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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 24, 2024 3:00pm-3:11pm MSK

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excursions, children from schools come to us , when they see so many candies , when their eyes light up, when they want to try everything, just smiles, it makes me happy, it also brings me pleasure, when you see so many candies produced every day, you understand that you put effort into this, this is your work, and that they will go to thousands of families and bring joy to people, this is a product, this is a hormone of happiness, that is, you bring positivity. family, well, my heart rejoices.
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you are watching the news live in the studio elizaveta lokhodka, hello, in this issue the crash of an il-76 in the belgorod region, the latest information and versions of the plane crash. to know. new biotechnologies, achievements in space and present their developments, the republican scientific forum started in minsk. protests throughout the european union, germany, france, poland, and this is not the limit, the residents of europe are tired of paying the bills for the ukrainian war. and let's start the issue with the latest information about the crash of the il-76, the russian ministry of defense stated that by shooting down the plane, kiev committed an act of madness, calling it into question.
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appeal to the us congress and bundestag the state duma decided to prepare germany to find out which missiles and launchers could have caused the crash of the il-76. the ukrainian criminal fascist regime has committed another bloody crime that defies any military logic at all. the ukrainian leadership was well aware of the impending exchange and was informed of how the prisoners would be delivered. but the il-76 plane was shot down by three missiles, either a petriot or a german arist missile system production, specialists will figure it out later, when they have already examined the crash site directly. it is important to note here that as soon as the plane crash became known, information appeared in the ukrainian media that this was the work of the kiev regime. here is a message , for example, published by the ukrainian truth that they... have been corrected, but the internet, as they say,
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remembers everything, and if we add to this the information according to which the ukrainian side probably knew the ways to investigate the plane with prisoners, then it turns out that kiev he hit his own people. let me remind you, on board there were 65 captured ukrainian armed forces soldiers transported for exchange, as well as six crew members and three accompanying persons. all of them died, the crash site has been cordoned off, and investigations are underway . the patience of europeans seems to be at its limit; the countries of the visegrad group, hungary, slovakia, poland and the czech republic, notified the european commission that if it does not protect the interests of farmers, a powerful wave of protests will sweep across the continent. they have already flared up in germany and france, but the eu authorities continue to push aside the interests their citizens, they prioritize support for the kiev regime. the fires of the europeans in the story by evgeniy belousov. the interests of european politicians and... ordinary citizens
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have probably never been so far apart from each other. the thoughtless sanctions policy, the cutting of benefits and tax increases for already established breathing sectors of the economy, and even the illusory green pact, not only hurt the already thin wallets of europeans, but playing at god on the ukrainian battlefield is much more important than the well-being of their subjects. not surprising, that the only way to reach the sky of residents is increasingly becoming strike protests. it's been more than two weeks now. german farmers are trying to convey to the authorities the idea that attempts to save half a billion euros on them for ukraine are driving the last nail into the coffin of the entire agricultural industry, but to no avail, despite the fact that life in the country is paralyzing tens of thousands of tractors, trucks and even trains, the authorities stubbornly do not notice any problems in this. the barrel didn't just overfill, it exploded. increase in fares affects the entire population. this applies not only. the transport and logistics industry has 85%
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more road taxes, including for railway workers, which means that basic food products, medicines, everything that is transported. the farming community should n't be footing the bill for the war in ukraine, it's not that we don't want that, to make sure people eat right, let's help those who don't have money to buy food, let's help them, but it's not us paying for it, if we don't have money,
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if france doesn't have money, if europe doesn't have money to help ukraine, then i don’t know, let them borrow or something else, but of course, not at the expense of the supply of agricultural products. they should buy weapons, it’s not us who pay the bills, they are thoroughly tired of the ukrainian issue in italy, a rally was held in the center of rome against arms aid to the kiev regime, the participants of the action also oppose nato, the bloody policies of the west, even in russophobic lithuania the farmers are losing their nerve, the authorities baltic republic in an attempt to quench the kiev appetites they save on the interests of the agricultural sector, and therefore hundreds of farmers from all over the country gathered on tractors in the center of vilnius. the slogans of the protesters are similar to those under which their german colleagues are indignant; some cars have banners with the inscriptions, no farmers, no food, no future, farmers have a meaningful future and the like. well,
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poland is taking over the protest baton. today , mass protests by farmers are also beginning there. places throughout the country, but not in the form of a blockade, but a slow movement of a column or demonstrations along the highway, something suggests that in the near future , protest moods and ways of expressing disagreement will spread throughout old europe. ukrainian imports, of course, will sooner or later cease to be a problem, but the green pact, which obliged the 27 eu countries to begin. transition in the agricultural industry and implies a reduction in the production of agricultural machinery and livestock, plus gifts from the authorities in the form of increased fuel prices, deprivation of government subsidies and subsidies with a simultaneous increase in taxes will remain with farmers for a long time. evgeny belousov, television news agency. the asian vector
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continues to gain weight in belarusian exports, our long-time partner and mongolia. new growth points were discussed today at a meeting of the intergovernmental cooperation commission.
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as a result of the meeting, a number of bilateral documents were signed, including an agreement on cooperation in the field of livestock breeding and a contract for the supply of gomselmash equipment. what is modern belarusian science, what economic dividends, profitable whether the country invests in research and development. the topic of the new episode of the talk show economic environment will be belarusian science, its fundamental research and applied developments, as...
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under the soviet union, the field of science was preserved in the republic, of course, as my colleague said, this is largely the merit of our head of state. and he visited the academy of sciences more than once, and the tasks that he set, those moments when he supported the academy of sciences, this is of course worth a lot, and scientists understand this and know, and feel their trust in ourselves and our responsibility for the development of the country as a whole, for the development of its industries, the emerging geopolitical situation, which is now no secret to all of us in the world.
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which have been part of this work for the last 2 years.


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