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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 25, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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by and large, i wouldn’t change anything. this signal means that there is no time to ask questions to the hero. igor aleksandrovich, now you have to choose the best question of this program. you know, this is a question about an excellent student, which was asked at the very beginning, which formed the basis for a whole series of my further answers. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest. you know, a wise owl lives here, so she can always help you make wise decisions. thanks a lot. well, dear colleagues, i have one small souvenir that i want to leave in the studio. you know, this is a new year's angel, here we are... at the right moment
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, this angel appeared, it could be a mother, it could be a good doctor, but better yet parents, here is a good teacher, so i leave it as a symbol this is your transfer, you are dealing with children, let it remain here purely symbolically, applause, thank you very much, it’s very nice. igor alexandrovich, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your questions. i will ask one question to everyone at once. tell me please, do you have a dream? i have a dream of becoming a great artist because i am learning to draw. i am promoting this cause. my dream is to complete all 11 grades with excellent marks and enter a prestigious college to become a veterinarian. i have a dream to become.
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come, why not? i turn to our audience: do you think that our hero was as frank as possible with you today? who thinks so, raise your hand. why do you think so? i believe that igor alexandrovich answered very sincerely, and this was heard in his voice. he knows the answers to all questions, he answered frankly, he went into detail.
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such a rule, the last word always belongs to the hero, sum up the conversation that took place, you know, it’s not always such a blessing to talk with children like this, despite the cameras, it’s very sincerely very interesting, so thank you very much, infectious disease doctor, igor karpov was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults, see you in a week. dear participants of the program, today our guest is the honored artist of the republic of belarus, singer jeanette, we meet you in what in belarus the popularity of an artist is measured, you never wanted to go abroad, what's good?
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in being famous, tell me, what kind of belarusian audience is he, what benefits does singing bring to society? have you ever had any periods in your life when... she is 24 years old, a beautiful, fashionable girl, has a great command of youth slang, vibe, mover, crash, but as if with a snap of her fingers, in a second in a conversation she can pass a tasty belarusian trojanka, very i often visit my friend
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in a coffee shop, when people come to the office to work, everyone is so gloomy, sad, and i always like this, and why, and why is this so, well, my dear, well... don’t smile, and these smiles are some kind of warmth in the soul, in the eyes, i get high, she comes from the village, and for a long time, how most were embarrassed by this, but at some point i realized why adapt to someone else’s opinion, i need to stay with myself, this is my life, this is who i am, and i don’t want to be shy and i don’t want to be afraid of other people’s opinions, judgments and so on, when they later started asking me where you are from, say, i ’m from the village, i gave...
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a blogger,
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i eat an apple, you read me some news, yes, what’s on the news, i need something from... people, why are there ablation apples, if they weren’t rotting in the crypt, and so on, no, i won’t tell you about this, i’ll tell you on the topic of the day, this is it, come on, come on, anya and andrei enter the image, in less than a minute she turns into a woman nura, he is her son-in-law, improvisation is born right before our eyes , look, your peer, 74 years old belarusian paternalists, supposedly employees.
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i don't remember where. anna met andrei by chance while filming a video clip. the tandem formed literally immediately. and right there, without any rehearsals, they recorded their first joint video. according to legend, andrei went to the market to buy piglets. there he met baba nyura and married her daughter. i went and bought a pig, right? no pennies, no money, no self. and i wouldn’t even go to that market, because ... “you introduced me to your daughter, we grabbed everything in the prog. by the time anna had a partner, baba nyura was already a well-known character on the internet, at first she burst into tiktok and then conquered instagram. and this story began in the life
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of a young girl, more like a joke. even at the olympic reserve school, anya loved to lift everyone's spirits during training, to talk on a rope, copying intonations and manners." a few years later, a friend suggested recording a video for tiktok, where anya played the role of a grandmother. at first i resisted, i said no, no, well, then she finally agreed. and we shot the first video on her account, within a day there were 400-500,000 views, everyone kept asking in the comments where this girl was, how to find her, that's all, that's actually how baba nyura appeared. the avalanche and subscribers at first decided that the young girl was copying a specific grandmother, most likely her own, but anya had a collective image of her grandmother from the very beginning, it was easy for her to do this, because she herself comes from... the small village of traby , ivyevsky district, grodno region, from an early age i heard, saw,
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observed the very expressions, words and intonations that babanyura so famously displays on the screen today. i had a neighbor's grandmother, i loved her very much, and well roughly speaking, when i shoot such videos, sometimes i feel that wipe when i heard that neighbor’s grandmother. i was getting underway, actually i just like it close to my heart, i understand that i miss that time, and a huge number of people also miss that grandmother, that village, that house that you can’t come to there anymore, because maybe there is no house, maybe no one lives there, but this is all our piece of our heart, let’s say so. anya could not even imagine that so many belarusians will respond in the soul. i'm sorry, most of her subscribers' comments and episodes feel like i'm looking at my grandmother, but anna herself is especially
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pleased when girls and guys her age write to her that every time they come to visit their grandmother or great-grandmother in the village, they get together and wait for the next video from baba nyura, and anna is truly proud of some of her subscribers, these are my grandmothers, beloved pensioners who follow me on instagram, an honor... i’m delighted when i go to direct, i can’t always tell everyone answer, yes, but i always try to read , then i open the message, i see that there is a voice message, very rarely then they write voice messages to you, i open it, and there is such a lively grandmother, i don’t remember, vitebsk region, something like that, she says , nyuochka, i love you so much, we all watch you, i’m a grandmother myself, i have so many grandchildren there, i’m 65 or whatever, i look at you like that, i see, i... i like everything so much, i have so many ideas, but i won’t tell you about them, because maybe i’ll still be
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filming myself. anna herself admits that she played a huge role in her own words, the fact that she was a village girl, straight from elementary school, ended up in the so-called ethno-class also played a role. in training, the emphasis was not only on studying the folklore of folk traditions, but on stagecraft. from 80 in the morning there until now. in the evenings i was constantly busy, this is dancing, these are songs, this is a theater group , they are not afraid of the stage, they are not afraid to show themselves , they are not afraid to show themselves , that’s all, to play, well, no embarrassment, excitement, that’s all from there. perseverance, willpower, self-discipline, desire
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follow your dreams at all costs, these qualities are already from sports, but let's go! for little annie, physical education lessons were her favorite at school. once at a regional competition, before she could reach her distance, she fell into the blood and broke her knees and elbows. but she got up and, despite the coach’s persuasion, ran the second distance. exactly there. her will to win was noticed by her future coach, and the life of an ordinary village girl changed dramatically. mom told me: if you just whine, i’ll take you right away, because this is life in a hostel, this is all without my mother, i’m 12, well, little girl, well, actually, i decided that i would never whine, since i decided, that means to the end, in fact, that’s how i ended up in the olympic reserve school, first i ran 200-400 m, then i got injured, it took me a long time to come to my senses there. but she really loved working out in the gym with the boys, again
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it was some kind of random coincidence, the trainer turned his attention to me and said: “ira, what kind of a muscle girl do you have there, throw me a couple more kilos there.” so anya began professional hammer throwing. she she admits that even when she heard from the outside that this is not a very suitable sport for a girl, she didn’t pay attention. and always. even the toughest workouts were helped by a positive attitude and sense of humor. now anya can come and train like this more for herself... keeping in shape , she finished her sports career, then went to university, managed to work a little as a children's athletics coach, got married, gave birth to a daughter, by the way, anya's husband is from the same village, that she herself, and while she was on maternity leave, the girl realized what had become in her life lack of self-realization , that’s how the light of a woman appeared, two cows, a little cow, a bull,
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a mare, well...
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how did you learn this, i say, it’s in my blood, very often i come to my friend’s coffee shop when people come to the office , they work, everyone is so gloomy, sad, and i’m always like this, and chamu, and chamu it’s like that, well, my dear, why don’t you smile, and these smiles are some kind of warmth in my soul, in my eyes, i’m enjoying myself, so right now i’ve started speaking in trojan most of my time, and i like it, in advance anya he doesn’t write any scripts, he just thinks through the topic around him. where the conversation will go, then it’s all improvisation , but this doesn’t mean that at any moment she can produce a cool video with a click, the creative process requires a lot of energy and what burnout is, our heroine also knows firsthand, if i’m not in the resource, i i understand that i need 3 days without anyone touching me, so that i can go to the village, go
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to the bathhouse, chat with my mother over a cup of tea or coffee, enjoy this village vibe. that's all, then you can create, that's it it’s just a thing, i don’t know how it works , i go to bed, that’s it, we’re already almost passing out, and thoughts come to me, anya, take off this, this, and you can take off anya, and sometimes it’s enough to look at the photo beloved grandmother, bright moments of memories from childhood immediately arise, the idea for the future video is almost ready, but i looked at the photo and saw how...
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anna is only 24 years old, there are so many opportunities and open roads ahead, in her stand-ups she is like a duck to water, improvises, jokes, hits the right spots incredibly accurately intonation, juggles with savory village words, she says to herself: if i, an ordinary village girl who showed off at the mirror with deodorant instead of a microphone and dreamed of the stage as something irresistible, managed to touch the souls of so many people, then... maybe you can achieve much more, the main thing is, even when trying on other people’s images, always remain yourself. i broke the stereotypes within myself, let’s just say that i was once ashamed of the fact that i was from the village, this is a collective farmer, this is this everything is not cool, not cool, not rich , well, ugly, ugh, yes, then at some point,
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this is my life, this is who i am, and i don’t want to be shy and i don’t want to be there... afraid of other people’s opinions, judgments and so on, when later they started asking me where are you from, i say, i’m from the village, i milked a cow, i say, i have lard, think about it, here i am, you know, when i behave naturally, as usual, people seem to they would get lost, well, it’s unusual for them, we all walk under some kind of mask, yes, into some stereotypes, yes, well, you look beautiful, you’re a girl, you can’t speak trosyanka, i can speak torosyanka, i want and i say, i want.
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we, the young generation of sovereign belarus , must remember the past and appreciate the present, so that our native belarus lives in peace and creation. indeed, social life has always aroused great interest, and while studying at school from the eighth grade, i was elected secretary of the primary organization of secondary
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school no. 1 in the city of novolukomlya, in principle, probably from that moment an active social life began. election at school secretary, well, it was very honorable, probably important, and indeed, there was no such thing among my classmates either. that i am the secretary of the primary organization , but, on the contrary, it was just very pleasant when the guys with whom we studied, let’s say, expressed trust and united them around us together to come up with something new, bring it to life, of course, initiated and we carried out a number of volunteer actions, we removed memorial monuments, helped veterans, elderly people, and we didn’t have to sit and wait until... help told us about it to older people, yes, this is everyone’s duty, i consider a young person today to help older people and do everything to make their life more
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comfortable, more comfortable, of course, helping veterans is the sacred duty of absolutely every belarusian, because thanks to these people today we can the principle of living under a peaceful sky, calmly walking down the street, participating in various kinds of events, actions, projects that today... and we propose, which is being initiated by youth today, in principle for the right to live under a peaceful sky, this i think, and the most important thing that can only be, the emotions that you experience after volunteer events are probably hard to experience after anything else, i just recently had a charity concert that we held, this is one of the first, probably significant events in terms of volunteer activities for me, because i still probably have this feeling as if, well, we turned the world upside down. barsem is the future homeland, to be built by the young, of course, today, thanks to the union
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youth, every young person can not remain aloof from all the events that take place in the country. first of all, of course, young people should love their country and be rightfully proud that they live in a peaceful, independent, prosperous belarus, because there really is support for youth in our country. like in no other country, it is colossal, and the youth feel it, the most important thing will be the return from the youth if they simply appreciate and respect it all, the most important thing, of course, is in the year of peace and creation increase. belarusian winter, all its little things, all its details. some are so beautiful that they take your breath away, some
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are absurd, but together they are one whole, together, they are harmony; looking at them, you feel aesthetic pleasure, you feel that belarus is.
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just as saints help believers with their invisible power, it is not the saint himself who is the source, he is.
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a good product, the meaning is much deeper, it’s about our lives, our country will have its own national mark, a state sign that will mark all the best, make yours unique, control of goods will be placed at a higher level, if many years of quality will accept you sincerely, tomorrow life will be better in belarus, everyone knows that belarusian means high quality, hence the high demand in foreign markets, by the way, there will be more in the export treasury six new countries, this is... kenya, colombia, kuwait, japan, cooperation between belarus and china is developing super dynamically, trade turnover has increased 130 times. more than 50 projects are being implemented with the participation of chinese capital, over 10 are under development. our country, by the way, has extended visa-free travel for another year. at first , more than 785 thousand foreigners traveled to belarus under the visa-free regime. these are poles, and latvians, and lithuanians, and how many are left in
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the country. topics on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus24 tv channel.
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yulia pertsova is on the air with you now. hello. belarus has a new minister of health.


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