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tv   100  BELARUSTV  January 21, 2024 3:20am-4:20am MSK

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the right to demand something from others, the child must understand that he comes from the parental family to school and he represents his family at school, in society, and family is the most valuable thing. for me, teaching is a mission, sometimes this mission is difficult to achieve, but it must be accomplished by someone, why not me? on the other hand, this is an opportunity for self-realization, when you succeed in a lot at school, then passion comes, and with this passion... you captivate children, maybe not all, but many, then these children are grateful to you for being needed moment i tried, well, to give them some kind of acceleration, they began to develop the way i saw it.
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people's artist of belarus leonid dmitrievich shimelev is a legendary figure for belarusian and soviet fine arts. shimelev’s paintings are in the collections of the national art museum of the republic of belarus, the funds of the belarusian union of artists, the museum of the history of the city of minsk, many regional and district museums of belarus, and the state tretyakov gallery in moscow. in the funds of the ministry of culture of the russian federation, as well as in private collections around the world. leonid dmitrievich, like no one else, was able to create a sophisticated, yet eric poem about human life in all its complexity. his works intertwine modernity and the history of the country, love, sadness, hope, the pain of war and the joy of victory, the beauty of the earth and nostalgic memories of youth. still lifes, portraits, landscapes, the artist worked. in all genres of easel painting
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he created many graphic works, being a participant in the great patriotic war, he was wounded in the battle for mozyr, but his dream was over even the war had no power to become an artist: lack of recognition, criticism, poverty tested his strength, and the guiding star in his work was love, from which leonid dmitrievich drew inspiration in the most difficult times, the largest collection of works by the people's artist of belarus can be seen in the city art gallery works. the theme of the native land - nature and traditions, is fundamental in the work of leonid shchemelev. simple plots are always filled with a feeling of space and air. for the artist , the landscape exists in inextricable connection with person. be it people walking in a field, girls talking to each other, or a lonely woman in a pasture. the basis for leonid’s creativity has always been nature. he was a master from... real life, constantly
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looking for the right angle, composition, filling the plot with meaning. this was expressed especially clearly in the drawings. even a small sketch has always become not only a finished work, but also a reason for translating an idea into painting. his daughter margarta always shares her memories of the creative and life path of leonid dmitrievich with special trepidation leonidovna shchemeleva. margarita leonidovna, good afternoon. good afternoon. you mentioned in one of your interviews. that when they asked their father why he became an artist, he answered: i was born in vitebsk, who else could i be? tell us about the role this city played in his life? i think it was a decisive role, because he told me, can you imagine, you leave the house and it smells like oil paint, my dad said that he had a very bright life in childhood, in spite of everything, in spite of some ups and downs from life, well, it’s always good.
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he didn’t allow himself any untidiness; for him, a white shirt with short sleeves was a must - perfume - a good haircut, neatly cut, and of course discipline formed him; he was a disciplined person; he went to the studio at eleven then at lunch, then again finished drawing something, that is this system may have given him such creative longevity, because he, well... wrote for a long time, almost until he was 90
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years old, and then, when he could not stand, he drew, drew with felt-tip pens , colored pencils, he loved flowers very much, he loved them very much nature, and of course, horses, horse. this was his love since childhood and not only because he was a cavalryman, everything was very interesting with him, he was a consistent person, he remembered, for example, he remarked to me about how you draw, why do you draw like that, i draw winter, some kind of crooked ebony tree, he says, there is such beauty in this white snow, i say, well, the snow is white, he says, and there are all seven flowers, he knew how to start, he had some such properties, he forced you ...look at it differently the world, but he somehow saw it, thanks to his talent, apparently, i think he was still improving a lot, he loved music very much, about music and love for music, perhaps your mother contributed, well, yes, they were in
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childhood i remember that i was waiting for them, they came from the concert and very heatedly told each other what they liked, what they didn’t like, these were very bright moments of life, he was life-loving. absolutely, he loved it very much, i know how he always waited for journalists, how he prepared the day before, why he always received people in the workshop, because that feedback was important to him when this gallery appeared, he said, it ’s a blessing that my works will not gather dust on the shelves, but they will be, people will see these, i write for people, not what he wanted to hear a compliment, but he wanted to hear how a person felt this or that, and how he understood this work, it seems to me that... that everyone, everyone who came across him, was charged, when you left dad, i immediately i wanted to do something, come up with something or finish something, all the time, some kind of movement, he didn’t have stagnation in conversations, he didn’t just have simple everyday life, some kind of slander or, these
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were conversations about art, when someone started talking about some kind of everyday life at the table, on his some anniversary, he says: listen, is there life on mars, everyone understood that they needed to switch, someone asked him the question 87 years old, some journalist, why have you been going to the workshop to work for 87 years? he answers him, why, because for me, i haven’t done everything yet, there are still moments that needs to be completed, my father’s creativity for me is such a pill of health, this... art therapy, because he transmitted the fact that he himself loved people, he transmitted the fact that he loved nature, everything that surrounds him, and this is transmitted to works, that is, he always has this feedback in his work , he knew that people would see it, and
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so it happened, he had art in everything, art, invite people, accept people, in the workshop, train too ... that is, all this interested him, the details, this is how it all works. and you with have you ever discussed, perhaps, the topic of the art of the future, thought about it? well, he said that art, it will have to be very sincere, it will have to be very sincere, when you write, you
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think that you are writing sincerely. leonid chemelev, when performing drawings, changed his style depending on the creative task; he sometimes drew thin. with clear strokes in a quick and slightly sketchy manner, often choosing a pencil, he worked out the form in detail, modeling it without a contour drawing, the master mastered an expressive single-contour pencil line, made excellent use of the picturesque chiaroscuro style. in interviews , he often noted that he could not imagine life without a canvas and a brush. everything that i embody in canvases is my life. this is the history of my homeland, this is memory as one of the most cherished concepts. these are people... i love endlessly and nature, without which i cannot imagine my existence, as the master said.
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the creative life of alexei glebov is one of the most striking pages in the history of belarusian art in the mid-20th century. during his school years, he was fond of drawing. works executed in clay. the sketches attracted the attention of teachers, who saw the boy’s unique thinking and extraordinary abilities. so, unexpectedly for himself, glebov moved to the sculpture department. easel composition, portrait bust, monumental relief. all these types of sculpture have their own laws, which glebov comprehended both in his own searches and based on the experience of his senior comrades. he worked as a prop maker at the vitebsk drama theater, then. to all the managers of the props and furniture workshop in moscow art theater. the need
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to independently solve complex creative questions posed by life contributed to the development of a broad professional outlook. the young sculptor's perseverance bore fruit. he was invited to take part in the sculptural decoration of the government house in minsk. in the first days of the war, he went to the front, took part in the battles near moscow, was seriously wounded, and after treatment in the hospital returned again. to your favorite thing. many of the sculptor's works are in the national museum of art the republic of belarus. each of the works is not only connected with the main stages of glebov’s path in art, but also reveals the main directions of his artistic searches. for more than 10 years, glebov taught at the belarusian theater and art institute, today the belarusian state academy of arts. people's artist of belarus, honored artist ivan yakimovich misko shares his memories about his teacher. ivan yakimovich, good afternoon. good afternoon. how do you remember alexey
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konstantinovich? we always wanted it this way students to get into the workshop, see how the master touches the clay, the frame, how he communicates with nature, and something, some extraordinary people. this was the secret. he was really very sociable. and always, when we... came , we stood quietly, looked and admired, we so wanted to learn faster, to learn everything that the teacher knows, this is his kindness, he was very skillful, he knew how to approach and talk to a student, he was crazy loved the theme, the theme related to horses, and his theme is dovator, the image of the root, for today day, if we look at it this way, no one has done
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a sculptural portrait better than him to this day, the image of francis is cut in sculpture, in wood, in bronze, in any other material, like him, he felt it so wonderfully, i remember with what beauty, with such kindness he carved this linden tree, then don’t forget that he is a magnificent draftsman. was and did a lot of sketches, so freely, not only that, he sits like that, watches how a student sculpts or draws, and he so quietly comes up, says: well, where is your instrument, give me, and two stroke, so you think, it’s so simple and so easy, what did he pay attention to, what details, what recommendations, maybe advice, did he give to his students? this is this this is some kind of, you know, this is something
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like this, but there are no templates, how did you take the tool, what angle are you at, how do you use it, how to make flower shade in sculptures, he came up and said: give me a ring, i gave the ring, he says, i ’ll now show you how to make halftones in sculptures, i think i know in painting, i know in graphics, but how about this...
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the collapse of the union, to this day, it is not known where this work is, alexey konstantinovich, he ever shared about what this is about...
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he paid a lot of attention to the monument, dedicated to the monument to the dovator, well, the image of lenin in the fine arts. glebov's works are distinguished by a varied manner of execution, based on the dynamics of expression and soft modeling, completeness of the compositional solution, confident drawing, and plastically expressive angles. in his
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works, alexey konstantinovich sought to reflect the national character traits of the characters. give them spiritual peace. his portraits are characterized by fine detail and emotional expressiveness. in memory of the outstanding sculptor and teacher, in 1969 the minsk art school was named after alexei glebov. today , new glebovites, future sculptors, painters, designers and masters of decorative and applied arts, continue the work of the master.
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get ready, music, dj, guys, applause, in a minute. the hero will take his place and answer your questions, but first a few questions from me: what do you expect from the children you will meet now? well , i think that it will definitely not be easy, because modern children can ask the most direct and even tricky questions: in what mood are you going to the conversation? excellent mood, a little exciting, but i can handle it, you promise to tell only the truth, this is the principle
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of life, do not deceive children, are you ready to go out to the children? always ready? good luck! so, we welcome our hero, member of the council of the republic of the national assembly, hockey player and head coach of the presidential hockey team, dmitry baskov. hello hello! dmitry, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, you have the right to refuse to answer a question three times. i hope you don't use it. i’ll try to give myself a setting not to take advantage of this quota. and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, well, now you have one minute to talk about yourself. time has passed. my name is dmitry baskov, i am 44 years old, as a child i dreamed of becoming a big, great hockey player, the best, the most i didn’t become the best, but i lived an interesting hockey life, ended my career at 30,
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uh, later became a coach, was the director of the dynamo children’s school, 6 years, general director of the dynamo minsk hockey club , then became the chairman of the hockey federation, now i’m a member of the council of the republic, i mean , senators, i’m doing different things, then i’ll tell you later, but in general, i’m still a father of many children. i have four wonderful children, two boys, two girls, so i think we will find something to talk about today. great, you got it in one minute. we have 100 children in our studio, each with their own question for you, let’s see how many of them you can answer. guys, who is the first to ask a question? hello dmitry, my name is matvey. at what age did you first go on the ice? and can you convey these feelings? ah, well, actually, i
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am from a soviet childhood, yes, in my soviet childhood, in almost every yard there were such simple hockey rinks, that is , wooden sides, natural ice was poured from a hose, and the boys and i were there, and the girls were there too. all preschool years tried to play hockey there, when i first went on the ice, already at a conscious age in hockey school, i had great pleasure and immediately realized that i wouldn’t try other sports, applause, please, let’s move on to the purple sector, dmitry is on your right, did you always want to be a goalkeeper or did it happen by chance, it so happened that i was generally a striker until, probably, until i was 12 or 13 years old. played in this role and it probably seems to me that the role of a striker is more suitable for me in terms of temperament, character and different quality, but it so happened that
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once during the training camp, in raubichi, we were our entire team, born in seventy-eight, and i broke my arm and could not do technical tasks such as dribbling the puck, the coach said, listen, what are you doing? you’re sitting here with a cast, go and work out with the goalies there, and he insisted on putting me on. i didn’t succeed at all right away, but i really tried to catch up with those guys who had already stood in goal for many years, later i caught up and overtook a few, at the age of 17 i already went to the european championship, at 19 went to the world cup, at 18 i was already living and playing in the canadian junior league, then who is more difficult to be a goalkeeper or a striker and what qualities should a goalkeeper have ? a goalkeeper is like a border guard , you know, that is, he must have such iron stamina, strong psychology, uh, well , probably yes, the most important moment is
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psychological, hello, my name is nasya, did your parents support your passion for hockey, or thought it was is everything temporarily uninteresting? in general, my mother believed that i should grow up to be a professional violinist, yes, i studied violin from the age of 6, i came to hockey a little later, again i did it in secret, i tried to combine hockey and violin at the same time, it was difficult, but everything was revealed one day , when my children 's coach came to our home to discuss at what time i would go to a sports camp, well... you can imagine my mother's surprise, moreover, after this visit i was forbidden to play hockey, they insisted that i i continued to study violin, for several
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months i walked around, nothing worked out, and the violin teacher told my mother that i would no longer become a fast pacer, so i’m glad that my mother heard, understood and allowed me to practice hockey, next question, black sector, on the left from you. hello dmitry, my name is irina, what was the most terrible moment in your life that happened in childhood, the most terrible moment in your life as a child, i had to accompany my father to the railway station when he was leaving us for another place during my school period family and after that i didn’t see him for almost 30 years, my friend has such a life. story, he is growing up without a father, that's what you could advise him, how old is your friend, and he is my age, your age,
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i was a little... older when my father left us, so in fact he matured early, i learned to make decisions on my own , so, in principle, this helped me in life, but we must be able to forgive our parents, yes, we do not understand many things, adults, in childhood, yes, but this life is not easy, it complicated, so firstly, everything can change yet, it is unknown at what age the father can return to your friend, for example, in my life it so happened that i had not seen my father for about 30 years, a few years ago, he called me, asked to help him here in minsk with eye surgery, and it so happened that we met, by the way, he didn’t recognize me at the train station, but he arrived, and i managed to help him, and at the same time i asked him, knowing that my mother lives alone, she is already old, she is 84 years old today, i asked to stay so that well...
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and i want to ask a question: as a child, did you always tell the truth to your parents? oh, this is just one of those questions when you can take a quota of not answering, right? will you use it? no, did i always tell the truth to my parents? to my shame, of course not, for example, my mother never knew about my injuries that happened there, but she already found out after i was already in the hospital, relatively speaking, then we were already reassuring her there,
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telling her , everything is fine. scary, open fracture of the nose, but everything will be fine, i even remember this story once, i was driving along the brez highway, the training was in brest , we were playing for the brest hockey club, we got into an accident, the traffic police officers arrived, took me to testify, naturally, i was sober, there were no violations there, and at that moment my mother called and said: hello, son, how are you? i said, everything ’s fine, i’ve already trained, i’ve had lunch, now i’ll go take a nap, the employee... was so surprised, he says: oh, listen, but he usually says, uh, some guys allow themselves: oh, mom, you know, i had an accident, everything is so bad, here, yes, well, can you imagine, this is the state of my mother, when she is 150, 200 km away, she cannot change anything, see, understand, look, this is her state, so i always protected my mother from this kind of situation, my name is... i have this
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question: you said before that you are the father of four children, how did your views on life change when you became a father? of course, it’s still too early, but be prepared that when you have a child, your life will definitely never be the same again, and this is the case not even in these sleepless nights, there are diapers, diapers, shirts, this is a matter of responsibility, because when a child is born, you already...
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and you know, by the way, i had a similar situation, my sister died and left one minor boy , that is, he was left an orphan, he was taken to an orphanage, and i was still a professional hockey player then, traveled from city to city, played for different teams, so, but i realized that i didn’t want him to stay there, then i within a few months he received guardianship and became his custodial parent. what do you think, did you succeed in becoming a good father for your nephew? well, this is more of a question for him, of course, he is now an adult guy, he already has his own children, but at least i tried , i remember for sure there were such situations, social services came to us, well, they looked at how in general i was alone , essentially yes i’ve been involved in this education for a long time, because we traveled with him from city to city, well, as i already said about the teams in which i played, naturally they were worried, like me
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i will... raise a minor teenager, but when on a scale of 50 pluses or minuses there were 48 pluses and two minuses, then i was probably a good opikunsky parent. please, black microphone, dmitry, turn left. do your children play hockey? i am not one of those parents who set such goals that your child must become an olympic champion, or a professional athlete here or there. probably, i would like them to become simply worthy citizens of their country, and it doesn’t matter in what area they will achieve success. for example, here's mine. the eldest son, he is already 20 years old, he has never been a professional hockey player, but today he enjoys playing in an amateur team, sonya, she is 8 years old, she just saw that there is a figure skating section in our olympic palace, the girls skated there, she
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she said: i want it too, i bought her figure skates, she worked out for several months, i saw that she didn’t enjoy it and didn’t force her to continue doing it, we tried gymnastics now, and now she’s enjoying it does gymnastics. sanya, little ones, he’s 4 years old, i’m taking him to the pool, the trainer is working with him, learning to swim, and anyuta, she’s very little, she just turned one year old, so she’s just learning to walk, pay attention to the yellow sector, you’ll have to turn around, dmitry, hello dmitry, my name is maria, do you think that children, in principle, have to play sports, or is it better to spend this time studying? oh, well done, good question, i assure you that sport is necessary simply for harmonious personal development, but i also think that it is necessary to maintain a balance, that is
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, it is impossible not to study well at school, for example, i was such a good student, the fact that i studied well allowed me to enter a university that was not specialized in sports and graduated successfully , obtain a higher legal education. because in life anything can happen, not all people become professional athletes, at some stage their career may end, then another life begins for which you must be prepared. hello, dmitry, my name is polina and i have a question for you: do you believe in god? my mother was a sister for many years. from childhood taught me to go to church, so yes, i always have a cross on my chest, and i often went to church , i go periodically now, i believe in god, i believe that there is some kind of higher power that
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is above us, so , well, before i was more fanatical, yes, now i’m kind of more restrained about this, i’ll have to turn around again, the red sector, what are the signs? hockey players believe that someone, for example, ties his skates in the order of first left, then right, someone goes on the ice with a certain foot, right or left, yes, someone, like recently one of the players of the dynamo hockey club gave an interview that he eats barney before every match, yes, someone just doesn’t talk on the day of the game, i remember in my youth before important matches i just tried to distract myself by going to the cinema. to some interesting film, watched it, made sure to take with me some forbidden food, like chips, and some kind of soda, well, this is forbidden for athletes, but i in this way, i somehow relaxed myself, received some kind of joy hormone, and thus
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prepared for important games. we introduce you to the architectural memories of belarus from different eras and centuries. here we are trotting the french baroque with elements of saxon embellishments. these palaces themselves are not great, they are great jumpers. byzantine architecture, which had passed its time with a bang, began to float on the ancient russian style. and that’s all that is right for the kansy 19. stagodzia, geta uzho tsalka palitichny project. let's look at their history and basic facts. gets cartouche, not looking at changes in time, wars, different penal codes, could acquire two heraldic plots. the softening of such
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an elcartouche was given as if by the business card of the sonnya, yayulene, who is the gaspadar, who is the geta budynak. the pseudo-russian style of such people has its own meta, the theater as the center... of the city showed right that the racial empire is harsh and necessary here. gladzitsa ў prektse architecture of belarus on our tv channel. we will take a tour of the main enterprises of our country, there are a number of blocking positions, an automatic control system stops the workshop if there are any deviations in the work of the workshop, we carry out 100% control so that these products comply with technical, regulatory and legal acts, correspond to the sample standard, we learn the history of the development of production production in... no longer exists in belarus , in
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1974, the management decided, as they say, to build and launch this workshop, 70-80% of our products are exported, and of course, let’s talk about the achievements and results of the work. the difference between our equipment is that they have very great capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide resin capabilities, we are the only enterprises on the eu market that carry out the deepest processing of raw materials, we produce resins from the gondrium produced, resins produce the final pigmented varnishes, paints, about belarusian organizations about the people who work there in the quality mark project, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. the participants of this show believe that it is not only muscles that need to be pumped up. but also the brain. hello, friends, today we
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are planning a football-hockey derby, this is the name of the sportswear in which athletes train and perform in karate, judo and some other martial arts. they compete to see who is more intellectually savvy. tv channel belarus 24
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sector black. in my opinion, hockey players should have a certain aggression. to achieve success, that's what you were like at school, did you write failures in your diary or do something about the density? well, we agreed on the truth to say yes , so i’ll tell you everything now, to be honest, we were hooligans in a good way, well, first of all, because in the fourth grade we were already put together in a sports class, can you imagine, here are 36 boys, not a single girl, each with his principles on...
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why doesn't coward play hockey? this question has become irrelevant since the time when a goalkeeper named vitaly trus appeared in our country. but seriously, well , imagine a goalkeeper who stands in the goal, such people fly at him, well, that’s enough heavy, like pieces of rubber, and in the form of a puck, which weighs about 170 g and flies at a speed of more than 100 km/h. how's the coward doing?
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of his development in sports, he defeats not only his rivals, but tries to defeat himself, in this fear. i agree with your point of view, also no matter how many times i attend hockey matches, watch hockey on tv, i constantly notice that you are fighting, that is, at every game there is a fight, it is always present, maybe not always, but. .. present in hockey, really, uh, the first time i encountered this was when i came to play in canada, at a young age, i was 18 years old, in the canadian junior league they really fight in every match. this is actually an element of the show, it says: listen, so many spectators have come, let’s make a beautiful show, let’s fight, and these fights are real, they are not some kind of artificial. dmitry, a little to the right of you is the purple sector. tell me, please, are you
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a vulnerable person? well, probably yes, yes, because... even sometimes i can watch some film and it can touch me very deeply , tears appear in my eyes. when was the last time you cried in your life? i won’t say that this happens often, but it happens periodically, well, it’s not really sobbing, yes, but wet eyes appear, yes, that is, well, this may be connected - with the birth of my children, for example, yes, with.. . the loss of a loved one, well, such moments, thank you very much, the next question is asked by the black sector, to your right, can we say that now the level of belarusian hockey has become an order of magnitude higher, we can definitely say that the level of belarusian hockey has become an order of magnitude higher,
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today look, in my childhood, we had an adult championship in belarus, there were only four teams, so everyone in the country had to get into four teams, today we have 12 professional teams in the adult national championship, plus we also take the youth hockey league, where there are another 14 teams, plus we have the main team of the country - this is the dynamo minsk hockey club, which plays in the continental hockey league, youth hockey league dynamo team plays shinnik babrus, who also plays in the russian youth team, so we have a serious level of hockey, and if we talk about our national championship, it has very much... leveled up, leveled up, mm, 12 teams, where everyone, every team can beat each, purple sector, your question is, what kind of person gives numbers to a hockey player, and how to get a beautiful number, in fact, when we were little, yes, we
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didn’t choose numbers, that is, roughly speaking, if we were on the team there 30 people, then we they just took from the first to the thirtieth , uh, the coach... gave us one by one there, maybe alphabetically, or maybe by location in the locker room, as a rule, the goalkeepers took the first and twenties, and with age, everyone could, in principle, choose for themselves for yourself a number, some chose by year of birth, some by date of birth, yes, some, let’s say, like me at a young age, i, of course, read a book about tretyak, saw his games on tv, this is, well, this is real soviet legend, he played by... number, so, well, actually and i took the twentieth. later, when we were older, i saw on tv the brilliant game of new york rangers goalkeeper mike richter, he played under number thirty-five, i also wanted to play under this number, because well, i was impressed by his game, well, everyone has their own story. the next question from the red
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sector you will have to turn around, raise your hand. dmitry, i want to ask you one more question.
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well, imagine, some rich guy, yes, but at the same time he is rude, stupid, uncaring, yes, and you have tied your life, built some kind of life, a family, gave birth to children, and then he took and put all his money in the wrong place, became no longer rich, what will you do? therefore, in my opinion, you need to marry those people whom you love, who love you, with whom you can build. such an interesting , personal, yes, good life, you will go through certain difficulties together, and then better yet get rich together, please tell me, what are the qualities in...
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my first crush was in kindergarten, i just remember this girl, her name was masha, and sometimes i was in a quiet hour, i couldn’t fall asleep
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, because i was watching her sleep, by the way , there was actually an interesting story in life, then after a long time i was in the eleventh grade, i was already dating another girl, so this masha somehow turned out to be a friend of that girl i dated at school, and her name was natasha. we understood this, you know, when, when we came to visit her, she took out her children’s album and showed a photograph from the kindergarten where i saw myself, it was just in general, it’s a shock for me, i just look at this photo and realize that i have the same one at home, do you remember your first kiss, where was it, how old were you, in my childhood, we spent time in pioneer camps every summer, yes, we came there.
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the neighboring squads would fall asleep and come with toothpaste to smear them, i don’t know, you had such stories in your life, yes, but you see, it means nothing has changed, but by the evening the girls had already cooled down and even some of them weren’t shy anymore , invited us to... slow dancing, well, in fact , the first kisses happened in such camps. thank you, how did you meet your wife, i met my wife by chance , i then came to play in brest as a young guy, and she did an internship after the first year of the institute at a hairdressing salon, worked, moonlighted as an administrator, and i just saw a sign, hairdressing salon , there cleopatra, it seems, decided to go get a haircut, met alexandra, then lost her for a while, then
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met her again by chance, now we live a long time happily, my children are sure they know and understand that this is the greatest love in my life, hello, my name is evgenia, tell me who chose your look for today’s show, because you look quite stylish, thank you very much, no one really.. .. but from time to time i consult with my wife, yes , she can tell me, well, she’s not very gray, yes, today i said, well, okay, we can go like this, we move on to the red sector, many people think that hockey players earn a lot , is this true or a myth? hockey players,
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therefore, i was not such a top hockey player , who, well, like some of our and isolated cases, belarusians, misha grobovsky, there ruslan salei, vladimir tsyplakov, the two kostisny brothers, who went to the nhl, signed huge contracts and became millionaires, that is this is a unit all over the world.
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let's send! on a trip to belarus. dear friends, welcome to novostarobinsk. few people know, but this is what the city of soligorsk was once called. now the only reminder of this is the inscription on this stone, which symbolizes the beginning of construction cities. with us you will receive a charge of positive emotions. i attended a variety of master classes, very different, but honestly, this is the first time in my life that i have seen something like this. she even tensed for a moment. because our mishka fedor started straight under his paw like this. visit the vibrant sights of our country. there are two museums with amazing exhibits here. agree, such rarities can now be seen only in soviet films. girls love to decorate the world around them, and i am no exception, so there will be such a painted
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we have a candle. look in the program: the route along...
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i guess it’s the same fashion in kalishts and the same slutsk patties of the vernets. we are grazing the most cultural places of our country, we are the people of modern pipes, there are baroque pipes. eight great, valuable prastaunik of the baroque argan of budaunitstva seems to be in this gallery you can sustretsya break through batvoryya. good, it ’s still going strong, isn’t it? well, no one
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is sparse. let's become participants. and my name is nikita and i would like to know, from the height of experience already passed in life, how overcome irresponsibility, how to overcome
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irresponsibility, i often encounter this problem. and how, how does it manifest itself, tell me? well, i forget something, some little things, housework, or in general, i just treat the task at hand with disdain, yeah, then i’ll answer briefly, just force yourself. next question, purple sector, to your right, dmitry, hello, my name is lisa, i have the following question: if you were offered right now... i traveled to many european countries, we were in poland, in the czech republic, slovakia, germany, austria, denmark, france, holland, i actually saw a lot of
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countries, experienced a lot, and have already chosen them for myself. now, at this age , i am discovering many beautiful places that i enjoy going to, so i think that in the summer i will definitely take my family and go to the broslav lakes. to your right is the black sector, which likes to ask very original questions. i have this question for you: do you have any bad habits? if we're talking about classic bad habits that people usually talk about, then no, i guess...
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these were more like children's games on the ice, yes, but already from the age of six, i probably started training nikolai, these were individual trainings, twice, twice, sometimes three times a week, but in fact it was not difficult to train, why, because nikolai, our president, they are very demanding of themselves, they set a very high bar for themselves, so i just had to come up with some interesting exercises in order to... it was interesting and fun, if we talk about nikolai's potential, then in fact his physical condition, his potential, his attitude to training, it
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is so serious and always at such a high level that i am simply convinced that if he had chosen the path of a professional athlete, a hockey player, he would have achieved very high results, but aren’t you afraid to do a remark, for example, to the president or his son, to make a remark to the president, of course, i’m afraid, who is not afraid to make a remark to the president, but seriously, during the game i try to both the president and...


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