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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 18, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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not everyone accepted the unusual image of the car, it was precisely this decision that was defended by the chief designer zalya lvovich sirotkin, he personally approved it, it was fresh, original, was his verdict. 1965, leipzik international fair, gold... the medal was awarded to the twenty-seven ton car billaz-540. autumn 1966. plovdiv. gold medal. the presented forty-ton belaz-548a dump truck was also awarded the highest rating at these fairs. it was already a full-fledged road train with a carrying capacity of 65. mexico - diamond
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star of quality, another achievement of the zhodino automobile plant. by 1967 , the state certification commission approved five modifications of this giant twenty-seven-year-old, including those for operation in the tropics of the far north. the 540 new machines were hand-assembled, now we are assembling 131,306, various modifications, load-carrying capacities, pilas has stepped far forward and began to develop parts itself, make, pour, cook, about three cars, three mining dump trucks leave in a day.
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machines with a lifting capacity of 220 tons, 320, 450. they have become a kind of symbol of our country. pride is what every resident feels when he sees these giants working on large construction sites.
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adventures of foreigners in belarus , and what is this or is it also unclear, no, i don’t take those, i don’t take mushrooms that i don’t know, well, we probably have enough for tomorrow, enough for breakfast, you have yuko here, and you sell yuca, in lingi, a guy from ecuador has lived here for 8 years and travels around our towns and villages, it’s delicious, and it’s cold.
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let's talk about complex things in simple language. today we’ll talk about what the prices for medications in belarus consist of, whether they will decrease and how to save money. go! during this period, we begin to get sick more and go to pharmacies more often. when your nose is clogged and your body aches from fever, we all need a magic pill that will cure the cold and its complications. unfortunately, such a pill has not yet been invented, so every sick person carries from the pharmacy a heavy bag of medicine and a long receipt, often with three-digit numbers. and if the number of positions in a check depends on our immunity, then the numbers in it can be done regulated only by the state. what does it do? belarus has returned to reference pricing for medicines. referential means serving to correlate with something, to bind to something. in this case, reference pricing is setting
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a price for a product based on how much it costs in countries with economies, plus or minus, similar to ours. in the situation with medicines, the ministry of health has compiled a list of drugs that belarusians most often... use, and the council of ministers has ordered: selling prices for these drugs cannot be set higher than the state allows. the list can be found in savmin resolution no. 444 of july 6 , 2023. it slightly changed the list of 776 resolutions from 2018. you can google both and you will come up with the same list. it has 37 positions, for example, besoprol. and ampladipine, they lower blood pressure, acetylsalicylic acid bupuprofen are anti-inflammatory drugs, and there is an important nuance here: the list does not contain the names of the drugs, but the active ingredients on the basis of which the medications are made, the drugs themselves with
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about 900 of these active ingredients in belarus, suppliers can now buy them from manufacturers only at a price that our state will approve. now let’s talk about how prices for these are formed. to make the process transparent and understandable, our ministry of antimonopoly regulation, henceforth we will call it march, has created instructions on the methodology for calculating manufacturers’ maximum selling prices for medicines . it says that the price of the medicine is based on its average cost on the belarusian market in the last 6 months and its prices in another 14 countries. 13 of them are the same countries with economic systems similar to ours. their list is permanent, it is approved along with instructions on the methodology for calculating prices for medicine, this is an appendix to instructions number four. the list includes belgium, bulgaria, hungary, greece, kazakhstan, latvia, lithuania, poland, russia , romania, slovakia, france and the czech republic.
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the fourteenth country is always the state in which the drug is produced. in practice, it all looks like this. the manufacturer or its representative decides to sell the medicine in belarus. for example, made in india, they look at what the active substance is in it and check whether it is in the list of the new version 776 of the savmin’s resolution, they find it there, which means that they need to agree with the state on the price at which it can be purchased for belarus, if the drug has already been was sold on our market, they take its average purchase price in the last 6 months, for example, it is 20 rubles per 10 g. then they look at what the production price is. list in india itself, add up these 14 , sell it to 13 countries from the approved indicators and divide by 14, get the average selling price of the drug in the reference countries, for example, it is 22 rubles per 10 g. then the average price of the drug on the belarusian market
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over the last six months is added up with the average price of the reference markets, in our example it is 20 + 22 and the arithmetic average is derived, that is, the result is divided by... they get 21 rubles for 10 g of the drug, this figure becomes the price ceiling at which you can buy medicines from the manufacturer for the belarusian market. no, the fact is that drug manufacturers do not sell them directly to pharmacies; they work with wholesale companies that have everything for receiving, transporting, storing and shipping drugs. the batch is bought from a belarusian or foreign manufacturer, in belarus the supplier's warehouse, and from there they are sold or simply delivered to pharmacies. in this case, the supplier works as an intermediary, bears the costs, wants to recoup them and make a profit. therefore he throws on the price, which the manufacturer paid for the medicine in wholesale and retail premiums, they amount to
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about 35% of the cost of the drug. you can’t add a premium to the price because of the ear. the process of setting prices for medicines, both from the list of especially in demand and all others, is strictly regulated by the decree. presidential no. 366 on the formation of prices for medicines, medical products and medical equipment. it states that the maximum wholesale markup can be: from the price of the drug, maximum retail - 30%. at in this case, the more expensive the medicine, the lower the premium should be. and here pharmacy retailers need to put together the pricing puzzle in such a way that it is beneficial for their pharmacy clients. imported medicines are always more expensive, because the supplier includes in its costs not only the maintenance of warehouses and transport specialists, but also the costs of delivery from abroad and customs expenses. there are wholesale companies for which this task is easier than others. because they own their own pharmacy chain, for example, belpharmacea and medvax, and also, i hear interfarmax, unipharm and
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vitvar. the maximum permissible prices for the purchase of medicines for the belarusian market are agreed not for the supplier, but for the manufacturer; whoever wants to sell his medicine here on the market of our country, he will be able to sell it only at the price agreed upon by march. if the manufacturer decides that it is time to increase the price, he or his representatives will have to go through the entire procedure for agreeing on the selling price for the drug again in march. the pharmaceutical market is a space where, in an unusual way, in a 50x50 proportion, seemingly incompatible phenomena: concern for people and thirst for profit. many players in this market understand that people’s lives depend on their work, and no matter what happens in the world, they try to deliver medicines to consumers. also, for the chance to restore. each of us at a critical moment is ready to give our last. pharmaceutical companies know this; they
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did not spend millions of dollars creating and developing their production in order to lose lucrative markets. therefore , as a rule, manufacturers and their representatives. they themselves apply to the march of belarus to obtain the right to sell their products here. agree on maximum selling prices for medications. for the belarusian market back in 2018 , alexander lukashenko ordered. the president saw that the quality of life of belarusians depended on this segment of trade and did not consider it possible to let pricing in it take its course. then the new scheme worked, drug prices dropped, the market became transparent, and competition on it was healthy. but 2020 came and coronavirus. they went into deep quarantine entire countries. borders were closed and logistics were disrupted. the supply of medications was already under threat;
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it was impossible to delay them by agreeing on selling prices; thousands of people might not receive the necessary medications on time, so the president canceled the mandatory agreement on prices for smart drugs. the priority became high speed rather than low delivery price. the storm has passed: “we have emerged from the coronavirus hell and straightened our shoulders under the onslaught of sanctions.” in april of this year, the head of state ordered the return of the reference pricing for medicines. the medarat market will make it possible, if not to reduce, then to stabilize their prices. the cost of the same drug in different pharmacies in belarus can fluctuate within 70 rubles. the difference is huge, but more often than not there are no violations of the law here, it’s just that pharmacy chains could give the drug at a discount, for example for... buying a large batch or because a fresh delivery arrived in time, and the old one was sitting in warehouses. before buying
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an expensive medicine, you should find it on the websites tablet by or 103 by, there is information there about the highest and lowest price for it in your locality throughout the country. but from those who are still confused by the cost of the drug, march accepts complaints and checks each case separately. saving on medicines starts from childhood. when no one smokes or drinks at the child’s home, and thus adults instill a behavior program in the child by their own example, when on weekends the family goes to the skating rink or to the pool, instead of drinking drinks of dubious benefit in dubious company, when the child is taught to chew carrots and an apple is no less common than a chocolate bar; all these are investments in a future without drugs. the best disease prevention for adults is moderate nutrition, adequate sleep, giving up bad habits and exercise. people who are accustomed to solving all problems with a pill may argue that in the acute period
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everything is listed to them as grain for an elephant, in the acute period - yes, but for those who respect their body, the risks of catching this acute period are reduced tenfold . in belarus, respect for the health of citizens is supported at the state level, at on billboards along our avenues, athletes are building sports complexes on the central streets of our cities. our president receives guests on the ski slopes. and hockey rinks, and journalists are gathered at the firewood chopping championship, and not on the dusty sidelines. this approach is the best way to save our money on medicines; all we have to do is use it. i'm marina karamanoch. what to expect from drug prices in belarus, we figured it out, everything is clear, see you later,
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the annual spanish culinary festival on the last wednesday of august. the ancient greek goddess of justice themis is always depicted the same way. she has scales in one hand and a sword her in the other hand. name the third distinctive feature of this goddess. and unexpected answers to them. ball, ball. i accept the answer ball. how does she hold the ball? this is not a shiva with many hands. unfortunately,
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we are not strong in operas, but we can. watch in the intellectual show tower on the belarus 24 tv channel. the news is now live, pavel lazovik is with you, good afternoon. transparency and controllability are the main requirements for innovations introduced in the country. at the palace of independence, today we examined a number of...


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