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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 24, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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for youth is secondary employment, within the framework of which we form student teams. the main task is to employ young people and assist in their employment, both in the profession of education, and in accordance with the desires that they currently express. integral is a leader among industrial enterprises in terms of the number of working youth under the age of 31. we are actively working with educational institutions, as well as with the belarusian republican youth union. children who. worked in student
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detachments, have their own direct income, receive from us a qualification category or profession, the rank of worker. in belarus, there is an increase in the incidence of viral infections among the population; among the circulating viruses, mainly non-influenza viruses are observed, at the same time, there is also an increase in the incidence of influenza, mainly type a. this information is confirmed by the ministry of health. it was decided to extend vaccination of the population until the end of january. children are vaccinated only with parental consent. head of the department of hygiene, epidemiology and prevention ministry of health inna karaban commented on the epidemic situation and gave recommendations on preventing the spread of the disease. compared to the calendar week before last, last calendar week our incidence rate increased by 33%. well, actually, this can be seen from the number of children who come to the clinic, and our data shows that the majority of people are sick. made up of children; 59% were
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small children under 4 years of age; among the circulating viruses we now mainly see non-influenza viruses, it’s like usually parainfluenza viruses of the first, second, third and fourth types, that is , they all occur, and we all understand that we know that parainfluenza viruses are very similar to the influenza virus, therefore, that is, they also begin with a rise in incidence to high numbers, but together with however, this is not the flu, but... it can only be confirmed in a laboratory. the state control committee checked the quality of medical services to the population. a hotline was set up to receive calls from the public. it was possible to report problems with visiting doctors, undergoing medical examination, service in medical centers, waiting periods for diagnostic tests, or make suggestions for improving the quality of work of medical institutions. all received information will be analyzed by specialists of the state control committee.
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on the air of the program, sas is authorized to declare. me and the presenter nadezhda sas. greetings. let me remind you that this is a program for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect the life of the country of each of us. in today's program we will talk about something that worries many conflict in krasnoye. sea, but first we’ll tell you about the key events in world politics this week in our digest: the current vice president of taiwan, the leader of the ruling democratic progressive party laide, who advocates the independence of the island, won the presidential election. his victory was confirmed by the election commission. shortly before this, the main rival of the cnd, the mayor of new taibe, admitted defeat. based on the results of the count, 98% of the votes are the result.
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the ecn was 40.2%. then, like houyou, representing china-friendly the conservative kuomintang party received 33.4% of the vote. observers. they agree that the results of the presidential elections and the new parliament in taiwan will predetermine beijing's decision. is it worth starting a military invasion of the island, which the prc authorities consider their sovereign territory? the contender for the presidency of taiwan from the kuomintang party, houyu , previously directly stated that on january 13, the people of taiwan will make a choice between war and peace. he is confident that a full-scale military conflict can only be prevented by strengthening relations with beijing. former us president donald trump received the most votes in the state of iowa as part of the party primaries. this was reported by the washington post on january 16, citing exit poll data. when more than 95% of the ballots are counted, trump has 51% of the vote. in second place is ron
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disantis with 21.3%. and niki haley closes the top three with 19.1%. after confirming the results. the fourth candidate vivik ramaswamy announced the end of the presidential campaign and according to bloomberg source plans to declare support for trump. trump won 98 of the state's 99 counties. in 2016 , he was only able to win a majority of thirty-seven votes. the next round of republican primaries will take place in new hampshire on january 23. according to the study , 69% of republican supporters said they intend to vote for... trump. on january 16, president of belarus alexander lukashenko held a meeting of the security council, which was devoted to the consideration of two most important strategic planning documents: draft concepts of the national security and military doctrine of belarus.
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the key directions for the transformation of modern risks and threats in the sphere of national security are set out in some detail in the concept and military doctrine, it was stated. we talk a lot and often in the program about ukraine, and this can be understood taking into account the significance of the events taking place there, but the contours of the future are determined not only there, not only in europe as a whole, and i would like to quote pyotr arkadyevich stalypin on this matter. eagle heritage of byzantium, double-headed eagle, of course, strong, powerful and single-headed eagles, but cutting off our russian eagle’s one head facing the east, you will not turn it into a single-headed eagle, you will only make it bleed, neither russia nor belarus can ignore
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the processes in the middle east, where wars are also flaring up , where the situation is pushing towards a nuclear confrontation, we will talk about this in today's program, should we expect a major conflict involving iran and the united states in the near future? well , depending on what we mean by the near future, that is, we see how the confrontation between the united states and iran, but i think both sides, it is important to emphasize that both the united states and iran are trying to avoid this conflict, it is not beneficial to either one or the other, well, in short, the united states has a very difficult internal political
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situation, and this the conflict will not be easy for america, with a high degree of escalation into a nuclear conflict, but iran is already doing well, it is expanding its zone of influence, it... is quite effectively solving its economic problems, and an open clash with the united states for everyone the collective west could also bring extremely unpredictable consequences for iran. vladimir konstantinovich, please. russia, iran and the united states are part of their political ecosystems that exist and have now formed in the world. and we can say that this process is akin to an education block.
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iran, and yet in many ways are doomed to enter into direct conflict, because the united states is not even at odds with itself. iran, with this entire ecosystem with which iran is connected today, this also includes russia, china, and a number of other countries, and since the relations between these blocs are truly antagonistic... at a fundamental level, it is practically impossible to avoid a collision, of course, not in the short term, but in the medium term. i am pleased to welcome political scientist and orientalist karine gevaryan to our program. dear karen, greetings. hello. there is an opinion that israel and its lobbyists in the united states of america are interested in dragging iran into the conflict in order to deal with it once and for all. how much are you do you agree with this, with this opinion? let
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's talk about this in a little more detail, please. and, indeed, israel, the israeli lobby, the british lobby in the united states, but they would really like to drag the united states in like a fist, that is , it’s unlikely to take such a golem, headless, but powerful, and thrash iran with its fists they will succeed. what is needed in order to bring iran to its knees, that is, to achieve results so that iran does not arise again, with their sovereignty, in general, try to rein in this country, they for this, a ground contingent was needed
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, that on the borders of azerbaijan and iran on the territory of post-soviet azerbaijan, there are two, in my opinion, maybe more, but such israeli support bases already exist, this is a fact, and what worries me more is that in the post-soviet space instead of really leaving everyone alone... and implementing settlement processes, and we
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know what happened in the transcaucasus, so israel is trying to light this fire, but it must be said that still many people in the elite the political elite in baku understand this, i’m not talking about yerevan now, because i don’t consider armenia to be on a sovereign level with azerbaijan, so this is important, that’s what it concerns. iranians, then i remind you that it is there that the main concentration of the armed forces of the iranian troops is on the border with azerbaijan with armenia, and 100,000 military personnel, excellent weapons, installations with ballistic cruise missiles and 40,000 fighters of the ksir, the islamic revolutionary guard corps, they are waiting for a blow from there, they've been waiting for a long time, they're very good. equipped this, that is, if there is an attempt to take place in military operations, new
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military operations in transcaucasia, then iran will not even have to cross the border, because iran is able to remotely stop these military operations, as i imagine, although i am not a military expert , as for the attempt to involve the americans in a direct conflict with iran, then you need to understand that in iran and in... the world is raging, everything is possible, but i assess precisely the direct and even indirect clash
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between iran and the united states as unlikely at this time. moreover, these strikes that iran carried out directly, it was iran itself that carried out on erbil, here we must understand that there are three turkish bases on the territory of northern kurdistan. there are american bases, in fact, the iranians are most annoyed by the turkish bases, because the americans have long ceased to worry them and...
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by the way, regarding turkey and israel, despite erdogan’s menacing statements, you have already heard terrible abuse about palestine verbally at three atomic wars with each other different, but nevertheless, by leaps and bounds.
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stage there will be any serious blow from armenia or azerbaijan against iran, that is, this will either be some kind of provocation, well, i think that neither aliyev nor pashinyan, well, in real life will agree to this, and yes, their territory there may somehow- then be used, but you still can’t expect a major strike here either, you know, as they present in the west, that hezbollah, they even attribute hamas to pro-iranian groups, although this is not so, there are contacts, but we shouldn’t forget after all the difference: iran controls mainly...
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iran on the bashar-assad regime, the syrian government, but there we know that it is balanced by russia, which also has a very strong position, of course, iran’s influence on yemen, but this is a primitive idea of ​​the houthis, as just iranian proxies, this is wrong, this is a coalition that includes a variety of forces, to the surprise of many, it must be said that... and socialist forces, there are communists there, there are sunnis there, iran has strengthened its position in afghanistan, of course, so we must understand this some kind of confederation, or perhaps different groups with their own interests, with their leaders, with their own history, the leader
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of which is iran, a certain subregion arose, i would call it that under the influence of iran, and we must not forget.
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not so hot, this is a serious, perhaps one of the biggest political problems for saudi arabia, along with contradictions within the family itself, most of the ruling family, most of the population of iraq are shiites, there are also different groups there, the same baghdad, for example, divided, here you have it these groups are listed, again in syria, the majority of the population is sunni, but allawites, shiites and christians have also united around bashar-assad, that is, those ethnic... groups that, in the event of a victory of the islamic state or, in principle, the islamists, will simply be subjected to total massacre . lebanon is traditionally split along religious lines, it is laid down in the constitution, so you know, in lebanon it’s not about...
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which took shape not only over the years, over centuries in a region with its own history, but when the americans got in there, they didn’t they simply stirred up this tangle of interests , and they led to such a growing explosion, and what we are now seeing is a crisis of the entire american strategy in the middle east, which assumed that their leadership would ensure the isolation of any of their opponents, the creation of a pro-american coalition that would allow a big war will quickly neutralize the influence,
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lost, their actions, in your opinion, how do you characterize and how can you avoid a really big grandiose collision that will cost millions, billion lives. i don’t think that the united states was at all interested in the conflict in the gas sector; it is a product of the activities of other forces. the united states, i think vadim franzovich said that the united states was creating a system of control over the middle east, the greater middle east, this is about the planning horizon. which was carried out at the beginning of the 2000s, even partly at the beginning of the late nineties, is a plan for the reconstruction of the greater middle east with the segmentation
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of large states, a focus on sects, a focus on on radical groups in order to make this area chaotic and control these chaotic groups, there was also an idea, by the way, to create a large kurdistan, and to disband iraq, turkey and iran, these were big plans for them, they practically... the completely buried united states has de facto withdrawn from iraq and afghanistan and is present there very symbolically, well, situationally. and to say that the palestinian, palestinian-israeli conflict was beneficial to the united states, i think that this wrong. most likely, it was a bad dream for them, what happened. why they became so involved in this process is also quite understandable, because there is a very large influence of ethnic jewish groups, which are neoconservatives to a very large extent, there is a large consensus in the american political sphere. community, not in society, in the political community, that israel is an old and long-term partner of the united states, so they joined quite uncompromisingly, contrary to their
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goals, another question is that an independent process is taking place in the region itself, and the process is formation, these are macroblocks at the planetary level, there are microblocks at the regional level, at the regional level it is quite obvious that dominance in this region has always been with the sunni majority and ... the conditions, naturally, broke all these alliances very much, the alliances were created by the creativity of iranian foreign policy, different groups acted there, but they acted quite effectively, they managed to create from very disparate shiite groups, here vadim franzovich said that the zeidis are from... yemen, this is so unlike the iranian shiites, but we will say that the allawites from syria recognized them as full-fledged shiites just a few years ago at a spiritual
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council in iran, and this recognition is political, they were not recognized as normal shiites for hundreds of years, and there will also be ismaelites, and various groups of turkish shiites, and the druze, who are not considered muslims at all, are not considered muslims by many, but these... all the groups were scattered, they suddenly began unite because they saw a historical chance for themselves to increase their political weight in their regions, and their orientation towards iran is very significant, because this is a resource dependence, not ideological, it is a resource dependence, now they act as a single whole, in many ways , yes, they have different views inside, but the logic of survival dictates that they work closely with each other, and this is not a matter of beliefs, it is a matter of... a strategic game, when they are surrounded by enemies, their only chance to win is to unite and unite, of course, not with each other, with iran, so,
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yes, the united states. with your permission, let us remind you of the war in the red sea, which is happening off the coast of yemen in our short story, we are watching together. on january 15, an american ship was hit by a missile off the coast of yemen. the shell hit the left side of the cargo ship, which managed to stay afloat, but the impact led to a fire in the hold. the incident occurred approximately 177 km southeast of the yemen city of aden. the ship was hit by the houthi ansar group.
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says yemen tv channel. armed yemeni and houthi forces view all american british warships and vessels involved in aggression against our country as hostile targets. we confirm that a response to the us and uk attacks is inevitable and that any new aggression will not go unpunished. the container ship continued along the route. casualties or significant damage, let me remind you that in mid-november, the shiite paramilitary movement ansar allan, ruling in the north of yemen, as a sign of support for the palestinians in the gaza strip, began to attack those associated with israel ships in the red sea. this had a negative impact on trade, and maritime transport through the shutsky canal decreased sharply. world trade volumes fell due to the attacks in the red sea. i think shipping companies will not rush back to sea.
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it is also reasonable to assume that. the faithlessness in the red sea will not stop, in my opinion, it will even intensify. the conflict flared up instantly, the united states announced a military operation to protect shipping in the region. washington was supported by 10 other countries on this issue. on friday night, states and the uk began operation against the ansar allah movement. we have made it clear, as have many other countries, that the houthis' actions will have consequences. we have also repeatedly tried to make it clear to iran that the support they... us president joe biden called the military operation a response to the threat to freedom
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of navigation, without ruling out a continuation. military actions, however, a number of countries condemned this method of resolving conflicts; russia strongly condemned the actions of the states of their allies; even the americans themselves opposed it. mass protests took place in capital of yemen, they also expectedly opposed the invasion of foreign armed forces. anti-american and anti-israeli slogans became the weapons of the demonstrators. karinia alexandrovna. looked at the plot, recalled the chronology of events, in your opinion, what is russia’s game in the current situation, because the crisis is objectively beneficial for it, taking into account the diversion of the attention of the same united states of america from ukraine, but the middle east is also important for moscow, in itself, so is russia losing influence now that it is primarily an observer?
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first of all, let’s not absolutize the fact of the confrontation between shiites and sunnis, because in islam there are only five recognized madhabs, so these are not the only phenomena within islam, within each madhab, sunnis and shiites have their own sectarians, who they hate more than each other, that’s why the situation here is much better. it’s more difficult, this is the first, second, these are completely rational people, there is no need to attribute excessive religious fanaticism to them, another thing is that yes, it is favorable when you belong to the same maskhabu and profess the same religious values, this is pleasant, but this does not mean that you cannot find a worthy partner or counterparty in some other groups, which actually
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happens in the middle east too... because if we talk , if we focus only on this religious confrontation, we will not understand, for example, support from india. and the actions of iran, for example, here are the latest strikes on terrorist groups in pakistani baluchestan, which iran carried out, supported by india, and part of the pakistani politicians, because despite the fact that pakistan has declared all sorts of protests and is behaving, frankly speaking , quite strangely, for now i put the word strange in quotation marks, at the same time the military... the pakistani are in the port of benderabas in iran and are conducting joint naval exercises with the iranian naval forces, that’s how you understand it , you know, in fact, splits occur within countries not only and not
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so much on religious principles, but saudi arabia with its shiids should be considered also because they live in regions where the main oil production is carried out. coming, now the answer to your question: we are washing and intensifying the creation of infrastructure, and continental communications north-south, and we are interested in the process of stabilizing the region, eliminating all hooligans and terrorist groups, in this sense, we will rely on the state that is not involved. and not, how can i say, unnoticed in interaction with dangerous but destabilizing groups such as the prohibited isis and various others and muslim brothers
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as well. for the americans, i thought while listening to your conversation, in fact, now a very interesting question arises from my point of view, who is stronger? iran or? turkey, who will be there, who has the resource to restore order or without order in the region? now, now they cannot help but understand that, perhaps, after all, if you look at reality, then, perhaps, iran is in a stronger position, while iran is supported by such a large state as india, quite influential, so, iran has good relations. with the people's republic of china, so in this case , and i can even say, we see, in general, a rising power of the macro-region, which has long gone, by the way, beyond the boundaries of its macro-region in the backyard of the americans, in
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the countries of latin america, especially in venezuela, iran is one of the largest serious partners, i note that the iranians are already building a metro in caracas. although they themselves only began to master these metro construction technologies for the first time 20 3 years ago, relations between iran and latin america are rapidly developing, which is why today we are also interested in interaction with iran, i will not go into details, we understand that, by the way, this is important, look what iran has done for. .. for the last 40 years, and this is very important, iran had american weapons, during this time, and iran switched to our russian, russian standards, we have our own
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engineering school, so our systems have become congruent, do you think the iranians are did they do it with some aim, probably with a long range with a view to expanding interaction with...
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he keeps his proxies, in fact, well , there are some barmaleys who feel very good, the huge karina aleksandrovna, yes vadim frantsevich, i think when karina aleksandrovna spoke, we speak, we mention here religious groups, she absolutely agrees with her analysis that these two powers , turkey and iran, are growing, and this is a thousand-year history, two state formations, one with a center in constantinople, the second in one of the cities of iran, at first it was roman there the zaroastrian empire was a state formation, then byzantium, already christian, and iran opposed, which they took advantage of.
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that is, here is a body that does not give any order, so we need to constantly analyze the american factor, they came with something, well, forget this history of the usa, the soviet union, in the nineties the americans promised, we guarantee peace, settlement, calm, order, once again, nothing worked out, so why should we mention the events of 1993, when we signed an agreement on palestine, let's remember jake salevan's september statement. assistant to the us president for national security,
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who said: “well, here it is,” he says, the middle east, the result of our leadership, calm, in general, he says, “i have a headache right now,” said salevan, more about ukraine, about some others regions, he says, well, in the middle east in general i don’t have a headache, he said in september, in october the whole world already had a headache around what was happening there and changing institutionally, before, as it was, israel oriented its armed forces." egypt, first of all, syria, here is the southern front, the northern front, so israel is divided into the southern district, the northern district, then groups suddenly began to appear, at first these were palestinian groups, then they became internationalize, which began to pose a great threat, which is what we have now israel is waging a war in the gaza strip with a group that is not a state entity, involving the attention of 2/3 of its armed forces, losses,
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well, the debate is about the loss, in any case, these are hundreds of dead, several thousand wounded, now we can go into a long discussion about how many there really are, the second war that israel is preparing is a war with hezbollah, hezbollah is a non-state organization, it is a quasi state, and this is also the contradiction that karennaya aleksandrovna spoke about pakistan, the foreign ministry is one thing, the military is another. almost all beirut politicians in power are pro-american, almost all of them have european education, and hezbollah, it is an anti-american group , but its influence on lebanese politics is much greater than any officially existing political parties, although hsbalah is again represented in the lebanese parliament, that is, we can give these details for a long time, they are curious, interesting and there, and also add here your personal connections and interests. indeed , there are already these interfaith cooperations,
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for example, the conclusion of an agreement mediated by beijing between iran and saudi arabia, and the conflict that broke out - this is in the midst of such a quiet, calm settlement between israel and the united arab emirates, israel and bahrain, israel and saudi arabia, something that seemed unthinkable a few years ago. in other words, religious contradictions often began to fade into the background. firstly, these are political and economic, we are facing a challenge and the stage of formation of a new face of the middle east, in which there will definitely be less of the united states, definitely a leader, one of the leaders will be iran, and there will be stronger turkey’s position , the updated position has a very serious position, no longer the same as it was 20-30 years ago in saudi arabia, and of course here we are talking about the role that...
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the adventure of foreigners in belarus me: they differ in taste , more for frying, probably for baking, this is
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queen anne, a guy from ecuador, he has lived here for 8 years and travels through our towns and villages. i would also like to see a lot, yes, what's the problem? no, not a problem yet, while i ’m still young, and it won’t spoil here, no, there’s thermometry, fans, air sulks, happily talks about the most colorful places in the country, well, it’s delicious, i don’t know how many vegetables there are here, it’s just incredible how many hectares you need to dig to get enough vegetables, i actually know how to get sugar, the most difficult thing was watch the travel project white dew on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. i remind you that on the air of the saz program i am authorized to announce in today’s program we are talking about the security crisis in the middle east and would like to address it. attention to the certificate that we prepared with our colleagues, who such houthis? attention to the screen? let's talk in more detail. the houthis, followers of the ansarul movement, which was founded in the early 1990s in northern yemen, originated in the zaydi community and covers about 30% of the country's population. presumably, the movement's population reaches 10 million people. husism is based on the concept of the qur'anic path. according to this concept , the koran. contain everything necessary for the organization of a muslim society. the houthis say they are protecting their religion from sunni influence and their country from foreign influence. aggression. according to western experts, the houthis allegedly enjoy hidden military and financial support from iran and its allies, represented by the lebanese hezbollah movement. massive
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strikes by britain and the united states on houthi positions in yemen are the third military attack on the movement. this happened for the first time in 2004. i will add that husism can be called a reformist islamic teaching of the new wave of the postmodern era, that is, reformers in the 20th century tried to break the bone traditions of islamic societies, turning to primary sources, so that to give rise to modernity in the form of westernization, and said hussein, the founder of the movement, tried to revive the role of the qur'an as self-sufficient. the source of not only the spiritual, but also the socio-economic development of islamic societies, putting a barrier to the influence of the ideology of the west, as well as israel, deeply connected with it by the materialistic interests, declaring it imperialist and hostile to islam. vadim franzovich, what
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do you think is iran’s own attitude towards the houthis? well, i would say rationally, in general this is the main term, which we now see from all the experts more. deeply knowledgeable about the issues, this is a very rational and pragmatic policy of iran, and because we have iran as a totalitarian society through western eyes, in fact there are also legally competing groups of conservatives, traditionalists, liberals, there are some groups in the middle, as a result of this competition of ideas , interests arose such a policy, very precise, very effective, based on military power, on the economy. formed under sanctions pressure, all this stabbed iran, iranian society, iranian politicians and began to make it possible to pursue such a policy, i would compare it, you know, with what, like the soviet union stabbed in the trials of the twenties and thirties, as a result of pressure from the imperialist west, in as a result , we got a fairly balanced,
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balanced post-war policy, a kind of golden era, the power of the soviet union’s influence and economic influence, this is... approximately what corresponds to today’s iran, yes, there is a contradiction, maybe, well, not exactly a contradiction, as was noted here, and vladimir spoke about this, the difference in the ideology of zeidism, we can talk about this for a long time, classical shiism, but the ihusites are not just followers of that teaching , which you mentioned, is a confederation of various political and religious groups, including sunni, including socialist- oriented, but it must be said that socialism in its various versions, like arab, under the influence of egypt, first of all, so and soviet, let me remind you, it was there for a long time... in the south there was the pro -soviet people's democratic republic of yemen. yemen consisted of two parts, as they said, northern yemen, southern yemen, there was
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anti-soviet, pro-soviet yemen. and so these fragments of that political picture, they united around the houthis. iran is a necessary condition for them, power of influence, because a coalition led by saudi arabia has been fighting against the houthis for many years. saudi arabia has one of the largest military budgets in the world. is a leader in arms purchases, saudi arabia has almost all weapons except nuclear ones, for example , missiles, i remind you that right in the midst of this invasion of arab monarchies in yemen , trump concluded an agreement with a number of countries on the largest supply of weapons to many, in my opinion, 60 billion, or so, for many billions of american weapons, and yet the houthis withstood, withstood this blow, moreover, they began to deliver retaliatory, effective strikes, which forced... a number of people to negotiate with them, of course, it must be said frankly that without iran's support, it was impossible, they would be crushed
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, and this determines mutual interest, and for iran this is control, what is the strategic importance of yemen and in particular aden, which at one time was squeezed out by the british, that is, it was part of the system of global planetary british control, gibraaltar, south africa, cape town means aden, india, singapore. these are the basing points of the british fleet aden, in principle , hadeida, in principle, yemen itself is control over the babaelmandep channel, and the oh channel strait, the babaelmandep strait, which connects the red sea, the indian ocean, this is considered control over the suedian, without control over this strait there is no logic in the suedian canal, look at how when a real threat to shipping arose as a result of the middle east conflict, all tankers.
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ethiopia has now recognized the independence of somaliland, somaliland is northern somalia, former british somalia, which is directly adjacent to this strait, here is india, a rapidly growing economy, and singapore, the strait of malacca, these are these narrow cities, whoever controls them is controls the entire trade turnover, flow, including energy resources, compressed gas, liquefied gas, more precisely, oil and so on, and ordinary goods.
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process, the aggravation will occur multifactorially, not only in this region, not even in the middle east alone, now tension will form, not form, but come to the surface in many regions of the planet, we just saw venezuela’s desire to expand its territory, argentina claims the falklands and malvinas islands, but ethiopia puts forward claims from sudan and ethiopia there is and so it is possible to claim against each other, egypt. ethiopia has claims for the nile, and so you can list, list, list, the whole world is full
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of conflicts, contradictions, when the world hegemon does not satisfy the majority of humanity, the majority of humanity is not only russia, russia is also, by the way, obviously interested in overloading the american system foreign policy, to ensure that its economic-political military capabilities are not capable of solving all these issues , to remove it from the equation. make connected the states are just an ordinary country, well , as big as india, like australia, like brazil, argentina, well, just a country, in this situation no one is now interested in avoiding conflicts, the united states, yes, they may not want these conflicts , but they cannot avoid them, because if they avoid them, they will automatically lose their status as a world hegemon, and the rest of the world, seeing that they are united...
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cannot, even china clearly avoids any conflict over taiwan, russia seeks to minimize the conflict, that is, to maintain the final conflict only within certain limits around ukraine with the west, but also within certain limits, so no country in the world wants a full-scale, full-fledged war like this, but all together. everyone is interested in overloading and overloading like this, so that the americans are simply unable to resolve all these issues. now i would like to hear the opinion of the leader of the republic of belarus alexander lukashenko about what is happening and how the situation is dangerous for all humanity, please. this is a terrible humanitarian disaster. please note that threats
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to use nuclear weapons were made almost immediately. after the escalation of the conflict, and as usually happens , no sanctions followed from the civilized west, a routine statement as if nothing had happened. unfortunately, we have returned to a time when military force became the main argument in building interstate relations. yes, vadim frantsovich, unfortunately, many structural factors today indicate... a high probability of a qualitative increase in the level of military conflict, in fact, a number of world participants are leading the world to disaster, in your opinion, will the presence of a cold common sense prevail over the madness of a cold mind, it means a cold war, but a hot war, more and more experts are changing the picture of what
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the third world war is; before we said there was a clear program for the third world war. war is a direct collision between two nuclear powers, most likely the ussr and the usa, with the use of nuclear weapons, yes, which, well with some monstrous consequences for humanity, now there is more and more talk that perhaps it is already underway, well , when we say, it is already underway with such an emotional assessment, we see instability in the world, well, it’s like emotions should be everything - be justified by some theoretical conclusions and such a pragmatic analysis, so we can say, given that to intensify the conflict... everywhere in the most unexpected regions, there we have in papau new guinea recently there were clashes, even, it would seem, that is third world war, as a certain stage in the development of mankind, which will mean the end of western hegemony , the formation of a new world, most likely, most likely, with several centers of influence, as regions with their own regional powers, will go through a third world war, which will take place or is already
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taking place in the form.
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organizations will increase the level of aggression on their part, that is, this is a process in which two parties participate, which stimulate each other, unilaterally, they will not increase aggression. yes, vadim franzovich, yes, no one is interested it’s not iran, i think, not the united states in a sharp increase in rates, of course, this is some kind of signal now that washington is sending, it’s still sending, apparently, ineptly, but this does not mean
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that the major players are disinterested in a direct clash, that... “god created war, so that the americans would study geography, and how right he turned out to be, the attacks on yemen from american ships forced the citizens of the united states of america to learn about the existence of this country. but seriously, the events in the middle east remind us of what a unipolar world was like, in in which "one country decided who and where to bomb, the rest silently accepted its choice . such a world no longer exists, but the transition to a new system will also be unpleasant. thank you, it
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was a program, saz is authorized to say. the conflict in gaza is gradually developing into a war on everything in the middle east. god gave wings to one, and a penzel to the other, yes,
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it seems like both are flying, and what different trajectories are the prospects, 34 trillion, the us national debt mark has been reached, they live at the expense of others, and this is a very important element that the united states will at any cost try to save. watch on tv channel belarus 244.
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this is a panorama, a live broadcast about the main events of wednesday 20. on january 4, i will tell you, sergei lugovsky. hello. why did the ukrainian armed forces shoot down a plane in which their own prisoners of war were flying for exchange, and doesn’t this tragedy remind you of the situation in malaysia?


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