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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 25, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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the entire ussr and the usa, with the use of nuclear weapons, yes, which, well, with some monstrous consequences for humanity, now they are increasingly saying that perhaps it is already underway, well, here we are, when we declare, it is already underway, such emotional assessment, we see instability in the world, well, it’s as if emotions should still be justified by some theoretical conclusions and such a pragmatic analysis, so we can say, given that conflicts have intensified everywhere in the most unexpected regions, here we have there have been clashes recently even, it would seem, that is, the third world war, as a certain stage in the development of mankind, which will mean the end of the hegemony of the west, the formation of a new world, most likely, most likely, with several centers of influence, as regions with their regional powers, will pass through the third world war a war that will take place or is already taking place in the form of several successive and simultaneous... large and smaller
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local conflicts, some of which will involve major players, as we see, for example, in the example of the ukrainian conflict, so with a high, with a high degree of probability, risk of the use of nuclear weapons in one of these conflicts, this is the picture of the third world war, unfortunately, as a result, yes, there will be a different world, hopefully more just, but certainly more stable, well, in conclusion, let’s pay attention to... a map of the houthis’ attempts to attack american ships. vladimir konstantinovich, well, what do you think, could there be a situation where even hezbollah or the houthis could independently go for a serious escalation, even if the leadership iran will insist on greater caution? i don't think the iranian leadership will insist on greater caution, but again they will agree.
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their policy, the possibility of further aggravation is dictated by more than one side, and hezbollah and the houthis will not unilaterally increase aggression, this will happen with a mutual increase in aggression, western countries will behave aggressively, these are these shiite countries, which are, as it were, united by each other with a friend, not even countries, but groups, organizations, will raise level...
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we will observe in this region, as in others, an increase in confrontations, but the trend is inevitable: a decrease in the influence of the united states. thank you very much, at the end of our interesting discussion, i would like to say this: the famous writer mark twain once joked: god created war so that americans would study geography. and how did he turn out to be right? the attacks on yemen from american ships forced the citizens of the united states of america.
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hello, the program “tell me not to be silent” is on air, tatyana shcherbina and victoria are in the studio popova. and today our guest is the head of the department of sustainable
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development business technology management of the belarusian state technological university, doctor of economic sciences, professor irina novikova. hello, irina vasilievna, hello, good afternoon. we are very glad to see you in our studio.
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for the fact that, he says, i just returned, we met him there, i just returned from belarus, and he says i really liked the people, that if they promise, they do, that they are disciplined, so maybe from this also goes to our quality, well, we had a guest who had just returned from an exhibition in china and said that they really value our products there, we know that the most stringent certification of goods on the international market is the european union and china. our meat and milk passes this barrier safely, how can we comment on this? well, because really good products, firstly, don’t forget that most of our dairies have been re-equipped, when we talk about quality,
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you can’t do it if you use an ax and a saw for good furniture, for example, that’s why you need equipment, you need technology, and if we talk about year-quality. what does this mean to us? this suggests that the task set for enterprises is to carry out modernization, as it will be carried out either by attracting third-party funds or at their own expense, but it is impossible to improve quality without improving technology, so when we talk about our dairy products, this is this applies not only to dairy products, this also applies to meat products, we got, let’s say, halal in arab countries...
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that’s why we can also be glad that we’ve already stepped far, and my friend’s daughter has been working there for a long time, but she says: i love belarusian products, but sour cream is expensive.
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chemical goods, i’ll give an example from two years ago, it has already, however, gone around the whole press, with the supply of export of our sand, as you thought, where to singapore, well...
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now it’s been 70, 80 years already, it’s already necessary to cut it down, if you don’t cut it down , they say, it seems like the quality will be different, so don’t to be afraid that, so to speak, we will supply wood, it is a renewable resource, on the contrary, it’s one thing if you have uranium and you took out all the uranium and it doesn’t appear anymore, or there is, for example, bauxite or something else, that’s or gold, for example, that’s how in kyrgyzstan
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they calculated that until the twenty -fourth or twenty-fifth year, here’s gold ...
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well, why three, if 3.9 somewhere, well, a little less, 3.5 will be somewhere- then, 3.5 billion, that is, it seems that this is not a small figure, in fact, it gives us jobs, you understand that one of the main problems are where to employ people now, that is, people get jobs, first, secondly, the fact that we are now interacting with russia, and we are interacting, is an absolutely correct concept.
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sales market and , accordingly, our gdp is starting to grow, but don’t think that this will always be the case, it’s still sanctions and russia is still interacting, well, we’re kind of, well, the only one, not the only supplier and exporter, of course, there are many countries exporting to russia, but nevertheless a huge market has opened up for us, if before they were closing, you remember, we had milk wars, sausage wars, well, there were clashes.
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meadows and that means meadows like this, it was winter , well, the grass turns green and walks there, a cow nibbles, which means it says: a cow gives, just think about it,
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56 liters of milk a day, although when i told our specialists, they said, well, that’s not all year round, it turns out, but i don’t know the details anymore, they told us so, i say, and what do you do with the milk, they say, we pour it on the meadows, because there is so much of it, that’s the question. about whether ours is worth it, whether it will go our milk to germany, i say, how so , you need cheese there, well, here’s how to make cheese , they say gasoline is more expensive, let’s take a break for a while, i remind you, we have a telegram channel, don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and invite guests , we are connections.
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and today our guest is doctor of economics, professor irina novikova. recently , the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade issued an explanation of who can raise prices by how much, that is,
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it continues.
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destroyed, and, in my opinion, it’s even accepted there the decision is that if you really, well , prices increase due to logistics, because they raised prices on the sly, i motivate this by the fact that logistics has become bad, maybe this can happen, but then you have to prove it, show it, just like that i’m telling you, when my students are preparing a project, you explain to me the logistics, why it’s profitable, what path we’ll take, well, i see another thing in this... one undoubted plus, everyone notes that we don’t have this noticeable difference between too rich and too poor, that is this is the gap, as private owners and manufacturers explain to me, yes, they say that there are people who can pay, let them pay us this crazy money, why do they all have one, but then, how would you cut off altogether a huge part of the population, but from normal services, no, if they sell diamonds, then let the diamonds be expensive, i
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don’t think. but if excuse me, this is medicine, then here it’s possible to put them in their place, because, well, arrows often fly at our planned economy, explain the pros and cons, the purely market economy is how we have a mixed one, well, i want to say that everyone is saying, let’s create a market economy, in the nineties, you remember how everyone plunged into it, i think there will be a market, i want you...
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well , for example, if you are a monopolist, then accordingly, the court makes a decision, either the company is divided into several, into two, into three, that is, so that there is competition, or you must pay very large fines, sell, well, at that price ,
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according to which you consider it necessary, but to pay very large fines, but this is a court decides, really, here’s the question, either it ’s some kind of organization, not an organization there that regulates prices, they file a lawsuit there, that...
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i bet, suppose i need the products of such and such an industry, for example, electronics, i bet, that means , you need to get 4% in order to increase in the production sector, which means i must create conditions that allow these enterprises to grow, what does this mean, this means the availability of loans, there must be cheaper loans, if the bank is private, then the state will give it some kind of it compensates, can compensate completely, that is, a loan
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, as it were, means taxes can be lowered further , that is, there are different options, all this is calculated, and thus, the one who wants to earn a profit, for example, when such preferential conditions are created, he pumps his money, creates an enterprise here, and thus , the industry is starting to grow, it seems to me that this model is being applied here, but not everything is working out for us yet, we can’t say that we are moving towards this, but we are striving for this, that is, we...
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so that it is not a private owner, someone or bags, so that we, so to speak, sew fashionable ones, sew them better private trader, what will be the one who will be regulated, it is clear that therefore. administrative-command system, but everyone between these two fields of the country, therefore
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, is located, some have more planning, less market, some have more market, less planning, some have state-owned enterprises, a number of enterprises in state ownership, some, for example, in the united states, they do not have state-owned production enterprises, but until very recently, by the way, i was in the united states and studied this.
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after all, many do not understand that we have preserved
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industry, we have preserved, look, education, because if there is no industry, why is our polytechnic, why is our technological, well, there is no industry, they closed everything, look what is happening now in the baltic states, they really don’t talk about it, but comrades from brussels have already come to them, even before all these events they came and said: if you don’t have industry, why do you need universities, maybe you...
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we talked about market relations , i said there must be a private owner, but if it is a small company, it is unlikely to be able to occupy the european market there, the latin american market, it must be a large company with large incomes, but if we talk about the current situation, many do not understand what is happening in the world, this is what is happening in ukraine, but the ukrainians themselves do not understand, so they are fighting, they say, when they are asked the question, what are you fighting for, they say, i am for my land.
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and it is clear that three very large companies, by the way, are not agricultural, these are three large financial companies that invested in all this, supposedly rented the land, but the law says that in the twenty -first, so they opened this law, so to speak, ukrainians have the right to buy land, well, a lot of money from ukrainians to buy this land, well, it’s clear that someone bought it, let’s assume.
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it will remain like ukraine, everyone will disperse, the land has been sold, there is no industry , so what we have preserved, as if they used to laugh at the fact that we have an old production, so...
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on the air again, say don’t be silent, we are visiting
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doctor of economics, professor irina novikova. irina vasilyevna, you probably know that one of the belarusian banks has offered belarusians such a pleasant promotion since the new year, so let’s say, yes, these are loans at 4% per annum for 3 years, consumer, consumer, yes, but for the purchase of belarusian domestic goods. first, it means that i think so, a state bank, we, i can even calculate, we have only 2 and a half
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state banks, why half, because one of the banks has 42% of the state, the rest is downloaded, it belongs to a private owner, which means that for belarusian goods - this is correct, because we stimulate domestic demand so that they take our goods, which means this is the first and second. what you say is 4%, yes, it’s even slightly , well, practically equal to inflation, he simply won’t earn money, which means interest on the one hand, on the other hand, don’t forget that he can pay for something else with a higher percentage, and what he doesn’t get here, he will get on another, don’t feel sorry for the banks and think that they are doing charity, that’s it, when they feel sorry for the bankers, i smile, i don’t complain, i do it precisely because this is some kind of, this is some kind.
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the united states, especially since they got involved in
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the korean war in the fifties, the vietnam war in the sixties. 5% of its gold reserves and then it was decided in the seventy-second year to let the dollar float freely, but it was necessary then nixon agreed with someone, with the saudi sheikh, agreed that all saudi oil would be only for dollars, and accordingly, and oil is included , well, anyone who produces, if it’s not even gasoline or
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fuel oil, this... and accordingly they understood, that means, after the seventies, that means, uncontrolled printing, that means dollars, became widespread, and in general today no one knows exactly how many dollars, but they started printing in 50, stop , they can’t stop, that’s what’s happening, yes, and then they screwed it up, they were hindered at that time by the soviet
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union and china, which means they had to, so the task was set, to destroy the soviet union, they agreed with this sheikh , means, which, in general, are tutelage countries, which means that they controlled the bulk of the supply of oil to the world market, so that they sharply reduced the price, the americans understood that the soviet union, many people criticize the soviet union, that’s what my friend tells me, i don’t want living in the soviet union, standing in queues and so on, but in the queues,
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we also need to thank the soviet union, the fact that we in the soviet union wanted to process not just oil in its pure form, but to process it in the form of gasoline, fuel oil there and so on all these products, which means supplying them there, when prices were sharply lowered, then in the eighties, of course, a very big stagnation began for us, we didn’t have extra money, if before we could buy finnish shoes, furniture, yugoslavian, italian there.
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we will develop and prosper. irina vasilievna, we ask you to leave your autograph and some wish for our viewers. only forward to new heights, this is
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for your transmission, not a step back.
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live you watch the main news at noon, pavel is with you. hello in this release. a chance to represent the country at the army games. tank crew competitions with shooting exercises take place at the training ground in borisov.


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