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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 26, 2024 7:00pm-7:15pm MSK

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we appreciate the past for our daily life. belarus 24. on air studio news yulia pertsova, good evening, at the beginning, briefly about the main topics of the issue: to be a patriot and to surpass oneself for the sake of the future of the nation, the president awarded doctorate degrees and professor certificates to the best scientists in the country. an injection at a time of aggravation with the eu,
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a coup attempt was stopped in hungary, 11 people were detained. rivers of people on the streets of argentina, just a month after his election, protesters want to force miley to change economic policy, but he has no way other plans. grand final at factor bai, today we will find out the name of the winner. your vote decides everything, and its price has pleasantly changed. about the surprise in our issue. go from life, invent on the topic of the day. alexander lukashenko today met with our scientists and directed them to work closely with the real sector of the economy. the president awarded the best scientists with doctor of science diplomas and professor certificates. it is an annual tradition to celebrate the successes of belarusian science at the start of the year. after all, the work of scientists shapes the future. and there's a year ahead quality. that's why. it is so important not
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to stop in scientific research, to develop a national scientific school, the president is convinced that the achievements of scientists directly depend not only on our well-being and quality of life, but also on the foundation of statehood. every scientist working in belarus must be a patriot. you know my position: without love for your fatherland, you shouldn’t get down to business. yes, science is designed to serve people, everything.
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and this is not a topic of fundamental research, this is our applied science, the invention of our scientists must be put into the service of the economy, the president demands. discoveries should not be allowed to remain on paper; they must benefit people and the country. the applied nature of scientific research strengthens our independence and national security. the country will always support breakthrough projects, but alexander lukashenko calls for focusing on...
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prospects and problems in various fields of scientific research, how scientists are involved in the big work on import substitution, how to attract young people to science, what areas are priorities today? alexander lukashenko? emphasizes that the applied nature of discoveries is important, but we must not forget about the humanitarian sphere, it shapes the worldview, history teaches us a lot, its lessons are important to remember, so the head of state was presented with a study on the role of youth in soviet belarus in the twenties and thirties of the last century, the president conducted parallels with the present time. whether we wanted it or not, there is a change of generations, and this is always a very dangerous period, and it must be passed through very... carefully and subtly, so this experience is very important for us, then an even more global breakdown took place in production, at the basis of all this life, serious, well, collectivization, industrialization, even historians understand
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what it is, these were difficult times, people coped with it, yes, it’s easier for us now, we don’t have this, we solid base, including scientific one. and the people there should be appropriately represented, who without the hubbub, we wouldn’t be able to repeat the gorbachev period, this congress, when we watched like cartoons, rejoiced, oh, happiness will come, the country has been ruined, we’re in a hole, we can’t do that
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repeat, therefore this organ is very important for us, it must be built into our lives, this organ must be done during this transitional period of generational change. must be on guard, he must see what is happening, therefore the military doctrine, and the concept of national security, issues of war and peace, for us this is the most important issue, it is there that they must be resolved, therefore this period is of utmost importance for us, but it is connected primarily with economics, 12 scientists and nine more professor certificates received doctoral degrees from the hands of the president today, developments in history of medicine. the task of scientists is to improve production and
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the economy, and with them the quality of our products. and today , an exhibition of the republic’s scientific achievements opened in the national library. scientists presented hundreds of developments from different organizations. including the national academy of sciences of belarus, the ministry of education, health, industry, state military industry, as well as residents of the technology park and many other institutions. the projects are designed to simplify life in various areas, from space heights to work on land or in water. for example, a submersible two-detector gamma spectrometer, designed for recording and analyzing various radioactive radiation when immersed in water with a maximum length of 400 m. the idea arose.
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in the segment of what they produce, there are a lot of unique samples, a lot, and here’s everything that is necessary for our country, it’s very cool that every time...
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the commission included 6,919 representatives of labor collectives (17,671) representatives of citizens and 32,643 representatives of political parties and other public associations. data on your screens. among the representatives parties that were included in the precinct election commissions, most of all members of belaya russia, almost equally members of the communist party and the republican party of labor and justice, there are also from the liberal democratic party. as for public associations, the commission included members of belaya rus, belarusian republican youth union.
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company, this is his professional duty, and this was also discussed at the extended meeting of the board. lawyers should 100% come to the elections, maybe even pre-vote somewhere, if not will happen on the day of the election campaign, that is, we must definitely participate ourselves , thereby setting an example to the entire population, including lawyers, that we are so active, we really understand that this is a very important event and are ready for it... one of the main tasks advocacy - providing professional
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legal assistance to the population and legal entities in order to exercise their rights, freedoms and interests. over the past year, more than 55,000 orders for the conduct of criminal cases were executed during the preliminary investigation in courts 107 legal consultations took place, of which 15% were free. a general strike of trade unions continues in argentina, this is the first nationwide action, its goal is to force president miley to change his economic policy. everything in the country has stopped, the largest airlines have canceled flights, public transport is not functioning, there are protests in the capital of large cities, people are demanding the restoration of social benefits that were canceled by the new president, but meley refuses.
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keeps his promise, then dismissal, arrests await hundreds of thousands of argentines. hungarian police have uncovered a massive plot to carry out a coup. 150 searches were carried out, 11 people were detained. explosives, kalashnikov assault rifles, and other weapons were confiscated from the suspects. all detainees were members of the scythian hungarian group. they position themselves as ultranationalists. the coup, according to the conspirators, was supposed to... save the country from the destructive consequences of government policy; they tried to organize an overthrow at a time when
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budapest's relations with the eu have sharply deteriorated. now they are trying to deprive the country of a voice in the structures of the european union. prime minister orban is called putin's agent. the coincidence does not seem accidental; external pressure coincided too suspiciously with the attempted conspiracy. mobilization in ukraine, another half a million fighters or...
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there remains at most half a million units, but practically.


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