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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 25, 2024 7:00pm-7:25pm MSK

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the news is on air in the studio yulia pertsova, good evening, at the beginning, briefly about the main topics of the issue. the country's new minister of health discussed personnel rotation and preparations for the upcoming election campaign with the head of the presidential administration.
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registration of candidates, work of observer missions, creation of precinct commissions, at what stage of preparation for a single voting day. a black box and a rocket fragment were found at the crash site of the il-76. new details, new versions, including nato involvement in the plane crash. fast food with the aroma of manure, protests from french farmers have reached fast food restaurants. in belarus, the new minister of health and the president today carried out a personnel rotation, indicating that this trend will continue until the elections. the practice on the eve of large election campaigns, traditional for belarus, so that people can see who we will work with next, the president will explain. so, alexander khadzhaev became the new minister of health. he has been in medicine for 20 years, and for the last 3 years he has been the head of the republican scientific research institute.
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information regarding management menzdravom, alexander lukashenko will emphasize: only professionals should work, this applies to the entire vertical, these people, statists, should think first of all about the main national interest, the health of belarusians, everyone bears responsibility. as for you, i was interested, you know, not an ordinary position, i was interested. both your past and present, i don’t see any problems, i think that you are capable of heading the ministry, but we will have to look at the ministry itself, at the composition of the ministry, this is your first priority task, and so it turns out that if there are any shortcomings, the manager is to blame, yes, he is primarily to blame, but others, deputies, are responsible for the situation, for the state of affairs.
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various approaches to eliminate
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some bureaucratic issues related to document flow, in this regard , the it platform, which is currently being developed, will be a priority so that... including healthcare workers, there will be fewer documents that they need fill out, and informatization allows us to more efficiently use the human resources that are currently available in sufficient quantities in the republic of belarus. also, one of the main tasks set by the president is to ensure that high-quality medical care reaches all residents of the republic of belarus, including in rural areas. in this direction. the president noted that quite a lot has already been done, but this requires close attention and an even deeper approach. but today i would also like to say one more thing: the system should face the people, and it should also must have a heart for the people. by the phrase
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“facing the people,” i mean, of course, professional personnel and the material and technical base. other. resources under the heart for the people, this is empathy, something that has always been characteristic of the belarusian people, sympathy, that is, those things that are inherent in our moral principles. the conversation about personnel continued when alexander lukashenko received a report from the head of the presidential administration. igor sergeenko reported on the progress of preparations for a single voting day. let me remind you that it will take place on february 25th.
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deputies of local councils on a single voting day. 25 february. on april 4 , elections for members of the council of the republic, the upper house of parliament, will take place, and after that , delegates to the supreme council will be determined in the country. and also about a single voting day. today is the final day of formation of precinct election commissions, and then training will be held for them. 160 specialists were trained.
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commissions are registering candidates for deputies, international observers are already working, in asipovichi today they watched the meeting of the district commission representatives of the mission from the cis. this is already the twelfth monitoring campaign for them in belarus. a single voting day, an excellent electoral form in the commonwealth, observers noted today and added, there are no comments, everything is going calmly.
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belaya rus plans to nominate 80 delegates to the all-belarusian people's assembly, the chairman of the public association oleg romanov announced this today at a meeting of the republican council, activists from all regions of the country and minsk will be represented, delegates will be determined at convening outside the regular congress, it will take place on april 6. before the congress, we will go through a lot of work to identify candidates who will represent our association at the all-belarus people's assembly, and then we will complete this work at the congress.
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in 1944, belarusians emerged as a nation that gave a response to both the external threat to the interventionists and the internal, collaborator, events will be held throughout the country, each region has its own heroic history, places of memory that belarusians, especially the younger generation, should know about, i represent mogilev, this is wild field.
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the aromas of france, local farmers flood the country with waste, protesters attack not only administrative buildings, but also mcdonald's, which has long become a symbol of globalism. now some fast food restaurants have more manure than food, and customers have also disappeared. the most striking and large-scale was vazhene’s performance; it’s not only littered with waste here.
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sentence of 27 years in prison in a general regime colony with a fine of 6,000 rubles. dmitry kasintsev. who hid terrorists in his apartment, sentenced to one year and nine months in prison. let me remind you that last year, on april 2, trepova came to the patriot bar in st. petersburg to meet with military correspondent vladlin tatarsky and handed him a figurine with explosives. as a result of the explosion, the tatar died. more than 50 people were injured. the sentence was the most severe for women in
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the history of russia; trepova’s defense intends to appeal it. plane crashes.
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so i think it's possible that even france gave the order to shoot him down. in the belgorod region, the crash site of the l-76 has already been discovered two black boxes, they were handed over to investigators. as reported by the operational services, the condition of the recorders allows them to be deciphered. belarus continues to build mutually beneficial relations in the military sphere with all countries that are ready to cooperate on an equal basis. projects also contain these accents. a new military doctrine, good neighborly relations and a peaceful policy. minsk does not close its doors to those who do not consider it necessary to adhere to a constructive style in diplomacy. dialogue is maintained with nato representatives. they visit in belarus army facilities, maneuvers. reciprocally. the authorities of these states, of course, are not responsible. about the intricacies of military ties and true peacefulness
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in the disposition project. disposition is on the air, this is gagarin. go. probably not everyone knows that belarus is fully cooperating on the military front with nato countries, that’s for sure. what do i mean? in minsk , ats continue to work in the most favorable mode on defense issues from states whose positions in relation to our country are the most unfavorable, to put it mildly, foreign military nato, together with, so to speak, our friendly colleagues, as before, visit us.
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we haven’t heard, we haven’t received any feedback, of course, this is all based on those relations, the so -called sanctions, restrictions that are imposed on our country, but wait, who do they harm first of all, they harm you first of all, after all, it is you who are depriving yourself of an idealist, it is you who are depriving yourself of a constructive position
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, readiness to negotiate in the future, but the future will come anyway, i often remember how proud we were... everywhere we showed and trumpeted how dynamically we fulfilled the provisions atava convention, regulating the prohibition of the destruction of mines. everything that was provided for in the agreements was utilized by the approving nod of western colleagues, it was solemn, so joyful, warm, the osce clapped its hands, now, looking at ukraine, which, without any condemnation from the west, uses anti-personnel mine petals that are prohibited and not utilized by it, i think, not were we in a hurry? question: but we remained impeccably honest, at least to ourselves, that’s where we are really effective in our efficiency is when we provide assistance to foreign partners. military pilots. yes, only humanitarian aid was not delivered to china, syria, or turkey; army heavyweights il-76 were used for this. in the twenty- fourth, the giants will not be idle either.
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now at the beginning of the year, so -called command flights traditionally take place. flights are performed only by the management personnel of air bases. all air bases, ours, began flights, namely command flights. the day before , methodological advice and classes were held with flight crew and training. we have determined the tasks for today - these are flights in the clouds and a snow-covered landing strip. the main task is to test the instructor and methodological skills of the flight crew, to carry out checks, well, for the purpose of training. military transport aviation pilots are also preparing for long-distance flights. new vectors of cooperation are filled with defense content, among other things, and not unilaterally . today is interesting for us. "the countries of southwest asia, the countries of southeast asia, africa is of interest to us today, in which we will still have many interesting steps in
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the future, latin america is interesting for us , our friends are there, our partners are there, in the end, interaction with such, well, let’s say , giants, political giants, like the russian federation, the people’s republic of china, india, where we are respected." they perceive us, where they not only hear us, but meet us halfway, where we have found common ground, and moreover, with the relationship with which we bring it to a planned basis, yes, it is more interesting for us there than to hear reproaches, claims or any hints of restrictions, we are no longer interested in this. now they are vigorously discussing minsk's decision to refrain from inviting osce representatives to the elections, while the osce itself somehow does not really care about... belarus fully participates in international processes, the peak of righteous anger will be at the end of february, of course, however the fact that the west’s verdict on the elections
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would have remained unchanged in any case is true, as is the fact that we will continue to remain open, but planes, both civilian and military, will remain to fly more often to places where we are expected, we are welcome. for... the first meeting of the organizing committee to prepare for the event. this year, its theme is the role of interregional cooperation in building the innovative economy of the union state. the agenda included general issues related to the preparation of exhibitions, cultural programs, and the forum logo. for the first time, the event will be held in three cities at once, in vitebsk.
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i will repeat the component again, but in terms of cooperation between regions, the previous forum of regions was held in ufa, then there were all records were broken and more than a hundred agreements worth 110 billion russian rubles were signed. to take preparations as seriously as possible, such a task was set by the president, as alexander lukashenko emphasized at a meeting on topical issues of development of the vitebsk region, we have something to offer our partners and
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something to borrow from our russian colleagues. the first belarusian-turkish youth forum is taking place these days in minsk; today , more than 200 students from the two countries met with representatives of the foreign ministry in offline and online formats and leaders of leading youth organizations. key event: the signing of two cooperation agreements with the youth wing vanguard youth and the turkish youth union in the field of science and culture.


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