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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 24, 2024 3:25pm-4:21pm MSK

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that is, is it possible to repair, but of course, it will not be an infectious diseases hospital in these volumes, in the year of quality 2024, of course, we will really focus on the points, in addition to improving development, strengthening the material and technical base, working with personnel, namely the quality of work medical worker in parallel with all these objects. what started in the twenty- third year, already in the twenty-fourth year a number of large objects of the system will be introduced. 1st september alexander turchyn visited barysaski bread products plant, where a new line for the production of pasta from durum wheat began to operate. for a gadzina a ton of product, this project is for the importation of muscle. they showed the governor and gastronomical products of the plant to the people. different types of poultry.
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as these years have passed, students have been working on the basis of the integral, the students have been working for 65 years, and the students have been working for 17 years on the basis of psychophysical development. in the process, practice and training all contribute to the qualifications of the worker. pile veda vykarystovuyutsya pratsa s abstalyavannem, including yago priznachenne, schemes and principles of dzeyannya. the electrophysical parameters themselves are eliminated, eliminating inconsistencies.
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this was first granted in the lyuban and minsk districts, so near the garadzishcha yard they recorded the destruction of their houses. the insides of the warriors knew three dead people, two men and an old lady. yashche adzin called from agragaradku rechyn. the house was covered by a covered fire. the interior of the ministry of taxation revealed two men without any delay. for the first part of the year, minsk the population increased over 100 years, and died in 22 years. as a rule, the main
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cause of fires with tragic outcomes is careless handling of fire, including smoking. if you allow this bad habit in your home, be sure to strictly follow the rules, do not do it in bed, use ashtrays, and carefully extinguish cigarette butts. please note that an autonomous fire detector can notify you of a fire at an early stage; the device must be installed in the living room. cub papyardzitsy nyashchasnye attacks. warriors regularly perform preventive measures and raids. this weekend is a firefighting activity and the life fund is working. learn how to tell everyone what the traps are in trouble, develop the leadership skills, know how to set goals and implement them. military patriarchal club ratavalnik urachysta adkryli ў stalіtsy. yon ab'yadnaў more for hundreds of students at the school no. 215 in minsk. the young warriors of the pastor and paabyatsal were responsible . ganarovae zanne. working out at the club
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we will learn basic precautions and emergency precautions in emergency situations. by becoming a member of the club, the guys understand the responsibility that falls on their shoulders in terms of taking all safety measures, each participant brings this information to their peers, more and more guys are getting involved in this work. the unfathomable stratum and pain of the belarusian land and the international day of remembrance of the halacaust in the minsk region are commemorative rallies for memorials. in museums and presentations
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and exposés, illuminated by the horrors of vyalikay aichyn. this is how the exhibition of the old memory of mayo myastechka opened in lagoisk. autar, belarusian master yury krupyankov. the gallery was replenished for more than 20 years. in the first hall there are small and colorful scenes, these landscapes and portraits of the worldly life of the belarusian jewish butchers. carcinomas, on the other hand , cut abrasively in their colorful gamut, mood and plot, on the canvases of genocide. over the past 25 years, i have been painting on this topic, and this is how this series came about, which can now be seen at the exhibition. these there are different pictures here.
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ivan konev was summoned by the prison camp asmentsam. central barysau library reveals new names. the praminat gallery has a personal exhibition of the young artist mastak not in his profession, but in the name of dziyana krachkouska. two dozen commercial
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works: animalistic paintings, carcinas written in a realistic manner, and all the more philosophical and surrealist paintings. an amazing person who talks to the world through his paintings, they are philosophical, they are deep in content, yes, perhaps there is there are some artistic flaws, but this is forgivable to her, because she is an amateur artist, and this is her first personal exhibition. the fact is that we are friends with the art studio of the city palace of culture, and there we saw a very interesting, outwardly beautiful woman who paid attention.
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and she is my guide to the world of art, so i can present to you my first personal exhibition, it’s called a reflection of the soul, this exhibition is really like an open window into my soul, in every picture you can see my experiences, dreams, happy moments in life, and i hope that visitors to this exhibition will feel the same way:
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the source of power has dried up, ukrainians are being held hostage by their own officials, they can no longer travel, pitchforks and fires in germany, german peasants intend to break the traffic light, lords are fighting, the presidential palace in poland has become a haven for criminals, the third is no good, americans are on their knees, the middle east is on the verge of a large-scale crisis, trends
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in the new world order, events that force you to keep your finger on the pulse of time, on what each of us should pay attention to, let’s figure it out together. hear the crunch of a french bread and imposingly drink coffee on the champs-elysees . dreams of dubious significance, for the sake of which ukrainian statehood was surrendered. a broken trough is a natural outcome of any story where the main character does not value what he has. they rode for freedom, but ended up in one of the most totalitarian countries in the world. exit from ukraine is now limited even to those who previously could take advantage of preferences. for example, this is the situation i encountered a large family who came to visit relatives. we crossed the border.
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in short, what's the news, tolya, tell me, well , tonight the law came into force that people with many children can no longer travel, this is some kind of absolutely blatant mousetrap, you can enter, then only death, zelensky and the team are preparing a new wave of mobilization, for the needs of the front, it is planned to put 500,000 people in arms, women, by the way, are no exception. propaganda videos for the target audience are increasingly appearing , and appropriate equipment is being approved. speech
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about something else, and this question is increasingly heard in ukraine. where did the people from the previous mobilization go? but with what to go to the front, if western partners openly announced a reduction in supplies, there are practically no zelensky henchmen left willing to cover up corruption schemes with their bodies. military commissars are working more and more harshly and often people die during the mobilization stage. step wow, if they are lawless, they can strengthen people, he is there in a white church,
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they actually killed a man, beat him to death, ended up in the hospital, died in the hospital, what is this, this what the hell, things won’t work out like that, now the people are uniting and they will be met with dignity, the tragedy of the ukrainian people, into which the campradors in power pushed them, is reflected in the fate of the common man and the state, the only thing that many in this locked bank dream of today : to run away to find a new life, more and more often ukrainians decide to take desperate actions, people throw themselves into icy rivers in the hope of thus escaping from captivity, they simply have no other options... many experts state the collapse of ukrainian statehood, expenses state budget revenues almost doubled over the past year. the country is unable to provide for its own needs. zelensky is openly blackmailing western officials, shifting responsibility for the lives of 12 million pensioners who will die without external subsidies.
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the worst thing in this situation is that there are still those who want the same future for you and me, and even... ukrainian experts are shocked by such tyrants, this is what they say and how they argue: look, please , this is what it looks like, not after one rocket, but after a dozen , this is what the living quarters look like , thousands of people lived here, there were families, there were children, there were all these, i don’t know, some kind of twists and turns, there were dogs, cats, something else, people lived here, my compatriots, they lived here, you can... curse me as much as you like, but now you are calling this to your land. it is clear, of course, that their face is not disfigured by intellect, but such characters perform a very clear task: to drag our country into war and revive attention to the region. newspapers with news about ukraine have long been buried at the bottom of the trash can. anything is on the agenda except the problems of the kiev regime.
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it is almost impossible to justify financing in such a situation. a striking example of this is germany. onto which this ballast was successfully dropped from the window of a white house. scholz and his team are tightening the screws on their own country’s budget in order to find resources for ukraine. the other day, the vice-chancellor of germany , returning from vacation, happened to meet extremely grateful farmers. hundreds of farmers tried to write out gratitude robert habeck with a hit to the chest. the official was forced to flee. obviously, the natural modesty and shyness of the vice-chancellor is to blame. it is interesting that several years ago alexander lukashenko predicted a similar development of the situation. if european leaders do not understand the situation, then why would they need this war, in their home, on their doorstep. they will sweep away both scholz and macron, look, this is what will happen. therefore, from all sides, both externally and inside
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ukraine, this is the trend, sit down, negotiate, all these forces, there are more and more of them more. scholz literally disappeared into the shadow of angela merkel. the chancellor did not live up to the people's trust and let's just say that the sick body rejects the people's body. the question of scholz's resignation is increasingly being raised in society. germany was swept by peasants. tests of thousands of pieces of agricultural equipment gathered in the largest cities of the country. the unrest continues for several weeks. despite the piercing cold, people do not leave; farmers, tired of tyranny , put forward demands and want to be heard. bonfires in the center of berlin, a harsh
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reality that the german capital has been living in for several weeks. the indignant peasants are having a hard time warming themselves up in the improvisation. camp from columns of agricultural machinery and discuss the situation on their farms. these people shook up germany and brought to the surface a layer of deep-seated problems. sanctions and their new packages, which the european union continues to broadcast from high tribunes, are destroying the region’s economy and hitting literally all industries. farmers demand refusal from criminal measures of restriction to restore productive market relations.
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our energy prices are the highest in the world, you can't invest safely because you don't know what the future holds. investment security is not guaranteed, and this is, of course, fair. while representatives of the alternative for germany party meet with farmers and find out the basis of their problems and the essence of their demands, the chancellor prefers to avoid dialogue and pretend
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that nothing is happening. representatives of the ruling coalition are not ready to hear and go to compromises. the minister of finance in germany, like a sacrificial political lamb, was sent to speak in front of the crowd to extinguish the heat . these are just the traditional narratives.
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honest democrats. farmers with their problems are only the tip of the protest mood; in fact, calling for an abandonment of sanctions rhetoric, the german middle class is putting forward its demands. the protesters are supported by railway workers, representatives of the river fleet, and industrialists. the germans consolidate and support each other in achieving a common goal: to return the ordung into the country's economy. the protesters in the camps are actively... when we talk about the situation
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in the country, we are not only talking about farmers who take to the streets, look at the range of industries, restaurants, money-makers, bakers, that is , all the workers in the food industry, industrial associations, including them tilers and logisticians are joining in, now everyone is taking part in demonstrations, the government should ask the question: who are all these people? why do so many citizens come to me and say that something is going wrong? this is a huge movement in society, this is indignation, disappointment, fear and anxiety about what will happen to the country next. no one wants to hear about the need to help ukraine by tightening their own belts, and there are almost no holes left in the belts, but the crunching of the spine is heard more and more often. who is not ready for such loads for the sake of other people’s geopolitical ambitions. protesters are demanding policy changes or resignations for anyone who fails
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to act in the national interest. this is what frightens scholz's team. coalition rating is showing record lows. against this background, the alternative for germany has risen to first place in popularity, and its politicians are increasingly occupying key positions . in regions of the country. the critical situation in the german economy cannot be considered separately from the situation throughout the european union. for a long time, the unity of europe was based precisely on german money from successful industry. berlin played first fiddle in almost all affairs of the union, generously paying for the lease of the sovereignty of others countries in a situation where germany lacks its own money, the european union begins to fall ill.
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germany, as you see, the further development of germany, will your country be able to overcome the economic crisis, what ways of this exit can you foresee? i would like to highlight what russia did, stopped looking to the west, turned its head and looked to the east, one way or another... one way or another , big advances in the economy will occur in the east in the pacific region, this is clear to everyone, and the unipolar world of the united states is coming to an end , one way or another this will be the beginning of the end, but the way forward for us, as i said, as klaus fondanly said, as stefan baron said in the book, or as oscar la fontaine said, is to change our vector, it has been in the interests of germany since the time of bismarck to have good relations with russia, this is reasonable, business not only in high morality, just our own interest to have this, but to achieve this we need another political class, because i think the main problem in germany is that the political class, the media
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votes, but this will unbalance the edc. there are a lot of
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people there, so i think our outlook is bleak, there's not much we can do now. belarus and germany cooperated quite fruitfully before they began to accuse belarus of some kind of dictatorship and so on. do you think it is possible to restore this relationship and how? one of the reasons i'm here is because we're trying to do this. the terrible thing is that in order to go to minsk, i need to fly to istanbul, and then from istanbul to minsk. i can't go straight from berlin. if i go by car, it is estimated that i will have to spend 6-9 hours at the border waiting for the crossing. one direction to belarus, because it is very strict there, and then in the opposite direction to poland. they're not interested in being fast on their side, so it's very difficult, and i think the only way is to have a direct relationship, a personal relationship, to have that. among the population , 3/4 believe that we should have better
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relations with russia. and that's not a good idea to be an adversary on our continent against someone else, to do work for people across the atlantic. but right now, i hope we must do everything to create a situation so that young people from germany and young people from belarus who are studying can exchange, but the ties are broken. over the past 2 years i have noticed that the situation is becoming more and more complex. even now i can't pay with my credit card. "if i go to russia, i will have to carry cash with me, this completely unthinkable, so we need to find this solution to make trading and money transfer possible, there are opportunities with bitcoin and so on, but this is a terrible situation when we are divided, we must do something about it, again, i don't see political will of the political class in germany to change something, they just do what they are told, they have no ideas of their own, they
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say: okay, we are for each other." thank you very much. poland is one of the first to feel bears the brunt of pan-european problems. country, for a long time was the most dated in this group. brussels did not skimp and financed any desires of warsaw, highways, factories. in general, the showcase of a well-fed life was taking shape in full
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swing. alarm bells. began an in-depth study of the rights and freedoms that were violated by the ruling party. friendly fire from the weapons of democracy led to the blocking of significant amounts. the economic situation in poland stimulated development. interspecies political struggle. tired of what was happening, the poles supported the opposition and life became even more fun. donald tusk arranged vendetta against supporters of the party of law and justice. and the point here is not even whether this is fair or not. the severity of the consequences of this confrontation will in any case fall on the shoulders of ordinary people. an internal political crisis is tearing poland apart and, apparently, the confrontation is only gaining momentum. poland and belarus have a lot in common, although in warsaw they always disavow the parallel at the first opportunity. and now it’s not about history, mentality, territory or peoples, just about a small book, with the help
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from which they tried to destroy our country in 2020 , points from which they penetrate into the life of polish society at an accelerated pace. the poles did not have time to recover from the scandal with the state media, which was the current opposition. attempts to bring people to the barricades - this is however, everything that the pisovites are doing is the substitution of concepts, which
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western political strategists were so actively promoting in sineokaya, the liquidation of corrupt media, the imprisonment of outright bandits, no one in the west called a spade a spade, they came up with formulations aimed at incitement popular anger. now the boomerang is actively returning to its thrower. leader peace does not even hide the fact that throughout the years of his reign , his party used leverage for its own benefit. there are, of course, many symptoms of the same propaganda, the same type of propaganda that has been used all these 8 years. this means that public opinion is being misled and at the moment they are trying to ensure that there is no reaction to this distortion. there was no way to answer. and indeed, new old tusk seems to without delay, he decided to break the back of the old authorities and the still existing dictator. but if the media
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burned out with the dismissal of the security forces, the impudence that occurred right in the presidential palace could not but go unanswered. this is somehow almost a direct blow to duda’s smug image. yes, yes, right at his residence while he was there.
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dictatorship, censorship, mockery of freedom of speech, and of course, politically motivated arrests. everything was advertised, the government’s complete rejection of them, attention, as almost the largest rally in history countries, and how indignant all these incredible faces were, everything was as if they were chosen, only they didn’t stand on the benches in their socks, it was still cold. rudeness is just downright rudeness, that's what pigs do.
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they looked 10 times less, but this was already on the streets of minsk, then hundreds of thousands were also counted somewhere from behind the hill, nothing changes. in this whole story, another detail is no less interesting: the political martyrs kaminsky and vosnik could well not have stayed in prison. dictator duda stated that he intended to pardon them again, but no one signed the corresponding order, and no one gave parliamentary mandates to the ex-officials. will not return, and therefore it is quite possible that
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the use of powerless mouths in prison is much less than for kratoms; in the role of political outlets there will always be compassionate people who are ready to say, i’m leaving.
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in fact, society turned out to be split into two equal parts: local politicians are absolutely seriously considering the option of starting a civil war, no one intends to give in to compromises, poland is plunging into a state for years.
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replicas of a chinese nuclear power plant
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an american corporation that went bankrupt 16 years ago at a price 750% higher than the nominal price in china, this is a huge shame, the polish people see it. let's go back to the year 23, when elections were held in poland. what did the poles do? the poles did not go to vote for a civil platform. the poles went to vote against law and justice. there was a protest vote because the americans understand that they control the public mood in poland, so they had to sacrifice their allies in order a new group, a civil platform,
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are starting to take people out into the streets, before that tusk held a march of millions of hearts, could it come to civil confrontation, because we see that polish society, there is a feeling that the split is really two equal parts, this was visible according to the voting in the presidential elections, when duda himself won literally with a margin of 1-2% in the presidential elections,
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questions arise about his legitimacy, but here is your opinion, is civil confrontation against this background possible or not? it's not really so, what i will say will be a shock, first of all for belarusian viewers, because you don’t know this, when mr. tusk organized the march of million hearts, then in fact 100 thousand people came, and it was enough to listen, because there were a lot bloggers on youtube who reported there, what these people were saying, and i remembered many of these statements, but they were all similar.
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i had a private conversation with mr. mateusz peskorski, i’ll tell you straight, mr. mateusz peskorski, when he wanted to create his own
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own political party in poland, he received an answer: if there is permission from the american embassy, ​​this party will be created. this permission from the american embassy was not obtained, and as a result the signatures were questioned, even his own signature on his party's registration document. and what does this prove? this only proves that...
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let's take a tour of the main enterprises of our country, there are a number of blocking positions, an automatic control system stops the workshop if there are any. let's learn the history of production development. the production of phthalion hydride no longer exists in belarus. in 1974 , the management decided to, as they say , build and launch this workshop. 70-80% of our products are exported and, of course, we’ll talk about achievements and work results. the difference between our equipment is that
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they have very large capabilities, this is knitting in a regular way, these are wide design possibilities. we are the only enterprise on the iis market that carries out the most advanced processing of raw materials. we are from manufactured autolevandridokh produces resins, resins produce the final pigmented paint varnishes . about belarusian organizations about the people who work there in the quality mark project. watch on tv channel belarus 24. the mechanical engineering industry in belarus is showing good results, which enterprises have grown in volume? gomselmash holding has good results. this year , 3,000 units of self-propelled vehicles rolled off the assembly lines. revenue increased by 122% compared to last year. more than 411 thousand eu residents. visited belarus last year without a visa. more than half are citizens of lithuania, latvians are in second place, then poles. our neighbors will be able to continue to freely enjoy
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belarusian hospitality. the visa-free regime has been extended for this year. the initiative of the ministry of foreign affairs was supported by the president. belarusian scientific breeders, the results of whose work we see on the shelves of our stores, have summed up the results of the year and are ready to please. resistant to frost and heat, beautiful, large, juicy, this is what they call their fruitful ones. results scientists, despite the drought, this year is excellent, to domestic varieties of cherries have proven themselves to be an example; hazelnuts are also popular ; in general, active work is underway on thirty crops at once. for news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts, watch the events program on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the united states is not coping with the tasks of a superpower and apparently is no longer one. an article in an american journal of international relations states a disappointing fact about the state of the world gendarme. in the last issue on december 20, we followed trend towards the beginning of the next one. already on january 12 at night, without sanctions, the united states and great britain launched missile attacks on the territory of yemen. the attacks were carried out from aircraft and submarines. another western intervention in the middle east took place. only this time, according to the findings of an american magazine. hundreds of cruise missile strikes were carried out throughout yemen. the next one. the anglo-saxon intervention in the middle east began with the destruction of more than sixty objects in the largest cities of the country. about the final
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the number of victims as a result of the night attack has not yet been reported. the houthis' activity in the red sea was used as justification for carrying out strikes in defiance of international law. attack is the best form of defense. such theses are heard from american british cruisers. the fleet was pulled into the region over the course of a month, while simultaneously forming an international coalition to share responsibility among all. this morning we launched operation prosperity guardian under the auspices of the joint naval forces and under leadership.
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world: afghanistan, libya, syria, iraq. uncle sam almost never comes alone. partners in dangerous business always play secondary roles. an accomplice, bound by blood, is always the most faithful and devoted ally. this time they also decided not to make exceptions and called for a collection. you know, it's very important to understand that the houthis are not just attacking one country, they are actually attacking the international community. they attack the economic well-being and prosperity of countries around the world. so, in essence, they really became bandits on the international highway that runs through the red sea. thus, the forces allocated to operation prosperity guardian will act as a kind of highway patrol
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patrolling the red sea and the gulf of aden. the fundraising for operation prosperity sentinel revealed an unexpected element to such white house events. it turns out that many are not even asked; participation in the crusade is obligatory after the fact. so, for example, in spain, almost from the newspapers we learned that that they are in a coalition. there was no limit to surprise and gratitude. spain not only denied the information, but also vetoed the participation of eu members in this bloody adventure. after several calls. in madrid , the veto was, of course, canceled, but spain absolutely refused to play such games. france and germany with an astonished question on their faces. well, it was possible, they repeated the success story. all three countries refused to transfer warships to american command, despite persuasion. safety at sea and freedom of movement of ships is absolutely vital important. it's vital for egypt, it's
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vital for britain, it's vital for the world. a few days before the attack on yemen , us secretary of defense lloyd austin incognito went to his hospital bed. by the way , no one informed the white house about the minister’s absence from work. and all this on the eve of a military operation against someone else. end of the world, where the department and its head play a key role: a coincidence or a reluctance to sully the track record, history is silent, but with another question there is no doubt, everything is on the surface. caressed by subsidies and investments, ally, the country on which perhaps the key bet is being made in the confrontation with china, also refused to dive into all the troubles.


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