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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 26, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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trouble learns by communicating with our various teams, looking people, ours, our citizens in the eyes, seeing their interest, concern in what we have today, of course, i am sure that we are all together together, our belarusian people, led with our president, we will ensure peace, security and stability on the territory of our beloved blue-eyed republic of belarus, you still have to take the exam before the all-belarusian people's assembly, but undoubtedly, the president said so. "get ready to take the exam before our belarusian people, this is probably the most difficult thing, but i hope that the people will support what we have laid down in the concept of national security. thank you very much for taking the time and answering complex questions in fairly simple words. thank you.
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along unexplored paths and routes, a certain medieval traveler, a favorite of today’s marketers, called belarus a country of castles and it’s not to say that he was mistaken, because sources from the 18th and 18th centuries claim that there were about a hundred castles on our land, we will travel all over belarus, the streshan church majestically snow-white, built of brick, they knew that only three similar ones were built in europe...
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discover belarus with the tv channel belarus 24.
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good day, the program “say not to be silent” is on air. svyatlana smalonskaya and tatsyana shchyrbina are in the studio. and this year we have a poet, a philologist, a teacher of belarusian language and literature, ala laudovskaya. good day, ala uladzimirana. thank you for getting past us. when we stopped the torture, your first umova was here, when our gutarka was drying in the belarusian language, where you are this time... how are you a doctor? first of all,
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in our country the belarusian language has two variants: literary and dialectical. and i would n’t say that most of the menavits talk in russian language. according to the current census , 54% of the population, zdaetstsa, adzin, 54.1 spoke their native belarusian language, and in some regions of uvogule, here is zdaetstsa, in the gantsavich district, 95% spoke the belarusian language, geta. one such version, the other version of magchym is connected with the fact that people three saromeyutstsa, if we understand the people of the age of growth, then we are not dieselats movu on belarusian and russian , yana dzelatsya movu on garadskaya and vyaskovaya, well, by the way, my mother, we took away
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the aposhnya bastards from living for ourselves, and now we went away from her, i slept there, tortured some bastards and everything kazha: hello! prabachtse, please, when is the time, i say, mother, well, gavars are like that, like you are a talker at home, and yana kazha: well, i’m with goradze, i’m with garadskogo, well, everything is magchyma and so, and ўvogule i’m doing well, vetlivy chalavek gavoryts on that language, on which yes i am zvyartayutstsa, kali and me i am zvyartayutstsa and will be gavaryts with me in russian, i will pray in russian language, kali pa-belaruska in belarusian language, of course, if you know this language, well, if you are trying...
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rayona, and there are such words there, which are not the same as in the past, svaygo future husband, mother every yama yields, it is so breathy, yana yields, the padloga is cold, and yields - this means any mortar, daddies, and yields - these words are not here and are, just like a tsikava, well, you are yours, any and dear you have developed your profession and become current belarusian language and literature, this would be yours asabists.
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praydzі ў class, and i dull nagami, banged my hands, i wasted no time at home, i didn’t want to go to school for any reason, so i was so tired that i didn’t want to, but i tied everything up with the schools, as if this would be a call, because the school is on ўus wow , but the choice would have been metanakiravana, but i was slobbering at the beginning of the german language, i was reading books without a laptop, and pasya... i finished my eight-year study at the school azziran school dzyatla this is the district, and the belaretsk school has passed for ten years, and there there was such a mentor, shmygin yadzviga ivanauna, i was very kind to me , any and all, and all in two years this would be my choice
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of mentor, except for the belarusian language, well, for our insider information and you are a fan of your native language, culture and tradition, so... put your people, your colleagues , who were your great parents and in our program, and who loved your creativity, we say this word is special creativity, because there are certain impres- sions you put there in your work, at the lessons, tell us what you got excited about, how i loved language and literature. vedaetse, i have been working in the library for the last 15 years, at the second school number 10 of the city of saligorsk, and i have been working at this school, the head of the belarusian language literature. from here i am, and from now on, and what i have taken them in, i think, i have grown up, any and all, and you know, i couldn’t allow myself to go to class, i didn’t want to know about her what a highlight, if only the kids could enjoy it, and i’m all i remember, the great-grandmother of vital
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volsk neszerk and asked the question: tell me, what kind of weasel, which one do you choose here, the gallant heroine, yurasya or the scaler? well, motherfucker ўstala, kazha: yurasya, i'm talking, and chamu, i would have already chosen the scale, well, there i am, i don't even remember how, well, i'm taking the khustka, which i'm happy with, i'm aprana on myself, gavar, that, what... crazy, who the hell did you get married to, the poor guy, you need to marry, the rich guy, and yana is such a dachshund and talk, and i only love to get married in the country, i 'm a garou, you've never heard of it i didn’t do it, all the byars there are all the getaga of the gentry, i don’t, i won’t, but i was so lost, dacha, i didn’t addam tsyabe to marry a getaga scaler , not addam, make a life with a rich man, but yana kazha, so yon are stupid, i’m gavar, no good, bad...
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my riddles of the library alena mikhaylaina gypsy, yana havoryts with the asnoviny par-russka, and i pa-belaruska, and how to go to the library, kali yana here, yana good day, ala uladzimirauna, and then hello, elena mikhaylaina, when i serve them, yana try with me tsa gavaritsy, at least to trasyantsy, but to belarusian , and with alena mikhaylaina, more pa-rusku, eight. you already said that in order to break up any and all ours, yes, literature, demand, if the asabists would publish , anyway. you said at the beginning of the program that you don’t want to go to school, but i know that you
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loved studying so much, but here you are not very fond of studying, well, most of yours, maybe if you need something it’s not just the pernik you may you have a bizun, a whip, well, you can say so, this parishenne right dzitsyatsi, first of all, let them get out of their fathers, kali yany treat this with a public whip, and secondly, that is, the fact that the prymus idz e, yano not ijo hell shchyrastsi. well, tell me there dzitsyatsi vuchy, kali i don’t want to, i don’t care about any bizun, well, i’m only interested in any certificate from the school program of the 11th grade in the belarusian literature . uladzimir karatkevich and replaced the yago with black zamak alshanski. i realized that our scholars, neither schoolchildren nor schoolchildren, immediately fell lamant, that the raman cults jumped from the program, turned off. let's look for replacements.
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historical documents, so we replace it with the black alshansky castle, well, not that not less outstanding works, but in...
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i don’t know what’s wrong there, but i’ve read a lot of it, well, any creation has a quick and creative invention, and as a result, changes are being made , as if all around the world is growing, replace whether on the black castles of alshanski, tsikavy taksama creative work, the film adaptation was made up of dachshund goodness on the belarusian film, and therefore i know, the bible kalasy fell with your sickle, who wants to read...
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patriateism? patryatism for me as an asabist is for everyone and your land, and your land, what do you mean by asabista, panyatstse and svay mov, and svay spadchyny? ala uladzimirana, well, since we have already closed karatkevich and his works, you now have a biblical understanding of how often these
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books are published, please give karatkevich. well, you know, i’ll tell you. anyway, this is a very special topic , they have read the material in belarus, i am struggling with this and trying to break through, such a nyama, but in the same way , karatkevichs, accomplished works, are at the same time taxa prakhodzyatstsa pa pa program, not i remember, i am happy in this class father, there are dagars in the sky, sky , well, that’s what i’m saying, and as we study, we often visit the library and... books, to be clear, not only in the school curriculum, we have lost books this school, 1200 days, and the library is never empty for us, and we, together with my alena mikhaylaina, try to change not only the literary literature, but for this purpose we take various actions, all the same beech onions. , the same batleyka i work for , the program
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that we release once again in the bible, educational-entertaining , we come out on... on two languages, well, the name is russian, and on any language we have a stale topic, and we are working on different topics, well, i don’t know, it’s more likely to be a big deal, bibliatekaram, when we get the book, we have written such requesting tickets, put them on the old people, let’s say, 150 there are 160, and the requesting ticket was written, we are asking for measures, which will happen there just a month, to ab ververit, read dzetsi tsi ne, just a month we are wrong, we are right. special gifts were given to the victor, the administration is meeting with us in this regard, setting deadlines for us to immediately buy some padarunks, here's this promotional book, i'm happy, i'm waiting for the family avannya, for tago, so as to read the fluency of the dance in this place, beech onion - geta beech - geta book , look onion, that is, geta photo session of the same book,
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to create a photo session of the same book, i need to read it, all of us... we are right for such a campaign and instagram for school instagram right or navat galasavannah, well, we ich so it turned out well, who knows, you can look at the program on our channel once again, all the books are laid out there, this step is to read this book, pasta, sfatagrafavac, but abstavits y these are some points, items, well, some things, if it were clear that and so you know , there were such beautiful little books, one mother, a third-grader, a creator, yana a little book with a dacha on a red hat, put a whole cat on a pirazhka, an adzela daughter and a red hat packs, father apranuўsya ў sharaga voўka, all these photos and smokes, the living book
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of nature, this was in short order, and all the same things, they were only taken and... zakhvotsіts dzіtsya wasted, we can also say, all wasted this little book and everything that the hatse has, what kind of stories are there, what kind of speeches are there, show me what you are reading, what is this book, and the great tsikava, and we have been calling out the first, the other, the third month, so it went on in the galasavanna, that we are not muggle and vydzelіts lepshaga, well, family bukluk with us we
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separated the one who is a slave himself, and we extracted the fumes... first, second, third steps, and everything can be looked at in our program once again from the library, from the family and from the fathers, well , the entire administration has paid attention, and the fathers, and the families have taken the heat, fallen runki, and geta, that ’s great for me, such a real magic in a walking form, a quick trick read , it was a great task, and we didn’t sleep on it, well, where are these books needed here, as it seems, they were needed from their bulges, we have destroyed the virtual accounts, we have put all these...
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sending hey, i'm leaving, at least give me a rope tie it to yourself, i’ll leave anyway , that’s your lie, there is a boss, and you know from what you know
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, it’s immediately obvious that the house is strong, the horses are standing under saddles, the samovar was carried, the sentry, but don’t worry, we’ll put you in an orphanage, little forelock, not a forelock, but a bang, what don’t you see, dear, is that deception? boots, overcoat, shoulder straps, i don’t see a soldier, so i myself am a soldier, watch the series son of the regiment, on the belarus 24 tv channel, 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult like you do you think why children ask strange questions, a person is always scared by something new, what scared you when you were offered to become a rector b? what you could never forgive, well, for example, a loved one, as it is written in the gospel: if you forgive, you forgive people for their sins, then
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the heavenly father will forgive you. that's it, the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience. the main task is to honestly answer all original, and sometimes awkward questions. what is bsu?
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the airwaves know the program “say not malchy”, and we have belarusian paetesa, a fan of belarusian language and your right, philologist alla laudovskaya. alla uladzimirana, well , to our beloved tv viewers, why we immediately spoke to the bible, the first part, i was so grateful that in the future you are healthy, you are in good health, you were exhausted by the end of the passada. ika and sa my native school. have become such mass-players, as soon as you can pass from one to another to pass the library and so to speak, knitting and circles, staging performances, habitually reading correct, relevant literature, love the country, page ats and to avoid the family traditions of chestnuts, the quality you have is now a dusty one, well , my dear ones, because of what you said, i
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don’t treat myself as a masavik. uh-huh, you're right, i've moved on to the books, but i'm working on my thoughts as a mentor, as a matter of fact, to get out of this as a mentor, and i'm trying to overcome them in any way. your native land, and your native language, and gurtka, well, i won’t say what gurtok, i’m afraid of you, that i would have learned so much, can i say the right thing, of course, daniel, yon, darechy, paўtara bastards ago finished the pedagogical university. from the red smoke , infected with the social-pedagogical centers, menavita and my father-in-law in the 9th class and great-grandmother ala uladzimirauna, let’s organize a battle with you, well, i’m so easy on let's fall, dachshund grudanika, well, what, yak geta batleyka , who is dying on her own, and she used to be there often at the church of st. pakro, practicing with the getai batleyka, and all the way back, a school battle was created, and three bastards pakul yashche... study,
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by the holes of the getai batleyka yes, i was right there directors, pastors, scriptwriters , but not directors , where he arganizovavu dzyatsey, i was heard by all the greats, and the first performance, which i worked with getai batleykay, i wrote on the basis e belarusian folk kazka scripts, man and woman, i’ll be honest , the dzetsi were sprayed unharmed in the belarusian language, we then picked up the dzyatsi from the batleyka, and i beat them, i was good for him... to the russian, i 'm a gavar, let's do it like that, adzin performance, well, we called it a batleyka belarusian hut , i’ll already call her prizvoili, adzin we'll perform the play in the belarusian language, then i'll write in russian, well, yeah, let's just let it go, my father's mentor will help, and all the first sand, yana was small in the ab'yom, maybe sixteen 15, the music was padabran , well, as required , i created a certain furore
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, such events, which happened in the past and the bible looked at this performance, which were... so captured, such applause, and i at all times will not let this happen. lyavats nedze, yany tsyaper all students of the highest educational institutions , may first batleyshchyki, i say, well, i’m going to write in russian, that ’s all the same back in the belarusian language, oh, let ’s write in belarusian, well, i’m still writing kazki, menavita for the battle theater, and ganarus getai battle, dzya i tell danika zhuraulev that that’s the idea of ​​our creations, we ’ve been together for a long time, we’re only eight... 25 years old, we’re rocking and holy , i’ve written a new play, as we’re having meetings, we’re having a whole day of performances, we’re ordering a whole day of performances rolled cake for everyone , at home, most importantly, and the performance for me is extremely haunting in nature, geta and small and hot little scenes, this virtual show in the library, where we
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are running the play... we advertise a certain book, not abavyazkova in belarusian language, any book, whatever the anniversary of the book yesterday, we went to the ablasny festival of the witch kuferak dzitsyachaya creativity, and the atmosphere there with the smoke of the burnt pasta nooks is extracted and the recognition of the character of the sick theater, we are here for the purpose of smargon, smargon districts, the tax rate, and in eat, dzeci hodzyats with a distant look getya. performances, and geta yashche adzin from time to time we have been reading belarusian books, reading belarusian books, learning, we are practicing, we are in the middle of a performance, we are sleeping in the happiest months, and if we want to know what happened to the heroes further, here are the belarusian folk tales and all this stuff, so that your studies not only battled you, so to speak,
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they infected you. if only the youtube channel would give you a chance to read your tops, and you, who would like to listen to this, would turn it off, and it would become a mystery. all of me have taken part in the club 's gift to the paetau, and now we perform on the pink dances of saligorsk, saligorsk district, we participate in various promotions, at schools, at technical colleges, at sacred saints, here on the day of
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the holy day of belarus, i choose ts pўnuyu kolkastsya, paetau u us, we are poets, and we read our heights, people travel , hear, they already know us, and the union of writers has already been adopted by you... such a union of writers has not been adopted and probably not given galny, i don’t like, kali gavorats i'm flying, i'm flying, i'm simple aatar versho , paets geta neta nesta, well, we are prae gata yashche, the lid of the bumps pagavory, let's go back and your youtube channel , you call your channel shoe, chamo menavit, semukha, somuha - certen of words , geta maja, dzhavyu majoyasch. shomukha , nickname of my father. probably, many people know that semukha is the heta of the holy and rightful trinity, called semukha, where the semukha passed easter this afternoon, well, as i write tops in the belarusian language and kazki, i can
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call myself another dog danim, it’s already here god forbid, well, i think that my fathers would be glad, if they were alive, they would be glad that i took such pseudonyms and my nickname, so well... if we are talking about such philosophical topics here screwed up, and what kind of faith and religion do you have? i am a believer of the chalavek, right-wing religion, well, i go to the tsar'ka, unfortunately , i wouldn't visit so often, at my home, the tsar'kva of the holy matron of maskaya , i visit nyadauna, near tulna, the great temple, i go to the hajj, i observe all the saints, i celebrate yes god i know. what god is helping me with, i’m simple i feel like i can’t help people, that’s why i’m afraid of people, because i have a lot of health, i don’t want to save their money, but i can’t help people, that’s what i know about this
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life, that is, in the past, there’s not a penny in lachenne, there’s that's what it is, motherfucker the old ones , which i simply learned the belarusian language, literature, sabrali, gave me pennies, hella... you read your peaks, why the hell do you have such unfinished medical treatment, more than 1000 padpischykaў, yes 1052 lessons were, like you gota shy, creepy sakretam, us geta taksama karysna paslukhats, as i respected what i am
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i'm getting new heights, i'm getting new accounts, i'm in love with my tops, on instagram, i've started to master tiktok, i'm posting there, i'm also there, all the people are passing on this adzin... so it's all over the place, well... there’s a lot, but what do you write in the books, in the comments, and why ask, pray? the nobles are willing to read the comments, the knowledge, not one, as it seems, rude words, write in both russian and belarusian. they write that spiritual peaks are, they write that they were in the kingdom, djakutsya and... we are looking forward to new heights, and the geography that falls within the borders of belarus, well, there are people who have already lived beyond the boundaries, and i understand that we will sum up for our own sake i mean, there are all the guys there there are some people in norway,
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there are some fellow countrymen who live in russia, in ukraine, in america , there are some, well, there are so few, i didn’t look there, then 6% of them are for me, but all astatnia geta ... in a short time the great lady became popular on the internet, and her videos on the transanians, as yana herself said looking far beyond the borders of belarus, all of my wide geographies, on the other hand, i have managed to maneuver my internet dances, and my son’s wife is earning more than she herself is, shepherding. blogger, you are registered as self-employed, pay taxes, can you tell me what you...
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how to earn money for the cost of your family?
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you know, pennies for earning this goodness, i would n’t give it to me, but for this hour, free time for me, no, well, what’s wrong, i’m the same, because i’m a library, and a battle, and we’re releasing zalena mikhalaina once again s libraries, these actions, yashche and gramadskiy inspectorate on the job, fire safety, this tax is a lot of work, well, maybe i ’ll retire, and i won’t be able to work, but i’m sorry, i won’t be able to go anywhere na... geta my hobi , you know, i’m not the one who sat down and wrote the top, i needed
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some kind of tension to pass, some kind of shock, i went with my dogs, walked, i’m like a lad from my wife, and i tripped like that as kazha: " oh, yon, what's wrong with you, yana, well, winter has fallen, and i 'm on top, what's wrong with you, winter is with me, bachysh, the gentlemen are asking for yourselves , jumping up and down, nothing is wrong, look right..."
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said michal from the sky yes, i 'll give it to my mother for this book eight years ago, i say: "mom, what's the matter with your weight? yes, no, what kind of mikhal would you have there?" "mom, who wrote this book? i'm a gavaru, anatol kanstantsinavych klyshko, and the hets are as much as you want, they're talented." well, my mother was just a janky, unconnected, gavaru: what 's the point? my grandmother, my nephew's relatives, my mother is my two-cousin brother, but i don't know anything atrymlivaetstsa, mabyts dvayuradny dzyadzka and all my mother she said that they were talenavita all here
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, my brother, philologist, vydomy, and yashche adzin, i don’t remember the report, mabyts pavel, i don’t remember, as i know, he wrote the top, and my mother said that ў the villages of daneka there is an oak tree near the lake, and the people of adnavia have gathered there, and they have fallen to these oak trees, they read their tops, vasіў near minsk, but i don’t know what the price is, and ў 2 1 godze pamer. anatol kanstancinavich for two days , even today , the mood was so strong that it changed the death of my life i started to lose my head. i think that i can ask what kind of gene you have in your family, and what kind of things you are doing at your peaks, i cover various topics and i am hiding the hell that is going on, i have a great quality at the top, change from knitted from the theme of the small radzima, native meats, natures, philosophically inspired, no matter the topic or
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kahanna, i wrote myself in different genres, there is a ballad on the side, there is a ballad, there is a trail, there are tales, if not... budzizza in the virtual world, asyarozhnaya we know the internet, yana vyalikaya, but tsikavaya, velma ўіm podabaetstsa, listen to me on the youtube channel, all and far fishing for men who go fishing, i don’t know why you can’t take good luck, if you don’t want to ruin your fun, maybe you can’t go fishing, the end, well that is, i did my best different genres, pra shchastse, razvazhanneў velmі shmat pra zhytstse, pra zinotu, pra svaygo, pra dog, charlie. and what for you sculpt, what sculpt for your creativity, world and city? what do you choose? well, are you home yet? you know, it’s not often that you visit the world, only on radanitsa, it’s factual, well, and even more years ago the hut i’m stuck, but she’s not alive, you’re telling this about your little radzima, azyarans,
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well, there’s a sister, i ’m driving 50 km from baranavich, i’m going there for the weekend , well, as the dacha is factual, i’m jumping. i'm a packer, i'm a muggle, i got a car , it was easy for me to sit down and drive a tsyaper with these transfers to the tsyagnika and baranovich from baranych on the ice and yashche require footpath in a dense, dense forest 5 kilometres, well , i’m rarely a tsyaper. whenever i'm there , i'll cover you there so sunny belarusians shmat vandruyutsya in belarus, why would you look at saligorsk that there is a tsikavaga there? young towns, pit 65 bastards, but i’m flying, that meetings with skin towns are something to look at, we have your face, well, let ’s just say so, darechy, when you come, we have tourist bureaus, and a bus will take you there іць and this is all the same, why would
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i go to the city, this holy protection church, it is known to the villages of chyzhevich, this is the lynx city, this is where i often go on pilgrimage. june 1795, we have a temple, as i already said, the holy maskian matrona, a temple st. barbara, such small towns, all such temples, the vyalik church of the rastva of christ, darechs, kala getaga of the temple, we every year with our batley we supra the right-slavic brotherhoods, 8 years ago we celebrate at the events of the saint kahannya. love and faithfulness, and we put on a performance, so many little ones watching , in the distance, all the sights of these possible temples, and in vogule, i would say that salyagorsk is a green, pure and sullen city, compact, well, i can show you the miner’s memory, like staіts, well, this is how the city celebrated, memorials
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complex, stone, first stone, it was written that the city of saligorsk will be laid here, well, looking at the meetings, we found out that, i realized, zyakuy, well... i think that we want information, to publish the tourist route, and we will collect a package of nevalik i first of all, and then we’ll return to our studio, i’ll guess, our telegram channel, please don’t be silent, subscribe, give us gas and ask your questions, we’re in touch. alla uladzimirana, you are right at the hour right from the dzetsi, and dtetsi, as you know, this is our future, and what do you how about the future of our belarus? well, by all means, the future of belarus is very bright. you know , i worked hard, so that in life i didn’t fuck with the kep dzyatsi , so to speak, all the dzetsi that i
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worked with, that i learned and that i work with at the same time, that dzetsi that i know oh, what do you want, what do you want, what do you want? .. umknuzza and loose, well, further in belarus, progress, study here, grow the family this way, talented, the amount of talented tricks, the page of how belarus can be for us, only only bright future, before the program, you said that you don’t like to worry about 20 years, so i am a man of love and great fear of war, and at that time i was afraid that i might atroc. on the right, that in saligorsk there are very special educational institutions, and those who study, for example, at the college, then
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if they want education, perhaps the highest education, therefore i go to minsk, and many i'm looking forward to the 11th grade, i'm studying at home universities, well if you are a professional, every profession is connected with the profession of a miner , you know where to go, you know bring back saligorsk, and such darechs. i know who i know, well, i don’t know, i don’t know, i don’t know who graduated from mining colleges, who graduated from college, who are doing well , who have settled down and their families, who come from minsk, who are getting married, i whoever is working on some kind of business, is staying in minsk, without workers, as far as i know, we have no, there are eight months of work, they grab the school and we have a traveler, and we get along well with the teachers. well, maybe not my mentor, but
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i’ve been studying all along, but i had such katsuba volga, i guess i hear it, i work at the school of masters, and i know there is a theater director there, a pastanovushchyk, and she takes part in meetings of the grand prix at all sorts of competitions, festivals, i read so. the tops of my lesson, well, i admonished that if the sign was not 10, but 20, then i’ll put 20, i ’ve been applauding how expressive i am, the jumper, i’ve read my heart out, and some, many of them are busy with the bath and cooking ayuzza, taxama ў us the 10th school has returned former students from the teaching classes of the pachatovyh classes, my eighth gety danik zhuraulyo, yon pratsue teachers satsyyalnym apantanna.
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at the chasopis abrazavannya minshchyny, here they are tsikavy, gramatny, adukavan, well, only here are the other years, well, saligorskaga dachshund knows. alla uladzimirana, well , i hear you and i am watching, at the latest hour, when we sense the magnitude that the status of the mentor, it is, let’s say, not as high as before, we are hearing you and the leader and the cultivator, you know, and so new anosins with dzetsmi, here i am with you , because no matter how hard i work, i don’t get any memento, well, it happens dzetsi give me a meon, i didn’t respect
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how our school’s teachers gave me a meon, you dzetsi, what kind of passage we have in the library and the batley and the rise in the program, and the assistants, yana everyone says that the most stupid teachers in the school. student - this is the holy month, witches, one might say, the number of holy saints, what kind of greed do you wish for? there, if i won’t do anything, for me , i don’t know, well, maybe i ’ll do some work, i’ll do some work, but i want
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to work, i need to do some work, so i can do it, well, what would you do? if i don’t work now, i can’t do it, but i’m in the third group of disabled people, but they gave me another one, but i’m doing it, people are doing it, i’m doing it for my time, i’m doing it in the eyes, i’m doing it wrong, i’m doing it. i ўvogule i'm coming. let's wait with a smile, if you test anyone who i know, i don't know anyone without a smile, which is why we are the same , let's take a look at the sluggish videos from your channel and then try again, and can you just give us some feedback, charlie, you do you like belarusian language, tell me love, charlie, tell me, you love the belarusian language, malay, charlie, give me your paw, give me your paw, charlie! that maladzian, do you like belarusian language? do you all need love? tell me, charlie, say it.
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malaichina, give me your paw, give me. roina sarakawa day i on the internet studied ab'yavu in the group "help for labradors", which means that all of the dogs were thrown out, they never fell, i had such bloody wounds on my neck, there the lance was successful, bloody, but the valancers were ravenous and antybiotekami, so the pit had nowhere to go, and they threw away the cry, maybe
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zabyare, there was 30 years of snow on... we arrived in minsk, the guys charlie didn’t climb into this car, there’s a dog there that’s not a labrador, as we ’ve already been told, you know, remember, maybe there’s such a thing that there are two whole rnyagi , and hearts are of the noblest breed, well, eduard assad, so the assads. the year 2024 in our country is marked by years, what kind of plan do you have in mind for yourself? well, you know, it’s a bad year, a year of yakasts, and when there will be teaching mentors,
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yakasna lyachyts. well, from now on we will work with my alena mikhaylaina it's clear that we are working and we're working on creating some new projects, ideas for whatever you want to read, and a book to learn from their government officials, people who love me... how happy i am, i i would say, fortunately, don’t look at the strata, the troubles, the heap of illnesses,
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that’s what happened - that’s not life, without troubles, not at the moment. "this is the state of the soul, i feel happy all the time, i'm happy, i'm happy, i'm in love with the one who gave us matsi, she was there, we see who's hiding here adshukae, dze zhive shchastse, va laughing dzitsyatsi, in the clapty hands of father, matsi, in the chigunku of the delicious land of granny, katskah , yakiya..." i told the dad, dze zhve shchastse, in vachah zakhannyh, relatives and pain, shchyryh , addanyh, svetsyatstsa the eyes of hell are happy, and bright, and are shaking the whole world of smiles, for the life of happiness, you know, hell of a lot of light sagretta, if you know how, take care,
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and thank god for your good fortune, and we, tatstsyan shcharbina and svyatlana smalonskaya, we are sharing with you on the air. pabachennya, and at the same time gavoryts ala laўdoўskaya. i wish for all those who are watching to live with a smile. pavertse, this velmi dapamagae ў zhytstі. i love my land, i love my history, i love my history, i love my country, i love my country. jumping
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moў vydoma shmat have svetse. i love our belarusian people, enjoy the sweeter language on the planet, and bring joy to our people and land. ala uladzimirana, this stupid carcinoma. we paint a piece of intelligence, and in tradition, like our other guests, we ask you to give us some passions and your autograph, kindly, i look forward to the success of all our bright dreams flying.
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in the belarusians program we will meet the host of minsk parties svetlana uliyanenko, find out why people play folk games, parties in general, as it were, pump up, and such a modern word, fashionable, but understandable to everyone, pump up all aspects of life, starting from health, because a party is like slavic fitness, let's go to a real folk festival, right hand, left hand. we learn from the heroine the secret of a happy harmonious life, to give people your warmth, kindness, your light, your love, watch
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today on our tv channel, we are going to travel around belarus, dear friends, welcome to novostarobensk, few people know, but this is what the city of soligorsk was once called. now the only reminder of this is the inscription on this stone, which symbolizes the beginning of the construction of the city. with us, you will receive a charge of positive emotions. i was in a variety of master classes, very different, but honestly, for the first time in my life i saw something like this, i even tensed for a moment, because our mishka fedor started like this, right under his paw. visit vivid sights of our country. it's right here. two museums with amazing exhibits, you must admit, such rarities can now be seen only in soviet films, girls really love to decorate the world around them, and i am no exception, so if
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we have such a colored candle, look in the program, the route is built on the belarus tv channel 24.


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