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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 21, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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production, the so-called belg , what lukashenko’s opponents wrote, to gently paraphrase, they say, it’s not harmful to want, but the president has become convinced over the years that belarusians, with the right approach, are capable of more than that, the belarusian leader took the project under personal control, a matter of state importance, the president puts the development of domestic mechanical engineering on a par with the implementation of space projects and the construction of nuclear power plants. without him, we will be forced to continue predominantly. foreign means of production, and therefore depends on such imports, transport engineering, investment resources with government support will be concentrated on major breakthrough projects, such as organizing the production of geely passenger cars, creating capacity and expanding the production of mining dump trucks in belas, modernizing the production of masses and altocomponents. launching a plant is just the beginning of a long journey; the next task is sales. and the best advertising is,
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of course, a personal example. everything will be done to ensure that this car finds its niche in the belarusian market and is sold. your people they will support you with loans so that you can afford it, then dealer networks, service, maintenance, a wide range of products in the more expensive and budget segments have definitely burst into the market at maximum speed. and today queues are starting to form in belarus. belarus and china have stood the test of time, including testing. this super-ambitious project. it was decided to fill the collaboration with a new sound. while in the middle kingdom in march last year, our president initiated the entry into belarus of the chinese automobile corporation favgroup. the company is considered the founder of the chinese automobile industry, that is, a major authoritative global player. i would like us to create a real car in belarus together with you. and if we...
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and today belarus really can boast of an impressive assortment. we produce not only passenger cars, but trolleybuses, buses, agricultural vehicles, and construction equipment. trucks, the leader here is the belarusian giant belas. today, our dump truck has replaced analogues of foreign mining equipment at kusbas, where tens of thousands of belarusian belaz workers are already working. today on one of coal mines.
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the first union mining dump truck, which consists of 90% domestic components, is just undergoing testing. daria belousova-petrovskaya visited the coal capital of siberia and studied the economic potential of union cooperation. a monument to the siberian ore miner mikhailo volkov, today he would be called an ore prospecting specialist, this is a symbol of kemerovo. it was he who saw a burning mountain on the ton river in the middle of the 16th century. so it was discovered here. the first coal seam, which over time turned kemerovo into a coal mine capital of siberia. last year alone , more than 200 million tons of the most valuable type of fuel were produced here. the krasnobrodsky coal mine was founded after the war in 1947. in kusbas , this is the first coal enterprise where coal is mined using an open pit method. and today it is taking place here. the first allied belaz
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with a lifting capacity of 220 tons. this mining dump truck is our answer to economic sanctions. the machine consists of 90% domestic components. the experimental engine was made at the kolomensky plant, now the main thing is how well the russian engine and the powerful bilaz will work together. testing of the union dump truck began in the summer; according to the rules, a test drive of the vehicle lasts a year, since the operation of the new engine must be checked in different weather conditions, frost, snowfall, ice and hot heat, because in winter the temperature in the quarry drops. we test it little by little , bring it to perfection, we don’t like something, we tell the engineers, they redo it, in
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general we improve the car so that we have our own dump trucks and don’t have to buy them abroad as soon as the tests are over, will begin. release and the first 20 pieces will arrive at this coal mine. by the way, today there are 130 belarusian dump trucks of various modifications operating here, in total there are almost 400 belaz trucks in kusbas. the machine is so popular that several years ago a large service center was built in the kemerovo region, where they carry out work of any level of complexity, from restoring basic parts to engine repair. we are located in the very center of kuzbass, this is extremely profitable logistics. allows us to cover absolutely all enterprises that are located in the territory under our jurisdiction. today we are implementing the second stage, because repairs and restoration of basic components and parts of belas mining dump trucks are very popular. the construction of the second stage
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of the belas service center is planned to be completed by the end of this year. in addition, this site can be a conduit for all belarusian equipment to the regions of western siberia. the multi-brand center will be the first such project in russia, which will bring together in one place all the best under the brand made in belarus from combine harvesters, tractors to buses, forest loaders. belas is a train, if you look at our product table, it just drags behind it like a locomotive a whole train of this component base, and this is actually a huge chance for our manufacturers to enter this market, occupy niches, these niches... no longer give away, because the pressure from asian suppliers is already felt, you can’t give away your market, and we want belaz’s anchor to be very strong here in kuzbass, it has become even more deeper. in addition, belarus closely cooperates with kuzbass technical university. this applies to scientific
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developments and training of professional personnel. the university trains specialists in various fields, from mining dump truck drivers to mining engineers. negotiations are currently underway, possibly as early as this year. in this matter, it was important not to follow the path trodden by our neighbors, decline and destruction. it wasn’t always easy; sometimes it wasn’t possible the first time. agency those. continues to exercise its control quality, this time the film crew went to the vitebsk region, to increase the number of goods 10 times, to open new workshops, to remove the label of backward production. how the arshan tool plant, which the president visited back in 2018, has changed.
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the picture then was, to put it mildly, depressing. from the state of the premises, some of which were simply abandoned, to the outdated equipment of the seventies. the wind of change, nothing dripping on your head, light, warm, from which workers used to run, the equipment is old, the salary was small , there was practically no work as such, but after a reboot they returned, due to poor working conditions, employers are losing good specialists, well
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, it turns out that they expanded the product catalog, took on large molds, mastered assembling one model of tractor, which crooked path led to then your factory? these storm drains are dirty to work with, why put asphalt in the grass, and what’s happening now, even the snow can’t hide it? our quality control will get to the bottom of the truth. we will answer for quality on sunday in the main air. the world is tired of conflicts and pressure to interfere in the internal affairs of sovereign states. this is how we can briefly summarize the general theses from the polysummit of the non-aligned movement in uganda, where 140 states and a number of international organizations are represented in the palette of states gathered in the african country. the non-aligned movement should be at the center of multilateral efforts to...
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after the speech of the belarusian delegation , un secretary general antónio guteres shook hands with sergei oleynik for belarus’ honest, open, principled position. on on the sidelines of the forum, sergei oleinik held meetings with his egyptian counterpart, the deputy minister of foreign affairs of malaysia, as well as the heads of foreign affairs of bangladesh, mozambique, and eritrea. the negotiations are aimed primarily at enhancing trade and economic cooperation;
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the head of the belarusian mit also held a number of meetings with representatives of algeria, india, uganda, the philippines and north korea, zimbabwe, indonesia, bosnia and herzegovina. western hegemony can be called the source of global instability; these are the root causes that led to both economic instability and member states of the nato military bloc, so this week, representatives of the country’s security bloc presented to the head of state an updated draft of the military doctrine of belarus and the concept of national security. the new military doctrine does not provide for a radical revision of the provisions of the state's military policy. much has remained unchanged and most importantly, it has been preserved.
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said former adviser to the us secretary of defense , colonel douglas mcgregor, in a column for
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the american conservative. the expert added that washington is making a mistake by continuing promote nato to the east. in unisson , a statement was made by the prime minister of slovakia, robert fica, who said he firmly intends to block ukraine's membership in nato. and by the way, today slovakia announced that it had lifted the ban on cultural cooperation with belarus and russia. which has been in effect since march 2022, thereby more and more european countries are showing a reasonable independent course from brussels and do not intend to allow themselves to be drawn into the global one. i will say that i am against ukraine’s membership in nato, that i will use the veto right to block it, because this will be the foundation of the third world war. and the voices about leaving nato are getting louder. french politician florian philippot, leader of the patriots party, called on france to leave the alliance because of its aggressive
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policy towards russia, namely the deployment of tens of thousands of soldiers in europe. a lot of military equipment for the purpose of conducting exercises. philippa points out that the exercises are intended to demonstrate to moscow the readiness of the military bloc to take up arms, and this is a potential threat to citizens of the european union. grandson of ex-president of france, general charles degolya expressed the opinion that the republic needs to join brix. this quote would provide an alternative to nato trusteeship, depending on the anglo-saxon financial. market, the poles , as always, act in defiance of everyone in the ukrainian spirit, the new polish government approved a law that established strict liability for draft dodgers. the document obliges all reservists to appear at the military registration and enlistment office within 6 hours of receiving the summons. for violating the order , those liable for military service face up to 5 years in prison. this
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has already given rise to rumors that warsaw is collecting troops for active combat operations. the rules, as the media write, apply in peacetime and in wartime . plus, warsaw previously stated that it agrees to the deployment of bundestag troops on the territory of the republic in addition to the 10 thousand american soldiers who are already stationed in the country. tension between the west and the east will only increase, as the north atlantic alliance independently escalates the conflict with russia, a russian military expert believes. rozhen, according to him, the nato propaganda scenario about russia’s attack on poland and the baltic states is not is new and is only a cover for increasing military presence in the region. the possibility of war around the suwałki corridor is announced; the possibility of military operations on the territory of poland, belarus and
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the baltic states. it grew as nato accumulated a grouping of its troops in the baltic states and poland, creating a threat to the union state, this scenario is not new, and the propaganda campaign about russia’s attack on poland and the baltic states has been going on since the mid-190s, since then nato began conduct regular war games, where this scenario was tested, which in fact formed the basis of subsequent decisions he...
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the doctrines of individual countries are aggressive in nature, the attraction of power and desire is proportionate to this threat, why the military rules the world, the us belief in exclusivity, the search for permanent enemies, as well as the belarusian development strategy in key documents. feel the difference in understandable politics, watch on monday after the panorama.
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unfortunately, we have returned to a time when military force became the main argument in building interstate relations.
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these days, ordinary citizens of the european union are on the defensive before their own governments, while european politicians are puzzled about where else to find funds for military sponsorship of the kiev tragladdites, citizens have so far unsuccessfully called on the authorities. in the netherlands, germany, austria, poland and romania, in france, farmers who have been blocking the highway between toulouse and bayona for a day, relations with those in power, local farmers eloquently expressed their manure campaign, delivered a foul-smelling heap to the building of the administration of the city of lemos. january 24 tractor flash mob will cover the whole of poland, agricultural producers
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intend to block roads in protest against grain imports from ukraine. austerity measures and dumping by companies using cheap ukrainian products have brought european producers to the brink of survival, analysts state that the eu has no answer to... challenges of the future, the countries of the so-called union are hampered by a catastrophic inability to come to a common denominator on many issues, for example , in the issue of energy transition, which became especially relevant after the introduction of sanctions against russia belarus. according to estimates, this requires more than $5 trillion, but brussels does not have that kind of money. according to the regulations, they should have reached a common economic denominator in davos, but it was an economic one. world powers have entered into open competition for the right to determine a new world order, and
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there is no talk of any collective decisions, every man for himself. for participation in this event, everyone had to fork out $250,000, this is the fee for a feast during the plague. what was not agreed upon in davos and what is being hidden on the sidelines of the forum? author's comment. hello everyone, i’m maria petrashko, tv news agency , the world economic forum in davos, as a rule, a meeting place for the synchronization of watches among the elites of transnational corporations, those same gray eminences who often stand above governments, only what remains of the economic form is as if only a name, we’ll have to together fight against putin. i believe that breaking the nuclear agreement with iran was a big mistake.
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economic forum was the conflict in ukraine and security in europe, this was discussed in a round table format, the dictator of all poland andrzej duda and the minister of escort of foreign affairs of ukraine dmitry kuleba. there were no representatives of russia, nor china, nor the states, that is, no one who really influences anything. kuleba, with requests to give the ukrainians at least shovels, is now deciding for the security of europe? zelensky is under pressure given the position of opponents of us president joe biden in the run-up to elections in this country. biden will remain a lame duck politically and so will his successor. will try to negotiate a better deal, as donald trump often did; will try not to prolong the war. well, zelensky also
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met with dudo and had dinner at his expense. asked for help to ukraine. in general , that's all he did. where is the economy and investment? where are the crisis managers who will discuss how western economies can get out of their predicament? europe has plenty of problems. however, they are not fully discussed on the forum. in the short term , european economies must respond severe inflation, an inefficient energy market and the risk of recession in the long term, they will have to adapt to much higher energy prices after a political break with russia. bingo. this is precisely why the davosi forum is covered so one-sidedly by the western media. do you really think that the heads of central banks and bankers are just going to have fun with zelensky and go skiing in the alps? but not. decide how to stop the unimaginably growing national debt of the american and european economies, if this bomb delayed action will explode, it will hurt the pockets of even those who are holed up in
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washington, miami, the alps, and nalaza.
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indeed, some new world order is being formed, we have the opportunity to influence how this new world order, what this new era will look like, and accordingly, we can somehow change, adapt existing institutions, take with us the most valuable foundations of the outgoing era principles into the next era. valuable principles. this is the destruction of entire states in order to take other people's resources or valuable principles for next to nothing. - this is a permanent american income from wars, and once again i would pay special attention to the fact that at the economic forum of transnational elites they so actively took up the discussion of the coming pandemic, which no one has discovered yet, but they directly announced, took up the discussion of the next horror stories, and supposedly russian threat, we read , everything close to russia, that is, the entire cis, will shake again.
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well... knowledge of the fact that a new world order is underway, something must be done about it, the american ex-hegemon openly tells us until the last he will hold on to world domination with blue fingers and set the planet on fire. the middle east is already on fire. extra meters, extra expenses. a resident of mozyr turned to the prosecutor general's office with a question about... they enter, when they dug deeper, it turned out that terraces and unheated rooms in the total are not that a couple of extra meters in the fat on a national scale - this is a lot of money, alexander kamovich will continue the topic, an unexpected call from housing and communal services
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for the makarenko family from mozyr. surprise, in 10 years of living in rental housing, the couple has never i was late paying for my utility bills, they are offering to do a recalculation, i was even more surprised by the fact that we found out about the overpayment in their direction in the summer, so they made a recalculation for us, that is , the amount is 438 rubles 11 kopecks. it turned out to be an overpayment, well, this is apparently due to the fact that one amount was entered in the registration certificate. the rental agreement contained a different amount. the difference in numbers is small at first glance, less than three square meters, but in general, over 36 months, the makarenka family overpaid a considerable amount, it’s all because of the balconies that went through the fat as the total area. based on the results of the inventory, a recalculation of the excess area was made, this is the area of ​​balconies. the funds were returned to the population within one to two months, depending
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on. accruals made. it turned out that attention was paid to the problem after a specialist from mozyr contacted the prosecutor general; the makarenko family’s apartment also ended up on the list of rental housing included in the prosecutor’s office. violations in the calculation of utility bills were discovered in several buildings and hundreds of apartments. although there were also checks other violations in the calculation of payments and collection of rent. the condition conducive to these violations was that the enterprise did not carry out internalization over a period of time. housing stock. the mozyre prosecutor's office began an administrative process, and this story prompted inspections of the housing and communal services system throughout the country. as a result of verification activities, it was confirmed that the total area of ​​290 rental apartments was inflated by 698 km2 due to the inclusion of balconies, which is contrary to the law. eventually the amount of payments made by citizens has been recalculated. it turned out that almost 90 thousand rubles were illegally
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withheld from the residents of this house. the work of the supervisory agency did not end there; now the prosecutor’s office will study the issue of the legality of charging payments in all regions of the country. special attention will be paid to the procedure for inventorying rental housing. the position regarding the perpetrators is decidedly tough according to the law. alexander kamovich, tv news agency. protecting the belarusian economy equals protecting interests people, as well as pressing development issues were raised this week at a meeting in the palace of independence. the topic of foreign investors who slam doors or, on the contrary, want to work in belarus despite the political snowstorm was touched upon. belarus adheres to a clear route in its development, not even...
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inclined only to the grodno region. the topic of snow was not discussed only by those who did not leave the house at all; it was heard even on the sidelines of the palace of independence. i'm yulia alferova, i'll tell you about the events of the week. forecasters they call such vagaries of nature the influence of the frontal system, they say it comes quickly, but not for long, but how effectively it snowed so that the snow cover in minsk grew to 21 cm, and no matter how the road services got involved, only in the capital, two hundred cars took on the clearing, it’s impossible to remove everything at once, from here. unusual for the capital, traffic jams of 10 points and the announced “bad weather” plan. such videos are the trend of this day, however, like the topic as a whole, it was discussed even in the palace
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of independence, 5 hours on the road from grodno to on the sidelines, the grodno governor will share in anticipation of a meeting with the president. we will return to the agenda of this meeting, but for now i will continue the snow topic, which has become a real apocalypse for germany and belgium. not only the movement of cars, air and railway transport had to be cancelled, some schools and companies were closed due to the difficulties on the road. the blizzard objectively only plays into the hands of the german government, except for weather anomalies and no one can count on to blow the raging farmers off the streets and divert people’s attention from extortions for ukrainian needs, which have already brought a separate industry to the brink, obviously this outcome awaits the whole of europe.
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“we want peace through force, russia would never attack ukraine, would never do this, putin and i get along very well, while the western part of the world is scratching its heels for a conflict to flare up, increasingly, under duress, belarus is joining forces, sending tons of humanitarian aid for those who are in a military conflict zone today, this moment of turbulence, we must be together, it’s gratifying, indeed all of belarus today helps donbass
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." despite the actions of their government, the supreme council was entrusted with key positions in the field of security, the more careful the approach to the selection of members, the nomination of delegates will begin on march 12, before that time we will learn the names of the deputies of the house of representatives and local councils,
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298 are vying for the lower house of parliament nominees, 18,996 people in local councils, for weeks the territorial district commissions have begun the registration stage, will everyone come to campaign... this exhibition once again responds to the question is what would have happened if in the twentieth year the rebellion and coup had taken place, if the consistent movement forward had been stopped, as we see today in poland or lithuania, it’s easy to imagine how people actually live there, if they come to belarus, they are surprised what is familiar to us. of course, i’ve heard a lot, i saw that you are here...
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the belarusian president’s hockey team
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won the next match of the group stage of the republican hockey league. the tournament is held annually for the prizes of the presidential sports club, and this is one of the largest amateur hockey starts in our country. the hosts of the site had a team from the mogilev region as their opponents. the first two periods remained the active trophy winners. and here is the results of the third.
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from the minsk region played a 4:4 draw with the team from the brest region. on the air of the panorama information channel , andrey kozlov is with you on sports day. hello. let's start with the main sporting event on the planet right now. victoria zarenko made it to the 1/8 finals of the australian grand slam tournament open. belarusian, ranked twenty-second in the world ranking.
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there was no belarusian representation in doubles after the second round match. irina shamanovich in tandem with elina avanesyan lost to christini buchi, anastasia panova 16-26. alexandra sasnovich paired with anna blinkova failed to beat beatrice hadatmai and taylor towncent. 6-7-46. dynamo minsk begins the away series of the khl regular championship against the leaders of the western conference with a defeat from moscow teammates 1.4. he scored our only goal today. defender veteran dmitry korobov, thus
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the menchan team remains in eighth place in the west with an asset of 51 points, the moscow team has the second position and 74 points. i can’t say that there was some kind of game like this and they brought it, no, these little things, the throw-in, the majority, such small things that were predicted, but once again our terrifying majority, we still should be there. the guys who have to decide, but unfortunately, the current away series in minsk dynamo will play against cska ska and lokomotiv. belarusian forward of the nhl club washington capitals alexey protas signed a new five-year contract with the team until the end of the 2028-2029 season worth almost $17 million. this became known today after a message on social networks in the capital. protesters were drafted by washington, played in a farm club and then got a chance to gain a foothold in
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the main team. as a result, this season metipchanin is a full-fledged player in the main team of the famous club. in forty-two games this season he has 18 points. ivan tulatin won the 10 km sprint race at the cup stage russia, which takes place in izhevsk. our athlete was rehabilitated for inaccurate shooting in the individual race 2 days ago, where he made nine misses. today he hit all targets without errors. tulatin was almost 9 seconds ahead of russian representative anton babikov at the finish line. i note that this is tulatin’s second big victory in the last two seasons. last year in ryazan, at the commonwealth cup stage, he also took the gold award in the individual race. another belarusian dmitry lazovsky was in the top 10, and tomorrow is the russian cup stage
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will end with two mass start races. even more relevant sports information on the night air, have a nice weekend, check it out.
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adventure of foreigners in belarus , and what is this or is it also unclear, no, i don’t take those like that, i don’t take mushrooms that i don’t know, so what, we probably have enough for breakfast, enough for breakfast, you have yu , and you sell yoka, in lingi, a guy from ecuador has lived here for 8 years and travels around our towns and villages, delicious, right?
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this is so cool because i'm so palm trees, i haven't seen so many palm trees here in a long time belarus, belarusian people are good , they always treat you to something, she said, take the potatoes, throw away everything they bought you, it tastes better here, i believed it, because such huge potatoes are still there - the pepper is also cool, look in the travel project white dew on the belarus 24 tv channel, the television news agency presents in the public domain many reptiles in a foreign land, maryls, these people and companions from their native land, and the happy hour
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has come: from argentine to ades, the ukrainians have arrived in foreign countries y ukraine and belarus, packed yashche yes 1939 native land in search of molded shares. since the beginning of the winter, we have already received a one-time pear aid and free shopping tickets for everything, many of them have been released for several months now. former farm laborer,
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have a praising moment ivan gaurylavich kobranets remembers all his life, as he has been searching for some time in argentina, and as he knows from his native pinsk, dze long live, do good, learn. and for the sake of the kamunists. city of grozna.
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paslya 19-gadovaga blukannya na paўdnyovay americans, ivan yakaulevich semyanovich has returned here. their hands on the work have become tired. now all the members of the getai are practicing in grodzensky. pratsoўny days are over. only those who have not been on radzim for many years can understand how glad the rightful people are free for an hour on the shores
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of their native neman. let us be successful in life and practice. sports day is on air, andrey kozlov is with you. hello. let's start with the main sporting event on the planet, right now. victoria zarenko made it to the 1/8 finals of the australian open grand slam tournament. belarusian, occupying the twenty-second position in the world ranking, beat the tenth racket of the world, jelena ostapenko. two sets 6:1, 7:5. the match lasted an hour and 24 minutes and our tennis player scored three double faults with eleven aces. fights for reaching the quarter finals of zarenka.


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