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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 20, 2024 11:10am-12:01pm MSK

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it is written that if you go to belarus, you may stay there or not return, and in fact, in fact , the information war that is being carried out against belarus, on the one hand, of course, is very, very unpleasant for us, because the truth is turned upside down, it is said where the lie is, and so on and so forth, everything that the country does for ordinary citizens, for foreigners who stay on the territory of the country, this is the freedom that they see here, the security that they feel in our roads, then... the social package that
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a foreigner who moves to permanent residence receives, this is also not shown, only horror stories are shown, so ordinary lithuanians, and ordinary lithuanians who stay in the country, they see the attitude of officials of the entire vertical of power , which we have built in relation to solving everyday problems, they understand that these are completely different things, they understand that they , of course, live in an absolute information vacuum, and even statistical figures speak of the fact that we now have only 160,000... permanently residing foreigners and 62 thousand persons who have a temporary residence permit in the country based on the results of work in the twenty-third year, this is quite a large figure, that is, foreigners are trying to arrive in the country trying to get decision for permanent residence, and every year we issue more than 10,000 permits only to new citizens in quotes, while to foreign citizens, this is also a lot, yeah, okay, then let’s follow the algorithm, yes, here's how to get, you know, girls love to write on instagram, i'm hard to find, easy to lose, right? but what about belarusian
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citizenship today, under what conditions is it easy to lose it? yes, it is very difficult to acquire, but losing it is also not easy, yes, but it is also not very easy, you can lose it or lose citizenship, under clearly defined conditions, that is, if a citizen of the republic of belarus actually, that is, made a decision to act military service, police service in another state, then actually comes automatic loss of citizenship of the republic of belarus, previously there was also an aspect in the legislation of our country that would
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provoke war to come to belarus, to put it mildly, yes, it is expressed , well, completely, let’s say, not just impartial, inappropriately in relation to belarus, in in relation to its citizens, in relation to its leadership in relation to the events that are happening here, shouldn't this become a new basis for at least taking a close look at the citizenship of this person? yes, of course, maraz sergeevich, it’s like it’s right, because on the one hand, it’s certainly right, because in fact the person... discredits
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the republic of belarus itself and, in general, the majority of the population who live on the territory of our country believes that the republic of belarus is pursuing the right policy towards its own citizens , in relation to the general political system in relation to other countries of peoples, but it must be understood that only various actions, they should entail or lead to criminal liability, because the legislator i thought that if these changes were made in july last year, we initially deprived citizens. or considered the fact of loss of citizenship in relation to naturalized only foreigners who actually take the oath, now, who gave obligations that they would comply with the constitution and legislation of belarus, but subsequently committed any actions, and we have never applied this norm, but in fact, when some of the belarusians, in fact, who may no longer be considered belarusians, since they are leading such lifestyle and such a policy towards our country, commit various actions, including criminal offenses and are brought primarily to criminal responsibility. territory of our country in
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the established legal order, and stays outside the country, then in relation to this category of persons, of course, the procedure for the loss of the immigrant republic must and will be initiated, you know, i condemn it enough.
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it’s not for nothing that we call ourselves a rule-of-law state, it is still a soft rule-of-law state, it is a rule-of-law state, because only at will, because citizenship is still a rather serious institution that does not arise overnight, in the same way it is very difficult to learn and not easy to lose, but in any case the person loses
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citizenship only for specific actions that have been given the right assessment, obtaining citizenship, that’s how to find this very citizenship, and here’s the oath and knowledge of language? yes, these are now mandatory conditions for obtaining citizenship, well, these are one of the mandatory conditions, in fact, standard ones there are several procedures for acquiring citizenship: international treaties of the republic of belarus , the procedure for restoration of citizenship of the republic of belarus, the procedure for admission to citizenship of the republic of belarus in a simplified manner, and the procedure for admission of the civil republic of belarus, when upon the petition of a person the decision of the president is made, then these are slightly different procedures, slightly different the terms are slightly different, as they say, the powers of all interested bodies, but in any case, a... requirements for knowledge of the language, obligatory, knowledge of the constitution, according to knowledge of the legislation of the republic of belarus, according to the legal source of existence on the territory of the country according to tsensvasedlost, which we have as a standard for this category of persons, say 5 years, for integration into society, including a law-abiding lifestyle, so that
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the person is not involved to administrative liability, it did not have any criminal liability on the territory of the country, it operates impeccably and by the competent authorities, at every stage it is checked, and in fact, that is, by itself in fact... not so, because he meets some kind of tracing paper or criteria, because he knows russian and wants to be a citizen, this does not apply in our country, he must actually live 5 years, prove himself in relation to society, integrate into society, know the state language, comply with the law and be a worthy citizen of the republic of berru, because by then accepting the attraction, solemnly swearing, he actually becomes a full-fledged member of society and must, including in a certain moment, if necessary, and he gives the corresponding obligation for this, to go to serve.
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there are some gold investments, there are some prerequisites for improving the democratic situation, but persons who acquire citizenship there by receiving a corresponding passport, they do not always acquire their homeland, because they sometimes use these passports in a mercantile situation. in our country, in fact, a person who acquires belarusian citizenship acquires a new homeland, because the person firstly, well, i can’t say that he will suffer for this, but after actually living for 5 years on the territory of the country, by price, he is already showing himself as a worthy member of society, as an integrated one. society, as a working person, with all the ensuing consequences, therefore, in fact, in our situation, these are completely, equally important moments, because in fact, he, including taking the oath, as i said, is then ready to serve allegiance to the people of the republic of belarus and takes himself accordingly obligation with all the ensuing consequences consequences, which is why our
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naturalization figures, of course, as for example, many would like to compare or compare with the russian federation, are not very large, but by naturalizing , let’s say approximately 4-500 people per year, we guarantee, and we... the next one, well, i’ll say, in fact, regarding compliance with the legislation of bringing to administrative criminal liability, i can say publicly that no more than 3% of naturalized citizens who have become full-fledged citizens of ours subsequently commit criminal or administrative destruction, this is really a drop in the ocean, so they are acquiring a homeland here and value this most importantly, because it is clear that by becoming a full-fledged citizen of belarus, you acquire a whole range of rights , not only your blue passport, but probably a new one country, probably
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from activity on social networks to actually participating in protest events and everything else. the first thing i like, i would say, is that these are people, gastro-receptive people, the second thing is that it is a very strong country, very beautiful, wherever you didn’t go, you can look wherever you want , it’s beautiful there, it’s a small country, nevertheless there’s a lot of beautiful things, a lot of interesting things, females, the largest co-pilot in belarus, white-tailed bush, and i think...
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a second home. in all international acts it is written in black and white: the murder of the civilian population of unarmed children is a war crime, but the head of european diplomacy , josep barel, commenting on the situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone, said that he considers it pointless to provide humanitarian assistance helping those who might be killed tomorrow, but that’s
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different. in almost 3 months of bombing of civilian areas and infrastructure , almost 22,000 residents of the gaza strip were killed. the number of wounded exceeded 56,000. as for the shelling of donetsk on new year's eve in belgorod, this is a humanitarian violation. rights, violation of the rules of war, this is a war crime, and while the west is already dividing the remains of ukraine, do not wait for the end of the special military operation, the latter is, in principle, no longer interesting to them, author’s project of ksenia lebedeva - this is different. watch new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. at the security council on tuesday, our commander-in-chief outlined: ensuring national security is our common task, every citizen of belarus. now, since we have already touched on this topic, yes, you said, it is necessary to defend with weapons in hand. in russia this problem now exists. the question is that the new citizens. russia is not ready to defend their new homeland with weapons in their hands, it is very relevant, it is widely discussed. obtaining belarusian citizenship is equal to duty to defend the homeland? of course, that is , new citizens receive exactly the same rights as i said and the fact that such responsibilities, if he is of military age, he can be drafted, so not only he, he is drafted in any case, and we have mechanisms for taking into account this category citizens together with military, military commissariats work very clearly, that is, this is a new citizen, that means.
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are there any or in principle even this does not exist for obtaining citizenship for obtaining citizenship even in principle such does not exist for obtaining residence permit, yes, that is, this is like a stage that goes before citizenship, in fact, if you have invested 15,000 euros to 15,000 euros in the economy of the republic of belarus, then you can get the corresponding residence permit. in fact, every year we issue somewhere around three or four permits for permanent residence
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to investors are those who invest in specific enterprises of the republic of belarus and want and want. the longest maternity leave to care for a child is 3 years, 3 years, which, as it turns out, is very attractive to foreign women, so for it’s an unexpected fact for me, really, but what don’t we yet know about the privileges of one’s own citizenship, which can be voiced, for example, or need to be voiced, well, these are not only the privileges of one’s own citizenship, let’s say, figuratively speaking, a person who even receives resident status or
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citizenship, if he marries a citizen of belarus and then they give birth, then the child actually becomes a citizen of belarus upon... birth from a joint marriage with citizens of belarus and even regardless of the place of birth of the child, if even this family temporarily went to the country of the civil spouse and gave birth to this child there, then he still becomes , by blood, a citizen of the republic of belarus, but along with this, a person who permanently resides in the territory of the republic has the so-called maternity and maternity benefits , in fact, you said correctly, this is not the case in any state of the former soviet union; there is no such long maternity leave, which is 3 years.
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yes, when a citizen of belarus, in fact having acquired foreign citizenship , i automatically lost citizenship, because migration appeared, our belarusians began to travel, obtain citizenship there, and in fact, why should we lose, figuratively speaking, our own citizens, because they only received foreign citizenship due to certain circumstances, therefore the legislator took the path of simplification, this norm was removed, but even the pandemic situation showed that when many countries were closing in 2021, the ministry had to agree to all interested bodies organizing flights, we... so that, understanding that sometimes he has foreign citizenship, in order to acquire citizenship, he takes the appropriate oath of allegiance to the people of that country, and
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in fact, some restrictions in this category of citizens can already be established in relation to this category of citizens in fact, well... understand to be very careful about, for example, issues of access to state secrets, issues, issues of public service, issues of military service, issues appointment and figuratively speaking, or selection of deputies of the house of representatives, deputies of local authorities, because in fact he already has, at least absolutely correctly, a connection with a foreign state and therefore, therefore , the corresponding norm came into law in july last year that a citizen within 3 months from the date of receipt, the foreign document is obliged to inform either the internal affairs bodies, or the diplomatic service bodies, or by personally contacting, filling out the appropriate notification or on the basis of those information resources that are deployed on the website of the ministry of foreign affairs.
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are constantly recorded when citizens , due to a certain circumstance, sometimes due to forgetfulness or sometimes due to reluctance to report it at all, that is, do not want to inform the competent authorities about their foreign citizenship, but at present this is of course not an offense, but the legislator also thought about this, and the competent authorities of the republic of belarus also think about it, therefore, when it appears, and we are now working together with those interested in this issue, in order to still introduce the appropriate responsibility, because the obligation to inform citizens is, some of the law-abiding citizens, thank you very much, are actually fulfilled. obligation , someone thinks to stay on the sidelines or not report this, in any case, the age of modern technology, the age of total control at certain points, as it were
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, control over an individual, this is quite easily revealed, so if they think that they avoid the need to notify our competent authorities of the presence of foreign citizenship or cohabitation, then they are very deeply mistaken, in any case, when there is appropriate responsibility, then citizens will be held administratively liable for yes. in general, there is criminal liability for this in the russian federation, it has introduced criminal liability for failure to inform, if repeated failure to inform, the person can be held criminally liable, so well, for now, for now - for now, the competent authorities they are developing standards in order to find , most likely, a balance, because in fact , about the gravity of the offense committed and the responsibility, and in this case, of a specific person for not informing, or he did it consciously, or he did it out of forgetfulness, or because that he was not on the territory of his native country for a long time, because he... this year we will wait for such a document this year we will initiate the corresponding document so that it is subsequently adopted, that is , there is an obligation, must be responsible behind non-fulfillment, and for whom the presence of a foreign
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document, as you said, can become a problem only for civil servants today, well, look, one cannot say that this is a problem, in fact, it is the desire of every citizen, to have this foreign document or to refuse it, because in fact... everyone remembers everything, that is , in fact, the possibility of obtaining a pole card for citizens of belarus, well, yes, this is like such a sensational project that the polish side is developing on the territory of the republic of belarus, including through its embassies, began to be implemented, including on the territory of poland, and in fact we now have, including civil servants, who voluntarily refuse the pole card, because it is clear that the status of a civil servant or the status of a certain official who has access to state secrets is foreign document is unacceptable, therefore the person must voluntarily...
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we check not only according to the information that citizens voluntarily provided to us when they declared the presence of a foreign document citizenship, internal affairs bodies and diplomatic service bodies also have other sources of information that
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confirm the presence of one and the other person of the corresponding foreign citizenship , so there is no responsibility yet, the information is perceived only for conducting verification activities, for well, collecting information characterizing how much i i understand that if he successfully hid it and was, let’s say, conditionally elected, and then this information comes to light then...
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well, excuse me, many idiots have it stuck in their heads. very strong, i know the real numbers, yes, how many were staggering on the 16th, 23rd, and you have a relatively real number of those who left the country after the twentieth year for political reasons, taking into account families, well , a number that you can realistically operate, margeevich, look, again, you can’t say political motives, not political motives, that is, let’s say when the relocation of it specialists took place and is happening. is this
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for political reasons? no, these are issues related to sanctions, we are actually, that is, the competent authority, in fact, with the help information resources quite clearly contain information about those persons who are not employed in the economy and who, at a certain period of time, left the territory of the republic of belarus, including with their seven members, all of whom are not located on the territory of the country, and we can of course say that we and we know everyone, but let’s say that it was a departure for political reasons or not for political reasons, now it is not always correct, that is, we are actually saying. that is, of course, a lot, because these are members of their families and so on and so forth, the working population, but on the other hand , the state is always open to them, we have never put obstacles in the way of the return
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of our own citizens and we are talking about that. that please, if you have committed a criminal offense, that is, there is a corresponding commission, it works for them, it receives an appropriate appeal so that the citizen can understand that he can return to the territory of the country, he will be brought to some kind of administrative or criminal responsibility or cannot return to the territory of the country, but no one is preventing these citizens from returning, please, so that they do not generate any numerous fakes about what scares them on purpose, in fact, scares them on purpose, so that they themselves do not understand, that when their state, let’s say, again for examples about... year, changed the mechanism for issuing personal passports to its own citizens, it changed not because it wanted, again, for all permanent residents to return to the territory of the country, because that the sanctions policy of the european union also does not allow diplomats to quickly satisfy the despair of our citizens about replacing their passports, so everyone has decided that everyone should now receive passports on the territory of belarus and we are happy to issue them and there are no obstacles, citizen arrived promptly, received a biometric passport or an ordinary passport and returned to
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the country of citizenship, no... in this case, if he does not have restrictions on the right to travel and if there are no criminal claims against him, look, the son is not responsible for his father, a well-known phrase, and a well-known phrase, many fugitives, as you already said, took their children with them, which does not define the position at all, well , let's talk directly about these same children in relation to the state. they will grow up, sometimes the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, yes, they will want to return to their homeland, so you have already thought about an individual approach to such hostages of the parental position, if now, for example, he cannot renew his passport, and after 5 years he wants to come, the procedure for checking his affiliation is again in effect in every diplomatic mission of any institution, including at checkpoints at the state border, if he arrives even after 5 years with an invalid passport, then a
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border service officer will check. an appropriate check across a number of accounts and the database will decide whether to allow the person into the territory of the country, or he will say that, well, that is, you need to be returned, because there is no document verifying your identity there is no similarity and your biometric data ... is not in the information resource, but this is not even an individual approach, and this is probably an approach in relation to all citizens who currently live outside of belarus and each of them is not deprived of a constitutional right return to the territory of the country, he can do this, but the only thing is that he must have a document documenting his identity, and he must not understand that losing the civil republic of belarus is only certain of his actions, well, you understand perfectly well, why i asked the question is, yes, now many parents may simply not give the opportunity, well, in the sense that they will not take any action to ensure that their children...
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receive a complex, if necessary, of issues related to integration, if necessary, he will receive an appropriate education, grandmothers , grandfathers, even if there is no one, he will still be there, as if he will not be forgotten by the state, we, i’ll just say as an example, we have cases when the competent authorities of foreign
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states deported belarusians who had not been in the country for more than 20 years who are already sometimes they didn’t even speak russian, the state lends its shoulder to even these belarusians, accepts them into the territory of the country, registers them clearly at their place, well , unfortunately... a sheet without a specific place of residence, but this is in the first stage and gives all social guarantees that are provided to the same citizen of belarus. without visas, the number of tourists is growing, growing, from 385.00 in 22 to 414 in twenty-three. lithuania, latvia, poland. this year our president decided to extend without. one of the far-sighted goals is to overcome the information blockade, yes, the leadership of neighboring countries, they tried to ensure this, yes, through personal contact, personal communications, even
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the most fashionable marketer today, he understands that word of mouth is an excellent tool for really forming one’s opinion, but that’s what you think it works, look, if ours , again... neighbors, yes, word of mouth works great, if our neighbors had not closed checkpoints, then we would have an even higher figure, but seeing about this and - enclosing our own citizens with fences and saying that by hanging horror stories at checkpoints, reducing the number of checkpoints and reducing communications, they create special artificial barriers for them so that citizens do not become convinced from their own experience, their own example, that here... no one is persecuting, there is a clear legislation: committed an administrative violation, you will bear responsibility, do you want to go to our belarusian store, do you want to buy fuel at a gas station, please, no problems, no discrimination, no one for you, no one for you because you are lithuanian
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either a pole or a latvian, does not put up any obstacles, no one punishes you more harshly , they treat you in the same way as an ordinary citizen, their neighbor, who has always been a neighbor for us and no political realities affect this now , that’s why people ... travel, post a lot of videos, are on social networks, there is a whole group for moving even to belarus for permanent residence, where people moving exchange some problematic issues, they are also very happy, because what they really see the real picture, they see real relationships, they actually see a completely different world that is painted for them there, they see and see a respectable and good attitude on the part of belarusians towards these same tourists, so the number, if there were more checkpoints, then the number of tourists there was an order of magnitude more. moreover, the visa-free regime applies to citizens of third countries at the border, this is both the grodno and brev regions, and is still valid for citizens of other european countries through the territory of the national airport mints2, there is also more than one, more than tens
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of thousands of citizens who will take advantage of this regime and enter the territory of belarus without visas, without any bureaucratic restrictions whatsoever. yes. it all works and actually works and works every day. and they take advantage of it too. i can't ask. steps without visas, for example, liberalization of other
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aspects of stay, there are corresponding risks, but in any case, our experience of working on, therefore, the relevant election campaigns suggests that all information resources that work in this area, those , probably, employees who work from checkpoints who work on the territory of the country, can identify, including potential violators, potential extremists, persons who pursue theoretical goals, and then there are some cases, both in the country, they showed that law enforcement agencies are working enough.
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so that it does not get through the territory of the russian
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federation into the republic of belarus, this external circuit works and, moreover, it works like entry of foreign citizens, and exit of citizens of third countries, but we consistently, of course, carry out a number of other events that allow us to integrate our information resources and act or work 24/7 to provide information regarding, well, figuratively speaking , departure of citizens of belarus to a third country, let’s say it got to the competent authorities of the republic of belarus in a timely manner and so that we could analyze it, look at it taking into account those risks. taking into account his criminal past in general, and so on and so forth similar, and a whole range of events is envisaged, including in 2024, because it is clear that the russian federation is also going to the corresponding elections, it will open polling stations on the territory of our country, and we are also not interested in any kind of escalation and will also carry out appropriate measures to ensure the selectivity of both our electoral process and the electoral process in the russian federation, which will be held on the territory of our country, from citizens of the russian federation, the work is carried out comprehensively, and i’m talking about starting in all areas.
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that he has arrived in belarus and is going to come to the territory of belarus, he will not receive the relevant information, great, our passports are belarusian, so the citizens reacted with fear and caution to the introduction of biometric passports, and for a variety of reasons, even to the most fantastic, there is almost the introduction of a chip into the brain and so on, the president met halfway and the duty it is mandatory to make a new passport biometric, but not yet. no, after a while, how do you assess the readiness of belarusians
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to receive more modern documents and what advantages does it still provide? yes, this is also a rather interesting question, i want to say, well, firstly, digital technologies are probably penetrating our lives, it is clear that a biometric passport is a new digital technology for our citizens, well, it is clear that for a significant period of time we have become accustomed to carry our simple paper passport, where was everything, registration information, marriage information, information. and in fact, that is , there was no need to carry other documents with you, and the official did not need, and some employee did not need access to the information resource, because in fact, that is, all this was reflected in the national passport, but the world did not. .. electronic administrative procedures in electronic form using an android, open your personal account, sign your personal digital signature, for now only android,
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unfortunately, yes, and decide to solve a whole series other administrative issues in electronic form, this is in any case the future, because our mobility allows, now with the help of information technologies, firstly, secure information technologies, because in any case this is an externally secure circuit, and we provide the owner of a biometric document reliable protection of his personal data from unauthorized access, and over time, i want to say, even according to statistics, in some regions of our country, every third belarusian already receives biometric documents, despite the fact that at the moment we have already issued 550,000 biometric documents, and some holders of a biometric passport, a citizen of the republic of belarus, receive two
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, in any case, i say that i recommend getting a biometric one, because it is protection, and a number of other preferences and in general, in itself, i want to say that the biometric passport of a citizen of the republic of belarus is very beautiful in terms of printing production, in terms of reliability, because even if you wash it or it will fall somewhere in the water, there are no things that will be affected by the environment and you will use it until its expiration date, there is a chip that contains your personal data, which is reliably protected, there is your protection.. . photograph, there are your fingerprints, which even in this situation will help you identify you if anything happens, but i’m not talking about the advantage of the id card at all, everything is there, with the help of digital technologies, the competent authorities in the territory our country can gain access, including with your consent, that means to your personal data, information about your place of residence, information about children, well,
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registration information, well, that is , real estate car, no real estate yet, but no real estate yet , for now , let’s at least have these resources, but women. it’s true, at the border, if there is no mark , it doesn’t change the man’s behavior in any way, yes, because sometimes belarusians have problems, but in fact with a biometric passport, but in the old citizen’s passport republic of belarus there were stamps about children, border guards very often took stamps from the records of internal affairs bodies, legislative bodies that allowed citizens of belarus to go abroad,
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visa passports, unfortunately this record is not available and often, and almost certainly, border guards require a child’s birth certificate, but we at the moment yes... who have not yet received the relevant documents, then when we complete this work this year, this year we will completely complete this work by the year 25, that is a citizen can only have a biometric passport, and we will provide border service employees with access to the corresponding resource in the population register, they can check at the checkpoint whether your child is with you, whether you are his legal representative and whether it is required for you? i will answer with consent for another person to travel abroad, excellent, unfortunately i will already say this phrase, sincerely, unfortunately, the last, extreme semi-philosophical question, maybe yes, in the famous night in lisbon a remark, there is this quote: a person was nothing, a reliable passport is for everyone, so we
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are accustomed to underestimating ours in the old fashioned way, well, an american passport gives you without visas, yes, european benefits. guarantees a person a travel document during that age so that he, firstly, can freely leave the territory of the country and enter the territory of the country, the competent authorities of other countries will tell: you, you issued a passport to the citizen. 100 years, well, yes, and you trust him all this time, yes, we gave him a reliable document, which for now of this age he can
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be used to travel abroad, and no one ever thinks about it, why, because some countries clearly, according to the algorithm provided for 5 years, the validity of a passport or 10 years, in fact, the country has issued you a basic identity document for 100 years, you have the opportunity to use it unconditionally, and in all cases of life, this is only such a small little streak, and not for someone for yourself or internationally... the most important thing is protection on our territory country, because, again, i say , the pandemic has already passed, everyone forgot about it, but when belarusians
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came to the russian, russian embassy with a belarusian passport, they said, listen, our period of stay here seems to be ending, let’s go home with me return, with the help, and the midlands were probably on their heels for three months, so that all belarusians who were on vacation, found on business trips abroad with blue belarusian passports, were returned to the territory of the country, it also seemed like no one... appreciated it, because that it was forgotten very quickly, but this was also a set of measures that said that in any case you are anywhere in the world, belarus, having issued you a national passport, provides you with comprehensive protection, if you want to return to the territory of the country, you will return if you want to receive and be a full-fledged citizen, return to the territory of the country and live according to our rules, according to our laws, according to our constitution, no one will restrict you, as soon as the law comes, you bear the corresponding responsibility, if god forbid committed a more serious crime.
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the news was broadcast at noon in the elizaveta lokotko studio. hello to this episode. the gold medal added to the treasury of belarus. ivan tulatin won. print race of the russian biathlon cup stage. the eu is concerned about the increase in the military.


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