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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 22, 2024 9:10am-10:46am MSK

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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. these are news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films. for all ages in the countries : azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan , uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. customize
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azer space satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. this is the main broadcast. hello, this is polina shuba and maxim uglyanitsa. belarus is a guarantor of global stability, and peace equals economics. such examples are very difficult for enemies overseas. hence, probably, the impossibility of linking the protests with the economic crisis with sanctions that they themselves launched. even
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harder to understand, probably because of the difficulties. stand for the protection of their interests, and for those who have never studied at school and have not been to extracurricular activities, let us clarify: an elective is always optional, otherwise, yes, strategic documents are an algorithm for the work of all bodies from... in order to protect the country and people, simply because we have exhausted the limit on revolutions and wars. today is a peaceful nation, capable of standing up for itself and entering the market with its own product. we now have our own quality mark, and this became possible thanks to the work of belarusians , cooperation on equal terms with the largest powers of the world. and that’s what else we’ll talk about on the main broadcast. we don’t need someone else’s, but
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we won’t give up ours. how to defend belarus is spelled out in the draft national security concept and military doctrine. unfortunately, we have returned to a time when military force became the main argument in building interstate relations. the question is simple: who started the escalation first. nato screams war through the cover of build and prepares to begin its largest exercise. until 2016, we lived quietly and calmly, until it turned out. that they are practicing simulated nuclear strikes on us, attempts blowing up the country through sent cossacks like the mongoose were not successful, what did the sbu agent tell our special services? he told me that take it to the mozorovsky district and bury it there in the forest for a day. who is to blame that kiev lives according to western action movie scenarios, why is it so profitable to ruin the slavs, and how do all coups d'etat end? you were pumped
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by the same people who did it. openly, and the french appreciate living in a safe country, place, this is luxury, the chef moved to the grodno outback and pleases with croissants. time to create, state sign
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quality control has been established, let’s check whether the situation at the tool plant in orsha has changed for the better. for several years, we have been steadily raising wages by 15% twice a year. let’s ask the new minister how the economy has performed in general, as well as about new opportunities for investment and exports. so, defense, security and strategy. belarus today. stands firmly on these three pillars, each country respecting itself and its sovereignty, today not only thinks about security, military budgets of a number states are simply inflating before our eyes: exercises are about to begin near us, which have not happened since the cold war, the baltic states
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are throwing out statements about mining their borders, and what do you propose to do, look through rose-colored glasses and beyond, there are examples, there’s not enough time list the countries where democratic natos fell. missiles and bombs, so strategic documents, military doctrine and the concept of national security are about protecting the national interests of belarus, ensuring peace and stability in various fields. both documents were discussed at the security council this week with the participation of the head of state. the situation in the world is heating up; of course, the situation requires constant monitoring and analysis. this was a fundamental order from our president to globally calculate the risks of all kinds of threats to belarus and ours. reaction in the event of various types of conflicts, all this was prescribed in the doctrine and concept, the documents are absolutely open, unlike in other, quote-unquote, democratic countries, where such information is not usually disclosed. we will discuss this topic in more detail with our
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political observer ilona krasutskaya. ilona, ​​well, there’s probably no need to convince anyone of our openness; throughout this week, the security bloc continued to educate the public in detail about the essence of these strategic documents, of course. well , in your opinion, you monitor the reaction, including of your opponents, well, in principle, everything is clear with them, as for our people, were there moments, questions where something was misunderstood or turned out to be the most sensitive? colleagues, regarding openness of documents, well, everything is available, take it, get acquainted, read, we didn’t hide anything. moreover, the very fact that such a complex topic as national security, various details in the process of ensuring it are made public, and even the people themselves make a proposal: this is a rarity, and yes, a fact that cannot be tolerated in the west, hence the seething. the concept of national security was discussed not only among professionals, in labor collectives, among young people, well, the time is different, people want to really be immersed in all processes from economics to security.
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yes, there were, of course, moments where not everything was clear to people, but again, you and i are not all military experts, so we provided consultations, journalists, among other things, recorded a series of interviews with the minister of defense, with... the secretary of state , so that everything would also be much clearer for people. this was an order from the head of state to convey the essence of the issue to people as much as possible, so i propose not only to dwell on those most sensitive moments, but also to return to the history of the issue: how we created two most important documents, which in their own way the importance of influence actually come after the fundamental law of the country's constitution. when preparing a new edition of the national security concept, i would ask that it be absolutely frank. there is no need to hide anything based on some political motives or even economic ones and so on, we must honestly attribute those risks, threats that exist, our reaction to them, so that neighbors and others
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know how we will react, so as not to they said that for some it was a surprise, there is no need to hide anything, everything we must do it honestly, this thursday the head of state said to the security council that many assessment forecasts laid down in the military doctrine... the concept of national security are already coming true, the middle east crisis was cited as an example, someone did not understand why alexander lukashenko brought him and not ukraine, but not necessarily exclusively the conflict that... nearby can lead to consequences, in our time it is impossible to isolate ourselves from global processes, it is important to assess the risks of all kinds of threats. you see that they have returned to the modern international agenda elements of the cold war: arms race, nuclear blackmail, on the part of the leaders of individual western states. we must directly and openly state our priorities, show the world community the transparency of our
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policy, the reliability of belarus, how... belarusian peace is not synonymous with sacrifice. in the event of any aggression, as i have said more than once, the response will be quick, tough and adequate. when our president says something like that, the west immediately begins to say that lukashenko is blackmailing with nuclear weapons, but there is no need to replace the concept in the concept is also indicated; we regard the nuclear one solely as a deterrent element. more reproaches. poland, which , moreover, constantly asks the united states to place nuclear warheads on its territory, in parallel, nato countries are promoting a policy of expansion, increasing their military presence around our country and conducting exercises near the borders. belarus today, in its confrontation with the west, is on the line of military contact, this is what is extremely important to understand, and this understanding is reflected in the new document, but now look, your neighbor you very much. calm, the neighbors there have decided
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to create the strongest army in europe, the neighbors are constantly taking some provocative steps towards belarus, some kind of exercises are constantly trampling along the belarusian borders, and so on, you understand, the temperature of anti-belarusian targeting on the part
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of enemies, enemies yours on... not a single people considers belarus as their enemy, despite the actions of their government, this is, so to speak, the key message, we have clearly formulated what government agencies should do, which ones to carry out functions within the framework of responding to possible threats to the military security of our country, we have clearly... defined and communicated the views of the republic of belarus on the use of tactical nuclear weapons stationed on our territory. as part of the response, we divided threats into both internal and external. if external, we understand that this is an external enemy, internal, we have one now, and we have also clearly defined our actions and the order of action of the state in responding to these challenges, and we do not exclude it. that a military conflict may even begin in peacetime,
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and we prescribe what actions will be taken by the state in order to first of all localize and block all this, but if that doesn’t work out, then of course there will be further actions then. a big response at the security council on thursday was on this phrase: what are the threats in peacetime? and that there are few options: neo-fascism, nazi ideology, mercenaries, cybercrime, extremist? sco, by the way, we are ready to take an active part in the activities of the osce, to resume belarus’ participation in european, regional
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and not only. our security is not only literally about measures to protect, for example, the state border, ensuring a controlled internal crime situation or working proactively, everything that depends on the commander in chief and the security forces. security permeates all areas, including economics, science, high technology, social responsibility, business, this is also stated in the documents. no matter what form of ownership, people should have security. at the discussion stage, they asked her to point out a fundamental point,
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safety. but the most important thing, probably , is that documents are documents, so, but if our citizens, our people, do not live by this, root for this, cherish this, what has been achieved, including by them, of course, it will be very difficult to ensure these values , both documents were discussed by the security council, the nuances will be further refined and then submitted for approval by the supreme council, but while experts continue to explain the main provisions of the initiative, i don’t want to say that you know, we are already so wise, great, protected. anything can happen, but we never our people, our state were so protected , as it is now, as it will be, if god forbid, a war breaks out, well, it will all depend on us, the system is built, there are armed forces, a mobilization reserve, there is
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territorial defense, someone is
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you have a participant, there is a public receipt. are increasingly speaking openly about future plans for the benefits of their investments in the theater of military operations in ukraine. the violation of the regional security architecture did not occur by chance . behind these processes are specific people and the state. the emergence of a new world order is today being proclaimed by the leading thinkers of our time. it existed one way or another for some time in the european part, but it was the denunciation of these fundamental documents that led to chaos. and growing escalation in our region. andrey sych will tell you in the screenshot section how the next expansion of collective troops from the west to the east was carried out. we don't play games in europe because we are at war against russia. the russians are dying and
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this is the best we've ever spent on money. the belarusian cordon must be controlled by kiev, vilnius and warsaw. belarus may be occupied and divided into three zones: ukrainian, polish and lithuanian. german soldiers are again marching east as part of the troops of collective europe. it is difficult to be indifferent to such headlines in the western press. we talk often. about the criminal expansion of nato, that the soviet union was deceived and violated the gentlemen's agreement. but , unfortunately, there is practically nothing to confirm its existence. but there is a much more striking example of ex. nato's expansion to the east with reinforced concrete facts. the european security architecture for a long time was based on three
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pillars, agreements between the ussr and the usa. everything worked like clockwork until the white house decided that they were too cramped. legally , this whole operation is just petty hooliganism. petty, but keep in mind that for this petty hooliganism i pay big money. the three pillars of international security relations are a deal; in short, the two global players the usa and the ussr have agreed not to advance missile defense systems to each other’s borders, to destroy all launchers and intermediate- range missiles, and not to transfer nuclear weapons to third countries. guess who methodically destroyed it all step by step. by the end of the issue you will understand everything yourself. already in 1999 , chapter. registration of the white house under billy clinton, announced the beginning of the procedure for withdrawing from the pro treaty. as we explore
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the possibility of deploying a national cancer defense system that would protect the united states from missile proliferation by the state. we are negotiating with the russians about how we can adjust the missile defense treaty to take this into account. we do this in the spirit not of undermining russia's security, but of strengthening our security, the security of both countries. and these discussions continue. they. on a technical level, what we should learn from the anglo-saxons is long-term planning for 50-100 years ahead, after clinton retires, his work to destroy the global balance of power, george bush continued. i don't have a specific one schedules. i know for sure that the popro agreement prevents us from doing what we should do, and secondly, i know for sure that mr. putin knows our desire to withdraw from the popro agreement, and we will do it. in june 2002 . by decision of george w. bush. the united states unilaterally withdrew from the anti-ballistic missile treaty.
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here it is important to make allowances for the wind and explain one important feature: let’s say, in the military sphere, many things have, to put it mildly, a dual purpose. systems pro in in this case, they can act as launchers for missiles that can be used to strike ground targets. yes, when such installations are located as close as possible to nuclear missile launch sites. they significantly reduce their chance of achieving the goal, that is, they largely neutralize the potential of the nuclear shield of a possible response. already in 2007, american hawks maneuvered the deployment of similar systems in poland. we talked about how we can improve mutual security issues and there is no better symbol of our commitment to working for peace and security than working on a missile defense system. a missile defense system that would provide. the security of europe from special double-launch regimes that may emanate from parts of the world where leaders do not
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particularly like our way of life. in may 2016 , the official ceremony of placing the first american missile defense system in europe on combat duty took place on the territory of romania. in december 2023, a similar system was opened in poland. in parallel with the construction of launch systems near the borders union state. belarus and russia in the united states are beginning to develop long-range missiles; for this, in 2019, the white house will initiate a withdrawal from the intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty, which imposed restrictions on the development of testing such missiles. the president of belarus in those days gave a clear forecast for the development of further events. i 'm afraid that the americans will take advantage of the moment and disrupt it. this agreement will place missiles in europe, here it won’t seem enough to us, so we need
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to think about retaliatory measures together with russia, from there’s no getting around this if this happens, and it will be even worse if these missiles are deployed, god forbid, and hypothetically while on the territory, it seems to me that even though the north atlantic alliance declares that they are not going to deploy them in europe . missiles, it seems to me, are just vomit, otherwise, why come out, why destroy this agreement? during the years of occupation of the countries of the european union, the united states was not only able to build a system of military bases for strike installations, but also placed its nuclear weapons here. no, not just for storage, if suddenly someone could think so, the highly decorated medalist obama was practicing command post exercises,
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the scenario of which was on... and of course this very much worried, first of all, the entire military-political leadership of our country, because of course, issues of national security , they cannot be some kind of secondary, i think that every person on earth, well, probably would never, even in a nightmare , have the desire to see what was happening on kheroshima and nagasaki, well, the same thing if we let's see what, for example, the americans did in northern syria or what is happening today with the gas sector, there is no doubt about it, we see that this is scary, that the world today is, well, on the brink of a third world war, the question of the formation of a new world there is only one reason for order today, because the white house has created the same global disorder that we see not only in europe, but all over the world. about dismantling the global
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security architecture. andrey sych in the screenshot section. here is another example of how they are trying to blow up a country that has not fallen under the nato boot from within. this week our tv channel showed the film the failure of the sbu agent mongoose. in it , ukrainian citizen vyacheslav borodey, caught red-handed , tells in detail how he was recruited by special services from kiev. received the call sign mongoose, and then illegally transported weapons and explosives to the territory of belarus and carried out other tasks of his handlers. his accomplices were also detained on the territory of our country, who came to borodiya’s caches and moved the objects located there further across the country. uniqueness of the special operation according to the capture of borodiya, the illegal route to belarus lay through a difficult
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swamp. getting there and then getting out is very difficult. an experienced pathfinder designed it himself, and his curators even intended to pave a route for an underwater drone. in addition, vyacheslav borodya will tell very interesting details about what is happening now in the border areas of ukraine, which is under total pressure from the security forces from gura and the sbu. they took me right from the border, i ’ll tell you that. and the copter hung above me all night. i am this i saw it, i’m telling you how it happened. i understood that they
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returned home, thinking, something. ukrainians, the trigger for such terror and further escalation between the slavs were the events of ten years ago: the maidan. for the anglo-saxons, the country became a military battering ram; if you dig very deep, our western partners planned to turn square into another showcase of the achievements of the capitalist economy, to the envy of all other post-soviet republics even after the collapse of the soviet union. and rewriting history, rewiring the brains of a new generation. they really did their job, they began to see good in any proposals from the west, even the most radical ones. in our studio, a person who has investigated ukrainian events in detail since
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the 2000s actually witnessed how the country turned from an all-union breadbasket into an importer, exporting, perhaps, saboteurs. director, producer of films about the maidan that are scandalous in their truthfulness, oliver’s cinematographic colleague. well , right away, so that our viewers understand, what works of yours have become iconic for you personally? well, probably the biggest one, of course, ukraine is on fire. i was brought up on classic soviet cinema, i made 16 big soviet hits, restored them, made them in color. and this is how i believe i received my upbringing. i really love films about the war from... films like only old men go into battle, officers, the father of a soldier saw a second life, including thanks to some of my work, but this is the background, in 2008 i left
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ukraine , because i felt where all this was going, my friend and i set up a studio in in the eighth year, when i was renting luke from beeson , the third carrier of the hatch said: “igor, what are you doing in ukraine?” i say , i’m making a movie, he says bullshit, but nonsense, cinema... no, go to los angeles, with luke’s light hand i left for los angeles in 2008 in 2013 i met, it happened, this is the best event in my life, the second half, i met olive rostone and was able to convince him to join our project, we then wanted to make a big documentary about ukraine, with the main character it shouldn’t be maidan or yanukovych or putin. the main character was supposed to be yulia tymoshenko, who was in prison at that time, this is a wonderful drama, a woman with a scythe in prison, we understood what we should do, where there is drama, we can film, but at that time
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the maidan caught fire, and we we realized that everything, everything , is in the past, we are filming it, my people had stones thrown at their heads, our cameramen were being chased with batons, we filmed, filmed, we filmed, released it in 2016, we went through all the big ones... we didn’t like anyone , and oliver told me, you will direct, i say: “oliver, i’m a producer, i did 39 projects there at that time, i’m a producer, i understand how to make a movie, but i’m not a storyteller, he says, you’re a storyteller, you come from ukraine , it hurts here, you will direct , 6 months have passed, we filmed it, edited it, he came to our office, walked in looking so irritated, watched the film, well, i’ll tell you metaphorically, and this is the disc from which we showed it, i i’ll give you a cd, every one. it’s trash, i’m shocked, well, well, i need to release it, it’s already fifteen years ago, we are already making snowden together, i already know that this is my friend , comrade, but he threw my film into the trash, and
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says: you, you, you to me and alexis chavez, my editing director, tomorrow at 9:00 in the editing, in the editing room, and we sat down, in 4 hours, we made half an hour of that region of the world, which has now been watched by more than
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half a billion people in the world, when... 30 girls were chasing me asking for an autograph, yes, of course, they came for olliver, of course they came for me, but they cried when they saw our picture, they
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empathized, it was. didn’t go, he killed, he said that to kill in order to achieve a goal, but this is what they are doing now, they are killing, yes, they are killing, they killed dasha dugin, they have others, they are planning to kill me, they cannot kill us everyone, that’s what concerns the western audience , that’s how difficult it was to convey to them ukraine on fire, that’s how you said that this is such a different view, an alternative, it’s going well, you know, my mentor said, when we made the first film, he said, un watchable. that is, you can’t watch this, well, that is, this
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they perceive the interpretation of the event normally , it goes well, it goes very well, they understand why, we speak in the language of emotions, we do not speak, we have those speakers who made specific decisions, yanukovych, zakharchenko, putin, and i’m also lucky, i have there was a wonderful commentator who, by the way , taught me a lot, robert perry. robert perry is famous for what? iran-contra, that 's the old one. deal when, under reagan, the cia traded drugs from colombia to america, and you bought them with the proceeds weapons and sent them to nicaragua , then iran appeared there along the way, that is, this is generally history, this man taught me how to do investigative journalism, robert perry, another important one, he is very, olliver advised me to take him, as a senior comrade and pere taught me something, unfortunately he died in
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by now there would be a radioactive desert, and not only in crimea, not only in donbass, much wider, so i think that we will still make a fifth part, we are also filming something now, for your country, well, a word about our country, because we also recently survived a coup attempt , belarus could have been on fire in 1920, you followed those events, especially considering that, as we learned, you are a person close to us, and you followed the belarusians, to tell you honestly , my and i -
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i thank god that you have such a leader who took up arms in his hands, yes, even if it was more media than real, but he came out to his people not like mr. yanukovych, who took his loved ones and run, and this one came out to defend, that’s why they were defeated, everything was involved, media processing, that is, this whole provocation, which means that first we attack them with riot police, then we film how they attack, this is
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john sharp’s training manual, yeah. it’s easier for a group and dad to live together, that is, it’s easier to beat your father together, this is the whole essence of this orgulism, which i don’t belong to, which i hate, you have to love your father, listen to help him in everything, beat him together, this is the way when there is no father, you know, it’s called fatherlessness, i am fatherless, but i was raised by my mother, who
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were under... the state, like a corporation, like a place where people should live, good, because in fact the government is evaluated not because of how many democratic values ​​you have there, but no one cares about those values, what matters is that my door is not knocked down, my watch is not ripped off my hand, my daughter is not raped on the streets, i have order, we live in the water there, los angeles is a zombieland, where people sleep on the sidewalks, excuse me, defecate in the streets. where people cut off everything, excuse the expression of their genitals, others came, they already lost, they have no shores at all , they don’t know who they are, why there is no god , there is no faith in god, but there is no faith in god, that’s it, everything is lost, the center is lost, and if the center
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is lost, then there’s a problem, but everything the world community's progressive task is not to bring down america, not to wait for it to explode, but the task is to land it softly in the place where
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it is... thank you for such a sincere and emotional conversation. i'm a director. on the main broadcast, let us remind you that today we had a director
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working in hollywood, igor lopotyonok. here this is exactly what is happening, the strongest western countries are taking advantage of the moment to devour the tasty morsels. why hide the doctrines of individual states? is exclusively aggressive in nature, an attraction of power and a desire to rule the world, the us belief in exceptionalism, a constant search for enemies, as well as the belarusian development strategy in key documents. feel the difference in clear policies. watch it on monday
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after the panorama. unfortunately, we have returned to a time when military force became the main argument in building interstate relations.
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forced to keep their hand on the ground in order to preserve and increase what has been done, when belarus is trying to keep up and keep up with the times in its development, this, of course, will not be appreciated by the bigwigs on the other side, this is a direct competitor, and how they get rid of competitors can be seen in the same ukrainian industry. belarus today has something to offer the world, including cars. buildings, the product range is full, as our president noted when visiting belgji during the week, we have already matured to make the maximum possible belarusian car, before january 1 , 2025, belg will release the first electric car. katerina krutalevich, charged with prospects. did you know that belarusian cars are assembled, including belarusian ones? in the bilg workshops, of course, there are fewer of them than men, but the conditions of the plant allow such work not to be divided by gender. and the number of orders for ijili cars, the queue not
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only allows us to expand the team. moreover, during a working trip to visit the plant, the president was officially asked allow people to go out for more hours at double pay. the logic is simple: as long as there is demand, it must be satisfied and the team must be given the opportunity to earn money. yes, the government is with
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the government, we need to move. therefore, we need to cooperate with china, learn from them to borrow everything we can. a short
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excursion into the history of the plant explains the difference in the names jilli and billg. geely are several models that were assembled at the start. the kits arrived almost ready-made from china. belg is already a belarusian car, it is painted, boiled, there is a lot of belarusian filling, the x50 model. ex50 electric analog. similar in design to coolray. by the way, they have proven themselves more than confident in ours. in general, chinese cars have long been a reality in the good economy and premium segments; now the market with traditional gasoline engines is beginning to be actively divided by hybrids and electric vehicles, the argument is quality and price. there were worries , but when he arrived, i saw him from the outside , we felt everything inside, we turned the steering wheel gently, everything was smooth, a smooth ride, you already understand that it’s not... cherry, hawal, jak, lifan is just the beginning of the list of chinese, whose showrooms are in minsk, they are buying them more
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and more actively, word of mouth is doing its job, people are satisfied and
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there are many arguments. creating technological capacities at those enterprises that the minister and i approached together. i think that we will try to resolve these issues, well, only slightly, i know, i know , well, so you said that you are here for me, well , equipment and acquisition, what am i asking, when in the first half of 2025 should all work be completed, at least in how long can we do this, now we have to test this sample experiment, i'm asking time from your point of view. master it quickly enough, because since you know, your task is january 1 , 2025, you basically have to do it all, and in a year we will be back at this time at the new mogilev plant, where all this will be manufactured by your machines, otherwise you’ll be guessing for me here, telling me some gaps, here’s a year for you,
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buy the machine you need, start making it, the ministry of industry will do it. january should give the result. alexander lukashenko will be shown the plant. painting shops , welding, plus everything that engineers can, in principle, convert to alternative fuels without using internal combustion engines. in general, even mining dump trucks can survive the refusal of gasoline and diesel. this is also a step in the belarusian automotive industry. it is already clear that we will only grow in this matter. in 2017, when this particular plant opened in the borisov region, they did not plan to produce about 2,000 cars, now this figure is increased 30 times. i dreamed that one day we would produce our own car in belarus, i saw it as a people's car, i once
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said this, but by our opponents, talkers, frankly speaking, not even opponents, i was ridiculed in all the media and this confirmed me that we will still make our own car. progressive movement and cannot be stopped. now the question is about maximum localization of all possible models, from seats and rugs to brushes for all electrics. yes, it's difficult to compete a market where many things are done cheaper, but this market is dangerous because tomorrow any part may simply not be produced. secondly, belarusian practice has already shown that we can do
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everything ourselves, these are the initiatives. this, plus we get the difference between fuel and battery charging, so that the price increase does not occur more, in this process. communicating with the belge team, the president will thank people for their good work; at this rate, belarusians can claim a place in the global automobile industry. we know how to make trucks, passenger vehicles, and cars theirs, there is something to be proud of. there is not a single company in the world that produces everything itself,
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so belarusians are following a rather well-worn path, but in their own direction. due to the fact that the world... has gone crazy, competition is reaching the point of military action, we need to rely primarily on friendly countries that did not let us down, that’s why i came, the main question that i always answer is: what’s next? the whole world today is focused on the production of hybrid cars, this means diesel fuel, gasoline, the same engine, recharging, electric car, and clean electric cars, that is, the world is showing us where to go, and we have decided that we should follow this path, but by modernizing and improving this production, for new projects you need
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order there. as long as i am president, we will not abandon this plant, this is my child, we will improve it, raise it, train it, and so on, this is the property of our belarusian people, we did it, we will move forward. thank you for doing a lot at this stage to get people to line up for your cars. speaking of children, the president will be asked questions about
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safety. how the orsha tool factory, which the president visited 5 years ago, has changed. the picture then was, to put it mildly, depressing, old equipment from the seventies,
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empty premises and inappropriate working conditions. right on the spot, personnel changes and clear tasks from the head of state: how to correct the situation? did you manage to cope, did you become an excellent student? well, the first thing we see now is that the buildings have definitely undergone an upgrade, that’s what will check the control inside. quality tv news agencies were backward , well, are these jobs, some kind of dungeon , convict people work, it has become innovative, well, today no one makes such a tool in belarus or in russia, except us, through leaky roofs and walls. the wind of change has blown, nothing is dripping on your head, it’s light, warm, from which workers used to run away, the equipment is old, the salary was small,
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there was practically no work as such, and after the reboot they returned, due to poor working conditions, employers are losing good specialists, well, it turns out that they expanded the product catalog, took on large molds, mastered the assembly of one model of tractor, what crooked path led to the plant then? you will have these storm drains running dirty , well, why put asphalt in the grass, and what is happening now, even the snow won’t hide it, our quality control will get to the bottom of the truth, these shots, the orsha tool plant, the dark history of five years ago, the path from the dark
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past to the light. they, to describe production in three words, are a factory for factories, their products are in demand from mechanical engineering to agriculture, but in order to improve the quality, they first had to tighten the nuts themselves, to solve
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problems with... accuracy down to microns and the workers, consider jewelers, takorshan residents were already geared up for imported equipment. in order to work with innovative machines, andrei lisov went through an express school, training for 3 months, exams, but one can say that he gave the plant a chance to retake it when he got a job here for the second time, the first time, everything was different,
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it didn’t resemble the plant at all nothing. everything flowed, everything it was leaking, the equipment was old, the salary was small , there was practically no work as such, and when they even invited me here, so to speak, new equipment arrived, they sent me for retraining, and then they hired me as an adjuster. after the technical boom at arshensky, they expanded the product catalog to 6,000 tools, increased it tenfold, and in these five years they managed to steer, perhaps because an already experienced tractor manufacturer helped to steer, who... joined the plant when the orsha tool plant became part of the holding ntz, here, too, once upon a time, out of nowhere, they first opened a service center, serviced the entire range of warranty equipment from the minsk tractor plant, later they themselves began to assemble, so far only one model belarus 92p, but today they also make excavators on its basis, as well as tractors that have lived in the fields here they sort through, change parts, complete repairs and get almost a new one, but half
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the price. the entire large-scale modernization of the orsha tool plant, including the hand of mtz? yes, mtz , of course, made its significant contribution, because that the plant received additional resources and capabilities, that is, we received material support, technical and technological support, and today our production, our product range speaks for itself. and how eloquently did the plant speak for itself when they greeted him with such clothes? does not love. you don’t like people , you’re a factory, well, if you’re already doing some kind of show-off here, not show-off, well, you’ll already make some kind of curbs, well, to make it look nice, well, why put asphalt in the grass? now the curbs are sprinkled with snow, but our quality control will get to the bottom of the truth, i found one, uh, well, we won’t dig up the entire territory, but from this area it’s clear that the curb lies
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very evenly. everything is in order with the curb , let's go check the storm drains, it can be said that you will have these storm drains working today, it's dirty, you can see from the contour that there doesn't seem to be any extra asphalt here, now a lot has been done for the workers, starting with heating, which was no longer there after 10 years of salary, it, like a factory, is no longer the same. what was your salary last month? 470? but it's that you're low qualifications, work with a salary , well, it suits me , and my three operators who go on my shift are also quite satisfied, there is something to brag about, because for several years we have been consistently raising wages by 15% twice a year, this contributes its significant contribution to the increase in the number of workers; in december our average salary was 1,960 rubles. and
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of course we will grow. but how could a plant where they know exactly how steel is hardened not cope with all the difficulties? it’s here at the stage of heat treatment, and finished products , they themselves help others, power engineers, oil workers, according to their drawings, for one-time orders, including in connection with the sanctions situation, enterprises that cannot receive services abroad or obtain the required parameters, this is us we are open to everyone, we provide such services to everyone. photospodia for industry, because the president spoke about the strategic importance of the plant. the mental plant must be restored to the highest level so that gomselsh, mtz, mass and all other enterprises, even oil refining agriculture,
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got a good tool. it turns out that, on the whole, we managed it, and now the orsha tool plant is truly a plant for factories, but most importantly, it is a plant for people. vladislav bundir, andrey novgorodtsev, vitaly saplitsa and maxim lvov are responsible for quality. appraisers in belarus will check how well and conscientiously their work is performed by april 1. during this time, it is necessary to establish proper order and define clear and understandable rules of the game. only professionals in their field should remain in such areas. affairs. transparency and controllability are the main requirements for innovations introduced in the country. they were discussed in detail this week. at the independence palace. a number of draft decrees have been submitted for consideration by the president. some changes will affect customs legislation. they will affect both businesses and ordinary citizens, and both will help save time and money. a number of innovations within the framework of the union state. this work
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is planned, as one of the integration programs suggests. they are necessary to harmonize the approaches of belarus and russia. but in the process of unification must not infringe on the interests of the state and its people, they warn. russia and belarus are a sovereign and independent state, and we must proceed from this when making certain decisions, certain issues, and as you can see, we are managing to build such allied relations that no one on the planet knew or knows, they must be improved , the system is common, similar, whatever you like, but there must be two. sovereign, independent states, on this sovereign territory which belongs to our people, only we make decisions, and act only in exceptional conditions that are beneficial to us. we act in
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accordance with national interests, including protecting our economy from the lawlessness of the western elite. belarus operates under conditions of unjustified sanctions pressure and
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continues to take protective measures at the legislative level. influenced the plans and the forecast was even exceeded. gdp growth of almost 4%. thus, our real sector has demonstrated its successful adaptation to new conditions and ensured rapid recovery of both production volumes
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and sales rates, including in new markets. this year, the ministry of economy also expects good results and assures that everything has been calculated. minister yuri chabatar told us about this. he has been head of the department for just over two weeks. we discussed with our correspondent svetlana lukinyuk the main highlights of the meeting between the president and the government, new opportunities for investment activity, exports and the base of last year. yuri adamovich, hello, this week it was a meeting with the president, with the council of the minister, where, among other things, the issue of selling the property of foreign companies was also discussed. in general, it was decided to refine some approaches, and this is where a certain emphasis was placed. you know the key requirements of the chapter. state is, first of all, the stable operation of all enterprises in our country, regardless of the form of ownership, what capital these companies work with, and so on, so why was attention paid? because if someone has such interests
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leave our market, sell its share, then this company must continue its successful work in our country, this is the most important requirement of the head of state, within the framework of these instructions we worked out the appropriate mechanisms on how to interest, on the one hand, to stay and work in the company , on the other hand, take into account our interests of the republic, if you want to leave, pay 25%, get permission from your share
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and... in general, here are the figures not only of gdp, but of the overall performance of the economy over the past year, that’s how you rate it, it’s good base, or somewhere it’s important for someone and they need to catch up, maybe in the next six months, in the first half of 2024, yes, indeed, according to the forecast, our bar was 103.8, it was exceeded, 103.9, the contribution of many industries to this result is key and the most important thing is the work of the industrial complex, they are just creating then... the next potential for the development of other industries, so
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the industry at a pace of 107.7 is largely not due to, for example, market-driven goods, we have significantly added mechanical engineering, this always, it's the one who unites other industries by producing its products, and added the construction industry, 111%, we have launched a program, increased the construction of rental housing significantly, agriculture, of course,
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despite... the priority of economic development, you have already mentioned that new legislation will come into force in the summer , in general, how do you assess investment activity and maybe what else is important to do, and are you ready to do so that it is, say, more active? we set the bar high in 2023 for growth investments, and in fact almost 115% growth, this is housing, infrastructure and the implementation of commercial projects, the implementation of commercial projects depends... ours, including the economic potential of our
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real sector of the economy in this sector , growth is more than 30%, this means our businesses have really taken off. 80 integration projects together with the russian federation, this pool, like the framework , is the basis of what we are sure will give rise to growth this year. well, our priority in development is not only investment, but of course and exports, because we still send the lion’s share to the markets of near and far abroad, but of course the overwhelming majority of goods, and in recent years
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it has been shown, go to russia. in your opinion , isn’t this relaxing our producers and are they ready for competition, which also happens on the russian market? at the first stages, of course, one might get the impression that, taking into account the withdrawal, super great opportunities are opening up on the russian market, they really have opened up, the only thing is that they have opened up for everyone, for all countries friendly to russia, so we found ourselves even in even greater competition than before, so our main competitors today in the russian market, of course, are turkish manufacturers, chinese manufacturers. and so on, nevertheless, during this period we significantly increased exports, while we had a positive balance with this country both last year and the year before, so here we set the task: please, increase the russian market, which is quite capacious, but of course don’t get hung up on it, for example,
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the asian market has grown 1.4 times, and in 3 years we have increased the chinese food market threefold, it would seem. previously , we thought these figures were unattainable, the latin american market has more than doubled the growth of exports, and the growth of exports to the african region, a new region for us, we have identified the base countries from which we will start and, let’s say, from these countries we will supply to others african countries their products, corresponding, by the way, including the tasks in the target plan for the current year are determined by the ministry of the concern up to specific goods. thank you very much, thank you. and drawing a line under such an economic bloc, the telenews agency is launching a new project in which belarusian is of equal quality. the history of the legendary state standards began almost 100 years ago with the creation of the standardization committee, which even then elevated many
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belarusian goods to the rank of the best, and the best were awarded a quality mark. time obviously does not stand still; our country has learned to produce. even better, as evidenced by the constantly growing export of belarusian goods and services national brand recognition. right now there is a special project “give to the country”. for our company, quality is an opportunity, even an obligation, to pay more attention to the quality of our products, because they are of high quality. products are competitive products. i came to the minsk tractor plant in 2004 after graduating from college, i know firsthand what it’s like to work on the land, and the best assistant for an agricultural worker is the belarus tractor.
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therefore, the choice was obvious. minsk tractor plant is still in the soviet union, awarded the quality mark. lays down the degree of responsibility that we currently bear to ourselves, setting the task of producing a high-quality product, the products of the minsk tractor plant are competitive, we are ready to compete with other manufacturers of tractor equipment, which is what we basically do, when i see a finished product, i see a belarus tractor , of course, this evokes a huge sense of pride for our native enterprise, and of course for the republic of belarus, because we make good, high-quality, high-quality product, we expect from the company... in the future , confident work, stability , first of all, modernization, increasing the level of qualifications of our employees, and of course , reliability and stability. for me, my work, first of all, is confidence in the future, it is self-development, self-realization, as they say, work should be to your liking, if you go to work in
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a good mood, then you will do your job well. fair competition , a policy of good neighborliness with mutually beneficial trade - this is not about today's poland. the lords are fighting quietly, continuing their aggressive policy towards their eastern neighbors. polish antiberus and anti-russia have not gone away with the advent of the tusk government. warsaw still continues to build up its military forces under the pretext of the danger emanating from minsk and moscow, while not shying away from calling for help even the military contingent of its yesterday’s enemy, berlin. the hyena of europe demonizes our peoples with all its might, and deals with all those who disagree as best it can. the repressive tools developed still added, is actively being used, both in relation to those who dare to speak out against the only true policy of the country and call for peace, and those who just yesterday
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sat in the government offices under the wing of morowiecki, poland is demonstrating unprecedented success in the fight against its own history, everything that can remind of once close ties with the soviet past is being demolished. report by evgeny belousov. with the coming to power of the old new tusk, little changes in poland, under a new pro-european cover. corrupt officials are replaced by others, under the guise of liberating the media from the oppression of the pisovites, they simply implant their ideology, which, like the past, consists of condemning everything old and praising the new, in general, faces are changing, but they are not the essence of the hyenas of europe, while the ponies ostentatiously divide spheres of influence, ordinary poles look at everything that happens with open mouths, further and further, moving away from each other. what has to change is that divisions have to disappear because society is terribly divided, especially within
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families, older people, middle-aged people, the youngest, these are completely different worldviews. the poles were looking forward to the parliamentary elections and sincerely believed that with the fall of the ruling party regime , brighter days and national unity would come. but, judging by what is happening now, no one is sleeping as the national holiday approaches. on the part of russia and belarus, this is some kind of demagoguery on the polish side, we understand perfectly well that in reality
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there are no risks for poland, no aggression on the part of belarus and russia is obviously being prepared against poland, but the polish the authorities are now interested in whipping up such hysteria. plans to create a powerful army in europe have also not been canceled. the latest types of military equipment, aircraft, and submarines are being actively purchased. tanks, howitzers and so on. the polish government borrowed 200 billion dollars from a south korean bank, then asked for another 340 billion. invest that kind of money in a peaceful direction, the people will carry you in their arms, erect monuments, but no, some kind of aljagerkomer turns out. i remember that at the peak of war hysteria there were reports that poles were fleeing en masse to germany, hiding from future mobilization. then the border with the germans looked like this. now the authorities have corrected their mistakes and, unexpectedly for everyone , the legislation on compulsory conscription
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has been tightened so that this does not happen. now, if a citizen subject to conscription evades service during a war or general mobilization, he faces at least 5 years of imprisonment, and if the summons contains a note immediately, the person is given 6 hours to appear at the military registration and enlistment office, plus warsaw stated on the copper, that i agree to the deployment... american soldiers who are already stationed in the country. berlin, which has no money for its army, naturally, no one asked, everything was on the orders of washington. of course, many will not agree with such plans of official warsaw, but there will be a solution to this; the legacy of repression is the law on lustration, an entire commission on the influence of russia, plus judicial reform. all in all. all the levers of justice are now in tusk’s hands. you don't have to look far for an example here. arrest of former deputies of the sejm of kominsky vostnik,
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plus the recent imprisonment of the outright corrupt ex-deputy head of the ministry of foreign affairs piotr wawrzyk. although the first two will at least be a political tool for dictator duda. still, the title of political leader has never left anyone indifferent. they were convicted for serving the polish state and for pursuing corruption. as we know, gentlemen deputies mariusz kaminski, maciej wosnik, were imprisoned in recent days. they are the first in poland, i have no doubt about it, since 1989. political prisoners, they throw punches not only at political opponents, but and public figures whose position runs counter to the official one. the other day, for dissent, read criticism of the authorities, polish activist wojciech alszanski was tried again. since april last year he has been sitting in polish dungeons. alshansky polish actor, director of historical productions, public figure, blogger, defends historical
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truth, advocates for national interests and poland's exit from the eu. a supporter of the union with russia policy of alexander lukashenko considers the united states the worst enemy, in general, too truthful an activist who calls everything that happens by its proper name, for example, this is what he said about the extremist and notorious traitor of belarus. what kind of brat, what kind of traitor, what kind of cold, cynical brute? he’s already learned how to live at someone else’s expense, and what can he say, such a twenty-three-year-old son of a bitch? however, such sincerity and frankness are extremely inconvenient for the polish authorities, therefore public reprisals against alshansky were inevitable, about 25 trials are now being carried out against the truth-teller, the polish authorities intend to take a true patriot out of the game for a long time, following the merciless principle: if there was a person, there would be an article.
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memory is also accused of propaganda in favor of belarus and russia. inconvenient pages. stories were not just forgotten, they were uprooted. one of these days, the capital of poland could have celebrated the 79th anniversary of liberation from the nazis, but it didn’t. this holiday no longer exists, just like most soviet monuments no longer exist. of the 561 monuments to the red army soldiers , no more than a hundred remain in the country. they will also be wiped off the face of the earth. apparently the polish authorities hate theirs so much a country that is easily ready to abandon its own history, not realizing that without it there will never be a future. unlike our western neighbors, we remember and value our
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past. the other day a unique photo exhibition opened in minsk. 17 posters, 17 reflections on two completely different parallel worlds, the creation and history of our sovereign state, all development, destruction and degradation. before our eyes, there are much more monstrous examples of such destruction, including ukraine. bearing in mind armenia, bearing in mind that today takes place in neighboring poland, this exhibition once again answers the question: what would have happened if in the twentieth year a rebellion, a coup had taken place, if there had been a progressive, sovereign, albeit not always very successful, but nevertheless consistent movement
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forward , our country, our people, our state, our... how saints help believers with their invisible power, it is not the saint himself who is the source, he is the conductor of our
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prayers, he is the intercessor before god. change their lifestyle, go to a monastery, something in my heart sounded like it was necessary to leave this secular life, just as the grand duchess at one time left a luxurious, rich social life and devoted herself to monastic work, just as faith gives strength and supports in difficult times, our prayer requests to the lord , mother of god and saints. should be aimed at acquiring spiritual virtues, saving the soul, even when we ask for everyday needs, what does life teach a person? pryklad maryi teach us that the one on the right is to try to caress the hell of god, but the other on the right is not spoiling these affections, and multiplying, and
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changing these other aspects reveal the fundamental importance of the skin of the man. let's look at marya, and let's talk about all our lives and the rights of jesus. there are 256 countries in the world, mostly the world admires belarus and belarusians, like cuba, brazil and venezuela, but for some time we had the habit of not listening to them, but waiting for a bunch of other countries to appreciate us, supposedly more democratic than all of the above state, the most psychologically difficult thing is monotonous,
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methodical. with pleasure, i didn’t see it myself, but ivan, massage therapist, says that ruslan was going to the airport last night, asked about the transfer, now you understand why i didn’t name the name at the press conference,
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can you imagine what kind of circus would have started, well, lyukha, well, a one-man orchestra, after i told him he told the whole truth, he flew away, what did you tell him , stanislavich, we are all to blame, no less than lyuda, if we punish, then everyone, but don’t teach me. i already decided to punish everyone, i can let the team down, on the other hand you can bring the side medals, well, this is a big risk, i have to think about the team, about the team, let the coaching staff think, and you have every right to think about yourself at least once in your life,


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