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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 27, 2024 3:50am-4:21am MSK

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only kant himself, and if he does not adjudicate the hell of an unknown person, spam, the doctor gives his recommendation: spadar maimon is the hell of a few desolate lands, as i understand you. the edging on the amal sheets is not advisable, but this time it will stick and will not cover the cover. kant's praise immediately made salamon popular. vyadomy philosopher johann fichte writes: may pavaga and maimona is not the limit. he follows kant's original philosophy from head to toe. i have no doubt that this is the most important thing in our time. maimon your autary is self-interested. no, we’re not in the career mats. myslyar is happy to give a shout out to high topics, for a fun campaign and a good drink that happened in good health. navat dziўna, yak yago grabbed an hour.
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there are so many vegetables here, it’s just incredible how many hectares you need to dig to get so many vegetables, i already know how sugar is made, the most difficult thing was because it floats, watch the travel project white dew, on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. every week our a tourist goes in search of adventure, according to the rules of the project they must complete all tasks and complete the quest, and rock, scissors and paper will help them. they presented the head of socrates, to be honest, i saw it. the center of europe, where you learned your skills, most likely on the drukhar right? the descent is quite steep. the pagans asked such stones for useful tools. 14.00 people died. and of course, i can't wait to see the dungeons. hello, this is rock, paper, scissors quest. francis skarina was born in this city, and socrates also lives there. in this city, all roads lead to the center of europe, and even a simple walk across the bridge may end in marriage. it's time
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to head to stripes and check out the urban legends and myths. hello, lena, hello, olesya, hello. i’ll say right away that your quest will take place in polotsk. oh, listen, i love this city so much. the oldest city in belarus , i note, and there will be something to see there, well, i offer you three tips, in order to get them, you need to answer three questions, yeah , let's start, of course, let's quickly, the first question is how old is polotsk , i know right away, 1.161, exactly, amazing, i just recently there was a concert there, just 1.160 years ago it was performed, now a year later, that means... 1.161 is correct, the first clue, you have a stone, yeah, all that remains is to play scissors and paper, so where did the name of the city of polotsk come from, you know, i i know that it’s from the river, but i don’t remember the name, so most likely it won’t be counted, yes, it’s really from the river, it’s called the valley, on the banks of which
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the city of polotsk was built, i don’t count this answer, well, there will still be one more hint, the third question , what is the name of the famous one? stone and paper, good luck with the quest, let's go, len, let's go, about 230 km from minsk and we are in the oldest city of belarus, polotsk. over its history, sweating belonged to various states, witnessed many wars and replaced people of various religious denominations. this city has a centuries-old history, so tourists will clearly have something to see here, which is what lena and i will check out today.
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i don’t know, alice, if we have enough time for everything, well, we’ll try. let's go, let's go! they say that a talking head lives in polotsk, can you imagine? in 2015 at polotsk state university presented the head of socrates. frowning his brows and rolling his eyes, the elder can give succinct answers to everything. questions, and he’ll also talk , he even knows what the meaning of life is, is this true, now we’ll find out, wow, what a gate, i called in advance, in the end they already met me there,
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well, egor, tell us about the history of this beautiful buildings, i know. that it is very interesting, undoubtedly, this is the building of the former complex of the polotsky iazui collegium, which was founded in 1581; in 1812 , an academy with all rights was located here university, well, now here are the buildings of polodsky state university named after frossinevo, when i got here, i understand that you know, wow, why didn’t i get my first degree here, you come in like that, it’s very interesting, i invite you, as i understand it, we’ve all already the famous head
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of socrates. egor, i can’t wait to get closer, thanks to the famous scientist gabriel gruber. the mechanical head opened its eyes and mouth, and it also answered any question, in all consumer languages ​​of that time, which the guests were delighted, bewildered and even inspired with fear. alas, the original design has not been preserved, but with the help of our university, this project was restored in 2015. so, well, my time has come, dear old man, let me ask what meaning is. life, the question is complex, but my answer will be simple, the meaning of life, life with meaning, dear old man, what is
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rock, paper, scissors, a game that you apparently like to lose often. i'm in shock now, sorry, but i didn't expect an answer, honestly. i started my journey with it seems to me that the favorite place for recreation of all citizens is francisco skaryna avenue. so, task number one, apparently today i have hiking, because i have to find the center of europe. honestly, i saw the center of europe, but not in polotsk for sure, and that’s it. very interesting, well, if victoria says that it is here, then it is, i don’t see any signs yet,
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maybe it’s worth asking, tell me, is this the center of europe, yes, yes, exactly, exactly, exactly, that means i on the spot, and where it says that this is the center, there, there, there, look, oh, but it’s just covered in snow, yes, the locals helped, thank you, the center of europe, by the way, this center was established by belarusian scientists, in their calculations they used aerospace maps and found that the center of europe is located exactly 48 km from this place, precisely near the lake. shaw, i was there. why was the monument erected here? can you explain? i
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think in order to attract tourists. it was decided by the local authorities in 2008 to immortalize this monument in this very place . the monument is nice, but still, if if you believe the same scientists, then you need to go to the village of sho, where the very historical... center of europe is located. by the way, many countries would argue with this. i know of at least 10 european centers around the world. apparently, scientists use different maps and different calculations, but nevertheless , it also exists in belarus. i learned old on the drukar right, they erected a monument to the letter, the master, from which
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books were cut out, they erected this monument in 2003, the speaking socrates, or rather his head, is not fiction, but reality, the sage really lives in polsk , you can chat with him and ask him almost any questions, for example, about the meaning of life, about love , what olesya did, lena also completed her task, reached... the center of europe, however, scientists are still arguing , where the center of europe is actually located, but lena claims that our center is the most central in europe. rumor has it that francis karina was born in polotsk, to check this, i went to the museum of belarusian printing.
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stagodzia, on what purpose the red ones are we are now familiar with the cards of the 17 ties of the garada, which are connected with life and zeinasts of the belarusian pershadrukar francis skaryny. first up for everything, of course. polack. prisoners yashche tortured, dze learn skarynaskaya on the right. it’s amazing what happened in venice. yak skaryna merkava develops the book of zeinasts. it is important not only to texts, but also to illustrations. this is what all the fish look like. maisterya, where the books were printed,
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typing your form, typing text, row after row of special tools the layout is made in the workshop of the litar, then when the old one is old or two -piece, we move to the other machine, this is such a powerful unit, pressed and padlogs, clocks and tables. and they all have a dry part, this is the table called thaler. all the old text that was typed here was placed on them, a farb was applied to them with... dapamogay special presses placed on top of the storage compartment of the paper, the thaler was closed and sealed in the press. to such chins, all this work was done adpavednaga hidden, peўnykh skills, knowledge. well, but at that time the geta was so great and shameful and in my opinion
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a new acquired ramesnaya profession. igor, thank you very much for such an interesting and educational excursion, but it’s time for me to move on. i went almost to the city center on francisco skarina avenue, and for a reason, i received an assignment, and it goes like this: lena, is it true that a monument to the letter was erected in polotsk? it seems that i found something interesting, so let’s swipe it away, and this is it, yes, the monument in the letter u is non-warehouse, here it is, in fact, before my eyes, this is how it looks, this monument was erected in 2003
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in honor of ten years. an interesting monument, where many words are indicated in which the letter uniskladovaya appears. i promise, i will return here in the summer and take a closer look at this monument. by the way, the residents of polotsk are not the first to come up with this idea. erect a monument to the letter, so in russian ulyanovsk there is a similar monument, but dedicated to the letter y, so the tradition of erecting monuments to the letter, it seems to me, is becoming a trend,
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god gave wings to some, gave wings to others only money, we are committed to creation , thank you very much to our alexander grigorievich, that we have peace, order and that we do not have war, many do not understand this, it is like air that you do not notice, when it ends, you begin to understand what you have lost . markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel, quietly,
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quietly, yours, comrade captain, so what do you order to do? with a boy, the father died at the front, the village was occupied by the germans, the mother did not want to give up the cow, the mother was killed, he hung around for almost 2 years, hid in the forests, i kept wanting to cross the front line, but the front was far away then, you are the main thing, stick to us, to the scouts and you won’t get lost , it’s not allowed to dry, what can i do, it’s not supposed to take me, well, poor thing, what are you doing, don’t order me , that the poor thing is ready, ready, well, take it, take it, take the boy and go , i’ll leave, even if you tie me to you with a rope, i’ll still leave, that’s your lie, there is a boss, and by what you know, it’s immediately obvious that the house strong, the horses are standing under saddles, the samovar was carried, the sentry, but don’t worry, we we’ll put you in an orphanage, forelock, not forelock, but bangs , what you don’t see, baby, that’s deception, boots, overcoat, shoulder straps, i don’t see a soldier, also i
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myself am a soldier, watch the series son of the regiment on the belarus tv channel . 24. 14,000 people died, and there is another bridge in polotsk, a pedestrian one. fights took place here in 1812. the launch is pretty cool. there really is a monument to ukratky in polutsk, and it is unique because... briefly exists only in the belarusian alphabet, it is symbolic that the monument stands in the homeland of the first belarusian printer franziska skarin, and this is not a myth, but the true truth. there are many bridges in polotsk. one of them is red. i’ll tell you why it’s red now. the red bridge connects the banks of the pala river. and
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it got its name in honor of the bloody battles between the french and russian armies. by the way, battles took place here in 1812. can you imagine how much time has passed, but the bridge has remained intact. although i think there was naturally a reconstruction here, you can see elements like these, but from a distance it seems that this hussar, well, yes, like a hussar’s hat , on october 7, 1812, russian troops, thanks to the capture of this bridge, were able to get into... the center of the city, 14,000 people died on both sides, the bridge was so filled with blood that
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it was called red. well, now i’ve been transported to the banks of the beautiful dvina. behind me you see a bridge. polotsky bridges, by the way, also have great cultural and historical significance. there are five of them in the city. two of them are thrown across the dvina, two through polota, and one through belchanka. and there is one connected with these bridges interesting wedding tradition, which boils down to the fact that if you want your life to be happy. full of love and mutual understanding, then the newlyweds should definitely go around all five bridges, without ever repeating the route, and there is
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another bridge in polotsk, a pedestrian, suspension bridge, there is also an interesting tradition associated with it, i want to note that the descent is quite steep, this bridge over the river. that, if we talk about the beautiful view from this bridge, then i think it will captivate anyone, even the most experienced tourist. it is believed that as as soon as you left zaks with your fiancée, you definitely need to come here. only then will your marriage be guaranteed eternal happiness. well, kisses are welcome.
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did you know that there are only three st. sophia cathedrals. the pagans asked such stones for fertility, and of course, i can't wait for... the dungeon. according to legend, the lovers' bridge is literally charged with eternal love. polish newlyweds come here for the obligatory photo shoot, lovers make an appointment for kisses. true, during his during her walk, lena did not meet a single kissing couple; apparently, the weather was not for kissing. boris's stone is located near the st. sophia cathedral. i went to him. prince boris ruled polosk at the very beginning of one of the... centuries and such voluns were not uncommon, although only four such stones have survived to this day: here is one pebble, and
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there are three more pebbles somewhere below. this boulder is called the boris stone, since the inscription on it, which i unfortunately cannot find due to the snow, was made by the prince of polotsk. boris vseslavich. the pagans asked such stones for fertility. and even after the adoption of christianity, they still continued to worship such stones. that's why boris ordered crosses to be carved on them as a symbol of the new faith. however, the gods were offended by boris and punished the city of polosk. there was famine here. local residents believe that borisov's stone has a special energy, some believe that it... some
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believe that by walking around it three times in a circle, making a wish, it will fulfill your wish, well , let's check, that's it, after my business trip is over not much time, so for now i can’t tell you whether my wish came true or not, but as they say, time will tell. did you know that there are only three st. sophia cathedrals, one of them is in veliky novgorod, the second in kiev and the third in polotsk. i have long dreamed of visiting here, because the previous two temples, to be honest, i saw were even more interesting. let's get up. by the way, the task is as follows: i
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need to get into... the dungeon of the st. sophia cathedral, and the dungeon is unique in that it is there that you can find what remains, in principle, from the very first building, namely the stone foundation. the temple, of course, cannot help but amaze with its architecture, it is so majestic, beautiful, snow-white, and looks simply fantastic against the backdrop of snow. what is remarkable about this particular temple is that it was built in the 11th century, and this is the first stone temple on the territory of belarus, and of course, i can’t wait to see the dungeons, unfortunately, i didn’t bother to check the schedule of this
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cathedral, and on mondays it... .just the same and it doesn’t work, what else is remarkable about this building is that, firstly, there is a concert hall for organ and chamber music, and there is also a history museum attached to this temple, but alas, i can only admire this majestic structure from the outside, the temple, by the way, is... on the unesco world heritage list, there, by the way , pay attention, you can see the stones, it seems to me that this is what remains of the most ancient version of this temple. in general , it is so high that local residents they say that it can be seen even from
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novopol. i still do not lose hope, i hope that i will return to polotsk and will definitely appreciate the interior decoration, visit the local museum, and finally listen to an organ music concert. hello, congratulations on successfully completing the quest. hello, thanks. so, which legend was confirmed and turned out to be not a myth, but reality? well, i have a question for borisov’s stone, because so far i’ve made a wish, but it doesn’t seem to have come true yet, but time must pass, it doesn’t happen, so that everything is hop-hop, yes, we are not in a fairy tale, lena, well, i found the most significant monuments that exist in polotsk, this is a monument in the letter u, not a warehouse, but a short one, i found a monument that marks the geographical center
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of europe , that's the way it is. yes, lovers, whether he’s charged with love or not, well, i didn’t meet any couples there, that’s understandable, the weather wasn’t great, to put it mildly, and it wasn’t the right day, it seems to me there weren’t any kisses, yeah, yeah, the wind was blowing slushy, because it’s located on the embankment after all, so i even, but the castles, the castles there were lovers, flax, which means there really are lovers there, and mos is still charged with love, yes.


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