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tv   100  BELARUSTV  January 20, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm MSK

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well, well, wait, i knew it, you want me to be kicked out, yes, like the last heap, right? hole, didn’t let you in, hated you, let you down , fell in love, yes, you and your mommy will love you, who abandoned you like an empty bottle, well, i’m lucky, well, but with people i can’t get over it, they’ll show you who- that? who they are, and you will still remember me,
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you will still look for me, i am listening to you. no, who, who, no , they tell you, the receiver, who called, some barshev, not just some, but a former student of mine, what he asked me to tell you, i don’t know, he told me, love, it’s difficult for him to call from there,
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there are little ones there, is it really impossible to guess, come on, they’ve gone broke here, what are you doing? you have the right to talk to people so rudely, you see, everyone offended her, and now she straightened up?
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the belarusian winter, all its little things, all the details, some are so beautiful that they take your breath away, some are absurd, but together they are one whole, together they... looking at them, you feel aesthetic pleasure, you feel that belarus is closer.
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let's get ready. guys, applause! in a minute the hero will take his place and will answer your questions, but first a few questions from me: what do you expect from the children you meet now? well, i think it will definitely not be easy, because modern children can ask the most direct and even tricky questions. what mood are you going in? talk. i'm in a great mood, a little nervous, but i can handle it. you promise to tell only the truth. this is the principle of life, do not deceive children. are you ready to come out to your children? always ready. good luck then. so, we welcome our hero, member of the council of the republic of the national assembly. hockey player and
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head coach of the presidential hockey team, dmitry baskov. hello. hello. dmitry, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, you have the right to refuse to answer a question three times. i hope you don't use it. i’ll try to give myself an instruction not to take advantage of this quota, yes. and be careful about the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one. well, now you have one minute to tell us about yourself. time has passed. my name is dmitry baskov, i am 44 years old. as a child i dreamed of becoming big, great hockey player. the best, he didn’t become the best, but he lived an interesting hockey life, ended his career at 30, later became a coach, was the director of the dynamo children’s school for 6 years, the general director of the dynamo minsk hockey club, after which he became the chairman of the hockey federation, now i am a member of the council of the republic , i mean, senator, i’m doing
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different things, then i’ll tell you sometime, in general, i’m also a father of many children, i have four wonderful children, two boys, two girls, we have 100 children in our studio, everyone has their own question for you, let's see how many of them you can answer, guys, who is the first to ask a question. hello, my name is matvey. at what age did you first go on the ice and can you convey these feelings? well, in fact, i am from a soviet childhood, and in my soviet childhood, in almost every yard there were such simple ones - hockey rinks, that is, wooden
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sides, natural ice was poured from a hose, and the boys and i were there, and the girls were also there in those preschool years - tried to play there hockey, when i first went on the ice, it was already , as it were, at a conscious age in a hockey school in my youth, i had great pleasure and immediately realized that i wouldn’t try other sports, applause, please, let’s move on to the purple sector, dmitry to your right, did you always want to be a goalkeeper, or did it happen by chance, it so happened that i was generally a striker and until, probably, until i was 12 or 13 years old, i played in this position and, probably, it seems to me that the role is more suitable for me striker. by temperament, character and other qualities, but it so happened that once at a training camp in raubichi we were, our entire team, born in ’78, and i broke my arm and could not do technical tasks such as dribbling the puck, the coach said: listen, why
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are you sitting here with a plaster , go work with the goalkeepers there, and he insisted on putting me in goal, right away i couldn’t do anything at all, but i really tried to catch up with those guys who were already in goal... for many years later i caught up and overtook a few at the age of 17 already went to the european championships, at 19 i went to the world championships, at 18 i already lived and played in the canadian junior league, then who is more difficult to be a goalkeeper or a striker and what qualities should a goalkeeper have? if the goalkeeper made a mistake, no one will correct it, but we get a goal and begin to win back, so the goalkeeper is like a border guard, you know, that is, he should have such an iron. perseverance, strong psychology, well, probably yes, the most important moment is psychological. hello, my name is nasya, did your parents support you
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in your passion for hockey, or did they think that it was temporarily uninteresting? actually mom i thought that i should grow up to be a professional violinist. yes, i studied violin from the age of 6, i came to hockey a little later, again i did it in secret, i tried to combine hockey and violin at the same time, it was difficult. well, but everything came to light one day when my children ’s coach came to our home to discuss at what period i would go to a sports camp, well, you can imagine my mother’s surprise, moreover, after this visit i was forbidden to play hockey, they insisted that i continued to practice the violin, several i tried it for months, nothing worked out, and the violin teacher told my mother that i was no longer a violinist... therefore, i am glad that my mother heard, understood and allowed me to play hockey. next question:
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black sector, to your left. hello, dmitry, my name is irina. what was the worst moment in your life? in childhood specifically? the most terrible moment in my life was when i was a child, and i had to. accompanying my father to the railway station when he left us for another place during my school period family, and after that i haven’t seen him for almost 30 years, my friend has the same story, he’s growing up without a father, that’s what you could advise him, how old is your friend, and he’s my age, your age, i i was a little older when my father left us, so in fact i matured early - i learned to make decisions on my own, so in principle it helped me in life, but we
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must be able to forgive our parents, yes, we don’t understand many things about adults in childhood age, yes, but this life is not easy, it complicated, therefore, firstly, everything can change yet, it is unknown at what age the father can return to your friend, for example, in my life it so happened that i had not seen my father for about 30 years, just a few years ago... he called me and asked me to help him here in minsk with eye surgery, and it so happened that we met, by the way, he didn’t recognize me at the railway station, so, but he arrived, and i managed to help him, and at the same time i asked him, i know that my mother lives alone, she is already old, she is 84 years old today, i asked him to stay, to basically look after each other, you know, at this age my parents are already with...
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oh, this is just one of those questions when you can take a quota of not answering, right? will you use it? no, did i always tell the truth to my parents? to my shame, of course not , for example, my mother never knew about my injuries that happened there, yes, she already found out after i was already in the hospital, relatively speaking, then we were already reassuring her there, they told me everything was fine nothing to worry about, an open fracture of the nose, but everything will be fine, i even remember this story once... i was driving along the brest highway, the training was in brest, we played for the brest hockey club, we had an accident,
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the traffic police arrived and took me to examination, of course, i was sober, there were no violations, at that moment my mother called and said: hello son, how are you? i say: everything is fine, i’ve already trained, i’ve had lunch, now i’ll go take a nap, the employee was so surprised, he said: oh, listen, but he usually says some guys, let’s... allow yourself: oh, mom , you know, i had an accident, everything is so bad, here, yes, well, just imagine, this is mom’s condition, when she is 150, 200 km away, she can’t change anything, see, understand, look, this is her condition, so i always protected my mother from this kind of situation, my name is sean, so i have a question, did you say before that you are the father of four? children, how did your views on life change when you became a father? of course, it’s still too early, but be
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prepared that when you have a child, your life will definitely never be the same again, and it’s not even about these sleepless nights, diapers, diapers, open shirts, it’s about responsibility, because when a child is born, you are already responsible for the little person who will face in life with different situations, you must... dmitry, please, look to the left, there is a question waiting for you, the red sector. would you like to install another child? you know, by the way, i had a similar situation, my sister died and left behind a minor the boy, that is, he was left an orphan, he
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was taken to an orphanage, and i was still a professional hockey player then, traveling from the city. this upbringing, because we traveled with him from city to city, well, as i already said , as in general, i’m the only one who has been involved in the teams in which i played for a long time, so naturally they were worried about how i would raise a minor teenager, but when in scale 50 pluses or minuses there were 48 pluses and two minuses, then i was probably not bad
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, opyakunsky parents, please, black microphone, turn more quickly. your children are playing hockey? i’m not one of those parents who set such goals that your child must become an olympic champion, a professional athlete here or there, i probably would like them to become simply worthy citizens of their country, no matter what field they are in will achieve success, for example, here is my eldest son, he is already 20 years old, he has never been a professional hockey player, but today he is happy... practicing in an amateur team, sonya, she is 8 years old, she simply saw that there is uh in our palace olympic section figure skating, the girls skated there, she said, i want it too, i bought her figure skates, she worked out for several months, i saw that she didn’t enjoy it and didn’t force her to continue doing it, we tried gymnastics now, here she is now - he enjoys doing gymnastics, sanya is little, he is 4
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years old, i take him to the pool, so the coach is working with him, learning to swim, and anyuta, she is very little, she just turned one year old, so she is just learning to walk, i pointed out pay attention to the yellow sector , you will have to turn around, hello dmitry, my name is maria, do you think that children, in principle , should play sports or is it better to spend this time studying, oh well done, good question, i assure you that. sport is necessary simply for the harmonious development of the individual, but i also believe that it is necessary to maintain a balance, that is, it is impossible not to study well at school, for example, i was such a good student, the fact that i studied well allowed me to enter a non-core school sports university and finish successfully, get a higher
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legal education, and because anything can happen in life, not all people become professional athletes. at some stage their career may end, then another life begins for which you must be prepared. hello, dmitry, my name is polina and i have a question for you: do you believe in god? my mother was a sister of mercy in the church of all sorrowful joys for many years and taught me to go to church from childhood, that’s why. yes , i always have a cross on my chest, and i often went i go to church, i go periodically now, i believe in god, i believe that there is some kind of higher power that is above us, therefore, well, before i was more fanatical, yes, now i’m kind of more restrained about this, dmitry will have to again turn around, red sector, what signs
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do hockey players believe? someone, for example, is tying his skates. in order, first left, then right, someone goes on the ice with a certain foot, right or left, yes, someone, as recently one of the players of the dynamo hockey club gave an interview, that he eats barney before every match, yes , someone just doesn’t talk since the day of the game, i remember in my youth, before important matches i just tried to get distracted, go to the cinema to see some interesting film, watch it, be sure to take it with me a forbidden food, like chips. and thus prepared for important games.
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the black sector, in my opinion, hockey players must have a certain aggression and strength in order to succeed, that's what you were like in school, did you bring? times, it's true, that's why we had troubles diaries regularly, then this period of formation passed, but still we remained one big united
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team that did everything together, my name is victoria and my question is the following: why doesn’t a coward play hockey? why doesn't a coward play hockey? this question has become irrelevant. since the time when a goalkeeper named vitaly trus appeared in our country, but seriously, well , imagine a goalkeeper who stands in the goal, and such, well, quite heavy, such pieces of rubber are flying at him, yes v in the form of a puck that weighs about 170 g and flies at a speed of more than 100 km/h, well, how can a coward stand there, yes, that is, definitely an athlete, any athlete, in my opinion yes... he is even if he is afraid of something , then in the process of his development in sports , he defeats not only his rivals, but tries to defeat himself, in this fear. i
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agree with your point of view, also no matter how many times i attend hockey matches, watch hockey on tv, i constantly notice that you are fighting, that is, at every in this game, fighting is always present. maybe not always, but fights are present in hockey, indeed, the first time i encountered this was when... i came to play in canada at a young age, i was 18 years old, in the canadian junior league they really fight in every match, this is this this is actually an element of the show that says: listen , well, so many spectators have come, let’s make a beautiful show, let’s fight, and these fights are real, they are not some kind of artificial, a little to the right of you is the purple sector, please tell me: are you a vulnerable person? well maybe, yes, yes, because even sometimes i can watch a movie and it can
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touch me very deeply and tears appear in my eyes. when was the last time you cried in your life? i won’t say that this happens often, but it happens periodically, well , it’s not really sobbing, yes, but wet eyes appear, yes. that is, well, this could be connected - with the birth of my children, for example, yes, with the loss of a loved one, well, such moments, thank you very much, the next question is asked by the black sector, to your right, can we say that now the level of the belarusian hockey has become an order of magnitude higher, we can definitely say that the level of belarusian hockey has become an order of magnitude higher, but today look, in my childhood, yes, we had an adult championship, yes of belarus, there were only four teams in it, that’s four all hockey players in the country had to get into the team , today we
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have 12 professional teams in the adult national championship, plus we will also take the youth hockey league, where there are 14 more teams, plus we have the main team of the country - this is the hockey club dynamo minsk, which plays in continental hockey league, youth hockey league, the dynamo brui team plays, they also play in the russian youth team, so we have a serious level of hockey, and if we talk about our national championship, it has leveled up very much, leveled up, mm, 12 teams, where everyone, every team can beat everyone, the purple sector, your question is, what kind of person gives numbers to a hockey player, and how to get a beautiful number, in fact, when we were little, right? we didn’t choose numbers, that is, roughly speaking, if there were 30 of us in the team, then we they just took them from the first to the thirtieth, uh, the coach gave them to us one by one there, maybe alphabetically, or maybe by location in
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the locker room. as a rule, goalkeepers took the first and twenties, and with age, everyone could, in principle, choose their own number, some chose by year of birth, some by date of birth, yes, some, for example, like me at a young age , i, of course, read a book about tretyak, saw his games on tv, well, this is a real soviet legend vladislav tretyak, he played under number twenty, so, in fact, i took twentieth, later when we were older, i saw on tv the brilliant game of new york rangers goalkeeper mike richter, he played under number thirty-five, i also wanted to play under this number, because well, i was impressed by his game, everyone has their own story , the next question from the red sector you will have to turn around, dmitry, raise your hand, dmitry, i want to ask you one more question, most girls like
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athletes, it’s not... surprising, they are so beautiful, purposeful, rich, that’s it where are the majority of girls, here too, yes, yes, okay, tell me, in high school you were popular with the opposite sex, for what qualities were you valued? well, definitely not for wealth, because in high school at the institute we had no money, we played for the love of hockey, but for... such qualities were valued, well, probably, probably, we were active, yes, we were athletic, strong, physically challenging, we tried to dress fashionably, well, we stood out, one might say, from the crowd, so the girls looked at us attention, but as for wealth, by the way, it seems to me that in today ’s modern world it is no longer fashionable to marry for money, well, because in my opinion, this is not, it is futile, well, imagine, here’s some rich guy , yes
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, but at the same time he is... stupid, uncaring, yes, you connected your life with him, built some kind of life, a family, gave birth to children, and then he took and put all his money in the wrong place, became no longer rich , what will you do, so in my opinion, you need to marry those people whom you love, who love you, with whom you can build such an interesting, your own, yes, good life. you know, i’ll tell you one story: i should now call my wife to ask her, and i was 10 years old, and my mother and i were in crimea, relaxing at the seaside, it was the month of august, it was my birthday, and we were walking along
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the embankment , and there ... the name is roman, here’s my question: they say that first love is the strongest, this is a story about you, my first crush was in kindergarten, i just remember this girl, her name was masha and i sometimes, during a quiet hour, could not fall asleep, because i was watching her sleep, by the way, there was actually an interesting story in life, then after a long time i was in the eleventh grade, i was already
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dating another girl. so this masha somehow turned out to be a friend of that girl whom i met at school, and her name was natasha, we realized this , you know, when we came to visit her, she took out her children’s album and showed a photo with kindergarten, in which i saw myself, it was just a complete shock for me, i just look at this photo and realize that i have the same one at home, do you remember your first kiss, where was it, how old were you, in my childhood? every summer we spent time in pioneer camps, yes, and we came there with the whole team, we lived that interesting pioneer life, but at the same time we trained twice a day, and so then, in fact, all the most interesting things happened, yes, then we waited until the girls from the neighboring squads fell asleep and came with toothpaste so that to smear them, i don’t know, you had such stories in your life, but well... you see,
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it means nothing has changed, yes, by the evening the girls had already cooled down and even some of them weren’t shy, they invited us to slow dances, well, actually, it was in camps like these that the first kisses happened. thank you, how did you meet your wife? i met my wife by chance, i then came to play in brest as a young guy, and she was doing an internship after the first year of college , she worked at a hairdresser, worked part-time as an administrator, and i just saw sign, hairdresser, cleopatra was there, it seems, he decided to go for a haircut, met alexandra. then - i lost her for a while, then i met her again by chance, now we live happily ever after, my children are sure they know and understand that this is the greatest love in my life. hello, my name is evgenia, and tell me
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who chose your look for today’s show, because you look quite stylish. thank you very much, no one actually picked it, but from time to time i advise my wife, yes. she can tell me, well gray and not very, yes, today she said, well, okay, you can go like this, we move on to the red sector, many people think that hockey players earn a lot, is it true or a myth? hockey players, hockey players earn differently, like all people in different industries, if you strive...
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and my name is nikita and i would like to know from the height of experience in life, how... how it manifests itself, tell me, well , i often come across this problem, and how i forget something, some little things, i work on home or in general i just treat the task at hand with disdain, uh-huh, then i’ll answer briefly, just force yourself. from you dmitry, hello, my name is lisa,
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i have the following question: if you were offered to fly to anywhere in the world right now, where would you fly and why exactly there? well, you know, i actually traveled to a lot of countries, even when i was a hockey player, i lived in canada for a whole year, played in a junior league, was in america, and traveled to many european countries, we were in poland, the czech republic, slovakia, germany, austria, denmark.
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to your right is the black sector, which likes to ask a very original question. i have this question for you: do you have any bad habits? if we are talking about classic bad habits that are usually talked about, then no, i probably don’t smoke and haven’t smoked, i have a calm attitude towards alcohol, and especially don’t use drugs, but if you asked my family this question on... for example , yes, to my wife, then she would definitely say that there is one bad habit, which for someone may be far from harmful, well, for example, work, yes, that is, i am such a classic workaholic, you can say, uh, because of this i have little time left for free time and for my family, so if this can be called a bad habit, then yes , there is one.
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let’s turn around from bad habits to the yellow sector. dmitry, is the coach always right? in my, again, soviet childhood, yes, it was generally accepted that the coach is always right, and there is even such a joke: point one, the coach is always right, point two, if suddenly the coach is not i’m right, see point one, but in fact , for us in childhood, the coach was always a huge authority. we don’t argue with authority, dmitry, let’s return to the black sector, since i know that you trained nikolai lukashenko and alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, what was the difference between their training, and nikolai began to tone, in fact, his father, when he was very little, they were more like that children's games on the ice, yes, but since i was probably six years old, i started training nikolai, it was individual training, twice... two, sometimes three times a week, but in reality
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it was not difficult to train, why? because nikolai is our president, they are very demanding of themselves, they set a very high bar for themselves, so i just had to come up with some interesting exercises to make it interesting and fun. if we talk about nikolai’s potential, then in fact his physical condition, his potential, his... attitude towards training, it is always so serious and at such a high level that i am simply convinced that if he had chosen the path of a professional athlete, a hockey player, he would have achieved very high results. aren't you afraid to make a remark, for example, to the president or his son? to make a remark to the president , of course i’m afraid, who isn’t afraid to make a remark to the president, well, seriously, then... during the game i try
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not to make a remark to the president, and nikolai, and other players of the president’s team, but on the contrary, to somehow correct and to suggest in certain moments in order to generally improve our game. purple sector, to your left, dmitry, you had to communicate with the president, and what is he like as a person? i ... have known the president since 1997, that’s when the president started skating for the first time, then the president’s hockey team was formed, and i was then the oldest goalkeeper in the hockey school of my youth, so... it so happened that in the hockey school the president’s team didn’t have goalkeepers and they recruited us, the school’s students, so throughout this long time, i could get to know the president very well, i remember those years very well the nineties were difficult, not only for our country, but for the entire former soviet
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union as a whole, i saw the formation of the president, i saw how he had to build many processes in our country, and as you know , i was not in my life... after which canceled the world championships, which was supposed to be held in minsk, i remember he said then at a meeting with the president, he says the world has gone crazy, these were really his words, sport should be outside politics, but today this is for many
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leaders of international organizations becomes simply a political instrument, and some. not under your country's flag? you know, i was recently at a presidential address, he was also under a neutral flag, what was it like to speak, they asked the following question: i don’t know how to speak, that is, i was lucky in my life, i didn’t have such moments when i spoke under a neutral flag, we always proudly wore tracksuits,
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equipment, jackets of our country, we always came with our flag and were proud when our flag was raised and we heard ours hymn. but today is a time, yes, when , that we just need to survive, yes, and if it happens that some of our belarusian athletes will perform under a neutral flag, but at the same time will sing our belarusian anthem in their souls and come here, to our country, will return, get off the plane, unfurl our belarusian flag, well, at least we will all understand what country he stood for and for whom he tried. please pay attention to the yellow sector. i think everyone knows the story of oddy the dog, how he lives now, how they live children in normal families, yes, eat, drink, walk, relax, enjoy
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life. why do you think some people treat animals so badly and how to deal with it? now, in fact , there is a lot of work at the legislative level. this plan is being carried out, but i can say that no matter what laws are created, in fact we must all understand that everything depends on ourselves, how we will treat animals, how we will teach our children to treat animals, yes, that is, i remember, i was little, i bought myself hamsters, parrots there, yes, i learned to take care of them, yes , i try to teach my children the same way, that is, this is a living creature that needs to be taken care of, sometimes even when i scold odie for this or that rightness, my... children are already defending him, so, well , it seems to me that the lessons are going well, applause, a question from the black sector, before you entered the studio, i saw that audie was with you, can you invite her to the studio, let's try together, well, come here, come,
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don’t be afraid, little one, come here, come to me, oh you, my god, come here, come, come, find me. introduce yourself, please, oh, you're worried , of course, that's it, that's it, but you can pet him, of course, come here, he's so cute, his first time in the studio he's just fluffy , let's go, wild, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go. a wonderful moment in our program, but questions are questions, let's move on to the red sector, my name is matvey, what kind of superhero power would you like to have, if this were possible, if this were
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possible, well, i know for sure what superhero power would you like me to have? my son, who is 4 years old, he would definitely like me to be spider-man, he adores this hero, and always tells me about him, buys spider-man costumes, and always talks about what if only you were a dad spiderman...wouldn't it be so cool if you could change one thing, what would it be? and i, i probably wouldn’t have let my best friend go to grodno, when he left and then didn’t return, died on the highway, why do athletes, bloggers or artists go into politics? probably for in order to change life for the better, well, to be a deputy, conditionally, or a politician, this is definitely
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not your own good, yes, but a good that should be for the whole country. why exactly did you become a senator? our senators are generally elected by eight people from each region of the city of minsk, but there is also a presidential quota, also of eight people, the president never uses his entire quota, but in my story, it is possible to help separately each person who comes to reception of citizens, in general we ensure that laws
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were executed, and of course we make some adjustments to them. what questions, perhaps problems, do they most often come to you at personal meetings with, and how do you try to help them? well, you know, the issues are completely different, yes, there are, of course, complex, global issues, these issues cannot be resolved by just one senator here or there. all members of the council of the republic need support, assistance, comprehensive solutions from relevant ministries and departments, but most often people come who are concerned about seemingly simple issues that do not concern globally, the country as a whole, but they are also very important, the arrangement of courtyards, roads, the construction of houses, and you know how, regardless of the complexity and issue, every citizen of our country, he has the right to count, coming to... any senator has the right to count on his objective and well, for objective help. and we move to the red
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sector. tell me, do you always keep your promises? what was the last promise you made and did you keep it? well, i actually promised my wife that sunday would become a family day, just yes, that i wouldn’t leaving for... what are you most afraid of, what am i most afraid of, you know, i don’t know , to be honest, what i’m afraid of, there was a lot of things in my life that gave me strength, patience, at
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some moments, who taught me to overcome fear, but i would probably say, maybe such simple, primitive things that are often said, maybe even by top models at miss universe competitions, yes, or in my childhood. this was also said, but i didn’t attach any importance to it, i definitely don’t want there to be war, so that we all have a peaceful sky above our heads, and you are 100% satisfied with your life? i am absolutely satisfied with my life, because i, as i told you at the beginning, i always dreamed of being a cool hockey player, and i led an interesting hockey life, that is, i went through all the stages - essentially from private to general. what is happening today in my life, yes, what i, i have the opportunity to influence the development of sports in general and hockey in particular, yes, this gives
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me additional opportunities, and absolutely i'm happy about this. this signal means that the time for asking the hero has expired. dmitry, now you have to choose the best question. well, actually, you know, it’s very difficult to choose the best question, because all the questions were interesting, uh, all the questions made me plunge into my childhood, past. i recalled with pleasure what happened to me in life. therefore, to be fair, i would like to give everyone, all the participants in this project, a small gift, you asked me a lot of questions about hockey, we have a new khl season starting in september, so i am pleased to invite you all to the opening home match at the minsk arena of the dynamo minsk hockey club, i will definitely give everyone
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invitations, and we will give a special prize so that no one will be offended. .. a gift from today’s youngest participant, this is a lepsha certificate, for custom tailoring of a bomber jacket, you can sew a dinamo juniors jacket, yes, you can have any jacket that you just like with any embroidery, initials or something else, girl, don’t be shy, come and take it, congratulations, congratulations, you have such a gift, according to the rules of our program , only you should have received a gift today. dmitry, now you have the opportunity to ask the children three questions. yeah, okay, well, let's do this, since we talked a lot about hockey, how many of you were at the minsk arena or at some other hockey match. oh, so many people, yes, great, great,
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then it's easy. tell me what you liked or didn’t like about the hockey match? i liked the beginning, this one, when all the hymns everyone's dancing, i mean everyone's singing, it's all pre-match shows, great, so what else? it’s always very important for me at any event, it’s the atmosphere and the people, this is what i notice always and everywhere, and the atmosphere when everyone empathizes together, especially when this treasured puck is flying, this is something incredible, yeah, what yes, but i like it... the fact that, firstly, in presidential hockey at the end they throw toys to everyone, and secondly, that they always win, i’ve never been to a hockey game when they lost, you lucky because everyone, everyone loses sometime. the next question, dmitry, what would you like to change for the better in our state? i would
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like to change something so that... well, let's say in your understanding, what is the meaning of life? who's ready? it seems to me that the meaning of life is to be kind, i don’t know, it just seems to me that now there is a real lack of this kindness among other people, everyone seems to be very immersed in their career, money, material
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something. it seems to me that the meaning of life is to live it to the fullest. try everything, well, within reason, of course, i wanted to say that the meaning of life is not just some ordinary life, it must be very interesting and the main thing is to find yourself, your purpose, like with you, this is, for example, hockey, but for me, for example, dancing, and i i want everyone to find something for themselves and what their soul wants, exactly, thank you, huge applause, basque is visiting the program 100 questions for adults today, i’m waiting for you, dmitry is at the entrance to the site, thank you, right here , dmitry, i’ll ask you to stay, thank you, what are your feelings from the conversation, i had a wonderful time
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time, immersed in certain emotions. i would really like there to be more programs like this, when people are famous, like you people, to open up to us more, i really liked the atmosphere. everything was very comfortable and cozy, some questions were easy to collect, since we cannot find out the exact truth, but it felt like what was being said was true.
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dmitry, we have this rule: the hero always has the last word. i am very grateful to the children for this openness, for their questions, for the fact that i plunged into this atmosphere and got a real pleasure. thank them very much. council member. head coach of the presidential hockey team dmitry baskov was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults, see you in a week. in all international acts it is written in black and white that the murder of the civilian population of unarmed children is a war crime
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, but the head of european diplomacy, jose barrel, commenting on the situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone, said that he considers it pointless to provide humanitarian assistance to those who could be killed tomorrow, but this other. in almost 3 months of bombing of civilian areas and infrastructure , almost 22,000 residents of the gaza strip were killed, and the number of wounded exceeded 56,000. as for the shelling of donetsk on new year's eve in belgorod, this is a violation of humanitarian law, a violation of the rules of war. this is a war crime. in the meantime, the west is already dividing. the remnants of ukraine, do not wait for the end of the special military operation, the latter is, in principle, no longer interesting to them. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the tv channel
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belarus 24. live news, elizaveta lakotka is with you. hello to this episode. "peace, stability and security, the emphasis of the updated military doctrine, what innovations have been introduced and what has remained unchanged. new techniques."


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