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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 18, 2024 9:00am-9:11am MSK

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good morning belarus.
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news live on belarus 1 and belarus 24. pavel lazovik is in the studio. good morning to this episode. happiness in the home with the support of the state. borisov police officers were handed the keys to new apartments. i didn’t have time to re-issue my documents, i didn’t see my pension, benefits, or medical insurance. the inhumanity of latvian laws regarding russian-speaking pensioners. the day of preparation for the great blessing of water. today is the eve of the epiphany for orthodox believers. the most vivid impressions in different genres of art the works of pupils of children's arts schools and young musicians were united by an exhibition in minsk. belarus is developing its national security architecture based on the current situation of global challenges. and they
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are such that more and more often the leaders of the largest states use the policy of pressure from sanctions, and if it doesn’t work, force comes in, every time it turns out that these are not millions killed around the world, but this is such a democracy. and the theses and methods of the leaders there are becoming more and more radical. in this case , our country has developed a procedure for applying nuclear weapons, in fact , a tool has been formed for making a decision if such a need arises. measures. allow us not to be drawn into an arms race and completely neutralize attempts at a military invasion on our territory. when the head of state declared that tactical nuclear weapons would be deployed on the territory of the republic of belarus, he will now reassure the population of the republic of belarus from a good point of view, because we understand that this is a guarantee of our safety, well, of our neighbors in the sense that this practically nullifies all their efforts to somehow collect that striking fist that is on our border. efforts
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to direct the main strike with forces and means, which means the minister of defense clearly explained that tactical poisonous weapons are concentrated on the territory of the republic of belarus, the procedure for their use has been developed and a legal assessment has been given, that is, there is a tool for making decisions about the corners of the state. more and more obvious steps of tension in the region on the part of our closest neighbors only confirm the logic actions of belarus to ensure national security, since february 25 in poland. usa and britain. the failure of the sbu agent mongoose, how the ukrainian special services are trying to blow up belarus. today, after the panorama, we will show another high-profile case, the suppression by law enforcement of a network of ukrainian agents involved in the transfer of explosives and weapons to belarus. the uniqueness of this special operation is that... the violator’s path to
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our country lay by water, through a difficult swamp, getting there and then getting out is very difficult, in addition, the main those involved in the case will talk about the ongoing lawlessness in the border areas of ukraine. pathfinder hunter, diver, demolition worker, he was constantly blowing up something at home, shooting, neighbors cursed, called the police. an unusual guy. with a severed finger from the ukrainian border region, don’t worry, the sbu counterintelligence has taken care of you, they will sort everything out. hunting, the forest of captivity, the wolf's ticket to mined territories, that's how he walked with his fist, closed you came, to tell a secret, the struggle for survival in the regime of military propaganda and total fear. he was taken to the forest dug a hole. they put a bag over my head and
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shot me in the leg. to belarus through a swamp, a dangerous but sure route developed by a mongoose, i almost gave my soul to god. me, you led me from the very border, i barked at you and sharply walked back, this means that he heard people, and the wind was from him , so i’ll say, just game, details of the survival of the ukrainian border area under the rule of the special services and security forces, weapons were simply imported load
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with trucks, fear that they will shoot, fear that they will kill, sbu agent igur from the ukrainian swamp, a candid story from a pathfinder. who has seen a lot, i came here with a weapon, the failure of the sbu agent mongoose: how the ukrainian special services are trying to blow up belarus, watch january 18, after the panorama. ukraine is approaching the depletion of some weapons, while others will last for 2-3 months. the last package of american aid to kiev was on december 27, since then there has not been and will not be one.
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it is necessary to find 7 billion euros for kiev after washington put pressure on it. they are looking for funds in paris. macron announced the delivery of forty hundred missiles to the kiev authorities bombs. and the head of the french ministry of defense announced plans to produce dozens of howitzers for kiev, but
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invited allies to participate in this initiative. by the way, it was he who previously said that the counteroffensive in the ssu did not live up to expectations. in europe. today one of the checkpoints will be closed for heavy transport from ukraine. in the bulgarian plovdev , activists gathered near the municipal council to protest against the authorities’ plans to dismantle the monument to alyosha, a soviet soldier-liberator , in order to be in time before the start of the meeting of deputies. the protesters brought it. posters with anti-fascist slogans, frightened by such a resonance, the deputies changed the agenda, and the mayor of plovdiv eventually said: first we need to study how much the decision to move alyosha sofia will cost the city. i didn’t have time to reissue my documents, and there were no social
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guarantees in sight. while in latvia there is a trial in the case of hundreds of russian pensioners who may be deported. the country's authorities continue the practice of mass cancellation of residence permits. among the russian-speaking population, everyone who did not have time to send documents for registration, will cancel benefits, pension , have insurance, your residence permit card will be canceled, all the benefits that you have, that is , until you are given a new card, you will not receive a latvian pension, you will not be able to go to medical institutions receive services paid for by the state, that is, only at full price, even those who applied for a permanent permit...
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special equipment is working on the streets, utility workers ask not to park in cars along the roads, so as not to impede the movement of snowplows cars the state traffic inspectorate and road services are working. in enhanced mode. in borisov , housewarming is celebrated by the families of internal affairs officers who have become the owners of their own square meters in a new high-rise building. 35 police officers received the treasured keys to the apartments. the house was built with state support. 26 families built apartments with state support. of this number, two families are large families who, with their children, will be ready to move into these beautiful places. home, we became the owners of a two-room apartment in multi-apartment residential building.


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