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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  January 27, 2024 10:05am-10:36am MSK

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the one that you like or the one that allasanna tells you, you go, we all like what alla alexandrovna says, then we call it, well, that’s right, here are some other shells you have that i haven’t seen, this is the rest of the collection, this is the girl’s marchuk, this is a men 's collection, girls, who knows what this fabric is called, no one knows, everyone gets a bad mark, no, or is this the first year, oh, then you might not know anything, it's... it's suede, look, there's something like this elastic band, but it's skillful suede, and whether it breathes or not, it doesn't breathe if we want to lose weight, we put on artificial suede and we’ll build, it’s just for tales, but i like that in these modern fabrics i cut everything, but nothing needs to be processed , everything is very lightweight, that’s it, thank you very much, alysana, thank you, i wish you good luck, successful designers and seamstresses, tailors, so that they glorify you. yeah, all of us, that is, our
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country, thank you very much, goodbye, goodbye, this is how the morning of saturday january 27 turned out, i hope the stories of our heroes inspired you, don’t be bored this weekend, thank you to everyone who helped us prepare this program , see you in a week, always yours, and look forward to visiting, this law has long been known, is not interesting, the world is without songs, but even if it rains in the morning, people need to know for sure, there is no reason for sadness, tomorrow everything will be better than yesterday, wake up and sing, wake up and sing , try in life at least once, don’t let the smile out of your open eyes, let...
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yes, oh, what a good boy, just go there and never go back, what now it’s incredible, tomorrow it will probably happen, wake up and stop, wake up and stop, try in life at least once, don’t let out a smile with closed eyes, even if success is capricious, it chooses from those, this is the first course, the first, oh, then you may not know anything, who can be the first to laugh at themselves? freeze, sing in your dreams, wake up, sing.
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children often hear from adults that everything in the world has been crushed, people, rains, everything that you can’t take, they’ve apparently forgotten that in the beginning their grandfathers grumbled to them about the same thing, and yet the world is still good, and you were someone in love, yes, of course, but what was his name, is he alive? i don't know, we haven't met.
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good morning to belarusians! belarus!
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quiet, quiet, yours! comrade captain, what do you still order to do with the boy? my father died at the front, the village was occupied by the germans, my mother did not want to give up the cow, my mother was killed , i hung around for almost 2 years, hid in the forests , i kept wanting to cross the front line, but the front was far away then, the main thing is to stick to us, to the scouts, and you won’t get lost, it’s not supposed to, knock, what should i do , it’s not supposed to, don’t take me , baby, what are you doing, don’t order me, poor thing, ready, ready, well, take it, take it, take it, boy and go, i’ll leave , even if you rope me tie me to you, it doesn’t matter... i’ll leave , that’s your lie, there is a boss, and you know, it’s immediately obvious that the house is strong, the horses are standing under saddles, the samovar was carried, the sentry, well, don’t worry, we’ll put you in a children’s room house, forelock, not forelock, in a bang, what you don’t
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see, dear, that’s deception, boots, overcoat, shoulder straps, i don’t see a soldier, so i myself am a soldier, watch the series, son of the regiment on the belarus 24 tv channel. in one of your very old interviews there was
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such a phrase: our country is not a gateway, with on the one hand, we are in the center of europe, on the other , the safety of our citizens is above all and ... an extremely competent balance is needed here, last year the legislation on citizenship underwent significant changes, and i would begin our conversation with a completely non- fictional case, like a couple months ago in the agin department, i personally saw and heard the question of an ordinary lithuanian, how can he stay here, and this against the backdrop of western sanctions.
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relations between belarus, in fact, on the one hand, of course, it is very well for us unpleasant, because the truth is turned upside down, it is said where the lies are, and so on and so forth, everything that the country does for ordinary citizens, for foreigners who stay on the territory of the country, this is the freedom that they see here, the security that they feel on our roads the social package that a foreigner who moves to permanent residence receives, this is also not shown, but only horror stories are shown, therefore... ordinary lithuanians, yes, ordinary lithuanians who stay in the territory country, they see the attitude of officials, the entire vertical of power that we have built in relation to solving everyday problems, they understand that these are completely different things, they understand that they, of course, live in an absolutely information vacuum, and even
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statistical figures indicate that , that we now have only 160,000 permanently residing foreigners and 62,000 persons who have a temporary residence permit in the country based on the results of work in the twenty-third year, this is enough. losing him, well, it’s not easy either, yes, but also not very good, you can lose it or lose citizenship of the republic of belarus, under clearly defined conditions, that is, if a citizen of the republic of belarus actually, that is, decided to enter military service, serve in the police in another state, then in fact there is an automatic loss of the civil republic
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belarus, previously there was also an aspect in the legislation of our country that was associated with the fact that if a citizen of belarus acquires foreign citizenship, then he also loses citizenship of belarus, then legislators felt that this would be somewhat undemocratic. taking into account the general coverage of the departure of belarusian citizens to third countries, this legislative norm has been removed since 2002, but in fact it is also possible to lose belarusian citizenship if a person actually commits war crimes, a crime against... there is no need for these conditions to expand, when a person very
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specifically calls for sanctions against the country, yes, openly provokes so that war will come to belarus, to put it mildly, yes, he speaks out, well, completely, let’s say, not just impartially, inappropriately, in relation to belarus, in relation to its citizens, in relation to its leadership in relation to the events that are happening here, shouldn’t this become a new basis for how at least pay attention... to criminal prosecution, because the legislator considered that if these changes were made in july last
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year, that initially we deprived of citizenship or considered the fact of loss of citizenship in relation to naturalized only foreigners who actually take the oath, now, who gave an obligation that they would comply with the constitution, the legislation of the republic of belarus, but subsequently committed any actions, and we have never applied this norm, but in fact when some of the belarusians, in fact, which may no longer be considered belarusians, since they behave...
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already criminally, the question is that if there is a very specific relationship, lawyers, yes, between an action and a negative result, consequences, this should definitely be considered as an offense, yes, as criminal offenses, therefore, well, that is why the state has created an appropriate system that gives a legal assessment of the actions of a given citizen, which allows the competent authority to initiate a criminal case, consider it in the prescribed manner, send materials to the court, and the court will . the court will decide, in fact, whether he is guilty or not, will assign him a punishment, based on
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the decision of the court, that the court considered that the person is actually guilty, then according to the existing and approved provisions in the order consideration of issues of civil mechanisms , the relevant authorities will initiate the issue of the loss of citizenship of the republic of belarus by this person, and the ministry of internal affairs will, in the prescribed manner , submit the relevant material to the president for consideration. i understand that it is not for nothing that we are called a rule-of-law state, but still a soft rule-of-law state, it a rule of law state, because only at will, because citizenship is after all. this is actually quite a serious institute, which does not suddenly arises in the same way, it is very difficult to teach and not easy to lose, but in any case, the person loses citizenship only for specific actions that are given the right assessment, obtaining citizenship, that’s how to find this very citizenship, and here’s the oath and know the language, and that’s it the mandatory conditions for obtaining citizenship are now, well, these are some of the mandatory conditions of actually standard procedures.
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slightly different terms, slightly different, as they say, powers of all interested bodies, but in any case the requirements for knowledge of the language, obligatory, knowledge of the constitution, knowledge of the legislation of the republic of belarus, according to a legal source. had no, let alone criminal liability on the territory of the country, it operates impeccably and is verified by the competent authorities at every stage, and in fact, that is, in fact, a citizen must earn citizenship of the republic of belarus, not so, because he corresponds to some kind of tracing paper or criteria, because he knows russian and wants to be a citizen, this does not apply in our country, he must actually live 5 years, prove himself in relation to society, integrate into
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society, know the state language, comply with the law and be a worthy citizen of the republic of belarus, because then accepting the attraction as well. citizenship to acquire one’s homeland in our situation, these are most likely synonymous, because in fact, well, we see the experience of other countries that throw away their passports because there are some golden investments, there are some prerequisites for improving democratic situation, but persons who acquire citizenship there by receiving the appropriate passport, they do not always acquire a homeland, because they sometimes use these passports in
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a mercantile situation, in our country , in fact, a person who acquires citizenship of belarus, he acquires a new homeland, because face... firstly, well , i can’t say that he will suffer for this, but in fact, having lived for 5 years on the territory of the country by price, he is already showing himself as a worthy member of society, as integrated into society, as a working person with everyone consequences arising from this, therefore, in fact, in our situation these are completely equivalent moments, because in fact, including accepting the pull, as i said, he is then ready to serve allegiance to the people of the republic of belarus and undertakes the corresponding obligations with all the ensuing consequences, therefore, therefore, us and... not very large, but by naturalizing, let’s say approximately 4-500 people per year, we guarantee, and we have conducted relevant research on this issue more than once, well, you need to understand how much in fact, the new citizens are law-abiding for us, to what extent they pose a threat to us, we checked their respectable or law-abiding behavior, that is, checking each subsequent one, well, i’ll say actually
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for compliance with the legislation bringing to administrative criminal liability, so i can say publicly that no more than... 3% of naturalized citizens who have become full-fledged citizens of ours subsequently commit criminal or administrative violations, this is really a drop in the ocean, so these are them they acquire their homeland here and value this most importantly, because it is clear that upon becoming a full-fledged citizen of belarus, you acquire a whole range of rights, not only your blue passport, but probably that new country and probably the social package that every new citizen receives , that is, people acquiring our citizenship, including those with the quality mark, and in the year of quality. absolutely true, that is, we can say about this, well, in fact, that is, this is a quick procedure for them, it is not complicated bureaucracy, but it provides for a huge range of verification activities, ranging from activity on social networks to actually participating in protest events and everything else.
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belarusian doilitstva, which is important for your jumping and this time you need to learn and master. russian style, it is being worked on and the extraction of such symbolic elements of that old architecture, but the materials were already different, there are trees, there are stone materials, and there they have been created like this, well, it looks like it. historic creation.
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i prefer it, if you boil it, i like lily, and it also differs in taste, in taste, they taste different, more for frying, probably for baking, this is queen anne, the guy from...
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thermometry, fans, air blowing s and it won’t spoil here, no , it’s worth it with pleasure to talk about the most colorful places in the country, well, it’s delicious, i don’t know how many vegetables there are here, it’s just incredible, you have to dig hectares to get such a vegetable, i already know how to get sugar , the hardest thing was catching it myself sephir, because it floats on chocolate, watch the travel project white dew on the belarus 24 tv channel . at the security council on tuesday, our commander-in-chief outlined that ensuring national
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security is our common task for every citizen of belarus. now, since we have already touched on this topic, yes, you said, it is necessary to defend with weapons in hand, in russia this problem now exists. the question is that the new citizens of russia are not ready to defend.
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in fact, every year we issue about three or four permits for permanent residence to investors, this those who invest in a specific enterprise of the republic of belarus and want and want
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, most importantly, to obtain a permanent residence permit, but to trade citizenship for the sake of investments or for the sake of the fact that he made these investments today and took them away tomorrow, that is, this issue is not even discussed, because citizenship, i repeat once again, must be earned, not bought, but many countries follow a slightly different principle, but citizenship of belarus. the institute is quite stable and persistent, so i think that in in the near future there won’t even be such thoughts, there won’t even be thoughts about this, it’s beautiful, i know that in belarus there is almost the longest maternity leave to care for a child, 3 years, 3 years, which, as it turns out, is very attractive to foreign women, so it’s an unexpected fact for me, really, but what we don’t yet know about the privileges of our own citizenship, which can be voiced, for example, or needs to be voiced, well, these are not only the privileges of our own citizenship. let's say, figuratively speaking, a person who even receives resident status or citizenship, if he marries a citizen of belarus, then they give birth , then the child actually becomes a citizen of belarus by birth, from a joint
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marriage with a citizen of belarus, and even regardless of the place of birth of the child, even if this family temporarily left for the country of the civil spouse and gave birth to this child there, then he still becomes, based on the principle of blood, a citizen of the republic of belarus, but along with this , a person who permanently resides on the territory of the republic of belarus has so called: maternity benefit , in fact, you said correctly , this is not the case in any state of the former soviet union, there is no such long maternity leave, which is 3 years, there is no such large enough social support, well, two at a time weeks in some countries maternity leave, six months even in some countries, subsequently, there are no free social institutions, no free medical care, no social support for mother and child, and most importantly, there is no even such patronage with sides of medical institutions. the attitude of adult children, there is no such school education, no, and you know, when we evaluate and consider this huge package, then we understand that new
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citizens receive and become full-fledged. for many years, belarus has been very loyal to the presence of citizenship of another country or a residence permit for our citizens, but dual citizenship is not provided for in our country, this is some kind of incident of certain rights. but now i understand that such belarusians have a new duty, namely to report the presence of another citizenship, the question is how to do this correctly and how it will be revealed, and how many of them are there already who have warned, or rather informed about this? yes, in fact, this is quite an interesting question, you correctly said that in 2002, sorry, we removed the norm, according to which in 2002 we removed the norm when a citizen of belarus
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actually purchased. citizenship automatically losing citizenship, because migration appeared, our belarusians began travel, obtain citizenship there, and in fact, why should we lose, figuratively speaking, our own citizens, because they only received foreign citizens due to certain circumstances, so the legislator took the path of simplification, this norm was removed, but even the pandemic situation showed that that then, when many countries were closing in 2021, the ministry of foreign affairs had to organize simulation flights for all interested bodies, we didn’t even understand overnight that quite a... large number of belarusian citizens were without going through the appropriate registrations, he is outside belarus and , in fact, even then the idea crept in that it was necessary to make the appropriate obligations so that the citizen would submit a declaration on the presence of foreign citizenship so that, understanding that sometimes he acquires foreign citizenship, he gives the appropriate an oath of allegiance to the people of that country, and in fact some restrictions in this category of citizens can already be established in relation to this category of citizens, in fact, you need to understand very
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caution is acceptable. deputies of local authorities, because in fact he already has, at least absolutely correctly, a connection with a foreign state and therefore the corresponding norm came into law in july last year that a citizen, within 3 months from the date of receiving, let’s call it a foreign document, is obliged to inform. or internal affairs bodies, or diplomatic service bodies, or by personally applying, filling out the appropriate notification, or on the basis of those information resources that are deployed on the site of the ministry of foreign affairs, the ministry of foreign affairs, or this can be done by mail, and we have currently received more than 70,000 notifications together with 70,000 notifications together with the diplomatic service authorities about the presence of citizens or citizenship or type of residence or a pole card notification the ministry of internal affairs comes at least every day and we continue to record them and send feedback
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to citizens that...
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on the presence of foreign citizenship, then they are very deeply mistaken, in any case , when there is a corresponding responsibility , citizens will be held administratively liable for yes, well , let’s say in the russian federation there is generally criminal liability for this, in the russian federation it has introduced criminal liability for failure to inform and repeated failure to inform, then the person may be brought to criminal liability, so for now, for now, while the competent authorities are developing appropriate norms in order to find a balance, most likely, because actually about the gravity of the offense committed. and responsibility in this case of a specific person for the fact that he did not inform, or he did it deliberately, or he did it out of forgetfulness, or because he was not in the territory of his native country for a long time, because he lived far away, this year we will wait for such a document this year , we will initiate the corresponding document so that it is subsequently adopted, that is, there is an obligation to be responsible for non-fulfillment, and for whom having a foreign document, as you said, can become a problem.


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