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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 23, 2024 3:25pm-4:41pm MSK

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alnaga center small world and salah, like the gifted ones learn russian language. hutka, a young son, and a sad daddy. residents of the skin of the minsk region can address their aspirations and wastes through the development of local infrastructure. all ideas are collected by specialized departments of mines. prime ministers are planned for this year. thus, myadzil has a swimming pool and dziarzhynsk has a sports and recreational complex, which will allow the taxation of justice and rescue.
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were laid down by our ancestors, and we want it is to revive. this year it is planned to open a swimming pool in myadel, the construction of a sports and recreation complex in krupki will continue, the construction of a sports and recreation complex will begin in the minsk district of liskovka, and the design of a facility in slutsk. in addition, we have a comprehensive program for workout areas. i mean, for the future, the central region has opened six sports and health care complexes. two new years passed in the spring and in such towns as the fans fell from here and immediately became popular. the winter saint of sports and the success of the garad stage of the republican rescue work snow sniper has started in minsk. the tournament brings together a hundred young athletes from the capital region, which is a marats ab spartan career. at the beginning of the day, the young men started their races. each group has its own route. then the rescuers will have the unit of juniors and mixed groups. three, two, one, march, i really hope
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that i will go into professional sports, skiing for me is something more than, for example, different hobbies, hobbies, it’s a whole life, so i will try my best to win this year, i am participating for the first year, i came to the city, i am targeting the republic, because i really like skiing, it is very interesting,
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the city is at the republican tournament. the final part of the christmastides of the new year of the byarezen region was ruled by the abrad tsyagnuts kalada on duba. tradytsyya, which meat roasts are prickly, is not a hell of a thing , but it has become a popular brand. darechy, holy z'yaulyaetsta non-mattary history-cultural history of kazakhstan in belarus and listed on the dzyarzhaina list. basically there are songs, dances and traditional festivities.
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good evening, economic environment is on air on belarus-1 satellite tv channel belarus24. the real wages of belarusians continue to grow, the eurasian development bank notes a high growth rate in november twenty- third, plus 13% year on year. let us remind you that from january 1, the minimum wage was also increased by 13% compared to january a year ago. the us national debt set another anti-record, exceeding 34 trillion for the first time. dollars. according to the ministry of finance usa, the main reason is unemployment during the coronavirus pandemic. it entailed additional payments and a reduction in tax revenues. however, for now the states continue to live in debt without problems, although foreign holders such as china, japan, south korea, and european countries are reducing their
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holdings of american bonds. exchange exports of belarusian lumber in the twenty- third year doubled compared to the twenty-second year and reached 1.4 million cubic meters. states, the largest of which were china, azerbaijan and russia. the world is on brink of recession. according to forecasts by the international monetary fund, global economic growth this year will not exceed 2.6%. the un is even more pessimistic, only 2.4%. analysts call the main threat the risks of destabilizing geopolitical events. belarus is building up.
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the modern commodity distribution network shows how effective such a channel for selling products is and what the role of service is, development strategies and ways to promote belarusian goods will be discussed with competent experts right now.
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today we have experts in our studio who are well versed in the development of commodity distribution networks. alexander ogorodnikov, first deputy minister of industry of belarus, igor nazaruk. deputy minister of foreign affairs of belarus, tatyana lugina, chairman of the belegprom concern, vitaly vovk, general director of the minsk tractor plant. dear guests, good evening, good, good, commodity distribution networks, let's explain to our tv viewers what they are , what links include what they are the importance in modern conditions in the promotion of domestic products, well, let's probably start... let's start with a simple definition, because economic dictionaries, probably, as if tps is not a new
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term, have a lot of different definitions, but in simple words, this is a set of foreign legal entities that have contractual ties with a manufacturer, in this case of belarusian products, that sells products in a given region, yeah, if we talk about the complex technical products to which they belong. the ministry of industry is not only sales and promotion, first of all service, pre-sale preparation, post-warranty service, so this is a fairly serious set of entities that help promote our products ; they help us create the brand that we know well in the world as one from the best manufacturers of tractors, belaz, passenger equipment, and other complex technical products, but if we talk about links, here... what kind of link is this, as a rule, well, i understand, of course, there is
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industry specifics , of course, it is not always correct to compare tractors with light industry enterprises, but nevertheless, these units, as a rule, what kind of organization it is, well, in general, if we touched on the topic of the commodity distribution network today, and indeed this one, let's say, a mechanism or channel for selling products, including light industry , is very important in any market where we...
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we had such a pilot trial project, we doubted it, but nevertheless we opened our own trading house, belarusian textile the siberia trading house in novosibirsk, where four of our enterprises were among the founders, these are the baranovich paper association, komvol, magatex and the orsha ilnokombinat, and of course opens its own, say, business entity, logistically enough having a shoulder of this order -
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an enterprise, what it is and here it is are these intermediaries a necessary evil or a selective good, how to interpret them? the republic of belarus is limited in its domestic market, well , let’s say the tractor plant must supply more than 93% of goods for export, but today the uniqueness of the approach that time dictates to us today, the government, the president dictates, so that the best practices are pushed for...
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it’s you, it doesn’t matter what you proposed, but it’s like a sign of belarusian quality, that is, the consumer came, came and purchased, from the point of view of intermediation, you know , like this, well, any sales representative, if he works according to the requirements of a dealer trading house, according to the requirements of the manufacturer, he must comply with all the requirements, this is space, this is a spare parts warehouse, this is... justification, with economic the validity of certain forms
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of mediation, well, let's be frank, exacerbating the issue with mediation, we were talking about literally a year and a half ago, when decisions were made on price regulation in the country.
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if we rise to the level of the ministry of industry or rise higher from the ministry, then the government generally defines by decree the requirements for the formation of a tps network, i will not talk about them now, they are described according to the decree, we have been working for several years. we understand that if we go down to the level of a ministry or concern, we have a set of enterprises that develop their own strategies that protect them in our
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ministry, and if this enterprise is significant not only for the ministry or concern for the country, then we rise higher, it goes defense of the strategy in the government, what is being defended, being defended, where the subjects are, what they are, how they will work, a little vitaly mikhailovich, it seems that
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the level of service required, which is defined, is no longer being provided, falls out of, let's say, economic parameters, is ineffective, unprofitable, sells it to another region at a bad price, an appropriate decision is made, and an appropriate decision is made, and this structure goes away.
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that there is no place for unreasonable mediation in it, today it is very difficult, it ’s not just for him to be there, but to exist, because the rules of the game are tough and such that, well, if he is a mediator, well, for the purpose of, what is it, getting something, leave cut, as they say, income, then it will very quickly fall out of in recent years, all the ministries, the concern, i think, have not only been built. a transparent system of intermediate control points semi-annual, annual, quarterly, especially if we see that some dealer
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or distributor does not see the economy, or does not provide data, or we see enterprises showing some trend of less efficient business, this becomes a point of implementation under special control in the ministry, in fact , it is already correctly indicated here that if the point does not show an effective business, it is simply sooner or later a decision is made and the decision is made at the level of the concern’s ministry, right? there are working groups that operate from specialists interested at the level of the ministry and concerns, and within the framework of which the obligations of these working groups include working out and monitoring the efficiency of the business and especially the profitability of dealers and distributors and tpes, no matter
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how they are built. by and large, criteria for the effectiveness of a trade distribution network or any specific representative offices, they are established, of course, plus when a business plan for the development of an enterprise is defended for any period, in particular, if we are talking now, the business plans for 2024 have already been worked out, in the section of commercial export activities, specifically the activities are described, including sales channels for...
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the position of the head of state of our government, this is precisely what all the work of the state apparatus in this part is aimed at, to exclude unreasonable , i emphasize three times, mediation, as for the general work of the commodity distribution network for abroad, then it cannot be carried out effectively and normally, without interaction with our foreign institutions in this regard.
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it is the ministry of foreign affairs that is the coordinating structure in this area, moreover, the question has already been raised here: there are barriers to trade for the promotion of our goods or services, they must be overcome, sometimes these barriers are hidden, latent, yes, a series of negotiations, a series of consultations, resolving some issues on a collision course.
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any market will have tougher competition than the market, here we are talking about barriers, about various methods of protecting your market. entry of imported goods there, and as they say, there are even some invisible rules, which we don’t even write down everything in the laws, competition is intensifying, it’s not for nothing that the head of state declared this year the year of quality, we need to work not only on price parameters, but on quality ones, i would also like to add that we are now talking about entering the market, well, by selling the sale of our goods, but we have not expended or complicated one of the methods now. this is entering the market by creating assembly plants, by organizing jobs in the region, because many countries pose as a barrier: organize production here, here too, well,
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a serious question from the point of view, again with the ministry of foreign affairs, is this correct? , the requirement, yes, to the extent it is possible to overcome it, because these are additional costs, of course, and not only costs, but also. and technology transfer in some form, that’s right, including , yes, it’s not competitive there then an advantage, let’s say, but these are the conditions, yes , we must meet these conditions, and the more understandable these conditions are, the faster we move in this direction, yes, because we either attract local resources, which in general, this is often done, either we attract our own resources, additional resources, but this is an entrance to the market. there is no other way, these are the rules, and this is precisely the positive image of the republic of belarus, we do not siphon resources from the relevant countries, as certain partners do, yes,
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but we, on the contrary, extend our helping hand, lend a shoulder, including technologically and educationally, raising the level in the relevant country and localizing our production somewhere. we are creating somewhere , vitaly mikhailovich correctly said , and jobs, including sustainable taxpayers, the need to develop commodity distribution networks, create belarusian trading facilities abroad, the head of state noted during the opening of the first national trading house in minsk, because this creates additional conditions for expanding the regional presence of belarusian manufacturers in foreign markets and... makes it possible to work without intermediaries, let's listen, we need to go not only with construction in belarus, but in russia, start in st. petersburg, why not build such a building and bring goods to
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moscow, why in smolensk, in bryansk, in pskov, it’s very close, and we could place our goods there and sell them, and the russians don’t mind, they even give.
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the prospect of our entry, well, let's say, this is naturally african continent, where we are moving very systematically, very purposefully, we understand that our products...
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there are carriages behind it, igor vasilyevich, well , we noted, yes, that the ministry of foreign affairs is, in fact, a national coordinator, that is a government body entrusted with the function of coordinator for the functioning of the commodity distribution network of belarusian producers, but i’m sure on a weekly basis, probably yes, our diplomatic missions report to the foreign ministry, the current situation about problems and so on, but if we try to systematize this...
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the next factor that we, in cooperation with the ministry of industry, the ministry of industry and subordinate enterprises, is, of course, increasing the reliability and quality of our products.
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efficiency is necessary, for this a delivery system must be established through
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a more typical, well, relatively speaking, we know what breakdowns can happen, and we must be prepared for this, of course, for this , through customs, through some other routes, where customs no, but it’s like with russia within the framework there are no customs barriers in the eurasian union; in this regard, everything is fine here. minimize costs by reducing warehouse costs, transportation costs, and for this you need to negotiate good tariffs, yeah, for the warehouse, for transportation, for storage, it is very important to minimize or correctly declare the goods in
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relation to customs, in relation to the tax authorities, very important . structures, we are talking about quality, the year of quality, we talked today about the fact that we must show love to our customers to our equipment throughout the entire period of its life, this is where we come into action, including a second business, we make money on
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production, well, ready-made tractors, combines, cars, buses, trolleybuses, but we can and should make money on the secondary market .
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belarusian milk on board the plane is poured into tea, coffee or separately, very nice, look at how many video bloggers publish reviews of belarusian goods in various countries, i don’t know, in dubai, look, sour cream, cottage cheese, how much it costs, ours products are everywhere, and why, because the quality is high and the strategy, our promotion of products to foreign markets, she said, well, she’s kind.
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and like the locomotive linen, it pulled other brands along with it, and the products, having worked to fit this trend, are very, even rodoshkovichi pottery or luninen frying pans, which we also introduced into this concept, everything is in great demand, especially since the moment is right, this is a very timely decision you made against the backdrop of the fact that some foreign manufacturers, well made a political demarche and left russia.
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to imagine this product has definitely been perhaps the most popular in the beauty industry for the last 10 years. they are used by famous
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bloggers, actors, tv presenters and are happy to demonstrate it on social networks. once upon a time they were considered a medicine and were called ready-made with potions. i'm talking, of course, about candy, an invention of mankind that greatly simplifies our lives. fabric stickers impregnated with a cosmetic emulsion, which... had to be applied to the skin around the eyes, invented in the early 2000 scientist in south korea, it is known that the name of a beauty product came to us from the world of technology; programmers call a patch an automated software tool that is used to quickly fix problems. about the most important thing from the world of science, in the project science is nearby. we did such an experiment, we gave it to a group of dancers, and the guys danced in them and after dancing they looked, they did not slip, absolutely. new unique technology using caramelized milk, when this caramelized milk is added to the composition,
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then the chocolate acquires a very interesting characteristic caramel taste and color. watch on the tv channel belarus 24.
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around the world, these are very serious positions, we know that you have a large-scale distribution network, please tell us how effective it is, especially in the context of organizing service maintenance, and what are your plans for its development? few people need a pure tractor anymore, they need technology, so we are actively working with our partners, our trading houses are expanding their line of equipment sold, here... excellent the ministry of industry has worked, that is, here is a new software product that is being born , it gives an impetus, uh, to our partners, not only public, but also private, to work in a test connection to sell such products, just recently we and our partners entered the brazilian market, we are also planning to enter
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the colombian market with the same approach. to walk together, not the way we once started, yes, a tractor, then everything else, we walk together right away, and it bears fruit, naturally, what is required here, i have already stopped, infrastructure, this is education, personnel training, because dealing with service requires serious qualifications, and well, let’s say from brazil, sao paulo, you can’t go to minsk for training, you need to create your own programs in... local educational institutions, and here we are working with repo in tests, and what’s more, i can say that we have a close and i think very modern approach with repo, that we work as two partners, that is, they have their own production training center, and we we buy parts from them, that is, they do not
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just some blanks, they are making parts for a conveyor-tractor plant. there were the same tractor showrooms, where you used to buy a tractor, well, you go on the street, it ’s standing there, well, look, it’s hot, cold, rain, today we in yalabuk, in our trading house , created, uh, such a serious showroom, where you can conduct training and give a presentation, calmly look at the equipment, we have a large center in tashkent, so we want to create such cents at all our dealer points, but
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their scale will depend on the market. from market volume, but this is a new approach, which again requires the common potential of all our belarusian enterprises, not only manufacturing, but educational, and in such centers there will be a place for light industry and others. tatyana alekseevna, well, we know that belolikprom has made great progress in promoting products to the domestic market in recent years, yes, if you had to look earlier. our textile products and products there in particular, but now, well, almost every store has branded shops, products of good quality , modern colors, fashionable, trendy, everything is wonderful, please tell me what is the secret of this success, due to what it was possible to do this once, and secondly, how are things going on
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the outer contour, you already said about branded houses, what is your... win, because in recent years we have seen large-scale development and sales of products through recognition, that is, today the buyer goes to the name, goes to the history, goes to the brand, we have, to the delight of our brands ,
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trademarks that have really won love and... preference among various age groups of the belarusian population abroad, as for inside the country, of course, i cannot take this opportunity not to note this opportunity. clothes, and childhood, and food , and a recreation area, where all the best that our country can be proud of is truly collected, and this is probably the kind of optimism through which we look into the future,
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the development of our brands, when we see such powerful systemic support for a country that shows and tells us: guys, we are ready to hear you help, just let you develop, develop, make your concepts, exhibit them... and there is one more thing why we understand that not every manufacturer of ours today has enough financial power and marketing, let's say, to promote products alone, which is why it was born, we tried
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to do such a collaboration with russian business in the twenty-first-twenty-second year, we have such a joint venture belru, when we are also on the site we have exhibited a number of our assortment items of the belarusian light industry and not only, well... in the second year we are planning 10 more such objects in the russian federation, we have drawn up a business plan, drawn up algorithms and a clear schedule according to which we will, yes, according to which we plan to move , plus i should also
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note that the government and banks are ready to lend their leverage if necessary , even to subsidize somewhere or even subsidize some organizational aspects, because we understand that a retail facility is always costly and... why not open facilities of this kind in the russian federation, for example, in st. petersburg, and we really, as interested parties, yes,
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interested parties, indeed, this is a very good idea, if we go out on a large scale, not just with some specific objects, there is chalk , belwest or konts or our same dodoma, it’s still local, it’s recognizable.
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many people remember the times, well, someone still rides the legendary minsk motorcycle. by the way, there is his fan club here in hanoi, well , ours was previously depicted on one of the banknotes tractor belarus. by the way, every resident of belarus probably still uses and knows the healing power of vietnamese star balm. well, today is the time to fill our common piggy bank with new brands, including joint ones. the market is 100 million people, there is a demand for medicines. and machines, this
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tractor was made specifically for rice fields, our equipment has been here for decades, we knew that this was a good tractor, and i believe that these tractors belong here. operates in vietnam and joint venture mass asia, for 4 years now we have been planning to assemble not only trucks, but fire engines. we have supplied both operational buses and dump trucks to vietnam. belarus expects to increase exports to african countries by at least 2 and a half times this year. our president visited zimbabwe in february last year. then they brought a large batch of equipment that the fields of the country know well. but this year they will bring more tractors and combines. and this is central africa, equatorial guinea. during the president's visit in december , they agreed to create a real regional hub for promoting belarusian. the chinese
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market is a completely different story, shanghai expo brought everything they have, we are studying tastes , many of our enterprises are already accredited here, now it is important to offer your goods not only on the store shelf, but also via the internet, on marketplaces there are not only wholesalers, but also ordinary buyer.
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shops and trading houses, we build factories at fagde, sell our meat and milk, as well as clothes, and the minister of foreign economic relations of bashkartastan has a completely belarusian wardrobe. we are with we wear komentern suits with pleasure, because they are very beautiful, first of all, which is important for any woman, and secondly, they have a reasonable price and of course very good quality. in nizhny novgorod we assemble trams together. vkm-holding has gained a foothold for a long time, minin is already driving around... the streets and coping with steep slopes, we are doing really great with the belarusians, to be honest, sometimes i can’t even believe it, because - i worked in industry for 5 years, i understand, what does it mean to start production practically from scratch, the most our tractor plant has a large distribution network, it’s impossible to list all the addresses, for example, this is mtz siberia in novosibirsk, a large platform for large sales, we will not limit ourselves only to the novosibirsk region, an opportunity. we have
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very large ones, this is basically the siberian region, kazakhstan is nearby here. krasnoyarsk-bilas-service in these workshops restores and puts on wheels even dump trucks that have worked at 100%, they are again ready to conquer the quarries, our heavy trucks here definitely have no equal. recent decades the cuts have not expanded their production base, that is, practically their repair base, and accordingly, we are in demand at the moment. our strategy for promoting our products includes multi-brand centers. at the end of last year, they laid a capsule for the construction of one in the krasnodar region. 1 2 3. we follow a systematic approach. this will be a multi-brand service center, which assumes the availability of not only tractors, but in general the entire range of necessary equipment for farmers. a line of offers from belarusians with every the year certainly doesn’t get smaller.
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electric buses, buses, trams, combines, all agricultural equipment, as well as food products. this year we will be active at exhibitions, the next exhibition is in early february in moscow. well, it’s nice to watch such stories, yes, when you see native belarusian products on such distant markets, it’s always nice, but here’s an intermediate result of our discussion. do i understand correctly that the creation of multi-brand national centers is essentially, well, a strategy for the development of our
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merchandise... there are disadvantages, well, probably first of all, as they sometimes joke that it can be very difficult for two housewives in the kitchen, also for a multi-brand center, how to divide expenses, yes, for example, how to divide expenses, how to divide income, then it will be this is there, but again, there is an understanding of this, why are there 17 holding companies in the structure of the ministry of industry? in principle, we understand how a holding structure works, which... takes into account interests, and the minsk tractor plant, for example, has one and a half ten enterprises that are focused on the conveyor belt have a certain independence , so we can definitely maintain this balance of interests here, because everyone has one
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goal - to sell, to satisfy the buyer , to make him come back again for the next purchase, there is only one drawback, but it is necessary develop this direction faster, otherwise your competitors... using this idea will get ahead of us. yes, only together, strengthening all these strengths that exist in this or that enterprise, showing it externally contour has its own advantages, including scale, because this is the same financial fortress or, after all , a large-scale business will be perceived differently in the market, so due to this we can win. what do you think, igor vasilyevich, are there any shortcomings in this strategy? there is no limit to perfection, as yuri visbor sang in the song, let’s join hands, friends, so as not to perish alone, the distinctive feature of belarusians has always been this kind of
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collective support, unlike some of our khutarian neighbors, and how subtly you hint, we are always especially in difficult times. godin, yes, we used such a principle as talaqa, yes, so this is what tatyana alekseevna and dear colleagues said, yes, this is actually our focus on the future, multi-branding, eliminating interdepartmental disunity, and most importantly, mutual assistance and mutual support . to summarize our conversation, dear experts. how do you see our country’s commodity distribution network in the future and what do we all need to do for this? probably first of all as recognizable as our recognizable country brands, that is, the buyer, perhaps, as we sometimes joke, an excellent marketer, an excellent salesperson - this is the one
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who came to buy a tractor, and left with a combine, oil and left on his bus, the future, the future for a wide variety of products
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, and don’t be lazy, but work for results, then we will succeed, because the tasks of the president and the government were set correctly, we all appreciated today that we understand them correctly, we just need to run together, thank you for your opinion , thanks that found an opportunity in your busy schedule to come to our belteleradiocompany studio on makaonka 9, thank our guests, say goodbye to you, expand your capabilities, conquer new heights. together for the benefit of our country, then the economic environment will be favorable for all of us. goodbye.
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the kryzhachok dance ensemble tours a lot and performs a lot for its audience, by doing this we create a wonderful mood, create a feeling of comfort for peace and creation. today i have been in choreography for 50 years, because i started studying at the age of 10, i am from russia, there is a city called oryol, quite famous, in 1986 i came to belarus and my creative activity began. in this wonderful group, then in the nineties i moved to the state
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dance ensemble, at the age of 45 i finished my creative activity - as a professional artist, it so happened that i officially retired and i was offered to lead the korzhak, i have been in the korzhak for 16 years, this second family, these are all my children, well done, well done, very cool. in our program there is a lot of belarusian material, we have a lot of dances of the peoples of the world, folk dance, it has always existed, if it exists, the culture needs to be shown, and it definitely needs to be shown , but we are never ashamed of the belarusian culture, and we try to do it efficiently, and of course when you show us our dances, dear ones. our dances, well , the audience is delighted, because we have something to show, in fact, last year we
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received, so to speak, from the hands of the president, an award for spiritual revival, i felt excitement, pride, happiness that while we were working were noticed and, as they say, they know us, i think that the kryzhachok is worthy, firstly, not only because the kryzhachok is the oldest group in belarus,
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amazing time, ninety, ninety -first year, this is a change in the attitude of the state to the church, amazing, again , we felt this spiritual uplift.


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