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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 24, 2024 2:00am-3:11am MSK

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that we are in such a difficult situation today, something like we are walking on thin ice, a careless step, and we can drown, overturn the state, so this year will be very difficult, in all its events, it should be very noisy, but we must do everything to keep him quiet and calm. and where does the main threat to nikolai vaich come from? the main threat comes from the reorganization of the world that is happening before our eyes, this is the main thing, that is, not even any specific state, but a process, this is a process that launched, which is happening even before our eyes, this is a process that is drawing more and more states into its circulation, more and more hot spots are appearing.
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according to the london institute of international studies and strategic studies, as of last year there were 183 conflict points, of which 57 were hot conflicts, that is, where blood is shed and weapons are used, so it is not possible to say that there is one point of possible conflict, but this is basically what our head of state says, yes, there will be a year difficult, because the phase of reorganization of the world is entering
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, on the other side, besides london and washington , there is also germany, for example, germany, which , in general, is also brandishing weapons and solving its problems, plus the government promised to allocate 7 billion euros in 24 it seems that such a decision has already been made, there is also france , which is not the weakest state in the world, there are also a number of other countries that are not satisfied with their state, which today are trying to solve their problems at the expense of others, well, this is very interesting.
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well, well, our president is right, as always, as has happened more than once and all his words have been confirmed, so what we are talking about now, firstly, the world has really come to the stage, to the point where the entire legacy of the second world war , more precisely, the post-war system, the so-called yalta-podzdam system, it has already been destroyed to zero, there are no remaining, as a colleague says, any restraining factors.
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traditionally stood at the head of this world, who today are fighting to maintain their hegemony, but international relationships have specific development, there are a lot of them. look, for example, a colleague mentioned , a whole number, and you say, a whole number of european countries, but besides the european players, we also have in the middle east, serious states that have their own interests, the same israel, which seems to
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as he has always been considered a tame lap dog of the united states in the middle east, but today he demonstrates a rather tough line of behavior, even in relation to survival. they once said very often that it was there that the united states was creating the concept of controlled chaos, to unfortunately, the chaos has become uncontrollable, this is the worst thing, here is alexey viktorovich and colleagues, look, after the meeting ended, the minister of defense, viktor khrenin, came out to journalists, when they asked him what the key message was, he
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said that this is fundamental noted that belarus does not consider any people as its enemy, despite the actions of their government, while the innovation is targeted, that is, we... the crisis,
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our world, our global economy, all of humanity is faced with its main crisis of overproduction, due to the introduction of modern technologies, this crisis of overproduction was solved in several ways, but the western world chose a solution - this is militarization, war is also one of the ways to get rid of the crisis of overproduction, and we, in principle, for the period from twenty-two to now the twenty -fourth saw very well how western countries, nato countries were clearing, so to speak, their old arsenals. that remained after the cold war, with the message that it is necessary to further highlight budget funds in order to purchase new weapons, military equipment from american and british defense companies, or from our own, to develop our own, and we must
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understand that belarus is located in the region that, according to western approaches and concepts, has been chosen as a point tension. yes, through which you can drive this money, drive these resources, weapons, military equipment, and thereby earn money, restrains them, as has already been correctly noted, this is , first of all, what in belarus and ours, an ally within the framework of the union state of the russian federation, there are tactical and strategic nuclear weapons, if it weren’t for this, they would have captured us long ago and would have moved on beyond moscow. is it right that we clearly identify the sources of threats to military doctrine in the concept of national security? we define them, you know, not just by calling the united states our enemy there or britain our enemy, we look deeply, but we look at the root causes, their
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motives, why exactly they act this way, and how we should deal with the most important thing in these conditions preserve your sovereignty, preserve your state, preserve your nation, ensure.
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there are threats, and we declare this, we show this in our concept, and we are doing the second thing that we probably haven’t said before, we are showing how we will neutralize these threats, as a state system and the whole, so to speak, the whole belarus will respond to these threats, and here we are already targeting who, when and what should do so that we can live.
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national security of the united states, which was signed there not long ago, russia china is listed as a threat by enemies. were tested in 2022 in kazakhstan, when the joint forces of the csto were used to
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neutralize the military, we call it a coup in kazakhstan, accordingly, we actually fulfilled our tasks within the framework of international treaties, we did not have this in our military doctrine in the concept of national security, that is we brought our main documents in the military sphere into line with... with the real ones with the real situation in the world with the real tasks that are carried out armed forces and military organizations of the republic of belarus. here we can also add why the revision took place, yes, why we prescribed this in the military doctrine, in the concept. don’t forget, in 2022 we made amendments to the constitution, and we removed the clause on non-bloc status, the desire for non-bloc status, from the constitution in a national referendum.
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an economic union, that’s all, what was decided by belarus in fact, today gives us economic, political and military security from these external threats, but internally we had contradictions in our constitution, we seemed to forbid ourselves from focusing our foreign policy activities on our foreign policy agreements at all, now that these obstacles have been removed, it is quite logical that we have had... and changes, as if by-laws, whatever we say there, yes, but all these concepts, doctrines, they
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come from the main thing, from the sovereignty of belarus, from the constitution, the most important document, which is decisive for us, let's continue the topic of threats, and just another strategy of the west in the upcoming election campaign: the united states is working on creating a fifth column in russia, and intends to intensify work with russians, graduates of american messaging programs, for this purpose . rionovosti agency with reference to the head of the russian foreign intelligence service on ryshkin. well, now regarding belarus. this time i will quote the financial times. here 's what they write: the european commission turned to google and
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state media, growing trust and growing interest and a significant increase in the trust of belarusians in the growth of watchability, and an increase in all these indices, watchability indicators, that is, in terms of content, in terms of content, of course today the state media is head and shoulders above all these opposition resources that once positioned themselves as... supposedly independent, supposedly carrying the ultimate truth, today we see that they have real yellow propaganda, therefore from the point of view of an honest, fair, competitive struggle, which we also always liked to talk about at in the west, today they lose and lose often, so what do we see, this wonderful west, which loves to talk about
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competitiveness, about marketization in everything, including the information market, is demonstrated. you can’t win your favorite ways of fighting now, now they themselves have announced that they are waging a war for their principles, they will impose them by all means, of course, the only thing very bad for us is that today we are fighting on their resources, on their platforms, without having the opportunity to technically moderation, we are in danger here, we will lose, i just want to say that a lot of work is being done in this direction, last year. took part, together with colleagues, in a large communication forum in xi'an, in china, there were media representatives from all over the world, including what we were interested in, this is eurasia, which means asia and the middle east, and there, so we initiated this topic, raised it, the creation of this common media platform within this project
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is one train, one path, i must say that it not only aroused interest, interest.
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sought to control their information field, yes, print media, radio, but enemies always tried to wedge themselves into this information field, and so after the second world war, the investments that the west began to make, they always concerned, most importantly, bypassing the system of state control of the information field , how, through
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the internet initially, yes, then through...
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accordingly, we understood these processes, we understood how this happens, information work has become completely different, more quality, which we just talked about, we have friends who work
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with us, and most importantly, all the time the military is accused of preparing for warriors who have already passed through, not so, not at all , in our military doctrine , a clause has appeared that we are ready to actually respond to... questions in cyberspace, that is, to threats to the state in cyberspace. but let’s continue this topic: look, lithuania eloquently demonstrates its attitude towards belarusians who, for various reasons, came to them after twentieth year, for various reasons with different merits. according to lithuanian radio, 2 thousand belarusians have had their residence permits suspended in the country due to a threat to national security. head of the lithuanian migration department evelina gudinskaite is extremely. frankly, there will be no exceptions for anyone, and the chairman of the seimas committee on national security and defense, luurinas kasciunas adds, no matter how
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great a person’s value is, if there is even the slightest doubt that he could pose a potential threat national security, he should be sent back. well, a brilliant statement that doesn’t even require any explanation. no, it seems to me that we still need to explain here. intellectual inability could not graduate from the university, please , kolinovsky’s program, which was implemented there in poland, please, defected from this enemy university, a european humanities
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university, like the sharashkina office for issuing diplomas, political scientists and other incomprehensible personalities, that is, it existed from the point of view , for example, located here inside the fifth column are these pro-western comrades.
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obviously hoping completely that this reputational and economic impact could hit minsk, when this effect did not materialize, they look today and say: guys, well, there’s nothing personal about the things that came out, it didn’t work out, it didn’t work out, it didn’t work out, minsk is like stood, it still stands, support what was said from alexey viktorovich, you know, the problem of the lithuanians actually lies in some of their, you know, sayings, that...
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led by europe, the united states, the exercises that take place on the territory of lithuania and the baltic countries show that lithuania and latvia should be next after ukraine, and this is written down in their concepts, these are the scenarios that are played out at nato exercises, this one fear, including the external enemy that they created for themselves, here
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there is also an internal one that is incomprehensible. how it will behave in the near future, look, when there are 1.5 million people left in the country, and of them there are still several thousand, and maybe ten tens of thousands, these are active bayonets that can do something, this is the fear, there is so much time left, another topic, it is important to touch upon it, because this process is happening precisely these days, i mean of course, ukraine, which in davos is now presenting its so -called zelensky peace formula, which in fact is nothing more than an attempt. deliver an ultimatum to the russian federation, surrender, return the territory, and also compensate for our losses. it is clear that russia will never this will not work, what we are dealing with here, briefly, if possible. well, firstly, vdavosi was punched in the nose by comrade zelensky, he tried to organize this platform, but firstly, the absence there of russia itself, the main subject, participant, of such possible negotiation agreements, already negates all
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the possibilities of these negotiations. .. we need to support them, despite the fact that everyone notes that this support is being reduced, that there are delays in financial payments, that is, by and large, this whole pre-voz adventure, zelensky has arrived again, firstly, to beg for money, support, and secondly, to show himself to be some kind of fighter for principles, and that he does not deviate from these principles and will not enter into any negotiations directly with russia, this position has become more and more annoying
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, it is annoying, why because he... is trying to force other countries to join in with ukraine, to start putting pressure on russia, and we see that many brands, many western ones, have already left russia. today they are returning there, dovos it, dovos it is largely about business, and business speaks, that he is already tired of this war, and that they still want the revival of the global world , where borders will be open, trade will be open, today the pope of rome has a better chance , who is reportedly preparing his mini-summit in the vatican, where he will invite the ukrainian and russian delegation, or is this more of an information story, well , the pope himself is probably not in that condition yet, although under the auspices of the vatican we know, yes, interesting processes are taking place under the auspices of the vatican, it has always been quite a closed diplomatic platform, but which it successfully uses, so it seems to me that even the pope, the pope has more options
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in order to bring interesting parties to the negotiating table, everything about ukraine is in davosi, the formula for peace and the prospect in general, alexey supports, that jean badriard reads at the journalism department, yes always. for what they created with their own hands, yes, and most importantly, delivery and peace are such things that are a little opposite, yeah, we should be talking about the financial component and the world cooperation, today they only talk about war, and
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most importantly, zelensky, who in fact is already tired of most countries of the world, he does not stop this mantra, war, war, war, he has no way, no solution to problems. he doesn’t have a plan b, which may be , there must be options for a solution, and there must be a negotiating table, there are no negotiations, there is only a conversation that we will defeat everyone, but we must defeat everyone together, that is, more and more people are being drawn into this conflict more countries, more and more resources, and most importantly, we are not ready to fight yourself, you must help us with everything we can and not only with everything we can, but also in addition, look, a missile that was made, for example, in germany, which flew into russian territory from the territory of ukraine, destroyed people on, let's say, the belgorod region, and if the russian federation strikes not at ukraine, but
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at those who produced this missile, today the same situation with the houthis is exactly the same, in principle, from the point of view of today's practice and policy, the russian federation may well accept. so such a decision, it is not something new, something unrealizable , there is a precedent, there are similar precedents, accordingly, why continue this just for the sake of someone’s interest, zelensky has played his card, and he understands this, he needs to do it in any way continue to inflate the information bubble, it looks like they have an ace up their sleeve, because when they discuss on wednesday, january 17, that is, today... how the world will prepare, not resist, but prepare for disease x, which can 20 once you surpass the post-mortality of covid, you understand that from this, i don’t even know what to call this group, well, i’ll just call it
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okay, you can expect anything from these guys in pre-vos, covid wasn’t enough for them, we won’t dwell on that today , i think that in a week there will be an opportunity to return to this topic, to see what decisions they will make there, and the twenty-third year seemed difficult, well... the twenty -fourth year has come, we understand that it can give a head start to the year that left, that's what it requires from us first? firstly, we must maintain the pace that we have already gained, yes, we have entered the year of quality, so we must maintain the quality of our life, first of all, the quality of our work, we must understand that in all this turbulent world , which is spinning around us there, they are raging, after all, belarus has its own position, we have our own country, we have our own life, we have our own tasks, we are now forming government bodies, holding elections, i think they will take place in a normal, calm environment, we get safety margin for at least 5 years, yes,
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we have issues that need to be resolved in the economy, the president spoke about this at the new year’s reception, addressing the prime minister, he said that there will be an economy, there will be everything else, so here.. . to relieve the pace of work on ourselves, yes , to maintain improving the quality of our life, then i think everything will be fine for us, i will probably continue this thought, peace is the component, the main component of the creative development of our state, and we must do everything so that she doesn't come here war, to do everything so that our people live peacefully, having hope for the future and confidence in the future, this is everything .
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it will be very easy to rock us, thank you very much for this conversation, for participating in the program, that’s all for today, see you in a week.
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i am belarusian, i am proud of this cossack land, between the forests and the bushes of the past centuries , i am belarusian, i am proud of this name, and the good glory of belarus is known forever, for good reason, i belarus, and i'm happy that i'm happy gave it to me.
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the president of belarus approved the decision on protection of the state border by border service authorities, as well as in the airspace in 2024. the head of state noted that this event is traditional, repeated from year to year, but very important due to the situation unfolding around belarus. alexander lukashenko calls for vigilance against the backdrop of the militaristic situation in... neighboring countries; tension on the border remains, including due to the situation with refugees. today's decision to protect the state border has its own what’s special is that we have a special situation. in the south there is war, in the west, poland, lithuania, the baltic states are even worse, the corresponding detachments are being trained there.
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the visa-free regime for citizens of lithuania, latvia and poland will remain; such a mechanism has proven to be in demand among our neighbors, according to the state border committee. since the beginning of the year alone, about 10,500 citizens of neighboring eu states and more than 4,500 ukrainians have entered belarus. in addition, engineering work on the state border will continue until it is equipped with weapons and equipment. special attention they will also devote time to working with personnel and combat training of border guards. observers from the cis mission have officially begun
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work to monitor preparations for a single voting day in belarus, which will take place on february 25. in performer commonwealth committee began work, the mission headquarters in the long term will involve 50 people in observation, and the total number from the cis will reach 150. the mission will include parliamentarians of the cis countries, diplomats, employees of the executive committee, members of the center of election commissions of the countries commonwealth. the cis mission will carry out surveillance in our country for the twelfth time. our observers are always guided by the principle of non-interference, the principle of objectivity. we consider this as a great trust in the cis mission, and, naturally, as a great responsibility, why? because you know very well that after the elections there are so many disputes and discussions, as well as objective assessments of these elections, whether they were
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democratic or undemocratic, the responsibility is very great if we are talking about what the elections went like this, then we give these... assessments, then we are responsible for these assessments. 58 international observers were also accredited. invitations were sent to the sco, the csto parliamentary assembly, and a representative of the union state. individual experts from various countries, including eu countries, will be invited. in addition , 4,200 national observers have already been accredited in belarus. at the end of last year, belarus and uzbekistan crossed the trade turnover bar of $600 million, but this is far from the limit, as has been repeatedly stated. on the other hand, our level should be at least a billion, this is facilitated by business interest. more than a hundred representatives of business circles came to minsk. they represent a variety of areas, from light industry, where we already have interaction at a traditionally high level, to industry, where there are still many opportunities. when visiting enterprises , there will be an opportunity to get acquainted with our
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production, i think this acquaintance that will take place on the ground will probably allow us to enter into more projects. uzbekistan is also interested in opening of its trading house in the belarusian capital, site options are still being discussed. an innovative product, three-layer polyethylene film, began to be produced at svetlogorsk chemical molokno. the project is being implemented within
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the framework of the investment program for the development of the enterprise on the basis of the twisting and weaving workshop. the new production capacity is 4. tons per year, about 90% unique. the products will go to the domestic market, previously analogues were purchased, the implementation of the investment project will reduce costs by 10%, reduce the cost of production, the surplus is expected to be sold, the products it is widely used in the packaging of mineral fertilizers, in particular at the gomel chemical plant, it is white-potassium, it is nitrogen, the film will be used for our own production of soft disposable containers such as bekb as liners. a unique ceremony took place in the village of noviny , berezinsky district, this is a tradition that local residents have followed for decades, songs, dances and traditional games play a leading role in the event, this tradition is passed on to our younger
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generation, today you can see that this holiday interested not only our residents, but many people came here. belarus is a country with a rich and interesting history, there is a wall behind it in belarusian language, in russian, in english, description.
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played by victoria popletchenkova they are playing, and the soul of blueok is people, and well, it’s based on the same principle as these fire shows, but these and this is what the fire show is, maybe someone will grow up with us, will be in the fire show, you can just play it in parallel so as not to hit yourself while you are traveling.
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these people only want money, we are determined to creation. thank you very much to our alexander grigorievich that we have peace, order and that we do not have war. many people don't understand this. it's like air that you don't notice; when it runs out, you begin to realize what you've lost. the markov project is nothing personal. watch on belarus tv channel. 24 there are wide, clean streets
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here, it’s as if you can breathe well here, i don’t know, i really love coming here, it’s true that some people are special, there’s no such fuss as ours, i really love belarus, i love coming here , in the skin area it is amal, in skin navat small flesh, there are problems, disasters, which are the testimony of our great...
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neither snow nor frost fall upon avid fishermen, it is cold, and fishermen do not give up their favorite activities, and always at home chity getu shyldu tsyaper, ale not it's over, the frosts are over, the rivers are frozen, and the swimming season is over. but not for everyone. at brasce stodzionna you can have two winter baths. teacher viktar palyzhaev, and
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physical education instructor pavel fedaravich zamchalkin. 29 bastards, don’t look at any courtyard, pavel fedoravich kupatetsa and you are ready to give it away. such a bath is sadzenichaya. during harsh winter days, when the lake is hidden, fishermen go out to catch fish. long-term fruits fell into the cold
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water. centners of fish will catch the most. such a shtodzenna from the water bodies of the lake, and the snow of the flat , floating on the streets of the people, from the distant bells of the bells of the winds of the winter, and the march, the race in minsk , the ranak, the sleeping youth on the cat ok, the knitted felt boots are well-kept , the winter evenings are here i swear ice and snow, and my thoughts are already rushing towards me with joy and joy. birth with the heart, it’s not for nothing that the birth of the heart is called, the adoption of a child into the family , you didn’t immediately fall in love with him, you didn’t immediately understand everything that the child wants from you, it’s all a journey, but over
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time the child becomes your own. therefore , all our children, all 15 of us, all relatives, my name is lerina nizhevets, i am a parent-teacher in a family-type orphanage in the city of pruzhany. my job is to be a mother, to give care, warmth, and affection to my children. a family-type orphanage is state program, that is
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, houses were built specifically for children who remained in the care of the state. without their biological parents, these children, so as not to place them in boarding schools or social institutions, shelters, they are placed with families. the family format is a program that helps children develop, become children, and not adults with all the problems that they often have to face in biological families. a child came to us, he is one year old and he is bedridden, he did not walk, now he is already 2 years old, and he can be said to he’s flying again, within a year even the doctors were surprised, now he’s walking, developing, even learning to talk, already swearing at someone, such a good boy.
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in our family, you can probably say this, the purpose of the family is this , i am the fifth generation, in a family of women on the maternal side who have children, orphans, in the family, my parents had adopted children when i was 17, then i already i thought that when i grow up, i will definitely have adopted children, to the desire... to establish a child, we came through death child, we lost a child in the eighth month of pregnancy, it happened, i didn’t really want to even live then, let alone think about any other child, my mother is a very wise woman, at that moment when it was very, very difficult for me , when i didn’t have it, i wasn’t present in this world,
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as if, yes, she took me to the orphanage, showed me the children, right on that same day something happened, but you’re sitting here, feeling sorry for yourself, but look, here, now living children want someone to be a mother, the husband supported, the husband it was very important that i return to life, then we began our journey. they didn’t choose, that’s who was there, they were identified, the most exciting thing was for us to receive a certificate for a large family, that moment when we were discharged and all the children were registered, we have seven, seven children here, that is, taking into account adoption, we didn’t even plan to become parents in
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a family-type orphanage initially wanted their children. to become sons and leave to live their own lives. then our life circumstances developed so that we had one child in our care, he was 3 years old half a year old, my grandmother asked: take it. please, the child is temporary, i will quickly collect documents in 4 months and take him away from you. our children had already finished their schools, and we were planning to move our future life as it should have been built. and by the end of summer we understand that the grandmother is not taking the child. it so happened that they built this house, they were looking for a family here, and my mother said that this is your path, maybe, following the example of our path, i will go. it was a difficult decision, but we thought about it, and sasha agreed, i’m already behind him, when i already have children appeared, we ended up having 10 of them
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, it’s no longer an arrow, i just want to give birth , that was enough for me, now they are my children, we learned to live with each other, school, lessons, kindergarten, already some kind of life, everything , whatever i wanted, i did everything. at the time of adoption, but i was happy to find out that i was pregnant, it was of course my gift, this is the eleventh child, it was a miracle, it really is a miracle, the second miracle also did not happen right away, but there was another pregnancy loss, girls i i really understand those who lose a child, not to have the opportunity to get pregnant when it doesn’t work out, you just need to start with... on the other hand, first take the child, love, give this child, and then the child will come, he will come, for sure, so, so, let’s go and breed girls now, dimka, girls,
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good morning, good morning, let's wake up everyone, yes, wake up girls. we get up at 6:30 , which is quite early, because we have a school, a kindergarten, we drop off the children by 8 o’clock, and if it’s already a day off, then we can sleep a little, well, literally there from 8 in the morning, every morning we have fresh porridge, of course, children love something hot like this, well, it should be warm, fresh, 5 liters of porridge in the morning, we have this for breakfast for all the children, that’s it, on the second day there is nothing left , kids, let’s go have breakfast, let’s go have breakfast, yes, angelka, let's go have breakfast, let's go, let's go, my girl, sit here, that's it, mark , you can sit on a chair, um, um,
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it's a little hot here, pasha, sit down to eat, boys, let's go eat, we don't have any problems with food at all , the children all eat everything, the place may be champignons, or in principle. and children don’t really like mushrooms, because they are slippery, i ask the children what you want to eat, orders are often from kids, but every child will say that their favorite dish will be macaion, that’s it, pasta they don’t need anything else, so we focus inspired by mom, dimka, you are at home today, and with a fever, you also have a sore throat, yes, you girls will be needed... that dad spent school, as a rule, we prepare food for the whole day, every day, because i i don’t cook in large quantities, no, because we eat well, we
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do a lot of grocery shopping twice a month, a lot of diapers and a lot of washing powder, vegetable oil, milk every day, i buy bread every day, there are stocks of porridge, cereals, flour, my dishes are like that too. my little corner where i arrange everything , collect things, or come there , for example, enjoy the look of my dishes, that’s why we have a freezer here and here we get all my equipment, kitchen helpers, we do a lot of cleaning every day, because kids , washing with us daily, the day turns out to be 8, 9, sometimes 12 machines, all bed. we change, therefore - the machines work around the clock, we hang them up, take them off, then ironing, ironing , there are a lot of small ones, they get dirty often, but we like them to
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be clean, eight liquid liters will be used per week, we add capsules depending on the wash, there is color, white, black, i directly ask you not to call me... please, until 12 am, i’ll manage everyone for now, then i want to have a little breakfast myself, good morning, alka, come to me, hello, alechka, are you sleeping there with dad , that's all she doesn’t want to wake up yet, what are your plans for today, pasha, are we going to kindergarten? yes, let's have a fight with frogs in the garden? no , there will be a separate menu for you today , you will have three servings each, angela, let’s go to kindergarten, yes, speak loudly, yes, yes, mark, you are going to kindergarten, raise your hands, who is going to kindergarten, we can
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talk a lot about how i cope, how everything works out easily and smoothly for me, but i wouldn’t be able to do it if i didn’t have a husband next to me and such a husband when i need the children not to bother me, hot something i'm frying, at this time sasha just takes all the kids, a fun time spending children with screams, noise, with uproar, it's all on sasha. in our family there are not only children, but also adopted dogs, yes, let’s say we have agusha, here’s thea, and we also have five little puppies like this, children get used to animals, less cruelty, that is, we have a cat he can sleep with his stomach up, and the children will simply step over him, even little ones like this are already following the example of their elders, they see that... the cat is lying down, they will not touch it, or
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the dog is lying down, sleeping, they won’t touch it, pull its tail, nothing, that’s why i think it’s necessary to get animals. just one chance to show your strength. who wrote a poem about the absent-minded man from basseynaya street. which family was the last owner of the world's castle? demonstrate your intellectual potential to the whole country. the main thing is, of course, your knowledge. well, we’ll find out right now how savvy our participants are. what does the hockey expression reset mean?
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i, not him, have enough to behave in guests, as the host of the show, at home, where this time we rushed, and i think in a new horse fairy tale, two foreign students will discover belarusian customs, well, okay, are you ready, yes, of course, let's go, well, wait, where you're in a hurry, let 's take photos
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first, we'll take the kids, then we'll remain kids ourselves , in general , we have such a complicated story with these kids, that year we actually had four children, one was born , three new children were born, we have... the whole house was reorganized, and i lived in the living room with two newborn babies, so that all the adults, the rest of us have a garden, a school, so that the kids don’t disturb them with their night awakenings. “my main pain was that one breastfeeding, then another, nothing was absorbed, that is, i have a newborn baby, and i can try to feed a second baby too, not the first time, but it was some kind of miracle, really, what did she do
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, our kids get sick, well, i think it’s like all kids, but angelina has teeth now, so she needs her medicine so that she’s looking at what about medical examinations for school, every child needs to go through all the doctors , we don’t go through this ourselves, the children are admitted to the hospital and we have a collective common pass of all the doctors, the state maintains full control over... at every stage, here are foster parents, there are institutions, first of all this guardianship of our city, the school takes care of children, psychologists , every teacher at the school tells me what i didn’t pay enough attention to, in the kindergarten there is their own rehabilitation
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of the child, that is, in addition to defectologists , speech therapists and so on, there is also psychological help, support for everyone to kid. therefore, we get not just a child, we also get a task , what we pay attention to, what we especially help him with, for each child we are also issued a certificate for the right to represent the interests of the child, well, for me this is very exciting, that is, there is a service life here , the validity period is until the twenty-fourth year, then the question is whether i coped with it, i didn’t cope with it, will i be able to renew it? children end up in care for various reasons, it happens that the parents died, then this child is a complete orphan. i, as a parent, the teacher receives accountable funds for him, he also has a pension, we open a separate account for the child, and we keep it, we do not dispose of it. there are children
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who, with living parents, are social orphans. these are the majority of children, precisely because their parents failed to cope with their parenting. role, after 16 years, the parents and educator have fulfilled their role, this child is transferred further to the care of the institution in which the child studies, free education, also food and plus social housing. in our country it is so careful monitoring of every child, including an orphan, that our neighbors might be jealous of. look, your son is repeating your actions, clearing the snow near his house so that the girls can come in there now and play, well done, well done, sasha and i are very...


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