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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 25, 2024 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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about 2-25 new jobs will already be employed and created and we will try to implement this project by the end of the year, which means design work is already underway, which means we have decided where we will purchase equipment and that is, by the end of the year this project will be implemented. what task do you consider the most important, how do you see the development of the supply chain in i don’t know 5-10 years? well, i believe that dynamic development will continue, not only empty space, but...
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also public construction, industrial enterprises being built, agriculture, we are undergoing very large construction, today we are building three dairy complexes, this year we plan to introduce all three, before that, every year in the twenty -first, twenty-second, twenty-third year we introduced one dairy complex each year, so there is development, there is dynamics, the most important thing is that we preserve young people, we have very worthy young people, guys who can work for the benefit of the supply chain, for the benefit of our country.
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to become one of the people in a foreign country, you don’t have to be born there, today, he positive, smile, like my smile , no, not like yours, no, well, yes, for me, not for him, it’s enough to behave at a party, like the host of a show, like at home, where we landed this time, i think fairy tale
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look at the project at home on our tv channel, 100 brave children have gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult: why do you think children ask strange questions? are people always scared by something new? what scared you when you were offered to become the rector of bsu, what would you never be able to forgive, well, for example, to a loved one, as it is written in the gospel, if you forgive and continue to forgive people for their sins, then the heavenly father will forgive you, everything, the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience, the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes inconvenient... questions, what does bsu have that
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no other university has? very good question: the flakes are flying upward, there is magic light everywhere, in your time in such an interesting, modern way, the music that you listen to, the music that you like, probably it should sound, see the project 100 questions for adults. on the tv channel belarus 24. this is an area of ​​interest, we continue, now about exchange rates the russian ruble has risen in price, the dollar and yuan have fallen in price. so, the american dollar is worth it. the euro is now
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3.44 at the national bank rate, for 10 u they don’t ask for 4.39, 100 russian rubles costs 3.58. procedures will be simplified in belarus. registration, significant innovations are provided for in the draft document amending the law on customs regulation. the changes apply to both individuals and legal entities. besides, it is planned to introduce a number of innovations in the field of valuation activities. the practice of customs authorities shows that not always and not all appraisers who have a license and authority provide these services with high quality. soon we will have to restore order. let’s ask the head of the state customs office what is proposed to be changed in the current legislation. vladimir nikolaevich, what changes are we all preparing for, what does the document propose? some of the norms in the draft law relate directly to our administration, customs, here significant relief for
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business, reduction of administrative regulations, and simplification are proposed. how exactly do you plan to simplify life for business, what innovations can legal entities expect? for example. business entities will not submit documents to customs at all, and we will receive this information from interaction with other government bodies, with banks, and so on. a number of documents that are currently submitted in paper form will be submitted only electronically. in addition, in certain areas there are reductions terms of administrative customs procedures. well, for example, a decision on the classification of goods of a complete object will now take 15 days for 30 days, new procedures are being introduced that will make it easier for business entities to carry out customs clearance, for example , this is a preliminary decision on the amount of customs value, the most difficult issue in
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customs affairs, that is, this block, the first is administrative, so this is the first block of questions, the second, what are we talking about there, here we can also talk about some kind of liberalization of simplification. the second block is concerns directly ordinary citizens, for example, the draft law provides for such a provision that an individual, an ordinary person who crosses the border, will be able to submit not a paper declaration, filling it out at the checkpoint, but an electronic declaration, and in advance before entering the border, this time will, of course, reduce costs, and such electronic... it will be provided for free submission, that is, without payment for this electronic transmission, a number of standards also apply to change of place of residence in the republic of belarus, for example, such a norm is that if a person moves to belarus with us, he imports his
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car, which he owns, now the norm is that such a car must be owned by the person for 2 years, now the norm will be ... in this area, what is the essence of the problem, what are the customs authorities facing? within the framework of customs procedures, an assessment is applied in relation to goods that are under customs control, assessment by professional appraisers, for example, transport means that many, i think, have encountered when
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importing cars abroad, especially if it has some kind of damage, and this is what is used to assess such damage. appraisers, as the practice of customs authorities shows, not always and not all appraisers who are licensed and authorized provide these services with high quality. why is the question important, because an incorrect assessment may ultimately affect the payment of customs duties to the budget of our country, but this cannot be allowed. it is expected that within two months the criteria for this conscientiousness will be determined, they, in principle, already exist, but... under these criteria it will be necessary to directly determine which organizations can fall under them and can qualitatively provide such an assessment. thank you, the head of the state customs committee spoke about the proposed innovations in the field of customs declaration.
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this is all the information for today, good luck with your transactions and productivity in your business. we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday on the most prominent in the economy. see you. well, andrey, you wanted the belarusian mountains, here they are, that is, we are already there, yes, the winter is cold, but the medals of our men are warming. lazovsky and tulatin had a brilliant race in izhevsk. dima won the classic individual race, and vanya was the best in
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the sprint. further, there can only be mountains better than mountains. a lyrical interview with the winner of the biapon world championships in the relay race lyudmila ananko. to conclude the issue: concentration on the future in our men's biathlon. young men gavroche and matsul guess the best belarusian athletes, and at the same time get pumped up. huh, minus one, of course it is to myself, although... what am i sorry for, in chekovsky it was -20, let's talk about it and see, the season in the russian cup, the commonwealth cups, the cups of the international club biathlon league, and finally at the russian championships continue to test the perseverance of biathletes. chekovsky, who is hosting the russian championship these days, was no exception; even during the warm-up, the girls warmed themselves with tapes, for example, shevchenko, who won the qualification.
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solo and derbusheva, two each, shevchenko missed the mark completely, they all shot poorly, but anna was better than others, leaving the third shooting first, according to tamara derbusheva followed closely behind her. the final shooting was decisive, one closed target was not enough for solo to win, she left the penalty loop 7-8 seconds behind derbusheva, but lost only more than one second at the tape, but silver in such extreme conditions is worth its weight in gold when there was qualification . i ran in warm-up overalls so as not to freeze, now, in principle, it’s still a quick race
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, i didn’t have time to freeze, the wind is strong and it interferes with shooting, so i decided not to aim, to try, if anything, to win back with their feet, because here the penalty loop is not so big, there in chaikovsky the belarusian biathletes won gold in the team race, the best were maxim vorobeev, antulatin, nikita lobostov and dmitry lazovsky, all the guys. the angry lines were almost perfect, out of twenty shots only one was inaccurate, the race format itself does not take place often, but it certainly has its audience. looking back into history, belarusians won gold at the world championships in this type of biathlon program. we could hardly wait for the next belarusian medal not a week, by the time the biathletes moved to izhevsk for the russian cup stage. we didn’t have time, you and i, well, we shot lying down, we didn’t have time to freeze, the guys quickly shot back. dmitry lazovsky is, of course, amazing.
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which we actually managed to avoid today in a classic race for biathlon history, because everything in the fifties began with an individual race. lazovsky was almost flawless today and sent a cartridge past the target only once at four points. but this was enough to get ahead by one and a half seconds nikita porshnev, and eduard latypov for almost a minute. for lazovsky, this success is significant for the reason that he won the individual race for the first time at an international start and essentially mastered the shooting. pavel belko excelled in this indicator today; he closed 20 targets and took seventh position. maxim vorobey is fifth in the final protocol with one penalty. a very good race for the belarusian men's team. everything worked the heir rukh
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to the maximum, it’s good that sasha bovarnitsin and i managed to do the whole race, plus or minus defend together, but it turned out to be a bit of a team race in places, so it was quite interesting. izhevsk was not limited to lazovsky’s success for us. ivan. tulatin won the 10 km sprint race. our shooting skier had rehabilitated himself for inaccurate shooting in the individual race earlier, where he made as many as nine misses, but on the second day of competition he cleared all the targets without errors. and this is a victory in the sprint, tulatin is great, it’s the chicken or the egg, here’s a cold brew on kefir
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or to vasya, and the first date, who pays, man or girl or equal? or snowboard or skis? well, andrey, andryushenka , well, biathlon is skiing, and today it’s also skiing, so let’s talk about it now, you and i - let’s talk about your amateur sports history, i just noticed on instagram that you just ended your career for quite a long time, and yes, 15 years, it’s not all about when, yes, but at the same time, and it seems to me not so long ago, but at the same time, sport is part of your life. disappeared, why didn’t he disappear, and in general this amateur story, mountain, this is where it came from, even during your career, interest began to appear, for a person who has devoted 15 years to sports, i have almost 15 years of professional sports, it is probably very difficult to quit, to take any part in sports life at all, so this is how it manifests itself for me, alpine skiing in general in the car is full of the whole arsenal, from
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children's tubes to simple skis, to alpine skis, i started on the board last year, they say that the former... does not happen, this is what i have way, this is how it manifests itself, but she more extreme, anyway, after sports it’s not that there’s not enough adrenaline, yes, probably, uh, it’s about well, about feeling bad, for example, feeling bad, i go out, ride and better, well, i feel much better, help me , i directly feel it, yes, that is, whether i am in the mood or not, i won’t take it out on my husband, on the children, but i went for a ride and i feel much better, this is also a note to everyone, so as not to sit at home, and don’t whine about how bad the weather is, everyone helps me. we are planning a year at least one trip, well, just one, as if children already, yes, it’s not possible to go out so often , it’s a family thing for us, my husband also skis, i probably need to maintain that inner fire that needs this support, well yes, such more extreme sports, motorcycle, alpine skiing, snowboarding, we are already teaching children
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not to sit on gadgets either, we bought them for the children like cadets, and we drive an atv, but they just say belarus, you know, the country is not mountainous, not like that extreme, yes if desired it’s possible to find a place for everything, if you wish , a paradoxical story, you and i are essentially people of the plains, belarusians, yes, but at the same time we’re talking about mountains and in general we have very cool traditions of beathlon and biathlon, especially since the nineties, they have already begun to appear more densely, in what’s the secret then, that is, we don’t seem to be talking about such a story at all, but it would seem our country, but at the same time we have a phenomenal botlon tradition, i don’t even know, maybe we were born in some of our past lives somewhere in the mountains , yes, but i personally am honestly very drawn there right now when you arrive... i feel comfortable , so calm, in general, i was born in novogrudok, it’s the biggest, well, it’s elevated, there were mountains there too, maybe it’s something from childhood, that is, for me now it seems not small to us, really , when we are little , it just seems to us that right when we were skiing as a child, they seemed very big, did you really dream as a child that i would be a biathlete, you grew up in
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novogrudok in such a small town, but at the same time there were such sports dreams are there in general i love this love for sports. said the coach , that is, i was very lucky - a coach with a capital letter, i often mention him in all interviews, because really this is viktor borisovich litvinsky, he is working now, yes, i am very grateful to him, and it seems to me that a lot depends on the coach , that is, you are still a small child, you seem to just walk and skate out of interest, but you don’t fully understand that this is such a big sport, here he is, he had a lot of techniques that... because of which i basically took up the sport and fell in love with it, what are the techniques? techniques, well, such, for example , techniques that you will go to training and not miss training, you will receive a cassette, imagine, at that time, getting a cassette from a tape recorder, it was really worth a lot, well, that is, you go, you will not miss training, or you will come to training there, today there will be a cake,
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then you will go to the olympics, win an olympic medal, this is also how it is. stimulated you, well, the most beautiful city you’ve been to, well, it’s definitely the alps, this dates back to the times of sports, especially when you were in in sports there is such a place as ramza, everyone already knows it, everyone loves it, there’s incredible beauty there, 98, 99, 100, so what if that’s it? yes, but in the next story we’ll be honest, now there will be a competition, the rules are simple, we’ll guess our famous belarusian athlete by part of her body. epochs, if you haven’t guessed right, each of you takes turns doing these exercises with dumbbells, with weights and with weights, everything is clear here, it’s there.


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