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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 26, 2024 4:25pm-5:01pm MSK

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the television news agency presents it in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people. our suborovsky school is located in a beautiful building, here we live, study, and prepare to become future officers of the soviet army. let's take a look at this jumping house on the streets of gorkaga in minsk. not a house, but a cossack palace. young suvorians live here. so extreme is the day of future soldiers. the school's students have a strong education. english language lesson.
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suvorov said that every honest person should have a good name, and i personally i myself saw this good name in the glory of my fatherland, i forgot myself when things went to the benefit of the fatherland. and i lay on the bed and thought, my father also died in the fight against the fascists, i will definitely be as brave as my father was. hello, comrade cadets, you are staying. the song of iradzim, the whole world may change
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, the forests are not fallen, you will not know the smoke of spring, the rain will be clear, only this will never be an hour, life will be eternal, as it is, bright folk words, monthly expression on the grass, and smell the great fox . you, where the pain is, is radzima, is a song, a song, and a life.
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holidays for me are a state, a state of joy, a state of brightness, childhood, when you can meet... friends, look into their eyes, live bright, joyful emotions together, life has become brighter, joyful, when round dances appeared, did i like to draw or embroider, no, but throughout my childhood i read, i read a lot, starting from the age of 3, at the age of three i learned to read, and i re-read everything that was possible in the house, at school and... i
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i remember the big eyes of the librarian from school when she said: “svetochka, there are city libraries!” in our childhood there were no cell phones and computers, so the games... were lively and - very often we got together with the girls in the yard and played various different games, i didn’t have any dreams about the future, i felt so good every day was so joyful, there were so many interesting things, i don’t remember that i dreamed of becoming someone, and after school i graduated from medical school and went to work in a hospital as a nurse, an idea conduct round dance game holidays. matured for quite a long time, many years, i became acquainted with round dances about 15 years ago, there was an organization of creation, of such an environmental orientation, where people who wanted to move to the land and organize their family estate gathered, and we often met, there
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were interesting lectures, we studied with the help of the botanical garden, we planted cedars, that is , there was a lot of interesting work, but each of our meetings ended with games and round dances. that's where i saw it for the first time, i understood how it was cool, playing together, when i first came there, it was easy for me to join the team through games, that is, through the game it was easy for me to get to know each other, then round dances, this warmth, this joy that is in round dances, and through some... at that time, i realized that i was looking forward to these games and round dances that conclude these meetings much more than the meetings themselves. and several more years passed before i realized that since i like it so much, why not do it myself, why wait for someone to come and entertain you, why if only i could not learn this and do it
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for myself and others, we have a round dance play school in minsk, it even exists all over the world, since it is possible to learn online, but it so happens... it turned out that in belarus there was little demand for training of round dances, and director veronika gavlionok , she trained people mainly in russia, went to seminars in russia, and for belarusians there was the opportunity to study online, but this was not enough, how to learn round dances online, true, although, although this is a great film, but how about through cinema to learn round dances, i learned, completed training, when i asked veronica when it would be...
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at the live program, i had already started holding parties, my friend and i, too, who went to study at a round dance play school, also with the host, began to organize parties in minsk, this already happened in 2018, that is, it has already been 5 years, when we spent the first evening with egor, it was immediately such enthusiastic reviews that let’s do it, let’s do it more often, let’s do it every week, we realized the value that this great, that's great, this is a wonderful form of time... let's go on a trip to belarus, katya, very nice, katya, here, on this site
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there will be trenches, ditches, mountains, forests and other features of landscape design, you are restoring a real, real, once residential farm, yes the motives that led... to be so overzealous that i can be brought to life in the village are completely different, i will be hung with christmas trees, because it can be easily removed, grabbed, everything is in order, the task of the presenter is to find out why the rural life is still better than city life, wow, cool , this often happens every half hour, it’s amazing, it’s even a little scary, don’t be afraid, everything is positive, if they hadn’t told me that we were here on the territory of a landscape designer, i would have thought, that some football fan lives here, but because what is this? well, these are our teflitsa, i’m a project from the village, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. harovod gaming tradition. it is a tradition to celebrate holidays with games and dances, round dances together, initially in large settlements. this tradition originated among our ancestors when they celebrated their holidays, and its roots have reached us through folklore. in our round dance play school, we adapted this tradition to modern times, so that in our time everyone could come. take part in these games in round dances, stand in a round dance,
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hold hands and play with each other. what are evenings? parties are a way of organizing leisure time. absolutely anyone can come to the parties. we play folk games here. games are liberating, anyone can easily enter our space, which we have never even visited. each of us has an inner child. each of us played as a child. definitely played, more or less, older generations played more when there were no gadgets, the current generation of children also plays, this inner child awakens in everyone and reaches out to play, everything always goes joyfully and cheerfully, you will see today, in just a few minutes our friday will begin . it's a party, the guests are already gathering, placing all sorts of goodies on the table, and in a few minutes we will begin
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play, dance, get to know each other, we invite you to take part in our friday party, today i want to start with a more solemn round dance, this is a round dance of the times. how will people find out about our parties? firstly, by word of mouth, as word of mouth always works, a person came, he liked it, he says to his friend or wife or husband, let's go there, it's great, let's go there for a party. the second option is, of course, social networks. we have vkontakte in the group and in viber on telegram, and through them people can also come to us, groups are constantly replenished, new members are added, members of us. they find, children , adults, men and women come, it’s even
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difficult for me to say what the percentage is, but at parties there are always children who come with their parents, we invite parents to take their children with them, this is very important so that children understood how their parents relax, and so that this would be an example that you can relax like this in different ways, cheerfully and joyfully, most often at the beginning we... get together and we discuss some issues, or just get to know each other, if anyone for the first time
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comes, so, let’s begin the time of communication ; it’s very easy to establish contact, acquaintance most often occurs through a game, there are a lot of very different dating games, which are played at the table, and played indoors, active, there are a lot of different ones, we use more than ten in in our evenings, depending on the situation, each of our evenings has some kind of theme and... and many evenings correspond to slavic holidays, yearly, that is, yearly - this is according to the cycle of the sun, which is held in the early days of the solstice, this is maslenitsa, koleda, kupala osenina or the rich man, there are four more holidays that are located between these holidays, we also celebrate them, we celebrate them without fail, we believe that it is very important to celebrate... these are precisely these moments of the solar cycle in order for people
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to realize for themselves , noted that this is the middle of summer, and it was bathing, now , for example, the middle, end of december, there is december 22, yes, and this means that the sun, the day has become the smallest, and on december 25 the sun begins to grow, begins. .. sunny day on each of these holidays has its own energy, and if a person lives in proportion, in the rhythm of these energies, he will live in the rhythm of the world. legs together, legs together,
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many men come to our eves, it is important for a man to be the leader.
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older people, mothers, fathers, old people, sat , watched, and it was a joint interaction, at parties you could get to know each other, through dancing, because it’s very easy to recognize a person, through their hands, whether they are strong, through their eyes, whether they look openly, so
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many factors, how to understand a person in dance, in our traditions... most often dances are pair dances with a change of partner, when a girl goes through a circle, dances with one partner, with another, with a third, with a fourth, with a fifth, and that’s how people get to know each other, that’s how they got acquainted, there were parties that took place between villages, at our parties there are quite a lot of cases when a man and a woman, a guy and a girl meet at parties, in the last calendar year alone we have had three couples, two of them... dating, very interesting history, we started a family, and one more couple yes, two years ago a couple met at a party , they fell in love with the parties, they went to every party, they were so happy, so interested, they always participated so actively, did not miss a single evening, having fallen in love with
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the parties, they also fell in love into each other and formed. a wonderful creative couple, now they are together, during this time they trained to be the host of round dance and game festivals , they even held their first party together, where they were independent hosts, it was very joyful, we all attended the parties we try to come in dresses, at least below the knee, such dresses or skirts, they save energy. a dress or skirt, like a dome, retains feminine energy; at our party, many girls sew their own clothes. we have a mother who teaches careful sewing; you can always use her to sew a dress for yourself or a shirt for a young man. we preserve this tradition, we also carry it through time from our grandmothers and mothers, and we try
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to preserve it and come to the evening. always in beautiful dresses, i sew outfits for myself, i have i don’t have a lot of time for this, but i have four dresses that i sewed for myself by hand, this is just a practice of mastering myself, because every stitch, every seam, it means something, by cutting from the fabric, we remove unnecessary things, every a seam means something, by sealing the seams, we seal our energy, preserving. the hem is a connection with the family, the neck is our self-expression, the gusset that is sewn into the side is self-love, every part of the protective dress is something.
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in states of joy, carelessness, brightness, enjoying these emotions, then naturally such an aftertaste remains after
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the holiday, it lasts for several days, and then, when you start preparing the holiday, you also enter into a state of holiday and the holiday passes, again after the taste, if this holiday is once a week... then practically you live constantly in a state of celebration, it’s very cool when i host a celebration, i’m still in a celebration, and together with other people i feel all these emotions and joys, and unity, creativity, laughter, enthusiasm, and harmony, when in some dancing, in round dances, i experience it all, and of course, it affects my condition.
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services of western countries, they do not act independently, they have corresponding tasks, the political establishment, corporate elites, this is active preparation and...
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the family certainly supports, they are glad that i have a business that i like, they are interested in what, when. .. how it went, there is support, there is respect for my work, my husband and i have been living for 33 years, of course, we are very close, and we share everything, a friend tells
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to a friend about how our day went, of course, he asks how it went, how many people were there, what they did, what was interesting, and this is very important, of course, mutual exchange of emotions, sensations with a loved one, of course, this is mandatory , this is important when i see... that after every holiday people leave joyful, come again, this is very cool, you need it, this communication, this warmth, this gives strength, besides parties there is also a huge variety of travel, and family, and friends, and relatives, there are some small hobbies, i am fond of handicrafts , we often meet with friends, watch movies together or play board games, many of these... a happy life is already taking shape, what is the recipe for happiness, how to find happiness, it seems to me that you just need to give
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people your warmth . kindness, our light, our love, and if we give it selflessly we receive in return, what could be even better, this is happiness.
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a few hours, this is a great opportunity to take a 3-4 hour break from the work week and recharge and fill up with energy, that’s if how can we compare a person with a telephone, we work for a whole week, our battery is discharged a little, and during a round dance during communication, we are filled with emotions, filled with emotions with joy. unity, gratitude, and we have the opportunity to recharge the whole next week, spend the whole next week in joy, evenings, in general , they kind of pump up, yes, the modern word is fashionable, but everyone understands, they pump up all aspects of life, starting with health, because evenings are like slavic fitness, 3 -4 hours
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to run. jump, sit, this is good physical activity, and it develops the speed of thought, because there are games on the speed of thought, on the ability to think quickly, think quickly, there are games on a variety of aspects, at parties it is easy to become more confident and then show yourself more confident in life, which also affects in all areas of life, on implementation and creativity. on the material sphere, when a more self-confident person more easily realizes his destiny, we hold holidays and want as many people as possible to join so that these holidays become more widespread, even on a city scale, on a state scale, so that maslenitsa and kupala are held as national
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national holidays. i see how people’s condition changes, how people rest more, how their lives improve , they find new friends, they form couples, they simply become happier, of course, we all live in society, we have different situations, but from states of fullness and joy are much easier to cope with any situation than states of anxiety or any negative ones states, right? i said that i am a happy person, naturally, i am the same as everyone else, an ordinary person who has some situations in his family, with his relatives, uh, at work that require him to pull himself together, the question is how we decide them from what state, from a state of kindness towards the world, love for the world, love for people, or from a state of
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anxiety. and the decision will be completely different, of course, i want to live in a state of lightness, joy, peace and harmony, i want there to be peace throughout the whole earth, because my own the happiness and condition of each individual person, the prosperous condition of each person is impossible without the well-being of people around, without well-being and harmony throughout the world. that’s why we hold round dances and we want round dances to make the whole world go round, for example, we went to st. petersburg and held round dances there - 3,000 people, and we dream of having a huge round dance on our october square, because it’s just a means look into each other's
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eyes. hold hands, holding hands, looking into each other's eyes, we will be better understand each other, the world will become a better place.
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editors' club: the essence of everything that is happening is the struggle for resources, because these western centers, the usa, great britain, europe, they cannot live at their own expense, they must constantly rob someone to absorb them. an absolute feeling of impunity and the fact that they can do this. the world is teetering on the brink of the third world war, it is actually underway.
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don't miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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on air news now, yulia pertsova is with you. hello. outdo yourself in all areas life, this year's goals of quality. it should be the beginning of a new stage of development in belarus. people of science are at the forefront of achieving this task. today, the best scientists are highly regarded; the president awards them doctorate degrees and professor certificates.


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