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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 25, 2024 11:20pm-12:20am MSK

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that's it, the woman knows a lot about belarusian products, now we'll take a break for a while, after a short pause we'll return to this studio again, subscribe to our telegram channel for now, say don't be silent, look for all our releases on the belarus 1 youtube channel to become your own in someone else's...
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yes, watch the project as if at home, on our tv channel. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult. why do you think children ask strange questions? a person is always scared by something new. what scared you when you offered to become rector of bsu? what could you never forgive? well, for example,
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to a loved one, as it is written in the gospel: if you forgive and forgive people for their sins, then the heavenly father will forgive you, everything. the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience. the main task is to honestly answer all original, and sometimes awkward questions. what does bsu have that no other university has? very good question, the flakes are flying upward, magic light is everywhere, in your time, so interesting, modern, that the music you listen to, this music that you like, probably it should sound, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. on the air again, say don’t be silent , the doctor is visiting us.
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don’t forget that he can pay for something else with a high percentage, and what he doesn’t get here, he will get on another, don’t feel sorry for the banks and think that they are doing charity, that’s exactly when they feel sorry for bankers, i i smile, i didn’t shrink, i precisely because this is some kind of, this is some kind of
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sur, it can’t be, why maybe , they do it this way, and this is not only our know-how, it ’s called stimulating domestic demand, so that our... goods, in order for enterprises to work, we need people to buy our goods, although this is not entirely new trick, i remember in the nineties, which means a decision was made, they’ve probably already forgotten, the older generation died out, which means a decision was made to compensate deposits, soviet deposits, but for residents over eighty years old, and there was also, then you have the right, for example, to buy for a canopy.
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germany, japan made claims for the return of gold, and what surprised me, canada, canada also made claims, and the united states considered that if they gave out gold to everyone, this was in the sixties, then they would lose 75% of their gold reserves, and then it was decided the decision in 72 to let the dollar float freely, but then it was not necessary...
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and accordingly, each country , in order to receive a dollar, had to sell something, in return receive a dollar, you know, in order, that is, to produce something something, ah the united states, which was supposed to produce dollars, well done, five, so, and accordingly, they understood, which means that after the seventies, that means uncontrolled printing, which means they received dollars.
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means that they controlled the bulk of the supply of oil to the world market, so that they would sharply reduce the price, the americans understood that the soviet union, many people scold the soviet union, that’s what my friend tells me, i don’t want to live in the soviet union, stand in lines and so on, but you stood in the queues, my dear, because this operation was deliberately carried out, everything went into service with us, mainly, well, production there did not develop.
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and he said that in one year, that is, the number of transactions concluded in dollars decreased, which means it was already 50%.
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paris, for example, to show london , currency was needed, now it is not needed now, i agree, who is to blame now, it was a shot in the foot, we, unfortunately, are forced to announce that the broadcast of our program has come to an end, although irina vasilyevna would like to sit with you and talk forever, but we have the opportunity to invite you to the studio more often , please come and delight us with your knowledge, and we are tatyana shcherbina and victoria popova, we say goodbye to you for today, goodbye, goodbye, irina is speaking now novikova.
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only forward to new heights, this is for your transmission, not a step back. let's go on a trip to belarus, dear friends, welcome to novostarobensk, few people know, but this is what the city of soligorsk was once called, now
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only the inscription on this stone reminds of this, which symbolizes the beginning of construction. with us you will receive a charge of positive emotions, i have been to a variety of master classes, very different, but honestly, this is the first time in my life that i have seen something like this, i even tensed for a moment, because our mishka fedor started like this, right under his paw , visit the bright sights of our country, there are two museums with amazing exhibits here, you must agree that such rarities can now only be seen... perhaps in soviet films, girls really love to decorate the world around me, and i’m no exception, that’s why we’ll have such a colored candle, look in the program, the route is built on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. in 2 days i’ll have to look around, then for games for 3 weeks, yes, yeah, it turns out, of course, ruslik , well, you knew very well about my plans, there’s no point in making yourself feel offended, i just hoped that you would spend the next few days before your games together, that you and... mishani would get to know each other better, you know, the puddle is adjusted individually to the person, to me i'll have to measure it, i can't fly i can that you, you're flying away, yeah, i 'll be back soon. my mom also flew away and she will be back soon, right dad? misha, turn on the tv , the cartoons will start soon
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, you haven’t told him, you think it’s easy, he’s still very small, he’s big enough to understand, you just need to choose the right words, sorry, i can’t shoot like you to defeat. i think that this is cruel to the child, well, i didn’t say anything to the russian, after all, it’s his child, well, that’s right, you just need to wait for the right moment, well, yes, well, what news do you have? look, well, well, this is beauty, mom, what happened? well, well, in general, they told me to go in for
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surgery on monday, and that i can’t delay it, on monday, on monday i’m going to go to bed, i have a problem with the screw, and what about you won’t have time before the game? no, i’ll have time before the game, but i wanted to be with my mother at the operation, don’t worry , everything will be fine, really, think about your own things, okay, i’ll think of something, so what, how is masha doing? oh, masha? works, so - i fired the nanny and tomorrow i’m going sit with artemka, why did she fire her nanny? she was so pleased, she kept bragging. i don’t know, but well, it’s good that i fired you, yes, because a child should grow up in a family, and not with strangers, yeah, but that’s even better, with an archema you can take your mind off everything, by the way, and bring a teddy bear too, i don’t care if i sit with one or two, you just needed a teddy bear, but then everything is complicated, the ruslik also believes that a child should grow up. well, it would be suggested, oh, good morning, dmitry sanovich,
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good morning, new passion dmitry sanovich, you are such a beautiful couple, but tell me, dear girl, sonya, how do you know my name, you have already been sung a song by sweet dreams, yes, what ’s the matter, and you’ve probably already received a favorite card in flowers too by... and a box of daisies, no, don’t worry , they’ll give it to you soon, it’s just that dmitry sanich decided to buy at wholesale prices, so as not to bother with gifts, it’s true, but who are you listening to, nonsense? listen, baby, aren’t you crazy? did i say something wrong? no, i certainly understand yours feelings, is it scary to be abandoned? and you don’t confuse anything, dima, it was i who left you, well, think
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so, if it makes you feel better, only for me you were initially a passable option, a mother with a baby and a husband, a brake, and i have a wonderful family that you , dima , i never even dreamed of it, of course, you... you will never have one like this, because you can’t order a family in a catalogue, it needs to be built, and you dima, you only know how to make eyes, let ’s build a snowman with you, look how much snow there is, i don’t want it, oh, look, there’s a bird, and she’s sleeping, yes, my dear, the bird fell asleep, no, she is not sleeping, she is not breathing, that means she died “i know, my mother and i had a fish, she also stopped breathing, and my mother and i buried her, well, my dear, apparently a fish
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was old, the bird died because it grew old, old man , you are old yourself, when you die, well, the bear that stepanovich’s novel is fading away, remember what it’s like, soon the old man will be born, too much for me once is enough. what did you want to say? can i fly on tuesday? you know, my mom is having surgery i was scheduled for monday, can i fly out later? are you laughing or what? yes, we have a charter on thursday, do you want a plane, a plane? what if you don't have time? well, are you going to be late there? do you have to take a risk, take a risk? are you kidding me? bones will tear my head off! with such difficulty they knocked out a place for you, then people, you won’t have other games. yes, i understand, but i won’t have another mother either. oh! “let’s go to bed, thank you, like this, oh, it’s cold, the second thing is, no, sit, sit, well, you’ve already
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done so much. maybe i don’t understand what’s going on.” this separate room, it didn’t appear on its own, it means that if mom, it’s a miracle, my god, my god, where do you get the plane, the plane in the evening, and with my things i’m from here straight to the airport, here you go, your loved ones, thank you , hello, well, i’ll go organize a vase, go organize a vase, come on, and i ’ll give you ruslik vitamins, ruslik vitamins, thank you, thank you, oh, how glad i am, my sun, how glad i am, how thank you, thank you.
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by the way, you’re still sending tyova to the first grade of school, let’s come and send klava to the nanny for nannies, these are my dear golden love girls mine like you don’t have cars you don’t have cars what’s so and so yes thank you well i can’t say anything yet the operation will end no sooner than in half an hour after half an hour half an hour like that. won’t be earlier than in an hour , well, i’ll call another company, i already called at three, of course, well, now it’s peak time, listen, i didn’t realize something, max works nearby, well, he already wants to pull it up , actually , i’m at odds with him, but for your sake , i’m ready to go with him and ask him to take him to the airport, and why don’t you have a long time to tell, the devil is inaccessible, now on
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work. i’m calling, come on, hello, please, maxima telegina? maxim evgenievich is at a meeting now, can i tell him something? excuse me, who am i talking to? are you talking to the company secretary? and i already understood this. does the secretary have a name? my name is natalya. now, this is how i decided to reclassify the temporary work.
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left on a plane, no, she is now in the hospital, she has a plane later, and we will wave her hand when she flies, in fact , luda didn’t want us to wave hand, let’s try, come on, i don’t understand, you have also no cars, and the nearest one, when it will be, and that before it’s not like at all, masha, well, like mom, it’s too much to cry, that if you cry, then...
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dad, did my mom also fly off on a plane? yes, on a plane, on a big, beautiful plane, when she... will return, will we meet her? of course we will, she will bring you gifts, and we will greet her with balloons. are you flying to my mother? no, thank god, i'm flying to another place. bear, do you want to watch cartoons? let's go to. ruslik, are you out of your mind that you’re picking on his brains? well, what balloons, what gifts, i don’t know what for him answer, but to tell the truth, i haven’t tried, because he’s really waiting for her, the longer you wait, the more painful it will be for him, and it’s more difficult for you, i don’t want to watch cartoons, i want to meet my mother, let’s go buy balloons, mish,
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well, listen, mish, mish, let's go, let's go, let's go, dad, come here, bear, do you remember? do you remember when you and uncle roma were walking in the park, i was skiing, and you found a bird? yes, she died just like our fish. that's right, but you're already a big guy, you know that people die too. yes, i know, they they dig a hole and make a grave, just like my mother and i did for our ryka. that's right, you know? “in general, your mother didn’t go anywhere, the same thing happened to her as with her fish and that bird, well, what, my dear,
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we’ll have to live here now, well, that ’s okay, our dad turned out to be a traitor, and we won’t live with a traitor, a roof, we ’ll be fine here, you and i will feed simon, we’ll take care of him, don’t cry, now we’ll write a text message to dad and that’s it , let’s turn on the tv for you, both of you, so when you are you going? on thursday, on thursday, and today it’s almost tuesday, well, you’re an extreme sportswoman, you fly back and forth, but what should i do, andrei mikhailovich, if i can’t shoot five out of five, well, where can you see it, and not
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where? it can be seen, where can it be seen so that primakov’s super sniper 55 doesn’t hit, it was borderline fantastic, okay, andrei mikhailov, tell me, do we have a chance to finish today, then i’d take a return flight straight to moscow. well, why should i sit here until wednesday? well, well, how can i tell you, people, as my grandmother used to say, it’s not a mystery, but we and now we’ll give you a test drive, if it turns out well, if it doesn’t work , we’ll redo it again, but you’re not ready, well , how can i say ready, well , you can almost try it on, come on, come on. andrei mikhailovich , you are a wizard, listen, i have a feeling that even my old rifle never sat in the mold like this, let me kiss you, you
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’re embarrassing me, now i probably won’t wash this cheek for a month, yes, and you’ll take the gold for a whole year, okay, stop talking about gold, don’t jinx it, but i’m not the evil one. okay, i played around a little, and that’s enough, come on, go to sleep, and i’ll do a little magic here , well, i’ll sit with you, okay, well, ruslik, what happened, 2:00 am, i know that it’s 2:00 am, but when we arrived home, like a bear burst, cried , kicked the floor, screamed, i want to go to my mother, i want to go to my mother, calm down for 15 minutes, again the same song, people, if you are so smart, maybe you can tell me what to do with him, i don’t know, really, well, yes, he needed sedatives, but no, there was no need for sedatives, well, i really don’t know whether the subscriber’s device is turned off or is finding it.
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we follow the sporting life of our country. shakhtar reached the top division of the russian basketball championship 3:3.
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watch on belarus24 tv channel.
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well, what do you need, march, what kind of kindergarten, i have nothing else to do but move to the other end of the city early in the morning, i didn’t ask you to move here, and in general, it’s only in the morning. true, true, there is one thing, but i knew
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it, well, in general, you need to quit your job, well , actually, i already quit, almost, yes, well, there’s one thing left, why, did you like it so much? well, because i realized that artyom for me it’s more important than any job, we will live at the seaside, i’m so glad, i haven’t been to the seaside since the ninth grade, forgive me, please, i don’t know, well, max, what about mom and luda, what luda, but that’s all in order?
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weight, rifle, everything is fine, your mazurov has golden hands, well, excellent ice, otherwise i broke my head, what should i do? by the way, the charter flight is postponed to tomorrow, how about tomorrow? “we were supposed to fly out the day after tomorrow, well, we’re not flying alone, we have skiers and bubble skaters with us, they have some kind of discrepancy in the schedule, so it turned out that the flight is transported back, roman stepanovich , well, i wasn’t at home at all, i really needed this day, people, are you suggesting that i call the ministry of sports and ask them to reschedule the charter for you, but i’m not suggesting anything,
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well, calm down, you shouldn’t be nervous, people , you have games on your nose, a child in your belly, thank you for remembering, pack your suitcases, yes, and don’t forget..." yes, i obey, i obey, how come you didn’t sleep all night, little world, hello, look what i am i brought it from izhevsk, do you like it? ruslik, go to the kitchen and cook for us anything, and we'll figure it out. are you sure? come on, come on!
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round with meat, mashed with potatoes, remember, remember, remember, repeat, what
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to repeat, round with meat, mashed with potatoes. lara, get off it, okay, i have no time for pies, that’s it, no matter what, i took the charger for my phone, took it, oh, you’re happy with me, you’re going to the games. as part of the national team as a coach, oh well, praise me, you know whose coach i am in the first place , why i was so eager to join this very team, so that my little one would not be killed there, well, that’s clear for whom, i just want you to understand that if things don’t work out for luda at the games, then you already have something to be proud of, which means it won’t work out, good croak, but i’m not croaking, i just want you to be ready for anything outcome, it means you don’t believe my little one, but what do you mean you don’t believe it, you should always tune in to the worst option, then the good one will be a pleasant surprise. yes, for me, luda’s success cannot be a surprise, this is the goal that we have been pursuing all our lives, and i believe in my athlete, i believe that’s it, okay.
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champion, get up, i've already packed my suitcase, you well done, my ruslik , you look so good, i can’t take my eyes off, oh , we slept like that all night, yes, i wanted to move you to the bed, but you slept so sweetly,
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that’s right, please don’t leave. okay, i'm not going anywhere, let me move him, you heard what i said, i 'm not going anywhere, i thought you wanted to calm him down, no, i made a promise to your son, and i keep my promises, so long for us still wait. princess, she’s the only one who didn’t register the weapon, why, don’t talk nonsense, you put so much effort into these games, now you can give up the main dream of your life 3 hours before... the plane, i realized that a month not given to a child
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is much more important than any medals, even gold ones, you will never forgive yourself for this, it’s okay, i’ll sort myself out , here... what, you will have to figure out, what does it mean, she won’t come, did she feel bad, is there toxicosis again? no, roman stepanovich, people won’t go to the games due to family reasons, for what reasons, can you really explain that mom got worse, no, with antonin andreevno, thank god, everything is fine okay, what happened, towel, i don’t understand anything, give me the phone, people. luda can’t talk now, sorry, she
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’ll definitely call you back later, i’m just calling you to tell you not to lose her, and maybe you’ll change your mind, where did you fall from, i have six athletes in my application, and you’re great. are you going to kill one of them now, i don’t have the right, anyway, only four athletes take part in each race, rum, now what, are you kidding me, you want us to have all four athletes run back like this stages, just like that in one breath, yes, well , that’s why six are given, so that there are some options, you know this better than me, yes , i know everything, but if it doesn’t go, then there really are reasons. keep calling,
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well, nothing. masha, come on, just the probationary period is over, you could at least work for a month, i’m still very young, god, i don’t even understand how i could leave him for some kind of work, happily, bye, good morning, beauties, good maria, they say you are quitting, really, really, it's not a rumor, yeah, i hope
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the presentation is ready for the next conference, yeah, there you go.
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were not publicly announced, but as it turned out, this was only the first drop in a glass of failure. the very next day , another russian biathlete varvara kochkina fell out of the picture.
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during training, the girl fell and twisted herself badly. ankle, so out of the six declared athletes we only have four girls left in the fight, there are no more spare options, but that’s not all, in the sprint race our youngest athlete svetlana petrova confidently held the lead with a large advantage until the second shooting range, but the sveta shooting range decided to cover her opponent’s targets instead of her own, confusing the settings and thereby depriving herself not only of medals, but also of the opportunity in the pursuit race. do you want to leave? tell me, bear, do you have friends? yes, nikita and vasya, we walk together and play in the yard. tell me, if nikita and vasya needed your help, would you help them? of course, we are friends. you know, me too
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i have friends that they really need right now. my help, do you think i should help them and let me go, but they feel very, very bad without you, very, very, then we need to go, yes, stanislav lbovich, judging by the fact that you are in the access zone, your family problems decided, that’s right, it makes me happy how long it will take for you to fly to us, in 3 hours, that you have time to drink coffee, we are waiting for you , the airport will immediately take you to the hotel, in the morning it inspires optimism in your sense of humor, well, don’t flatter yourself, he will meet you our car at 10:00 training, after training immediately at track, the girls need to be supported, they have a mass start tomorrow, as i understand it, that’s right,
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thank you. in all international acts it is written in black and white that the murder of the civilian population of unarmed children is a war crime, but the head of european diplomacy , josep barel, commenting on the situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone, said that he considers it pointless to provide humanitarian assistance to those who tomorrow... could be killed, but this is different. in almost 3 months of bombing of civilian areas and infrastructure, almost 22 thousand were killed residents of the gas sector. the number of wounded exceeded 56. as for the shelling of donetsk on new year’s eve in belgorod, this is a violation of humanitarian law, a violation
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of the rules of war. that's what it is.
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how are you feeling, normal, i breathed during training, i could do another 5 km calmly. pass, well, i saw that, it’s like they stuck a needle in one place, steal away with peter, he’s going well, so far he’s fifth, but he can compete for third place, there’s only 9 seconds, there she is, little girl, press it, let’s go to school, what am i to you did you say, luda, mish? mishan, come here look, he’s showing our people, there’s no need to shoot at our beatlanists, what are you, hakima,
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but it’s still unknown. russia, i am very happy, when i went to the start today, i knew that i simply had to get on the podium, i knew that i would get on the podium, but the place, in principle , is no longer important to me, svetlana, where did i get such confidence, but today i met prima, lyudmila, primakova, and we started talking, and in many ways this conversation awakened confidence in me, but what’s wrong? it finally
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broke through, thank you, for the congratulations, thank you, for what broke through, i don’t know what you said to svetlana, but the result, so to speak, is obvious, she has already justified her visit, oh well, petrukha could have handled it herself, with her uniform and your school, but i i don’t know what school there is, what uniform she’s wearing, but in the end you gave her a magic kick, well, we’re done with the deferambles, rom, let’s get started. luda, we decided to consult with you about the schedule for tomorrow’s relay race. judging by the results of today's training, you are in good shape. fighter, you are experienced, the girls trust you, and so do we. stanislav levovich, we believe in you, despite all your tricks, and why are you pulling by the tail , then we are in the dark.
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will bring you in such a fight, our girls run not shaky, not weak, you know, so primakovs will bring you at the first stage, the main factor there is shooting, here you have the cards in your hands, at the first there is such responsibility.


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