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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 19, 2024 11:35pm-12:06am MSK

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i like the diagnostic search, why exactly do i work at the site, because well, a hospital, a person came to the hospital, you examined him, you treated him, gave recommendations, left, after all, at the site it is much more interesting, the diagnostic search begins with the primary medical level, they they come back to us, that is, we see the results of our work, namely the achievements in our work, the gratitude of the patient.
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we could start with one of the oldest lighthouses in the far east. it is a reference point not only for the court, drivers, but also manufacturers, there is a sea, and more than one , we could talk about bridges, building them, which are not necessary in a union state, they already exist, here behind me is a russian bridge, by the way, it was built by two brigades, walking towards each other, this is the second highest bridge in the world, now it appears on the new russian two-thousand banknote. but let's start with
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what every belarusian has on their table : herring, salmon and mentai, quite possibly, this comes from here. it’s as if the surgery is preparing for an operation. what are we wiping here, any housewife
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at least once i cut up fish, but as it happens on an industrial scale, the equipment and technology is a russian pollock plant, having changed clothes and having been instructed, we are taken to the workshop, that’s it, come to me, push the horizontal bar, push, push, come for the local colorful, unique at the entrance, sanitary checkpoint from brest, where are you from? the fish is defrosted at a temperature of 14° for 2 hours. in this situation, we see barbatage, which is the mixing of layers of water so that there is a uniform mixture of raw materials. after sorting, the fish arrives to the badar area where filleting takes place. dividing the carcass into two fillets, cutting it, and the backbone part ends up in the waste, on the waste belt goes to... waste, but do you have waste
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or it is then with it, that is, waste that we process flour, feed flour, that is roughly speaking, there is fillet, there is flour, there is also minced meat, we make a piece. in russia, russian fishing company. every year from here belarus purchases about 15 thousand tons of mentai, twice as much herring. coming to the inspection table. here we are, the most important people, the most important people, yes, these are the people who see the fillet last. they are on the x-ray table , x-raying the fillet for the presence of parasites , left bones, hematomas, black films of poverty, they are the most final people, that is, not a single bone will slip through, you see, everything is left, it glows, it glows, this is a defect, a defect of the machine , they
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refine it later, the closed cycle is mined by the fleet of a russian fishing company in one of the cleanest waters of the world's oceans. russia, usa, south korea, countries european union and belarus. if not mentai, then you've definitely tried crab sticks made from fish from the far east. we cooperate with belarusian companies, we are developing our cooperation, we have direct access to networks that...
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it will go very well with belarusian potatoes, so i think it will be a very good duet, and salmon, well, it will depend, i think that at the beginning there will be small test batches, well, where would we be without crabs, shrimp caviar, a wide variety of caviar, the far east, it is all with the taste of the sea.
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belarusians in the future we are separated by seven sentries belts, that is, when we are just waking up, here in the primorye region of russia life is already in full swing, other than that, getting here is not easy, with a transfer in moscow or st. petersburg and a gas station in yekaterinburg, it’s rough, but it’s almost a day on the road , but by the summer everything could change, they promise direct flights. about the roads, it seems that everything has been decided, in vladivostok we were invited to the information and analytical center, from here they monitor the traffic situation in the city, where it has been cleared, where special equipment needs to be sent to what volume, where the yards are filled with cars and you need to remove them first, we see for each
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vehicle it works what type of special equipment we scatter, we don’t scatter , the headquarters works. daily in conjunction with the traffic police and the ministry of emergency situations, we are removing the consequences, let’s say , of the problems brought to us by the snow cyclone, to a greater extent, we are now removing snow from the territory of vladivostok, but we have not had a disaster of this scale for a long time. this winter in the primorsky territory turned out to be record snowfall in some areas. so much snow fell that people could not get out of their houses.
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there is practically no foreign-made equipment, which is why our closest possibilities are russian and belarusian production, but belarusians are not perceived here as foreigners, well, yes, since we have always been close, therefore, as such , belarus is perceived as one, something united and there is no big division made from this, well, we see this equipment, is it still waiting in the wings or does it need repair, is that? equipment that is waiting for its work, since our work is shift work, the enterprise is in
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the present operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so this equipment will soon be on the roads of vladivostok again in the shortest possible time. well, you agree that this is such belarusian technology, they are hard workers who are ready for a long time, and they are very unpretentious in their operation, that’s why.
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equipment, so they planned to create a regional warehouse, well then we definitely won’t feel any sanctions, probably no other restrictions, well, if possible, but in order not to feel sanctions, we need, of course, to switch to components russian and belarusian manufacturers, and in general the region's need for our machines for this year is more than 400 units, again contacted vascador to provide us with loaders for snow removal. the car was very well recommended for its work in previous regions, so now we will
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expand this line, fortunately you have it, and i think that it will still work on our coastal roads and on the streets of our cities. by the way, rewind our interview with the governor of the primorsky territory a minute, you can understand how belarusians are greeted here, without agreements, protocol of official letters. oleg nikolaevich, hello, hello! primorsky krai, but before that there were sakhalin and the amur region, kamchatka, oleg kazhimyaka headed each of the regions and built bridges with belarus, the grandmother from the gomel region does not hide, there is confidence that you can deal with belarusians , when there is, of course, a guarantor, the president, then you understand that it’s not you who shouldn’t let you down, and the guys won’t let you down. oleg kozhimyaka was in minsk many times, met with the president, and concluded contracts.
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this is the world’s eastern gateway, and on november 1
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, an agreement on a transport expedition was already signed between the belarusian logistics monster, one might say, this is burdensome orsha , which includes ruzexpedition, and the russian-chinese partner. this year the agreement will begin to work; it is already acquiring serious related areas, including air. load the airport in vorsha, which was built within the framework of presidential decree 506 on the development of a special economic zone. first of all we count to begin with download our. flagships of mechanical engineering, components from the asia-pacific region, at present this is already carried out by land transport, by rail, through china we receive machine kits in zhodino on belzhi, and our partner, a russian-chinese logistician , successfully carries out these deliveries, there were some minor
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problems associated with insufficiency of trains on the part of the russian railway. on the road, but our partner has shown its worth; today the ports of vladivostok are completely unloaded , and practically not a single vehicle kit is here, well, you said that this is the heart of vladivostok, yes, this is the heart of vladivostok, this is the beginning of the sea, the beginning of the railway on the other side, this is the heart of vladivostok, and a little more about equipment, amkador distributor for the far east told the federal district about an investment project to create a farm. and an elevator complex in the primorsky territory. at the economic forum, we signed an agreement with a company from primorye for the construction of a whole grain processing complex. there will be a lot of work. next week the first batch of equipment will be shipped here. last year, emkador sold equipment worth more than 400 million russian
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rubles to the primorsky territory. they say they can increase the figure four or even five times. is it the same technology as can be found in belarus, or is it somehow transformed, well, to suit the local conditions? no, all the equipment is serial, the only thing is that there are constructive wishes from customers, yes, well you see what we have, what kind of snow we have, and the specifics of our snow, it can be wet, then if it cakes, then it will be ice, so it was just small design changes, although there was technology, which was practically made under... they are also called, that is, the first machines were here, they were tested, a resume was drawn up for the operator on the equipment and the plant introduced design changes, and now we are waiting for the fifth
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generation logging equipment to carry out tests here, in do you often visit belarus when invited? of course we are, how do you like belarus, how we have these factories, no, belarus is of course, we rest there with our souls, factories, well, in principle, we were practically at all the factories, at the tractor factory we were, at the ointment, at the muazi, then well, we had business conversations, business meetings, that is, we saw all your industry, well, one can only envy, we are on an island. russian is a closed territory, a sensitive facility, construction is underway, but even after the commissioning of the facility, the entrance it will be here only with passes. already on september 1, a museum cultural and educational center will open its doors here; this is a creative workshop, a campus, in the creation of which the hands of belarusian
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builders were also involved. this is a choreographic school, and on the other hand, a musical school. nearby, exhibitions from the armitage, the tretyakov gallery, the russian museum sometimes contain over 8% of the works of art in their storerooms, so why lie there, here is the checkpoint, they will just go down from the housing here through the checkpoint to enter the school territory. beautiful continuation for the portfolio andrei parkhimovich, for example, built the palace of independence in
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minsk, reconstructed the belstate circus, how many residential buildings, with such experience. in the far east, belarusians were easily accepted into the team, and they also felt the economic effect, ours know how to do it efficiently, beautifully, and on a budget. we removed the self-leveling floors to create a finished floor, it was simply not needed there in general, this reduced the cost of construction on the floor by several million russian rubles, yeah, if you look at the construction output, the president i came here and came here.
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and already in march, after completing the finishing work on russky island, belarusian builders can roll up their sleeves at the highest point of the historical part of vladivostok. eagle's nest on the hill, this is the same project, the second site in the primorsky territory, the stage of the mariinsky theater, this is what they plan to entrust to the brothers, belarusian building materials were also used, here i know, building materials from belarus are used, these are ceramic tiles from ceramine, as well as glazing facades, window openings, too partially produced in belarus. lead the way again, talk about belarus, this is the nuclear technology laboratory of the far eastern federal university. for example, scientists are showing material for extracting
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oil sorbents. essentially, it is a granular powder that also works as a magnet. it absorbs oil and petroleum carbon from the surface of the sea, but does not sink after it is removed, and this sorbent can be controlled, that is, it can be collected from the surface of the water using an electromagnet. laboratories we create them, we receive them, and practice is presented and accordingly we are here in they find or will find
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, in alliance with colleagues from belarus, our materials that they are researching at home, and it will be promising for all those which liquid radioactive waste will accumulate at a nuclear power plant, it will possibly be used for processing liquid radioactive waste that will... accumulate, well, in general, in the management of this radioactive waste. 100 km from vladivostok and we are in usuriysk, a city near north korea and china, by the way, usuriysk with chinese roots. it arose on the site of suipen, founded in the 19th-13th centuries. in general , this stone turtle is considered a symbol of usuriysk; it was found during excavations of chinese burials, but today in usuriysk we are not really interested.
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your profile, yes, well, now the time is different and the relevance of repairing domestic vehicles is not so acute, yeah, so you have to look at the demands of the market and respond to those needs, yes, to those needs that, well, in the future even it is necessary to develop, yeah, we have chinese tractors and diesel generators. did, but now everything has faded into the background, here, of course, we have belarusian transformers, we recently received the last batch, the first batch we had
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more than forty transformers, this batch was more modest, well, some are already in work, they are in demand in electrical networks, they have a very good reputation, because they are very reliable, a serious guarantee, serious production, that’s why we are determined to cooperate with the belarusian plant, because there are no analogues on the territory of russia, there are simply no analogues in terms of quality, reliability, and equipment. for 2 years, the minsk electrotechnical plant named after kozlov supplied power transformers here in the primorsky territory. yes, there are branches throughout russia, usuriysk wants more, joint production on its premises. this is important for us, because these are jobs, this is also... production, yes, that is, the development of networks, because here, let’s say, in the far east, especially in the south of the far east of russia, yes, well
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in demand... electricity is in great demand, despite the expensive tariff, that is, we have a port area, more than one plant is being developed, near coal transportation, and again the production of steamships, logistics centers are increasing, the need for electricity is increasing tenfold, to say the least, the re-equipment of old transformer substations and old lines, access to new capacities - this is very relevant today, last year was the tenth. june between the minsk electrotechnical plant and the usuri auto repair shop signed a memorandum on organizing the assembly production of power transformers. marketing research and preparation of a business plan are currently underway. the region is attractive because it not only has tourist routes and walking areas, yes, although this is also present, but it is necessary to give jobs to people and it is necessary to break up production, without this there is nowhere, universities graduate people.
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designing before the release of space, preparing the space, this is also not easy to prepare, the whole calculation, yes, the alignment technological line, and after that the purchase of equipment will slowly go step by step, the fact that in belarus we admire the fact that this production, namely soviet production, has been preserved, it has been modernized, that is, the base has not been lost, not a single machine has been sold,
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this, of course, well... surprised me in a good way, in any case, it’s definitely true, having retained such capacity, and the plant has not lost either its staff or personnel, this is an effort, well, probably not only of the plant, this is probably an effort after all, the government of belarus, because this is a lot of money. by the way, belarusian belazians come here for repairs, the activity of our giants has been noticed in the north of primorye, the dalnegorsk enrichment plant, a full technological cycle. ore mining and its enrichment to the synthesis of boron products, one of the largest producers of boron containing ore, again not without belarusian participation. last year, governor oleg kozhimyaka spoke about this when he was in minsk, plus 21 belas dump trucks for working in open fields quarries, and this is 3 billion russian rubles in profit for us. and what about these months, well, the work here in general, you can note between
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belarus and the primorsky territory. to taste, well, the sausage, yes, the sausage tastes , well, the children eat it well, the cabbage salad, yes , this is a new one, you often come to this store, well, yes, i really like the beets, their sausage is very tasty, why come here in particular this store comes, and they have a good assortment, there is a big one, everything is always there, their veal sausages are very tasty , they are so long, many of them are i tried it, everyone says it’s delicious, what else
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did you take, what else did you take? definitely lard, lard, pork belly, salted, well, absolutely awesome, it just melts. grodno, pinsk, brest, minsk, even without having been to belarus, primorye residents know our cities well, from our factories. recently we tasted the young elephant. in general, just imagine, our dumplings, frozen potato pancakes and bresse ice cream are transported to the far east. milk, ours, i see, it’s wide, well, milk. this is generally a brand of belarus, here the cheesecakes are glazed with with different fillings, this is a brez factory, we are the only ones who sell them in primorye and they are cheap and tasty, and buyers are usually attracted by this, here kobrin is widely represented with their famous processed cheeses, a lot of desserts, uh...


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