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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 18, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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capable of transforming this monopolar world into something else, where there will not be constant exploitation and pressure of this golden billion, which is already beginning to forget that it is the golden billion and is doing the right thing, here is the pressure of the golden billion on the rest of the globe, this pressure has already really overwhelmed everything everything. thank you very much, at the end of our discussion, i would like to again remember the russian technologist and historian modest kolerov. back in the fifth year, in one of the interviews, he was asked why, unlike west moscow does not support opposition movements in belarus? his answer is revealing and relevant today: russia cannot and should not lead any discontent, because it respects national sovereignty. we can sincerely sympathize and wish our neighbors every success, but there is a reality, each country has its own pace of life, its own civilization, and i do not see any opportunities for... for a revolutionary
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dragging of peoples to happiness, there will be no such happiness, a revolution of happiness will not gives, thank you, this was the saz program authorized to declare. the failure of the maidan in serbia does not put an end to the technology of color revolutions.
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hello, the program “say don’t be silent” is on air, victoria popova and svetlana smolonskaya are in the studio. and today father fedor is our guest. hello. father fedor: january is a time of wonderful expectations. each of us, both believers and non-believers, today asks ourselves this question with anxious hope: what does the coming year have in store for us? how do you
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answer it for yourself? i think that not only believers never bet. any barriers for me there is no limit, there is a person in front of me, i think that the coming year is preparing development, improvement, learning, new experience, because any event is a task, a task that we must solve as christianly as possible. to be quality christians, i would say, every year we learn a lot of new things about ourselves about the world around us, because just like that, yes, when we draw the right conclusions and learn
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the right lessons, even our mistakes turn into good, and... and also, god grant that every new year really brings us closer towards christ and the kingdom of god, and not away from it. you know that, by definition, there are no non-believers; everyone believes, but in different things. and every true... believer does not change his values ​​neither in the year of the dragon, nor in the year of the rat, nor before the end of the world, otherwise, otherwise, what kind of belief is this, tell me, do you believe in the trinity,
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believe, believe in science, believe, believe in human rights, believe sincerely to the end. faith is tested by the willingness to die for conviction, and the quality of a person as a person is determined by faith, these are my thoughts, and also a clarifying question, your quote from one sunday sermon: the new year is shrouded in the unknown for us, sometimes in the darkness of this unknown, into which we try in vain to penetrate with our... gaze, the word in vain caught me here, but it’s hard to disagree with it, which is why the world is so difficult to predict today, because the world today does not move upward, not even
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horizontally, the world is dehumanized, therefore in vain. to do something without god, with god everything acquires meaning and logic, well, the world today is very fast, it is changing very quickly, it is chaotic, as in this chaotic world to guide believers, what values ​​should they rely on? open the gospel and get all the answers. in this case, it will be interesting to find out which one is for you. difficult or easy to fulfill commandments, personally the most difficult commandment to fulfill, but no , there is our attitude towards the commandment, and if you
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live in an understanding of eternity, then even the struggle with your inner... such scandalous occasions are, figuratively speaking, a hook with bait for the masses , this is a common tool in the struggle for a place in the sun, in certain elite circles it is not
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you will enter without dirt, but a person is bound by this dirt. constantly awaiting its end. everything we saw is called show business. and similar pictures with... a part of it. in these areas there is no need to talk about culture. there is money, there is a rating, there is an order to promote abomination. look how subtly the idea was imposed on the average person that all this constitutes his cultural life. everyman. he was deceived, but as they say, he himself
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is glad to be deceived, he uses what he is given indiscriminately, and has never even choked. it turns out that he is satisfied with the meanings that are conveyed to him. it is probably more correct to think about why during these 30 years there was no propaganda on the scale of propaganda of classical art, spiritual culture, but there was propaganda of lack of culture and lack of spirituality, and one must ask whether anything will change after. on the other hand, tell me, did these shots become a revelation for you personally?
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they didn’t show anything new, the meanings of the songs and plots, blocks of famous idols, were always about exactly this lifestyle, no one hid anything. and this happened to me the feeling that this move served as another reason to fill, well, excuse the word, to fill people’s heads with dirt, to divert attention from global things, from spiritual concentration. someone really needs people not to think
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about christ, about the fatherland, about the future in the century, about the fate of their nation, their people, but are busy discussing and condemning specific individuals, that’s how i see it, father fedor, we want you to to our viewers... show one video from a minsk nightclub on christmas eve. this video is from open sources, from social networks, just recently, when we were discussing a naked party, we had a visit from gomel ideologist denis yezersky, who said that this is hardly possible in belarus, but probably what we just
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saw is not very different from that , which took place in moscow and was advertised in the presence of mutobor. the question is whether, while condemning what is happening with our neighbors, we always notice or do not notice what is happening in our nightclubs, in our art galleries, hubs. here are the exhibition spaces, allow irony, of course, aren’t belarusians russians and have never watched the new year’s lights on russia , russian channels, and besides, we are the center of europe, and yet... but such fashion trends come from it, it turns out that from
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ourselves, many still they admire everything western, not suspecting that our original one is much more humane, more progressive, and deeper and more beautiful in content. let's take orthodoxy, it has a dimension so deep that it is simply incomprehensible. european mentality, it’s a pity that our compatriots, sometimes themselves refuse to comprehend these depths, although our ancestors were able and willing, pure and high
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art may appear in our country. only from within society, from the chaste heart of the creator, as a service to beauty and truth, the culture of our people is possible only when spiritually, it is essentially different than european, believe my experience: “i can talk about europe, i lived there for many years, i can touch on art, because i was involved in it with my first education, and now i visit the institute, the art academy, and perform, i visit europe, and
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i see what is happening, therefore, the artist , the artist, the singer." they all must have a conscience, he should not appoint himself as the conscience of the people or the voice of truth, but an internal censor must work in his soul, what is primary, where is the line of what is permissible, what is true, what is false, what is beautiful? and what is ugly? there must be spiritual principles , and not a position, often similar to just a pose, also the people themselves must reject from their midst everything sinful and destructive, as not
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their own, as foreign and... if we accept for the truth is the statement that culture reflects actual values ​​of society, then, then we peer into this mirror, look closely, and there is nothing to blame, then i’ll add ellipses, father fedor, you yourself already said that... here the worship of western culture is at the forefront, of course, europe, everything else is the values , which we cosplay , as young people now call it, this is what happened in a nightclub in minsk, this is cosplay, anime, seemingly innocent games, but the mirror, in my opinion, shows obvious things, but you know what i thought that
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it is very easy for moralizing to cross the line, yes, they can accuse you and me ... i think everyone, i think everyone, we all need to learn from alexander grigorievich, because what he says today is often like a prophecy, i can be blamed at some points , what i’m saying now, but his
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life experience, his experience. as the head of state, his gift, you can’t learn this , you can feel it, and the lord, seeing the sincerity of everything he does, also reveals to him those moments that are paid attention to today, many who communicate with him, i have in kind of politics. because the words he utters are not just populist phrases, they are profound.
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does this, words of condemnation cannot be addressed, but advice can be given, if you don’t want
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to lead someone, pray for yourself, for others, because this responsibility does not lie with you, pray for the one who is responsible for you. in the meantime, let’s take a break for a while , i remind you that we have a telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are in touch, the program is on air again, say don’t be silent, and today our guest is archpriest fyodor povny, father fedor, the vatican, allowed transgender people to be baptized and to be godparents and witnesses at weddings. this is evidence of what social
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transformations? what is most important to note here in your opinion? but you are driving me right into a corner, forcing me to walk on that ice again. but nevertheless, although in principle. i will say that i somehow really thought about this when i heard such news, i think that it is impossible not to maneuver, combining a religious structure and a sovereign state, while positioning itself as the church of christ, because it is , first of all, a state, i will not say anything new here if i simply remind you that the teachings
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of christ became simultaneous with both the missionary and political projects of the vatican, therefore the name of christ was very often covered up. other interests, but precisely because of such obvious deflections as now, the vatican is losing the main thing, its sacredness, well, let me explain, if god justifies something that was previously considered a sin, then... this god is true, what kind of truth is this that takes your words back, and
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these are the questions of a common man, they are for me too they ask, the scary thing is that in this way, along with sacredness, the idea of ​​christianity is emasculated. and here i see a tragedy with worldwide consequences, that such concessions devalue the sacrament of repentance. a signal has been given to a person, there is no need to change oneself, there is no need to fight sin within oneself, because it is quite possible. the world is under sin, a few demonstrations are all, let christ accept us. then
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why did christ die on the cross? therefore, these actions of the vatican, if this is still reliable information, not fake, on the one hand on the other hand, yes, it indicates that the consciousness of european people is already...
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and that reverse propaganda, for which he would have enough resources, would return everything to its place in a couple of years, and if the vatican hypothetically today takes up the protection of the rights of a large minority, with the same pressure as the global project is carried out by lgbt propaganda, then... a population increase of 1 billion will be achieved in 2 years, because there are more than a billion catholics in the world, but does the world need this? why do you think that in the west today they are so actively involved in children, starting with call for social advertising not to have a child, we have a picture where a lady pierces herself, in fact,
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the means of childbearing... the means are good, a person’s knowledge of the world begins from the first days of life, and the beliefs and habits acquired in childhood are the most stable, and , probably, it is for this reason that the west discourages baptizing infants under the pretext...
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and anti-values ​​are nearby, they are simply simply implanted, imposed. when i communicate with such parents, i say: do not send your child to school, why, let him grow up and decide for himself whether he should be literate and educated or not, but this is elementary, elementary.
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to say, the question of the soul is not worth it, well , i’ll tell you that there is already criticism in western society of these approaches, because they give the child to unstable emotional lesbians, who simply take him and mock him openly, then commit suicide , this child is miraculously saved, and before ending his life. suicide, they openly ask each other, what about they entrusted us with this child, they knew that we were emotionally unstable, i’m talking about some kind of social connivance, you know, well, that is, all this is allowed by society, all these social experiments by western society, well , the vatican, i would like to return, i to say for a second that it is written there, as in this news, that they can be baptized and take part in these rituals, but...
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in germany and sweden, elementary school students, they practically cannot write, but they can type texts perfectly on the keyboard, this all of them knowledge, should we stay on the digital rails? no, i think that our children still know how to write, and this is where the basics of learning at school begin. but will germany and sweden move away from these realities of digitalization
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? i think it is naive to think so , no, they are unlikely to stay on them, i think, even faster, look to the west, their experience is undoubtedly valuable. but we have our own head on our shoulders, digitalization cannot be stopped, and this is a reality, but it is possible to teach children calligraphy, logic, beautiful speech and etiquette, it is possible to teach dancing and the culture of sharing food, it is possible to teach them to... read paper books, it is possible to cultivate humanity in them, to convey to them the values ​​of their ancestors and faith in god, perhaps to convey to them
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the burning of tradition. no digitalization can dictate what to teach children and how to teach it. moreover, i may say something unexpected for everyone, but not a single artificial intelligence will cancel or replace spirituality in a person, at the same time , we are obliged, we are obliged to teach children to live in a new reality. apply technology, we do not should refuse ongoing processes, but must learn to manage these processes
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, i don’t shy away from your questions, they are very difficult, and you don’t give up gadgets, you don’t give up gadgets, i think that now we need to think about how to do this, so that... it’s us, and not the west, who puts up barriers or sets rules, they set their own framework, we set ours, we already need to think about how to live in the new reality, and if we don’t manage to live in it as god ordered, then then. .. you need to be able to die with dignity, on the sinking titanic, someone saved their life, but lost their humanity, someone calmly prepared for
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a meeting with god, realizing that it could not be avoided, it’s like this, well, during the pause you told us that christmas...
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you spoke recently in our program about how her children are raising their children, let ’s listen, and if a child’s laptop was ordered there by a baby, well baby, well listen, what, first of all, this baby definitely lives without even gadgets at all, she doesn’t even watch cartoons , i’m not the parents, i’m really very happy with this, yes they look very rarely on weekends there are some small cartoons with all the pieces and these are more like...
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you know, i watched, i listened to, i remembered my
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friends in germany, this is a large orthodox family, even families, they have five or more children, they once they went there as ethnic germans, they started with an ordinary buffet, selling sausages, today they have a huge enterprise. and a whole series of stores, we helped them establish contacts from belarus so that the products of belarusian enterprises could be bought by them, so this is how they raised their children, this everything was in front of my eyes, phones were completely excluded in principle, it’s hard for us to imagine, especially... they could
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watch tv only on sunday , subject to exemplary behavior during the week and watch only the film that shaped them as a person, patriotic, historical, dad flew to exhibitions, including in moscow, and brought a huge number of cassettes and disks. they could watch those cartoons that were before a certain period and that did not have 25 frames. today these children already have children themselves, completely progressively developed, creative, yes , they use phones, the internet, everything
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... the right question is, they are their head, the main thing is to answer them correctly and decide, well, this call to read books, doesn’t it still look utopian today, father fyodor, well, you see in the houses of the parishioners there are still books, they have been preserved, and davich was given an amazing book by the graver on the history of russian art, well, an amazing book.
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give us, after all, you believe in our person, the future is ours, we have been given reason and free will, and we don’t... we need all the time to do or look for someone to blame outside , yourself, look, man, uh-huh, look at what ’s good in you, what’s bad in you, you will always give an objective assessment, uh-huh, i remembered the prophetic words again, the year of quality is also
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about a person, you know, quality begins with the soul, if we are talking about quality, we need... well, at the beginning of the conversation you said that we must first of all cultivate this quality in ourselves, we are talking about quality believers, about quality christians, well as for artificial intelligence, i would also like to assure you, reassure our viewers, we very often ask this question in our studio: will neural networks replace the artificial intelligence of people, so doctors, and journalists, poets, and artists say: no, they... will only be able to help us, i’ll give you a case that i had in one of the embassies, it was several years ago, i had to get a visa, and they asked me to put my finger on the device to read
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the fingerprint, before putting my finger on this device, i told him baptized, yeah. all the system turned off clap, they restarted it, they said, if possible, please apologize , but they began to watch me, i made this sign again, the second time the same thing happened, when they restarted the system, they said, please, just don’t make this sign, but the finger he didn't count anyway. i was once given this visa, i don’t understand so that you don’t completely break the embassy, ​​but for now we ’ll take a short break, i remind you of our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and offer us new, interesting guests, we connections!
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in general, if these guys start bothering you , just tell me, i’ll personally send you first class, okay, no need, everything’s fine, i sorted everything out, i didn’t eat my breakfast, i didn’t take you to training, 0:00, thank you great, i’m so great, you support me so much, despite this whole pregnancy of mine, here is our most valuable employee, let’s go, i have everything before you. prize, listen, luda, if you continue to separate yourself from the team like this, i will have to seriously think about your stay at the first stage of the cup, think about it, this is the stadium meets the race leader lyudmila primakova, 100 m to the finish and russia has gold, hello baby, it’s me, your mother, just if you
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tell ruslan that lyuda is pregnant from him, how will he react, he won’t forgive her that she’s from she hid this from him, watch the series legal. doping on the belarus24 tv channel are ready for an exciting adventure through the cities of belarus on the banks of one of the cleanest rivers in europe and in the second honorable city of belarus, gomel, the borders of three lands, the lands of drigovich and razimic and krivichai, and then the principalities of smalensky, chernigov and turvopinsky principalities. unique architectural monuments await you, famous! russian art critic georgy lukomsky, having visited the palace in 1913 , wrote: “this is one of the richest estates in the russian empire.” and the most interesting historical facts. karaleva bonasforza, staying on her land, adved ragachou, adved her castle, as they know here on
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the castle not far away. eight of them were given to the fundamentar of the cascel, with various privileges. the photograph, measuring 42 by 94 cm, was taken contact method in 1903, and only four such photographs are known in the world. watch in the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel . on the air again say, don’t be silent, our guest is our great father fyodor povny. father fedor is another one. the call for a bloody armed coup came from the lips of the pope, who heads the schismatic belarusian orthodox church in exile. what happens in the souls we talked about in the previous part about the souls of churchmen calling for similar
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actions, to fight the authorities, with their own people, with weapons, what happens in the soul of another person, we never know, and honestly, we don’t even want to think about it, about this abomination. this is disgusting, this is an abomination, i’d rather pray for my earthly fatherland, for the authorities and armies, for the head of our state, for the hierarchy, for my loved ones, so that the lord would give wisdom to my people, our leader. saved you and me from rash actions, and especially
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from such spiritually unhealthy individuals. at the same time, we think that you do not stand aside, and of course you see everything, and just like that, that the ukrainian government today is simply repressing the ukrainian orthodox church, with what feelings do you observe these processes? truly believing orthodox ukrainians are the confessors of our time, it is sad to realize that lawlessness is happening, but it gives us hope that people do not renounce the true faith, they find courage in themselves, even in silence. our handsome city of loev, where i spent my childhood, early
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childhood, it is located on the border of three slavic states, i made my first pilgrimage in my mother’s womb to saint theodosius of chernigov, in his youth. it was hard to imagine that they would come true, especially so soon, but i think the lord
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will manage everything, we need to sincerely pray for our brothers and sisters in faith, ask god, and he will put everything in its place, everything will be... connected in a way with our land, with its history, we don’t just need to focus our attention on belarus within the current
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borders, as a historical territory, it has changed over time, and i sometimes say this a little ironically, i wouldn’t have wooed alexandrevsky, daughter of polotsk. there would have been no prince daniil of moscow, their son daniil, who became daniil of moscow, there would have been no daniil of moscow, there would have been no moscow, well , maybe a little in common parlance, but nevertheless, well, and then this is not only a very famous great commander, but also a man of the greatest mind, that is, a profound diplomat who... managed to save the people, the country, at a time when everything was on the brink.
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not just collapse, but enslavement, well, our interest in the personalities of that time, as evidenced by the fact that we need, yes, i think that forgetting history is very dangerous, huh, it always leads to ignorance of the truth, we often use historical surrogates, and today it’s time... to clear it out, because there is a lot that is very empty, invented, incorrect, in fact, everything was a little different, but it seems to me that you are still in your answers in your actions, and well, again returning to the nevsky monument, you are in favor of the interaction of our
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slavic cultures, and by... fusing with the common, then we will get the result that ours needs culture, but never the one who distanced himself and said this is mine and nothing more, never got the result in history that we are talking about, but when we take alexander nevsky, the person agreed to
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obey for a while... i want to ask you one more question , you participated in a program where questions are for adults, and the format of this program does not allow you to hear your more detailed answers, there a girl asked you if you light a candle in the temple, will life get better, you answered succinctly, your life will get better, how...
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thank you for today, as always, we had enormous pleasure from communicating with you, well, we were somehow rejoiced or something, calmed down, thank you very much that on the eve of baptism you gave us hope, in general, instilled some optimism, well, the task at home, as always, we got from you to look at yourself carefully and give yourself honest answers to difficult questions. svetlana smolonskaya, victoria popova,
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we say goodbye to you for today, goodbye. goodbye, he's talking now. we all live by faith in our lives, but when it wavers in us, still, hope does not leave us, and if it wavers, we must remember that there is love that gives birth to hope and faith, this is the unity on which humanity lives and exists, until we saw each other, father fedor, in our new studio, a new tradition has appeared, our guests leave autographs of wishes for our program on this picture that artificial intelligence painted, we will ask you to sign to wish us something wonderful.
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may the lord protect us all.
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art critics call him a master thematic landscape, and his work is a chronicle of the era. a man with extraordinary energy and great love of life. having gone through the harsh school of life, he became one of. the most iconic artists of our time. 100 years since the birth of the people's artist of belarus leonid shchemelev. watch the fashion for culture project this weekend on the belarus24 tv channel. the belarusian balcony, it is the most important for western countries, they will not leave us alone, so we need to prepare, consolidate within the state, hold our elections, and the most important thing is to understand,
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as far as external matters are concerned, the elections are still ours, western countries do not recognize them, in 2024 we are electing people who will largely determine the future of the country for decades, these are truly popular elections. belarus is a beacon; for me it is more mature, more wise.
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