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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 21, 2024 4:20am-4:51am MSK

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in fact, it was not difficult to train, why? because nikolai, our president, is very demanding of themselves, they set a very high bar for themselves, so all i had to do was come up with some interesting exercises to make it interesting and fun. if we talk about nikolai’s potential, then in fact his physical condition, his potential, his attitude to training, it is so... serious, always at such a high level that i am simply convinced that if he had chosen the path of a professional athlete, a hockey player, then i would achieve very high results, but aren’t you afraid to reprimand, for example, the president or his son, reprimand the president, of course i’m afraid, who isn’t afraid to reprimand the president, uh, but seriously, i try to reprimand the president during the game . and nikolay and other players
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of the president’s team, rather not make comments, on the contrary, somehow correct and suggest in certain moments, in order to generally improve our game. purple sector, to your left, you had to communicate with the president, and which is he like a person? i have known the president since 1997, right then. the president started skating for the first time, then the president’s hockey team was formed , and i was then the oldest goalkeeper in the hockey school of my youth, so it turned out that there were no goalkeepers in the president’s hockey team and it was us, the school’s students, who were involved, so throughout this long time i could get to know the president very well, i remember very well those years in the nineties, difficult, not only for our country, but in general for the entire former...
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i saw the formation of the president, i saw how he had to build many processes in our country, and as you know , my father was not in my life at that time, and seeing what a president he is, what a great workaholic he is, how he can work 24/7, what he lives by principles, how honest and decent he is, i chose this guideline for myself and in many ways took my example from him, red microphone, please.
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for many leaders of international organizations this becomes simply a political tool, and some of them are already simply they forgot about their purpose, that they should be engaged in popularizing it, and they simply become objects of some kind of political games, but you know how, i am convinced that all these double standards of politics in sports will one day pass. and we move on to the black sector, a little further from you. the international olympic committee allowed to compete in belarus under a neutral flag. what is it like to perform under a country other than your own flag? you know, i was recently at a presidential address, and he was also asked the same question. i don’t know how to perform, that is, i’m in i was lucky in life, i didn’t have such moments when i performed under a neutral flag, we always wore, proudly wore , tracksuits. feasts, jackets
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, of our own country, we always came with our flag and were proud when our flag was raised and we heard our anthem, but today is a time, yes, when we just need to survive, yes, and if this happens, that some belarusian athlete will perform under a neutral flag, but at the same time will sing our belarusian anthem in his soul and come here, return to our country, will get off the plane. will unfurl our belarusian flag, well, at least we will all understand what country he stood for and for whom he tried. please pay attention to the yellow sector. i think everyone knows the story of oddy the dog, how he lives now, how children live in normal families, yes, he eats, drinks, walks, relaxes, enjoys.
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why do you think some people treat animals so badly, and how to deal with it? now, in fact , a lot of work is being done in this regard at the legislative level, but i can say that... no matter what laws are created, in fact we must all understand that everything depends on ourselves, how we treat animals, how we teach our children to treat animals, yes, that is, i remember i was little, i bought myself hamsters, parrots there, yes, i learned to take care of them, yes, in the same way i try to teach my children, that is, this is a living creature that needs to be taken care of, sometimes even when i scold odie for certain things or other truths, my children are already defending him, so well, i it seems that the lessons are going well, applause , a question from the black sector, before you entered the studio, i saw that odya was with you, can you invite her to the studio, let’s try together, well, come here, come,
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don’t be afraid, odik, come here, come to me , oh my god, come here, come, come, find him, please meet him, can you pet him, of course, come here, he’s so cute, his first time in the studio, you just see , little one, let's go, little one, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go. a wonderful moment in our program, but questions are questions, let's move on to the red sector: my name is matvey, what kind of superhero power would you like to have, if this were possible, if this were possible,
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well, i know exactly what kind of superhero power my son would like me to have, who is 4 years old, he would definitely want me to be spider-man. he loves this hero, and he always tells me about him, buys spider-man costumes, and always says that if you were spider-man dad, it would be so cool if you had the opportunity to change one thing so that it was, but i probably wouldn’t have let my best friend go to grodno when he left later... came back, died on the highway, why do athletes, bloggers or artists go into politics? probably, in order to change life for the better, well, to be a deputy, conditionally , or a politician, this is definitely not
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your own good, yes, a good that should be for the whole country. why exactly did you become a senator? our senators are generally elected by eight people from each region of the city of minsk, but there are also. the president is also from eight people, the president never uses his entire quota, but it was in my history that the president appointed me as a member of the council of the republic, it was september 14 , twenty-one, that’s why i actually became a senator under the president’s quota. what do you do at your job? after the president, by the way, appointed me a senator, he said one phrase, if you saw it on tv or on the internet, your task is to help people, in fact, me and my colleagues are actually doing this, yes, we help people , we we try to do everything possible to help individually each person who comes to receive citizens, in general we make sure that the laws are followed, and of course
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we make some adjustments to them. what questions, perhaps problems, do they most often come to you at personal meetings with, and how do you try to help them? well, you know, the issues are completely different, yes, there are, of course, complex, global issues, these issues cannot be solved by just one senator or all members of the council of the republic need support, assistance, comprehensive solutions , relevant ministries and departments, but most often people come who are concerned about simple at first glance issues that do not globally concern the country as a whole, but they are also very important, landscaping courtyards, roads, building houses, and you know how , regardless of the complexity and issue, every citizen of our country, he has the right to count, when coming to any senator, the right to count on his objective and well, objective help. and we move on to the red
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sector, tell me, do you always fulfill your promises, what promise did you make last time and you... hello dmitry, my name is also dmitry, please tell me what are you most afraid of? what am i most afraid of? you know, i don’t know, to be honest, what i’m afraid of, there was a lot of everything in my life that betrayed me. strength, patience, in some moments that taught me to overcome
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fear, but i would probably say, maybe such simple, primitive things that are often said, maybe even by top models at miss competitions universe, yes, or in my childhood they also said this, but i didn’t attach any importance to it, i definitely... i don’t want there to be wars in our modern world, so that we all have a peaceful sky above our heads, and you are 100% happy with your life? i am absolutely satisfied with my life, because - i, as i told you at the beginning, i always dreamed of being a cool hockey player, and i led an interesting hockey life, that is, i went through all the stages - essentially from private to general, then, what's happening in my life today, yes, what... i have there is an opportunity to influence the development of sports in general and hockey in particular, yes, this gives
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me additional opportunities, and i am absolutely happy about it. this signal means that the time for asking the hero has expired. dmitry, now you have to choose the best question. well, actually, you know, it's very difficult to choose the best question, because all the questions were interesting, uh. all the questions made me plunge into my childhood, the past, i recalled with pleasure what happened to me in life, therefore, to it was fair, i would like to give a small gift to all the participants in this project, you asked me a lot of questions about hockey, we are starting a new khl season in september, so i am pleased to invite you all to the opening home match. at the minsk arena of the dynamo minsk hockey club, i will definitely give
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everyone invitations, and a special prize, so that no one will be offended, we will give a gift to today’s youngest participant, this is a certificate for lepsha, uh - for custom tailoring - a bomber jacket, you can sew a dinamo jacket juniors, yes, you can have any jacket that you just like with any embroidery, initials or anything else, girl, don’t be shy, come and pick you up. congratulations, you have such a gift, according to the rules of our program, today only the author of the best question should have received a gift, but in my opinion all the children received it, it’s wonderful, applause, dmitry, thank you, dmitry, now you have the opportunity to ask the children three questions , uh-huh, okay, well, let's do this, since we talked a lot about hockey, who? of you was at the minsk arena or some another hockey match, oh, so many people, yes, great, great, well then just
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tell me what you liked or didn’t like at the hockey match, you liked the beginning, that’s when the anthems are all there, everyone is dancing, that is, everyone is singing, that’s all pre-match shows, great , so what else, it’s always very important for me at any event, it’s the atmosphere and the people, that’s what i notice always and everywhere, and the atmosphere when everyone empathizes together, especially when... i like what comes first in presidential hockey at the end they scatter toys to everyone, and secondly , they always win, i’ve never been to a hockey game when they lost, you’re lucky, because everyone, everyone loses sometime. next question dmitry, what would you like to change for the better in our
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state? i would like to change so that athletes start playing better, so that our state becomes the first in sports and wins all championships. well done, i'm sure our athletes will hear you. thank you. what else? dmitry, i saw hands reaching out behind you. i wish that the majority of young people have become engage in sports, because a lot of young people are going in the wrong direction, in the wrong direction, i agree 100%, this is also my sincere desire, so please do it. third question gi. well, come on, in your understanding, what is the meaning of life, who is ready? it seems to me that the meaning of life is to be kind, i do n’t know, it just seems to me that now there is a real lack of this kindness among other people, everyone is very immersed in their career, and money, material something. i think that
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the meaning of life is to live it to the fullest, to try everything, well, within reason, of course. dmitry, i’ll ask you to stay, thank you, how do you feel from the conversation? i had
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a wonderful time, immersed myself in certain emotions, experienced them with pleasure, did the children surprise you with anything? and the children really just made me happy, yes, they asked interesting questions, it seems to me that we found contact with them, everyone enjoyed this event. today you managed to answer 47 questions, tell me if we call you again, you will agree come? i'll definitely come. i address our audience. do you think that our hero was as frank as possible with you today? yes, i would really like... there were more programs like this, when famous people, like you people, opened up to us more, i really liked the atmosphere, everything was very comfortable, some questions were easy to collect, since we can’t find out the exact truth, but one could feel that what was being said was true. dmitry, we have this rule:
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the hero always has the last word. i am very grateful to the children for this openness, for theirs. questions for the fact that i plunged into this atmosphere and really enjoyed it, thank you very much. member of the council of the republic of the national assembly, hockey player and head coach of the presidential hockey team, dmitry baskov, was a guest today on the 100 questions for adults program. see you in a week.
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nations, my people, sertsa adtaunya zroznaya zamli, shchyra.
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and long live, our beloved, mother, work, of course, long live belarus, we will suffer, we will suffer, we will get out.
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union, our beloved, motherly, live forever and shine belarus, our beloved, mother, slave, our times belarus, the service of the people, the strength of the people, our pabens, painful paths, our mountains
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of change, clear events, probable, the joy of the saints, the evil of the earth, our saint. technical name, svarskaga vatansky union, our beloved matsi, grams, little living belarus, our beloved matsi,
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good evening, live panorama, ekaterina tyahomirova is with you and about the main events of this saturday. the world order must be built on the basis of economic pragmatism of mutually beneficial cooperation. the head of the foreign policy department voiced his position belarus at the non-aligned movement summit. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. increase the production of your passenger cars and enter mass production. how the dream of a belarusian car became a reality, we will study the history of the issue in the new panorama section. import substitution, construction of service
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centers, personnel training. belarus and the kemerovo region are expanding cooperation and creating a union belas dump truck. dovos is no longer what the financial elites in switzerland actually discussed and why they staged a circus with shamans, zelensky and other opposition figures marginalized? during the week , the number of nominees became known, those who apply for the title of candidates for deputies in the house of representatives or local councils, which of them will enter the campaign period will become known after checking the packages of documents. today, in the panoramas section, we will tell you the details of preparations for the election campaign and summarize this week. we are closely following the main competitions of the planet in january. how are the belarusians doing on the courts in melbourne, we’ll also discuss a hefty five-year contract for...
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a strong economy and security are perhaps the two main components of the success and development of any country. belarus understands this, which is why at the highest level there is a constant bias towards ensuring economic stability and peace, tranquility against the backdrop of a difficult external situation. the day before , these very topics were touched upon during the president’s visit to the belgic plant; they talked about the safety and prospects of the belarusian automobile industry. alexander lukashenko believes that...
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naturally, there is probably no company in the world that would provide components produced in one country, be it an airplane , be it a car, great cooperation, cooperation for the long term, but due to the fact that the world has gone crazy, competition is reaching military action, we need to rely primarily on friendly countries, why i arrived, the main question to which i always answer is that... then only forward, you can’t go back, you can’t stand, only forward, the whole world today is focused on production, especially our deputy prime minister, the farm owner who started making these cars at belaz , and the minister today we are focused on this, hybrid cars, yes, that means diesel fuel, gasoline, the same, engine, recharging, electric car. and clean
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electric cars, the world is showing us where to go, and we decided that we should follow this path, but remember, there were many skeptics at the beginning of our automotive industry, the president of the innovative project took personal control, and now blg is a successful enterprise, they buy our cars with confidence, the line of their cars and are ready to expand with new models, which there was a road to a dream, veronica buta. my dream of making my own passenger car knows the history of the issue in our new section, it came true, so on behalf of our entire team that is here, from the government of belarus, from the belarusian people, let's thank sidenpin. for
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this great help, these shots were scattered without false modesty all over the world. in 2017 , the first belarusian passenger car rolled off the assembly line. our president believed in belarusians who were capable of much. trucks, mining dump trucks, tractors, buses, electric buses became a national treasure. this line was missing only one passenger car. the domestic passenger car industry began its history several years before these shots. the first behind-the-scenes statements were made in 2015, at a meeting in the palace of independence, alexander lukashenko sets the task: there will be a project, but creating your own production, as they say, from scratch, is risky, competitors were far ahead, it was decided to work hand in
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hand with chinese...
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transport mechanical engineering, investment resources with government support will be concentrated on large breakthrough projects, such as organizing the production of gili passenger cars. creating capacity and expanding the production of mining dump trucks in belas, modernizing the production of vehicles and automotive components. launching a plant is just the beginning of a long journey; the next task is sales.


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