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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 19, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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in without parental care, because on the initiative of the children's fund, such a program was created in the country as raising children at family -type homes, it is thanks to the initiative of the children's children's fund that this form of education exists, few people know that the belarusian children's fund at the dawn of its creation was the initiator of honoring the celebration june 1st day. protection of children back in 1988, few people know that since 1991, at the initiative of the children's fund, a law on the rights of the child was adopted, few people know that belarusian children's fund, even before the campaign, our children were the first to visit children 's institutions, hospitals, a burn center, our cardiology, traumatology center, mental health center, now as part of the campaign our... the children's fund
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is a warm home program, the children's fund is help and support from the ministry of health, the cardiology center, thanks to the support, we have been working closely with them for many years, only in the last 5 years, 14, 14, let’s say. more than fourteen medical equipment, fourteen units were transferred to children's surgical center, and the children's foundation is a foundation that does not stop at just helping in clinics, but also conducts a health campaign according to the program cheerful hearts and a kind heart, this is for those children who are healed only by the only children's fund, a public association that conducts recovery is in... in the bison in hope for our
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children who have undergone heart surgery, these are children not only in rehabilitation in a medical institution, they are resting on this shore of our beautiful norochan reservoirs, and these are children who are in remission after oncology, this is the rainbow heart for more than 20 years, that is, this is gradual systematic work, program work and... the most important thing, it seems to us, for us, our achievements of the children's fund is recognition of society our work, this is very important, yeah, methods of assistance and rehabilitation are being improved today, probably all over the world, do you, on the one hand, accept the experience of foreign colleagues, and on the other, perhaps some of our developments will also be of interest abroad, our approach is ours rehabilitation, it is special because it...
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rehabilitation, which has no equal in any country in the world, because our rehabilitation in our even in our center is accessibility first of all, yes, it is the use of biofeedback equipment , these are the principles of early rehabilitation, something that is not available in other countries, these are rehabilitation courses that... are approved by the ministry of health, these are the principles of rehabilitation, continuity, phasing, and complexity, and what is typical for rehabilitation in our center is that when a child comes to us for rehabilitation, he is immediately met by a team of specialists who gives recommendations for one course of rehabilitation, all specialists are assigned one task.
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those at the forefront must adopt this method from us, this method of comprehensive rehabilitation is aimed at one child, the duration of this course and the fact that we go to the child, we go to the child, throughout his entire period when he is in disabled status, he is accompanied, and this together with three ministries that are responsible for the child, that is, the ministry.
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health care there are early intervention centers. the ministry of education is the centers of correctional development, which act as methodological centers. ministry of labor and social protection. these are centers where they provide technical equipment, and most importantly, the emphasis on self-care and socialization of a child with a disabled status , assistance to his family, this is very important, so it seems to me that in our country the experience of rehabilitation is quite significant, and i know that our foreign guests arrive, who quietly envy our country, because we have preserved those traditions and those approaches that they have, unfortunately , been destroyed, as for the children's fund, these are family-type homes, as for comprehensive rehabilitation in our country, this is due to the state we have maintained support, we are developing it, and we are striving, striving for
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improvement, this year, the twenty -fourth, as we know, has been declared the year of quality in our country, what are the priorities in our work in this regard? so that they have enough, let's say, places for work are equipped so that they take good care of their health , first of all, for me personally, a year of quality, it seems to me that you wake up, live the day,
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if you lived it with the feeling that you have done something for these children, for the country, in which you live, this is a year of quality, well, thank you for the question. rehabilitation center for disabled children, chairman of the board of the belarusian children's fund. results-analysis of the main events of this week in the information and analytical program etn main broadcast. all projects of our tv channel available on the website, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you, all the best.
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who we detain, who we condemn, the president raised the issue of the fairness of criminal penalties, the activities of government public bodies.
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it allows us to revise legislation , including the criminal code , in order, perhaps, to soften the punishment somewhere under those articles that do not quite work today; the head of state also set the task so that this would not just be in general order, but mandatory take an individual approach to each article, each situation, analyze, and the internal affairs bodies were given a special task to analyze, since it was the employees of the internal affairs agency...
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the other day, literally in grodno , foreign terrorists brought to us were neutralized, the special services worked brilliantly, a whole an arsenal of weapons and explosives intended for high-profile terrorist attacks against citizens and government officials. how to trace this thread here, how to work out this direction, i completely agree with you that
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regarding the threat, namely, we have approved a set of cooperative and growth measures , we are working not only preventively, but operationally, our internet intelligence unit is working, because if you noticed, especially at the beginning of the election campaign, they are trying to influence somewhere specifically. .. i say with confidence, because most of the people who also insulted and so on,
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then including through our pardon commission, many have already come here, and they will also come, the most important thing is what i wanted i would like to pay attention so that our citizens who live do not succumb to provocations, the parents explained to the children, because it was the youth who were already born in the modern republic of belarus...
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years when the situation was really very tense, we did the work on the mistakes, we we analyzed the situation, already for the 2022 referendum, security at polling stations was ensured in a completely different way, that’s why tactics and strategy have already been developed, we are preparing our personnel, because the personnel must be ready to act in any situation, including the most difficult ones, our president always says: do you want peace? prepare for war, we are doing exactly the same thing, yes, today security
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is ensured, yes, the operational situation is under control, but still the personnel must be ready to rise at the muster signal to complete the assigned task in any situation, and we conduct such exercises in over the course of the year, more than one exercise has already been carried out, so we are preparing personnel, as for ensuring the protection of public order at polling stations, we we are also ready for this, every polling station will be inspected , alarm buttons will be installed , already today in all regions, in the adjacent territory where there were previously polling stations, a video surveillance system has been installed, i will give the example of the city of minsk, they have already allocated a special room where at least 50 people will work, each polling station and the surrounding area will be monitored, in case of the slightest danger, special rapid response teams will be assigned, who will provide assistance to employees
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who will ensure the protection of public order inside this premises, so we have the situation under... control and i am sure that the tactics and actions that we have planned will yield results, and we will ensure safety , i also want to say that since 2020 we have worked very well on legislation and the threats that have existed today, legislation allows us to ensure the protection of public order and work somewhere ahead of the curve, i i want to tell everyone, including those who are watching us from abroad: there will be no such thing as it was in 2020, when they walked, blocked streets, beat benches, destroyed infrastructure, the slightest violation of the current legislation, the reaction will be instantaneous, therefore there will be no excesses, but order will be ensured, order on the streets will be ensured, and how the ministry of internal affairs will work in the region still does not give up hope, but opponents
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of the authorities will influence the minds of our people, as regards legislation for the spread. in the twentieth year, there was a focus on intimidating officials, they did not disdain children, families, and so on. today we are working with regard to internet intelligence, i would also like to say that we are monitoring every publication today and reporting it without fail. legal assessment, if
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someone outside the border thinks that we don’t know their plans, we know everything perfectly well, we have full control, today, with regard to professionalism, including our employees who are engaged specifically in internet intelligence, in technical terms training, then there are such specialists, they are ready to counteract exactly the evil that is happening on the internet, but once again i want to say that not a single publication that insults our citizens, insults officials, threatens someone, will not go unnoticed. and we will definitely give a legal assessment. ivan vladimirovich, in the internal troops, for example, 2024 has been declared the year of professional growth, are we talking about the creation of new special forces? 2024 has been declared the year of quality in the republic of belarus, our president , naturally, has a year of quality in
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the internal affairs bodies, today professional training is the main component ...
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of cooking, and as for instructors, we involved not only our specialists who we have in the internal troops, but also internal affairs bodies, the almaz special unit, but you also know very well that we have involved instructors from the wagner pmc who have combat experience, on the practical side we are already training our fighters, i want to say right away that the level of training has increased, one might say , significantly, especially with...
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information before you, employees of internal affairs bodies, other government agencies, everyone knew that this, i’m not talking about now, is about older people who, due to their age, can commit some mistakes, these are young people who know very well, work, but still not only give their last to the scammers, but also try to get loans from the bank and for this to get into debt in order to give it to the scammers, yes, i understand that there is a certain ...
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that because of their pranks they stop organizations, enterprises, sometimes we have to block traffic and so on, what damage is caused, again, this work
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is being carried out in absolutely all directions, we are also taking measures in technical terms to block such false messages and prevent them from entering the territory of the republic of belarus, also, as of today, we have already made proposals regarding changes in legislation, and i am sure that the measures being taken, of course, will allow us to limit to a certain extent such false reports that come into our territory, i want to say that they also mainly come from abroad, this includes ukraine, and other countries, well, you noted that calls from abroad sometimes come in about mining there, what do you think they want opponents will see by this, the reaction of the law enforcement bloc, how quickly and clearly you will work, they are definitely testing the waters somewhere. degree, that is, how the internal affairs bodies react, whether they respond to messages, but try to disrupt some important events that
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are taking place in our country, they are looking for people who they are carrying out this false mining, so the goal of the government’s opponents, well , it’s clear, there is only one, they are trying to destabilize the situation in our country, they have already tried many times... it didn’t work and i’m sure it won’t work. ivan vladimirovich, the operational situation is reported to you every day. listening to the reports, and your employees, what do you pay attention to, as if you know, mark the emphasis, yes, work it out, make a comment, there is a category of events that happen that i pay attention to, starting from fires, especially with the death of people from road traffic accidents. ending with serious, especially serious crimes, if we talk about a traffic accident where people died, i am required to additionally set the task of reporting what
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the road surface was like? maybe you already have some suggestions for developments? there are proposals, and indeed, today, probably, the time has come when it is necessary to carry out a certain revision of the criminal legislation and look at each article, a little later we let's touch on the issues of amnesty, the president has set a task, everywhere you need to approach it individually, today, in general, as far as the criminal code is concerned, it allows you to accept it.
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penalties for certain citizens who committed a crime, but perhaps, given the fact that a lot of time has passed and the situation has really returned to normal, we probably still need to reconsider and analyze. well, at first glance, perhaps there are some articles in the criminal code that are dead and don’t work, but in principle they exist, but is there something like that? the same article, human trafficking, today there is no such big problem in society as it used to be. and it was necessary to tighten the legislation in this regard, today we practically, well, not practically, but there are very few such crimes, so perhaps it is necessary to revise the legislation somewhere in these issues, and there are many such articles of the criminal code, but i say again , each article needs to be dealt with individually, and as for economic security, these are corruption crime, maybe on the contrary
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it should be done more harshly? so that again it works for prevention. the court has the ability to apply an upper limit and a lower limit depending on the crime committed. therefore, in this regard, i, as the minister of internal affairs, well, i can’t say anything, in the investigation and in the courts, today there is an opportunity to influence those individuals who stumbled, took a bribe, and committed a corruption crime. on the day of the crime, the victim grabbed his wife by her clothes and threw her to the floor. broke his head, pulled out the phone was out of her hands, did not allow her to make calls to seek help from leaving the apartment, after committing a crime, she called an ambulance herself, before her arrival she provided first aid to her husband, well , why was she imprisoned at all if she was defending herself, if her husband was bullying him, well, this is just one example, well, that’s why we need to fundamentally deal with each person, and not just free them or punish them,
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that’s what we do.” the proposed amnesty, which will take place on the landmark date, should not take place traditionally, many factors must be taken into account. how do you plan to work in this direction? we analyzed the amnesty that took place in 2022, all the shortcomings, all the issues that arose during that amnesty, we analyzed how those citizens who were amnestied behaved, i want to say that if we talk about relapse, then out of... 5,500 citizens who, to whom the amnesty was applied, would have committed a crime again 274 people, this is about 4%, that is, this is a small percentage, that is, people understand and they value the chance that the country gave them, that is, they backed down, but the country gave them a chance , they took advantage of this chance, as for the proposal for amnesty in 2024,
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we basically... made a proposal, this is in relation to a special category of citizens, women with minor children who are raised by women, as well as those men who are raising minor children, special attention was paid to mothers of many children, the president generally approved the proposal that i reported, but the task was set, every...


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