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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 24, 2024 7:25pm-7:46pm MSK

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usa, great britain, europe, they cannot live at their own expense, they must constantly rob and absorb someone. there is absolutely a feeling of impunity and the fact that they can do this. the world is teetering on the brink of world war iii. it’s going on, in fact, it’s just going differently, it’s a hybrid war, but events can develop like dominoes. today , not a single expert, not a single politician can predict what will happen. the us is to blame for this crisis. they promised us in the ninety
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-first year that they would ensure peace and security throughout the planet of prosperity, they they couldn’t cope with this literature, it all started, well, relatively speaking, it started in ukraine, already the middle east, yemen, ecuador, coups in africa, all conflicts around the world will be reset, and this boomerang will definitely reach europe. don't miss it on tv channel belarus 24. may you love me, like a flower in the field, like a young fruit that flies over the crayfish, like a patched bird that lives in the wild, may i love you. “let me love you for the song that i
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hear, for the deep-throated laughter that is the most precious ring, for the clear eyes, for the young soul, may i love you, may i love you for the bright hours that you give me every now and then, for the most intense, dear daughter-in-law. let me love you, hello, my name is dmitry, my name is katya, we came to you from russia, from moscow, we love to travel, now our new location is minsk.
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we came from moscow, over the past 3 years we have traveled quite a lot, visited more than twenty countries, this is not our first time in belarus, we really liked it here, and we decided to return, what immediately struck us in the city - this is purity. roads, no traffic jams, everything is very close, and the people are very kind, we went to different places and everyone is quite open in moscow, everyone lives in a hurry, in constant stress, and people
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do not notice each other, constantly sitting there or standing, having my head buried in my phone, here i see more interaction between people, and this is very encouraging. in belarus i feel a little more freedom than in russia, in russia somehow this fuss with the latest pandemic dynamics doesn’t bother me very satisfied, somewhere the mask is higher, somewhere show the qr code, in belarus i feel freer, you come to you in a friendly manner, friendly relations, it doesn’t matter whether you are wearing a mask or not, i was in belarus with my father and brother, i have there are quite a few memories from this... such exotic countries as indonesia, vietnam, we traveled all over asia, and
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what other countries were there? singapore, the philippines, vietnam, thailand, that is, we visited almost all of asia, the asian capital of the world, let’s say , yes, that is, there is money circulation there. more more than in las vegas, this is macau, we also traveled around europe, yes, we rented a car and traveled almost all over it, again we are returning to belarus, it is very cozy, comfortable here, for the soul, that is, you relax here, we now we are in our apartment, we
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lived in... we lived in an apartment-hotel, but i very rarely felt at home when you constantly live out of suitcases, uh, you don’t feel this kind of stability, such a state that i’ve now come home , this is my home, and when i come here, i understand that yes, i’m at home, it’s like my space, we’ve arranged everything here, everything , yes, we’ve settled down, waking up every morning, i ’m happy, i’m smiling, i like that it’s arrived... i like to do things in the morning various practices, for me it’s more like some kind of spiritual practice, some kind of immersion in oneself, i get from this, one might say, zen, yes, for me it’s like meditation, i’ve actually studied
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books and literature all my life , i listened to people who talk about self-development, i always liked to read books on psychology, well, that’s what i have for me natural interest, and i began to notice that... actions, they affect our state, including eating food, yes, how much food benefits our body, how much it pollutes our body, including this applies to practices, yes , to influence, watching tv, influence, social networks. i was born in the city of yaroslavl, a couple of months later we moved to moscow, more precisely to the moscow region, i lived almost all my life in the city of khimki. and lived like everyone else, ate normally, but at the same time i was constantly sick, just constantly, for months, well, at least twice, and i was sick so often that the teachers at school forgot what i looked like, i had such a thick medical book, all
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the diseases that one could have, i collected them all, and at the same time i never i didn’t connect nutrition with my health, i didn’t have a connection in my head... that nutrition directly, directly affects the state of my body, illnesses, the state of my psyche, and i, like everyone else, studied and did , to medical school, entered medical school because i wanted to help people, that is, i have had this thread going on all my life, i want to help people, but i did n’t know how, so i decided that it would probably be medicine, i’ll go save people, i entered the first medical university named after sechinov in moscow, and i studied there for three courses, i studied for three courses because i learned that nutrition directly affects my health, after i changed my diet, all my diseases fell off, my skin became clear, body odors, weight went away,
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i feel, i feel lightness, i feel a lot of energy, that is, all those the moments that bothered me with traditional nutrition are gone, if before i lived in illness, now i live in health and it’s cool, because you feel that this is a permanent state, you are not bothered by the reasons that bothered you to live before, when i just switched... to fruit, yes, i decided to share this with everyone and called my mother on skype, so i thought, now i’ll tell her about the fruit, she turns on me, oh, she says, dima, you 've become kind of thin, dim, no, no, no, grandfather, it's no good, i say, mom, listen to me, in order not to get sick, in general, you need to eat just fruits, just eat all the fruits, wait, what kind of fruits are you, what are you eating now, i say, well, fruits, dima, this is not food. i say: wait, what is this? dima, is fruit a dessert? and then i realized that
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it’s no longer worth switching someone over to fruits or something like orphans. this was my experience. although i don’t like to put labels, nevertheless, to become a vegan, er, to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, firstly, it seems to me, you need two factors. the first is desire, the second is, well, the state of health, that is... if a person’s health is seriously deteriorating and he, having already researched his problem, finally got to the bottom of the fact that it was the diet that brought him to this, and this can help, it’s difficult where you don’t know how, it’s easy where you know how to do it, and always when you change something in life, knowledge is needed, because without understanding why i need it and what the consequences of this or that lifestyle are, you will never move on. to some new stage in your life,
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i really discovered dancing for myself at the age of 15, i then took up sports dancing, and it all started when i saw how one girl on the internet danced so well, she had incredible flexibility, and at the same time she danced dynamically, a huge number of elements, i liked it so much, i realized that i also wanted, and but in order... to do such dances you need a good stretch, then it was summer, and i realized that the next set was only in september, during this time i can have time to prepare, i started on my own do stretching, and thus i , on my own, as a self-taught person, did the splits completely by myself already in the fall, went to dance, being prepared, when i dance, such a large flow of energy opens up for me, as if i find for... myself some kind of completely a new source of strength, and i feel both joy and some
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incredible strength, it seems to me that i can move mountains, and i reveal myself from different sides, from the feminine side, if these are more feminine dances, yes, if this more energetic dancing, i feel something inner fire, and i want to immediately move towards my goals, and i experience very different emotions, like in some dance directions i can talk about... such complex emotions, somewhere anger, somewhere sadness, and the dance composition is reveals exactly this side, when i want to express myself, in moscow i tried to do contemporary dance , i really liked it, literally next week i’m going to dance contemporary here in minsk, we also went to bochata, to pair dancing, i got this feeling that this is a new direction for me, partner dance. and i’m so drawn into it, it’s incredibly interesting to me, and i ’m very glad that in this life i can
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afford it, that i have such an opportunity to move and enjoy creativity. my name is timur, today i will give you individual lessons in bachata, have you watched bachata, does anyone at least know what it is? yes, it’s wonderful, now we’ll figure it all out. in general, i wanted to learn how to dance bochata for a long time, i saw many guys doing it. only here for the first time in minsk i took a bachata class and i really liked it, i want to continue studying, before this incident i had never danced, then katya invited me and said: dima, why don’t we go to bachata, i say with pleasure, the very first time , when i start trying something new, i personally get some kind of stupor, because i can’t adjust my body, my brain
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and, let’s say, choose the right movement, but it seems to you that you’re doing everything right, you look at mirror, you have... in general, everything is not like that, with the coach everything is different, but then it’s as if you enter some kind of flow, you relax and already enjoy it. dancing is like a kind of bridge for a person that transfers his inner world into the physical world, this is how a person opens up through it, that is, it is an opportunity to throw out that energy, those feelings that are inside through. we are embarking on an expedition in the depths of our country. outside the windows there is light and darkness, in the sky there is a low, heavy gloom, and inside us
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there is a clear gloom. let's get together with our people fellow countryman, to serve as pastor on the roof of the most holy. come on. i bought perch, perch, perch, along with the project for the broadcast last year on the belarus 24 tv channel,
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we are now in minsk, in the wonderful club of dmitry chumakhov, i really love table tennis. and not missing the opportunity to come to a training session with an international-class master of sports, but i get great pleasure, a lot of positive emotions, because table tennis for me is a unique combination of technique, reaction, and here in this club i find such sports satisfaction, and just relaxing both in soul and body. when i finished performing professionally, it was probably when i was 32 years old, i decided that i needed to create something similar, as there are such clubs in other countries, they are in the post-soviet space, they are in europe, in asia, where they come not only professionals to train, but also amateurs, for such children, yes, youth, the adult generation, let’s say, organize training,
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competitions, promote this healthy lifestyle using a desktop tennis is not... among non-professionals , in my opinion, a person needs sport in order to escape from everyday problems, first of all, from everyday life, from work, there is stress everywhere, yes, not only positive things, but sports , let’s say, it forces a person to be properly motivated in relation to this stress, he relieves it in this way, through sports stress, let’s say, he moves here, runs, he wants to win, he gets emotional, yes, this is motivation, and so way... it seems to me that sport is an integral part of a person ’s life, in my opinion, absolutely everyone can come to our club to play table tennis, that is , any age, tennis is a universal game of all ages, even, for example, a grandson and grandfather play together, eat and such examples, and now we are in a vegan cafe, and in general
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, every time we come to some new country or city, i... yes, along with searching for housing, i also find good grocery stores where you can choose good fruits and vegetables , i also look for markets and cafes where you can eat raw vegan food, now we are just in a cafe where a year and a half ago we were waiting for this cafe to open, when we arrived, we saw that there were very low-profile positions here, and i talked about the topic of healthy. and offered such options, options for various dishes, and it so happened that we were not able to try them because we left, now that after a year and a half we... we came to this cafe and here there are the very dishes that i recommended, and this is very cool, there are many vegan stores in minsk, they are located.


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