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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 24, 2024 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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corresponding, how much the technology changes, what changes in this technology, what changes this technology gives, and in terms of aesthetics, the ministry of antimonopoly regulation will control how aesthetic this product is, how correctly the appropriate packaging is chosen, and so on, these are all aesthetic questions regarding ... environmental friendliness, including rational use of resources and non-harm to the environment. legal subtleties are also important. experts note that a quality mark is a certification and warranty mark at the same time. and of course, an additional plus for brand recognition. true, there are more risks, for example, the danger of counterfeiting. manufacturers should not forget about the protection of intellectual property. if these products go to export markets, they are exhibited at international exhibitions. of course,
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the manufacturer needs to worry about being able to have an effective tool to protect such products from counterfeiting; it seems that it is intellectual property objects that can become such a tool, because an object of intellectual property is always an exclusive right, it is an opportunity not only for the manufacturer to use it, but also the opportunity to prohibit others from using a designation that is confusingly similar to its protected, for example, trademark. of course, we believe that... the quality mark will be affixed to products that will be marked with some marks of our belarusian manufacturers, accordingly, these marks are trademarks of our belarusian manufacturers and should be protected, they must be registered either in our national intellectual property center, or if we are talking about export markets, they must be registered in the territory of those countries where the products will be exported, having protection of the intellectual property object, the manufacturer will be able to protect their products from counterfeiting , sign: quality
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will be issued for 2 years, while monitoring how the high level of products is maintained. it is planned that the first holders of the sign will appear in belarus by end of 2024. anton malyuta and anzor tuzhaev, area of ​​interest. that's all for today, look at your area of ​​interest three times a week, tuesday, wednesday and thursday. good luck in your business and see you soon. the tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch, our daily task is that viewers around the world have access
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to watch the projects of our tv channel, so what kind of belarus is it, business and developing , hospitable, generous, picturesque and monumental, sports and team.
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we tell you not only about iconic events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and... to feel it you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, belarus 24 tv channel is on air . watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer.
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hello viewer, my name is igor tur, this is my propaganda. let's begin! let's go from afar today, in a month and 3 days we have a single voting day, when we will choose deputies. parliament and local councils, and taking into account the entire electoral mechanism, this is actually the beginning of the elections of delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly, by and large this is the participation of alexander lukashenko in the elections, not direct, but indirect, if we consider the classical understanding of politics and all electoral laws, directly now, it feels like for a very decent time , we have one question for every citizen elected by the people: is he for lukashenko or not, what’s broader? there is a question: is he for the current course of the state or for some other one? i’ll take the liberty of saying that basically in these elections they will vote either for lukashenko or not for him, and only in second place will the candidate for deputy himself be considered, may the future people’s representatives forgive me, but at the moment it really seems
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that way to me , i have reason to believe that i’m not the only one who thinks so. accordingly, every decision of the president, which naturally concerns the entire people, directly affects the elections... comments, because if alexander grigorievich makes a decision, which a person likes, he goes to the polls in a month and votes for a pro-state candidate for deputy, and if, well, suddenly alexander grigorievich makes a decision that a person likes a little less, he goes to the elections of deputies and may vote there not for a pro-state candidate for deputy , neither the first candidate nor the second has the slightest relation to this choice of a citizen, this is solely his reaction. on the action of the head of state. now a little about propaganda. in the fragment above there is no comment from me the following words of their combinations sounded. against lukashenko, against the current course of the state, a decision that i don’t like. i deliberately changed the wording to others in which there would be no direct denial,
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because politics and influencing the electorate have technologies, along with certain rules, the observance of which greatly simplifies the process of gaining ratings among the population. again. this is if we talk about the classical understanding of the entire political process. what’s remarkable about all this for us is that alexander grigorevich completely refuses to be distracted by all these political technologies, regardless of how much time is left before the presidential elections. lukashenko is engaged in work and makes decisions, and if we talk about work and the decisions made, he does not try to please the electorate in any situation, because the sympathies of the electorate can change from the positive side. less positive, the result is stable, but one smart political strategist once taught me one good phrase: a politician thinks about the next elections, but a leader about the next generation, here is alexander lukashenko, he is a leader, because in one week he pointedly ignored the opportunity several times to disrupt the delight
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of part of the electorate, something that a classical politician would 100% do, situation one: the president of belarus comes to the belg automobile plant, which was built according to his idea, according to his agreements with china and under his supervision, the plant is working well, the cars are now selling well, the question of expanding production has already arisen. the workshop there is wonderful, the reports are positive, an exhibition of technology on the street, it is also amazing. as a result, the president will be given a car, which the president knows about long before the gift is presented. and here is a meeting with the staff of this enterprise, which has expanded in staffing units and whose salaries have increased due to this, obviously. that their cars are selling quite well, they are selling this way, among other things, because there is a mechanism for preferential car lending, the cars do not go below cost and not at it, but still at very attractive prices the buyer's conditions, this very often becomes the reason that a belarusian chooses not a decent german with low
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mileage, but a domestic chinese with favorable installment plans, so the factory employee, smiling, thanks the smiling president for fulfilling his dream of owning a car in belarus. will this state support program continue? in this situation , according to all the laws of political technology, you need to say something like: yes, of course, this will be good for you too, so that your team expands, this same jobs, and so that your wages grow, and so that every belarusian can afford a car from the showroom, and there would be an ovation from the team, which would be shown on tv and which would strengthen the already strong emotional message to the electorate, only the president passed by this opportunity and he replied:
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i agreed to provide this program, well, until we cancel it, we will watch how you work, we will count the money, and if there is... until we do, now there is clearly a category of citizens who they’ll say stop, maybe he’s like that
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said, in order to gain ratings from other categories of citizens, and not from potential buyers of cars on credit, and i will answer, we need to look comprehensively, so we continue, here is the same communication with the blg team , a question from a father of three children, a father of three children about the internet , the question roughly boils down to what is needed and what can be done so that children do not sit on their phones, and if they are already on their phones, then so that they do not... read or watch any destructive crap and simply any crap that dilutes the brain. i assure you, any western, and not only western after such a question to the president, the political strategist said to himself: “alexander grigorievich, dear, just answer him that the state will do everything to protect children, that it will make all the necessary decisions, work out all the problematic issues that have already been entrusted to the relevant authorities, and that our children must have the internet -they won’t become zombies. such a political strategist will already think to himself, and will this be done. or not, but it’s obvious that not, it doesn’t matter, to gain a rating you just need to say what
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the electorate wants to hear from among parents and what he wants to hear, this particular father of three children, may this belzhi employee not be offended by me, but the answer of alexander lukashenko, he didn’t really like the feeling, because the president answered honestly like a father, this is all a priority the task, not the state, but the fathers and mothers of our children, i also have, well, the older one is smaller, but the younger one. he is always there, but he has a lot of benefits, he brings me all the information, tomorrow you will write something nasty there, he is my dad, look, people are writing, you yourself must show your child how it should be, do as i do, you are ahead, he is behind you, if we don’t turn this on, we will lose our children, i won’t stop there, i will continue about lukashenko as an anti-populist , a meeting in the palace of independence on the issues: here for began a retreat
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, there is a strong feeling that in matters of such financial support, the most important argument of the person asking is the interests of the labor collective, they say, if an enterprise that is all in debt employs roughly a thousand people, then alexander lukashenko, as a leader for whom the priorities are, naturally the interests of ordinary working people, he won’t allow it. acceptance to go bankrupt so that a thousand people are not left without work, and if you enter the office of the head of state from this side, then the probability of making a positive decision is, of course , much higher than if you simply say: let’s help them, these are good guys, but they have again nothing succeeded. all this can be dressed up in the guise of social justice, but sometimes, if you go deeper, it turns out that the concept of the social state in some cases simple inaction is covered up. either the managers of the enterprise, or its staff, or both of them combined, i don’t presume to judge these two
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construction companies, maybe they really have objective reasons to ask for this very state support, for example, they have some kind of clear strategy, supported by agreements, and there are guarantees of the return of this money to the budget and the absence of new requests for help, but in general such a request is of course a little surprising, what is not surprising is the president’s honest answer, but what? they found themselves in some kind of emergency conditions, that other trusts and construction companies are working well, they do not have these problems, or is this just the beginning, rescuing drowning people, the work of the drowning people themselves, do you know this? therefore, as soon as they begin to save themselves, to advance in this regard, then we will support them, provide assistance and support. and expect that we will take money from the budget, as i say, including doctors,
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pensioners, and give it to companies that should work to earn money, but today the horse didn’t lie around, as people say, go earn money, don’t want it in belarus, neighboring russia, if you translate a very basic language, then when you drown, of course, the relevant services will save you, because they are obliged. but for this you need not only to shout help, but also to somehow flounder on your own until help sings along, and you don’t know how to swim yet, don’t go into the water, climb, then probably in case of drowning, well... it’s not the rescuers who need questions ask, here's to the drowned man himself, here i'll carefully try to come to another topic very far from populism, let’s imagine that, for example, some enterprise for 50 people in a small regional center, it collapsed, people were left without work, and also with wage debts, and to complete the picture, let’s imagine that fifty already unemployed people are recording a video message to the president,
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which, by the way, in four out of five cases there is a desire to stimulate the vertical of power to resolve. question of citizens in any way, and if the president finds out, then the authorities will definitely be punished, you must be afraid, people are unhappy, who is usually to blame if an enterprise goes bankrupt, its stupid leader is one, the chairman of the regional executive committee, who allegedly did not help or even interfered with something, that is two: sanctions three, the government, four, of course, somewhere separate individuals will probably say in a whisper that it is lukashenko who is to blame for everything, he appointed everyone incorrectly. but for some reason i don’t remember a single public case when the truth sounded like this, and the president is right appointed everyone, and the government made the right, comprehensive decision, and the head of that executive committee gave everything he could and even gave more, and the management at the enterprise, they went out of their way and did it as professionally as possible, but the team couldn’t cope, and now they are without
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work primarily because they themselves worked so-so, this can happen in theory, right, this can happen? be in practice, it also seems so to me, this is clearly not the most popular and pleasant idea for the general public, but this too may well be true in some episodes: if a company is drowning, do all its employees flounder with all their might to save themselves while drowning. another important thing from last week is that in belarus there is a reasonable and only true authoritarian government for us, democratic elements that blossom in the right direction in the presence of an intelligent leader. the two palaces are independent. they are discussing the fate of the assets of those western companies who demonstrably tried to leave belarus, taking money, because, well, of course, sanctions. we don't own any property to anyone we sell, we do not transfer, if as a result of sanctions or some other reasons, foreigners who have property here, enterprises, companies, such as mcdoonalds,
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leave our market, as i said, goodbye, we will figure it out ourselves. it seems that alexander grigorievich says as specifically and categorically as possible yes, and he really says this not for the first time and part of the electorate sincerely admires this, because throwing out all representatives of unfriendly countries is yes, it’s very proud, but the president is not guided by pride in decisions, on their effectiveness , and effective decisions are not those that make things worse for their enemies, but those that make things better for us belarusians, this, unfortunately, is far from clear to everyone, and, for example, the government has a reason for this exactly a slightly different view and lukashenko, whom they are trying to present to us as a super-dictator, says: okay, i’m ready to listen to your proposals and arguments. the government proposes to show more flexibility, i don’t know how much more bending can be done in matters of selling property,
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as i already said, by foreigners from unfriendly countries and to provide for cases where this... may never be possible, but the government finds that it is impossible, but at some point it is possible, well, let’s listen to which ones: i have a suspicion what are we talking about, for example, if some western company wants to continue to work in belarus honestly, in good faith, as before, but its arms are twisted by its enemy government, well, how can it sell an asset in order to nominally comply with the sanctions order, but in fact, s... can become pragmatic, goodbye. and lastly, about the lack of populism from lukashenko. a fragment about the concept
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of national security and military doctrine, which is, of course, before adoption by the all-belarusian people's assembly. were submitted for wide public discussion, of course, we cannot say everything, because defense and security information is closed, but what is possible, and even more, we are now conveying to you. in my opinion, some military information should be kept secret not only from enemies, but because in many areas decisions should be made by professionals in this field, and not indiscriminately by the entire population. my personal belief. as a citizen, those issues that require a professional solution from the military, they should be accepted only by the military, and the rest, well, they can be publicly discussed, collected opinions, and be sure to be taken into account. in the end, i will stand up for the utility workers, who were scolded last week, because this always happens when there is a lot of snow on the road and street, i will repeat the post.


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