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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 22, 2024 12:10pm-12:40pm MSK

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stealing from bmw cars, did not understand car brands, involved his minor son in the theft, turned off the phone for conspiracy, covered the license plate with snow and turned the phone off and wrapped it in velvet. previously, the man was repeatedly prosecuted for property crimes; now it is known that the detainees stole lenses from nine cars, for a total amount. more than 10,000 rub. their involvement in similar crimes is being verified. according to all the facts, investigators criminal cases have been initiated under the article of theft. the mission of christmas trees is completed. while menchan residents are throwing away holiday paraphernalia en masse, waste transportation services are working in intensive mode. for more than 7 years , christmas tree recycling has been organized in the capital. from january 15 to 22, they could be left at a special area near garbage containers. we need christmas trees. clean
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the tinsel from toys so that they can be easily processed into chips for the production of briquettes. in belarus, natural trees have been processed for about 7 years, our the company organizes collection from mid to late january, today the main task is to collect christmas trees from the districts of minsk and take them to sites for processing. cars are parked in courtyards, this is the main problem that... whoever parks according to the rules, then there are no questions, we manage, when we can’t cope, that means there are complaints, and if there are no complaints, then we cope, we have no complaints, then everything is fine , if you did not have time to give the new year tree for disposal, you can do it yourself, the most correct way is the tree must be carefully cut, dried and taken to the country house or into the forest in order to later use the workpiece as firewood. see you at 13:00, have a nice day.
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the program "song of the year", popular in the soviet union. she was always eagerly awaited by her favorite artists, hits loved by the audience, new names and an already famous performer. the 1987 program was a surprise and a complete one for the people of the ussr. it was broadcast live not from
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the television center, as was customary, but from the belarusian collective farm sovetskaya belarus, kamyanetsky district of the brest region. such in it was the first time in the soviet union. it was difficult to believe that just a few decades ago the collective farm was considered not just lagging behind, but lying, as they say, on its shoulder blades. in 1955, the central committee of the communist party of belarus issued an appeal to farmers. to lead the lagging collective farms in the republic , it was possible to raise the economy from ruins, but in general the situation remained difficult: lack of equipment, farms, many of which were in decline,
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low milk yields, low productivity , there were many who wanted to go to work in the lagging economy, for many an example appeared. came from the post of second secretary of the brezsky city committee of the komsomol, one of the leaders told him, we don’t have chairmen, we need chairmen, but bidulya is not a chairman, so he had to prove his worth as chairman all the time he was working
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as chairman. and bedulya proved this with his extraordinary actions, bold decisions that... went against what was coming down from above. at the beginning of 1960, on a collective farm in soviet belarus.
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what is the reason for such milk yield, registration, we feed and milk, here is the milk yield, now they shrugged their shoulders inspectors, until recently in the reports the collective farm was listed as lagging behind, and there was no need to talk about milk yield at all, but in front of them there were indeed well-fed cows.
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it is seen that the milking herd really exists in reality at a high milking rate. success depended primarily on the actions of the head of our farm. vladimir iontievich reads something somewhere, finds these people, gets in touch, becomes interested, we find contacts, i like production. the solution was then found in expanding the crops; there was no corn, as was demanded from leaders at all levels at that time, but potatoes. despite the criticism, it was decided that each
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village would plant 10 hectares of potatoes, which they themselves would harvest and send to the farm, without anyone copying them. it was, apparently, precisely zhelevich’s, potatoes provided money, meat, milk, as they say, a solution. krever began to produce the beautiful silas sinage. despite the plans that were communicated
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to each farm and which had to be implemented, the collective farm proposed its own path, and the result was not long in coming. the first chairmen finished 700-800 kg per cow, a few years later the bidul came, they started at 1500. then at 2, then they started at 4 15 at 500 per cow, over 30 years the production and sale of milk was increased 30 times, and this is against the backdrop of the general situation in agriculture in the country, and it was not changing for the better, especially after the meeting in leningrad in... in 1957. on it, khrushchev put forward his famous thesis: to catch up and
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surpass america in meat and milk production per capita. the period of the notorious corn was coming, the crops of which had to be increased everywhere. corn is a wonderful product, it is really very good, but growing corn, say, in krasnodar and somewhere in vladivostok are completely different. conditions that were done in belarus, no one resisted, by and large everyone understood that this could be done, and it was possible to increase the area sown for corn, but they simply did it wisely, they increased the acreage for clover, sugar beets, potatoes, etc. , which grew well and brought profit, the sovetskaya collective farm was among the initiators of such approaches.
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in general, in probably other regions of the country. the main guidelines of the leadership of the bssr. attention
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to the peasant, support for personal farming. a peasant should not live worse than in the city. they clearly went against the general guidelines of the party and this irritated the center and khrushchev. there was also such an indicative case in minsk, there was a meeting, i just arrived.
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the whole republic for the first time and from our collective farm they went around the region, they transplanted embryos, received chicks, selected bulls , very often, often delegations came to our farm, and other collective farms came from other collective farms,
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they came from the region to others, especially when they supplied us with lavaliv equipment. successes were also due to caring for the common worker, he liked to repeat, the collective farm is the people, the people are the collective farm, and definitely a new urban-type settlement, and if the song of the year, then why not broadcast it from the collective farm, where there are good people and places of beauty.
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lionti came, tolkunova came when song 87 was on, well-deserved awards. in 1971 the collective farm was awarded the order of red labor banner beduli was awarded the title of hero of socialist labor with the order of lenin. second gold star and order of lenin. 1987 the collective farm itself was repeatedly awarded orders and medals, diplomas from prestigious exhibitions, the order of honor, friendship of peoples, and the red banner of labor.
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in the progress collective farm, the vertelishki of the grodno region in december 1971 were waiting for an important message. started broadcasting the evening program. those who were not busy with evening work gathered in the port committee, but the team almost all builders. finally, speaker kirillov began to read the resolutions of the cpsu central committee and the ussr council of ministers on the awarding
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of state prizes. he was listened to for his breathing rate. when the announcer said “improvement of the village of vertelishki, grodno region.” bssr. no one could contain their emotions anymore. i even remember that in the seventy-first year, in the vremya program , igor kirillov and i read information that a millionaire collective farm had been awarded a state prize.
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at 23 years old, at the most difficult time of the organization collective farms in western belarus in the fifties, he headed one of them: 110 khutars, 11 villages. in 1957 they merged into the progress farm with its center in the village of vertelishki. it all started for fyodor petrovich.
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everything depended, so to speak, it was probably the leader, an extraordinary leader, he thought five to 10 years ahead. everything had to actually start from scratch. the economy was organized from what people had in private hands. the technology was not very powerful. we have people like these who worked in the ussr, which means only tracked ones there were eight tractors on one site, not counting the t-25, there, as they say, mtz 82, it was the main tractor, at that time there were very few units, tractors, agricultural machinery, but the material base gradually increased, and around the 80s years there were more than a thousand units of equipment, this was after...
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the general feeding system, maintenance, and so on began to improve, well, naturally something, well
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, gave its results, they began to raise the economy with feed , they didn’t thoughtlessly sow everything with corn, there were, of course, installations from above are like that, but they seem to are considered purely like that, well, in common sense, at least they didn’t throw it. they are shaking their heads, you need to look at what fashion is there , look at what is growing on your lands, experiment, constantly grow new varieties, new crops, try, look, corn is such an insurance crop, a fodder crop, when another crop can prevent drought, it gives, it helps out corn, but in our country, for example, according to the recommendations, the feed should contain 50% corn silage, for example, and 50% grass feed, we began to grow and other cultures.
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the results were convincing. the milk increase was 350 kg per cow. the production of meat and milk increased significantly. to date. if
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we compare with the eighties , the power supply of our enterprise has changed significantly, such tractors have appeared with over 250 horsepower, 400 are even available on the farm, which replace four or even five units of the equipment that was present in the seventies, the proposed innovations began to be worked out at the level of the entire republics, many farms demonstrated real achievements.
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grodninsky, kopolsky, pruzhansky, derzhinsky. and all this during the period of khrushchev’s reforms, which led to sad consequences throughout the country. belarus went its own way. by the end of the decade, agriculture in the republic had become profitable for the first time in the post-war period. from 1950 to 61 , the volume of agricultural production increased in the republic by 2.2 times, while in the ussr as a whole it increased by 1.6 times. the republic became a place of attraction for many.
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meeting. nikolai dobronravov, and i apologize that his poems are still raw, began to read the first lines. the reserved guidance, the reserved tribute, the light of the crystal dawn, the light rising above the world, yours is incomprehensible. age-old sadness, benavizhskaya
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pushcha, belovezhskaya pushcha, these lines are so sincere, coming from the soul, from the heart, from our origins, they were born here on belarusian soil. maybe that’s why even today they so touch everyone who hears this sacred melody; it has truly become a hymn to the belarusian land, its beauty, and the hard work of its inhabitants.
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well, we don’t want to discuss our personal life for the whole country, what kind of life, personal?


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