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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 25, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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and i’ll take care of the turkey, so that’s it, put the whole thing in the oven until ready, uh-huh, uh-huh, breakfast of a champion, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, what an impression it gives... which are located in minsk, somehow this happened that to this day, even though i live here every time, i always smile and think how beautiful minsk is. what is belarus? i always tell you with interest that it’s a wonderful country, a very beautiful country, there’s a lot to see here. and
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of course still living here, it’s very, very it’s interesting to live, watch the “look at belarus” project on our tv channel. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment. exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, online travel and a healthy lifestyle. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24/7. watch on our tv channel every friday evening. tv channel belarus24 broadcasts for you around the clock, not switch. our daily task is
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to talk about belarus, in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is it like, belarus? business and developing, hospitable! bright and festival, generous, picturesque and monumental, sports and team.
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we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different. to to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. hello, that's all with you about the project. it’s clear with marina karaman, where we don’t
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hesitate to talk about complex things in simple language. today we look at why we need an all-belarusian people's assembly, what is its role in the political structure of the country and what place in it will the national assembly leave for alexander lukashenko? go! first, mat-part. all-belarusian people's assembly, abbreviated as vns, is collective governing body of the country. everyone you see in the hall is wearing it. at meetings, not deputies, but delegates, they were delegated, that is, they were given the authority to make decisions on behalf of various segments of the population. in order to quickly respond to the demands of society in the future, not to allow someone cunning, but very persistent, to push through ideas and laws that could jeopardize the national security of the country, in general, and the well-being of every belarusian, in particular. threat to national security. not only in
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terrorist or military risks, but in attempts to cross out our economic strategy, for example, to deprive us of trading partners, destroy the production of equipment and food, and curtail social policy. at the same time, distort beliefs about the value of family, abolish the laws of biology, deprive them of a full-fledged education, and all this will demolish science, culture and medicine to the very foundation. since 1996, once every 5 years, representatives of government and public associations have gathered to discuss events that have occurred in the country and decide how to live the next 5 years, but at the referendum in february this year we are all together. voted to change the constitution, which, among other things, gave the national assembly a new status, the status of a constitutional governing body, that is, we loaded this meeting with additional functions, so it needs to change the format, and in order to make it not a meeting twice every 10 years, but a full-fledged one
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structure that will justify the trust of belarusians constantly, our legislators have prepared a draft law on the formation of the all-belarusian people's assembly, we all they will have to discuss it, make their comments and suggestions, after which it will be sent to parliament to be checked and approved again. according to this law , the vns will then work in our interests. the law on the supreme council will simply describe in detail who can be a delegate of the meeting, what this body is responsible for and what it is not? which decisions can be made and approved, and which can be made at another level? delegates will meet more than once every 5 years, and at least once a year, and if politically so required. his deputy, presidium and a secretariat for technical support, that is, they want to make it a full-fledged working structure where you can come with a question or problem, and not a group of people with unclear powers and
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permanent meetings. if until now the people's assembly adopted some documents, summed up the results and made plans and strategies, now it will become a body that will recognize the legitimacy of the presidential elections. and parliament will have the right to introduce a state of emergency or martial law if objective reasons arise reasons, it will be able to launch referendums, the assembly will be given new personnel powers, according to the constitution it can elect the chairmen and judges of the supreme and constitutional courts, but the bill proposes to give it the right to approve lay judges of the supreme court. neither higher, nor lower, wider. vns is a format that... allows for extensive representation of the people in power, this body does not have the goal of replacing classical power, it is an additional platform for protecting national security and the interests of each of us. included the all-belarus people's assembly will have three groups of delegates. the first is those who are obliged
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to work for the country in their positions, the president, prime minister, members of parliament, judges and heads of executive committees. in this category the limit is 440 people. the second - deputies of regional and city councils, who were elected by the people, the limit is 350 people, the third - representatives of real civil society from each region, 400 people, that is, the vnc will collect a maximum of 1,200 delegates, and this should be a concentrate of energizers who are burning up from this that somewhere the solution to the problem is pending. formatting the status and functions of the supreme national assembly - the authorities in response to the request of society: firstly, it is necessary to relieve the president, who has taken on responsibility for all spheres of the country’s life at all levels. our sovereignty is 32 years old, we are already adults, it’s time to answer for something ourselves. secondly, 2020 showed us that
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the majority is not always heard. people who are busy with work and family do not have time to run through the labyrinth of authorities if the wording in the law needs to be adjusted. but in acute situations they simply don’t want. to go somewhere and prove something to someone, they need those who will do this on their behalf, and without delay, and this can only be achieved by putting the author of the question nose to nose with those who can solve it. the people's assembly will be the place where this is possible, as long as it is the most real democracy on the entire continent. no, the soviet of the ussr, which arose immediately after its formation, was a meeting of government representatives from different federal republics. that is, a temporary general office of officials. vns is not an object, but an action, it is not an office, but a dialogue, ordinary people directly with the legislative, executive and judicial powers. the current version is more of a sequel to the people's council from the grand duchy of lithuania, where
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hot issues of protecting the interests of the population were resolved. but both of these examples constitute our history, that is, ourselves, and for us they are not folk. on is ours. the ussr is the recent past as part of the second aid power of the planet. not a single nation that has tried to abandon the past has ever been blessed with a bright future. you need to be able to sift out from experience. and the best left and upgraded to meet the modern needs of the country. china has the fastest growing economy in the world. the highest legislative body there is the national people's congress . our supreme national assembly will not have their powers, but the experience of the state, which forms the economic, political and social strategy in the format that we are mastering, inspires us. in general, absolute analogues to our vns. no, because drafting a bill on it was not easy, it was created from scratch, no modern country gives a steering wheel
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state vehicles into the hands of such a wide range of citizens. the view of collective forms of government as something outdated and undemocratic is usually promoted by countries that have democracy only on paper. if we consider society as a pyramid, then real dialogue along its entire vertical does not work in any country in which it... calls itself democratic, all the bricks of this pyramid in our vns will constantly be in the same plane, and they will have to work with equal load under equal conditions, and at the top bricks will have no chance to break away from the reality of the lower ones. the avns bill stipulates the participation of the current president of the country and the person who no longer exercises presidential powers, that is , the former president, and contradictions are unlikely to arise here. the current president as part of this body is the guarantor of the rapid adoption of critical decisions.
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an ex-president is a person who has worked with the country for years, knows all the nuances of governance, can adjust decisions based on the experience of past years and give advice according to plans for the future. what about alexander lukashenko specifically? it was this man who created belarus as a state with its own economic structure, path of development and the right to sovereignty, and the body that decides the fate of the country will need him more. in anyone, especially during the period of formation, so he will definitely be a delegate to the all-belarusian people's assembly. if a person buys an orthopedic mattress for back health, does this mean that he no longer needs his head? the emergence of a new body to improve the political system in no way does not cancel the work of the president. at first , it’s more likely the opposite, but after a while his control over major decisions that can affect people’s lives will not weaken. transfer. their powers of the supreme national assembly, the president does not relieve himself of responsibility for us, but makes it deeper and gives us the opportunity
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to direct it ourselves in the direction where it is needed, so there is no need to worry, alexander grigorievich will stay with us, get involved, take an interest in local elections, work officials, new laws and how they work and be sure to participate in discussions of bills. the ans is the representatives of each of us. what many wanted, we are the power here, vns is us , me, we, vns, me, marina karaman, and what looks out of the vns case, we figured it out, everything is clear, see you.
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starazhytny smalensk, our neighbor, the city, just like the relationship between russia and belarus, our memory is preserved by the gety gistarychny budynak, there was abveshchana. under the sign of the freedom charter, the people gained their
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rights, belarus flourished in the family of fraternal republics. on january 5, 1919 , the belarusian government moved from smolensk to minsk, from now on it became the capital of the republic, adopted a declaration on the establishment of federal ties with the russian socialist republic, approved the constitution, state emblem and flag of the belarusian ussr. since then, we have celebrated our birthday more than once, 10 years, 20, 30, now we are 50, this is not so much, but... the smalans are honoring the historic date of the life of the belarusian people. delegate of the first step of the meeting of kamparta of belarus vashkevich.
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smolyan representatives of the fraternal belarusian people. our respected fellow countrymen. we old communists are happy to know that the joint struggle of the great russian fraternal belarusian people for their liberation in october 1917 was reduced by victory. 1st student 1919 national day. our republic has published a special manifesto of belarus, which has established the freedom of slavery and here, and now the free belarusian republic, we declare before all the world, hell this hour lada in belarus rely only on advice.
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the participants of this show believe that you need to pump up not only your muscles, but also your brain. hello friends, we are planning something like this today football-hockey derby is the name of the sportswear in which athletes train and perform in karate, judo and some other martial arts. fedor. kimano, kimano, they compete in who of them is more savvy, intellectually, football, why are you so attached to this football, so many, so many cool topics, my friends, and i’m also the first, well, it’s accepted, let’s go, how many media teams performed in the russian cup of the 2324 season, media teams in the russian cup. this is
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the wrong answer. which number is the big one? part of cristiano ronaldo's career? number 7. number 7. this is the correct answer. sports and entertainment show, head game. watch on tv channel belarus 24. we are going on a trip to belarus. dear friends, welcome to novostarobensk. few people know, but this is what the city was once called. now the only reminder of this is the inscription on this stone, which symbolizes the beginning of the construction of the city. with us you will receive a charge of positive emotions. i attended a variety of master classes, very different, but honestly, i for the first time in my life i see something like this, i even tensed for a moment, because our mishka fedor began to stand straight under
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his paw like that. visit the vibrant sights of our country. here it is. two museums with amazing exhibits at once; you must agree that such rarities can now be seen, perhaps only in soviet films. girls love to decorate the world around them, and i am no exception, so we will have such a painted candle. look in the program. the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the news is now live, pavel is with you lazovik, good afternoon. the president of belarus appointed a new minister of health, alexander khadzhaev. in medicine, for 20 years , the last 3 years he headed the republican scientific and practical center for mental health, and previously worked for... ex-head of the department dmitry penevich alexander lukashenko visit in a different position, personnel changes in the country will continue.


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