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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 21, 2024 9:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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this is the main broadcast, hello, polina shuba and maxim uglyanitsa are with you. belarus is a guarantor of world stability and peace equals economy. such examples are very difficult for enemies overseas. hence, probably, the impossibility of linking the protests with the economic crisis with sanctions that they themselves launched. it is even more difficult to understand, probably due to the difficulty of translation or lack of basic education, what the concept of national security is and... an elective for high school students from which military doctrine, or in particular, military a real hysteria broke out behind the ribbon. we translate that belarusians are so committed to protecting their interests, and for those who have never studied at school or been to extracurricular activities, let us clarify. an elective is always optional. as for the rest, yes, strategic documents are an algorithm for the work of all bodies of the spheres, in order to protect the country and people, simply because we have exhausted the limit on...
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we will ask the main questions to the director and screenwriter igor lopotenok, who works in hollywood. amnesia of the current warsaw, we liberated, and they are demolishing. mobilization, repression and destruction of monuments to liberators. the entire polish people were deceived by him. tusk is dismantling poland, dismantling it from below. the eu is hammering nails into the stars on the flag. the scholz were booed, the farmers were tired of the arbitrariness and waste of their money. where to go in search of a new life,
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belarus is open, and the french appreciate it. grodno outback and delights with croissants. it’s time to create, the state quality mark has been established, let’s check whether the situation at the tool plant in orsha has changed for the better? we have been consistently two for several years once a year we raise wages by 15%, electricity gives the green light to industry, we are ripe to make passenger cars as belarusian as possible. this year we will experiment on an industrial batch. let’s ask the new minister how the economy has performed in general, as well as about new opportunities for investment and exports. so, defense, security and
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strategy. belarus today stands firmly on these three pillars. every country that respects itself and its sovereignty today does not. just thinks about security, military budgets are a number states are simply inflating before our eyes, exercises that have not happened since the cold war are about to begin near us. the baltics are throwing out statements about mining the borders, and what do you propose to do, look through rose-colored glasses and continue. there are examples; there is not enough time to list the countries on which democratic nato missiles and bombs fell. so strategic documents, military doctrine and concept. security is about protecting the national interests of belarus, ensuring peace and stability in various areas. both the document was discussed at the security council last week with the participation of the head of state. the situation in the world is heating up; of course, the situation requires constant monitoring and analysis. this was
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a fundamental instruction from our president to globally calculate the risks of all kinds of threats to belarus and our reaction in the event of various types of conflicts. all this was written down in the doctrine and... concepts, documents are absolutely open, unlike other, in quotes, democratic countries, where such information is not usually disclosed. we will discuss this topic in more detail with our political observer ilona krasutskaya. ilona, ​​well, there’s probably no need to convince anyone of our openness. and throughout this week, the security bloc continued to educate the public in detail about the essence of these strategic documents. well, in your opinion, you monitor the reaction, including that of your opponents, well, in principle, everything is clear with them. that's what concerns our people, were there moments, questions where something was misunderstood or turned out to be the most sensitive. colleagues, regarding the openness of documents, well, everything is available, take it, get acquainted, read, we didn’t hide anything. moreover, the very fact that such a complex topic as national security,
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various details in the process of ensuring it are made public, and even the people themselves make proposals, is a rarity, and yes, a fact that cannot be tolerated in the west, hence the seething. national security was discussed not only among professionals, in labor collectives, among young people, well, the time is different, people want to really be immersed in all processes, from economics to security. yes, there were certainly moments where not everything was clear to people, but then again, we are not all military experts, so we consulted, including journalists , recorded a series of interviews with the minister of defense and the secretary of state, so that everything would also be much clearer to people, this was an order from the head of state . to convey to people the essence of the issue as much as possible, so i propose not only to dwell on those most sensitive moments, but also to return to the history of the issue, how we created two most important documents, which, in terms of their significance, influence, actually go after the basic law of the country's constitution, when preparing a new
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edition of the national security concept, i would ask that it be absolutely frank, there is no need to hide anything based on some political motives or even... economic and so on, we must honestly write down the risks, threats that exist, our reaction to them, so that neighbors and others know how we will react, so that they don’t say that this was a surprise for someone, there is no need to hide anything, everything must be done honestly. in this thursday at the security council the head of state said: many of the forecasts and assessments contained in the military doctrine of the national security concept are already coming true, the middle east was cited as an example. someone didn’t understand the crisis, why alexander lukashenko brought him and not ukraine, but it’s not necessarily just the conflict that can lead to consequences nearby. nowadays, it is impossible to isolate yourself from global processes; it is important to assess the risks of various threats. you see that in modern international elements of the cold war returned to the agenda:
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the arms race, nuclear blackmail by the leaders of individual western states. we must directly and openly declare... the concept is also indicated in the concept, we regard nuclear exclusively as a deterrent element, more reproaches from poland, which , moreover, constantly asks the united states to place nuclear warheads on its territory, in parallel, nato countries are promoting a policy of expansion, increasing military presence around our country and exercises are carried out near
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the borders. belarus today is in confrontation with the west is on the line of military contact, this is what is extremely important to understand and... in europe the army and neighbors are constantly taking some provocative steps towards belarus, some kind of exercises are constantly trampling along the belarusian borders and so on, you understand, the temperature anti-belarusian targeting on the part of enemies, your enemies, our common enemies, it is growing every year. ilona, ​​well, the nato bloc directly names enemies in its military documents, listing
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some countries, for example, russia, china, how are we doing with this? well, despite the fact that our closest neighbors show such aggression, our president always emphasizes that we are not enemies of anyone, we do not threaten anyone, but we have an obligation to protect ourselves. neither in the concept of national security, nor in the military doctrine, we specifically called anyone enemies, but we prescribed probable sources of threats and reactions. tactical nuclear weapons deployed on our territory as part of the reaction, we divided
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the threats into internal and external, if external, we understand that this is an external enemy, internal, we have it now, and we have also clearly defined our actions and the order of action of the state, responding to these challenges , and we do not exclude that a military conflict may even begin in peacetime and we are about... the documents reflect our allied obligations , some perceived this exclusively as about russia, well, probably
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because the word ally is often heard in relation to it, but all this is much broader, it is about the csto, and our work and obligations in other integration structures of the cis, yas, sco, by the way, we are ready to take an active part in the activities of the osce, to resume the participation of belarus in european, regional and other organizations, of course, without the pressure of damaging our national interests with a direct threat.
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security permeates all areas, including economics, science, high technology, social responsibility of business, this is also written down in documents, no matter what form of ownership.
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our people, our state, as it is now, as it will be, if god forbid, a war breaks out, well, it will all depend on us, the system lined up, there are armed forces , a mobilization reserve, there is territorial defense, someone is your participant, there is a people's militia, in the village council they must fight for the village , who can hold a gun to protect their home. everything is lined up, weapons and ammunition are distributed locally, stored, a button is pressed, it starts spinning, spinning, but it all depends on us, on me and on all of you, i can only say in conclusion, give me the economy, and i will provide peace myself, of course , when you hear such words from the commander-in-chief, it inspires confidence, but at the same time
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obliges, we are now talking so much about quality, our common contribution, the secretary of state of the security council mentioned, the whole world is literally looking at us under... military actions in ukraine. the violation of the regional security architecture did not occur by chance . behind these processes there are specific people and states. the emergence of a new world order is today being proclaimed by the leading thinkers of our time. it existed one way or another for some time in the european part, but it was precisely the denunciation of these fundamental documents led to chaos and
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increased escalation in our region. how the next expansion of the team was carried out. the belarusian cordon is responsible for controlling kiev, vilnius and warsaw. belarus may be occupied and divided into three zones: ukrainian, polish and lithuanian. german soldiers are again marching east as part of the troops of collective europe. it is difficult to be indifferent to such headlines in the western
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press. we often talk about the criminal expansion of nato, about how the soviet union was deceived and violated gentlemanly principles. hooliganism, petty, yes, keep in mind that for this petty hooliganism i pay big money. the three pillars of international security relations are prodnya. in short, two global players, the usa and the ussr, agreed not to advance missile defense systems to each other’s borders, to destroy all launchers and
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intermediate-range missiles, and not to transfer nuclear weapons to third countries. guess who is methodical step by step. destroyed all this, by the end of the issue you will understand everything yourself, already in 1999 the head of the white administration at home under bill clinton, announced the beginning of the procedure for withdrawing from the apro agreement. as we explore the possibility of deploying a national missile defense system that would protect the united states from missile proliferation by rogue states. we are negotiating with the russians about how we can adjust the missile defense treaty to take this into account. we do this in spirit. 50-100 years in advance, after clinton resigned, his work to destroy the global balance of power was continued by george bush. i don't have a specific one
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schedule, i know for sure that the popro agreement prevents us from doing what we should do, and secondly, i know for sure that mr. putin knows about our desire to withdraw from the popro agreement, and we will do it. in june 2002, by decision of george w. bush, the united states unilaterally withdrew from the treaty. here it is important to make allowances for the wind and to explain one important feature, let’s say, in the military sphere, many things have, to put it mildly, a dual purpose, missile systems in this case can act as launchers for missiles that can be used to strike ground targets, and when such installations are located as close as possible to the launch sites of nuclear missiles, they significantly reduce their chance of reaching the target, that is, in many ways.
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the leaders don't particularly like our way of life. in may 2016 , an official ceremony for placing the first american missile defense system in europe on combat duty took place in romania. in december 2023. a similar system was opened in poland. in parallel with construction launch systems near the borders of the union state of belarus and russia, the united states is beginning to develop long-range missiles for. shorter range, which imposed restrictions on
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the development of testing such missiles. the president of belarus in those days gave a clear forecast for the development of further events. i am afraid that the americans will take advantage of the moment, disrupt this agreement and place missiles in europe. right here. it won’t seem enough to us anymore, so we need to think about retaliatory measures together with russia, there’s no getting around it if this will happen, and it will be even worse if these missiles are deployed, god forbid, well, hypothetically while on the territory, it seems to me that even though the north atlantic alliance declares that they are not going to interfere with these missiles in europe, it seems to me that this is just vomit , otherwise why go out. why was this agreement destroyed? during the years of occupation of the countries of the european union, the united states was not only able to build a system of military bases for strike installations, but also placed its nuclear
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weapons here. no, not just for storage, in case someone might think so. at titled medalist obama practiced command post exercises, the scenario of which was a nuclear strike on the territory of belarus and russia. yes, we lived quietly and calmly until it turned out that they were practicing simulated nuclear strikes on us, and of course, this greatly worried, first of all, the entire military, military-political leadership of our country, because, of course, issues of national security , they cannot be some kind of minor, i think that every person on earth, well, probably not there would have been, never even in a nightmare , the desire to see what was happening on keroshima and nagasaki. here. well, the same thing, if we look at what, for example, the americans did in northern syria or what is happening today with the gas sector, without a doubt, we see that this is scary,
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that the world today is on the verge of the third world war. the question of forming a new world order today arises for only one reason, because the white house has created the very global disorder that we see not only in europe, but throughout to the world. about dismantling the global security architecture. andrey sych in the screenshot section. here is another example of how they are trying to blow up a country that has not fallen under nato’s boots from the inside. this week our tv channel showed the film the failure of the sbu agent mongoose.
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explosives carried out other tasks of his handlers. his accomplices were also detained on the territory of our country, who came to the barodia caches and moved the objects located there further across the country. the uniqueness of the special operation to capture borodiya is that the illegal route to belarus lay through a difficult swamp. getting there and then getting out is very difficult. an experienced tracker developed it himself, and his curators even intended to lay out a route for an underwater drone.
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lukashenko particularly focused on the issue of the activity of foreign intelligence services on our territory and noted: our law enforcement officers are successfully suppressing it, and this is not only the transfer of explosive weapons, but also the formation of extremist cells. the episode we showed about agent mancust is just one of many. for obvious reasons, it is impossible to immediately cover tell. absolutely all cases, but the main tendency and goal of these groups is attempts to shake up the situation in belarus, to create chaos through terror and intimidation. during the investigation, caches of firearms and explosives were discovered and seized , information was obtained on their possible use in the preparation and commission of explosions at oil refining enterprises , and the preparation and commission of murders of government officials and journalists. the committee identified the individuals.
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curators from among the intelligence services ukraine, who led the activities of the criminal group. according to this fact, the investigative department of the committee has opened and is investigating a criminal case, in the actions of the defendants there are signs of crimes provided for in article 356 of the criminal code - this is treason to the state, article 358 note, undercover activity, as well as article 289 of the criminal code - this is an act of terrorism, and the sanction of the latter article provides for punishment in the form of... but this is a fact that the ukrainians themselves recognize, with the trigger of such terror and further escalation between the slavs was the events of ten years ago, the maidan. for the anglo-saxons, the country became a military battering ram; if you dig very deep, our western partners planned to turn square into another showcase of the achievements of the capitalist economy, to the envy of all
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other post-soviet republics. even after the collapse of the soviet union, and rewriting history, rewiring the brains of the new generation, really did their job. they began to see good in any proposals from the west, even the most radical ones. u us in the studio, a man who has investigated ukrainian events in great detail since the 2000s, actually witnessed how, from an all-union breadbasket, the country turned into an importer, exporting, perhaps, saboteurs. director, producer of scandalous films about the maidan, cinematographer of olliver stone, in the studio of the main broadcast igor zenovevich lopotyonok, good evening, good evening, well, right away, so that our viewers understand, what works of yours have become iconic for you personally? well, probably the biggest one of course, ukraine is on fire. i was brought up on classic soviet cinema, i made 16
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big soviet hits. in 2008 in 2013 i met, it happened, this is the best event in my life of the second half, i met olevero stone and was able to convince him to join our project,
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we then wanted to make a big documentary about ukraine, and the main character should be not maidan and not yanukovych and not putin, the main character should have been yulia tymoshenko, who was in prison at that time, this is a wonderful drama. maidan and us we realized that everything, everything, is in the past , we are filming it, my people had stones thrown at their heads, our cameramen were being chased with batons, we filmed, filmed, we filmed it, released it in 2016, we went through all the big ones, we didn’t like anyone, and oliver told me, you will direct, i... "oliver, i'm a producer, i did 39 projects there at that time, i'm a producer, i understand how to make a movie, but i'm not a storyteller, he says you're a storyteller, you come from ukraine , it hurts here, you will direct, 6 months have passed, we filmed, edited, he came to our office, came in
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in such an irritated state, i watched the film , well, i’ll tell you metaphorically, says the disc from which we showed it, i give the disc, fresh, i’m in shock, well, well, should i release it? “this is already the fifteenth year, we’ve already been with him we're making snowdan together, i already know that this is my friend comrade, but he threw my film out of the basket, and says: you, you, to me and alexes chavez, my editing director, tomorrow at 9 in the editing room, in the editing room, and we sat down, in 4 hours we made half an hour of that land on fire, which has now been seen in the world, already more than half a billion a person who changes the idea of ​​the ukrainian crisis by 180°, people...
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in 2016 i came to the hall empty, i think it’s hell, we disappeared into nobody, well, by the beginning about 2/3 were packed, there were 800 people in the hall , and this is summer, filming, watching a documentary about ukraine, when you have the sea, all the most wonderful food, by the end of the film people were standing in the aisles, yeah, for the first time i had 30 girls chasing me asking for an autograph, yes, of course, they came.
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that's how it was sold, then a picture comes out, this is no, no, this is a bloody gang in general took care of their people, they had rules, they never robbed their people like the next gang robs, these freedom fighters , on the other hand, if you rub them a little, there are nazis under them, there are such devils under them, such horror , demons are the kind that kill, because in fact, what is dangerous about ukrainian nationalism, ukrainian nationalism justifies terror. as a means of achieving political goals, because it was not for bandera that he walked there with a flag, he never walked with a flag, he killed, he said that killing in order to achieve this, that they are doing now, they are killing, yes , they are killing, they killed dagina, they have
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others, they are planning to kill me, they will not be able to kill us all, that’s what concerns the western viewer, that’s how difficult it was to convey to them ukraine on fire, that's what you said, what is it? absolutely, it’s going well, you know, my mentor said when we made the first film, he said: “oh, un watchable.” that is, it cannot be watched. well, that is, they normally perceive this interpretation of the event. he comes in, he comes in. very good, they understand why, we speak the same language emotions, we are not talking, we have those speakers who made specific decisions, yanukovych, zakharchenko, putin, and i was also lucky, i had a wonderful commentator, who, by the way, taught me a lot, robert perry. robert perry is famous for what? iran contra. this is an old famous deal from when the cia was selling drugs under reagan. from colombia in america, and with the money she bought weapons and
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sent them to nicaragua, iran later appeared there on a campaign, that is, this is generally history, this man taught me how engage in investigative journalism , robert perry, another important one, he is very, olive advised me to take him, as an older comrade, and pere taught me something, unfortunately, he died in 2018, but he saw ukraine on fire, and he there is, it ’s like a tribute to this man, because this is... the whole explanation of why president putin
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was forced to make a difficult decision for him to send troops to start a special military operation, because there was nowhere to go further, they would impose taxes if this was not done , would be thermonuclear war , warheads would already be flying, there would already be a radioactive desert, and not only in crimea, not only in donbass, belarus in kazakhstan, and they told him: igor has a message for you, now in august
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they will pump you up, and i’m fine with us, everything is there, we know, all the provocateurs have been detained and so on, you were pumped, you were pumped by the same ones who did ukraine, who did bolotnaya in the twelfth year, who did 70 countries before that, and i i thank god that you have such a leader who took up arms, yes.
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a proverb that clearly characterizes them, which sounds like this: life is simpler in a herd and the father , that is, together it is easier to beat the father, this is the whole essence of this vargulism, which i do not belong to, which i hate, one must love the father, obey and help him in everything , beat him together, this is the way when there is no father, you know, this is called fatherlessness, i am
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fatherless, but i was raised by a mother who had principles, she, i think, raised me well, take care of those people who protect everyone, even when you don't know, they protect you, any ruler you always feel your people, you have a wonderful people, a wonderful country, the americans will tell us how shocked they are by what they are about to say, but add literally a couple of emotional impressions from the country.
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they are like this, why? there is no god, there is no faith in god , and there is no faith in god, that’s it, everything is lost, they have no shores at all, they don’t know who the center is, and if the center is lost, then there’s a problem, but everyone in the world community, the progressive task is not to blame america, don’t wait for it to explode, but the task is to land it softly at that the place where this really great country can be located, it is great, it has great people. i believe in this, the current management or leadership, let’s call it that, yes the leadership, is absolutely karaptet, that is, they are completely, completely, corrupt, and not only with money, money is nonsense, in the soul, they are corrupt in the soul, when the president sniffs
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children, or when his son, like a conveyor belt, travels around the world, collecting money from everyone, then simply doing nothing to anyone. give me the money and talk to him, then decide for me no matter what business, what kind of business , there will be paintings, you will buy them, hunter, if it weren’t for him, if he didn’t exist, he would have to be invented, but he’s a very funny character, but in reality he can’t last that long, because a country without a leader, it is sliding into an abyss, and this is a thermonuclear abyss, it is impossible to slide into this abyss, the americans themselves already understand this, well, this is our hope, our yes, our hope is that america... it is the american people who will do his right choice and choose the one who will to bring the country out of this dive , well, the belarusian people, in general, have already made a choice, the belarusian people are lucky, unlike the american people, they have a dad, and the dad has principles, there is a heavy big male hand that can
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give you a slap on the head, if necessary, well, well, and stroke it correctly, and therefore igor zvinovich, thank you... for such a sincere and emotional conversation, i am a director, on the main broadcast, let us remind you that today we had a director working in hollywood , igor lopotyonok. that's how it is, actually is happening: the strongest western countries, taking advantage of the moment, devour tidbits; to be honest, the doctrines of individual states are exclusively aggressive in nature, an attraction of power and the desire to rule. the us belief in exceptionalism , the constant search for enemies, as well as the belarusian development strategy in key documents: feel the difference in understandable politics, watch on monday after the panorama.
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unfortunately, we have returned to a time when military power has become. the main argument in building interstate relations.
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we are forced to keep our finger on the pulse in order to preserve and increase what has been done. when belarus tries to keep up and keep up with the times in its development, this, of course, is not appreciated by the bigwigs on the other side. this is a direct competitor, but how do they get rid of competitors? we have already matured to make the belarusian car to the maximum; by january 1 , 2025, bllg will release the first electric car.
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katerina krutalevich was charged with prospects. did you know that belarusian cars are also assembled in belarus. in the bildzhi workshops, their of course, less than men, but the conditions of the plant allow such work not to be divided by gender. and the number of orders for...
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everything that is possible. a short excursion into the history of the plant explains the difference in the names jilli and billg. jilli are several models that were assembled at the start. the kits arrived almost ready-made from china. belg is already a belarusian car, it is painted, boiled, there is a lot of belarusian filling, the x50 model. ex50 - electric analog. similar in design to koolray. by the way, they have proven themselves more than confident on our roads. in general, chinese cars have long been a reality in the good economy and premium segments. now. the market with traditional gasoline engines is beginning to be actively divided by hybrids and electric vehicles, argument, quality, price. there were worries,
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but when he arrived, i saw him, from the outside , inside, we felt everything there, we turned the steering wheel, gently, everything was smooth, a smooth ride, you already understand that you will not be deceived. cherry, khoval, jak, lifan - this is just the beginning of the list of chinese products whose showrooms. available in minsk they are buying them more and more actively ; word of mouth is doing its job, people are satisfied and there are many arguments. in the urban cycle, 100 km per day is enough for me, and you drive on electricity. further long trips, if you are not lazy, you can also choose charging points, it takes 24 minutes, here is the full volume of the electric battery, for the money - 12 rubles. 70 kopecks, and you drive another 100 km, well, if...
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the internet can be bought for a lot of money and so on, so we need to do this, unfortunately, we don’t have much time, but for the children we need to leave good groundwork , as you say, that’s the big policy, how much will a new domestic electric car cost, the price should be based on the current cost of the cooler, our goal is that if the rut costs today, this is roughly what it is,
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plus we get the difference between fuel and battery charging. so that the fluctuation occurs no more than this percentage. shared with the belg team, the president will thank the people for their good work. at this rate, belarusians can claim a place in the global automobile industry. we know how to make freight cars, passenger vehicles, our own cars, there is something to be proud of. there is not a single company in the world that produces everything itself. therefore, belarusians are following a fairly well-trodden path, but in their own direction. due to the fact that the world has gone crazy, competition is reaching military action, we need to count.
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modernizing and improving this production, for new projects you need about 120-130, if you push yourself, maybe less than millions of dollars, of course, we will help develop and modernize this enterprise, therefore will we increase the share of this belarusian car as much as we can do it, how much will it cost to get it on the market?
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the picture then was, to put it mildly, depressing, old equipment from the seventies, empty premises and inappropriate working conditions. right on the spot, personnel changes and clear tasks from the head of state, how to correct the situation? did you manage to cope, did you become an excellent student? well, the first thing we see now is that the buildings have definitely undergone an upgrade, that's what's inside, quality control will check tv news agencies. it was backward, well, is it jobs, some kind of dungeon,
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people working in convicts, innovative has become such a tool today, neither in belarus nor in russia, no one makes it except us. the wind of change blew through the leaky roof and walls, nothing was dripping on your head, it was light, warm, but what before? workers fled, the equipment was old, the salary was small, there was practically no work as such, and after the reboot they returned, due to poor working conditions, employers are losing good specialists, well, it turns out that they expanded the product catalog, took on large molds, mastered the assembly of one model of tractor, what a crooked path led to the factory, then you will have these storm drains working, they are dirty, well, why put asphalt in the grass? meets now, not even snow can hide it, our quality control will get to the bottom of the truth, these shots
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of the orsha tool plant are a gloomy story from five years ago, the path from a dark past to bright prospects, here it’s literally about lighting, not previously in all enough for... but the old machines, heroes out of their time, received new equipment. i can outline the details, draw in any format, in any form, from any angle, create a program, run everything, as long as there is enough material for up to twenty pieces. drills, cutters, lathe chucks, to describe production in three words, this is a factory for factories, products are in demand from machines. structure before agriculture, but in order to improve the quality, we first had to tighten the nuts ourselves, to solve problems with i didn’t have to go far for equipment, the company that supplied the equipment had a red fighter at my side, why
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couldn’t the neighbors themselves agree without the participation of the president, why should he hold some kind of competitions, competitions for the purchase of this equipment, if through the fence, you make such equipment , from today you start delivering here. these machines. innovations breathed life into empty rooms where only the wind blew through holes in the roof and walls. a production that has no analogues either in belarus or in russia. the only ones there are these all over the country, and technology equipment produces metal-cutting tools from carbide. almost everything is automated. the operator loads a tray with workpieces. this is the main point. there is easy access everywhere, then the rest of the work is done by the machine, the accuracy is down to microns and
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the workers are counted by jewelers, the takarshan residents have already geared up for imported equipment in order to work with innovative machines, andrei lisov went through an express school, training for 3 months, exams, but you can say , gave the plant a chance to retake it when he arranged it. as such, there was practically no such thing, but when they were even invited here, so to speak, new equipment arrived, they were sent for retraining, they were hired here and there as an adjuster. after the technical boom , arshensky expanded the product catalog to 6.00 tools, increasing it tenfold. how did we manage to steer in these 5 years, perhaps because an already experienced tractor manufacturer, who joined the plant in 2019, helped to steer. when arshansky instrumental became part of the holding.
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here, too, once from scratch, at first they opened a service center, serviced the entire range of warranty equipment from the minsk tractor plant, and later they themselves began to assemble, so far only one model - belarus 92p, but today excavators are also made on its basis. and having lived in the fields, tractors are sorted out here, parts are changed, complete repairs are made, and you get almost a new one, but at half the price. the entire large-scale modernization of the orsha tool plant, including this. can you feel the hand of mtz? yes, mtz, of course, made its significant contribution, because the plant received additional resources opportunities, that is, we received material support, technical and technological support, and today our production, our product range speaks for itself. and how eloquently did the plant speak for itself when they greeted him with such clothes? you don’t like people, you don’t like the plant, but if you’re already doing some kind of show-off here, don’t show off. already make
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some curbs, well, to make it look nice, why put asphalt in the grass? now the curbs are covered with snow, but our quality control will get to the bottom of the truth, i found one, uh, well well, we won’t dig up the entire territory, but from this area it’s clear that the curb lies very evenly, everything is fine with the curb, let’s go check the storm drains, the skin will tell you that this is... you will have these storm drains working dirty, you can see from the contour that there seems to be no extra asphalt here. now a lot has been done for the workers, from heating, which has not been there for more than 10 years, to wages, which, like a factory, are no longer the same. what was your salary last month? 470, but what is it, you have low qualifications and what is the salary? well
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i’m satisfied, and my three operators who work my shift are also quite satisfied, i have something to brag about, because for several years we have been consistently raising wages by 15% twice a year, this makes a significant contribution to an increase in the number of workers, in december our average salary was 1,960 rubles, and of course we will grow, but how could a plant that knows exactly how steel is hardened, here at the stage of heat treatment, and finished products, not cope with all the difficulties they themselves are already helping others, energy workers, oil workers, according to their drawings, on one-time orders, including in connection with the sanctions situation, enterprises that cannot receive services abroad, or obtain the required parameters, this is what we are open to everyone, we provide it to everyone such services.
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help for industry, because the president spoke about the strategic importance of the plant: the tool plant must be restored to the highest level so that gomselmas, mtz, mass all other enterprises, even oil refining, agriculture got a good tool. it turns out that, on the whole, we managed it, and now the orsha tool plant is really for factories, but... the main thing is a plant for people. vladislav bundyr, andrey novgorodtsev, vitaly saplitsa and maxim lvov are responsible for quality. appraisers in belarus will check how well and conscientiously their work is performed by april 1. during this time, it is necessary to establish proper order and define clear and understandable rules of the game. only professionals in their field should remain in such areas. transparency and controllability -
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the main requirement for the innovations being introduced in the country, they were discussed in detail during the week at the palace of independence. a number of draft decrees have been submitted for consideration by the president. some changes will affect customs legislation; they will affect both business and ordinary citizens, and both will help save time and money. a number of innovations within the framework of the union state are planned work, as one of the integration programs suggests. they are necessary for harmonization. such allied relations, which, when making certain decisions, certain questions, and as you can see, we manage to build a planet that no one knew or knows, they must be improved, a common, similar system,
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a state, and from this we must proceed as we please, but there must be two sovereign independent states on this sovereign territory,
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there are mechanisms to counteract admonition.
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even today, looking at the results of the economy last year, we can say that external pressure did not affect the plans and the forecast was even exceeded. gdp growth by almost... thus, our real sector has shown success adaptation to new conditions and ensured a rapid recovery of both production volumes and sales rates, including in new markets. this year, the ministry of economy also expects good results and assures that everything has been calculated. minister yuri chebatar told us about this; he has been in the position of head of the department for just over two weeks. we discussed with our correspondent svetlana lukinyuk the main points of the meeting between the president and the government. new opportunities for investment activity, exports and the base of last year. yuri adamovich, hello, this week there was a meeting between the president and the council minister, where, among other things, the issue of selling the property of foreign companies was also discussed. in
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general, it was decided to refine some approaches, and this is where a certain emphasis was placed. you know, the key requirement of the head of state is, first of all, the stable operation of all enterprises in our country. to me. depending on the form of ownership, what capital these companies work with, and so on. therefore, attention was paid because that if someone has such interests in leaving our market, selling their share, then this company should continue its successful work in our country, this is the most important requirement of the head of state. as part of these instructions , we worked out the appropriate mechanisms on how to interest, on the one hand, to stay and work in the company, on the other hand.
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this is a good base, or somewhere it’s important for someone and they need to catch up, maybe in the next
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six months, in the first half of 2024, but we really had the bar according to the forecast was 103.8, it was exceeded 103.9 the contribution to this result of many industries, the key, the most important thing is the work of the industrial complex, they then create the next potential for the development of other industries, so the industry is even more simple 107.7. degree not at the expense of, for example, marketable goods, we have significantly added mechanical engineering, this is always the one who unites other industries by producing their products, but the construction industry has added, 111%, we have expanded the program the construction of rental housing is significant ; agriculture, of course, despite the poor harvest last year, nevertheless finished above 100% due to... livestock farming for many of our product positions last year achieved record levels of both
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production and exports, this is how a word about the base, yes, so of course the current task is layered on top of this and we understand the full responsibility of their implementation, therefore, within the framework of the target plan, which the government has been approving for several years now, the tasks are described in detail to each ministry of the concern, including the regional executive committee.
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in this sector the growth is more than 30%, which means our enterprises have really started to significantly modernize and update themselves. the pool of such projects was determined last year, in principle, it means it was increased even this year, that is, our initiative, one region, one project was very much taken up, we started with 120 projects, completed 156 projects this year, this year there are already 190, that is, in some regions there is one. two projects that are initiatively controlled by the chairmen are being implemented: import substitution projects, almost
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80 integration projects together with the russian federation, this pool, like a framework, the basis of what we are sure will give, including growth this year, well, our priority in development is not only investments, but of course , exports too, because we still send the lion’s share to markets both near and far abroad, but of course the overwhelming majority of goods, and in recent years it has been shown, go to russia. in your opinion, isn’t this relaxing our producers, and are they ready for competition, which is also increasing on the russian market, and on the market of the top five. at the first stages, of course , one might get the impression that, taking into account the departure , super great opportunities are opening up on the russian market, they really opened up, the only thing is that they opened up for everyone, for all countries friendly to russia, so we ended up even, maybe even more competitive than before. therefore, our main competitors today in the russian market, of course, are turkish manufacturers,
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chinese manufacturers, and so on. however, during this period we have significantly increased exports. at the same time, we had a positive balance with this country both last year and the year before, so here we set the task: please increase the russian market, which is quite capacious, but, of course, don’t get hung up on it, for example, the asian market has grown into 1.4 times, we have increased the chinese food market threefold in 3 years, it would seem that even earlier we thought these figures were unattainable, the latin american market has more than doubled times.
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the tv news agency is launching a new project in which belarusian is of equal quality. the history of the legendary state standards began almost 100 years ago with the creation of the standardization committee, which even then elevated many belarusian goods to the rank of the best, and the best were awarded a quality mark. time obviously does not stand still; our country has learned to produce even better, as evidenced by the constantly growing export of belarusian goods and services . national brand, right now there is a special project “giving to the country”. for our company, quality is an opportunity, even an obligation, to pay more attention to the quality of our products,
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because high-quality products are competitive products. i came to the minsk tractor plant in 2004 after graduating from college. i know first-hand what it’s like to work on the land, and the best assistant for agricultural workers is tractor belarus. therefore, the choice was obvious. even in the soviet union, the minsk tractor plant is worthy of a quality mark, which imposes a degree of responsibility that we we carry today before us.
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the level of qualifications of our employees, and of course reliability and stability. for me, my work, first of all, is confidence in the future, it is self-development, self-realization, as they say, work should be to your liking, if you go to work in a good mood, then you will do your job well. fair competition is a policy of good neighborliness with mutually beneficial trade. not about today's poland. the lords are fighting quietly, continuing their aggressive policy towards their eastern neighbors. polish anti-belarus and anti-russia have not gone away with the advent of the tusk government. warsaw still continues to build up its military forces under the pretext of the danger emanating from minsk and moscow, while not shying away from calling for help even the military contingent of its
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enemy berlin, which was only yesterday. the hyena of europe is demonizing our peoples with all its might. deals with all those who disagree as best he can, the repressive tools developed during the piss are actively entering, as in relation to those who dare to speak out against the only true the country's politics and call for peace, as well as those who just yesterday sat in the government offices under the wing of morowiecki. poland is also demonstrating unprecedented success in the fight against its own history; everything that can remind of once close ties with the soviet past is being demolished. report by evgeniy belous. with the coming to power of the old new tusk, little changes in poland, under the new pro-european wrapper the same country remains with exorbitant ambitions in the matter of reviving the once great polish-lithuanian commonwealth, some corrupt officials are replaced by others, under the guise of liberating the media from the oppression of the pisovites, simply implant their ideology, which, like the past, consists of
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condemning everything old and praising the new, in general, faces change, but not the essence of hyenas and...
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that in reality there are no risks for poland no, no aggression on the part of belarus and russia is obviously being prepared against poland, but the polish authorities are now interested in whipping up such hysteria, plans to create a powerful army in europe have also not been canceled, the latest types of military equipment are being actively purchased, airplanes, submarines, tanks, howitzers and so on. the polish government borrowed $200 billion from...
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unexpectedly for everyone, the legislation on compulsory conscription was tightened so that it would not be common. now, if a citizen subject to conscription evades service during a war or general mobilization, he faces at least 5 years in prison, and if the summons contains a note immediately, the person is given 6 hours to appear at the military registration and enlistment office. plus, warsaw publicly stated that it agrees to the deployment of bundestag troops on the territory republic, in addition to 10 thousand american soldiers. who are already stationed in the country. berlin, which has no money for its army, naturally, no one asked, everything was on the orders of washington. of course,
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many will not agree with such plans of official warsaw, but there will be a solution to this. the repressions and the legacy of the new government were the law on lustration, the entire commission on the influence of russia, plus judicial reform. in general, all the levers of justice are now in tusk’s hands. you don’t have to look far for an example here. need to.
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activist, blogger, defends historical truth, advocates for national interests and poland's exit from the eu. a supporter of the union with russia and the policies of alexander lukashenko, he considers the states the worst enemy, in general, he is an overly truthful activist who calls everything that happens by its proper name, for example, this is what he said about the extremist and notorious traitor of belarus. what kind of brat, what kind of traitor, what kind of cold, cynical brute?
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apparently, the polish authorities hate their country so much that they are easily ready to refuse their own history, not realizing that without it there will never be a future. unlike our western neighbors, we remember and value our past. recently, a unique photo exhibition opened in minsk, based on archival footage of belt. the pictures show only real events and emotions.
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the exhibition once again answers the question: what would have happened if in the twentieth year the rebellion and coup had taken place, if the progressive, sovereign, albeit not always very successful, but nevertheless consistent movement forward had been stopped by our country, our people, is our the state, our economy, our culture would be thrown back. we, belarusians, do not forget and... do not rewrite history, we appreciate every moment and thank god for every day lived on our land, no matter how tragic or joyful it may be. evgeny belausov, especially for the main broadcast. to please the states, this is the essence of warsaw’s current policy position. but the latter understand perfectly well that the wind of change happens on the other side. in the state of iowa, so -called caucuses were held, a meeting of activists where the candidacy of a politician is determined,
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which. will represent the party in the presidential elections, and later caucuses will be held in other regions of the country. corn state republicans confidently chose donald trump. accordingly, his rivals, florida governor desantis and former us ambassador to the un nicky haley, lost decisively. judging by the mood that reigns among the broad american masses, people are not inclined to compromise. the new leader must immediately begin cleaning up the augean stables that have become...


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