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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 23, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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birthday - the production of polyethylene , polyethylene is a product that further moved the entire economy, but first of all it is the cable industry, many factories were required, this is packaging, this is agriculture, a new direction in the industry of the bssr, new technologies, which were previously mentioned we didn’t dream and didn’t suspect that this was possible. the same as the flight, it was into space, it was a revolution for our republic, the production of products that were previously only, well, one could think about them, line the number of products produced was constantly expanding, its use in the national economy is extremely wide, and it would seem that it is not at all typical for such a direction as fashion.
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its first purpose is fur coats, this is what there was not enough clothing for, well, in the seventies and eighties we clothed this production, which made it possible to clothe the entire soviet union. polymir was becoming one of the largest complexes not only in the soviet union, but also in europe. over 6 million tons of polyethylene and more than 2 million tons of fiber have already been produced. for various purposes for export sales more than 3.5 million tons. today ujsc naftan is a unique enterprise of its kind. a lot has changed here since independence. this enterprise, it consists of two separate enterprises, is jsc naftan, respectively, the oil refinery plant polymer, two enterprises employ about 12 people, a very wide range
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of products, including gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil, oils, elemental sulfur , polyethylene and many other products. a fundamentally new product, cox, which is obtained from the processing of fuel oil, one from types of fuel that are environmentally friendly, economical, which is so in demand in modern conditions. this is a new fundamental product that is already... used as fuel in power generating units in russia, china and other countries. today, naftan products, as in the soviet period, are widely known in the world for their quality and advanced technologies.
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personal successes, but above all they thought about how their work helps the development of the country. the republic rushed forward, along with time, forward. there have been attempts and purely graphic screensaver, musical.
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hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman. let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today we are talking about how much the central price will rise. heating for
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belarusians this season, how to calculate the price of heat in your apartment and who makes the radiators cool when it’s hot outside, let’s go! summer has been long this year, but it is over. we uncovered our jackets, pulled out pajamas with long legs, and residents of multi-storey buildings began to touch the radiators more often, warm ones or it seemed to someone not it seemed like someone else was waiting. the heating is already turned on, soon the thermometers will rise in all buildings of the country, and along with them the price of heat energy in our fat houses will rise a little. it’s worth noting right away that in belarus, prices for some individual types do not vary. utilities. once a year , the government reviews the tariffs for all items in our fats and, after lengthy calculations, raises the cost of some of them. for the sake of our comfort, this process is carried out in two stages: prices for all services except water heating heating for us are raised to the level adopted by the government
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from january 1 of each year, and the increase in prices for heat and hot water is extended between january and july, that is, heating becomes more expensive from the new year, for example, by... rubles, but for us its cost is from january 1 increase by 3 rubles. and with this increase we pay for 2 months of winter in the spring, from july 1 this tariff increases by another 3 rubles. and it turns out that according to the full new tariff, we pay for heat in the house only in the fall, and even such a mild change is subject to strict control. first the ministry of economy analyzes the growth people's wages costs the state to provide them with public services. then economists submit a proposal to the government to adjust prices for housing and communal services; in response, they are obliged to justify the change in tariff for each indicator in the fat. those who propose describe in detail the costs of the service, show what they have done so as not to increase its cost for citizens, and if the cabinet of ministers is convinced that
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the price increase is justified, they will give the go-ahead. but this goodness is not final, a list calculated and double-checked lengthwise. submit changes with all justifications. approval by the president. previously, prices for housing and communal services for each apartment increased on average by an amount equivalent to plus or minus 5 dollars per year. now this is half the base value, that is, about 18.5 rubles. as you can see, nothing has changed. by the way, the fact that the annual price adjustment for utilities has not changed for more than 5 years suggests that all this time the economy, along with the belarusian social sphere, has been doing very well. now to the amounts. in this season for heating a two-room apartment in minsk you will have to pay about 2.5 rubles per month more than a year ago. you can calculate the amount for your apartment yourself right now. our power engineers divide heat consumption
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into metered and unmetered, and the heat itself, which is supplied to homes, is calculated in gigacalories. if group accounting of heat consumption is carried out, at the end of the month in the fat. you see how much thermal energy in gigacalories was used to heat your entire house, for example, this is 30 gigacalories, they need to be divided by the number of square meters in in all apartments of a high-rise building, for example, these are 25 apartments of 50 m2 each, which means there are 1,250 square meters of housing in the house, we divide 30 gigalories by 1,250 square meters, we get 0.24 gigacalories for heating one square of housing. in our imaginary apartment there are 50 m, we multiply 0.24 by 50 m, we get 1.2 gigacalories of heat for heating our apartment per month, we multiply this figure by the new heating payment tariff, this is 24 rubles and 71 kopecks per
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gigacalorie, we get 29 rubles, 65 kopecks for heating a fifty-meter apartment per month, you divide the total costs in gigacalories to the total square. at home from any of your last year’s fat, you multiply the mitrage of your apartment by the tariff - 24 rubles and 71 kopecks. if the apartment has heat meters, then the tariff is simply multiplied by the indicators of these meters. as a rule, first the owner of the property pays along with all the tenants according to the standard scheme, and then they recalculate him. if the heat in the house is not metered, the calculations use the approved standard for heating a square meter of housing. this figure may vary. regions in different months, local authorities themselves set it, based on depending on what the weather is like outside the window and how much money it costs to heat residential buildings, for example, last january in minsk this standard was 0.19 gigacalories per square meter. we multiply this figure by the square footage
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of the apartment, in our example it is 50 square meters, we get 0.95 gigacalories. we multiply the resulting amount by the price of heating, 24 rubles 71. of thermal energy, this is the payment tariff for heating , and the rest so that you understand how to calculate the amount yourself, however, there are categories of citizens who will pay five times more for one gigacalorie than others, this is people, first, who own apartments where no one is registered. the second category is those unemployed in the economy, the so-called tuniyads, who own housing and are themselves registered in it. third - those who left the country for more than a month. fourth - owners of apartments where legal entities are registered, fifth - individual entrepreneurs who rent out
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apartments for a short period, most often daily. these five categories of citizens will pay 126 rubles and 21 kopecks. per gigacalorie per month. so expensive because it's real cost of thermal energy. it includes the salaries of employees of the enterprises that provide us with heat, as well as the costs of equipment. for boiler rooms. most of the costs come from fuel, this can be fuel oil, gas, coal, peat, wood, and for some time now, electricity. in addition, there are general business expenses, maintenance of customer sites, accounting, engineers and technicians. losses are included in the cost, so that water at a temperature of 50° reaches the consumer; hotter water must be sent, but it will lose its heat along the way. majority belarusians pay only 20% to themselves. the cost of heat supply thanks to cross- subsidization, if they simply
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take more from industrial enterprises so that ordinary citizens can take less and compensate energy companies for funds not received from the population from the budget. in 2017, there were proposals to increase tariffs for thermal energy and bring them closer to economically justified ones, but the president did not support this initiative. alexander lukashenko left us the right to pay only a fifth of the cost. utilities, here is one of the president liked the measures of the same package of proposals and it worked. this is a guarantee of support for vulnerable segments of the population. we have a social state, together with a draft law on a sharp increase in utility tariffs, its authors in 2017 brought to the president a proposal to give subsidies to people who do not have enough money to pay for housing and communal services. a sharp increase in tariffs, alexander grigorievich. rejected, but left help to those in need. citizens
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whose communal services take out more than 20% of their earnings are entitled to it. you can receive such a subsidy by declarative and identifying characteristics. identifying is when the state itself looks for those in need. this is done by an electronic automated calculation system. the social security fund uploads data on all non-working pensioners into it, and employees of settlement centers provide them with subsidies. the bills come with already reduced amounts, the payer receives a notification that part of the utilities were paid for by the state. for everyone else, if housing and communal services payments amount to more than 20% of earnings, it is worth taking into account the information center at your place of residence to write an application for assistance. the citizen’s income will be checked, and if he is eligible for a subsidy, it will be provided. as you can see, centralized heating in belarus is affordable for everyone, no matter what they say. about westerners, but that's another story.
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it is impossible not to pay for heating separately. it comes in conjunction with other utilities, but if you don’t pay for them, you may even lose your home, but not right away. if the apartment owner does not pay utilities before the 25th of the current for the previous month, already from the twenty- sixth, penalties begin to accrue - 0.3% of the debt amount for each day of delay. the defaulter’s contacts are loaded into the auto-informer, a robot calls him and offers to pay the debt. in the case when a person simply forgot, he will pay. if it is not a matter of forgetfulness, payments are not received for 2 months, the debtor is sent a notice that the provision of utility services will be suspended and is given 5 days to pay the debt. if the money does not arrive, electricity, water, and television are turned off in the apartment. or intercom. if this does not help, in relation to... a notarial inscription is drawn up, in fact this is
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a statement of fact certified by a notary: guilty of non-payment of debt to the state. the next stop is the court , where the issue of debt collection and , in extreme cases, the eviction of the tenant from the apartment is decided, while the apartment can be private, or it can be state-owned , they can move from it to a cheaper one, pay off the debt for the difference in price, or they can move out onto the street. according to the law , it is enough not to pay utilities for this. write actions for which a citizen can lose public housing, then article 137 explains in which case they can be evicted from a private house or apartment. no one needs fussing with someone else’s property; the goal of government agencies is to collect debt, so there are few cases of eviction, but they do exist, so it’s better to pay on time if the weather is good in the house. in most houses in
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belarus, the heat supply is regulated by automation, if... the temperature outside is rising, the electronics are blocking the flow of hot coolant into the house and driving the same water in the radiators until it cools down and stops overheating the room. automation is not a fireman; it does not look at the weather forecast and cannot guess about warming from the first rays of the sun outside the window. the water in the batteries also does not cool down instantly, so the batteries may still be hot for another day after warming up, although this is not necessary. waiting for the fall and preparing for the new year, many belarusians envy the residents of southern countries, not realizing that they are rewarded with the happiness of living in a region where the picture outside the window changes even more four times a year, how can one who does not know winter relish summer, how can one who does not know cold rejoice in warmth, but the main thing, not even in this season, in this life, is to understand that warmth is what is inside ,
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inside the homes of belarusians it is provided by the state so that we can calmly create. there are 256 countries in the world, mostly the world admires belarus and belarusians, like cuba, brazil and venezuela. but somehow for a long time we had the habit of not listening to them, but waiting for a bunch of other countries to appreciate us, supposedly more democratic than all of the above states. the most psychologically difficult thing is
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to monotonously, methodically, calmly, but efficiently, do your usual work every single day. and this is what it seems to me. what is needed from us for the country in 2024, if someone doesn’t know where to start, start with yourself, they are constantly trying to prick lukashenko and his government with this word, they say you need stability, does biden want stability, he wants stability more than anyone , because the usa is potentially a much more unstable system than russia, china and than even belarus, but there is a nuance: the stability of america is ensured by the instability of the rest of the world, we need to evaluate this stability. because it is not only expensive , it is priceless. propaganda project. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . editors club. what distinguishes a national leader from a politician? the fact that the leader thinks about the next generations, and not the end of his tenure. both the united states and the west are always hooked on their technologies. then
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sanctions are introduced, we are deprived of technology, thus forcing them to act the way they want. the transition to a green economy is the same. such a technological needle, we in parliament are constantly considering bills related specifically to the green economy, we proceed only from our national interests, we will never ruin enterprises for the sake of europe and will not. global elites exploit the resources of the earth, suck out these resources, exploit other populations, yes, that is, this is a classic of the most advanced, wild capitalism. no one takes anyone into account, the main thing is to earn money for the sake of this profit. there is no isolation. and it cannot be for one simple reason that we are in the trend of reasonable, normal countries and states, of course, everyone wants to do business with us, don’t miss it on the belarus 24
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tv channel. there is one news on belarus now in the studio vladislav bondar, hello, about protecting their borders. today there is a conversation at the palace of independence. traditionally, at the beginning of the year , the president approves the decision to protect the state border. secretary of state of the security council, minister of defense, chairman border committee chief of the general staff. security is discussed in detail both on the ground and in the sky. priority efforts will be focused on identifying and suppressing challenges to the national interests of belarus.


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