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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 23, 2024 10:05pm-11:01pm MSK

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conflict with russia, but at the same time conducts an unprecedented-scale exercise. bauer repeats this so often that it becomes suspicious: we are conflict-free, but we must be prepared if russia attacks us. beware of a false flag operation, like the nord stream sabotage in '22, in the coming months. these nato madmen are ready for anything. while nato is preparing for exercises, weapons are rattling at the borders of belarus, our security bloc is leading. work to maintain peace in the region and suppress all kinds of provocations. special attention to security at the border and monitoring what is happening nearby. the border territory of lithuania is actively used for the deployment of units of the armed forces of the united states and germany; up to twelve exercises were conducted with their participation at the operational-tactical level in 2023. main venue except. border
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contingent, they brought in armed forces there, both latvia and lithuania, especially, including foreign ones, especially lithuania, the president, especially lithuania, this is germany, germany, the usa - this is the predominance, well, the military needs to keep them in mind and keep them openly, let's say, in the price. it should be noted once again that the final preparation of two most important documents after the constitution is currently underway. the concept of national security and military doctrine are the very documents that, in such unstable times around belarus, will allow us to preserve not just peace, but also our identity, traditional family values, this is also part of our national security. the situation around the country, the concept of national security and we will discuss military doctrine today by andrei, deputy head of the faculty of the general staff of the armed forces of the military academy of belarus.
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andrei petrovich, hello, hello, today there was news that the poles scrambled their planes, explaining that they allegedly spotted russian long-range planes, in fact, because wars did not even begin with such cases, little things are enough for , because now they are trying to provoke us, but we understand why, but we are holding back, that’s the plus of the exercises, literally beyond our border, but how today is it possible to evaluate such actions on our part?
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especially on the eve of our election campaign, i think they will constantly provoke provocations in 24 and 25. during literally our twenty-third year, twenty -fourth year, i am correcting myself, which has just begun, which has just begun, a huge number of exercises have been planned in the first half, that is, the most important thing is that a general exercise is being carried out, which will be called defender 224, the intention of this exercise will be transfer of troops here to the east. that is to the eastern european theater of military operations, their rapid deployment near our borders, the creation of strike groups and the conduct of various strategic operations, primarily of an offensive nature, that is, this is the idea of ​​these exercises, within the framework of this exercise two more are being carried out, this is with on the one hand, the joint armed forces of nato are conducting staunch defender 2024.
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the second exercise is carried out by the united states of america, specifically the command of the european and african land zone troops of the united states of america. in total, it is planned to involve more than 90 thousand personnel, several thousand pieces of equipment, that is, in fact , you must understand, this is a very very global exercise that has not been carried out since the cold war, it seems that they are preparing for something, despite the fact that , that... their documents are of a defensive nature, yesterday i just went to the nato website, read it, got acquainted with the latest documents, with their latest meetings, they declare that they are preparing for the defense of their countries, on today there are 31 countries, sweden will also be added to them, we see that this will not be a defense at all, because the offensive, that we are approaching the borders, why they are buffeting can’t say directly, it’s all connected, we understand with ukraine , and the fact that today there is a rocking of this situation. i
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think it is unlikely that in 2024 they will begin any serious armed actions, but this will be a dress rehearsal specifically on issues of military counteraction, perhaps. invasion of our territory states, the main thing for us is not to screw it up when these groups are actually created, that is, most likely, what will be transferred to the eastern flank, as they say, these are weapons and military equipment, it can remain at these bases, and these bases are actively being prepared on the territory lithuania , latvia, the baltic states, not to mention poland, romania and so on, everything else, these bases are being prepared in the most active way in order to store equipment, repair it, and the base is just repairing...
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to build a military policy in order to ensure security and, above all, security in nine spheres, a ninth sphere appears in our country, this is biological security, within these nine spheres there is military security, the most important sphere that should ensure peace for us, that is, military doctrine
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is not primarily about that , how to wage war, but on how to protect peace on our land, within the framework of the military doctrine we consider various risks. challenges threats, that is, this is the degree of gradation of how this can be expected, including military doctrine, it is very clear today fits precisely into all the rule-making processes that take place in our country, including taking into account the fact that we are part of a union state; when developing these documents, including union documents, we took into account, first of all, the national security strategy of the russian federation . and of course the military doctrine of the union state, that is, these aspects, they are taken into account, therefore the document, it turned out to be external, and it will be alive and working, this document, as part of the creation of the military doctrine, was taken into account first of all military-political situation and conditions for its development. andrei petrovich, i would also like
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to draw attention to the fact that it was written that in the event of an attack on our allies , belarus will also support its allies, so you can also dwell on this point in more detail. carried out as part of the organization of a collective security treaty, and of course, it is based on the developments that we formed and created together with our russian colleagues, as part of the organization and creation of a regional grouping of troops
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forces, so this is all written down , it will be possible to read it in the near future, i think, after the adoption of this document, it will be widely available, this is not a secret, not a closed document, unlike other states, we are nothing... our people i don't plan to hide it. andrey petrovich, thank you very much. the draft military doctrine gives an unambiguous message: we must not allow a situation where it will be too late to react. that is why the emphasis is on containing military conflicts. therefore, no matter how much someone doesn’t like nuclear weapons on the territory belarus, this is our necessary measure to protect ourselves from the militaristic west and its ambiguous plans. and... exercises on the so-called defense, but this is probably different, you need to understand, yaxenia lebedeva was with you, see you in the next program.
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hello, you are watching the program “say don’t be silent.” in the studio of victoria popova and tatiana shcherbina. and our guest today is a political scientist vadim borovik. good afternoon. good afternoon. hello, vadim, we are very glad to see you again in our studio. last week, at one of the meetings, alexander lukashenko raised the topic of sovereigns. whatever, but there must be two sovereign, independent states, all sorts of blathering
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and writing, i just read a review that that ’s it, belarus is losing sovereignty, we are not losing anything, not only you, but also journalists, you see that in this sovereign territory that belongs to our people, only we make decisions and act only in exceptional conditions, which...
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pragmatic relations with belarus, friendly, fraternal, but we see that today we have strengthened
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militarily thanks to the russian federation, tactical nuclear weapons are also a guarantee of our security and ensuring sovereignty, this is an opportunity for us with huge funds not to be distracted by the armed forces, including, we will naturally support the armed forces and give them due attention, but tactical nuclear weapons are a serious deterrent. pledge sovereignty, russia has completely opened its market for us, in this vein we can say that we have no problems, so we need to take into account the fact that there is an information war going on, these clumsy statements of public people often use enemy forces in their interests,
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in order to create the wrong mood in society, one must be careful in statements.
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and there are interests, to warm up our hands on this, it ’s not like here we are, it’s always beneficial, because there is a change in political elites during look, any political company in the world , elections, or political elites retain power, in this situation you can finance certain political movements, bring them to power or destabilize the situation already in this troubled water, catch the fish that is beneficial to you, and then there is. always interested, what interests me is the economy, yes, the capture of certain markets, these are some geopolitical ambitions, these are issues of geostrategic planning, that is, buffer zones create or points of instability, chaos, you understand, to unfortunately, this notorious tear of a child, human rights, when
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the us secretary of state cries about the victims in ukraine, when we see victims in the gas sector, he says that:
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he will serve as an example to most politicians around the world, look, because what he, thanks to his attitude towards the belarusian man, towards the belarusian, towards the common people, he did not allow the republic of belarus to become involved in military conflicts throughout the entire sovereign period of our history, and there were cases not only now, but this attitude towards...
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the average person, the ordinary person, did not suffer , that is, our policy is more humane, that is , we are adequately aware of our role in the world, we do not otherwise claim territory, we do not have these global ambitions, to redistribute something there, we want to was it considered our position to have a worthy place in the system of international relations, while we do not want to achieve results in the economy, military, politically and otherwise at the expense of someone? on the contrary, we try to work on the plus-to-plus principle, yes, that is, you should it’s profitable to be with us, you should feel good with us, tell me one partner in the world who wasn’t profitable to work with us, everyone was profitable, ukraine was. very much, only to those to whom we did not submit, that is, to whom we did not give ourselves, it was profitable to work , it was profitable for the european union, we processed petroleum products , the cleanest purification in the post-soviet space,
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we took inexpensive russian resources, processed petroleum products with the purest purification , please, transit, quality of transit, safety, infrastructure for they were built, please, ukraine needs help, that means they were clearing the fields with our diesel engine, they didn’t have time to clear them, we sent them our tractors, supplied bitumen for the roads. that we have preserved industry, that we have retained personnel, that we are responsible for russia, especially in the current situation, then we are approaching the fulfillment of our obligations, this is very beneficial for russia, look, belarus, well, thanks, among other things, in many ways and first of all to that.
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continent, finishing answering the question about lavrov, that is, what is lavrov talking about? these revolutions, which, as you and i have determined, are carried out not in the interests of peoples, not in order to ensure the rights and interests of citizens, but in order to solve certain tasks that international players set for themselves, we do not let us allow our sovereign right to determine the fate of our peoples to be infringed on our territory, that’s all, that’s about it. says: and for this we will use all methods within our countries, and if there is aggression from outside, we will resist this shoulder to shoulder aggression, but i hope
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it won’t reach a military phase on a global scale, i hope so. well, look, now in poland the order of the ministry of defense on changes to the regulations for conscription in the army in the event of mobilization has come into force; now, when mobilization is announced, a pole must report to the conscription office within 6 hours; he will be punished for being late. looked, firstly, you must always understand the other side, but in order to work with anyone, with any side, even your most dangerous opponent, you must well
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take his place, that’s right, take the place of the poles, naturally, they also have some concerns, but understand, our friends in washington, they are great masters at this, managed to create such a nerve in eurasia, such non-reconciliation, mutual ... trust to constantly exploit it, you only need to convince one side that you are being threatened, it will begin to increase its military potential, become stronger, the other side will be forced to respond, even if it did not have aggressive plans, you know, yes, when they adding fuel to the fire constantly to both sides, then this creates such tension, this is a very profitable project for them, so on the one hand in poland, even well... remember, we
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buried common, so to speak, national heroes, we traded , they came and so on and worked together, yes, but this option did not suit certain countries, regarding poland, which means that the first thing they have is objective fears, well listen, we say that there is a war on our borders, for belarusians, this causes caution, our territory is not deep enough for us a military conflict, a disaster, you know, those who like to play other tunes. who do not understand anything in principle, even in military affairs, i do not pretend, i am not an expert, but i am saying that they often begin to join some neighboring armies, for example, i am against this, we have little depth territory, if we are involved in a military conflict, either side, the consequences will be catastrophic for the economy, for infrastructure, for demography, this is precisely why we have
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a tactical one. weapons, so we must after all, in these matters of ensuring national security, act as a sovereign state, taking into account our allied obligations, but nowhere to run ahead of the locomotive, and certainly not to participate proactively somewhere, the same for the poles, on the one hand they have a war on the border, you see, at the border, they have refugees, naturally they have a certain tension, but there are questions for the poles, who created this tension, they were in many ways... active in relation to us, but in relation to belarus they behaved brazenly in the elections on instructions, including from american intelligence, but they themselves were not against it, which means , yes, they themselves were not against grodno, brest, they were not against vilnius coming to them, yes, that is, the americans were able to exploit this idea of ​​a great poland very competently at one time, that is, they may have calculated in the twentieth year, we are not saying exactly, but in
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principle... headquarters from there from this place calling for belarus, that is, causing us direct economic damage, yes direct economic damage, these territories were marked on our faces, the polish government protects these people , but i don’t even want to remember them here, we should completely forget these names, their actions towards us, we didn’t do anything bad to them, we never interfered in their elections, if you look at it this way, we they have already said in this studio more than once that all sanctions, all actions.
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a european state, we are in the center of europe and we show you how they behave in europe, they don’t meddle in other people’s affairs, they don’t interfere in other people ’s elections, they don’t close down, you know, we’re a civilized country, we don’t divide belovezhskaya pushcha is fenced off, nature and the living world are being reaped, but we further analyze it, that is, we, as civilized people, are fine. but to come under external control voluntarily, that is, they , because the americans deceived them, exploiting this idea of ​​​​greater poland, we will help you, pumping them up with certain means, they achieved that the american contingent is stationed there, it is not a fact that this contingent will not start movement without asking the polish government what the danger is, you understand, of course, that is, there is - map geopolitical, which needs to be played out, what is the danger, perhaps even the polish
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government... guided by the principles of self-preservation, well, would not begin any actions, but in relation to, including belarus, realizing that we are allies with the russian federation, understanding that we have tactical nuclear weapons, can we 100% rule out that poland, being partially under external control, well, not completely, not like ukraine, let’s say, yes, it will be able to provide at hour x,
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today itself high level politics they can guarantee you a 100% scenario, especially considering the information war, i wouldn’t want to ignite gasoline in the fire. but we must understand several aspects: first, they have objective, that is, circumstances that force society itself, because society must be prepared to worry about its safety, second, they have this well-exploited idea of ​​a great poland, which is exploited by third countries, they already have a significant dependence on washington and... obligations to it, for every billion dollars, every billion will have to be calculated in some way, including in a military sense, and fourth, they cannot 100% guarantee that there will be no movement from their territories without
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taking their will into account, that’s all, therefore today this is a decision, but what you said there about the military commissar and so on, we have strengthened ourselves and russia has increased its responsibility for... here is a situation that was provoked from the outside, and europe, acting as an instrument, constantly provoked russia to escalate tensions, that is to us in europe, to us in eurasia does not benefit from a military conflict
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, this is obvious, today we saw this in an economic sense, and the fact that north american companies have grown, that part of the capital has been withdrawn, that the dollar maintains its dominance in the system of international payments, there is an economic crisis in europe , the russian federation has demonstrated the resistance of the economy , nevertheless, but they do not want to talk about it , and i will not emphasize here during the information war, but also part of the resources, including that gdp growth, it abstractly, you understand for what purposes, yes, this is a completely different growth, you understand or not, at a time when they can develop certain technologies. to seize certain markets to take advantage of this advantage, the fact that there is no war on their territory, they are holding us back, that is, today ukraine is a country that slightly hinders the development of europe and the russian
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federation, in the event of an escalation in our country, this project will be even more successful, i say again, i initially said that no one sets goals, goals of victory. in the region, this year we managed to resist, next year, in the third year, perhaps certain internal political or other events did not go so well, yes, that is, containment, but our task in
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this matter is to break their scenario, russia it is partially possible to break this scenario, well , since the calculation was that the russian economy, for example, would be much less resistant to such challenges. yes, well, it is partially successful, yes, europe is not fully coping, we see today in germany and in a number of other countries such quite serious tension, yes, but you understand, this is not enough for them, unfortunately, as dear alexander grigorievich spoke about, and that we have entered a very serious, very dangerous phase, today in the middle east they are trying to destabilize the situation, yes.
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well, what should i do, you know, the person thinks , you’re talking about the middle east, you’re talking about russia, about germany, but what can i, what, what, what can i influence, you can influence, you can really influence, here in the country, in your own country, hear what the authorities would like from you, at least don’t participate in some extremist activities, just carry out your duties efficiently and live a normal life, let's at least maintain internal stability, then it will be easier for the government, the first person, the president of the country on the external contour. to achieve the main thing, and what is the main thing, everyone, what is
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the main request now? world? here you are, this comes right away from you, so the president comes to any work collective, the first thing he hears from people is peace, we want peace, so that he can be the first to ensure peace, and this is a very serious balance, you know, this is very seriously necessary to ensure a balance of someone's interests, we must be strong and stable inside, then we will not be drawn in, not as soon as we are weak from within, we can be forced. this is what creates discomfort for them, in politics they have their own movements there, they have no time for war,
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you know, and we would really like to count on the fact that, after all, the poles have sovereignty, this is how we talk about sovereignty, this is our sovereignty is that we did not allow anyone to drag us into the military; your words, vadim, regarding possible provocations, we don’t fully know what happened in the gas sector, who was there in those slippers, who shot, who? it’s worth keeping your head cool and unsubscribing, at least from extremist channels, but for now we’ll take a break for a while, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are connected.
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just one chance to show your strength. who wrote the poem about the absent-minded man from basseynaya street? which family was the last owner of mir castle. demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country. the main thing is, of course, your knowledge. well, how savvy our participants are. right now, what does the hockey expression "drop the mitts" mean? maxim, the players are preparing for a fight, mikhail sanata , sanata, sanata, clarify, sanet, sanet, sanet, absolutely correct, the smartest and bravest people gather here, we’ll visit the dachshunds and popkviz, we have a brain slaughterhouse in the small town, what kind of sport can you tell us or it's a secret? no, there are no secrets, master of sports in artistic gymnastics and master of sports in...
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the us national debt has been achieved, they live at the expense of others, and this is a very important element that the united states will try to preserve at any cost. all politics is based on this now, it’s very nice to talk about democracy, to actually make money from human blood. we have different motivations, these people only want money, we are committed to creation. thank you very much to our alexander grigorievich that we have peace. order and that we don’t have war, many don’t understand this, it’s like air
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that you don’t notice when it ends, you begin to understand that you have lost , markov’s project is nothing personal, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, the program say don’t be silent is on air again, and today our guest is political scientist vadim borovik, on the world... even worse than the pandemic that we already have survived, covid, what? you think about this news and in general, well , unknown science-pathogens appear, as we already know from covid, this is when you need to check something somewhere and throw it for the war, that is, nothing good, for sure , but this throw does not promise us , unfortunately, the forum in davos, which is designed to
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unite the efforts of countries to increase their well-being, to strengthen trade and economic transactions, it... has largely lost this function, since sanctions are being discussed, some discriminatory measures are being discussed against third countries, the russian federation is not participating , and so on, that is, this is not the same forum and does not at all live up to the expectations that ordinary citizens of the countries that represent and send their representatives to this forum have. well, look what a blow covid dealt in the chinese economy, and the chinese economy is still... the economy is recovering from this, it was very difficult to come out of this sub-covid period, and the chinese economy, let me remind you, is the driver of the world economy, because there was significant growth in the annual chinese economy, and even today for us, any such events, if they actually come to life, they are dangerous,
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because directly, well, obviously, the first is a person’s life. and she will be saved first of all, but we must understand that there is also a question about the consequences of social, political, economic, yes, again, alexander goryevich the day before during the events related to covid, he absolutely rightly said, the world is being redivided, this is one of the methods, yes, but as a good method, restrain development, that is, you put on pause their economy, those who knew, they produced a vaccine, forced them to buy the european union. billions of dollars worth of this vaccine, now it is lying around, now a new vaccine may be needed, there are doubts about its spontaneous natural origin of this kind of virus, there is a suspicion that after all, this is being used by certain forces for the purpose of a more effective
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redistribution of interests in our world, but i want to draw your attention to the fact that in any case we will face this, humanity will face this, significantly. the production system and the labor market will change, experts have been talking about this for the last few years, today, for example, until about the thirtieth year there will be a struggle for labor resources and, moreover , labor resources of a certain competence, even a certain ethnicity, because it is not always convenient to adapt labor resources from certain regions that are not ready. fit into the environment, are not ready to begin performing duties, are not ready to undergo training, that is , there will be a struggle for certain labor resources for the purpose of competition, in the future there will be a question of how to get rid of them, because they will not be needed taking into account the automation of many processes , that is why these conditional income programs in certain
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european countries, we heard, let us work for 4 days, get paid the same as for five, and maybe for 3 days we’ll get paid for five, the question is where to put the extra money.
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it’s not a fact that he will later provide some kind of economic support to this same parent, it’s the same thing today for a person at an enterprise, it’s that it’s a production unit, which, well, should generate a certain amount of revenue per capita for each employee, and an economic effect than the more efficient per employee, the higher the revenue, the more efficient the enterprise, yes, but today, for example, in order to process there are already hectares of fields of sufficiently specialized equipment and... specialists to produce a car, yes, today you don’t need so many workers, there are work equipment and accompanying specialists, yes - a whole range of delivery services, yes - on some issues of information, consulting, here in you don’t go to the bank today, just recently you were struggling near these windows, but
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to pay for utilities, now it’s either mobile banking, or a machine came up, put a card in for money, took it out, and so on, the population has already trained the population to work, automation is very many processes, population, there is still a slowdown in population growth in the world, but it is still growing, we will be faced with the issue of extra workers, because either conditional income will be needed, but... why, for example, should some corporation pay for this ? no, of course , you’re very clever in linking this with a pandemic, i understand where you’re going with this, any pandemic, so i’m not linking it cleverly, i’m saying that it can be used, any such events, well, imagine if you launch this you have, roughly speaking, the opportunity - the group that is provokes, neutralizes. and you don’t think , yes, for example, some people think , it happened in the usa too, it happened in germany, but what do you think, that a certain
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part of the elite is worried about the population, the population is an instrument, you know, an instrument, maybe in this process , god forbid, yes, that it would be like this, you know, it’s from these somehow utopian or whatever they are called novels, yes, there’s like an orula and so on, but god forbid that we’re getting to this. and these human qualities fought with others and with the desire to dominate and
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to possess large resources and with greed , yes, well, there is always such a compromise, those who mean they fought for maximum dominance, power , the means were covered by issues of humanism and education, but the war of conquest is justified... an agreement, the first world war was at first the bloodiest yet, there was no pelincilin, how many people died , remember
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how many illnesses there were, how many refugees there were, revolutions it gave birth to in europe, and if you look at it, it was literally yesterday, that’s right, the second world war, they were just recovering, just recovered from the first world war, so many died, so many more colleagues lived from the first world war, heroes of the first world war, i’m not saying that between these warriors there were a bunch of other local ones. conflicts, yes, the second world war, after the second world war there was practically not a single day on the planet when someone somewhere , regionally, did not fight, so when we talk about us as a humane species, i very much doubt it, yeah , constant desire to dominate, constant desire, so to speak, impose its position, it existed, yes, the only thing - this bipolar system, it held back.
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we don’t have enough technologies for the development of near-earth space in the interests of the entire planet here to feed 12 billion, so we will develop mars, i don’t know the moon there, we will bring resources, we will colonize other planets, what we are faced with, but for too long began to live, but how to support, and the working population is too small to provide for the population that is there, the so-called aging europe, yes, the old world, and so further, there are a lot of, you know, global players appearing who have concentrated serious resources and
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are interested in more radical methods of resolving issues. and this very provocative situation that has developed in the world is an objective fact, that having won the cold war, the anglo-saxons feel comfortable today, in what way, they are satisfied with the status quo, they saw that, including at the expense of their market, due to their capabilities, a number of countries also began to grow and grew competitors. and uh under the hood, which they are no longer ready to take from their philosophy, well, what is china, this is 5, 5 years of history, this is the celestial empire, in general, according to their concept, they have a slightly different attitude towards other countries, but here they have a completely different philosophy, a completely different attitude, but although china offers a much more humanistic, yes, more sensible concept of international relations, much more diplomatic, you understand that different methods will be used to maintain
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the status quo, first, what the world has always had is an advantage in... technology, here you should pay attention to this , why columbus could have sailed, because muskets , yes, because there was a technological advantage, yes, they had gunpowder, they had guns, they had completely different technologies, you know, they could then offer in return construction technologies, educational technologies, etc., yes, today those are the countries that can restrain their competitors, force them to simply engage in the military industry, relatively speaking, and then destroy the infrastructure. artificial intelligence, which, by the way, in last year it was allowed to be used for military purposes, for a second, it means it works effectively, if in a number of countries certain technologies are already being considered as a possibility of use for military purposes,
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artificial intelligence, more about drones before... the conflict of 22, no one was so serious i thought that today russia is in full swing purchasing and producing drones and understands that today this is, to some extent, a very effective method of warfare, yes, that is, technology, advantages, they want us keep, maintain control of technology , second, of course, retain this opportunity to still control the international financial system and international trade, and for this what needs to be done, let’s put it in simple terms: there are three owners of the field in equal shares, one owner forces the other two to fight each other, if you sold the crop under equal conditions, your field will saturate the market 100%, and all three of you produced a crop, then you will sell this crop at the average market price, everyone will receive a certain profit, then you will compete for some harvest, not a harvest, but in general you will get some profit, if you force these two
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to fight with each other, you will not get a period of war. three times more, you will receive 10, because there will be a shortage in the market, you will be overpaid, later, when they finally finish, they will destroy their infrastructure, their fields, you will earn another 10 times more, but you still if you make money by helping them recover, most likely you will get ownership of their fields, well, i told you behind the scenes, i i will explain on the air so that it is clear what a victory of the russian federation would be like in a confrontation: with the collective west, this would be a victory if we succeeded in russia, but our ally, to prevent these color revolutions, i say again, we will not are to blame for the fact that they started this war against us, ukraine today would be in a union state, even if it is not so closely integrated there, but these yuzhmash plants, the most powerful military plant in the...


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