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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 25, 2024 12:50am-1:11am MSK

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visited, visited the asian world capital, let's just say, yes, that is, the turnover of money there is even greater than in las vegas, this is macau, we also traveled around europe, yes, we rented a car and traveled almost all over it, again we again we are returning to belarus, it is very cozy here, comfortable for the soul, that is, you relax here. we are now in our apartment, it is located in a modern complex, there are a lot of parking spaces, there is a park nearby, we have an incredibly beautiful view from the window, from the balcony and i see the sunrise every morning, if the sky is not overcast, and we really love this apartment and feel such comfort, tranquility and such a state here, i have rarely seen anywhere, because
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we travel a lot, we have visited a lot of countries, cities, i lived in such a large number of apartment-hotels, but i very rarely felt at home, when you constantly live out of suitcases, you don’t feel this kind of stability, such a state that now i’ve come home, this is my home, and here i am when i come , i understand, that yes, i’m at home, this is like my space, we’ve arranged everything here, we’ve settled into everything, i wake up every morning. various practices, for me it’s more like some kind of spiritual practice, some kind of immersion in oneself, i get from this, one might say, zen, but for me it’s like meditation, i’ve actually spent my whole life studying books, literature, i listened to people who talk about self-development, i always liked to read books on... well, this is
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a natural interest for me, and i began to notice that certain actions affect our condition, including food consumption, yes , to what extent food benefits our body, how much it pollutes our body, including this applies to practices, and to the influence of watching tv, the influence of social networks, i was born in the city of yaroslavl, after a couple of months we moved. to moscow, more precisely to the moscow region, i lived almost all my life in the city of khimki and lived like everyone else, i ate normally, but at the same time i was constantly sick, just constantly, for a month, well, at least twice and i was sick so often, what teachers at school forgot what i looked like, i had this thick medical book, all the diseases that could be, i collected them all, and at the same time i didn’t... never connected nutrition with my
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health, i didn’t there was a connection in my head that nutrition directly affects the state of my body, diseases, the state of my psyche, and i, as i was still studying, entered a medical school, entered a medical school because i wanted to help people, that is, i have everything life stretches like this thread, i want to help people, but i didn’t know how, so i decided that it would probably be... medicine, i’ll go save people, i entered the first medical university named after sechinovo in moscow and studied there for three courses. i took three courses because i learned that nutrition directly affects my health. after i changed my diet, all my illnesses fell off, my skin became clear, body odors went away, my weight went away, i feel light, i feel a lot of energy. that is, all those
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the moments that bothered me on a traditional diet are gone, if before i lived in illness, now i live in health and it’s cool, because you feel this permanent state, you are not bothered by the reasons that prevented you from living before, when i just switched to fruit, i decided to share it with everyone and called my mother on skype, so i thought, now i ’ll tell her about the fruit, she doesn’t include it. me, oh, he says, dima, you’ve become kind of thin, dima, no, no, no, no, no, no good, i i say, mom, listen to me, in order not to get sick, in general, you need to eat just fruits, just eat all the fruits, wait, what kind of fruits, what are you eating now, i say, well, fruits, dima, that’s not food , i say, wait, what is this, dima, fruit is a dessert, and then i realized that it ’s no longer worth switching someone over to fruit or somewhere on the orphan diet, this... was my kind experience, although
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i don’t like to label, but nevertheless, to become a vegan, adhere to a healthy lifestyle, firstly, it seems to me, you need two factors, the first is... desire , the second is well, the state of health, that is , if a person’s health has deteriorated greatly and he, having already researched his problem , finally got to the bottom of the fact that it was the diet that brought him to this, and this can to contribute , it’s difficult where you don’t know how, it’s easy where you know how to do it, yes, always when you change something in life, knowledge is needed, because without understanding why i need it... what consequences does this or that lifestyle lead, you will never go through - to some new stage in your life? i really discovered dancing for myself when i was 15 years old, i then took up sports dancing, but
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it all started when i saw how one girl on the internet danced so well, she had incredible flexibility, and at the same time she was dynamic i danced , a huge number of elements, i liked it so much, i realized that i also wanted to, but in order to do such dances, you need a good stretch, then it was summer, and i realized that the next set was only in september, during this time i can make it to prepare, i started doing stretching on my own, and thus i , as a self-taught person , did the splits completely on my own in the fall, i went to dance, being prepared, when i then... draw, such a large flow of energy opens up for me, as if i found for i feel like a completely new source of strength, and i feel both joy and some incredible strength, it seems to me that i can move mountains, and i reveal myself from different sides, from the feminine side, if these are more
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feminine dances , yes, if it's more energetic dancing, i have some kind of feeling of inner fire, i want to immediately move towards my goals and... i experience very different emotions, how in some dance directions i can live such complex emotions, somewhere anger, somewhere sadness , and the dance composition reveals exactly this side, when i want to express myself, in moscow i tried to do contemporary, i really liked it, and literally next week i’m going to dance contemporary here in minsk, we also went to bachata for couples dances and... and so it opened up for me i have a feeling that this is a new direction for me, pair dancing, latin, and i’m just so drawn into it, it’s incredibly interesting to me, and i’m very glad that in this life i can afford it, that i have such an opportunity to move and enjoy creativity, good evening, my
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name is timur, today i will give you an individual lesson on bachata, have you watched botchata at least minimally knows what it is, but it’s wonderful, now we’ll figure it all out. i actually wanted to learn how to dance bochata for a long time now, i saw many guys, they are practicing, only here for the first time in minsk i took a class in bachastya and i really liked it, i want to continue studying, before this incident i had never practiced dancing, then katya invited me, she says: "dima, why don't we go." they will learn, i say , with pleasure, the very first time, when i start trying something new, i personally begin to feel some kind of stupor, because i cannot adjust my body, my brain and , let’s say, choose the right movement, yes , it seems to you that everything is right for you , you look in the mirror, everything is not right for you,
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everything is different for the coach, but then it’s as if you enter some kind of flow, you relax and already enjoy it. dancing is like a kind of bridge for a person that transfers his inner world into the physical world, this is how a person opens up through it, that is, it is an opportunity to throw out that energy, those feelings that are inside through movement. we know exactly how to start the morning right, pasta with mussels, with peas, but this is just a wonderful start to the day, it seems to me that anyone who has breakfast this way will feel super happy, together with you we will prepare a delicious breakfast. nastya,
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today you are in command in the kitchen, so give instructions, we are girls, we won’t cry, that’s for sure, it’s true, and i love garlic very much, it doesn’t bother me at all, eat garlic for breakfast and we’ll get the boost of energy we need. okay, then i'll be crafty, you do the dough, and i'll do the turkey. so that's it, put the whole thing in the oven before readiness yeah, yeah , watch the breakfast of the champion on the belarus 24 tv channel , there are wide, clean streets here, it’s like you can breathe well here, i don’t...
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neither domestic policy nor foreign policy, today again this is a certain foundation in many areas of activity, then there is no culture today that can develop if there is no ideological foundation. project say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel . we are now in minsk, in the wonderful
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club of dmitry chamakov, i really love table tennis and i don’t miss the opportunity to come to a training session with an international-class master of sports, and i get great pleasure from a sea of ​​positive emotions, because table tennis for me is a unique combination of technique, reaction, and here in this club i find something like this... .sporting satisfaction, and just relaxing both in soul and body. when i finished performing professionally, i was probably 32 years old, i decided that i needed to create something similar, as there are such clubs in other countries, they exist in the post-soviet space, they are in europe, in asia, where not only professionals come to train, but also amateurs, for such guys, yes, youth. of the adult generation , let's say, organize training,
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competitions, promote this healthy lifestyle with the help of table tennis, not among non-professionals, in my opinion, a person needs sport in order to escape from everyday problems, first of all, it is from everyday life, from work, there is stress everywhere, and not only positive, but sport , let’s say, makes a person right be motivated both in relation to this stress. he relieves it in this way, through sports stress, let’s say, he moves here, runs, he wants to win, he gets emotional, yes, this is motivation, and thus, it seems to me that sport is an integral part of a person’s life, in my opinion , absolutely everyone can come to our club to play table tennis, that is , any age, tennis is a universal game of all ages, even, for example, a grandson and grandfather play together, and there are such examples. and we now we are in a vegan cafe, and in general
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, every time we come to a country, a new one or a city, along with the search for housing, i always find good grocery stores where you can choose good fruits and vegetables, i also look for markets and cafes , where you can eat authentic vegan food , now we are in the same cafe where a year and a half ago - we were waiting for this cafe to open, when we arrived, we saw that there were very few heavenly positions here, and i talked about the topic of healthy food and offered such options, well options for various dishes, and it so happened that we were not able to try them because we left, now that after a year and a half we have returned, we came to this cafe, and here they have the very dishes that i recommended, and it is very cool.
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it is a huge misconception that vegetarians, vegans and raw foodists eat only grass, that they have a very meager diet, that they are missing something, but in fact the cuisine is raw food. restaurants where you can find dishes, there are a large number of cafes in the world now, hearty, very tasty and at the same time they are not they pollute and do not spoil your body, since our main emphasis in minsk is on a healthy
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lifestyle, as soon as i arrived here, i did such a mini-checkout for myself with... i gave blood for various tests to see what my condition was my body now, we also regularly go for massages, healthy, relaxing, the massages here are great, people are professionals, and yes, we really like massages, we found our own specialists who we really liked, and we also went to a chiropractor together, well, at different times, and i went to several... and this specialist helped me a lot, i even recommended it to my friend, when we go out into the city, since now is the cold season, we most often go to either in a shopping center, or in a cafe, a vegan cafe, a brownie cafe, and if we really want to go for a walk, then we go to the park, which is located next to our house, in the summer
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we spend a lot of time on the street, we rent a bicycle , we go to the park, we walk, just drive through the park for a few hours , enjoy, the landscapes change, and it never gets boring, it never gets boring, on the contrary, you are filled with energy, sun, joy, and the body is still working, and this is very cool, in order to be healthy, first, what you need to do is remove all the bad habits of addiction from your life, which
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way you choose, it doesn’t matter if you replace it, it doesn’t matter, we remove the bad habits. secondly, we add practices, physical activity, some spiritual practices, gygong, wushu, yoga, it doesn’t matter, and further, something for the soul, some exciting hobby, some walks in the fresh air, just the understanding that you are alive , this already makes you feel good, and i also focus more on nutrition, what you nourish, what the more healthy... live food you have, the healthier your body will be.
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is it true that money is beautiful? we pay attention to its denomination, forgetting that it is also a work of art. today we are at the national bank of the republic of belarus to lift the veil of secrecy the development process of creating cash banknotes and to literally admire money. yulia burlo is with you. this is a fashion for culture.
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we can talk about money endlessly, it’s nice to look at, but more often we strive to own it. money is one of the greatest inventions of mankind that influenced the development of civilization, as well as the most replicated item that carries the most important information about the country that issues it. the money museum of the national bank of the republic of belarus is a collection of unique exhibits reflecting the history of financial institutions and banking activities, the history of money circulation on the territory of belarus, as well as the history of the national bank staff. the museum of money fund has more than


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