentences for crimes against the state and the individual, for murder, grievous bodily harm, and there are those convicted of participating in mass riots or insulting officials. angelina had enough time
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to rethink what happened to her; she dreams of starting life as soon as possible. our president is a very good person and well, i’m really sincerely grateful to him for everything that he does, and for minors who have stumbled, and this an opportunity that brings us, well, closer to
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home, this is really very well... to whom an amnesty or an act of pardon will be applied, they must be employed, that is, integrated into society. there is such a term: fully resocialized. there should be no problems with employment after release; if you wish, you can learn to become a seamstress and hairdresser, improve your qualifications to the fifth category, the main thing is to rethink the mistake and have a desire to abandon the criminal aesthetics. another category of convicts who receive special attention today is
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this is a juvenile educational. not many will get a second chance; here the requirement is the same as for adults and an individual approach. matvey is serving 6 and a half years on drug charges, he says that he made a mistake, he realized in the courtroom. tears and disappointments in the eyes of my family forever sank into my soul and motivated me to change. here in the colony he received a secondary specialized education, now
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he is studying remotely to become a psychologist, he says. father, also turned away, simply covering myself with his hand, i began to realize that i really i did this and i am ashamed of it in front of my own parents, but they did not turn away from me, they also support me, they regularly come for long dates, short visits, i maintain relations with them by letters, calls, that is, everything is fine with this, by the way, that same connection with family is another strong incentive for convicts to take the right path. the administration of the colonies also helps in many ways to integrate, such as psychological assistance and employment. the return of former prisoners to society more than once at this point the president drew attention. during a meeting on the amnesty bill
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, alexander lukashenko emphasized that everything must be approached individually, and justice should be at the forefront. alexander komovich, natalia ignatenko and vitaly selyavka, television news agency. patriotism, unity, charity and self-belief. a meeting was held in brest with the famous belarusian public figure and paralympic athlete alexei talay. this is already the second event of the republican action. the future is in our hands. beltamosh service employees took part, brest customs, students, schoolchildren, about 200 people in total. during the dialogue, special emphasis was placed on the election campaign, in
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particular on the importance. took part, brought coins of different denominations in different quantities, the number was in the thousands in some structural units, we remember, we keep the memory of the exploits, of the defenders. brest customs employees always respond with trepidation, warmth and kindness to participation in charitable voluntary events, and the implementation of the alexey foundation project is no exception. melted. each structural unit comes from
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the heart. moment of turbulence, we must be together, unite, all of us, continue the path of our state, confident in a bright future. the marathon of such meetings will continue to help the children of donbass, whom the grodno region is soon planning to receive for their recovery. today we summed up the results of the most caring actions, our children, and with all our hearts these relay races of kindness have become truly popular and literally visited. to every corner of belarus, about 300 organizations took part in them, none of those in need of warm care was left without the gift of help. the charity event our children was held in our country in
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the mid-nineties; it began on the initiative and with the constant support of the president. the results of this season's marathons were summed up by victoria sharkova. neuroblastoma. there are more than 400
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children in our country with this diagnosis. republican scientific and practical center - children's. over the course of a month, officials of various ranks, businessmen, bankers, representatives of public and religious associations visited hospitals, orphanages, shelters and boarding schools it is gratifying that now this format of assistance is not something one-time, it is already an ongoing interaction. an innovation this year was the grand opening of the event at the estate of the belarusian father frost in belovezhskaya pushcha; 150 children were invited. each delegation took part in the quest using a map
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and found envelopes with... in the future it is planned to transfer this initiative to the regions . next year the start of the action will take place in the vitebsk region. a highlight was the country's main christmas tree with the participation of the president. on more than 2,300 children were invited to the holiday, including children from donbass, latvia, as well as families with children evacuated from the gas sector. for 3 days in a row, new year's adventures took place in the palace of independence; children from russia and lithuania also joined a series of interactive performances. well, belarus decided not to stop there; for the second season , congratulations are being received by the older generation, in total more than 330 thousand elderly people, and this is twice as many as last year. over the course of two weeks, gifts were received veterans of the great patriotic war,
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long-livers, as well as simply lonely people. institutions, boarding schools, hospitals, nursing stations, territorial centers, but these include funds that are directly transferred or presented in the form of gifts to our elderly citizens, for organizing a festive table to organize a good mood, gifts, theater tickets. and so on. those in need of attention were visited at home, in social service institutions, hospitals and hospices. the culmination of the action was new year's balls and dance programs. the most valuable thing in such meetings was the sincere conversations and attention. our task, the state task, is, of course, for our elderly people to live at home as much as possible. yes, aging at home. at the same time, receiving as much as possible the services they need. about 200,000 people, through
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time... mechanisms today receive services at home, this is within the framework of the state social order, and through the hands of social protection workers, with the involvement of both youth and related care, our task is really not to lose anyone and give as much as possible the help they need today. the synergistic effect that our children pass on from action to action with all their hearts symbolizes the connection between generations, which is certainly preserved in our country. and although the initiatives take a break until the next new year holidays, the good deeds will not end there. the organizations have formed patronage connections and will continue to provide assistance throughout the year. victoria sharkova, vladislav bondar and grigory krishtofovich, telenews agency. the state pays attention to the development of regions close attention. this was stated by the speaker of the upper house of parliament natalya kachanova during a meeting with the chairmen of regional village councils of deputies. total.
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about 100 participants arrived from all regions of the country; on the agenda, what worries the population and what the quality of life of local residents depends on is the availability of jobs, road repairs, landscaping, people want their quality of life to improve every year, the level of service to improve, prosperity increased, trade improved,
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pain, but now we are doing repairs , meetings of this format are always interesting, and my colleagues and i look forward to it, this is an opportunity to communicate with colleagues from other areas, from other districts, share our experience and hear how other areas work to implement those or other tasks. wishes, opinions, questions of participants. meetings are of great importance for legislative activity. a unique photo exhibition based on archival footage of the belarusian telegraph agency opened in the capital, pictures. only real events, actions, as well as emotions of the inhabitants of sineokaya. this is an analysis of the last three decades of the history of our sovereign state. a total of 17 posters, 17 reflections on two completely different parallel worlds, creation and development,
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destruction and degradation. all shots were taken on the streets of minsk. you and i see how many good things have happened in our country. there are
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people who grow bread, right? our country, our people, our state, our economy, our culture would be thrown back. the belt photo exhibition is available see at the observation deck of the national library of belarus, immerse yourself in the life of parallel worlds, perhaps until january 21. in the north of the country, the cucumber and greenhouse harvest season has started. near vitebsk , vegetables and herbs have been grown for many years in natural light, as well as under artificial sun. the advantages of modern technologies are, of course, obvious, and there are plans to expand.
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those who are responsible for the country's food security all year round will talk about promising approaches and prospects for the harvest in the new season. eat, of course, there is a certain standard of cucumber, this is a high-quality standard cucumber with our signature tails. and while everything outside is covered in a blanket of snow, the frost is getting stronger and then declining, there is a stable plus here and artificial sun 20 hours a day, temperature, humidity, everything is calculated to the smallest detail so that the result pleases, work in greenhouses is year-round, the hottest one has started it's time to start harvesting cucumbers in rudakovo. always positive, always in a good mood, the main thing is on time tighten it up on time. shape, pick on time so that the cucumbers don’t overgrow, it’s a lot of work. on the first day of collection alone , natalya starostenko collected almost a ton. of course, there are records, personal and team. last year, vegetable growers at the greenhouse plant received more than 100
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kg of cucumbers and tomatoes per square meter. the new agricultural season has just started, but it is already clear that a decent harvest has been grown. take care, work, collect on time, do everything on time. what species are there this year? for the harvest, well, it’s just the beginning, we’ll look further, well, it’s good how we started right this year, they rely on varieties that have been time-tested by the taste of buyers, they know how to work with light culture in greenhouses near vitebsk, they plan to increase the area, because there is a demand for belarusian cucumbers, first of all they choose for quality , cucumbers are grown here on an area of ​​8 hectares, approximately the same amount is allocated for tomatoes, in this agricultural season vrudakova p here excellent conditions have been created for both plants and people, the plants are growing, the flowers are bright, yellow, which means everything is normal in nutrition, for each phase of plant development has its own
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optimum for plant nutrition, yes, for example, vegetation, fruiting, mass fruiting and so on, so agronomists, agrochemists. clearly calculated, dill, parsley, arugula, the greenhouse plant has been growing fresh herbs for many years, now is the salad season, basil is about to be sent to the counter, this year there is more harvest than last year, the harvest is on the tables, everything is conveniently done, my conclusion is the work is that we sow the seeds, then spread them out, place the greenery on the tables, it quickly comes under the lamps growing, seedlings are being grown under the artificial sun, very soon it will...
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tv news. sports day is on air, andrey kozlov is with you. hello. aryna sabalenka made it to
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1:16 of the final of the season's first grand slam tournament, the australian open. the current champion beat in the second round. sixteen-year-old czech brenda frukvirtova. almost parallel to this meeting, alexandra sasnovich won the doubles event in a duet with russian anna blinkova. he will focus on the results of wednesday for belarusians in his story christina kamysh. now there are two frukhvirtovs in the tennis family; belarusian fans should be hearing about linda. the older sister fights in the wta, which is logical longer, and the czech has previously crossed paths with victoria azarrenca in a head-to-head confrontation. as for the brand. she is just starting her big career. the girl is 16 years old and made her debut in the main draw of the astralian open this season. what can a teenager oppose to the current champion of the tournament and the second number on the planet? the answer to this question was obvious for bookmakers, so some offices did not even accept bets on sobolenka’s victory. although this environment has already proven that
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the melbourne courts can give sensations. so a couple of hours before the start of the match between arina and brenda


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