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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 18, 2024 6:00am-7:01am MSK

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the name is the thought of past times, the voices of people are heard clearly and distinctly, everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages of books, by reading a person survives centuries, reading with... we value the past for our present, belarus 24, good mornings belarus. good ranitsa belarus, good
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morning, country, wake up, wake up , i confirm, i would even say, i demand, maryana murenkova and anna kviloriya, we are glad to welcome everyone to the belarus tv channels , one of the satellites belarus 24, today is thursday, january 18, yes this day the orthodox church celebrates the epiphany eve, which means that today will be the evening of preparation before the great orthodox holiday, which is called: epiphany or baptism? the word baptize , translated from greek, baptize means immerse in water, on the eve and on the day of the holiday a great blessing of water is performed, and you can see long lines that stretch to the temples, because believers go to church, what to do, of course, draw holy water, yes it is believed that holy water does not spoil today; tomorrow it also does not spoil, in general it never spoils, and it can be collected and stored until the next baptism. yes
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, and i confirm, i still have last year’s water, so be sure to go get epiphany water this evening, by the way, they say that you need to store it next to the icons. holy water is believed that when taking holy water or taking it, you cannot quarrel, swear and even thinking badly, but this makes holy water lose its holiness, in general, thinking badly is never good and in general swearing, swearing is also always bad, but the best thing is you know what to do wake up with... ranitsa belarus in a good mood and maintain this mood for the whole day. good morning! songs are needed for the soul, if the psycho-body is all at peace, if there are notes, bright calms, to fly to the flyers in the open air, necessary words. oh kind, patrymki,
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chulasts, love, so that our souls have lived, have grown, joy and good fortune, souls so holy , warm and affectionate nohs, souls, thirsty spring.
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for a long time you have been bright with your mother-in-law, your dreams have flown away, your soul so wants to be holy, ah! and the thirsty souls are clear, bypass the song of pharaoh, souls so want to sanctify, jumping and caressing.
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usually, when the soul is thirsty, there will be a song. the soul so wants to be holy, and of course, if not today, on epiphany christmas eve, this is the brightest thing to collect, of course, so wake up quickly on the clock, it’s already 4 minutes past six in the morning, you can say maryana today, by the way, they will wake you up at... the team is also involved in this, i have one remark, they won’t wake you up, but there will already be, so, attention, an announcement of what we will talk about on our broadcast today: we will open epiphany bathing, we will learn how to plunge into an ice hole and what is forbidden to do, yes, and
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we will also comprehend art, we will reveal the secrets of the most beautiful terrible picture about the revolution, we will dispel popular myths, for example, that red meat is the only source of iron, oh -oh-oh, that’s how it will be, yes, we’ll do a revision of the sour cream, we also can’t do without it, we’ll tell you how to choose the right, tasty, and most importantly, healthy sour cream, and of course, as always on thursdays, we will have a teleconference with mogilev, our colleagues, nikolai kamantsev and katerina rubekina will share the latest news from this region, there will also be guests today, we will learn about the meaning of the traditions of the holiday of baptism, and at the end of the broadcast we will congratulate the well-deserved.
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good morning, today for breakfast we will prepare a traditional french open pie filled with tender red fish, sweet. corn and healthy spinach. one slice of this pie will give you energy for the whole day. for the dough we need: flour, butter, water, baking powder, salt. and for the filling, prepare red fish, mozzarella, hard cheese, spinach, corn, creamed eggs. sift two cups of flour into a deep bowl, add baking powder. salt, mix, grate a pack of frozen butter, mix with flour and grind into crumbs, add two tablespoons of ice water, knead a soft elastic dough, place it in the refrigerator
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for 30 minutes, for the filling, cut the trout into medium-sized cubes, roll out on parchment spread out the dough and level it over the surface, forming small edges. make a few with a fork shallow punctures. place the pan with the dough in an oven preheated to 170° for 10 minutes so that it bakes a little. place pieces of salmon, spinach, mozzarella balls and canned corn into the oven-dried shortcrust pastry base. to fill, mix a glass of cream and four eggs, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, pour the creamy filling over the pie, sprinkle grated cheese on top, bake the french quiche pie in the oven at 200° (30-40 minutes), let the quiche cool and enjoy. red fish
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goes well with the delicate piquancy of the cheese, which sets off and emphasizes the taste of the fish. barely noticeable sourness of spinach and delicate creamy sauce. makes the taste of the dish even more refined. i am sure that quiche with trout and spinach will become frequent guests on your table. bon appetit. the tv news agency presents an overview of popular print and online publications. belarusian enterprises are not inferior to western brands. now you can buy our products. even simpler, supporting the government’s initiative to stimulate sales of domestic products, a large bank in the country has launched a new loan, it will be issued for 3 years for the purchase of belarusian goods, the maximum loan amount cannot exceed 12,000 rubles. money is transferred to sellers on the basis
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of payment documents, what can be purchased profitably under what conditions, the people's newspaper found out. about a thousand children are operated on at the republican scientific and practical center for pediatric surgery every year. patients with heart pathology, about 200-300 people are treated here with medication. the most serious defects for our cardiac surgeons are not a sentence, but children, who have undergone the most complex operations, indistinguishable from... their peers, they move heart valves, change blood vessels, dilate the trachea, what else can our cardiac surgeons do, writes sb belarus today. the myth that the lands of our country are poor in mineral resources has long been forgotten. today it is known, for sure, that we have not only coli salts, sands, koalins, clay, dalamid, chalk, but basalts, tuffs and much more. about 50 different types of minerals have been identified in belarus, and the total number of deposits.
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confirmed the unprecedented popularity of the main picture of the year. the hero of the historical drama on the other side, andrei dutko, was packing a backpack, going to the military registration and enlistment office. the young belarusian artist didn’t even have time to feel it. taste of unexpected glory, as it serves him, sb belarus correspondents went to the vidza border post today. a school has been opened in japan in which all classes take place in the metaverse. those who decide to try out the experimental teaching method will attend classes remotely using special 3d avatars and vr equipment. this form of training will allow even those who are abroad to attend classes. on the official website of the school, children and their parents are lured by the opportunity. be yourself without being constrained by appearances and dedicate yourself to learning without worrying about self-doubt.
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to prepare the dish you will need: pasta, canned tuna, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, olives. capers, garlic, fresh basil, olive oil and spices. we start by adding olive oil to boiling salted water. immerse the pasta and boil it until al dente; we recommend using lenguini or spaghetti for the dish. meanwhile, prepare the sauce, chop the garlic, cut the tomatoes and cherry tomatoes in half, and do the same with the olives. finely chop the sun-dried tomatoes, pour oil into a heated frying pan, first
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fry the garlic until golden brown, then place the cherry tomatoes in the pan, cut side down, so that they retain their dense structure. lastly, fry the olives and sun-dried tomatoes. after a minute, pour in the water in which once the pasta is cooked, add a little salt, pepper and ground paprika. simmer the sauce over low heat for a couple of minutes and then add. add the capers to the boiled pasta, mix everything carefully , add the canned tuna at the very end, it just needs to warm up, serve the pasta with tuna and a sauce of tomatoes, olives and capers, adding a few leaves of fresh basil. this quick-to-prepare, healthy, and savory-tasting dish can be a great option. or lunch, add a little if desired balsamic vinegar, bon appetit!
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good morning to everyone who has just joined us, and to those who have been with us since 6:00 am, we also wish good morning, we , as they say, don’t mind good mornings. we remind you that today is thursday, january 18, and as larisa dolina says, what is the forecast for us today, dear, i would correct it, well done, right, yes, today is the eighteenth, we have already said that today is epiphany eve,
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in gomel in grodno -1 +1 we have the same situation in the mogilev region, they will be everywhere precipitation, snow, heavy snow, snow, even ... there's a really gusty wind, i'll tell you for sure, in the minsk region, i don't know how it is in the republic, now, i was 20 meters from the car, i was blown away, you you were blown into the car there, and the door immediately slammed shut. as a person who is not a fan of frost, i am very happy about the positive values, despite the fact that logically there should be frosts now, after all, it ’s january, epiphany frost, and i thought that you would take a dip, so you are happy that the temperature is above zero, that means that’s all will
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it’s comfortable, friends, if you, like maryana vasilievna, are planning to plunge into the fishery, and even headlong? it will be possible to enter the ice hole in three places: rescue stations tsnyayanskoye reservoir, komsomolskoe lake and drozdy reservoir. dipping into an ice hole for baptism is a tradition that can end in disaster if certain rules are not followed. but we will find out which ones and check them personally today. if you are planning to try to plunge into the prora for the first time, then
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you should start preparing your body several months in advance, consult with a doctor and make sure. that you do not have a disorder of the cardiovascular, endocrine or respiratory system; if a person is not ready to dive, or he has any chronic diseases, then it is clear that there will be an exacerbation, that is, the chronic disease will go into the active phase. further, if a person has any acute respiratory infections, for example, cough or bronchitis, this can lead to a more complicated form, in particular pneumonia, allergic ones. symptoms may also appear when immersed in cold water, shock may occur due to active production of adrenaline. doctors also recommend that beginners dive into the water not with their heads, but halfway. otherwise, you may faint right in the water. before entering a breakthrough, you need to prepare. in particular, you need to drink warm tea,
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warm up a little, do certain gymnastic exercises, and take off, so to speak, your clothes. a towel and wrap yourself in a terry robe, then drink a lot of warm liquid, but it is important not only to monitor your health before diving, but also to know safety precautions. in addition to cutting through ice of a certain size, it is imperative to provide protection. these are either wooden cages or plastic meshes. this is necessary so that the current does not carry the diver under the ice. the font must be equipped with a comfortable descent, the stairs must have sharpened edges, but it is better not to even try to equip a font at home, but to come to specialized places. take, well , first of all, warm clothes, a bathing suit,
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rubber slippers, a towel or robe. came to the font, carefully, without jumping into the font , they went down the stairs and took a plunge. experts also note that you need to be prepared for dipping, not only physically, but also mentally, then, by following all safety rules, you can pay tribute to traditions without risking your health and the health of others.
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we all rush for miracles, but there are no miracles. if there is nothing than that earth under heaven, where the roof of your house is, where the roof of your house is, and if suddenly you feel sad, then sadness does not mean anything when you know what there is under the sun roof of your house is the roof of your house.
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any moment of grief, every single one will disappear, as soon as you remember the blue stars above the roof of your house, above the roof of your house. the world is full of joy and happiness, but the native land is the closest thing to everything, and it’s so wonderful to return under the roof of your home. under the roof of your home, your
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soul, our morning broadcast continues, i love you friends, yes, this is a lyrical note, it seems to me that everyone who just turned on us in belarus is really alone. the day will be spent somehow in a special, sacred way, like epiphany christmas eve after such a composition, especially since today is really a very important day, and the night will also be very important, from the point of view of everything, from the point of view of the universe, from the point of view of our souls, friends, so be attentive to what you are talking about think about who you communicate with on this day, this is really very important, and we want to inform you that today tomorrow you can plunge into the font at the dynamo national olympic stadium, an epiphany event will be held there... immersion, it is also known that on the territory of the arena they will install a mobile font with a bathhouse, yes, today men residents are invited to come from 18:00 to 6:00 pm, that is, until midnight, on january 19
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this can be done from 8 am to 6:00 pm, and mass skating is also organized at the stadium with musical accompaniment, perhaps it will even somehow take place all together, you know, you took a dip, ran into the bathhouse, then immediately went on skates, all benefits for the body, soul, soul and body, right? but we remember, yes, that if you want to plunge into such a font, don’t do it just like that, now i came up with an idea, went for a dip , you had to prepare for this, be sure to take care of yourself and keep an eye on your loved ones, yes, well, now i’ll tell you what winter festival is gaining popularity, hwachakhoni, and just like that , unexpectedly, a holiday dedicated to the art of winter fishing, namely in this area, south korea, winter comes the earliest, shackling the rivers and lakes with thick ice, creating an ideal...peru for fishing. the most interesting event of the festival is trout fishing. you can catch it by building a special hole, or you can, you know, like this bare hands, as they say. to do this
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, you need to enter a special pool with ice water for 3 minutes and try to catch as many fish as possible, have fun, then you can release or eat. there are many chefs working at the festival who will prepare any dish, they don’t have our frosts, although we have until today... for some reason they put it in a t-shirt, they want to sneak fish in unnoticed, i don’t know, maybe it’s closer to the heart, but you you know, you know why in a hat, it seems to me that they, well, without any hook or weight with their hands, this is so that you know, fish frighten, and the fish itself went into hand, this is the bait, this is the bait, he says nothing is needed, i’m already, i’m already friends, now we’ll find out what will happen if we replace this in our diet the fish itself, i mean no, meat for fish, we will dispel popular myths about healthy nutrition together with the experts of the zosh section.
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good morning, i'm ekaterina, a nutrition expert, let's talk about myths around protein products. the components of a healthy diet are proteins, fats and carbohydrates, although it is better to avoid the last two. ruin your figure. or it is a myth. myth number one. it is useful to eat fish, giving up meat. meat and fish are important sources of protein, so by giving up red meat for some reason, you will compensate for the lack of protein from fish, but red. meat is a source of b vitamins, particularly b-12 and heme iron, and if you don't eat red meat, you may be deficient in these vitamins and minerals,
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as a result... dryness, brittle hair loss , hair loss problems. thyroid gland, irritability, apathy, fatigue , decreased immunity. noticed these symptoms are behind you, in this case there is a need to add vitamin support in the form of dietary supplements to your diet, just a couple of shakes with the main meal, and you are healthy and energetic again. myth number two: iron is only found in red meat. heme iron gets its name. from the molecule to which it is attached, it is called heme, which gives the blood its red color and is part of hemoglobin. this form of iron is found in abundance in foods such as fish, poultry and red meat. but, if you don’t like fish, rarely eat poultry or red meat because of the fat content, it is contraindicated for you, then feel free to load up on suede products. pork and beef liver, beef kidneys, spleen, heart and
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stomachs. the best source of iron, in addition , offal is a good source of protein, copper, selenium and haline, which strengthen the health of our body as a whole. protein is a building material for every cell, make your protein menu varied and get the most benefit from it.
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out of 9 million current belarusians, i had a dream of becoming a singer since school, when in distant kazakhstan in a military town, i repeat in priozersk, i saw the first film on black and white tv, i became sick of the pesners and the mulyavin scene, and for more than half a century of life, the main pop celebrities of the country had to experience exactly the same thing as thousands and millions.
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and for many, many, many, many years sasha soladukha has been working easily and simply everywhere with everyone and everywhere, yes, because i live by the formula, yes, 24 hours a day on a smile, on the positive, not a word about the sad, everything is always good, everything is always super. watch it on friday on our channel. art critics call it a master of thematic landscape, and his work is a chronicle of the era. a man with extraordinary energy and great love of life. having gone through the harsh school of life, he became one of the most iconic artists of our time. 100 years since the birth of the people's artist of belarus leonid
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shchemelev. watch the cultural fashion project this weekend on the belarus 24 tv channel . razyunyan, yes, every fifth resident of our country watched the new year on belarus 1, and we have been continuing to do this for two weeks, well, tell me, it’s incendiary, it’s.. .
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it’s beautiful, it’s danceable, and the sea, the sea, the sea, the sea, but what does that mean, yes, there is always some new sea, yes, maryana morenkova, anna quiloria, together with you in such... there are a few italian ones rhythms continue to greet a new day, this is thursday, november 18, in 2 days the regional winter festival beresteyskie sleigh will take place in pinsk. yes, we can say that this festival has already become a brand of the brest region, 2 years ago brest hosted it, last year it was held in baranovichi, and now pinsk has taken the baton. and this time there will be some tricks. one of them is the creation of a book of records for the berestey sonyas; in particular, at the holiday they plan to prepare a huge portion of porridge, here it is. this is according to an old polesian recipe , you understand, not just porridge, but as she said , according to an old polesian recipe, it’s so interesting, it’s with meat, it’s without meat, it’s in butter, or maybe it’s in lard, come to pinsk you’ll find out, you’ll find out, yes, i also wanted to lead to this, be sure to come, and of course there will be a traditional parade,
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it is expected that about thirty crews will take part in it, the city's enterprises will be able to give free rein to their imagination in order to creatively present themselves at festivals, it is known that the symbol of this year, a ten-meter dragon, which... will hold the logo of the eighty-fifth anniversary in its paws, will be presented at the festive procession region, yes, it is expected that another dragon, but this time a mirror one, will appear in the evening during the performance show, so the festival will have both bread and spectacle, i also know that there will be some special serve tea, in general, a huge number of chips, be sure to come, take part , or just at least come and look, we don’t know, of course, what functions the above-mentioned mirror dragon will have, but we know exactly why a smart mirror is needed, so, now i’ll tell you more about this. a new product was presented by a french startup: the mirror will become an assistant for mental health. it, according to the developers, helps determine mood and manage stress. using artificial intelligence, the device can provide personalized
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recommendations such as light therapy sessions, guided meditation and self-affirmations based on the mental state of the viewer, i understand, to help improve mood, cope with stress, and when. the mirror says encouraging words, turns on the soothing blue color, an image of nature, and invites you to start a meditation session. in addition to the mental health aspect, the gadget has customizable functions, such as skin analysis, monitoring the temperature of the bath water and much more. other. a smart mirror will go on sale at the end of the year, the price will vary from 500 to 1,000 dollars, this is a mirror, how are the standards changing, if before there was light in the mirror, tell me. tell the truth to the world dearest, then now we will add mentally healthier, yes, that is , such a situation, no, in fact, a very useful invention, if you look in the mirror, it determines there, i don’t know, it analyzes your skin, i it seems that poor cosmetologists,
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they will lose few clients, but psychologists then, too, a little too, because you can cope with everything at home just by looking into your eyes, yes, friends, does it affect, look, now now this... explain this logical chain to you, connect the mirror with sour cream, why did you reveal all my cards , yes, of course, i wanted to say that a mirror is 500 - 100 dollars, well, this is not the most budget purchase, i agree, here’s how to figure out whether the price affects the quality of sour cream, we’ll provide the answer to this question to our experts, today we’ll tell you what you should pay attention when buying sour cream, to choose a quality tasty product? first of all, look at the composition. sour cream is a fermented milk product made from sourdough cream. good sour cream should contain nothing else, neither thickeners nor milk fat substitutes. if a milk fat substitute is introduced into the product,
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it can no longer be called sour cream. such a product is called a milk-containing product, a milk fat substitute, made using sour cream technology. therefore, for such products it is important to pay attention to the name. in belarus there is no such sour cream produce, but can be imported. according to the law, products with milk fat replacement must be displayed separately in stores so as not to mislead the buyer , but this does not always happen, so read the name carefully. on the front packaging of such products there may be an invented name, for example, tasty, but the manufacturer already puts the full name on the back packaging in small print, you need to pay attention to this. buyers of sour cream are concerned about two nuances: its fat content and thickness. on store shelves, as a rule, you you can find sour cream with a fat content of 10 to 30%. the fatter, the denser the consistency, but this is not always true. for example, in summer sour cream is always less dense
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than in winter; a freshly packaged product will also be more liquid. the consistency of sour cream depends on the composition of the starter and even the packaging. sour cream in plastic packaging, such soft bags, it has less. but the shelf life of such sour cream is shorter. this packaging affects the consistency of sour cream, because with mechanical impact on sour cream, the curd, of course, can become narrower. become not so much, not so dense. sour cream is also produced in cups. in this case, the shelf life will be longer, up to 30 days. before purchasing, visually evaluate the packaging. it should not be deformed. bloating indicates that the product is stale. if everything is fine with the expiration date, then the issue may be a violation of the production technology or temperature conditions during storage and transportation of tasty and high-quality purchases. just like that. sosa sour cream is now clear. yes, but we remind you that on the calendar in the meantime. thursday 18 january and today
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the zimovo smak food festival starts in magelev, perhaps sour cream will also be present in the dishes , it seems that unbloated, good fatty sour cream, it seems that holding such events in this regional center has become a good tradition. if the gastrofest covers the whole of belarus, then winter relish is exclusively the prerogative of mogilev, the initiator of this festival, its holding is the city executive committee, it lasts 10 days and resembles the concept. the already mentioned gastrofest, when for a fixed amount cafes and restaurants offer their own special sets. yes, and it’s worth noting that sometimes they resemble real masterpieces of culinary art, but if a gastrofest always has some given theme, that is, either a literary or some other film theme, then there will simply be masterpieces of culinary art, yes, well, right now we we invite you to take a virtual walk to the suburbs of shanghai. so, there was a new art museum dedicated to modern art. culture, it was designed by the world famous japanese architect tadao
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ando. the museum consists of two rectangular buildings. the first is an artistic public area, the second is an exhibition space. the buildings are made in the style of minimalism. they are a simple , strict structure, can you imagine, made of concrete. the observation deck offers panoramic views of the village. there are two large thematic exhibitions for visitors. thanks to the new facility, the city authorities plan to revive it. this area just seems like concrete and human architectural thought is already a masterpiece, but in fact it’s beautifully mesmerizing, even to be honest , i don’t want to comment on anything, i just want to watch, but let’s see, just those who turn on us now will think some kind of surprisingly calm program, just music playing and people watching, a minute, maybe this is some kind of architecture hypnosis, by the way, of course, not everyone can understand this or that form of art, as some say. painting, another mathematics, but nevertheless, let's try
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to understand the most famous paintings in our art section, to understand art. how did it happen that a real fanatic of the french revolution, a man whose friends were david and rabespert, who sent people to hell in batches with just a wave of his pen, was actually killed. france - 1790. conservative jacobins squeezed out the remnants of the french nobility, the entire elite layer was burned out. the figure of marat is ambiguous in world history, absolutely ugly, sick, with serious skin problems, leader of the jacobins, but at the same time completely insane. david, who would paint the death of marat, was his zealous fanatic. revolutionary, jacobin views
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were broadcast not only through creativity, but also through never-ending slogans; art , in his opinion, should also serve a higher mission, carry out an idea; empty art has no right to life. david considers himself a messenger from above. but as usually happens, when someone decides that art owes something to someone, in this case there is little left of art, but this is not about david. he was really obsessed with the french revolution and republican views, so the picture, which he writes is not ideological at all, it is a real monument to the jacobin terror. but let's return to the picture. marrat, a hero of the people, was killed by the brave and proud charlotte corday, a noblewoman who opposed violence and terror. marat suffered from skin eczema, which worsened in the summer. therefore, he often received his informers right in the van. colossal diligence, there was a denunciation table nearby,
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and a vinegar bandage for migraines on his head. marat accepted charlotte only because she promised to reveal to him new names of the secret conspiracy against the republic. the girl carried a kitchen knife with her, locked herself in the bathroom with smorta, and killed him. a unique interweaving of historical context and style. the bathtub turns into an antique sarcophagus, towels over... sheets, and a wooden box into a funeral obelisk. thanks to the rigor of the composition, the marat himself becomes an ancient greek marble athlete. david believes so much in the very idea of ​​a new world that he writes a true story, and even if everything that happens in the picture is idealized, it is not a lie, it's just faith in your idol.
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belarusian winter, all its little details, all the details , some are so beautiful that they take your breath away, some are absurd, but... in place they are one whole, together, they are harmony, looking at them you feel aesthetic pleasure, you feel that belarus is closer,
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hello everyone , i’m returning to your tv screens to once again talk about all the latest news from the world of media. my name is nastya kravchenko, and today we will discuss: what if you never have to charge your smartphone, how a cat earned a fortune and where to find the most convenient reference book about wildlife? but first, let's look at other news. “winter is no longer an obstacle to the harvest, the bresse region is proof of this: a man managed to grow carrots. wait a second, is this even real? as it turned out, yes, a local resident decided to conduct an experiment to find out how well carrots survive frosts, he planted them in
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the fall, and then covered the planting site with fallen leaves. the experiment turned out to be successful, in the video the man dug up part of his harvest, and the temperature of -17° did not freeze the vegetable. apparently, the layer of snow and foliage really retains heat. the carrots have grown quite small, but even this can be served on the table. the main thing is that it’s yours! smartphone lovers know for sure that sometimes there is not enough charge even until lunch. in china, they decided to fix this problem by creating a battery for a smartphone. charger. it will last for as much as 50 years in the future, given the update of recommendations in tiktok, for 45 for sure. in principle, on paper the development looks extremely promising, environmentally friendly, harmless, in reality a small nuclear reactor that provides energy through decay atoms, but there is no need to rush to abandon
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this idea, there is no need to be afraid of this kind of radiation, the battery is environmentally friendly, unlike its standard counterparts, everything is... powerful, safe, ultra-modern, and most importantly - interesting with plans for the future. i didn’t think i’d say this, but popularity is a delicate matter and now it’s partly a cat thing, especially when it comes to the favorite taylor swift. olivia benson is the famous cat of famous singer taylor. it turned out that the hostess from her own line of pet products participated in the videos filming commercials. companies, the cat earned about 300 million belarusian rubles, and yes, thanks to such backbreaking work , she became the richest cat in the world. we will arrange dancing or water aerobics. call this viral internet trick from capivara
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whatever you want, but the fact remains, now she is a celebrity, all she had to do was perform a dance to michael jackson’s hit, little... bara eva actually did not plan to repeat the dance beginning from the thriller video, but in truth speaking, the cub was simply walking in the water. interesting fact: very soon eva will get a job that is not at all related to her choreographic talents; she will participate in educational events dedicated to wildlife. there is so much beauty around, and you and i don’t even fully know about all this, but new technologies. will obviously correct this point, because binoculars have appeared that recognize 9,000 bird species, knowing all the species in everyday life is not at all necessary, and there is no need, but in order to... help our smaller brothers or, if something happens, be able to protect oneself - an irreplaceable thing. the new product essentially replaces the reference book.
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to understand which bird is caught in the lens, just press one button. recognition occurs thanks to artificial intelligence. the device is also equipped with a 13- megapixel camera and a compass, so you can make marks on the map if something happens to find your way home. a school bus filled with kids won't surprise anyone, but this unusual bus attracts the attention of canadians. the vehicle is called roof and poof and the passengers are not children, and dogs that dog walker denzel morrison takes for a walk. regularly taking pets from their owners, the man was thinking about creating some kind of transport so that he could take out man’s best friends in search of adventure and fun. active games in the fresh air. we will continue to surprise you tomorrow
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with a current selection of news in nothing sibe news, i was with you, nastya kravchenko, bye-bye! discoveries without which the world today is difficult to imagine. this remedy, for the last 10 years for sure, is perhaps the most popular in beauty sphere. name! famous bloggers, actors, tv presenters use it and are happy to demonstrate it on social networks, they were once considered a medicine and were called ready-made with needs, i’m talking, of course, about candies, an invention of mankind that greatly simplifies our lives. fabric stickers impregnated with a cosmetic emulsion, which had to be applied to the skin around the eyes, were invented at the beginning of 2000 by a scientist in south korea, it is known that... the name beauty product came to us from the world of technology. programmers call it a patch an automated software tool
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that is used to quickly resolve problems. about the most important things from the world of science in the science nearby project. we did such an experiment, we gave it to a group of dancers and the guys danced in them and after dancing they looked, they didn’t slip. absolutely new unique technology using caramelized milk. and when there is this caramelized milk. added to the composition, the chocolate acquires a very interesting, characteristic caramel taste and color. watch on belarus 24 tv channel. their skin day begins with soreness. there are such trills here, that is, here you are sitting at home, such birdsong, especially in the evening, i have never heard this anywhere else in my life. for this reason, it’s even worth coming and looking at all this beauty when everything is in flood, this is venice. yanyt.
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at the end of the day there was a large number of chess pieces, darechs, one could call the chess table of belarus and
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serednyavechchy, there are so many of them here. great jumper, i’m sorry, i’m sorry, that in kalisha it’s still the same fashion and in the same slutsk vernetz's paes. we pass through the most cultural places of our country. we are sure that there are baroque pipes in the world of modern pipes. eight great things, valuable things. two castles were captured, these resident princes and the punishment of different hours. smatrytse project , cultural show, on tv channel belarus
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24. let you love, like a flower in the field, like a young apple, like a flock of crayfish, like a patched bird, like a patched bird, like a wild bird, let you. srebny loud laughter, what a precious sign, for let you love, for the song that i feel, for clear eyes, for your young soul, let you love, let me love you for the bright hours that you give me every now and then,
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for the most intense, dear!
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we wake up on january 18th on the calendar, and what is there outside the window right now, anna valerievna, tell us, please, but easily, a map to
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the studio, please, so, in minsk this morning. -11 -13 wow, what snow, i’ll tell you, from personal experience, -3, -5, that’s absolutely right, in brest, it can’t do without snow there either, up to 15° below zero in vitebsk, and precipitation there too -12, -14 in gomel, in grodno, up to 7° below zero, -13, -15 in mogilev, in all these cities there will also be snow, how will the picture change during the day, let us tell you a small spoiler, it will be much warmer, much warmer. minsk region up to +3 or up to +4, not epiphany frosts at all, but nevertheless weather forecasters have announced an orange danger level for today, in the east of the republic the southeast wind is expected to increase with gusts of up to 15-18 m/s, heavy snow in the morning and afternoon , be careful, yes, the weather certainly makes adjustments to our lives, sometimes quite significant, changes our mood plans, and often has an impact on our health, and how
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one of the founders of the belarusian national theater, vladislav golubok, changed our lives . he was born in 1882 at lesnaya station near baranovichi in the family of a railway worker. in his free time, the young man played musical instruments, took private painting lessons, and enjoyed writing poetry and stories. in 1906, vladislav's first story was published in our niva. in 1913 , his collection of stories was published in st. petersburg. which was favorably received by readers and appreciated by maxim bogdanovich. since 1917 vladislav golubok began to act as a playwright. he wrote his first plays for the theater of the first association of belarusian drama and comedy, where vladislav acted as an actor and director. in 1920, vladislav created his own theater troupe. basically, the theater was mobile and showed performances in remote
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areas of the country, attracting workers. art. over the course of 5 years, the company gave about a thousand performances. the repertoire for the most part consisted of plays written by the dove himself. later the theater was transformed into a belarusian state theater. mobile theater, then in the third belarusian state theater with a base in gomel. in the corpse of golubka , one of the most famous belarusian actresses, stefania staniuta, took her first steps on stage. the musical part was led by nester sokolovsky, the author of the national anthem of belarus, and mikhail luchenok, the father of the famous belarusian composer igor lushchenok, played the violin. during his creative activity, vladislav golubok wrote about forty.
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will tell you about traditions, so don’t switch, it’s the wrong word, don’t switch, see you, let’s go to travel around belarus, dear friends, welcome to novostarobinsk, few people know, but this is what the city of soligorsk was once called, now only the inscription on this stone reminds of this, which symbolizes the beginning of construction. together with us you will receive a charge of positive emotions, i have been to a variety of master classes, very different, but honestly, this is the first time in my life that i have seen something like this, i even tensed for a moment,
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because our mishka fedor began to sit right under his paw like this, visit the brightest sights of our country, here there are two museums with amazing exhibits at once; you must agree, such rarities are now possible. seen only in soviet films, girls really love to decorate the world around them, and i am no exception, so we will have such a colored candle, look in the program, the route is built on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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