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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 18, 2024 7:00pm-7:25pm MSK

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evening opens news on belarus 1, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let's talk about the main thing at this hour. objectivity and correct management decisions as mechanisms for the protection and growth of the belarusian economy. the president, at a meeting with government leadership and governors, aims to prevent the withdrawal of capital to unfriendly countries. available millions of polish
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diplomats, earned from migrants, varzhava found the extreme, former deputy minister of foreign affairs petorvashikh was detained. another high-profile case of suppression by law enforcement officers networks of ukrainian agents, do not miss the film the failure of the sbu agent mongoose, as the ukrainian special services are trying to blow up belarus. with a kind heart to every home, a marathon in support of children with disabilities. started in minsk. about the protection of the belarusian market, innovations in customs legislation and work in the union state. a large meeting at the palace of independence considered a number of changes in legislative documents that affect various areas. all legislative innovations must stimulate the growth of the belarusian economy. alexander lukashenko gathered the leadership of the council of ministers and governors to collectively discuss the proposals.
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currently, there are hundreds of organizations operating in the country that can conduct assessments in such areas and must be exclusively professionals in their field. before april 1 , it is necessary to establish proper order by defining clear and understandable rules of the game. in addition , the government proposes to be more flexible towards owners from unfriendly countries. the president insists our economy needs to be protected from the lawlessness of the western elite.
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the government proposes to show more flexibility, i don’t know how much more bending can be done in matters of the sale of property by foreigners from unfriendly countries and to provide for cases when this is possible, it is never possible, but the government finds that it is impossible, but at some point it is possible , well , let's listen to which ones, of course, in order to defend on...
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the advisability of accepting proposals prepared by the government on permits for the sale of property by foreigners. belarus can and should engage in import substitution in those segments that were abandoned by investors from unfriendly countries due to sanctions. one of the striking examples is the mcdonald's fast food restaurant chain, which decided to curtail its activities and leave belarus. our country sells high-quality food products all over the world. so why can’t we produce our own burgers ourselves, deal with and keep this issue under control, the president instructed press secretary natalya eismond, from the government to first deputy prime minister nikolai snopkov. as a result, in twenty-five restaurants of the former mcdonald's, work is now organized and the products are in demand among the population. the door is open, leave, we didn’t keep anyone, but we didn’t kick anyone out either. they were told if you want to work.
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that we will create a single group that will make recommendations, see how customs control is carried out, and so on, without depriving states of these powers and functions, this means that we, russia and
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belarus are a sovereign and independent state, and from this it is necessary proceed by making certain decisions, certain questions, and as you can see. we manage to build such allied relations that no one on the planet knew or knows, they must be improved, the system is common, similar, whatever you want, but there must be two sovereign independent states, i just read a review that belarus is losing its sovereignty, we are not losing anything, not only you, but also journalists, you see that... on this sovereign territory, which belongs to our people, only we make decisions, and we act only in exceptional conditions that are beneficial for us. part of the norms in the draft document concerns national customs legislation;
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significant relief for business, reduction of administrative standards, simplification of procedures and reduction of their terms are proposed. another block of innovations concerns individuals. submit and an ordinary person who crosses the border will be able to submit not a paper declaration to fill it out at the checkpoint, but an electronic declaration, and in advance before entering the border, this time will naturally reduce, well, costs, and such an electronic declaration it is envisaged that it will be submitted free of charge, that is, without paying for this electronic transfer, if a person moves to us in belarus and imports his car, which he owns, now the norm is that such a car must be owned by the person for 2 years, now the norm will be in the project , a reduction of up to 6 months is included, the agenda also includes the issue of providing state support to two construction organizations in the bresse and
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grodno regions, the president emphasized that the company has enough opportunities to to earn money, there are enough objects not only in the domestic, but in the foreign markets, is this a serious question? for which state support is requested is rather an exception to the rule. according to the relevant minister, in general, the construction industry in the country operates stably with an average profitability of 9%. at one time, while carrying out serious amounts of work, everyone tried to demonstrate themselves at a construction site, but did not monitor the correctness of the calculations and systems. titles behind those, well, let’s say, issues that are hidden somewhere in the background, but that doesn’t is becoming less important, so we looked at how the enterprise can be helped, how they can achieve the ability to function independently, to function successfully,
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of course, the head of state demanded that the enterprises themselves work to restore their solvency, to increase the volume of contract work this is probably the first condition for them, they must demonstrate a desire to live successfully and work, so based on the results of our judgment we will adjust our proposals that were set out in the draft decree. we will tighten the deadlines for the installment plans that we plan to provide, and we will certainly raise the bar for the results that we expect from them. we discussed in detail the issue of financing the earth sensing spacecraft, there should be no unnecessary expenses, the president expects maximum economic returns from the project, this project is not only about national security, it is a promising area of ​​scientific cooperation that will allow the development of belarusian and russian competencies. details of the big meeting look today in panorama. the belarusian
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economy performed above forecast last year, with gdp growing by 3.9%. industry traditionally remains the main driver, production growth by 7.7%. the maximum output over the past 5 years has been ensured for such product items as mining dump trucks, buses, trucks, and cars. construction also shows good results. trade, as for real incomes of the population, they also increased, while inflation turned out to be lower than forecast at 5.8%. this is one of the lowest rates in the region, many countries of the european union have higher inflation; our main trading partners, the russian federation, have inflation of 7.4, that is, we have less, and this has been achieved. not only due to price regulation measures, but there is also an important factor here, external conditions, import prices,
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world prices for food, they have decreased somewhat, yes, this worsened the conditions of our exporters, but from the point of view of inflation of the domestic market, this had a positive effect. overall, the economic growth of belarus in last year exceeds the global average, which is estimated at 103%. a functioning economy remains a priority of belarusian policy. 2024 should work as a year of quality plus the reputation of belarusian goods, now everyone is puzzled by increasing competitiveness, everything depends on us. there will be no war if we each do what we are obliged to do in our place, if our economy works. our
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enemies, let's say openly, choose the right moment to bring us to our knees, we must not let them. such a chance, and for this we have everything, everything depends on us , do not destroy yourself for the sake of a nato pawn, this was the call made by the leader of the french patriots party florian philippot, promising ukraine new self-propelled artillery units at a time when the ssu is losing on the battlefield, complete madness , according to the policy. france pledged to produce 78 kaiser installations for the kiev regime. at a time when
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ukraine is losing, when the americans themselves stop all supplies of weapons and money. this madness must stop, let's choose peace and let's stop destroying ourselves for the sake of a nato pawn. this is the reaction to the announcement by paris and kiev of the creation of an artillery coalition for the supply of weapons and ammunition. according to some sources , the production of one such howitzer costs approximately 5 million euros. who will be responsible for the criminal millions that the polish leadership, under the rule of law and justice, earned from migrants? today, tusk's security forces detained former deputy foreign minister piotr wawrzyk. the ex-diplomat is being investigated in connection with receiving a monetary reward. for expedited consideration of the issue of issuing visas. the fact that he and his colleagues were involved in transporting migrants from asia came to light last year
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right before the parliamentary elections, but the pisovites hushed up the scandal with their fellow party member and dismissed him in absentia. the new prime minister tusk is reopening a high-profile case that the regime hid under the carpet. whether this means that official warsaw admits that it has become the center of an international corruption crime, it is unlikely that the new prime minister simply continues to clean up the political field. formally, wawrzyk faces up to 10 years in prison, but the suspect did not admit guilt and refused to give an explanation; the defendant was released on bail of more than 20 thousand. euro. the activity of foreign intelligence services on our territory is seen and suppressed. let me remind you that the president of belarus spoke about this on december 14 at a meeting with the heads of delegations participating in the meeting of the heads of security agencies and intelligence services of the cis states. this cooperation makes it possible to better understand each other’s interests, take them into account and
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take specific measures to counteract threats. moreover, when opponents send not spies into our country, but... explosives and terrorists, they try to create extremist cells, form regiments from our fugitives, and recruit mercenaries. the belarusian authorities not only see this, but effectively suppress it, despite the serious number of attempts by destructive forces to start a fire in our country. we see very serious activity on the territory of belarus, i’m not exaggerating anything, on the contrary, i can’t say everything, you understand me, we are with the russians. federations, well, probably already about two dozen detained groups of terrorists who are primarily seeking terrorist operations on the territory of russia and belarus, well, okay, against russia, there is ukraine, something else, we are what we owe them, we are nato, what we are owed, we live quietly, calmly,
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without disturbing anyone, i recently spoke with your colleagues and leaders from all leading countries. intelligence services, i asked them a direct question: what do you want from us, didn’t you know that we entered into an agreement with russia, that we have the most rigorous military-political cooperation, so you are helping russia there, i say, we helped, we will help , we say this frankly, we never hid it , this is our ally, starting from the time when i said that we will not allow russians to shoot in the back, through the territory of belarus, we adhere to this principle, that it wasn’t here, i... before the conflict in ukraine, everything was clearly understood, so there is no need to make claims against us, our policy is transparent, open, and we will always adhere to such a policy, so that you know, episodes, as we see, with the capture of foreign agents there are plenty, for objective reasons we cannot tell about them all, but we will show in
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detail one of these stories, this is another high-profile case of suppression by the state security committee. a network of ukrainian agents who were involved in the transfer of explosive weapons to belarus. the uniqueness of this special operation is that the illegal route of the offender to our country was by water through difficult swamps. getting there and then getting out is very difficult. the main person involved with the call sign mongoose, with a very interesting track record, will also tell about what is happening in the border areas of ukraine, which found itself under total pressure from security forces from gura and the sbu.
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gave up, loss of consciousness, legs swollen , all developed by a mongoose, almost covered my soul with ulcers, the last foray into belarus, well, they said, if he refuses, go there and want to surrender or something else,
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then like shoot him and go away yourself, i’m like that i always shoot, two mongooses, agent, immediately after arrest and after i realized that i would have to answer for everything. i called elk at night. the moose approached from the belarusian side about meters 50, barked at me and abruptly walked back. this means that he heard the people, and the wind was from him towards me, you led me from the very border, i’ll tell you so. just wild. details of survival in the borderlands of ukraine, under the rule of intelligence services and security forces. the weapons were brought in just by the truckload. fear of being shot, fear of being killed. sbu agent igur from a ukrainian swamp, a candid story from a tracker who has seen it. a lot, i came here with a weapon, the failure of the sbu agent mongoose, how the ukrainian special services are trying to blow up belarus, see january 18, after
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panoramas. the government, at the second meeting of the organizing committee, to celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, discussed the location of the military parade on july 3. for today, as noted. have a direct bearing on this issue, to finally decide on the option, or, if there are several of them , then it probably makes sense to report to the president of the republic to make a final decision, the second question concerns the awarding of populated cities... they will award vimpil, also cultural a list of cities hosting
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the event is now being compiled, and a logo for this holiday is being discussed as a key design element for all celebrations. recruits from the minsk regional department of the ministry of emergency situations took an oath of allegiance to their chosen cause, to saving people. each fighter heard parting words for some of the service's rescuers. in the ministry of emergency situations it is not just a job, but a family matter and tradition. my father worked in emergency departments for 29 years, all my life i saw how he treated this profession responsibly approached his work, raised many generations during his service, and was an example for me, an example of courage, and all my life i aspired to the same and wanted to join ... service in the emergency department, rescuers have no the right to make mistakes, rescuers have one right, they always fulfill their professional duty correctly and honestly. those guys
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who took the oath here today, probably from their homeland, are guys who, from the first day in the ranks, underwent initial training and we are ready every day to show courage, professionalism and fruitfulness to the point of risking our lives to save others. young oath. efficiency of the fire departments of the central region. over the past year , rescuers from the minsk region extinguished more than 1,300 fires and rescued 218 people. with a kind heart to every home, the citywide charity marathon started today in minsk. it united 44 families raising children with disabilities. they will collect financial assistance for...
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one stroller was allocated by the correction center development, now it’s already wearing out, it wouldn’t hurt, well, the child is growing up, something better than a wheel is already needed. my daughter, polina , needs a specialized chair, which is expensive, it so happened that we were diagnosed with cerebral palsy, a tragedy occurred in the city, as a result of which the child became disabled from the first day of her life.
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you, and you didn't help me. the charity event was organized by the minsk city executive committee with the support of the belarusian union of women of white russia.


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