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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 20, 2024 7:35pm-8:06pm MSK

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what we saw around us, in our family we live one life for ourselves, yes, we have such evenings from time to time, of course we would like to do it more often, unfortunately, it’s not possible to meet with our parents often, so meet at the same table, sit, talk - this is not only valuable for us, it is also valuable for our children: what kind of attitude do we have towards our parents, how respectful do we treat them, i am sure that these family holidays will remain in the children’s memory, i see such a picture, extreme old age, me and sasha, fireplaces, my children, my grandchildren, maybe my great-grandchildren, so that each of my children has their own home, so that they grow up as worthy people. who
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base their lives on the values ​​of family, love, loyalty, friendship, so that they build their families strong, reliable, what we put into them so that it grows.
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security is in all areas. political, economic, military, demographic, scientific and technological, and now biological, this is like a platform for the development of each person’s country. but what we've been seeing lately is that this the platform becomes more vulnerable. these processes can be avoided thanks to important basic documents, such as the concept of national security and military doctrine. in fact, the most important thing after the constitution is a clear and specific plan of who and how will ensure the country’s sovereignty and the response to its encroachments.
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today the number one question is for the state secretary of the security council of belarus alexander valkhovich. alexander grigorievich, the updated concept of national security has not yet been adopted, but as the head of state noted at the council meeting security, the inherent risks and forecasts are already beginning to come true. in fact, it seems to me that this is a high assessment of the depth of the document’s elaboration. well, you are absolutely correct, firstly, our head of state looks far ahead, he is a pragmatist in himself and a practitioner, that’s true. documents of this level, strategic planning documents, such as, well, let’s not take the constitution, the concept of national security, military doctrine, these are documents that should look far ahead, the current concept of national security, which was adopted in 2010, is already in its fourteenth year, and we are using this document today, the provisions of this concept remain relevant today, that is, the document has not exhausted itself, you haven’t...
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taken, let’s say, a revolutionary path , we took an evolutionary path, yes, but all the chapters were quite completely revised, based on the realities of the current modern situation, the document turned out to be updated by more than 70%, essentially a new document, but based on the current... document, the current concept national security, while working on a new document, we, of course, studied the experience of many countries, and countries of the former post-soviet space, foreign countries, leaders of world politics of the united
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states of america, european countries, germany, england, great britain, that’s why, of course , our strategic partner of the russian federation, and of uzbekistan, kazakhstan and... other countries, therefore, taking into account the study of these documents, we, of course, worked on the current concept of national security, which clearly states modern trends in changes in the military-political situation, the world has changed today, the geopolitical situation today has been aggravated to the limit, and of course we focused on studying this, look what is happening: the destruction of a unipolar world , the construction of a multipolar world, against the backdrop of this is the traditional or historical struggle, unfortunately, between the west and the east, today the united states of america, its nato allies, are declaring the expansion of their spheres and zones of influence, trying to remain unipolar, trying to remain leaders, statement by the leadership of the united states about
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the inclusion in the zone of responsibility of the territory of ukraine, where the continent is, america, and where the territory of ukraine, on the territory of europe, we are accused, or rather, of the fact that we... spend at least 2% on military budgets, over 2 % of gdp, and some set the bar at 3-4%, poland, using military force, today the countries that join the nato bloc must, like our neighbors, in particular, lead
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the use, outbreak of conflicts, regardless of their socio-economic capabilities with the most important thing is with the well-being of your people, the purchase of modern types of military equipment, usually american-made, but what is it? this is investing money in the american budget, all this uh influences security, plus i would say so, look, the leaders in the, let’s say, destructive military policy of the united states are, unfortunately, our neighbors, at the forefront are , these are the leadership of poland, the trans-baltic states and ukraine, not only did they rely on... increased militarization, an increase in military spending, what i was talking about, the poles say that they declare that in 2024 they will spend about 4% of gdp on military spending, in the territory of these countries they are preparing, let’s say, sabotage and reconnaissance groups, illegal armed groups escaped
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from the territory of russia, from the territory of belarus, various criminals, all bridges, because normal people will not go to these structures, people are trained from them... the special services monitor this information, we are a democracy, but we know all this, our we have information about where these so-called khorubgs are prepared, in what composition, who goes to them, we have lists of these persons, so we, of course, are taking, developing appropriate measures in
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order to neutralize these threats in relation to our security, the attitude of our countries, and the mechanisms for neutralizing these threats are precisely laid down in the conceptual documents with which i started. today there is a hybrid war, a hybrid war that covers political aspects, and economic aspects, what is aimed at, and information component, therefore, in the world today of false information, fakes, this impact on the psychology of people, on primarily the younger generation, of course it is very important to objectively convey to our citizens this objective truthful information, as they say, when...
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in the end it was received . the work on developing the concept began 2 years before it was presented at a meeting of the security council a year ago, and we really approached this work very productively, we involved more than thirty government bodies and organizations, representatives of scientific institutions, experts from our country, representatives from almost all ministries and departments that are related to that. other sphere of national security, an inter-county working group was created , which worked to develop the provisions
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of the concept of national security, despite the fact that, as i said above, the basic structure remained the same, the concept was updated by more than 70%, almost all chapters were revised, based on from firstly, the military- geopolitical situation, yes, which has developed in the world, so it was brought to the members of the security council a year ago, where after which... it was approved, agreed upon by the members of the security council, by and large there were no major objections, but the president said: scientists worked on it, experts worked on it, specialists in one field or another, we need this document, an open document, to be seen by our people, to be seen by our citizens, so organize the work within a year, precisely because, in accordance with the constitution, this document will need to be submitted to the public in the near future all-belarusian people's assembly and, as it were, pass the exam.
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the proposals were approved by the security council during public discussion, and eventually became part of the draft of a new
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updated concept. i reported to the president and members of the security council on how the work was organized during the year, how we organized the work to bring the draft provisions of the new concept to the citizens of our country. by the way, the president said to continue this work, despite the fact that even if it happens, i am sure that it will will be approved, but at... the belarusian people's assembly to continue this work, still go down, that is, bring it to its logical conclusion, to bring it to everyone, even to the district level and below, maybe for this so that they understand. how important this strategic document is, and indeed, today, as i said, in the military, unfortunately, the use of military force comes to the fore, and many political figures and leaders declare the use of all means or arsenal, including nuclear weapons, of course, this increases certain risks, so the following addition was made that in the draft of our concept
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more attention was paid to this, and we included such a provision about increasing the risks once... this cannot but worry people, this is the addition included in the draft national security concept, this, in general , really confirms the correctness, probably, of the decision made by the president of our country to deploy a russian tactical nuclear weapon on the territory of our country weapons as an element, one of the most important elements of the strategic deterrence system. in my opinion, this is a very important addition
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, which is included today in the concept of national security in strategic national interests and is additionally included in the provision on the worldwide protection of the savings of the traditional belarusian family, as a union between a woman and a man, precisely by birth, because today in the west they talk a lot about some kind of gender equality, but it’s incomprehensible, well, it doesn’t fit into the normal orthodox religious customs of some kind, this does not fit into normal common sense, so yes, of course, and accordingly from this. we indicated that the risks of destruction of the traditional family are threats to national security, that this is a threat to the destruction of family values, the traditional belarusian family. communicating with representatives of trade unions and public organizations, it was stated, for example, that it is necessary to strengthen
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the social responsibility of business in order to comply with the principle of social responsibility. during this time, we have a number of new laws, the law on civil society, so some provisions that relate to this law, also related to civil society, are also reflected in the novelties of the concept of national security, a law on the people's militia was adopted, as one of the formations , which also takes part in the protection of our national interests, in
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the defense of our country, in the system of territorial troops, so everything related to the use of the people’s militia is also on... assessment of the state of the national security, the definition of national security indicators in all areas of national security, it was approved by presidential decree, the assessment and indicators of national security will be determined by a separate decree of the head of our state, these are the changes, the main changes came from the citizens of our society, from the citizens of our country, they were communicated. security council to the president, a member of the security council was approved, and the president instructed to complete the document and prepare to pass the exam all-belarusian people's assembly before the citizens of our country. the fact that we are here, in the museum of modern belarusian statehood, recording an interview with the secretary of state is all very symbolic. having gained independence, belarus was one of the first in
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the post-soviet space to adopt the concept of national security, regularly updating it, keeping pace with... views on the issues of maintaining international peace, security, ensuring the national security of our country, armed defense, in accordance with the defense plan, that is, essentially...
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politics , a category has acquired a broader concept, such as a category such as military security itself, which in wartime is transformed into the defense of the state, and the basis is the armed defense of the country, in general, i would say that the military doctrine has become somewhat broader, more attention has been paid, it has appeared chapter related to the fulfillment of international obligations in the field of, first of all, peacekeeping activities, therefore if...
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there is a pronounced national character, we do not copy anyone in this document, we do not we imitate, but we call the ongoing processes clear, simple names that are understandable to everyone, here is a document that, as i already said, provides a foundation for the future, since this document emphasizes that we are a peaceful country, our values ​​are unshakable for us, probably national values ​​such as peace, stability and security. the document sets out, as i say, issues of military policy related to the fact that we are not threatening anyone, but if someone
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thinks of unleashing any provocative, bad actions towards us, color revolutions, some kind of hybrid wars, the use of some kind of soft power, provocations on the border, god forbid some kind of aggression is unleashed against us, we will use the entire arsenal of forces and means available in our country. to protect our national interests, to protect our people, to protect our country, and all this is very clear, beautiful, as if laid out on the shelves in this document. this document, naturally, is open in nature, unlike the documents of some western democratic countries, it will be this document will be scrupulously, we are sure, studied by our neighbors, our friends, but also more scrupulously, in more detail, examined under a microscope by ours. so this document, this military doctrine, is basically the working toolkit of the president, our commander-in-chief, for management, for the leadership of the military
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organization of the state to ensure issues in the field of ensuring national security, it has such milestones that allow flexible, planned adoption of various measures, both forceful and non-forceful of a forceful nature, to protect, i say again, our country, to protect our national interests, to protect our people. during the security council, the main changes in the provisions of this document were brought to the attention of the members of the security council by the minister of defense, some minor comments were made, the president was instructed to polish these provisions and also submit them for approval to the all-belarusian people's assembly. you noted international obligations, were these allied obligations spelled out? first of all, allies obligations, peacekeeping topics.
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the russian federation, to the countries of the collective security treaty organization, which, of course, belarus will unconditionally implement, and we said this in the draft military doctrine. alexandrevich, i can’t help but ask you, what is your number one question today? the number one issue, probably not only for me, for me, of course, is undoubtedly ensuring peace, security and stability in the territory of our country. i think this is the question. is the number one question for many of our citizens, citizens of our country, because today the people, especially after the twentieth year, have a completely different assessment of the ongoing processes and what has been achieved today, done on the territory of our country itself, of course, that’s such conceptual documents as the concept of national security, military doctrine, but of course, at the head of everything is the constitution of our country, they were created to
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ensure leadership and... national values, peace, i repeat, security, stability , but most importantly, probably , documents are documents, so, but if our citizens, our people do not live by this, root for this, cherish this, then what has been achieved, including by them, of course however, it will be very difficult to ensure these values, no matter how the president, no matter how the country’s leadership tries, if the people do not understand this, some, and unfortunately there are some, do not understand, then trouble can happen. communicating with our various teams, looking people, ours, our citizens in the eyes, seeing for their interest , concern that we have today, of course, i am sure that we all together, together, our belarusian people, led by our president, will ensure peace, security and stability on the territory of our beloved blue republic of belarus . and
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you still have to take the exam before the belarusian people's assembly? yes, undoubtedly, the president said so, get ready to take the exam in front of our belarusian people. this is probably the hardest thing, but i hope that people will support what we put into the concept national security. thank you very much for taking the time to answer complex questions in fairly simple words. thank you. the telelenova agency presents it in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people. days like this don't happen often. yes, but
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i don’t cover the firewood anyway. the sky of the jumper is hidden by the cold and frost. neither snow nor frost afflicts avid fishermen, it is cold, and fishermen do not give up their favorite activities, and, of course, they do not care about this job.
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from far away the sound of the wind chimes from the winter winds approach sagonnya in minsk went to sleep and put on the skating rink, to the knitted felt boots, the carefully knitted ropes. these winter evenings are full of ice and snow, and my thoughts are already rushing towards the happy and joyful light.


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