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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 23, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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to svetlogorsk chemical fiber. the project is being implemented within the framework of the investment program for the development of the enterprise on the basis of the spinning and weaving shop. the capacity of the new production is 4.0 tons per year. about 90% of unique products will go to the domestic market. previously, analogues were purchased, the implementation of the investment project will reduce costs by 10% and reduce the cost of production. the surplus is expected to be sold. the products are widely used in the packaging of mineral fertilizers, in particular gomel. chemical plant, this is protein, this is grodny nitrogen. the film will be used for our own production of soft disposable containers such as bikback as liners. a unique ceremony took place in the village of noviny , berezinsky district; this is a tradition that local residents have followed for decades. songs, dances and traditional games play a leading role in events. this
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tradition is passed on to our younger generation; today you can see that this holiday has interested not only our residents, but many young people from berezino, borisovo, and the surrounding area in general have come here villages, so for us preserving tradition is, of course, preserving our roots. the organizers of the holiday about 30 years ago conducted folklore trips and collected information from the guards in order to create a reliable ritual, this holiday is an intangible historical and cultural value of belarus and is included in the state list of historical and cultural values. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that occurred during a week in just 20 minutes. there will be time
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for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, online travel and a healthy lifestyle, all this and more in the weekly project broadcast 24x7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening. how long have you been holding a book in your hands, flipping through page after page, greedily drinking every word? of all the manifestations of human creativity, the most amazing and worthy of attention are books. the thoughts of past times live in books. people's voices can be heard clearly and distinctly.
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everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved , as if by magic, on the pages of books, by reading a person survives centuries, reading brings generations together, we value the past for... the present belarus 24. hello, the new issue in the first block is an expert in every meeting with which we are always very we wait. especially when
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you need to not only, well, figure out what’s what, but see those hidden force fields of meaning that underlie events, alexander artamonov, alexander gernonovich are in touch with us, we are very glad to meet again, good afternoon, greetings to everyone, let's start with the news agenda, perhaps, here are the attacks of the united states and great britain on yemen, this is how you assess the attack itself, the reaction of the world community to this, wait for further aggravation, or for everyone the cost of the war may turn out to be unaffordable. and from here we conclude that it will freeze the situation in such uncertainty. the houthis were told that they would set the region on fire, but what will they use to set it on fire? and here i am still ready to give, well, a certain piece of information that may be little known to someone. but first, there is the fatih medium-range missile, which iran is using, is already using at the moment, through their, well , let’s say, satellites, through the organizations i named , they are partially using, in fact , it was these fatehs who also beat... in
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the american base, when they were avenging the death of sulaymaniyah , let me remind you, returning to emen, that emen also has his own missile production, to what extent they are his missiles or to what extent the technology... snatched from iranian bins, is essentially not important to us now, what is important is that he has them, and about 5 years ago they hit oil storage tanks saudi aramka on the territory of saudi arabia , the american iisor system, armed behind the patri air defense systems, did not intercept a single missile, and it wasn’t even fatihi that flew there, fatihi, as far as i know, they also seemed to be used there, but fortunately ancient scuds and self-disgraced regional ones drones and they all hit the target. therefore, based on everything that i said, well, it is clear that biden can go to the ancestors soon due to his advanced age, but the americans will have to answer, having finished, what iran has, and few people know this, even in russia, maybe they know belarus, there are hypersonic
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weapons, and this is really, well, a discovery for many, because iran has proven hypersound, they provided evidence at the test site, tests of hypersonics and... including they have low -power warheads of 10-15 kiloton nuclear warheads, but this is from what i know, or more precisely, what i can voice, no one says that iran does not have more powerful warheads, let alone hypersound and even without nuclear warheads, especially in the area of, well, excuse me, oil fields, they can do a lot of things, i would say a lot of things are messed up, so the houthis have certain reasons, they believe what they know and can... how to answer, finally, submissively, as far as it can set the region on fire, in my opinion, it is the middle east that is becoming more and more a focus than war, from the point of view of arab experts, my colleagues, many colleagues, i can say
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that the middle east is not yet ready for a big war, but the knot is tied, i i would say it gets tighter and tighter, this in some way delays the problems of a big war. from the russian-belarusian borders to the south, this is just a statement of fact, it seems that yes, a war will really break out there, but i don’t think that this will happen in the next six months or a year. another big topic that, well, will probably be throughout the year in different analytical formats. this is the year of the most important elections. first of all, the world will follow the campaigns in russia and the usa. here’s my question: is russia ready for presidential elections? i’ll put it this way: why in will russians vote first now? look, russians , at the moment, as far as i understand, they are simply voting for the right to life, the right to their own civilization, let me remind you, and this is broader than russia as such, now we
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will dwell on this a little, let me remind you the words of the french philosopher in france, philosophers greatly respect , they are not only engaged in theoretical science, i’m talking about michel toda... toda with two letters d at the end stated that russia has entered into an existential conflict with the west. in fact, what jens claims stoltenberg, not only him, proves this. this means in simple russian language that someone will definitely be carried out of this battlefield with their heels first. that is , there is no way out of this conflict except for someone to die. i mean in the case of a country of civilization. if for today. russia will abandon its line, we are talking about elections, and elections are largely associated with this, then russia will die civilizationally, it will not exist, there will be people, perhaps, who for some time, or maybe for quite a long time, will speak russian, of course, there are different ethnic groups, sub-ethnic groups speaking different languages,
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perhaps they will be studied as indians, there are some pre-lovars, but this will no longer be the civilization that we know, and which, as i believe, is like a common mycelium, common for... russia , belarus and ukraine, it will not remain, since russia, in some ways, is perhaps less developed or, i would say, well, less developed due to its colossal expanses, than the cultural and civilizational context of belarus, i’m just talking about possibilities to develop such a territory guarantee everyone the same, perhaps this could have been the fate of ukraine, but ukraine took a different nazi path, but in any case. without russia, as far as i understand , it will also be very difficult for belarus to survive, so in fact, the russians, betting on their president, and this is not a hidden speech about the phenomenon of the twenty-fifth frame in defense of putin, vote for putin, i do not
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hide my sympathy , but i’m trying to explain why russians find so much in the figure of putin and why, in fact , there is now a consensus in a society of independence, even debug there is an understanding in society, this understanding has come largely due to nato, and, by the way, i would say that this is such tough therapy. shocking due to what happened with the kiev-pechersk lava and with everything that i would say is happening in western europe. what am i talking about? i mean that our civilization, like judaism among the jews, is also among the slavs, among the russians, in the broad sense of the word, in many ways, but not only, i know this among the belarusians among the ukrainians, orthodoxy is, well, common, i would say would be the denominator for everything civilizational. another prediction of yours, if you may, it is very interesting: the european union will not last even
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ten years, and there will be a great wall between us and western europe. i really hope, alexandrovich, that i didn’t take anything out of the context of your words. no , you didn’t completely take it out, i can only repeat, in fact, i’ve never plagiarized, as you can see, i’m quoting primary sources, in this case my idea, it’s independent, is based on long work in...
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and i don’t want that, but from this only one thing is clear: i stand for them, forgive me, total destruction is civilizational , that is, it means the nullification of their civilization, because they are not fit to continue world culture and civilization, they are nazis, i prove this for a long time in the series of my lectures, but believe the brief conclusions, i tried to be as conclusive as possible now that france, italy, and spain are nazi civilization. which welcomed the death of the serbs, the extermination of russian-speaking people in camps back in the first world war, which few
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people know about, terezin italhov in the territory the city of graz, simply because people spoke russian, they cannot live on this occasion, since this is so, it turns out that the arabs and africans will put an end to their existence, dissolving into themselves, and then it will be clear that there there will be an arab caliphate, then eastern europe, hungary, poland, romania, other countries that do not allow emigration from the extreme, in many ways, i’m trying to be objective, christian values ​​and poles, catholics, and romans, orthodox, and bulgarians, perhaps greece, they will unite for in order to stand as that very great wall on the path of his caliphate, and in the person of our slavic civilization they will find for themselves, well, maybe not masters, we don’t want to rule anyone, but senior partners, because naturally, by themselves they are doomed to death, and for you and me, including for belarus, i see a lot of sense in this, because with my loyal attitude towards arab civilization, but i understand that there can be all sorts of variations,
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overflows of this civilization in western europe, you know, when people have their hands in blood, they are often very non-peaceful and then they strive to continue their work of liberating everyone from everything, remember the napoleonic wars, revolution is a terrible thing, they usually come with expansion later, that’s why we really need this barrier, and therefore these countries , by the way, will give us their own, their own due. the same tribute for the fact that they pulled nato up for so long, and it will be quite good, in my opinion, but poland washington does not hide the fact that it is betting on them, the publication of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth from an interview with the us deputy state tsar for european affairs o-brien, i will even quote: cooperation between the united states and poland in the field of security has always been very close, washington really wants poland to be a leader in the european union, what is its role in in this case, he is being taken away in warsaw, what should we prepare for? i’ll say this, and the poles actually have a very good project, i think it’s ingenious, because today
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there is a view from americans, not poles, that old europe no longer wants to see americans here, well , that is, germany is occupied, germany is not happy with this, in poland there is now a gas terminal in the port of swinoujscie, and in fact the whole of western europe must now receive gas three ways from there at an inflated price, but it is not inflated, it it’s just...
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in any case, this is really a very alarming bell for all of us, and the poles couldn’t make this tank themselves, so they’re not really developing any industry there, but they ’re keeping what they had, and they’ve succeeded here didn't succeed, but as they say, they earn their own bananas , i remember an old joke, another thing is that the center is not such a strong center to give something to other countries, but they don’t want to give it, they just want to develop their great poland, set up sales of their own products there food, poland... an agricultural country is also in many ways their own, in fact, what their industry produces, that is , in spite of damage to the interests of their neighbors, but some neighbors of the ukrainian class for some reason do not see this, well, here again schwab and the company gathered for pleasure and one of topics of discussion with the participation of the head of vos, and preparation for a new disease x, which
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could potentially be 20 times higher than covid in mortality, is not enough for them? well, basically, if you remember - the billa emelinda geys foundation, remember the works, so to speak, of jacques attalia and not only, the statements of bernard henri livy, bhl, as he is called in western europe, then they say there, in particular , in fact , back in the eighties, about the need to create an epidemic to control humanity, but covid was already not enough, this is the first attempt at writing, nothing more besides, you still know, it’s a toy virus.
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so there, as well as in other centers, for example, in georgia in the center of lugar, i’m also speaking quite specifically, now antibiotic-resistant, and let’s say, pathogens of known diseases are being created, please note that now there was an outbreak of measles, in particular, this not that possible measles, perhaps, i specifically say possible, because according to my data, which is simply
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measles, in american centers, and the head, so to speak, of the continent speaks about this, in particular, this is what they are doing infections are then released here at our american military laboratories in ukraine , there are plenty of them. we continue at the beginning of this block of the program, these are the words. the world is on the eve of great events. i already hinted to you once, a year, six months ago, i repeated that we are in such a difficult situation today,
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something like we are walking on thin ice, a careless step and we can drown, overturn the state, that’s why this year it will be very difficult, for all its events it should be very noisy, but we must do everything to keep it quiet. calm and where does the main threat come from, nikolai evgenievich? the main threat comes from the reorganization of the world that is happening before our eyes, this is the main one, that is, not even any specific state, but a process? no, this is a process that has been launched, which is happening even before our eyes, this is a process that is drawing us into its turn. more and more states are appearing, more and more hot spots are appearing, according to the london institute of international studies and strategic studies; last year
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there were 183 conflict spots, of which 57 were hot spots conflicts, that is, where blood is shed and where weapons are used, therefore , it is not necessary to say that there is one point of possible conflict; in principle, our head of state speaks about this. yes, the year will be difficult, because the phase of the reconstruction of the world is entering , so to speak, probably its apogee, today there is no turning back, the world will no longer be the same as it was, as it was before, and why can’t we clearly name, for example, that london and washington, aren’t they the ones who are muddying the waters, are they probably not the main problems for the world now? we can say london, we can say washington, it will just change because of this, yes, yes, the process will be what it is.
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today they are trying to solve their problems at the expense of others, well , there was a very interesting important meeting at the palace of independence, they discussed strategic documents, a draft concept of national security and a new military doctrine. both documents must be submitted for approval by the all-belarusian people's assembly. the key message is to approach the preparation of a new concept informally, discuss this document in detail and ask people's opinion. ensuring national security is our common goal.
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to zero, there are no remaining, as a colleague says, any restraining factors, no agreements, no red lines, so we have actually come to a situation where whoever is stronger is right. here is another point, why is everything not so simple now, yes , why is it difficult to even name who is the main troublemaker, that is, you wouldn’t have anyone either, no, well, it’s clear that there are the main beneficiaries here, first of all, this leaders of the western world are... first of all turn the anglo-saxon core, the usa, great britain, which traditionally stood at the head of this world, and which today are fighting to maintain their hegemony, but...
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threats for belarus, we clearly name the sources of threats and from which countries they come, the minister explained, here is alexey alekseevich, there is no contradiction here, on the one hand we do not consider anyone enemies, on the other hand we clearly indicate where the threats come from. you know, it ’s important to understand the processes themselves, those that are being formed in our region in the eastern europe, basically. in europe, based on this , in principle, the concept of national security and military doctrine were built, these processes, first of all, of course, are based on economic, financial, they are connected with what, with the fact that just in time for the year our world, our world economy, all of humanity, is faced with its main crisis, the crisis of overproduction, i lead.
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and approaches, concepts, chosen as a point of tension, yes, through which you can drive this money, drive these resources, weapons, military equipment and thereby earn money, restrains them, as has already been correctly noted, this is, first of all, that in belarus and our ally within the framework of the union state of the russian federation, there are tactical and strategic nuclear weapons, if it weren’t for this.
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in our program we discussed that western ideologists are now focusing precisely on the concept of the destruction of sovereign states, the imposition of not only chaos, yes, but a situation where states, peoples sharply plunge from a state of some kind of civilizational growth, into a state of the middle ages, or even some primitive chaos, i would like to continue alexey’s thought, exactly in which, to return to the original source, because the phrase. said the minister of defense, we do not consider any of the peoples as our own, the most important thing from this whole phrase is the people. belarusians do not consider peoples as their enemies, but we consider
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the state, unions of states that implement their own policies, which are directed against the republic of belarus, against our development, this is precisely the essence of what was said. but the second point, we clearly we understand that there are threats, and we declare this, we show this in our concept , and we do the second thing that we probably haven’t said before, we show how we will neutralize these threats, as a state system and the whole, so to speak, the whole of belarus will respond to these threats, here is the address
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. maybe comment then, and a new chapter has appeared in the military doctrine, which outlines the allied obligations of belarus. yes, in reality life moves forward, since 2010, since 2011, when previous concepts were introduced, many changes occurred. belarus has acquired allied obligations towards the russian federation, towards. certain agreements were signed with the csto and which were tested in 2022 in kazakhstan, when the combined forces of the csto were used to neutralize
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the military coup in kazakhstan, accordingly, we actually fulfilled our tasks within the framework of international agreements, we did not have this in our military doctrine in national security concept, then there is...
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a union state joining the csto, this and the eurasian economic union, this is all, what was decided by belarus in fact, today gives us economic, political and military security, these are these external threats, but inside we have there were contradictions in the constitution, we seemed to forbid ourselves from focusing our foreign policy activities on our foreign policy agreements at all, now that... these obstacles have been removed, it is quite logical that we have undergone a change, as would be bylaws , no matter what we say there, yes, but all these concepts, doctrines, they come from the main thing, from the sovereignty of belarus, from the constitution, the most important
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document, which is decisive for us, let's continue the topic of threats, and just strategy west in the upcoming us election campaigns, working to create a fifth column in russia intend for this... here's what they write: the european commission has asked google and other big tech companies to begin actively promoting positional media in belarus. brussels is asking platforms to more actively promote their materials in search feeds. according to european officials, it is necessary to ensure that links to opposition resources are higher than materials from pro-government media. these are the kind of democrats you have to deal with . here you can immediately, as... a representative of the journalistic community, i will speak out at
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the beginning, numerous opinion polls, the latest ones, yes, they record a significant increase in the trust of belarusians in the state media, an increase in trust - an increase interest and an increase in watchability, yes, an increase in all these indices , watchability indicators, that is, in terms of content, in terms of content, of course, today the state media are head and shoulders above all... these opposition resources that once positioned themselves as allegedly independent, supposedly bringing the ultimate truth, today we see that they have real yellow propaganda, therefore, from the point of view of fair fair competition, which the west also always liked to talk about to us, today they lose and lose often, so what do we see, this wonderful west, which loves to talk about competition about...
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i just want to say that a lot of work is being done in this direction, last year i took part together with my colleagues in large communication forum in xi'an , in china, there were media representatives from all over the world, including we are interested in, this is eurasia, which means asia and the middle east, and there we initiated this topic, raised it, the creation of this common media platform within here this project is one belt, one road, i have to.
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from the united states of america
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, in fact, these are completely intelligence-information-analytical systems developed by the relevant services, they have two functions, one function is the collection, processing of information, in fact an intelligence function, and the other function is a breakthrough, what they call an information breakthrough fields, because you will always remember, from ancient times. internet initially, yes, then through
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social networks, then through control, search engines, everyone else, now we see how they are already openly declaring that guys, change the algorithm there so that the resources we need are put in the first positions, that is, they don’t even hide it anymore, the most interesting thing is when you remember , they thought that they were hitting the state media, they added this postscript that they were funding it. from russia, from germany, from the united states, the baltic countries, who are watching us, they write that this postscript makes it clear that this is possible, they do not mark their bbc, although this is one hundred percent sir, i would also add to you in the development of this dialogue the following, so to speak, thesis that needs to be talked about, we started with what, we started with the fact that western friends in
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quotes, decided to work with people who, in general, studied at their territories. that is , those who received education abroad , this process, it is long, it is designed for a decade, it has been going on for a long time, soft power, everything else, it all comes out of there, but why do i want to draw your attention to this topic, this the process is always constant traitors will be looking for in any country to use them against, a trojan horse, just so that today we have received a vaccination, our country in 2020.
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a large number of these refugees who do not know how to do anything, who do not socialize in local societies, who do not want to actually doing work, yes, that is, they now have quite a lot of such ballast, all this, of course, does not cause feedback from the lithuanian authorities today, yes, that is, they understand that someone is trampling on their field, and how these are our runaways demonstrate, your tv channel is not... they start there, they try to stir up some kind of new initiatives at the expense of foreign money, which as a result
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still becomes known to our intelligence services, a reasonable question arises, it means you have there after all someone is a traitor, someone is a rat, who is very difficult to determine, so let's just kick everyone out of here, well , there is also a factor here that at least suggests itself when you try to compare a and b, well, there is no money . lies in some of their, you know, sayings, lithuanians have such a favorite saying , they say, belarusians are
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russians improved by lithuanians, latvians, latvians are lithuanians worsened by germans, you understand, that is, they have a problem of greatness, it is extremely persistent, that’s when there is a problem with greatness, there is... .an element of a principality, not even some kind of empire, a principality, because an empire they usually take peoples into themselves, yes,
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a principality, i need you, we brought you in , we don’t need you, but they threw us out, you know, they have it here one more component, i’ll probably continue the thought about the lithuanians, namely with from the next point of view, they have an internal fear, understanding that the state is slowly falling apart and moving away, this is the first thing people. are leaving, the second point is that the propaganda they are conducting, europe, the united states, those exercises that are taking place on the territory of lithuania and the baltic countries, show that lithuania and latvia should be next to ukraine, and this is spelled out in their concepts, this those scenarios that are played out at nato exercises, this is the fear, including of an external enemy. whom they created for themselves, then an internal one appears, which is not clear how it will behave in the near future, look, when there are one and a half million people
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left in the country, and of them there are still several thousand, and maybe ten tens of thousands, these are active bayonets that can to do something, that’s where the fear comes in, there’s not much time left , there’s another topic, it’s important to touch on it, because this process is happening exactly these days, i mean, of course, ukraine, which is now being presented in davos. his so -called zelensky peace formula, which in fact, nothing more than an attempt to deliver an ultimatum to the russian federation, surrender, return the territory, and also compensate for our losses. it is clear that russia will never agree to this. what are we dealing with here in summary, if possible. well, firstly, they punched comrade zelensky in the nose, he tried to organize this platform, but firstly, the absence there of russia itself, the main subject, participant, of such possible agreements.
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history, well, the pope is probably not in that condition yet, although under the auspices of the vatican we know, yes, interesting processes are taking place under the auspices of the vatican, it has always been such a fairly closed diplomatic platform , but which is successfully used, so it seems to me that even yes, the pope, the pope has more options in order to bring interesting things to the negotiating table on the other hand, there is plenty of everything in ukraine, a formula for peace and overall
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prospects, so alexey supports. what jean badriard reads at the faculty of journalism, yes always, this is the basis, the basis of the modern media space, so, probably, they read a lot of this baudriard and yes, they create simulacra for themselves, every time , you know, they spend several months writing this concept of a new simulacra, that zelensky will come to davos, we’ll impose a new new world on everything here, bang a simulacra arrives -
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acted out map and he understands this, he needs to continue to inflate the information bubble in any way, it seems they have an ace up their sleeve there, because...
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they will accept there, the twenty-third year seemed difficult, well, the twenty -fourth year has come, we understand what he can give a head start on the year that has passed, this is what is required of us first of all, first of all, we must maintain the pace that we have already gained, yes, we have entered the year of quality, so we must maintain the quality of our life first of all, the quality of our work, we must understand that in all this turbulent world that is around us... spinning, raging, after all, belarus has its own position, we have our own country, we have our own life, we have our tasks, we are now forming government bodies, holding elections, i think they will take place in a normal, calm environment, we get a margin of safety for at least 5 years, yes, we have issues that need to be resolved in the economy, the president spoke about this at
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the new year’s reception, addressing the prime minister. i said that the economy will be there, everything else will be there, so don’t slow down the pace of work on yourself, yes, keep improving the quality of our life, then i think. everything will be fine with us, i will probably continue this thought as follows: we have ended the world, the year of peace and creation, so it should not end with our land, peace is the component, the main component of the creative development of our state, and we must do everything so that war does not come here, do everything so that our people live peacefully, having hope for the future and... confidence in the future , for this, all components, including the one we just talked about, medicine, it must exist, it must, it must develop, its quality must improve, the economy must develop,
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its quality must improve, the financial component of the state must also, that is all the areas of national security that we are talking about, they must be consolidated, and we must move forward, we must not...
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and there will be no income from exports in the economy, of course it will be very easy to shake us up. thank you very much for this conversation and for participating in the program. that's all for today, see you in a week. what impression does a person who has visited our country get? i remember these scales, these roads, these beautiful stalin buildings that were built, architectural monuments
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that are in minsk, something like this it happened that until now, even though i live here every time, i always smile and think how beautiful minsk is, what belarus is, i always tell with interest that... see the project a look at belarus on our tv channel.


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