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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 25, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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also in austria, france and germany, while vos states that the situation will worsen if urgent measures are not taken; only complete vaccination will protect against the dangerous virus.
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the previous year, and the number of complaints about violation of rights doubled. in the format of an open discussion, participants will consider issues of international circulation of personal data, digital development, and data security in various fields. a foreigner with a false return certificate was detained by belarusian border guards at the airport. the man tried to fly out of belarus to uzbekistan. presented it during passport control. a completely fake
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document, according to the passenger, he is a citizen of tajikistan, he lost his passport in russia and bought a fake one there to cross the border. it is difficult to say what the foreigner was counting on; in this case, the man faces a fine, but the use of fake documents implies criminal liability of up to 2 years of restriction of freedom. in the year of quality, new quality for passenger road transport. the society is widely discussing the draft decree, which is called upon. visit order in this segment of the economy. it is worth noting that both the rules of the road and the rules of transportation by minibus taxis are actually written in blood. they weren't invented for show. these are measures that establish order and work primarily for safety. transparency of transportation, uniform and equal business conditions for everyone, provide guarantees that everything is under control and means of high quality. representatives of government authorities spoke about this at a meeting with large companies.
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absolute joy that everything will finally be okay in their place, order must be restored, after the president’s speech all processes accelerated, notifications were sent to such payers with an offer to voluntarily pay the taxes due to the budget and submit updated tax returns, we live in a dictatorship, i am familiar with the tax legislation of many countries , so you try not to pay at least something there, suburban and intercity automobile transportation of passengers. will be
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carried out only on buses whose seats are equipped with three-point belts security. government authorities are accommodating to carriers; i don’t see a problem with obtaining route cards or obtaining a license. more information from my colleagues at 15:00 on our air, all the best.
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weekly socio-political talk show to the point, today we will talk about national security issues. we know that at the all-belarusian people's assembly two most important documents will be considered: the concept of national security and the military doctrine of belarus. today we'll talk
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about this in our studio. as always , kirill kazakov and alena syrova are with you, but you can become participants in our program and join the youtube broadcast using the qr code to ask your questions.
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what exercises have begun today in europe , what is happening in the middle east, that is , in principle, the story is such that, well, we are asking again, maybe for some it’s stupid, but for others it’s enough... we assumed that it was possible to say that the presence of military personnel who are now present in the red sea, well, actually speaking, it says that if there is not a war there, then at least it has already begun, but
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again we would like to understand the situation, what will happen to us, because again they say, well, we have nuclear weapons, that means we are almost threatening half of europe. although, frankly speaking, there is a clear , concrete order in belarus, we are for peace, we do not lay claim to any foreign territory, and naturally, we want only one thing, so that our country remains just as calm, just as peaceful, in fact speaking, a year later we could discuss this topic in absolutely the same calm studio, but in the meantime, we were accused last time, you and i, as in the information field, also dressed in military uniforms in order to...
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the most important aspects of national security, as we already joked here behind the scenes with anastasia, yes, that in general security is security, but so that there is something to protect, someone to protect and there is someone to protect. today, as far as we have taken into account those changes, well, they are probably still negative, that exist in our society, in order to be able to say that the situation will at least not get worse. if we talk about a new, new project. concept, then
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of course we didn’t introduce anything supernatural here, why? because in that, well, in the current one, yes, what exists now, all the risks of the threat have already been taken into account. another thing is that, looking at the situation around us, we intensified it all. if earlier we looked at migration, including from the positive side, today we understand that some risks are significant, not only for...
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something that has not yet been studied and that would be worth adding? you know, good afternoon again, how to all participants, i will add to the previous speaker that the concept in any case is probably a summary of those ideas, those initiatives of ours that we are doing so that our society, our country, our state,
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remains alive and is successful, that’s why we are here we're just discussing how to do it. not to make unnecessary movements , as far as biology is concerned, of course, not only have these areas not lost their relevance, but more challenges have been added, in the news feed, we see that all over the world they are discussing the possibility of the emergence of some kind of disease x, which carried away, yes, yeah, no one says what it is, but one can only guess whether it’s the flu, or whether it’s... smallpox, which for some reason is the only disease that we have defeated, one of the few that they won , and for some reason our foreign western friends have now begun to study it very intensively , for some reason they have started scientific publications on it, although it is not found in living nature, and there are many, many other things, many laboratories are springing up, again
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around our perimeter, despite military operations, this is in kazakhstan, this is in armenia friendly, it depends only on us, that is why this article, this part in the concept is there, it not only does not lose relevance, it only gains points to pay more attention to it. aleksandrovich, look, this nyx disease, especially in particular, despite the fact that it seems to be related to bio, some kind of development, it is very often
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used as an economic lever, well, they say: we, then , let's see how the world develops, if suddenly something... goes wrong, we suddenly have in pandemic in stock, what kind of pandemic we won’t say yet, when it becomes clear what kind of pandemic it should be, we will launch it, but first of all, it’s the economy, whatever one may say, you , as a representative of the executive branch in the region, also the conversation was about that the concept of national security is , first of all, including the economy, the question sounded like this, if taken out of context, that a socially oriented economy and necessarily social...
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a disaster and some kind of hurricane and fire, and we must be ready, where to move, how move, where to find medicine, if only discomfort is associated with this, i think.
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an investor who cares about people, and who also puts these interests of our citizens, the people, first, as well as achieving, of course, a certain profit,
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the development of social partnership, socially responsible business, which is based on the protection of workers, this is the trend today, unfortunately, is fading away in the world, but in our country we must, on the contrary , give it an impetus; the guideline for this, of course, should become such a mental attitude for high-level managers, that you don’t just come with... give jobs , thank you for that, but you must take care of the team, about the microclimate in the team, and then, of course, we, as an institution of civil society, will lend a shoulder. alexander mikhailovich, i have one more question for you, not as a governor, but as a governor-general, who usually people say what we have with the people’s militia, what we have with the terrorist defense, because this is also your responsibility, because again the same concept of national security concerns the president said, every person must defend his home, and he must know how, what and where to do it, like ours? with this, with you, with you, specifically, well, with me , with you, with us, it would probably be more correct, well, the answer
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is probably simple, we are good with this, uh, as it were, if you decipher this phrase , then indeed, the matter is new for us, the matter is unusual for us, therefore, again, during these last, lately, we have been intensively revising somewhere, and some documents and conducting some exercises in order to everyone knew what to do in the case prescribed in these legal acts, so now we are in such an apotheosis, when all the information has already been communicated, something has already been tested, something has been corrected, we have been checked, this is how we do it, whether we react quickly enough to any threats or not, therefore.
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this is not the time for experts, thank you very much, it turned out that the military can be media, and this is very wonderful, because sometimes you have to explain army things, i almost just rightly noted, yes, what the recently we have made such a significant step forward, to tell the truth, back in 2016, when we adopted the previous and the edition of the military doctrine, well, the current edition of the military doctrine, i think that for the majority of belarusians this story went well, they accepted it well,
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... people are discussing, people are talking, people are trying to understand, it is obvious that some changes will be made there, over time it will be accepted there, we will all read it there together, we will analyze it again, but there is a feeling that this is exactly what sometimes it seems to me that somewhere with such close attention from the media, perhaps we are interfering with our military, that’s what you think now, maybe it’s not worth
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immersing so much in simple... threats in order to properly consolidate the individual, society, state, and so that it could then develop normally and sustainably, that’s why we should write down in the document, like the concept of national security, what we should do with the family, because we must protect this family, and accordingly this is in the interests of our national security, therefore , appearing in some other document there is no such deep understanding of the importance of this
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aspect, what... to do with traditional families, so that there is no parent number one, parent number two and number three, that's the same thing we say , the concept of national security is what shapes the state’s policy specifically to ensure national security; when we descend to the level of military doctrine, it provides precisely the foundations of military security, that is, it is one of nine components, which allows us... to tell exactly what this military doctrine includes, here is the military doctrine, it is precisely as a set of different views, the first is on ensuring military security, the second is how to do this with the help of weapons, well i want to emphasize once again that military doctrine is in no way a document about how to fight and against whom to fight, it is, first of all, a document
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on how to avoid... they are conducting exercises, the last ones literally started the other day, of course, they are creating some parallel governments do not recognize our power and so on and so on and so forth, the second thing is our capabilities, how we can form, precisely protect our state, it’s not for nothing that we are starting to talk about tactical nuclear weapons and the creation of our some kind of common troops, what we can imagine
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in order to protect our society, our ... state of each person individually, and of course, the basis for all these approaches is the views , undoubtedly the possibility of a common approach related specifically to the protection of the military sphere, because yes, we somewhere understand that they can influence us economically, yes, we will live a little poorer, but politically we can be isolated there, we will not be there again let's go on vacation, well, forgive me if...
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we say, this is what should be contained, because military operations, they do not just include everyone going out shooting at each other, this is, first of all, the basis of strategic deterrence, so what the armed forces are doing now is there is strategic containment, then there is
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strategic deployment, that is , of the economy, and the troops, everything, everything, everything, everything, so that, again, those who would like to commit aggression against our state understand this perfectly. at the same time, in the military doctrine itself , for example, we have already gone a little differently, we began to consider the classification of wars and armed conflicts differently, now let’s dwell on this issue in a little more detail, viktor aleksandrovich, it used to be in classification if i don't i’m wrong, there are five types there now: terrestrial, sea, space, these are nato spheres, as far as i understand, who knows.
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all the forces of the state will be used to repel direct aggression , an armed conflict - this can be considered as a certain incident that must be stopped in one place or another, that is, directly from the state or when this incident occurs on the border, now this system has been adopted, and why ? because it is logical, that is, every armed conflict is the next level follows from the previous one, naturally. it is possible that it can jump, that is, within the framework of an escalation of the situation, that is , either quickly, quickly, quickly escalating the situation, these - this classification, that is, it allows us to correctly
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respond to those risks, challenges, threats, and what was he talking about andrei petrovich, in this case , it is correct to distribute forces and not immediately plunge the state, that is, do not put the economy on military rails. that is, not to organize any mobilizations, but to stop them in a timely and correct manner, namely effectively using our means, forces means of the armed forces. but look, i listed these areas, this is the nato classification, they clearly define in which area the war should take place, plus on top of everything it brings out the cognitive-mental one, which we, in principle, why i know these areas, because they are in widely available on the internet, in literature, you can read, understand, we have some kind of similar classification, or... we at least have some things in scientific developments, or it’s well encrypted
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kiril depends on what it depends what if here look at the concept or strategy of america's national security, then the first one says that america is above all, it considers itself a hegemon, that is... in everything, that is, on the globe, that is, its area of ​​​​responsibility, it is also in space, in the ocean , on land, and it extends completely to the entire globe, that’s why they have such classifications of operations, and we say that we are directly pursuing a peaceful policy, that is, it is important for us that we have peace on earth, so based on this , that is, we are building our own system directly wars, armed conflicts and those operations. which we carry out, well, if we go lower, that is, from the war, of course , we have by spheres, that is , the types of armed forces are divided, we have ground forces that conduct ground operations directly on the ground, we have
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air forces and troops air defense, which , in general, are also responsible for space, since we already have, in general, the s-400 weapon, which is already included, to go beyond the airspace directly of the earth, that’s when this is where we have, that is, now a division, that is, work in cyberspace, that is, we also qualify, but... for us this is a lower level of direct classification, this does not mean that we do not operate there. vladimir vyacheslavich, yes, after all, regarding these mental aspects of cognitive aspects, they are somehow registered among the challenges, perhaps among the threats, which means that everything you are talking about means this is a division according to areas of application military force, which means that all this is built into our strategic documents, as for military doctrine, then...
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the story with pmcs, that is, we foresaw this at that time in 2016, although well, everything became obvious to the general public by ear, there only a year ago, now some then a thing. one step, two , three ahead, it is clear that you probably can’t voice everything, but we are prescribing, calculating, well, compared to the previous military doctrine, we now have such sources of threats as private, transnational corporations, which means that it is they, in our opinion , who are the subject of international relations that may be used by private military companies to destabilize the situation -
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journalists cite, it is taken from the same tapes: in poland, latvia, right now in bulgaria, they choose soviet symbols, which were given to the soldiers who liberated these states, well, for example, last week was the 79th anniversary of the liberation of warsaw, 600,000 soldiers of the first belarusian front liberated this city, as a result there is no monument, all this has been forgotten, and many experts , including western military ones, say: you
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know, you are a losing country, we will compare stalin and hitler as two equally important people who started the second world war, won this war just after all, they are americans, and there they spin exactly the same story that the second world war, which was won by the americans, and we become a victorious country, you can do whatever you want with the winners, and as soon as we say that i’m sorry, on may 9 victory day, we won, with us have already...
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given that, well, if from the point of view of society, we understand perfectly well, yes, that international legal acts, some simply do not have any force, we are talking about what is even... on the rules such a very good phrase that means nothing , international organizations are silent when a terrible event occurs, yes, which we have all witnessed recently, everything seems to be taken for granted, then in the military sphere, despite the fact that some states withdraw or enter or forget about their important agreements, but in my opinion,
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no one is suicidal, yes, it doesn’t matter, even if they came out of them, they try to adhere to them one way or another, alexandrovna. what do you have to say about this? of course they do, because if we say that international law does not exist at all, then in general there will not be the same rules by which even armed struggle and relations between states must be conducted, so they are somewhat disingenuous when they say that absolutely no rules apply, in fact it’s very beneficial to imagine that there is no international law today.
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yes, when an armed conflict begins , smoldering somewhere and goes into an active phase, we always see information support, information support is based on those rules of war, which they say do not apply now, but everyone and only the other side of the conflict , as a rule, and in great detail in his information messages and speeches, mead shows exactly the violations on one and the other side.
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and mom and dad should take the child with confidence that he will be raised there correctly, they must understand how to raise a child, this is about creating this information bubble and counteracting it, because often, after the twentieth year, sometimes it was heard about , that somehow my child at the beginning there, on september 1, they begin to sing the military anthem and the country.
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from the rostrum that the application of sanctions is illegal, they do not say this, that is , these political things have long prevailed over reason, and today they they will find you a bunch of all sorts of paragraphs, parts , and some other instructions that are subordinate to some aspects, but in order to justify their political issues that they need to resolve under pressure, as for our dialogue, you know, there is no such thing as too much or too little , the main thing is to tell people different aspects of this or that problem, this is also... i’m returning to the beginning of our conversation, today work collectives and people expect this, and we have already taught them in recent years, so
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okay, let’s talk about the good, there is some questions, let's talk about questions , by the way, if we talk about questions and the twentieth year you touched on here, we, well , naturally we supported it, we all looked at the project, but the developers of the concept wrote about the presence of internal threats to national security and them specifically there quite rightly listed, not ensuring payment of wages. non-compliance with and failure to create working conditions, not ensuring full employment, that is, in fact, this is a hotbed of social tension, and on the basis of this hotbed all those issues can then develop the topics you talked about, discontent and so on, so today we are trade unions, civil society institutions, and we saw a quote from the head of state on the screen that today this is the business of every citizen, of course within the competence, today we must strive to that there were fewer of these outbreaks. by the way, it sometimes sounds, somewhere it sounded in work collectives, there are written down in the concept the ways, the ways of participation of the institution
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of civil society in ensuring national security, one of the ways sounds like this: and there are 290 such facts in a year, the relevant government agencies are taking measures, well, you see, yes , how important it is to explain these points, the nuances of subtlety in order for there to be understanding, please tell me , based on everything that has just been said, except what to create conditions for a traditional family, what else are being done here in belarus and some
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options should be done in order to... to the fact that the masses of the world's population are generally outside of civilization and outside the rules, and indeed perhaps even more interests not the state and not the leadership of the countries, yes, but some transnational corporations of this already understood kind of society to which they consider themselves, to which these human destinies are indeed
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absolutely indifferent, it turns out that the twentieth year is the same. showed , because these people who were on the edge, either here or there, it’s beautiful to show, yes, these are like marginalized people in such a purely literary form, that is, neither here nor here, so they were told , they ran and it turns out that here we are again values it’s still important, patriotism is really a safety net, because if we have mortgages from childhood and this patriotism is laid down correctly, not some kind of you know, as i photographed, i posted it, and i too...
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i agree, look, there is i’m a little traditional here, i’m a little bit non-religious with you, and there, in principle, moral standards are similar everywhere, they really are similar, the question here is that the west is completely abandoning the traditional pestilence, let’s put it this way, kirill, maybe it’s tradition, well they want such traditions, let them be, let’s see in 20, 30, 40 years, what will happen to them, when they have traditions, people there will stop, the bad thing is not that there is a tradition,
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today there is nothing more collective, we are trying to build something collective within the framework of the csto, a union state, is constantly bothering us; the west, i already understand, is part of transnational corporations by and large. this same delivery with all the biological laboratories, schwab’s performances and everything else that awaits us in a year, for example, with this disease x, what are we talking about today touched upon, well, today not a single state can stand up against the collective west alone, therefore, in our military doctrine , allied obligations appear for the first time, where we use the experience that we gained in kazakhstan quite recently in january of twenty-two , the experience which we receive. in all exercises that are carried out within the framework of the organization of the treaty on the collective security of our regional forces, we take into account all this experience to show that we are not alone, and we are ready to support
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our allies, and the same allies, i give 100%, will take our side, yes, today there may be few of us, yes, today our voice may not be the same as that of the collective west, but at the same time look what is happening in the world, just a year, two or three ago it was...
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“can nuclear weapons scare a transnational corporation, well , a transnational corporation, they do not exist without airspace, somewhere there is money that lies, somewhere there is capital , which lies here today,
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my colleagues correctly said that private military companies were viewed precisely as an instrument, and the fact that today we have the twenty-fourth or twenty-fifth year is a year of global provocations, believe me, look at what the magazines write about? "other ends of the same france, germany, the united states, they everyone is going to fight absolutely what they are talking about in politics in the end with russia, it is clear with us as a union state, they are all without exception, where will these provocations be, i give 100%, this will be the first, the suwałki corridor, the first provocation, second, yes, second, this is why sweden is joining, this is the island of gotland, there will be an attempt to cut off the baltic fleet and isolate it. one part in baltiysk, the second in kronshtat. the third component is 24 , it’s clear that we will conduct our election campaign, well, in 25, well, i’m practically sure there will be an attempt to shake us with the help
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of the power component from the south, which is what the chairman of the state committee for state security spoke about and how many such points there will be feel, believe me, there are very, very many of them, all this is not accidental, we we can calculate all this, it’s all in their documents, even to the point... that in open documents, what ’s going on in their closed ones, i think it would make the hair on end of a normal person stand on end, i think so, tactical nuclear weapons are, without a doubt, a huge deterrent recently.


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