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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 24, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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this is a panorama, a live broadcast, and i, sergey lugovsky, will tell you the main events of wednesday, january 24th. hello. why did the ssu shoot down a plane in which their own prisoners of war were flying for exchange, and doesn’t this tragedy remind you of the situation with the malaysian one? what
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are the fascist anglo-saxons pushing fraternal ukraine to do? we'll figure out. influenza activity continues to increase. vaccination has been extended in belarus until the end of january. the ministry of health is closely monitoring the situation and strongly recommends getting vaccinated. and less than two days until the super final of the most popular tv show countries, factorby. the winner will be announced this friday. we'll find out how the preparations are going at the fan meeting with fans. look. it’s time for the world to see who is being sponsored by several us-made missiles at once . germany in the armed forces of ukraine shot down an il-76 plane of the russian ministry of defense in the belgogorod region, and it was transporting ukrainian soldiers, an inhumane act, and even in such a situation, russian pilots took the falling airliner further from populated areas. military doctrine in action at the training ground. russian army
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strategic documents are translated into field training, the process in the focus of the disposition project. strikes, protests and falling ratings of european political elites. the global redistribution in the european union has already begun; let’s discuss the side effect of sanctions and friendship with washington. hear people and solve pressing problems. the chairman of the council of the republic held a personal reception of citizens. we will talk about issues that require consideration in the material. from a satellite and an antarctic station to your own electric car, belarusian science, fundamental research and applied developments, like us we grow bread, produce equipment, save lives on the basis of our scientific discoveries, we will discuss it in the economic environment after the panorama. the main news today was an absolutely terrible tragedy in the belgorod region of russia, an inhumane event. once again
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it confirms that for the ukrainian regime, its curators and ideological inspirers in the west, there are no borders, no red lines for committing heinous crimes, murders, terrorist attacks, violence. ukrainian militants from the ukrainian armed forces shot down a military transport plane today il-76. there were 74 people on board. alas, within the framework of the north military district, the news could have gone unnoticed, but there were also 60 ukrainian military personnel on board, who were specially transported for the exchange of prisoners, that is, they were practically on their way home to their homeland, all of them, as well as six crew members, and three accompanying ones died. the russian ministry of defense called the attack on the aircraft a terrorist attack. according to them, the plane was shot down by missiles from the anti-aircraft complex in the kharkov region. radar equipment in the russian aerospace forces recorded the launch of two ukrainian missiles. for
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for those who are now actively trying to place all the blame on russia, the kremlin, putin or technical problems, let me explain: the il-76 crew managed to report external influence. moreover, as soon as it became known about the crash of the russian plane, all ukrainian propaganda screamed with foam at the mouth that this was the work of the kiev regime. they published posts rejoicing over the downed plane, and had no idea that... they had become witnesses to a brutal massacre and joyful, bloody murderers of their own soldiers, who were hoping to return to peaceful life. olga davidovich will continue: this is terrible footage of the crash of the il-76 plane. they scattered across telegram channels this afternoon; you can see how the plane falls apart during the fall, sharply descends beyond the lines of private buildings and disappears from view, then appears.
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behind my fence there was a lot of smoke, just black balls, this was coming, but, naturally, i was very scared . ukrainian media and telegram channels were among the first to post news of the crash of a russian military transport plane, both ironically and rejoicing at the human victims were told that the plane was shot down in the ssu. their joy gave way to panic and hasty editing of the publication exactly at the moment when the russian ministry of defense reported. on board the il-76. there were 65 captured military personnel in the ssu, transported to the belgorod region for exchange, as well as six crew members and three accompanying persons, but the internet, as they say, remembers everything. other independent propagandists, trying to denounce the ukrainian armed forces, who actually deliberately killed dozens of compatriots during the interruption, began to put forward
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their own versions of what happened: it’s not a joke another, and the fact that the plane was allegedly flying from egypt and that the board was allegedly carrying s-300 missiles. well, the most absurd thing is that the plane was not flying to... in 2022, after the nazis surrendered from azov , a powerful missile strike was carried out on a militant prisoner-of-war camp. ukrainian media, with reference to kiev experts , then said during the interruption that it was not their doing. but today’s incident only confirmed the corporate style of the armed forces of ukraine. a deadly attack on
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one’s own prisoners is a recognizable method of kiev’s conduct of the conflict. the ukrainian criminal fascist regime has committed another a bloody crime that defies any military logic at all. the ukrainian leadership was well aware of the impending exchange and was informed of how the prisoners would be delivered. well, the kiev regime has once again shown that for it its own concepts do not exist. and it’s high time for ordinary ukrainians to understand. each of them, sooner or later, may end up either on a plane or pressing a button that launches a rocket into the plane. which of these is worse, let everyone decide for themselves. many have already realized this, but unfortunately too late. this is an interview with a surrendered russian military man. why i decided to surrender, i wanted to live, they consider us like meat, everyone understands why it’s so cold with us, our leadership
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doesn’t explain anything, they throw it away, the situation for the kiev elite is very delicate, because in sou they didn’t just shoot down a transport plane, they shot it down with western weapons over territory of russia. belgorod, from where ukrainian prisoners were supposed to be transported by bus to the border with the kharkov region, this was confirmed by the ukrainian ministry of defense. it's not even military anymore a crime, it is simply a complete dishonor for those who gave the order to fire at the plane. with missiles, american and german, they shot their soldiers in the air, their own, their mothers there. let's prepare an appeal to the congress of the united states of america and the
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german bundestag so that the deputies can finally see who they are funding, this is the nazi regime. fed by biden, macron, scholz, and other politicians, they must realize their responsibility, and members of parliament must impeach them. it is noteworthy that a day earlier mit russia reported that journalists were prohibited from getting acquainted with documents related to the crash of a malaysian boeing in july 2014 in the donbass. then the ukrainian authorities blamed the militias for the incident, who in turn argued that they did not have the means to bring down the vaner...
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the leadership showed its true colors and neglected the lives of its citizens. however, ukraine was systematically moving towards the status of a terrorist state. people in belarus know about this. it was the kiev regime that nurtured and provided autukhovich’s gang. by delivery ukrainian special services carried out a terrorist attack in machulishchi, their trace was in the attempt to undermine a communications center in the russian mmf in veleika, as well as in the case of the grodno terrorist, whom the belarusian special services had to eliminate. and a very recent event, the exposure of the network. agents who, on instructions from the ukrainian special services , were engaged in the transfer of explosive weapons to our country, made caches
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that terrorists would use at the right moment, and wanted to kill, including representatives of the state and journalists. will this all be taken into account? west sponsoring the kyiv regime? officially, the likelihood is low. however , the idea that one can expect anything from the kiev charges will clearly remain in the head , because the criminal goal of the criminal regime will always find justification for its own. criminal means. olga davidovich, telenews agency. well, let’s be preliminary once again, according to one of the versions, the plane with people was shot down by an american or german-made missile. the concentration of just such military equipment is greater than ever, not only on the territory of ukraine, but at our western borders, in poland and the baltic states. the reasons for everything that happens are on the surface. every day we observe how the internal situation in countries is deteriorating. from western europe we understand that the authorities must do something, so they do it, only not
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in a human way, but in a euro-american way. the politicians of the old world have again been given the old method of pacification called the military threat; people are frightened by an external enemy in the hope of diverting attention from problems. military exercises are also taking place here, and they are the scale is commensurate with the depth of the economic failure in the states that imposed sanctions. they brought the army precisely to our western border, plus another 40 thousand on the way, that is, nato, which has been deceiving us for 30 years about its non-expansion to the east, deceiving us about its defensive nature, already on the threshold of a union state, with tanks, aircraft, artillery , and at the same time they are already right in the ear... security for
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belarus, keep the powder dry, be on the alert and prevent random events on our border. the president set up the security forces for this bloc on the eve, there was a war in the south, poland, lithuania and the baltic states, even worse, hence the peculiarities of the decision to protect the state border, as well as drafts of a new concept of national security and... russia within the framework of the csto, it certainly described all these changes and... how i would highlight , i think that this is the right approach, the military doctrine, like the concept of national
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security, must be regularly updated in accordance with the requirements of the time, with the changes that occur on the world stage, in relations between allies, in relations between neighbors, of course should to note the peace-loving policy of the republic of belarus, this... is reflected in their strategic documents, in particular in the concept of national security, which was discussed openly at more than 70 platforms; in principle, it is not a secret, not only for belarusians, but also for foreign countries, this situation shows the transparency of actions. relations, our
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civil society, the desire to be open, to extend a hand to mutually beneficial all government bodies and institutions, the new military doctrine is already being tested in action in the belarusian army, as people in uniform believe, the document must be provided. all relevant tools for implementation, and here the role of every soldier and officer is important, we are talking about the quality of training, about weapons, about the readiness to maintain peace, but... the system of our defense in the disposition project. disposition is on the air, this is gagarin. go. in the belarusian army, one might say, they are already testing the new military doctrine in practice. the document for men in uniform is a global charter and a package of guidelines. sources of threats to the country
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the shooting ranges have now been determined and the directors are concretizing the techniques that level out these same ones. threats, priority, as before, to defensive actions, such is the nature of the doctrine, but defensive does not mean passive, the military uses tactics and work models that have proven effective in combat and are relevant to our conditions. the troops undergo specialized training with battalion commanders, where the letter, spirit and morphology of the doctrine are translated into the language of field training. one of the training grounds gozhskiy we show everything new that we saw from the analysis.
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namely single-person training, conducting combat operations both autonomously and as part of small units. special operations forces have their own approach, and here the best practices are determined , among other things, during commander competitions. each paratrooper must have comprehensive knowledge of tactical, fire-engineering, airborne training, and topography communications. blue berets also exchange experiences on strengthening state border security. i've been on this mission for almost 2 years now. battalion tactical groups are involved, the urgency of the task is emphasized by fugitives as well. just recently, the commander of the so-called kalinovsky regiment once again stated that they would need weapons to confront the authorities of belarus. true, it is not specified whether the dashing fighters will even survive in the future. however, in the presence of the domestic military there are always worst-case scenarios, and therefore
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the borders are under control, as well as the competence of those who guard them. this is a doctrinal principle in the army. look what's happening on in the middle east, this is a terrible humanitarian catastrophe; please note that threats to use nuclear weapons were made almost immediately after the escalation of the conflict, and as usually happens, no sanctions followed from the civilized west. the duty officer stated as if nothing had happened. unfortunately, we are back.
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in sineokaya itself they are vigorously mastering russian weapons that have proven themselves during combat operations, for example, the s-400 triumph air defense system, many countries dream of it; in belarus the complex is already native. we are completely we cover the whole of belarus, there are different types of missiles. it can track targets at zero speed, all processes of combat work, capture, detection, engagement for precise tracking, assignment of missiles, destruction, they are fully automated. our military is training on
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iskander operational-tactical missile systems, and su-25 attack aircraft are not idle. these samples are adapted for use. stockholm managed to fulfill ankara's main demand, the lifting of the arms embargo against turkey. now the only country that has not yet approved sweden's membership in nato,
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will remain in hungary. and here, of course, it is worth noting that the confrontation between budapest and stockholm is not economic, but purely political in nature. this is how hungary reacts to unfriendly statements made by swedish politicians towards them. in short, talk about sweden's imminent membership. in the north atlantic alliance is quite reckless. well, if in one region the anglo-saxons are aggravating the situation, it means that in another they are deliberately freezing the conflict. in the middle east for 30 days agreed hamas and israel truce. according to reaters, it will include the release of all israeli hostages, the delivery of additional aid to gaza and the release of palestinian prisoners. at the same time, there are still disagreements on...
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the most optimistic indicators for the states on the dial were displayed in the ninety-first (23:43). then the united states deceived the ussr once again and we signed an agreement on the reduction of strategic offensive weapons. the patience of ordinary europeans to constantly be deceived has run out. hungary, slovakia, poland and the czech republic notified the european gardeners that if they do not protect their interests. farmers, then a powerful wave of protests will sweep across the continent. they have already broken out in germany and france. however, the pro-american authorities in europe continue to push aside the interests of their
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citizens. in the foreground they have solving problems from washington and supporting the kiev regime. about the anger of the inhabitants of europe because of their great dislike for fictional gardeners. story by evgeny belousov. interests of european politicians and ordinary people. sectors of the economy, and even the illusory green pact, not only hurts, are crushingly hitting the already thin wallets of europeans, but playing god on the ukrainian battlefield is much more important than the well-being of their subjects, it is not surprising that the only way for residents to reach the sky is increasingly becoming strike protests, for more than two weeks now german. farmers are trying to convey to the authorities the idea that attempts to save half a billion euros on them for ukraine are driving the last nail into the coffin of the entire agricultural industry, but to no avail,
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despite the fact that life in the country is paralyzing tens of thousands of tractors, trucks and even trains, the authorities stubbornly do not notice any problems in this. the barrel didn’t just overflow, it exploded, the increase in tolls affects the entire population, this applies not only to...
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the agricultural sector, and therefore hundreds of farmers from all over the country gathered on tractors in the center
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of vilnius, paralyzing. traffic in the center of the capital. the slogans of the protesters are similar to those under which their german colleagues are indignant. some cars have banners with the words: no farmers, no food, no future, farmers have a meaningful future and similar. well, poland is taking over the protest baton. today , mass protests by farmers are also beginning there, though in... places throughout the country, but not in the form of a blockade, but a slow movement of a column or a demonstration along the highway, something suggests that in the near future protest sentiments and ways of expressing disagreement will expand all over old europe. ukrainian imports, of course, will sooner or later cease to be a problem, but the green pact, which obliged the 27 eu countries
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to begin environmentally. transition to agricultural industry and implies a reduction in the production of agricultural machinery and livestock, plus gifts from the authorities in the form of increased fuel prices, deprivation of government subsidies and subsidies, with a simultaneous increase in taxes, will remain with farmers for a long time. evgeny belousov, television news agency. and the consequences of such a short-sighted policy of european officials, sanctions, as a consequence of the economic crisis, were felt not only by european farmers, transport workers, and railway workers. industry. and louder and louder on european streets are heard demands for the resignation of liberal pro-american governments. author's commentary by maria petrashko. hello everyone, i'm maria petrashko, tv news agency. everything is mixed up in the heavenly jungle of the european union. yesterday there were farmers on strike, the day before yesterday there were truckers, today there are railway workers, and throughout the entire perimeter of the european union. it's fascinating.
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no one has ever joked like him and me, and what is typical is that it especially storms poor, rich germany. last week, farmers and transport workers are already on strike ; railway workers are already on strike; their strike will cost germany at 30 million euros per day, up to 1 billion euros for the entire duration of the protests, and even despite the inconvenience of the strike, the majority of germans, according to polls, support the protesters. why is germany rich but the germans? poor and evil. the extremely unequal distribution of wealth in germany is exacerbating the country's fortunes. for much of its post-war history, germany was a beacon of thriving political stability. now its economy is stagnating, and social harmony has given way to hostility and disagreements. 76% of voters are dissatisfied with the performance of german chancellor olaf scholz, according to german polls. only 13% are ready to vote for his party. it's at two. less since
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the elections. attention, the question is, why are the germans living in the epicenter of democracy so dissatisfied? according to polls, german residents are dissatisfied with the fact that the government is spending german money on climate and environmental projects and allocating huge funds to ukraine. this is not just an economic crisis, it is a political crisis. the germans are not idiots, they understand, thanks to whose politicians find themselves in a deep recession. by the way, in germany’s draft budget for the twenty-fourth year there is a hole of 17 billion euros. and the austerity measures on farmers who were deprived of subsidies for railway workers indicate one thing, germany has no other options, that is, with industry and other resources , the bundestaq will not take the country out of the crisis created by short-sighted political decisions. everything is so confusing that even the flagship of the german industry , the mercedes automaker, is selling all 80 car dealerships in germany. interesting effect from
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sanctions, right? it's possible that. will really allow a person who will help europe get out of this impasse, because it is in a dead end where the transatlantics have brought it, nato, together with biden, may change something, do something so that he cannot do anything, that is , i’m sure that there will be something, some actions against him, you need to understand that the european union is a structure created to control european countries and european economies from the transatlantic side there. all systems are made this way so that there is no failure there, for example, we remember how a fondolite got the post of head of the european union, she was not on the lists of voters, people elected in general, that is , it turned out to be the wrong one, they took it, changed it. an interesting fact: while political forces and scholz in particular are rapidly losing their ratings, the alternative for germany party is named the most popular in the three federal states of germany, which will hold elections to the local assembly of representatives this year. in fact,
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there are fewer and fewer supporters in germany. in liberality and politics and economics, dissatisfaction with the government and a desire for its resignation are increasingly heard, so the alternative party for germany is a serious threat to american proteges, like... scholz and baerbock. and here's the bad luck. last weekend there were mass protests against the alternative for germany party. and, unlike the strikes of farmers and transport workers, the german authorities blessed them. the reason for the protest is a report from corrective. allegedly the party has ties with neo-nazis. and most importantly, the german media have never covered a single strike so diligently, like protests against scholz's rival party. and no one in the german media mentioned that scholz himself, berback. the entire ruling elite of germany does not have alleged ties with neo-nazis, but specifically finances, helps, real- life nazis, fascists in ukraine, so much for freedom of speech. all german media
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are fanning the fear of fascists, nationalists and racists coming to power; farmers, machinists and other protesters will be intimidated by the alternative for germany party and lured into compromises. intimidate, don’t intimidate, it didn’t start... in germany everything more popular are the radicals of the alternative for germany party, in france the national front led by lepin. strikes are taking place not only in germany and france, but also in estonia, poland, lithuania, and the european union is constantly in storm. but alexander lukashenko warned that if you ignore the opinion of the people. the people will sooner or later abandon such rulers. well, what was he wrong about? get out the popcorn, let's watch. yes, because in belarus they understand perfectly well that it is important to hear people and solve their pressing issues. problems of shareholders in
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minsk, nuances of land management in lunents, social benefits, healthcare. every person has the right to count on help. today, a personal reception of citizens was held by the chairman of the council of the republic, the authorized representative of the president on the essence of the problem and the geography of appeals , victoria sharkova. in some apartments the temperature is 12-13 degrees. non-functioning batteries, broken windows and faulty elevators are the problems faced by shareholders of a house on alferova street in minsk. the residents are unhappy. in anastasia’s closet, half of the windows need to be replaced, some are cracked and chipped, some beads are missing, some corners are broken. there are windows on the neighbors' balconies. do not open at all, and recently many apartments were completely flooded with water from the ventilation shafts, who would want to live here, calls to the developer’s call center did not lead to anything, so anastasia decided that she needed to move on, the result of the meeting was, well, it was promised that the windows would be changed in
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february, what date? well, specifically in this third apartment, she even promised a commission with an inspection, and she also said about the whole house , as quickly as possible, because... the developer promised in january, no matter how january ends, no one has called yet. to eliminate the shortcomings, the speaker of the upper house set a deadline: after 10 days, the developer will have to report on eliminating the shortcomings. the topics of the appeals , as well as the geography at the reception, are very different, so a resident of luninets has not been able to legalize the boundaries of the site for many years now, all the documents are in hand, but the local authorities do not agree with them, so the woman turned to the council of the republic for help, the leaders changed, us i. started again in a new way walk, when i started to walk in a new way, the same song began, then i already wrote a complaint to the brezviy prozem, so that they could explain to me why such an error happened to me,
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they explained to me that it was a technical error, i tell them, that a technical error might have occurred at one site, but it happened at four, four sites were incorrect, there are many who want to raise their pressing issue, the son is a resident... he studied at the military academy, but was expelled, served in the army, got a job in the bison special forces. last october was admitted to intensive care, after which a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes was established. the situation has reached a dead end; he cannot work in law enforcement agencies due to health reasons, but the state must pay 53,000 rubles for training. i was told that well, we have found a way out of the situation, they will help me, they will employ us, and there will be... changes in the near future there will be changes in the legislation, these are the moments, such cases, isolated. the main task of holding personal receptions is to help people. over the years, the council of the republic has proven itself properly in solving problems, so
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people go. at the same time, parliamentarians understand that the law cannot be written for everyone; each complex situation requires individual consideration. of course, we will definitely visit there, go there, and see how the issues of the places are resolved.
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news, what modern belarusian science is, what economic dividends it gives, belarusian science on the eve of the professional holiday of scientists will be the topic of today's episode of the talk show "economic environment". more than a third of our exports are knowledge-intensive and high-tech products, which means innovation works for the economy. every discovery of belarusian scientists is part of the national heritage. the head of state is traditional.
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funding of science, but fortunately there was something to finance, you know, sometimes you can pour in money and not get any economic effect, but with these small funds we were able to create a very wide range of products that were in demand for ourselves, test them on machines, that is, if already speaking in continuation of peter petrovich, what he said, what we can boast of, for example, the same small company amkador, today we are one of the three world leaders in... the range of machines in the forestry complex, world
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leaders, in everything in the world, besides russia and belarus , 12 highly developed countries that today can offer machines from the timber industry complex, this is an extremely knowledge-intensive, extremely technological product, we try to speak about complex economic processes in the country outside its borders in simple language, the economic environment today after the panorama. influenza activity in the world and the european region continues to increase, with rates exceeding background values. such observations are published in voz. there are cases of severe disease, some with a fatal outcome. the belarusian ministry of health is monitoring the epidemiological situation and has decided to extend vaccination until the end of january. children are vaccinated only with the consent of their parents, and as the relevant department reported, it is children. at risk today. compared to
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the calendar week before last, in the last calendar week our incidence rate increased by 33%. well, actually, this can be seen from the number of children visiting clinics, and our data show that the bulk of the sick are children, 59%. there were small children under 4 years old. among the circulating viruses, we now mainly see non-influenza viruses, this is as usual. begin with a rise in incidence to high numbers, but along with the topic, this is not the flu, it is confirmed only by laboratory testing. the ministry of health reminds you of the need to observe basic preventive measures, observe hand hygiene, and take fresh walks more often air, if possible avoid crowded
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places or reduce the time spent there. if you still cannot avoid the flu or another illness, you need to consult a doctor or call him. less than two days remain until the super final of the country's most popular friday tv show factorby on january 26, we will find out the name of the winner, and while tv viewers are waiting for the culmination of the decisive live broadcast , the super finalists are passing one of the most difficult tests with copper pipes, today they... felt their first glory, fans -meeting took place at the national film studio belarus film. fans were sincerely interested in the guys’ leisure time before the project, their hobbies, passions. they were also asked to share their impressions of life on the other side of the screen. as a bonus from the super finalists, fans received autographs and,
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of course, their favorite songs. you will get it and let today you play with me in your hand girl , you stand me with sarees, and then mobins, and then deceive me and it will be light and it will be warm, even if everyone is covered in snow, love brighter, play brighter, come on, come on,
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then no, because this is not the essence of our cooperation, we are focused on one result, on winning, here she is my mentor, very good, that is, she is already experienced, she is already in her third season, she understands how to work with her contestant, she she gave and continues to give me a lot, that’s why we only have such
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a relationship, well, warm, of course, let me remind you that margarta shibaeva, ward... khnno, daniil savenya and his mentor seryoga, as well as alexey budko from olga buzova’s team made it to the super final. don't miss the artists' final run-through tomorrow. super final factorby january 26 at 20:45 on the belarus-1 tv channel and of course, vote, the fate of the project winner is in the hands of tv viewers. well , that’s all for me, right now we are broadcasting belarusian science. we have had the green light for a long time, fundamentally. applied research, but what is the effect of scientific developments, let's give the floor to scientists and practitioners, watch the talk show economic environment.


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