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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 18, 2024 3:10pm-3:26pm MSK

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today, any sphere of life is inextricably linked with security, all over the world it is considered as a platform for the development of each person’s country, how to neutralize the negative consequences of this process, the answer is laid down in the concept of national security and military doctrine, these most important documents were discussed the day before at a meeting of the council of foreign affairs. details of the topic in the project disposition. disposition is on the air, this is gagarin. go. the president, as you know, chaired a meeting of the security council. projects of the concept and national security were considered and military doctrine. and although we are talking about complex documents, the topic is not at all boring, especially in these times. the focus is on the letters that actually define what peace , war is, and in what cases the power component can become dominant in people’s lives. in addition, according to the new constitution, both documents are approved by the all-belarusian people's assembly. and this. of course, this is not the only thing
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regarding the concept and doctrine for the first time. let us immediately note that not all countries have such documents; their very presence speaks of the country’s maturity, ability start from the foundation by naming problems and taking responsibility in clearly defined acute situations. so, doctrine. what is important is that in her project, global changes in the world are not simply indicated, but are recorded in the context of amendments to the military security system. in other words, the document not only answers the question.
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we have defined and communicated the views of the republic of belarus on the use of tactical nuclear weapons located on our territory, a new chapter has appeared where we clearly define our allied obligations. thus, the document takes into account the provisions of the military doctrine of the union state, approved by alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin in november twenty-one . there are no dissonances now, and there is no dissonance
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with the invariably peaceful nature of the country’s foreign policy. it is appropriate to recall here that in the west, in particular in the doctrinal documents of the united states, it is openly indicated which countries pose a threat to america and its friends. frankly it is written in black and white what was wrong. we, in our formulations, lag behind such civilizational brutality, we limit ourselves to identifying the sources of threats, we become liberal, in general. we clearly emphasize and say in it that.
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but more broadly, issues of sustainable development are reflected in the concept of national security. here, in fact, the role of each citizen is visible, some in the information sphere, some in the economic, scientific, and so on. the threats have not been forgotten either. minsk in a new document makes it clear where it turns on the high beam and where the low beam, highlighting the classification of any potentially dangerous an object. we can say that the domestic council of best seeks to implement the one-window principle in the document. anyone can get a comprehensive one.
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society, that's about the people's militia. the belarusian concept has one more feature: low heads with academic titles worked on it in quiet offices. on the instructions of the president, belarusians discussed every detail, for which 70 discussion platforms were formed. by the way, the controversy over them still does not subside. people suggested this, it didn’t come from us, so therefore, this was understood and reflected in the sections of the national concept. security, communicating with representatives of our religious faiths, with our women's union, with barseem, to summarize, the draft updated documents are also a navigation support system for ourselves and our neighbors, where we are, what the weather and conditions are like, who is on the right, who is on the left, where we are going, in
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the end, how we see and build our path without threats, dangers and unnecessary restrictions. "berlin will not give kiev a long-range taurus missile." the bundestag opposed the transfer ukraine has such weapons. experts say that the decision is due to the fear of germany’s political elites being drawn into a direct military conflict with moscow due to the obvious defeat of the kiev regime. with the help of these taurus cruise missiles , ukraine can attack strategic targets in russia and turn the screw of escalation much further, warns. germany, if germany now supplies weapons that can be used to shell moscow. your miracle weapon for ukraine, mr. merce, is nothing more than a new
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level of escalation and an outrageous threat our safety here in germany. let us hope that in this house common sense will prevail over this madness. we don't need taurus for ukraine, we need it.
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then it is very difficult to get out, in addition, the main defendants in the case will talk about the ongoing lawlessness in the border areas of ukraine. pathfinder hunter, diver, demolitionist. there was always something blowing up in the house, shooting, the neighbors were cursing, calling the police.
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an unusual little man, cut off with a finger from the ukrainian borderland. don't worry, everything was covered for you.
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i'll tell you this, just crazy details survival of the borderlands of ukraine under the rule of special services and security forces, weapons were simply brought in by truckloads, fear of being shot, fear of being killed, sbu agent and gur from the ukrainian swamp, a sincere story from a tracker who has seen a lot, i came here with a weapon, failure of an sbu agent. mongoose, how the ukrainian special services are trying to blow up
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belarus, watch on january 18, after the panorama. for orthodox christians, the baptism of the lord is the day of preparation for the great feast of epiphany. on the eve, believers observe a strict one-day fast, the pre-holiday dinner is called hungry kutya; according to tradition , a symbolic dish of sochevo or kolevo, porridge made from zuren, wheat, etc., is placed on the table. with dried fruits and honey. in churches today there are divine liturgies, which end with the great illumination of water, taken on the eve of baptism, as on the holiday itself, water has special, healing, cleansing properties. the water is illuminated not only in the evening, of course on the feast of the epiphany itself, but this rite is the same, this water has the same effect, one and the same grace, and then people bring this water home, where they sprinkle all their things until...
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in minsk there are three rescue stations tsnyanskoe drozdy and komsomolskoe lake, at each post the ministry of emergency situations, emergency services and doctors will be on duty, next to the swimming places heated changing rooms and food outlets will be installed. the biathlon complex in chausy is preparing to host regional final competitions
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among children and teenagers, a snow sniper for the prizes of the presidential sports club, and so far schoolchildren from the district, urban rural schools, and young athletes have taken to the starts they don’t have big victories, but they dream about food and medals; helping their dreams come true is the main goal of the project. we usually play volleyball, football, basketball, and when it snows we go skiing. it's great that... such competitions are held, they give strength, self-confidence, and i think in the future , someday i will become an athlete, that i can ski, meet friends, find a lot of communication, this is very cool, a dream to take part in competitions and visit raubichi, he said that the weather was bad, maybe we won’t it might not be worth competing anymore , they said under no circumstances, we prepared so much, so much strength and desire, we wish everyone participation, we win, the organizers of the competition supported the guys for... schools in the chaovsky district, new ski sets were purchased, it will be updated in this year and a biathlon
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complex. after reconstruction, the route will become longer, with an additional loop of another one and a half kilometers. a sports review is ahead; right now elizaveta lashkevich will tell you about the main events of the minsk region. lisa, good afternoon, what interesting things can your audience expect? release? tatyana, greetings, there is a blizzard in the capital region, due to the strong snowy elements and gusty winds, a weather plan has been introduced and announced. orange level of danger and from arid africa to frosty belarus, a collection of succulents in the botanical garden on our air. thank you, we will see you at 17:00, see you later. the individual race at the russian cup stage in izhevsk ended with the victory of belarusian dmitry lazovsky. our biathlete left everyone behind him, including olympic medalist eduardo.
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6:1. let us remind you that earlier i made it to the second round alexandra sosnovich, who competes in the tournament in tandem with anna blinkova, if she successfully passes this stage in the third round, sosnovich and shimanovich can play against each other.


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