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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 22, 2024 7:10am-7:21am MSK

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these are those carriers who condemn transportation in regular traffic and those unscrupulous carriers who continue to condemn transportation under the guise of irregular traffic, in fact the same regular transportation, and our main task is to solve this problem so that everyone is on equal terms, and just however, the draft regulatory act that is currently being discussed is the issue of digitalization, the creation of a unified register, today regular automobile transportation on the basis of a license... of individual entrepreneurs, transport authorities control on an ongoing basis monitors compliance with legal requirements. hockey players of dynamo minsk will play their next away match today in the khl regular championship. this time the zubrs went to st. petersburg for a meeting against one of the leaders of the western conference, the ska hockey club. starting throw-in at 19:30, don’t miss the live broadcast on your body let us remind you that at the moment
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dmitry kvartalny’s team is in eighth place in the west, the squad has 51 points. next on the air economic news, follow you can also follow developments on atn social networks in our mobile application with a qr code on the screen. see you at 8:00. good day. the bet is on automation, when robots will replace humans. the investment attractiveness of belarus is growing, what are businesses investing in, profitable loans and profitable deposits, at what interest rates are the country's banks ready to work today? you are watching economic news, veronica buta is with you, good morning. the introduction of industrial robots is one of the main ones. for
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the next 15 years, this follows from the project concept of the national strategy for sustainable development of belarus until 2040. the document is undergoing public discussion; it also talks about the transition to a new technological structure, industry 4.0. the ministry of economics predicts a reduction in jobs of medium and low qualifications; the department refers to the forecast of a consulting company. according to market analysis, up to 50% of the world's work processes will be automated by 2036. belarusian enterprises are already actively introducing technologies in production, so according to the results of last year, investments in the purchase of machinery and equipment increased by almost a third compared to the twenty-second year. this is a good sign from a long-term growth perspective. investments in construction and installation work show positive dynamics. in general, according to belstat, investments in fixed capital in belarus have increased. growth at the end of last year was almost 15%, the figure exceeded 35.5 billion belarusian rubles.
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exchange exports of peat briquettes last year exceeded $2 million, figures provided by butb. the main markets for belarusian peat products include germany, latvia, lithuania, poland and russia. this is a relatively new export position for the exchange. regular trading in this type of fuel began in december 22nd; over the past year, the area has been actively developing, which has made it possible to significantly expand the circle of foreign buyers and the geography of exchange sales. today, belarusian peat briquettes are purchased by 28 companies. not from five countries. pensions in the country this year will grow at a faster pace, provided maintaining a favorable situation in the economy. this forecast is made by the main economic department. the average old-age pension has already exceeded 700 rubles. at the end of the twenty-third year, the growth of pensions in nominal terms was more than 16%, in real terms 10.6. let me remind you that real income growth this year is expected to be 3.5%. regarding pensions, the level is set at 80% of '.
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salaries across the country. the average interest rate on loans to the real sector in december was 9.2% per annum, which is one point lower compared to december twenty second. on average, individuals borrowed from banks at 10%. this figure is also lower than a year earlier. the average interest rate on new time deposits for belarusians in rubles last month was 9.72%. the most attractive level of profitability was offered by banks under. semi-term deposits, for example, for a period of more than a year, money was placed in the bank at an interest rate of 12.6 with annual inflation of 5.8. now about the exchange rates that have developed as a result of trading, the russian ruble and dollar have fallen in price, the yuan has risen in price. so, for the american dollar they ask for 3 rubles, 16 kopecks. euro at the national bank exchange rate is 3 rubles 44 kopecks. 10 yuan costs 4.38, 3 rubles. 57 kopecks are asked for 100 russian rubles. china was predicted. status of the world leader in the export
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of cars. at the end of last year, external car sales increased by almost 58% and reached 4.9 million units. increasing the export of chinese cars. russia contributed greatly, for example, in the first 5 months of last year alone , neighbors bought a total of 287,000 cars from china. for comparison, for the entire twenty-second year, russia purchased only 162,000 cars from china. in russia, in 2 years they want to launch a completely unmanned train, and already this summer a train with unmanned driving will run along the moscow central ring at the tria level, that is, partially. let me remind you that it was previously reported that from... this year unmanned control and autonomous operation can be used in moscow metro trains of the next generation. this was the news of the economy, successful transactions for you and productivity in business. see you.
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the morning broadcast continues with the program "zone x". i'm violetta sokolovic. hello. i wanted to be a millionaire, but i became bankrupt, more than 65 rubles were transferred by a fraudster, menchanin. this is a story about how, wanting to win a big sum in a short time, people often make rash decisions without thinking, agreeing to dubious investments. in minsk , a twenty-eight-year-old guy became interested. with a lucrative offer to buy cryptocurrency, as investigators said, in a month he transferred 65,000 rubles to false brokers. the deception was revealed when the young man decided to look at the history of monetary transactions on his surprisingly, the crypto wallets turned out to be empty, and prudent consultants
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had blocked their accounts in advance ; it was no longer possible to contact them. the criminal investigation continues, but investigators and police are identifying those involved in the crime. well, we continue our review of criminal and emergency incidents. next in the program. in bobruisk, a man tried to attack police officers with a knife; law enforcement officers had to use weapons. on saturday evening, line 102 received a message from a local resident: a man on on the street he damages cars with a knife and threatens passers-by. at the scene of the incident, employees of the security department demanded that the aggressor throw his weapon to the ground, but... he refused, when the rowdy headed towards the police with a knife, they fired warning shots into the air, after which he fell at the attacker’s feet, the attacker tried to commit suicide , which was prevented by law enforcement officers, after which they provided him with first aid, then
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the forty-four-year-old bobruisk resident was taken to a health care institution, the investigative committee will give a legal assessment of the actions of the detainee. investigators are establishing the circumstances of the worker’s injury in osipovichi. according to the investigation, on the night of january 20, a worker fell from the height of the third floor at a construction site. it was established that the tower crane operator was moving a reinforced concrete crossbar to the third floor site for installation. at some point, he noticed on the floor where he was about to lower the load of a worker who was knocking down a pile on the edge of the slab. according to the driver, in order to avoid human injury, he i tried to change the direction of movement of the crane, but still got caught. worker, as a result the man fell from a height of about 11 m and received serious injuries; he was hospitalized. three pawnbrokers were detained in gomel. the operation was carried out by drug control officers from mogilev. while processing operational information in gomel, they contacted wholesale dealers
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of mifedrone. they turned out to be residents of mogilev. it was established that since december the guys had been working for an online drug store. in a rented apartment in gomel they packed psychotropic. into small doses, which were laid out in the mogilev and gomel regions. investigators discovered and seized a large batch of methylophidrone vapor from the defendants. during the operational activities, drug control officers of the mogilev region detained wholesale pawnbrokers of mifedrone in gomel. they turned out to be residents of mogilev, 16, 18 and 23 years old, who were found to have more than 270 g of psychotropic substances. another wholesale drug courier was detained in minsk. the handcuffs snapped shut. in the arms of a twenty-three-year-old resident of borisov. the flight of the novice dealer was interrupted by operatives from gomel. more than 200 grams of paramethyl ephedrone were found and seized from the defendant’s caches. the pawnbroker planned to distribute all this throughout the country. drug control officers of the gomel region,
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together with colleagues from the novobelsky rvd of gomel and the sovetsky rvd of minsk, detained a twenty-year-old resident of borisov in the capital. the young man was a member of an organized criminal group. with control, as a result the trolleybus skidded and hit the rear right lighting mast part of the body, as a result of the accident, one of the passengers was injured and was taken to the hospital, but the driver was not injured. this was news from zone x, stay tuned to belarus 1.
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