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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 23, 2024 12:00pm-12:11pm MSK

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on belarus 1 noon news, in the studio vladislav bunder, hello, this is what we will talk about in the issue. features of the decision to protect the state border, security issues with the military in the palace of independence. ceasefire for 2 months and several stages of hostage release. ukraine on horseback
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, a satire on the shortage of weapons in the ukrainian armed forces, is featured on an austrian tabloid. grass from home. an apartment drug laboratory was discovered in gumel. and in the minsk region , a drug market from russia was busted. siltz gourmet dish under the brush. fish exhibition for the anniversary artist chaim soutine. today we are talking about protecting our borders at the independence palace. traditionally, at the beginning of the year , the president approves decisions on protecting the state border. the secretary of state of the security council, the minister of defense, the chairman of the border committee, the chief of the general staff discuss in detail security both on the ground and in the sky. priority efforts will be focused on identifying and suppressing challenges to the national interests of belarus. the president focused on the importance of today's event. can't help but
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worry about the situation that is unfolding on the outer contour. alexander lukashenko calls for vigilance against the background of the militaristic situation in neighboring countries. tension remains at the border, including due to the refugee situation. today’s decision to protect the state border has its own characteristics precisely in the fact that we have a special situation. there is war in the south. in the west, poland, lithuania, the baltic states are even worse, the corresponding detachments are being trained there, the commanders have been identified, we know them, we know these fighters too detachments, in quotes, who are ready to fight against their own country, therefore , as i always tell the military,
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what is the situation on our green, as our border guards say, or today the white border is all covered in snow in the airspace, this is also along the border, by the way, i know that in soviet times, as an old border guard, our responsibility was the border line and airspace as well, but nevertheless we strengthened the state border of the army, what is the function, the role of the army,
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the visa-free regime for citizens of lithuania, latvia and poland, such a mechanism turned out to be in demand among our neighbors; according to the border committee, only since the beginning of the year about 10,500 citizens of neighboring eu states and more than 400 ukrainians have entered belarus. in total, in 2023 , over 41,500 people from neighboring countries crossed our border without a visa. european union and just under 77 thousand from ukraine. in addition, engineering work on the state border will continue until it is equipped with weapons and equipment. particular attention will also be paid to working with personnel and combat training of border guards. belarus and uzbekistan by last year's results exceeded the trade turnover level of $600 million, but this is far from the limit, as the parties have repeatedly stated, our level should be no less than a billion.
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business interest also contributes to this. today more than a hundred representatives of business circles gathered in minsk. they represent a variety of areas, from light industry, where we already have interaction at a traditionally high level, to industry, and elsewhere. there are many opportunities, when visiting enterprises there will be an opportunity to get acquainted with our production, i think this is an acquaintance, which will happen locally, it will probably allow us to enter into more projects that will be joint projects, not only trade, but i think that our industrial cooperation between uzbekistan and belarus will give another new impetus to our bilateral development, we also want so that... the business circles of belarus jointly create enterprises here in uzbekistan, also open a large market for themselves, there are about 60 million people within a radius of 1.00 km, this is big, i believe that this is a big, big market for
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belarusian producers. uzbekistan is also interested in opening its own trading house in the belarusian capital. site options are still being discussed. new ceasefire agreements are being discussed in the middle east. israel and hamas are negotiating a two-month cessation of hostilities in the gaza strip, a us news website reports. as a condition of the peace agreement, there is an exchange of hostages in several stages, as well as the redeployment of the idf. in other words, the israeli army will withdraw troops from gaza territory, and palestinians will be able to return to the northern part of the city. however, official tel aviv notes that such an agreement does not mean the end of the conflict. after the expiration of the two-month period, hostilities will continue, but probably with less intensity. in parallel to these negotiations , others are underway as part of a broader ceasefire agreement. israel offers the top leadership of hamas to leave the gas territory, but according to cnn, this proposal has been discussed
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at least twice in recent weeks, it is unlikely is diminished by success. but the ukrainian army has returned to the times of cavalry attacks, at least on the cover of an austrian tabloid. the article depicts a ukrainian soldier on a horse. the publication notes a shortage of equipment in the armed forces of ukraine. the caption in the picture reads: on a horse with a high-tech anti-tank missile jevilyn. ukrainian intelligence officers from the third assault brigade are pushing forward with their newest all-terrain vehicle. the four-legged truk should be bulletproof. a new series of american comedy in big politics. the main character is still the same joe biden. only the white house press secretary said that the american leader’s mental health was fine. how he immediately convinced me otherwise. this time i mixed up two ministers. the daily mail reports that the eighty-one-year-old us president, at a meeting with a task force on reproductive human rights, addressed the secretary of homeland security, calling him the secretary of health and human services. sauve bisseroy.
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it is noteworthy that the latter was not among those present in the hall at all. only one day of voting left in belarus a little over a month ago, the situation in the country is calm. should we expect a revival of opponents during the presidential race, who benefits from driving a wedge between belarus and russia, and whether the largest nato exercises in decades , stalwart defender 2024, in decades, should be regarded as a threat to our security . let me remind you, they started the day before and will last for several months. political scientist vadim borovik will answer all questions. in the program i will tell you not to be silent. one thing is clear: given the most difficult geopolitical situation, everyone is asking for peace. we must be strong and resilient, then we will exist. it is impossible to force us to take actions that we do not agree with. the policy of our country is exclusively to build our own development strategy and ensure our national security. our task with you is not to allow us to be destroyed from within, yes, you understand, right? we will be weak, we will
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have a weak economy, we will not have mutual distrust in society, we will not be united at the moment, we will be destroyed from within, then we will again become an instrument in someone else’s geopolitical game. here i am. will achieve the main thing on the outer contour, and what is the main thing, everyone, what is the main request now, peace, peace, we have done something now , discussed the latest news on our fingers, explained the cause-and-effect relationships of many political actions, tell the full version of the program, do not be silent, watch on the youtube channel belarus 1 the international
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forum of young managers is being held at the presidential academy of management for the sixth time. so students, master's students, graduate students and young scientists will contribute to solving problems. modern science. today during the plenary session the participants spoke with reports on current topics in the field of management, economics, scientific research of political parties. task. talk about the youth parliament movement in my hometown of mogilev, i would like to convey our activities to the public, because i believe that the emphasis should now be on youth and their role in politics, specifically in the political life of our state, since youth are ours the future, and i am sure that the more such articles there are, the more young people we can attract to our cause, i want to emphasize that the forum will discuss topical issues in the sphere of management.


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