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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 23, 2024 6:35pm-7:01pm MSK

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unfortunately, we have returned to a time when military force became the main argument in building interstate relations. the country that most often changed its military doctrine to suit its needs is the united states. america is in a state of war,
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with these words begins the us national security strategy of 2006, the previous one lasted 5 years, influenced, of course, by afghanistan, iraq and september 11, and by war we mean the fight against terrorism, a pandora’s box that the americans themselves and opened. on the ruins of saddam hussein's regime. of course, in the concepts of a white house there are always defensive adjectives, but its meaning is very specific; it all began in the forties of the 20th century. the monopoly of nuclear weapons in the second half of the forties allowed the americans to make plans for nuclear strikes against the ussr. there were 12 such strategies in total.
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the main operation of totality is dropping bombs on the twenty largest cities of the soviet union. the largest project is dropshot. simultaneous release of 300 nuclear warheads. in 1982 , the americans also updated the concept of military security. this time she became open and offensive. its main provisions include penetration of vanguard forces into the depths of enemy defenses, massive use of precision-guided munitions, and coordinated ground action. stuffy and naval component of the american army, the speed of its implementation is also at the forefront of such organizations. using the example of the actions of the american army in kuwait and iraq, one can fully trace the implementation of this military doctrine. in general, it is worth noting what.
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there is no single defense document in the united states, which allows legal manipulation of the provisions. key positions are revealed in a set of documents on national security, national defense and military strategy. washington's military-political course is being developed and implemented on the basis of the premise that the united states is and should remain the only military and economic superpower, a global leader. only america has the right to single-handedly shape the conditions of the international situation that... maximize its advancement interests in various regions of the world. plus , conceptual things are often broadcast by relevant officials. for example, secretary of defense caspar weinberger in 1985 proposed three main positions for the united states. the united states should not use force across national borders unless the specific involvement or incident itself is vital to our national interest or our allies. that
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anything can be disguised as national interests, direct invasions, overthrow of unwanted regimes, which is discussed further in ministerial concept. if we decide that it is necessary to use military force in a given situation, we must do so sincerely with the clear intention of winning. before the united states uses force beyond national borders, it is necessary to ensure that we have the support of the american people and their elected representatives in congress. this approach is called "all or nothing". waenberger's concept was approved and became the doctrine that remained in effect until the end of the cold war and the collapse of the soviet union. but this approach yastrebov could not hold back for long. later it was supplemented by colin powell, who also served as minister of defense, the same mr. test tube. the updated document from eimberger powell essentially gave the united states a free hand around the globe, because the end justifies the means. this is for...
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and this is a key document for the united states: 2022, the national security strategy, the main threats are the growing power of china and the imperial ambitions of the kremlin. russia is mentioned in the document 71 times china 55. the main priority for the next five years: confrontation with
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hostile forces. american diplomacy assesses the russian federation as a direct threat to the free world order, and the prc is considered by the united states as an enemy in... russia and china. the central challenge to us security is the resumption of long-term great power competition with china and russia as individuals. both participants working together to achieve common goals. china is using its rapidly modernizing military, information warfare and predatory economy to force neighboring countries to reorder the indo-pacific region into for your benefit. at the same time, russia seeks
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to veto countries on its periphery in terms of its government economic and diplomatic decisions in order to undermine the organization from the north atlantic to... the very name of the concept contains three potential adversaries of the united states - china, russia, iran, what are they about? they say openly, but field leadership means preparing for protracted combat operations with a large front line. it is clear that the field must be on enemy territory. starting from the second world and further nato documents me...
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on defense, when in february of the twenty-second year russia unleashed a harsh and unprovoked war against ukraine, the countries of the north atlantic alliance decided to reconfigure nato deterrence and defense for a longer term. and here it is defense: the pentagon
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gained access to 35 military facilities in finland, sweden and denmark. simply put, all bases come under the control of washington, the closest one is only 137 km from russia. nato has adopted a number of strategic documents, which defines them generally as a global player. it is no longer just the atlantic and the european continent. the americans are now forcing countries to accept them, they have already accepted them, to implement the so-called road maps, that is, within each country in which they invest money in expanding military infrastructure, expanding logistics capabilities, creating the so -called military schengen, when military cargo will be available. move around europe without hindrance, there are problems regarding this, the most important thing is that a decision was made about the creation of rapid reaction troops , an increase, well, not even like that, not creation, but an increase from 30.00 to 300, that is, these will be troops that will be located on their territory, national, conditionally german
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brigades, that means french and others, which in any moment can be raised out of alarm by the leadership of nato, without the approval of their national, that is, parliaments, governments from any... point in the world to carry out any tasks there. all these american concepts, military documents in it's time to call it a filkin's letter, if you know how... he said: “no, no, nothing new has been found in this direction, they just decided
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to start a war with iraq.” they knew that there were no chemical weapons in iraq, but after september 11 and the fall of the towers, society needed to be shown a beautiful victory. hence the frightening powel with a test tube in the un security council, and a million iraqis killed by american bullets . you know, the most important thing, and in all such adventures that the united states organizes, their a... the attraction of power was covered up with lies, today
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, american comedians often talk about this and even ironize it somewhere, but the worst thing is that this is a well-thought-out state strategy of the 21st century, the so -called liden doctrine. this is what one of the ideologists of american politics wrote even before the events in iraq. strengthening stability is a mission unworthy of america, a dead-end direction in international politics. we do not want stability in iran, iraq, syria. lebanon or even saudi arabia. we want things to change in these countries. the question of the day is not is it worth destabilizing, in how to do it? let's return to our general clark. his entertaining story has its continuation. some time later, he again met with a high friend in the pentagon and again learned about the bloody plans. so i visited him again a few weeks later. at this time we were already bombing afghanistan. i asked him. “we are still going to start a war with iraq,” he answered much worse, took a document from the table. he explained that
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he had just received this memorandum from the ministry of defense, which describes how we will conquer seven countries in 5 years, starting from iraq, syria, lebanon, libya, somalia, sudaan and ending with iran. i asked: is this a secret document? he said, "yes, sir." at the same time , clark himself speaks so naturally on american airwaves. i also received a direct order to start a war, and, of course, i carried it out, we’re talking about yugoslavia. it was he who commanded nato forces in europe when bombs fell on a european country for the first time in half a century. the treacherous acts of the alliance and the white house will shatter a large independent country into fragments. according to the most conservative estimates, after world war ii the white house fought in at least three dozen countries. and if you add the secrets of cia operations, coups, color revolutions and civil ones. wars behind which washington stood, the figure will increase significantly. at first they hid behind the fight against
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the spread of communism, but even after the collapse of the ussr, appetites did not become less, ukraine and yemen are also in the treasury in fresh footsteps. the american political class , the american elite, has a fixed idea. this idea is global leadership, global hegemony, domination. one an american publicist said the following phrase: every 10 years we... we need to find some small country and give it a good whack in order to demonstrate to the whole world that our words do not differ from our deeds. no matter what the americans write in their documents, no matter how much they engage in verbal balancing act, the cornerstone for many, many years has been a manic desire to dominate the whole world, so that those around them would obediently click their heels and carry out any orders of their masters. yes, global hegemony is increasingly coming into question: a unipolar world is covered with serious cracks, but the american...
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we return home, on january 16, the president held a meeting of the security council in the lens of military doctrine and the concept of national security. negative forecasts about the situation in the world are coming true. last year there were 183 regional conflicts on the planet, 57 of which were in the hot phase. only a fool today can not see or hear
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what happens to the state after the detonation of man-made charges from the outside. you know?
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remember the first part of the program, and so, it seems that the military documents of belarus have defensive in nature, and the basis of our life is creation, not destruction. sovereign belarus has never invaded foreign territory, started conflicts, or violated borders. as for the draft new military doctrine, it fully takes into account the ongoing cardinal changes in the military-political situation and new military dangers. approaches to determining character have also been updated.
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“it has become targeted, we clearly name the sources of military threats to our country, based on this we have clearly built the measures that will be accepted by the state when risks of challenges and threats arise. we have clearly defined and communicated the views of the republic of belarus on the use of tactical nuclear weapons stationed on our territory. remember the words of the president: we don’t need someone else’s, but... ” we won’t give up what’s ours, over the years the formula is becoming more and more relevant and to be just a peaceful country today, alas, is not enough, the planet is getting hotter, more dangerous and more terrible, if not you, then they can put you under under various pretexts, without condemnation from the international community, so being able to defend yourself is a sad trend of the 21st century, the era of big wars has not become a thing of the past, but
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poland, lithuania, latvia and ukraine, unfortunately, have the doctrines of vassals and satellites, their policies in the military... economic interests of the united states and the maintenance of where the basis of everything is the promotion of a global order based on liberal values, as they say, nothing personal, just business. a clear projection of american interests, we see here in their concepts and... american corporations, we see how americans impose their products, we see how americans bury common european defense projects, well, relatively speaking, for example, a european fighter with the creation of such a pan -european fighter aircraft, which has already been made by the eurofiter company,
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can, in principle, use this aircraft until the forties, but nevertheless, the americans are imposing the f35 aircraft on everyone. in fact, putting an end to the development of this concept in the future, now the americans are putting an end to tank production in europe, they are practically destroying the joint project of the germans and the french to create such a single european tank in the future and force the poles and other countries to purchase american tanks or their south korean partners, which is why here, of course, they actually view europe not even as partners, but as... some kind of raw material. and one more quote from the president: the world is on the verge of tremendous events. we have taken our place, but maintaining it, apparently, is only possible through calm, high-quality work.
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the television news agency presents it in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people. yakov mikhailovich sverdlov. on lenin’s instructions, on behalf of the russian federation, he conveyed congratulations to the first all-belarusian congress of soviets on the formation of the belarusian soviet socialist republic. smalensk 30 snowfall of the year 18 - with this the budynka took wing. the last dawn-sunset ablas conference of the russian communist party of belarus, adnagalosna is launched to create a self-contained belarusian socialist republic.
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all rocky organizations of belarus were present at the conference, where i considered myself the first stars of kamparta belarus. approved constitution, state emblem and flag of the belarusian ussr. during the days of the first all-belarus congress of soviets, the versailles conference was held near paris, peace with germany was officially on the agenda. unofficially, on the sidelines there was a conspiracy about war against the soviet republics. this time, imperialism is betting on the bourgeoisie of poland, not yet at all.
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communist belarusian detachment, here it was the first formed in petrograd before being sent to the front. moscow sees off the volunteers. these photographs were taken in kazan. from here, by order of lenin, to the western front was equipped with the most modern technology that the soviet country had. we had few planes, literally just a few. 1st student, 1919, the day of our
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republic, a special manifesto was published, in belarus, which brought about the freedom of slavery and here, and the free soviet belarusian republic, abby let's shine in front of all the lights. from now on, the time of settlement in belarus depends only on advice, there are wide , clean streets here, it’s as if you can breathe well here, i don’t know, i really love it here true, some special people come, there is no such fuss of ours, i...
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areas of activity, that is , culture cannot develop today if there is no ideological foundation. project, say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. you are watching the news in the studio tatyana nikrasova, good evening and briefly about the main thing. security on earth in the sky, stopping threats vigilance. the president approved the decision to protect the state border. payment of an annual bonus for hiring additional employees.


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