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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 23, 2024 8:15am-9:01am MSK

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minsk and the minsk region, they managed to work, they were detained, they were detained for less than a month, since they were detained , for what kind of drug trafficking, did they bookmark, how long did they bookmark, well , for about a month, what is the responsibility for selling drugs, that’s six in my case.
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criminal and emergency incidents, it was prepared by alexander komovich. she died on her birthday. a terrible story in the klimovichi region. a local resident was killed on her own holiday. a fifty-year-old woman invited her forty-two-year-old friend to visit celebrate birthday. while entering the feast , a conflict arose between the guest and the birthday girl’s son. when the hostess tried to settle him, she was stabbed with a knife, which became fatal for her. the son of the murdered man was also injured. both were discovered by the following. daughter, who came to congratulate her mother, the woman was dead, and her brother was taken to the hospital. investigators, with the involvement of specialists from the state forensic expertise committee, inspected the scene of the incident, questioned witnesses, and ordered a number of expert studies. klimovichi district investigative department committee, a forty-two-year-old villager was charged under part one, article 139 of the criminal code of the republic of belarus. this is murder, he is in custody.
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the final legal assessment of his actions will be given based on the results of the investigation. the defendant was previously convicted of torturing his mother and repeatedly for theft. online purchase cost 250 rubles. but in the end, four men from mensk who became victims of scammers on social networks turned to the soviet rvd of the capital since the beginning of the year, neither money nor new clothes. one of the victims found an advertisement on instagram about sale of fur coats. the online store page inspired confidence, with many positive subscribers. reviews the girl sent a message to the seller, who demanded 100% prepayment. menchanka asked her father to pay for the fur coat, after which the man transferred several hundred rubles to the specified account. delivery, i was told that it would take place within 2-3 days, after which the person stopped communicating, in the current instagram account i found a girl who ordered this fur coat, after which i was told that this was a scammer. and the man just stopped
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would like to walk with me in connection. a criminal case has been opened for fraud. dear citizens, be vigilant when goods leak. you should not be misled by numerous subscribers, fresh stories from online stores, as well as reviews; they can be easily faked. don't accept suspicious online offers to buy items at too low a price. he created and administered a drug market, and personally delivered bookmarks throughout the mogilev and minsk regions. operatives detained a forty-two-year-old drug dealer, it was established that he is from mogilev, the head of an online drug store. the drug shop operated for several years, in the hiding places at the place of residence of the detainee, law enforcement officers found the especially dangerous psychotropic substance ecstasy , computer equipment and items for packaging goods, scales, bags, tape and other devices were also seized, a criminal case was opened for drug trafficking, the defendant faces up to 15 years of imprisonment a resident
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of svetlogorsk could not control himself after drinking and began to behave hooliganly and explain himself i had to go to the temporary detention center. so the other day, at about 3:00 a.m. , the alarm button went off in one of the convenience stores. the arrest team was called by store employees. it turned out that a drunk man attacked the pavilion door. the witness was a taxi driver who twisted buyan before the police arrived. it turned out that a thirty-year-old employee of a local enterprise was drinking there with a group of friends on the eve of the incident. the store will now be liable under a criminal article. desire to help a new friend find a lost gadget resulted in his smartphone being blocked and a twenty-four-year-old resident of soligorsk contacting the police for extortion, who said that he had become a victim of swindlers. the method is not the newest, but it works. under various pretexts, victims are persuaded to enter login data on their device. they steal your account and use the find phone function to block the gadget. it turned out that the residents... of the center met
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not irina, but a cyber extortionist. they demanded 270 rubles from him to unlock his prestigious gadget. at the same time, the smartphone lost most of its functionality. investigations are ongoing. hundreds of liters of moonshine were transported by a minsk resident in his car, that’s where the product came from and for what purpose it was transported, the police established, a car with a trailer was stopped by traffic police in the molodeshchinsky district, during the inspection it turned out that there were 19 canisters in the trailer, the smell of alcohol was only about 470 l, the forty-year-old owner of the car was taken to the police department. this was the project zone x, don't miss our evening one.
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good morning, beloved country, a new day, today we welcome maryana with you burenkova and ekaterina antonova. and as always, on tuesdays, traditionally in the third hour, we
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meet our favorite psychologist, mediator, alla komarovskaya. allah, good morning. thank you, thank you, favorite section, favorite presenters, great, we have a cool topic today, is it the same? today we have a topic on how to make repairs and not get divorced, why did i choose the topic of repairs, because repairs usually expose all the thinnest things, you know, where they break, how all the weak points are clearly visible, what do you mean, because people usually, they have different opinions, yes, someone wants tiles of such and such a color, someone wants wallpaper of such and such a color, wait, because husband and wife are one satan, it’s only written in books. before the renovation, yes, but the good news here is that your love will remain, and the renovation will pass, so let’s keep our focus on this and figure out why quarrels happen in general, well, let’s be specific, yes, that is, i want one tile, he wants another , and a man must give in
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everything, this is manipulation, which means look further, let’s go, for example, let’s take a classic example, let’s say, lena and pasha are there, and... she says: so, in the bedroom we will have pink wallpaper, affirmatively, spin as you want, yes, that means to her, for example, pasha says, to this statement, you what , crazy, how pink, yes, he immediately has a defensive reaction, she says, i ’ve already chosen everything, which means this is generally a trend, you have generally bad tastes, that is, what ’s going on, insult, manipulation, devaluation , of course, the person, pasha, in this case, yes, her husband, he will immediately turn on. elevated transmission and defend his position, he is a man, firstly, and he was devalued, well, this often happens, it happens that a man in relation to a woman, there i am the head of the family, so it will be like this, yes, and the woman starts either right away into tears, or to defend himself, so here
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it starts like a snowball, wrapping around each other, and he says, no, in general, only over my corpse, and in general that in my opinion in this family my opinion is not important, yes, here we can what to see, for example, a child understands that they never ask me, but... what about you you want, for example, here's porridge for breakfast , no one asked him, maybe he wants cheesecakes, or maybe his sandwich with tea will be very tasty, that is, the more you ask your children about something in childhood, you give they have a choice, the more in life they will feel generally valuable and important, but the harder it is, the harder it is to manage them, well, yes, yes, perhaps, but inconvenient children, healthy children, yes, let's go back to repairs, let's go back to lena and pasha, yes, that means lena begins next... she says: listen, you’re a man, give in, yes, into tears, this is happening again
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same manipulation, that’s it, they were quarreling , what happened, that is, lena initially switched gears, she didn’t ask, let’s be together, yes, she just yes, as you would like, and naturally, her husband, he was defending himself, he went on a counter -offensive, how could it happen differently, how to properly start a dialogue in the case of yes, dear, hello, yes, let me... i want to talk to you, we are planning renovations soon, and i would like to discuss with you, it seems to me , the first question, for example, do you love me, no, you know, if a woman traditionally doesn’t talk like that, it just needs to be introduced into regular practice, if she doesn’t talk like that all the time, then suddenly, dear hello, it will talk like they talk, if we’re there, we’re talking about how we’re learning to communicate and so on it would be nice for us to enjoy it.
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for example, listen, i don’t mind, for example, just pink, but i like other colors, let ’s stop at something else, then our lena, what can she do next, she doesn’t understand, she likes it pink, she asks a clarifying question: listen, okay, i understand that you don’t like this color, can you please explain why? then our pasha can say, listen, i’m not against the pink color, but in my childhood there was too much of it, my mother... bought pink and i already have it, here it is, yes, so i wouldn’t want
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to wake up with an irritating factor every day, especially to give in, but no, he says, for example, i like beige, but how do you like it, then lena is ours, she says, reflects to him what she heard, says, i heard you, i understand that yes, it’s not very pleasant to wake up every day with some kind of irritating factor, for example, the color pink, or it could be something else, so they need to find a compromise and ... he asked her, what do you think of the beige ones? she says: listen, well, i’m also not against the beige color, and if she doesn’t like beige, they can still look in the same way, and that they both like to complain equally, that’s what we always talk about, okay, allah, this is such a case , yes, when a man is adequate and a woman also decides something in the family, but there are men who make decisions, after all, they come from them and most likely a lot here grows from the fact that a man pays for these repairs, therefore.
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we didn’t know that he loves abstract art, and he wants to tell the story of a painting, there’s still a reason
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to go to the museum, little girl, unfortunately, we’re running out of time, i ’d like to know, but you can tell by your handwriting what kind of man you have or according to the handwriting, this is some kind of trick question, i need time to think, because questions with a trick, dear viewers, remember, if you are asked a trick question, take time to think, it will definitely not be a mistake, right? we have time, al, thank you very much for coming to us this morning, but while you are thinking, we have a whole story about handwriting and about what kind of person is hidden behind beautiful handwriting or such rather careless one? let's find out together, and in general, what handwriting is in our lives, because today is world handwriting day. ok. let's see. simply put, handwriting is writing any symbols in a special style. each person has his own style. it all depends on life experience, character and perception. the historical style of writing even had its own symbolism. the japanese considered the art
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of calligraphy to be related to art. fencing, that is, a real fencer , a professional in his field, also had to fencing beautifully with a pen, probably already from the time when writing began among mankind, most likely a person thought about the aesthetics of depicting those signs that conveyed this or that formation. earlier handwriting was sacred, since all religious books were written by hand, hence the first attempts. making the font artistic, writing became prestigious among the highest circles of society. we can return to the aristocracy, let’s say, which cultivated in its offspring, in its children, precisely the culture of writing, as a sign of aristocracy, as a sign of intelligence. the artist admits that calligraphy and handwriting are a combination
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of the hand of the mind, or, more simply, the development of psychological and physical factors at the same time. by hand, it develops those areas of the brain that are responsible for memory , thinking, speech, plus some creative tasks, or logical tasks, those people who write, they read faster, also writing, it helps to concentrate, because when we - typing, yes, then we are more distracted, when we have a blank sheet of paper in front of us, all attention is directed to one point, this helps not only to express our thoughts more clearly, but also develops the analytical abilities of the brain. in japan, for example, even more often those who trained calligraphy, since the concentration on the goal was almost perfect. precisely writing by hand, it has exactly the same effect, yes, as, for example, a specific exercise for brain acuity, yes, because it is a prevention against dementia and alzheimer’s,
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writing by hand, it has such a therapeutic effect, this has been proven. in new zealand, when some people who were in rehabilitation after various injuries were asked to write diaries by hand, while others typed them on a computer. so, 72% of people who wrote by hand wounds began to heal much faster and the rehabilitation process began to proceed easier, so writing by hand can be an excellent exercise: for a child it is the development of fine motor skills, imagination and analytics, and for an adult maintaining neural connections is brain training. as an exercise, the most important thing here is consistency, that is, it must be so that there is some kind of effect, yes for mental processes, it must be every day, for a time of 15 minutes, 20 minutes, half an hour, even 10 minutes, but the main thing for it to be system, what to write? experts advise keeping a diary, writing down the latest
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event there, this is for adults and teenagers, ordinary copybooks are suitable for children, and very young ones can be asked to draw something. and even scribbles would be appropriate here, so writing by hand in the 21st century is very useful, and even if computers solve more problems, calligraphy can still be treated as a hobby or an interesting exercise for your brain. i saw snow in the ocean in your eyes, you and i will never become this snow, and let everything will melt, because between dreams we lose love, like snow in the ocean, well, it’s time to get out our phones and create a starry sky
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here. it seems that we are cold, right inside, this is a problem, it seems that we are cities, that we have water and so much summer, and it is so cold for our fingers to touch your thoughts, how not to fall in love with you again. and not to fall in love, tell me, i saw in your eyes, snow in the ocean, i am this snow with you, we will never become, and let everything come, because me... between dreams, we lose love, like snow in the ocean, i’m ahead in your eyes, snow in the ocean, we won’t become strangers with you and others, so let
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everything fall apart, flow between your fingers, i ’m letting you go and don’t come back, vice, and the feelings are like couples at the mouth, the air is flying, the mask is gone, we haven’t counted enough, this love is all made of ice, and its fingers are so cold, your thoughts are touching. how not to fall in love with you again, not to fall in love, tell me , i believed in your eyes, snow in the ocean,
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we will never become this snow with you, and let everything come, because between dreams, we lose love, like snow in the ocean, i in your eyes there is snow in ocean, you and i are strangers, and we won’t become different, so let it all happen once... good morning country mariana morenkova and ekaterina antonova are helping you wake up today. i remind you that together we celebrate tuesday, on our calendar it ’s january 23, it turns out that it’s just a stone’s throw away until the holidays, exactly a month, and first the men’s holiday. and then to the feminine, a person is such a creature, he definitely needs to wait for something, then we were waiting for the new year, now we are waiting for february 23, then march 8, yes, indeed, defender’s day
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fatherland and international women's day are very soon, they are actively preparing for these holidays in different parts of the world, and soon the tulip mania that is real in our country will also begin, but for now let's move to the netherlands, we will see what was happening there, so in amsterdam they celebrated the national tulip day, which marks the beginning of the growing season. favorite flower of the inhabitants of the netherlands, on this occasion , local companies rose 200,000 tulips on the museum square, everyone could collect their own unique bouquet and take it away home, yes, another goal of the holiday is to give a sunny mood on a winter day, to remind the citizens and guests of amsterdam that spring is just around the corner, we will remind you that the netherlands is the largest producer of tulips in the world, annually exporting almost 2 billion flowers to more than 100 countries of the world, i was on this square on this day, tulips or they gave everyone there a bouquet, but in fact the netherlands is a country where tulips grow everywhere, they even add these tulip petals to salads, who
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yes, yes, who would have thought that then in the 15th century, when this flower was brought from turkey , it would grow like this and real tulip mania would be reflected, i know that 10 kg of gold could be given for just one bulb, once upon a time there that's all for now. i think that on march 8th you see how relaxed women are walking around the country, because they inhale the scents of tulips, so dear men, give flowers to their women more often, yes, but in general flowers, in principle , take away negative energy, especially those flowers that were given for no reason. therefore, you should not wait for march 8, men, take note, because this point is not only about beauty, but it is also about health, just like our next section,
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good morning, my name is christina. and i, an oral health expert, will talk about the myths around fillings. those who regularly have their teeth treated and are examined by a dentist are familiar with fillings. nevertheless, there are many myths around them, and we will deal with them. myth number one: fillings need to be changed over time. it is believed that not a single modern you cannot have a filling for the rest of your life. the reason for this is the materials. certainly. it happens that a filling falls out, chips or sags, but there are positive cases; often a well- installed filling serves a person. all
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life. this depends not only on the material, but also on the professionalism of the dentist, as well as on following the rules of dental care. the secret to a strong filling is simple. these include adequate oral hygiene, occlusion and proper nutrition. so you can easily expect the seal to last for decades. myth number two: after filling the tooth should not. it hurts in 2/3 of cases, this is exactly the case, but there are very deep damage to the tooth, then the filling is close to the nerve, when living and pressing on the material, the load is transferred to the bottom of the cavity, which is already thin. under this load, the floor cannot distribute pressure across the dentin of the tooth. this is how a momentary painful sensation appears.
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it passes quickly, and this is the norm. dental tissue adapts to new conditions, and this sensitivity goes away over time. filling is a popular type of repair tooth, follow all the dentist’s recommendations ; the filling will last you a long time.
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great jumper, i'm surprised , i'm glad that in kalisha there is still the same fashion and for such slutsk paisas from vernets, grazing the most cultural places of our country, we are the same, the people of today's pipes have baroque pipes, all the great valuable, price we are the ancestor of the baroque argan of budaўnіtstva, it seems with this at this gallery you can sustrets batory, well , it’s all the same or not?
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belarus 240.
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for a short moment and we’ll see, my colleague maryana will tell you right now, over to you, what does he hear in the sun? i don’t know whether the sun will eat us, but what is the color and the pyroly from orange, today weather forecasters announced an orange danger level due to strong winds, but the temperature indicators are actually as follows: so the map is in the studio, and up to +2 in our capital, in brest +2 +4, up to +st2 in vitebsk, in gomel -1 +1, up to +3 in grodno, -1 +1 in mogilev, there will be precipitation, snow precipitation, precipitation somewhere,
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the cat has become an exception to rules, let's look at her, yes, a certain resident of garut met her on the street, she looked like a cat quite ordinary, if you don’t take into account, of course, the shape of her wonderful ears. well, look, it’s as if she came to us from some fairy-tale book, yes, in this case, the zest played into the cat’s hands, or rather, into her paw, it turns out like this, the animal very quickly became famous on the internet and many people wanted to adopt home to such a cute pet and thus the cat found new owners, although it seems to me there was a competition for a place, probably, but that’s the moral of the whole fable, i would like to say that we are all trying to be similar at each other, not to deviate from... the norm, but you just need to be yourself, then you become famous on social networks, everyone talks about you, including the “good morning to belarus” program, and they feel sorry for you, and take you home, yes, but i would like to say , by the way, that where this city is located, where this cat lives, this is indonesia, far, far from
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us, and we are a race, yes, and we tell you, well, i don’t know, by the way, there are such cats there in general, or is this just one such amazing one, although it seems to me that even further, if we develop this story, it will probably stand now queue. of those who want to have offspring with this cat in the hope of breeding such a new breed, i don’t know, if there are oar-eared cats, what kind is it? i don't know, it's some kind of gremlin, maybe, maybe that's it. you know, meanwhile, many pets still do not have such sweet personalities, but all of them, without exception, i am sure, not only me, our entire program, they are all owners of a wonderful soul, see for yourself in our next story. it's not for nothing that dogs and cats are called brothers. our smaller ones, because we are responsible for them, but despite this, the number of homeless animals
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does not decrease every year. the three whales valley center for helping homeless animals was created in 2023 to become an island of hope for the defenseless. the idea of ​​​​creating a center for dogs , it arose when we encountered a spontaneous person in marina gorka, and there were 200 dogs there , catches began, and we asked, we called out throughout belarus, people began to be distracted from different cities, gomel, vitebsk, pinsk, half the dogs were taken away, and well, with half, of course, it was necessary to continue to do something, to place them in families, it was not possible to stay there, because the dogs were suffering, and so we began to look for an area where we could transfer them - so that they would be safe, today it’s temporary 65 dogs found blood here , 30 of them live right on the territory of the center, and the rest are in foster care, in minsk, outside minsk, that is, they, we take them from here for foster care, in order to
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adapt them a little and so that the people who we place the dogs with, could see how they are kept at home, how they behave at home, well , in principle, find out their character , get to know them better, each of these dogs has its own... a simple story, for example, luna was a pet, but the owner could not cope with her and decided give away. an incredibly cool girl, apparently a little husky , energy rushes right from all the cracks, so we are very glad that it turned out that the owner still, well, despite the fact that he brought a spontaneous one, that the dog is now with us, and we will find her , of course, the best family. small team of eight volunteers is doing everything possible so that one day these wet noses will be able to fall asleep and wake up. at home , next to a loving owner, we have an instagram page on which we post all the information about ourselves, people from outside also respond, understandably, we always invite guests, guests are always welcome, different people come here, and thanks to them, of course but,
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like word of mouth, we receive various types of help from all over the country, as for help, it is extremely necessary here, first of all, this is communication with animals, come, walk, communicate with dogs , here we will only be grateful, and we will be grateful for advertising , photographs are always needed, photographers are needed, food is needed, our details can be found on our platform on instagram, on the instagram page, our contacts are also there, always you can contact the girls via direct message or call, do not remain indifferent, if you see that an animal is in trouble, give it a helping hand; perhaps you will be the one who saves the life of your four-legged friend.
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to prepare the dish you will need: baguette or ciabatta, canned tuna , quail eggs, capers, anchovies, tomatoes and cherry tomatoes, olives, parsley, garlic, jalapeno peppers, olive oil and... spices. so, first boil the quail eggs. add a little salt to the water to prevent the shell from cracking. meanwhile. cut the cherry tomatoes in half, finely chop the anchovies, cut the jalopenia pepper into rings, chop the parsley leaves, add capers, canned tuna, a little salt, olive oil, curry, sweet paprika and gently mix all the ingredients, all that remains is to add halves of hard-boiled quail eggs and the base for the panbanya sandwich is ready.
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cut the baguette or, as in our case, ciobatta lengthwise , press it lightly, pour in olive oil and brown on one side in the grill pan, place the filling of tuna, tomatoes, anchovies and peppers on half of the toasted bread. cover with the other half of the ciabatta and the sandwich is ready. pan bagnat is a traditional dish that french sailors once took with them. by the time of lunch , the bread had time to become saturated with flavor. olive butter, tomato juice, tuna and it looked like a juicy roll, but even if you don’t have the patience to wait until lunch, the panbanya sandwich will be decorated in the heat of the moment, this is a healthy, filling option for a quick snack, bon appetit!
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of the first chorus will begin to sing it, well, we heard you rehearsing, and indeed it is still playing in our heads, and i think that today all our spectators will also play in their heads throughout the day, but let's talk , after all, we cannot help but draw any analogies here with the year quality and purchased in belarus, why do you, personally, love belarusian products, they are delicious, well, they are made from natural products, well, in principle, our belarusian ones. the products are the best, everyone says it, everyone says it, we say it, and
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what’s my favorite thing, i love cheese and sausage, me too, yes girls, but you immediately started talking about the topic of food, but i want to say that not only food, we have a lot of other things, you can dress up and ride what makes us what beautiful girls we have built in belarus, a possible compliment, here of course it needs to be done, then let’s ask the question differently and maryana. yes, we approached the counter and it was all over
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in belarus, everyone was playing this melody, so i just wanted to say, yes, so that this becomes the soundtrack, in principle, to everything belarusian, i think it will be so, sasha, in a matter of seconds we will hear yours premiere, well, we say goodbye to you, ekaterina antonova, mariana burenkova, today we met with you on a new tuesday, january 23, alexandra melik, right now we bring to your attention her new composition, we wish you a great day and see you soon on the air, good morning. flatbreads from fresh bread, curds from school, crackling from a cup and bread and pancakes, for any on the market, there is everything you want, navat something you don’t know, and
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in belarus it’s hot, was destroyed in belarus, the hands of the fathers were in charge , was kind to the people, whom the world knew, created in belarus, shchyra, jumping, glad, created in belarus, signified with the signs of brightness, when we are working on the patrabna, we are meeting first, it was in our children’s camps, the only foolish ones were sitting, the navat behind the distant pestilence seemed to be and seemed to be dying. the belarusians, not the lamaets , were sculpted in belarus, the sirs, by the hands of centuries, if it were good for the people, if you all knew, the slabs of belarus, shchyra, jumping, glad, squandered in belarus
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, a sign of brightness , minted in belarus, in the hands of the sires knew that it would be good for people. as you all know, made in belarus, shchyra, jumping, happy, made in belarus, sacred to the signs of yakastsi, water of bread, crackling from shuffling, from gaspadar to gaspadarka, from shambling huts, from jumping dogs, from fire and fire, we will break it easily, we will work it out over and over again, here we live and ganarus, it is broken. in belarus, cut down in belarus, to the hearts, hands, knowledge , if it was good for people, if you all knew, crushed in belarus, shchyra, jumping, radasna, chopped up in belarus, signifying with the signs of brightness, s robbed in belarus, by the
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hands of the gentlemen may it be good for people, may you be great in all things. zroblena ў belarus, shchyra, jumping, glad, zroblena ў belarus, significant to the signs of yakkasti, broken belarus, meaning to the signs of yakkasti, good morning. belarus.
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the morning broadcast on belarus 1 continues the news in the vladislav bunder studio. hello, briefly about the main thing. minsk-washington, let's start a dialogue. the american landing on the values ​​that were sought in the united states was found in belarus. split into european unity from hungary, budapest.


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