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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 23, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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evening prime time and this is a panorama, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let's sum up this day together. the main task is to ensure the security of the country, decisions have been approved for the protection of the state border in 2024,
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the president spoke about the tasks set by the head of state in the project immediately after the panorama, when aggressive ambitions are overflowing, nato is directing billions to purchase weapons, preparing for major exercises , all this for the sake of demonstrating strength to the east, to live where there is no war, a large family from palestine is settling in voluzhin, is settling in, waiting for a new addition and is actively studying the russian language. my colleagues will continue announcing the program. vigilance does not weaken, the president approved the decision to protect the state border, the situation at the borders is predictable and controllable. while nato is intimidating the inconvenient, our country has prepared a national security concept and military doctrine. how these documents will work is discussed in today’s program. today , a scientific expert council begins its work under the central election commission, which includes: lawyers, political scientists. and sociologists,
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we’ll tell you today what the new advisory body will do. repair of agricultural machinery and monitoring the condition of crops, as well as accumulation of seeds and mineral fertilizers. farmers are preparing for the new harvest season. snowy preview of field work on our air. construction of housing, including for large families - all the necessary infrastructure, new jobs and business projects, as well as the preservation of historical memory and the revival of the ancients. a place to live will tell you what you are proud of and what plans are the residents of bykhov making? the president approved the decision to protect the state border in 2024. on the ground in the air. the situation at the borders remains consistently tense, but at the same time predictable and controllable. external challenges to our security have not gone away. neighbors from the eu and ukraine.
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capable of quickly repelling saboteurs or illegal gangs that have violated the border, you need to be on alert, personnel with the commander will have an operational fist, the latest models of equipment and constantly undergoing training to make such a rapid response combat unit was ordered by the president, we are not like that, it’s time. however
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, in the quietest times, the green caps are always in good shape, they serve on the borders without a break for weekend holidays, and the generals are aware that the report to the commander-in-chief can almost strike the chimes, although today’s conversation about the border at the start of the year is traditional, what is the border guard’s bread there is no need to tell aleksandrukashenko, he knows from himself that service in the border troops tempered the character of the future.
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the detachments and commanders have been identified, we know them, we also know the fighters of these detachments in quotes who are ready to fight. against our own country, therefore, as i always tell the military, especially the minister of defense, we should not miss anything, in popular words, in no case should we allow any random developments of events on our border, therefore vigilance and vigilance again, and although people in uniform don’t need to be told twice, this call for vigilance will not be superfluous, the president... understands the conditions under which he has to serve, and today he evaluates the efforts of the border guards and military positively. for now i must say that you are performing your functions well, but today we will listen to the head of our border committee, as well as the chief
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of the general staff, what is the situation on our green, as our border guards say, or today the entire white border. the head of the state program committee will say, but at the same time it is controlled and predictable, this means that they see all the challenges in the south in the west and are ready to adequately respond to them. military behavior of poland and the baltic states and the secret polichenelle: warsaw does not stop throwing weapons, pulling troops and
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equipment to our border, and training at the lithuanian training ground pobrade, as well as the presence of an american battalion, is commonplace. the border territory of lithuania is actively used for... the deployment of units of the armed forces of the united states and germany, conducting operational-tactical level exercises with their participation , up to 12 exercises were conducted in total in 2023, the main place of conduct, in addition to the border contingent, they brought up the armed forces there, and latvia and lithuania, especially, including and foreign ones, especially the lithuanian president, especially lithuania - this is germany, germany and the usa - this is predominant. the military needs to keep them in mind and, frankly, let’s say, keep them in sight. on the latvian section of the state border last year , migrants were often expelled to our territory. the latvian security forces are fierce, 43 deaths were recorded and many were wounded foreigners who
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had to be nursed by the belarusians. refugees go to europe for salvation, but it cruelly turns its back, or rather, a wall, a meaningless road, like in poland. co sides. poland, in the created barrier in the form of a 5 m high fence , a video surveillance system, anti-undermining people conduct daily aerial reconnaissance patrols along the state border, at the same time, my sources, including border guards and the military, officially inform me that this fence against migrants practically does not work , migrants overcome it without problems, is this true or not? absolutely right, the poles themselves evaluate it. the efficiency of your fence is only 60%, no more. this year, the priority in border protection is to identify and suppressing challenges to our national interests. efforts will be focused on ensuring a visa-free regime for citizens of lithuania, latvia and poland. they will continue to expand the engineering infrastructure of the borders.
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the commander-in-chief approved the decision. the situation on the state border, in the border space. today is steadily tense, there are certain decreases, primarily probably related to weather conditions, the flows of illegal migration, those military challenges that come from countries neighboring ones, we see, recognize them , react in a timely manner, in cooperation with the ministry of defense, with the state security committee, the ministry of internal affairs, instructions have been issued, including closed ones... of a nature, but in general the main instructions for our both departments today, first of all, i’m talking about my own for the border service authorities, this is reliable protection of the state border in the current conditions. the situation on the external contour has an impact on the protection of the belarusian
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state border in the airspace, increases risks and challenges, the general staff emphasizes. the number of provocations, alas, is not decreasing; we have to be fully prepared. the armed forces are taking additional measures to build up the radar field, the strength of the technical troops, and the forces of electronic warfare, which can successfully. an event to detect violating vessels, as well as to influence them. the level of provocation in the airspace has remained at the same level, and it should be noted that the saturation of our radio technical troops with new models such as domestic production, such as those received from the russian federation, expand the capabilities of our air force and air defense forces to uncover such attempts, both provocations and possible accidental violations, and we can... monitor, document this event, and accordingly make claims to our neighboring countries , which, but i hope
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that they do this by accident, and not intentionally, even accidents cannot be overlooked, people in uniform cannot afford , the country and the safety of the people are behind them, well, border guards are always the first to guard the homeland, so they will strengthen themselves on all fronts. natalia brios, veronica buta, alexander oleshka, telenews agency. how does belarus react to the situation that is developing at our borders? what are the features of decisions to protect the state border this year? konstantin molostov and viktor gulevich will talk about the president’s conversation today in the project. watch right after the panorama. when neighbors brandish weapons and prepare new provocations, we should not miss anything, in popular words, vigilance and once again vigilance. belarus is held at gunpoint. any threats, so that there are no preconditions for hostilities, violations,
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provocations, the situation is tense but controlled, our reconnaissance capabilities will be increased in order to control what is happening in the adjacent territory, our borders are under reliable protection as on earth , one of the main tasks is the peace of mind of our citizens, so in the sky, the duty system functions constantly, in the morning the chairman of the state border committee... the chief of the general staff they reported this to the head of state, in the evening they will tell you about the project, a conversation with the president , look after the panorama, the situation on the external perimeter of belarus suggests that we really should let our guard down, and there is no way we can relax, nato is announcing new arms purchases. signed in brussels.
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restore at least some faith in the alliance. in a protracted conflict from which everyone is tired, nato leaders are trying to create
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the appearance of serious preparation for world war iii, military analysts conclude. however, with them you can not agree. first of all, this is a justification for huge military budgets. and secondly, we have already seen what the madness of nato generals in different parts of the world led to, so provocations are not excluded. once it happened with a ukrainian missile that fell on... the territory of poland, all of washington’s european allies immediately blamed russia for the incident, but finally warsaw publicly admitted that the projectile that flew into its territory was ukrainian. for more than a year, the polish prosecutor's office tried to understand that the tractor in november 2022 in the lublin voivodeship ukrainian air defenses were blown up after all. then two men died in the village of pshevodov. russia is no longer more or less, at that time they tried to blame the country on a nato member, it is difficult to imagine how events could develop further. despite the obvious agony
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of the armed forces of ukraine and the inability of the dictator zelensky to achieve the task dictated to him to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, the west will not allow peace in ukraine. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov stated this at a meeting of the un security council, the reason why the west is leading themselves in such a cynical and criminal manner is obvious.
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they were leased to him for an indefinite period, as we say, at a cheap price. and for washington, continued assistance to ukraine is a guarantee of creating new jobs in the united states and a profitable business project. for them, this is not just a war against russia, but also a strategic goal of sharply weakening europe as an economic competitor.
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the united states and great britain carried out at least 18 new attacks on yemen, this is already the eighth series of attacks. washington on the targets of the yemeni houthis, the second joint operation with great britain from january 12. earlier, the houthis came out in support of palestine and said that they would not allow ships associated with israel to pass through the babel al-mandep strait. i note that the anglo-saxon coalition operates with the support of australia, bahrain, canada and the netherlands. the hamas movement has rejected israel's offer of a two-month truce. the discussion was about the possible release of israeli hostages in exchange for palestinians. at the same time , the leader of the movement and other leaders were asked to leave gaza and go to another country. official tel aviv warned, that agreement would not mean the end
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of the conflict. the fighting would continue, but with less intensity. hamas. insists on a final ceasefire before the exchange of civilians begins, i note that during the escalation of the conflict, the death toll in the gaza strip has already exceeded 25,000 people, and the israeli air force reported new strikes on hezbollah targets in lebanon. work, raise children , start a new life where there is no shooting or bombing. belarus continues to help people who were previously evacuated from the sector gas in hospitable. the largest family from palestine, the spouses evgenia and sallah eldin, settled in volozhin. today there was another meeting of the erkiyek family with representatives of the district and minsk region leadership. the palestinian ambassador to belarus also came to volozhen. in the further adaptation of the family, it is very important to arrange each of them in their own specialty. today we discussed
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who can do what, how and what, what diplomas, what documents. naturally, they have many of them. without documents, we will take it upon ourselves, we will clarify these documents with the ministries and new we will give them documents, and i think that life is getting better and should be getting better in such a country, a peaceful beautiful country like belarus, we came to our native country, you know, because i lived here for 6 years, when we studied so belarusian 90 was the first before ninety-seven, that’s why it’s all the more so this is our native country.
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our country is very close to chita erkieg, her husband evgeniy received a higher education at the belgus university of physical education and became a successful rehabilitation therapist and massage therapist. now both adults and children mira and sallah teach russian language. very soon, a new addition to the family of the youngest son is expected. new collegial advisory body. created today under the central election commission, this is a scientific expert council, composed of those who have advanced achievements in the field of law, including electoral and constitutional. the council will analyze the execution.
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in minsk at site 248, an additional list will be formed there. sites will not be formed abroad. the elections are proceeding calmly and according to plan, with no incidents. at the moment, the cycle has received about 200 citizen appeals, oral appeals. as a rule, these requests are related to what, they clarify what documents are required for those.
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the stage of registration of potential candidates for deputies continues. this process will end on january 30th. the cic reported. that none of the nominees have been registered yet, documents are being checked, the numbers of accredited observers are growing every day, from national ones there are 4439 people, 58 long-term observers from the cis mission have also started work. belarus and uzbekistan based on last year's results. we have crossed the trade turnover bar of $600 million, but this is far from the limit; our level should be at least a billion. business interests also contribute to this. today
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, more than a hundred representatives of business circles from various fields, from light industry to industry, gathered in minsk. when visiting the enterprises, you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with our production. i think this acquaintance that will take place locally will probably allow us to get out. also for projects that will be joint projects, not only trade, but i think that our industrial cooperation between uzbekistan and belarus will give a new impetus to our bilateral development, we also want the business circles of belarus to jointly create enterprises here in uzbekistan, and also open up a large market for themselves, we have. uzbekistan is also interested
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in opening its own trading house in minsk, and site options are being discussed. new successes in space exploration, strengthening nuclear energy, unique developments in the field of medicine. creating a line of domestic electric transport, belarusian scientists in on the eve of science day, they sum up their work over the past year. in 2023, nas provided support for more than 35 programs, from fundamental to industry-specific. the year was full of results, which also contributed to the growth of the belarusian economy. according to preliminary estimates of the organization of the main scientific school, which. there are over a hundred, and they have earned $60 million from exports. today the academy of sciences interacts with 100 countries from china,
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india and cuba to western europe and japan. at the academy has 48 international research centers, and over the past year alone it was visited by delegations from 40 countries. the result is the development of joint competencies. not so long ago, minsk joined the lunar moon. program is a russian-chinese project to create and operate an international scientific lunar station. a declaration of cooperation has been signed, and the academy’s specialized institutes are already interacting with similar structures in the middle kingdom. the developments of belarusian scientists today cover all areas, from the latest prototypes of flu vaccines, also antigens that teach the patient's immune system to fight cancer. and belarusian nuclear scientists are now working on it. selection of territory and justification for the construction of a new power plant. currently , a register of promising projects has been formed - this includes 81
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project proposals. projects continue to come from different spheres of the national economy, we have considered the creation of the so -called 5g mobile network - this is a new technological structure, we have formed a proposal for its development, i think that before by the end of the week we will send the advice to the minister for consideration and the head of state will do the same after that. next we have a number of large enterprises in line for construction, but if there are proposals, it will be in the region. mechanical engineering, we will need to create a plant, most likely for electric vehicles. in total , about 450 organizations carried out scientific research and development in belarus last year. the network of technology parks is expanding, today there are 17 of them, and more than 260 residents are registered. the volume of production exceeded the results of 2016 by 6 times. from
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scientific and technological sovereignty to food safety , belarusian farmers are preparing for the new harvest season, repairing agricultural equipment and checking the condition of crops. the weather was surprising in contrasts, but the plants were in good condition. in total, almost 2 million hectares are covered with winter crops this year. elena vitko about the winter format of the agro-industrial complex. the condition is still good, it's still wintering . at the highest level , green seedlings are protected from freezing by a blanket of snow, here, for example, raws winters, an area of ​​50 hectares, in total in the experimental base kotovsky in the fall, almost 2.0 hectares were settled , grain crops also feel comfortable, there is no increased consumption of nutrients, which is poorly associated, usually when there are such jumps, plus or minus, the land is not frozen, that is, nutrients are consumed and the plants die, at the moment
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plants... a state of rest and, that is, everything is fine. the condition of crops is monitored in all farms of the minsk blareservis, this is about 4. winter hectares, and as soon as the growing season begins for the plants, they will begin fertilizing. nitrogen is accumulated by rutting and local farmers are provided with phosphorus fertilizers by 90%. now they are purchasing seeds. we plan to sow 1,500 hectares of grain and leguminous crops with cereals and 1,400 hectares of corn in the spring. we now have 800 hectares left to plow the soil to prepare, we don’t know what spring will be like, long, short, cold, warm, we have a very small window to carry out a very wide range of work, in order to comply with agricultural technology and meet the harvest deadline, we don’t need only professional personnel, serviceable equipment, selkie plows, cultivators, sprayers, in total there are more than 50 special units on this site, soil-cultivating
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equipment... is completely ready and is already waiting for the start of spring field work, usually in the first half of march. the agricultural season will be opened by cables, a machine for applying mineral fertilizers and protective equipment, the baton will be picked up by equipment for plowing to cover moisture, repairs are carried out in stages. troubleshooting of equipment, units is carried out, spare parts are ordered, paid for, gradually arriving at the warehouse, we repair. at this stage we see repairs to the cultivator. tractor repair 1221 and repair of the mtz 3522 tractor. test drives and comprehensive maintenance before sowing are carried out by alexander kuryanovich, now, for example, he is checking the brake system. he has been working as a machine operator for 25 years, during which time he has earned a reputation as an experienced engineer. we need to fix it so that everything is fine for us, so that we can work reliably, rather in the field, where the day passes faster, winter
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drags on. its golden hour already. combines are waiting, all 13 on this farm have been repaired and painted, energy-rich tractors are next in line, general readiness equipment in agricultural branches 70%. the first technical inspections will take place on february 16. elena bitko, andrey gorodoboev and andrey novgorodtsev, tv news agency. meanwhile, french farmers continue to protest against government measures that, in their opinion, are ruining agriculture. they block roads, hundreds of tractors entered the city of agen, blocked highways and...
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germany, austria and romania. and so far europe. the same protests do not subside in poland and lithuania, which suffer from the short-sighted policies of their authorities. belarusians peacefully create and work for benefit of the development of your country. we also value history and love our small homeland. bykhov is the center of the revival of folk traditions, weaving straw, this is where the production of valuable fish species started, a place where you want to live, that’s what the townspeople say.
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this is our heart, the center of bykhov, the sculptural composition in honor of the barkalabov chronicle in the 15th century was described here. important milestones in the history of bykhov and mogilev, the rural way of life. by the way, the first meteorological observations were indicated precisely in it. unfortunately, the chronicle has not reached our times. the composition itself looks like pages from a historical document and the image of the barkolabovskaya icon of the mother of god. it was miraculously preserved; for a long time it was in the trinity church here in bykhov. later, the shrine returned to the monastery restored to its original place and took its place. now this is our main tourist destination. residents of bykhov respect the history
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of malaya rodina, all these years they have been adding to the exhibitions of the historian of the local history museum; not so long ago it moved to the building of the former men's gymnasium. now there are six halls, from archeology to the military glory of bykhov, including during the great patriotic war, a total of over 7,500 exhibits, documents with stories about our famous fellow countrymen. today vykhov is not only a cultural, but also an industrial center, there is an enterprise for the production of canned vegetables, natural juices, millions of units of products annually, and also the main export product
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of butter and milk powder. by the way, i work at this enterprise as a specialist in raw materials. more importantly, bykhov became a center of development. v in belarus, the production of valuable species of fish, trout farms were the first to appear here, now it is not only cultivation, starting from eggs, but also the production of finished products, and this means jobs, and export, and also import substitution. thanks to economic development, the social sphere has also improved. last year, after major renovations, two schools opened, and the classrooms became bright and cozy. modern laboratories appeared. for schoolchildren, the district hospital will soon be renovated, major renovations are underway, three more sports grounds have opened in a year, by the way, you can relax with the whole family at the fork
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, a multifunctional center with a swimming pool, many sections for children and adults, people stay here, in their small homeland in bykhov, and return here, so a lot of housing is being built, this microdistrict has grown in just a few years, this year another twenty-apartment building will be built, and large families will celebrate their housewarming. it is very important that the state pays such attention to the development of our small towns. today there is everything to live in peace, raise children, make plans and be proud of your homeland. this is our bykhov, a place to live.
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winter holiday of sports and children's victories. the city stage of the republican competition has started in minsk. snow sniper. united almost a hundred young biathletes from every district of the capital who dream of becoming professional athletes. on the first day , girls took to the starts, each age group had its own route, then... i really hope that i will go into professional sports, skiing for me is something more than, for example, different hobbies, interests, this is my whole life, so i will try my best to win this year. i’m participating for the first year, i came to the city, i’m targeting the republic. because i really like skiing, it’s a very interesting activity, i love
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sports, biathlon, i went to it, that is , from school, well, i started everything gradually, i came to my goal, the preparation went well, i strived towards my goal, i’m ready to get first place, snow slopes have been prepared in every region, where school competitions took place, they are still taking place now competitions. among the already adult students are college students, so the conditions have been created for the children to feel like real athletes and we support this in every possible way, we attract our coaches, famous athletes, so that they have someone to look up to. snow sniper helps to reveal talent among schoolchildren; the winners of individual and team competitions will take part in a training camp. and then they will defend the honor of the city at
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the republican tournament. these are the main events of this day, and with this i say goodbye, broadcast will continue the project of the president’s conversation: how belarus reacts to the situation that is developing at our borders, what are the features of decisions on protecting the state border this year, watch right now. when neighbors brandish weapons and prepare new provocations, we should not...
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the chief of the general staff reported this to the head of state, in the evening they will tell you the project in the morning the chairman of the state border committee has a conversation with the president, watch right now. konstantin gennaevich, hello, hello, how would you assess the situation at the borders last year right now with approval of the decision to protect the state border in the next period, i reported in detail to the president of the republic of belarus alexander grigoryevich lukashenko about the developing situation.
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as for our border area, in principle everything is calm in our border area, the local population along the border is busy with their own issues, preparations are underway for the main event in our country this year, the single voting day, we are protecting the state border in cooperation with law enforcement agencies with support. to local authorities authorities and local population. one of the ways
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to increase the security of creating maneuver groups, the corresponding task was set by the president; this powerful mobile reserve is capable of quickly covering the required section of the border in case of aggravation of the situation. the instructions of the head of state are carried out in accordance with the plan for the construction and development of border service agencies. thus, the formation of a maneuver group was recently completed in the mozor border detachment. the length of its section. responsibility over 360 km by water and land, everything necessary is equipped here infrastructure, border guards have armored and off-road equipment at their disposal since...
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what year, and at the end of 2023 we note a reduction in these small provocations, including the use of unmanned aerial vehicles. what is this connected with, probably with many factors, including the situation inside the country of ukraine, probably, and as i
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have repeatedly noted, of course, it depends on the subjective factor of who is there. next to us on a certain side, directly nearby state border, some behave with dignity, others not so much, but probably the number of provocations, the number and content of these provocations depends on this. and how is the situation developing now with refugees, who still want to get to a bright future on the border with the baltic countries. the situation with refugees, well, it is not the first year, it has been developing for several years, we all know this situation, the flow is very serious and significant, we, the belarusian side, the belarusian border guards, are taking certain steps to combat, especially with organized
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forms, with those groups, organizations, people who are illegally engaged in illegal migration, the flow of refugees from... due to weather conditions, seasonality, fell a little, well, that is, due to winter, but then , that now is a cold time, well, of course, winter, especially, you know very well, repeatedly in the media, there were materials about how many refugees died on the state border, in our border, in the adjacent one, therefore, of course, including informational, people watch and make fewer attempts to cross. law on the state border. there is no need to talk about the stabilization of the migration situation on the border of belarus with poland, lithuania and latvia. immigrants from eastern countries still strive to get to the european union, where they are met with batons and gas canisters, and this is at best. european law enforcement officers do not stop violating international and
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european law. security forces bring helpless people to the border, sometimes barefoot and without warm outer clothing, sick people and even near death. there were cases when half-dead or already dead people were thrown through animal gates or other refugees were forced to drag corpses through the fence. in 2023 , almost twice as many people have already died at the border than in the previous 2 years combined . it is unknown how many people died on the other side of the border. tragic statistics are kept silent, media access for volunteers in the border areas is limited. human rights organizations which... talk about violence are persecuted by local authorities, and criminal cases are even initiated against individual representatives. now let's talk about crossing the border within the law. if i'm not mistaken, if my latest statistics are correct, that's literally it...


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