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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 22, 2024 8:15am-9:00am MSK

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then the forty-four-year-old bobruisk resident was taken to a health care facility. the investigative committee will give a legal assessment of the actions of the detainee. investigators are establishing the circumstances surrounding the injury to a worker in osipovichi. according to the investigation , on the night of january 20, a worker fell from the height of the third floor at a construction site. it was established that the tower crane operator was moving a reinforced concrete crossbar to the third floor site for installation. at some point, he noticed on the floor where he was going. lower the load of a worker who was knocking down ice on the edge slabs according to the driver, in order to avoid injury to a person, he tried to change the direction of movement of the crane, but still caught a worker. as a result, the man fell from a height of about 11 m and received serious injuries; he was hospitalized. three pawnbrokers were detained in gomel. the operation was carried out by drug control officers from mogilev. while processing operational information in gomel, they contacted wholesale dealers. fedron
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, they turned out to be residents of mogilev. it was established that since december the guys had been working for an online drug store. in a rented apartment in gomel, they packaged the psychotropic substance into small doses, which they laid out in the mogilev and gomel regions. investigators discovered and seized a large batch of methylophidrone vapor from the defendants. during operational activities, drug control officers of the mogilev region detained wholesale pawnbrokers of mephedrone in gomel. they turned out to be residents of mogilev. 18 and 23 years old, who were found to have more than 270 g of psychotropic. another wholesale drug courier was detained in minsk. the handcuffs snapped onto in the hands of a twenty-three-year-old resident of borisov. the flight of the novice dealer was feasted on by operatives from gomel from the defendant. and more than 200 g of paramethyl ephedrone was found in the caches. the pawnbroker planned to distribute all this throughout the country. drug control officers of the gomel region, together with colleagues from the novobelsky rvd of gomel and
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the sovetsky rvd of minsk, detained a twenty-three-year-old resident of borisov in the capital. the young man was a member of an organized criminal group selling drugs on territory of the republic of belarus. in minsk, a trolleybus driver crashed into a pole. according to preliminary information, the thirty-seven-year -old driver of the car was driving along romanovskaya sloboda street and lost control. as a result , the trolleybus skidded and hit the lighting mast with the rear right side of the body. as a result of the accident, one of the passengers was injured and was taken to the hospital, but the driver was not injured. this was news from zana x, stay with us on belarus 1.
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january 2, well, just like the swans swam somewhere, i don’t know, in the middle of a forest lake, this it seems to me that today there will be a lot of love and romance in this day, well, it’s great to start monday with this, this is what the doctor ordered, especially if you... have fallen into some kind of winter blues or hibernation, friends , more love to you, warm and invigorating, right now about what awaits us in the third part of the live broadcast of the good morning belarus, we will definitely make the morning of our country good, we will find out what time mechanic andrei pashkevich starts his working day, smart, kind mischievous, this is about andrei pashkevich and about our next hero, in the heading home we will look for owners for the charming horti. we'll listen to fashion advice from an expert, what accessory to use to add elegance to the image, the stylist will tell you, and we'll also warm ourselves according to the rules, our correspondent olesya boyarskikh will tell you how to avoid frostbite, and at our concert venue we're waiting for the soloist of via yagoda malinka,
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irina irshonok with a song gate. well, right now we’re giving the floor to anatoly moiseev, and together we’re writing down a recipe for a very tasty and unusual one. good morning, today we let's prepare a delicious breakfast that will never make you gain weight, a simple delicious salad with tuna and apple. to prepare, we need an apple, an egg, canned beans, tuna, garlic and lettuce, set the eggs to boil, during this time open a can of tuna, drain the liquid and add a salad bowl. mash the fish with a fork, take canned beans of any color, chop half a clove of garlic, peel the apple, remove the seeds and cut into small cubes,
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peel the egg, cut into pieces and add to our salad, finely chop fresh lettuce leaves and place in the top layer. salt and pepper to taste, mix everything, mix greek yogurt and a little mustard in a separate container. we use this mixture as a dressing. in just a few minutes, a delicious and healthy breakfast is ready. the sweet and sour apple adds a fresh aroma to the salad and fills it with harmonious texture and juiciness. and fresh. lettuce leaves give the dish a special sophistication. a good day starts with a good breakfast, bon appetit. life plays with us, sends us bright lights.
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hello, today we are doing morning
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exercises with your children, we will only need 10 minutes of free time and a little companion for training. go. well, are we waking up? the first exercise will use all the muscles of the neck. to do this, let's perform a smooth tilt to the right, stretching the entire lateral line of the neck, the same tilt to the left, bend forward, stretch the neck muscles from the back surface. perform each exercise slowly. feel your body awakening. exhale,
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well, we’ll do our exercises from top to bottom, so each exercise will involve the entire lower, lower sections of... our body, so now we will work with the thoracic region, to do this we stretch our arms forward, connect them with our palms and work with the thoracic region, move them diagonally. back in a circle with your hand in maximum amplitude and connect it with your palm, we will do the same on the second hand, exhale, diagonal, open your chest and connect your palms, perform this exercise slowly, smoothly, feel every, every centimeter of your body, perform this exercise about 5-10 times for each of...
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and the third exercise of our exercise will involve the hip joints, to do this, open your knees wider, bring your feet together, lower your hands on your feet, stretch out your crowns. up, while keeping your back as straight as possible, from this position we need to tilt diagonally in a circle onto the next knee, from the right to the left knee, make a maximum circle, while feeling how your hip joints work, while exhaling we lower ourselves down, while inhaling we rise up, repeat about 10 times.
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you can do this exercise without even getting out of bed. start your day right, with physical activity. morning. charging will help you. so, use the suggested exercises for your morning exercises. the complex is built on working out the neck muscles, opening the thoracic region and warming up the hip joints. all movements should be slow and smooth. the optimal number of repetitions is from 10 to 15 on each side, one or two approaches is enough. the total warm-up time is not will exceed 10-15 minutes. watch your breathing and
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control the technique of doing the exercises: just one chance to show your strength, who wrote a poem about a man scattered from the street by the pool, what family was the last owner of the worldly castle, demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country, the main thing is, of course, your knowledge, well how savvy are our participants? let’s find out right now what hockey means? amazing! alexander slezar devotes his free time to family, watching sports matches, fishing, and collecting
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coins and banknotes! watch intellectual and entertainment shows on the belarus 24 tv channel. well, we don’t want to discuss our personal life for the whole country. what kind of life? personal? i met my love and am very happy that i will become a mother this year. let's! let's go somewhere together this evening, with pleasure, i didn't see it myself, but ivan, the massage therapist, says that ruslan was going to the airport last night, asked about the transfer, now you understand why i didn't mention the name at the press conference, can you imagine what kind of circus would have started, well, lyukha, well, a man-orchestra, after i told him the whole truth, he flew away, what did you tell him , stanislav levovich, we are all to blame, no less than lyuda, if... we punish then everyone, just don’t teach me, i already decided to punish everyone, i can let
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the team down, on the other hand you can bring medals to the side, well, this is a big risk, i have to think about the team, about the team, let the coaching staff think, and you have every right to think about yourself at least once in your life, among for athletes, wraps are a common thing, many of my friends later gave birth normally and became excellent mothers, how to live with such a feeling of guilt later, watch the series legal doping on the belarus 24 tv channel. and we again tell you good morning belarus this morning, january 22 we have. useful information for you, friends, real extreme sports is offered by the organizers of the republican competition zakalfest, what a beautiful name and inspiring, the starts will take place in grodno this coming weekend, participants in the competition will have to run distances of 2, 5, 10 and 15 km, without taking into account time, after which the athletes will need to plunge into the sky at least three times,
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wow, after which a fifteen-twenty-meter swim awaits, by the way, the neman has cleared of ice , or will they rake it with their hands? i also wanted to continue this list, and if they survive, but no, we hope that everything will be wonderful, with a positive outcome, and the competition will end in a mobile sauna on the river bank, which will help warm up and add bright impressions, because i’ll start right away from this point, from this location, by the way , if anything, 55 participants have already registered at the start in grodno, so there are quite a lot of such extreme sports fans in ours , look, i’m 56, you’re 57, and we we’ll find more like-minded people during the end of our live broadcast, and... in the meantime, we continue to introduce you to people who love their work and make our mornings truly good. let's meet andrey pashkkevich. my name is andrey pachkevich, i work as a supervisor for assembly plants work at the minsk tractor plant. i usually
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wake up in the morning and put on the kettle while it warms up. i go take a bath, do exercises, go drink tea, coffee, slowly get ready this way and go to work, i install a condenser, an air conditioner, in my work i have to be extremely careful, careful, so as not to break a bolt, not to break a thread somewhere and be... extremely careful, my work document is a technological process, i am guided by it, i install an air conditioning compressor, an air conditioning condenser, now we will install the steering wheel, i love my
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job because of the variety, because i assemble a tractor from start to finish. a person in my profession must be neat, attentive and do his job well, we assemble equipment so that people can work on it, especially since my father works in agriculture and collects both for his father and for other people who are involved in this area. our team is friendly, responsible, we help each other, somewhere, when leaving for work, coming to work, they blow away and do the work together, i love his work, because it makes the morning of my country good, such a confident
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man, andrey, we wish him a good, fruitful day and in general. have a great week, i hope that you are now watching the program good ranitsa belarus, definitely, i think that not only he, but his entire family, in general, the people who support him in every possible way, because you know, without such a support for us in this life you can’t overcome all the bad weather and adversity, but we wish you to have as much good news as possible this week, by the way, we are moving on to this very international news right now, a big premiere in the czech safari park dvur kralovy, where they showed for the first time a baby pygmy hippopotamus, born a month and a half ago. pay attention to your screens, friends. all this time , specialists monitored the baby. according to them, the cub is absolutely healthy. after the gender of hippo became known, he received a name and the baby was named nicholas. now he is walking with his mother, actively exploring the enclosure, pygmy hippos, which occupy fairly small areas in liberia, coddavuari, sir leone and guinea. unlike
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their full-sized comrades, they form a stat and lead single. life, their population is constantly decreasing, the safari park , krolova’s yard has been successfully breeding pygmy hippopotamuses, since the last century, 20 babies have already been born there, what cute creatures, look how he explores this world and wonders, they say, where did i end up, what in general , what’s happening here, nina, the question is for filling, what is the difference between hippopotamuses and hippotamuses, i thought it would happen now just great for filling, but listen , it seems to me that the hippopotamus is still cuter, they are the same animal, they are just called by different names sometimes, but if you suddenly didn’t understand the sarcasm, well, the hippopotamus is really cute, and sometimes you know, nin early in the morning, i also feel like a hippo who... it’s hard for me to move, but if you also feel a little like a hippo today, be sure, friends, to do morning exercises, or even better , get yourself a dog and a pet, i wanted too to say, this is how everything happens to you,
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because you don’t have a dog yet, if you had one, it would wake you up, pull you out of bed for a walk, this is important, yes, and if you are looking for a four-legged friend, then please pay attention to horti , he is very, very, very looking for his way home. good morning, meet me, this is horthy, a smart, mischievous, affectionate guy, he is 3 years old and today he will be looking for his way home. port came to the homeless animal assistance center a week ago. his owners left belarus, leaving the dog in their care. neighbors, but they could not keep it for a long time. our hort is an inquisitive, playful, sociable guy,
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gets along well with other animals and knows commands. sit, well done, come to me, to me, to me, to me, well done, this handsome guy feels great in the company of adults and children, always with pleasure. welcomes passers-by, while joyfully wagging its tail and trying to give each person a hug. sushi, chicken, treats for dogs, these are all our boy’s favorite treats. also, this guy is absolutely healthy, the ghost has been treated for parasites. for your care and weasel horthy will thank you with his devotion, for living this. both an apartment and a private house are suitable for the handsome man, but without keeping him in an outdoor enclosure. horthy
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is looking forward to meeting his future owner, take a closer look at our guy and call the phone number indicated on your screen. loves, doesn’t love, resents the daisy, is stupid , stupid, i’m serious, you are three tears, you’ve had it for a long time, love is predicted, loves, doesn’t love, the outfit is not years old. rukhashka, you're in his kitchen, in his shirt, don't bother the daisies, stupid questions, you’ve had it for a long time, love is in the forecast, nay-nay-nay-nay, what kind of girl,
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girl, boy, read it in his eyes, it’s winter outside, and between you it’s may, gap, gap, gap, gap, gap, your wet eyes, how can it be, no... is he really such a fool, he didn’t dare to take the first step, they love, they don’t love, you’re mad at the daisy, my stupid one, you’re a little devil, i’m serious, dry your tears, you’ve been having this for a long time , love according to the forecast, loves, doesn’t love, bastards, daisies, here in his kitchen, in his shirt, don’t ask daisies, stupid questions. you have not long ago, love is in the forecast, even if the sun the sky will go dark, he will get summer for you, he
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will point above you, spread his arms, clear weather will be between you, blue eyes look at you, and he will lose himself in them again, hide him from everyone somewhere far away, so that except for him... . no one found , loves, doesn’t love, don’t be fooled by the daisy, my stupid one, you’re a charmer , i’m serious, you are three tears, you haven’t had it for a long time , love is predicted, love, doesn’t love, don’t be fooled by the daisy, what are you talking about? in the kitchen, in his shirt, don’t ask daisies, stupid questions, you haven’t had it for a long time, love
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is in the forecast, pawn shops are coming - it’s just perfect charger. nina, what do you say? i agree with you, absolutely, colleague, start your day with lambada, and also with the good morning belarus program, we remind you that we meet with you the morning of monday, january 22 on the calendar. and we continue to share the most interesting information with you. so you know that the state corporation
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roscosmo. announced a new expected launch date for the manned spacecraft, soyuz ms-25. it is on it that the representative of belarus, marina vasilevskaya, will go to the international space station. this will happen 21 march. the crew will also include razkosmos cosmonaut oleg novitsky and nasa astronaut tracy dyson. it is planned that the flight of marina vasilevskaya and oleg navitsky will last 12 days. well, the emblem of the crew of the manned spacecraft of the union ms was also presented. 25, it is made in the form of an invoice; the names of the crew members, as well as the state flags of the countries participating in the flight, russia, belarus and the united states of america, are printed on the emblem. well, by the way, i know that cosmonaut oleg novitsky is from the cherven region and he donated to the museum the local school has some of its own things that have been in space , so if you want to touch something so cosmic , then please, welcome to the district, its old form is there, we
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haven’t seen the new one yet, we haven’t even touched it, but it’s possible. what element of a woman's wardrobe is good for both daily wear and a social event? agree, a lot of things fit this description, but today we ’ll talk about gloves. the oldest pair of gloves was discovered in 1922 in tomb of the egyptian pharaoh tutankhamun. it was sewn from fine linen. since then , such models have been worn to protect the hands of warriors.
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hunters only began to consider them as a fashion accessory towards the end of the middle ages. over time, members of the upper class wore gloves with jewelry and other decorations, wearing them for evening events, which necessarily included going to the opera. women wore options made of silk, velvet, embroidered or decorated with gold threads. opera gloves fashion is great news for those who appreciate. femininity and grace in a female image. this accessory could be seen at almost every catwalk show, presented with cocktail dresses and skirts with such models in rich shades. i would like to present to your attention two ways to style long gloves. on the first model, i used the stylish and daring total black with a touch of glamor, which manifests itself in sequin gloves and a crystal choker. for versatility and
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expressiveness. image, use different textures of black, as, for example, in our case futre, suede leather. in the second case, i styled long gloves with the current total denim. due to such details on the shirt as a bow and puffed sleeves, the image turned out to be romantic, feminine, but extraordinary. in this set you can easily go to the theatre, exhibition or fashion show, and then... trend 2024. gloves can be both an addition and an accent. select material based on seasonal status. for an evening out, pay attention to satin and silk. in the cold season, the coat will be looks great with leather and cashmere models. holiday season , a dress worn once can sparkle with new
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colors if you add gloves to the look, everything is ingenious, simple. friends, gloves will definitely come in handy, especially since, despite the warming, it’s still quite cool around the country. learn more about daily temperatures. will my colleague olga venskaya have a word for you? yes, especially since there is such a concept, you know, when the temperature on the thermometer is one, but it feels completely different, this is the situation happened in minsk, friends, due to a cold gusty wind, it seems to promise -1 -3 during the day, but i believe that it will feel like -10, but a very unpleasant wind. in brest today, friends, 0 + 2, with snow precipitation, with such indicators, i think there will also be sleet and rain on the way. in vitebsk -3-5, there will be no precipitation in... also -2 -4 in grodny today there is also some semblance of spring 0 +2 friends, with precipitation, snow, sleet, in mogilev -2-4, there will be light sunny, there will be clouds from time to time,
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well, in general, this day will be without precipitation , but now you just described some kind of idyllic picture, but in general, not everything is so scary, it really is, friends, during the week we will experience slight warming, of course, precipitation, gusty winds, by the way, from - for this reason, today the country has declared an orange danger level, well, you get the feeling that winter seems to be losing ground, but they are fighting with spring, well, when the winter holidays are already behind us, i would like to say, well, in winter everything is clear, let's spring is coming, but the frosts , believe me, will return, i’m sure even more than once , so to be prepared for these sub-zero temperatures, carefully watch our next material, how to save yourself from frostbite, from frostbite, i would say so, because you can get frostbite even your own hands. at zero temperature, as far as i know, this is a very serious question, let’s find out all the details in the story of our correspondent oles boyarskikh. movement is life, especially in the cold. today we will find out
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what to do to avoid frostbite important parts of the body. frostbite is damage to the skin caused by exposure to low temperatures. therefore, when staying outside for a long time. especially with high humidity and strong wind, it is inevitable. signs of frostbite and general hypothermia include: with frostbite, the skin is pale bluish in color and usually cold. when warming up, severe pain, redness and swelling of soft tissues appear. with deeper damage there will be blisters with bloody contents. with... in general , hypothermia, the person is lethargic, indifferent to environment, the pulse is frequent, the blood pressure is reduced , the body temperature is below 36. it is worth remembering that frostbite is most often caused by tight
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, wet clothes and shoes, er, physical fatigue, hunger, prolonged, immobile or forced position of the body, previous cold injury, sweating of the feet , chronic vascular diseases of the lower extremities, cardiovascular diseases, as well as severe mechanical injuries with blood loss. if you notice frostbite, immediately go to a warm room and try to warm the damaged areas bodies. hide frostbitten hands in the armpits or cover your face with dry gloves. after this, under no circumstances allow repeated contact with the frostbitten person. with low body temperatures and do not rub it. warm frostbitten areas carefully in warm water. in this case, the optimal water temperature should not be higher than 40-42°. do not rub ointments or oils with alcohol. do not warm up near a radiator, stove or heater.
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remember, if you follow certain rules, they will definitely prevent you from frostbite. don't drink alcohol. alcohol foaming causes greater heat loss. do not smoke in the cold, as cigarettes disrupt peripheral blood circulation. be sure to wear loose, waterproof clothing. dress so that there are layers of air between layers of clothing that will sufficiently retain heat. well, as for shoes, they should be the right size. it can also be insulated with felt insoles. warm yourself when going outside. don't forget your hat, scarf and mittens, not your everything in sub-zero temperatures. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of these, there is a question for an adult
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, why do you think children ask strange questions, a person is always scared by something new, what scared you when you were offered to become the rector of bsu, what you could never forgive, well, for example, a person as it is written in the gospel: if you forgive and forgive people for their sins, then the heavenly father will forgive you everything. the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience. the main task is to honestly answer all original, and sometimes awkward questions. what does bsu have? which is not found in any other university. very good question. the flaps are flying upward, there is magic light everywhere. in your time, in such an interesting, modern way. the music you listen to,
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the music you like, probably it should sound, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel . you feel belarus, your soul is directly asking.
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it turned out to be such a wonderful song, thanks to sergei eduardovich zhdanovich, he wrote the music, it turned out to be quite a good folk hit, which we have already presented on the song program with all our hearts andrei malakhov, there will also be a broadcast soon, so i hope that everyone will appreciate it . well, irina, in fact, you are very active, i know, you have a working day ahead, today you managed to visit ranitsa , you still have ahead, as i understand it, studies at the university, you are in your fourth year, we are taking a session, now you are very active in preparation. for all exams, i am also a sensation for
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everyone, i am a soloist of the national academic concert orchestra of symphonic pop music named after mikhail yakovlevich finberg, we congratulate you, this it’s a very big victory for me , so i wanted to share it directly with everyone , so that you know, so that you too can be happy for me , the listeners know that when the finberg orchestra arrives, i’m also with them, we are very happy for you, moreover, i want you to say that this is a kind of sign of quality, because... by the way, we emphasized this many times on today’s broadcast, and it seems to me that the fact that you are in this team also says a lot, in general, professionalism is evident, but we would like to hear the song, definitely, i in general, i think how she manages everything , can you imagine, in the orchestra, on the backpack, on the concert stage, here you go, malinko berry, irina irshonok, a unique person right now in her performance, a very cool composition, when you know, the soul of the people sings, and you can we will say that the song is still called varopaevskaya gate, a clarification was made, yes, yes, well, friends, especially for you. come along with us, turn up the volume, and this is the program of the good ranitsa
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belarus, nina mazeika vienskaya, see you soon, bye-bye, ah ya yaga. a wooden wicket is more expensive than a gold one, here the unexpected past suddenly meets me, her braid with her hand. i, but as if in my soul , in childhood it seemed to us all that the world was so simple, the berry was small, the taste familiar on the lips, the lily of the lily and the wind in the flowers,
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i would pass through all the sorrows of my memory, dear, sweet, only here i will find it. you involuntarily give, i touch you with my hand, but as if you are in my soul, and before it seemed to me that you were completely different, i am a goth, a raspberry, a familiar taste on my lips, behind the hen of the lily, and the whole
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house of color, all the sorrows are past my memory i'll pass. dear, dear, only here i will find, berries, raspberries, the familiar taste on the lips, behind the gate there was lily, and the whole house is in flowers, i will pass all the sorrows past in my memory, dear, dear, only here i will find. a little taste, familiar on the lips, behind lily’s wicket and the whole house of light, i will pass through all my sorrows in my memory, dear, dear, only here will i find,
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